' ttf&yg K'f -v r Mil, I r lll a , evenings public (ledebt-phiijadelphi prida, .December 3, 1920. 10 rwr'T Regular $1.75 Bungalow Aprons Special at 95c each One style sketch ed, fashioned from percales of excel lent quality In clean, bright strip ed effects, neatly piped or finished with rick -rack braid. Alse of figured and check ed porcale a n d gingham. V or round necks; sov sev cral geed models. Size3 up te 46. cSi. TM Anrnnn. for 59 flifta . 0C Crisp, dainty white lawn aprons in round or square styles, trimmed with lace insertion or embroidery; some with pockets and ties. bNELLENBURGS Second Fleer Wejnen's$15 te $22.50 Sports Skirts Saturday &t y , J Stunning wool veleurs and worsteds in broken plaid, checks and stripes. Beautiful color combinations in tan, brown, green, nnvy bhie and black nnd white. , Bex and knife pleated styles, all with the pleats Btitched 'down ever the hips. Wide belts and some with tailored pockets. Band Measures Up. te 32 Inches SNELUENBURJaS Second Fleer A New Lew-Price Recerd for Children's Fine Broadcleth: Coats These Beauties at Only $15 Very speciall in the cunning style sketched, with pretty touches of fur trimming, a cellar in a smart new fashion and tucked waiBfc. Warmly interlined; splendidly serviceable. Sires 2 te 6 years. Children's Winter Ceals in Many Styles JQ.95 te $2750 Many fur trimmed, plenty in serviceable tailored effects; all warm and cozy; all most attractive. Sizes 2 te 6 years; all geed colors. Babies' Coats, ;OCtefc1?Q5 Practical gift- $),yO $L70 cheesing here nmeng dainty little coats of white corduroy, cashmere and chinchilla, in box or dainty yoke styles. Sizes 1 and 2 years. Beys' Suits. . . . Smart little suits $2.95.' $5.95 for youngsters of two te six in tailored nnd fancy styles. Babies' Knitted Weel Drawer d- QP Leggings plrD Babies' Mitts, 39c te $1.25 Knitted Sweaters Many Styles, $3.25 te $5.95 Babies' Silk Quilted Coach Cevers, Special at $4.50 Beautifully hand embroidered; in pink and Muc. bNELLENBURGS Second Fleer Petticoat Specials Women's $8.50 All-Silk Jersey dZ AT 5ttleeata J6.95 in- ,.most P0Pular underskirts, soft, cling- wfrfi CUt nnd weU finishcd- With pretty Pleated flounces ; nil newest colors. Women's $5.95 Heavy Taffeta d J r A SlVft M.50 flaunt pettice,ats w"h Plated or muled neunces; wanted plain and changeable colors. $5.00 Silk Petticoats T A IT 54.50 Taffeta Petticoats ft y j-A with tf0duhavy &ado taffeta, M.uV Extra-Size Taffetine Petticoats, $ en S.fSSkta,r rumed Ounces'; 2-50 lZZT.VGiiiC0 $295 "evey trimming; black and cojers. ?N.LENBU!Wb Second FJoer yij.jc7Mi x1 fe $ rjlll"-:NfNI The Most Beautiful Silk Undergarments for Holiday Giving AH at Specially Lowered Prices Which Make Buying Twice as Attractive Women's Beautiful $9 & $10 $6.98 Envelope Chemises All of a heavv. lustrous aualitv mede de chine it's a joy te touch. Beautifully trimmed, with wide bands of dotted net, with lace edg ings nnd insertions, with hand-embroidered de signs, flowered ribbons and ribbon straps, One .style shown. Women's $6 Crepe de Chine dje no Night Gowns $O.y0 Of flesh-color crcpe de chine of very fine quality, 'attractively tucked, with strap shoul ders trimmed with lace. Style shown. Women's $3.00 Silk Chemises $1.98 A number of very pretty models, de de 'vcleped in crepe de chine nnd trimmed with wide lace insertions, georgette inserts and some in tailored styles. Beautiful $1.75 te $3.50 Silk Camisoles, 98c t0 $1.98 Flesh color nnd white trimmed and tai lored. Seme elaborate with fine lace insertion, medallions and ribbons. Exceptional values. Women's Dainty Boudoir Caps, $1.00 10 $3.95 Crepe de chine, satin and lace caps, lace and ribbon trimmed. SnELLENBURgS Second Fleer SPECIAL Women's $3.00 Full-Fashioned Weel Sports Hese $ 1.69 Pr. In Tan, Blue and Green Heather Mixtures FULL-FASHIONED sports hose are scarce even at the regular prices, therefore- this sale is very exceptional. There are only 1560 paire efthem, se come early, as they will sell quickly. STJeTlenbOrgS First Fleer Children's Hand Bags for Christmas Giving The Biggest and Best Assortment at the Lewest Prices in the City Leather, silk and velvet bags replicas of the kinds grown-ups carry fitted with tiny mirrors and beautifully finished, at 25c te $2.95 bNELLENBURGS Leather Goods, First Fleer Hair Nets and Accessories at Lewest-in-the-City Prices The Rese (Real Hair) Nets, 10c each, 3 for 25c In fringe and cap shapes: wanted shades of brown, black, auburn and blonde. Every net guaranteed perfect; all full size. Shell Goods, 25c Each Back combs, barrettes, side combs, forward combs and hairpins in boxes; shell, amber and gray. bNELLENBURGS Notion Dcpt., First Fleer Just In! A Big New Shipment of CB Corsets te Sell at Just About Half Price! nnd most fashionable lines: of eveM1nf. quality; designed for perfect comfort. $3.00 and $3.50 Corsets for. . . $1.69 $4.00 te $5.00 Corsets for. $2.69 The New Neme Circlet Brassieres Demonstrated bu Miss Anna Hocter of the New Yerk Neme Salens. Circlet Bras sieres are self adjusting no buttons, n e hooks, no snaps. C e n- trels shoulder flesh and brines out thn slender, youth ful lines of the figure. Now New different per fect fHtinn. perfectly satisfactory. One model shown. Prices, $1.50 te $3.00 ' : : : i SELLENpUROb Becend Fleer K r &V&KX. im tk 5(88 ill ILLSKBUttn a ca FHIDAY, DEO. 3, 1020. Stere Opens LJ ENTIRE: BLOCK -MARKET II?wI2STREETS LJ All Readujer Christmas Cheesing in Gloves! Space here wouldn't begin te permit us te tell you about the many, many styles and kinds we can show you here arc last a tew hints for busy sheppers: MEN'S GLOVES. Arabian Mecha Gloves Originally Priced at $6.00 d i -A and $6.50, for, pair J).OU With embroidery in contrasting or two-tone effect. African Capcskin Gloves Originally Priced at $4.50, Je PA for, pair Pt)OU In dressy shades of tan, brown and cor dovan. 12,000 Pairs of Women's $3 Imported French Dress Gloves r $ 1 .85 p- Full P. K. sewn with heavy novelty em broidery, deep contrasting hem and Eng lish thumb. Celers are: Brown, tan, navy, gray, black, black with whlte and white with self and black stitching. CHILDREN'S GLOVES All-Weel Gloves for, pair QXin Lightweight, warm and serviceable Js Vt gloves for school wear, in brown, beaver, navy and gray. Woolen Gloves for Beys & Youths, 7Qc In oxford, leather-bound nnd with y one clasp. Children's Brown Capeskin d Qg Gloves pl.OU With warm, fleecy lining; one-clasp styles. SnellenbureS First Fleer Three Extraordinary Values in Brushed Weel Scarfs In a Very Special Sale Tomorrow in Our Second Fleer Sweater Depart ment and Economy Basement Seme with pockets and belts, ethers in straight or novelty styles. Big variety of most wanted colorings; nil thick and warm and fleecy. Wonderfully geed cheesing for prac tical and most attractive holiday gifts! $6 and $8 Scarfs, for $3.95 $9.00 Scarfs fl3 for $4.95 $12.00 Scarfs BS for $5.95 bNELLENBURGS Second Fleer Bracelets for the Reigning Fashion -Foremost among the pretty kinds of inexpensive holiday gifts; here in matchlessly fine showing! Brilliant Rhinestone Bracelets, (J rn set with stones of unusual brilliancy J) I, eU in many wonderfully attractive styles. Stunning Bracelets with Colored Stones, fl? 1 fi ET and $2.95 P1.70 Set with sauare-cut stones innrklinr mi beautiful. In solid color effects, including sapphire, amethyst, topaz, ruby, etc. Sterling Silver Flexible (ti qj- Rhinestone-Set Bracelets. . pTtOD Beautiful little bracelets, flexible, spar kling, levelyl Very clever reproductions of platinum-and-diamond bracelets; equipped With safety catches. Stunning New Rhinestone d ff Bar Pins .. . pd.UU Brilliantly beautiful in most attractive new designs; set with stones of unusually flne quuuiy. Special! Men's Sterling Frent Belt Buckles.... $1.00 t-JOC2B33 Very geed looking In engraved and chased patterns; attached te sturdy leather belts. Special Showing of Deuble Powder and Rouge Cases, at $2.00 Very attractive little gift trinkets, green geld plated and in beautifully chased patterns. Finger ring nnd chain attachment. Special Let of Green Geld- fan rA Plated Mesh Bags J I .Oil With very flne mesh and graceful dome shaped frames, beautifully engraved and fin ished with pretty pendant trimmings and long link chain handles. Geed size. Pearl Bead Necklaces d r 18-inch strands of beads of excel- plV5 lent quality, In rich Oriental tint and graduated effect. Finished with geld clasps; wwi jer gum. DNEULEMfJURfla rat 'Joer BURflS , h M Dally nt 0 A. 'M. Cleiet t 8180 r. M Jewelry Specials for Early Holiday Shoppers With Numerous Opportunities for Generous Savings! Men's Open-Face Watches, 1C TA Special at 1U.01I With plain polished cases, guaranteed for i twenty vears. nnd cuarnn- Iteed 10-Jewel lever mevc- 'ments, adjusted. Raised geld numerals en silver dial. Women's $18.50 Geld-Filled d Z r Wrist Watches?- D lO.uU Small, dainty round, octagon or square s n a p c a watches, 20-year guaranteed cases, fitted with 16-jewcl movements. Women's 14-kt. Solid Geld (fcr A A Wrist Watches. , . . . Vlliv" Very small and attractive; fitted with 15 - jewel movement guaran teed. $12.50 Genuine $ PnTnn TtrnnrhpQ j i tJ K$5&&Wxl Benutiful cameos in solid geld filigree mountings nnd liantl-engraved, Solid Geld La Vallieres, $15.50 Set with genuine full cut diamond; in exquisite de signs. S bNELLENBURGS First Fleer Gift Suggestions Frem Our Silverware Department $4.50 Silver-Plated Carving Sets $2.95 Nice-looking sets of geed grade steel, with gray finish Three pieces, as shown, attractively boxed for giving. Handsome Mahogany Clocks, $6.95 Deme-shape clocks, as pictured, 13 J4 inches high. Eight day guaranteed movement; strikes, handles. en the hour and half hour. bNELLENBURGS First Fleer Silk Specials for Saturday $4 Crepe de Chine Shirtings, (JJ et yard pL.O) In exceptionally geed-looking col ored satin stripes en white grounds. Heavy auality; fast colefc. One of the most cxtraor cxtraer inary silk values offered this seasenl $3.00 and $3.50 Striped Silk Shirtings, yard $2.00 In most attractive satin-striped effects; rich color combinations; geed weight; fast color. Made in Japan. $5 Satin Charmeuse, yard (J fa Of geed heavy quality, all pure )jUU silk and very soft and fine in weave. Black, navy blue and dark brown. bNELLENBURGS First Fleer Twice the Werth of Your Meney Is Assured Yeu in This Great Holiday Sale of 5000 Framed Pictures ataThirdteaHalfOff! In a variety practically without limit; all ap propriately framed; splendid gift cheesing! Pictures Werth $1.50 te $3.50 InatheS.8Sct0$1.85 Hundreds of gift subjects, some inclesed in holly boxes. Pictures Werth $4.00, $4.25, ' rr $4.50, $4.75 & $5 in the Sale at $L.O) Oval nnd square pictures; figures and land scapes; colored and plain tones. Pictures Werth $(5.50, $6.75, $7.50, $8.50, $10.00 and $12.50 in the Sale at $3.95, $5.00, $6.50 Carbons, etchings, pastels, artetypes, etc., framed in harmonizing tones. Wallace Nutting Pictures Always Great Favorites! Most acceptable; dainty; in wonderful variety. All sizes at these prices $1.00, $1.50, $2.25, $3.25, $5.00 and up te $30.00 bNELLENBURGS Fourth Fleer Vk M W VM-a 9 1 ' wRvH Nl'Ayt3'''vr HmaftV s5?' VfJ , TTHa V-& Y ! rry ;---" " J U I JP (V Yeu can't possibly believe hew extraor dinary are the values we're offering in this great sale of v $60 te $75 Made-te-Measure M2 Zf Suits at ytJ 3 V $85to$125Made-te- Measure $C3 (1 Overcoats PJ3J" until you've seen th.e splendid fabrics from which you can make your se lection! The begt-ef imported and domestic woolens in most wanted colors and smartest new pat terns; in warm winter weights; thoroughly highjgrndc in every detail! Furthermore, you're assured of highest grade linings, trimmings, findings, etc., and choice from the very smartest styles of the season. Our tailoring, of course, is of the sort that the Snellenburg Stere has been famous for mere than 47 years 1 bNELLENBURGS Third Fleer Penna. Knit Sweaters Te Give Men and Beys for Christmas At Just About Present Wholesale Prices Plain rib bed, Shaker knit, Jumbo stitch, shawl cellar and V neck styles. A splendid ass ertment, all very serv- i c e a b 1 e, warm, well made. In wanted colors. fcS?7 K--tmmiz. . MEN'S SWEATERS $15.00 Sweaters $12.50 $12.50 Sweaters $10.00 $8.50 Sweaters $6.50 $6.50 Sweaters $5.00 BOYS' SWEATERS $5.00 Sweaters $4.00 $7.50 Sweaters $6.00 $8.50 Sweaters $6.50 bNELLENBURGS First and Third Fleora Fashionable Veilings at Attractive Prices Beautiful Chiffen Veils, 1 rtj j- Yards Leng, Each pL0J Graceful, becoming veils, with wide hem stitched hems. In light and dark colorings. Wonderful values. French Chenille Dotted Veiline. Yard $1.35 The most fashionable meshes and patterns and color combinations. Black and colors. latterns lers. 35c Veil Lengths in Black and Celers, Each bNELLENBURGS .First Fleer There's Beautiful Cheesing for Sumptuous Christmas Gifts of Fur Coats & Furs here in our specially priced collection and savings are exceptionally liberal I Muskrat Coats d a r Swagger sports models of P'TtOUU beautifully matched skins, with border effect and belt; 3G inches long. Sealine Coats rt 'ym rf Full flaring models with vlOl.OU deep cellars and cuffs; smartly belted; beauti fully lined; 36 inches long. Large Shawl Cellars of Beaver, $57.50 t0 $97.50 Wonderfully geed looking suitable for fabric or fur coats. Sealine Steles, dji'i cf te tfr i fa 78 inches long )i'eu $Ot'0XJ and 14 inches wide; very geed looking; richly lined. All Sorts of Clever Novelty Stetes and Scarfs at Very Lew Prices In beaver, Hudsen seal, skunk, squirrel, kolinsky and mole. bNELLENBURGb Second Fleer Men's Fitted Dressing Cases at $4.95 Of fine fitted with military brush and comb, teeth brush holder and teeth paste con tainer, and shav ing stick, sha vine- brush and mirror and space for a safety razor set. This is a gift any man's going te appre ciate highly and hmest extraordinary value at this low price! bNELLENBURGS First Fleer dJJm i An Exceptional Opportunity te Buy Famous 'Puritan' Brand -$2 and $3 Pajamas for Beys Special at 89c A clearance let of these well known sic e p I n g garments of geed quality checked nainsoek, plain mercerized pongee and cambric; plain or trimmed, Sizes 2 te 16 years. See These Fine Savings en Beys' Furnishings Beys' $1.75 Blouses jij r Gray and blue c.otten pllO flannel blouses the Klassy Kid brand. AH sizes, C te 10 years. , Beys' $2.00 Blouses $1.50 Printed madras blouses in cellar-attached style. Beys' $1.75 Shirts Percale shirts with soft cuffs. $1.13 Beys' $2.50 Shirts Woven madras, crepe ma dras and Oxford weave shirts. $1.75 Beys' $1.50 Blouses Made of geed quality per cale with attached cellars. Sizes 79c 4ks, fl'iJf 8 te 16 years. Geed colors and patterns. Beys' $3.00 Outing Flannel d c Pajamas pad Beys' $1.75 Outing Flannel (J JP Nightshirts 1I.OO bNELLENBURGS First Fleer Seme Value-Surprises for Holiday Shoppers Seeking Most Welcome and Very Practical Gifts, Among These Hats and Caps for Men and Beys $10.00 te $25.00 Genuine Velour Hats, new $5.00 te $16.50 $5.00 te $12.00 Derbies and Seft Hats, new $2.75 te $9.00 Men's & Beys' $2.50 te $4.00 Caps, new $2 te $3 $7.50 t6$20.00,Fur Caps, $5.75 te $15.75 Offering wonderfully geed selection for the fine sort of gift every man and boy likes te get! bNELLENBURGS First Fleer Beys' and Children's $2.50 te $10.00 Hats, all reduced te $1.95 te $6.00 Ready for your selection during these weeks of holiday shopping in our Juvenile Shep adjoining the Millinery Department, Second Fleer. Value Offering Extraordinary! Genuine Cowhide Traveling Bags ? AT ONLY $16.95 Made of very fine real cowhide, hand sewn with brassed locks n n H rnfrhns. JftWjr nana - stitched frames and leather linings. In rich, dark cordovan shade: three sizes 16, 18 and 20 Inches. bNELLENBURGS First Fleer Majestic Cord Tires Guaranteed for .... " - " , 8000 Miles In Wanted Sizes At 50 Off List Prices! Brand new, perfect tires factory-wrapped, each with its serial number, each sold with assurance of speedy adjustment wherever necessaTy. Built Oversize for Superservice Mall and pliene orders filled while let lasts. 32x4 ....RibS.S $58.10 33x4 ....RibS.S 5955 34x4 ....Rib S.S 61.20 32x4'2 .... Rib S.S 65.40 33x4'2....Rib S.S 67.10 34x42 .... Rib S.S 68.85 35x4'2 .... Rib S.S 70.60 36x4'2....Rib S.S 72.25 33x5 ....Rib S.S 81.70 35x5 .... Rib S.S . $tt r.a Bele l'rlce $29.05 29.78 30.60 32.70 3355 34.43 35.30 36.13 40.85 42.83 30.40 31.18 31.38 ' 34.43 36.25 37.15 38.03 42.75 43.90 32x4 ,...N. S. S.S.. 60.80 625 62.75 68.85 7250 74.30 76.05 8550 87.80 33x4 ...N. S. S.S.... 34x4 ...N. S. S.S.... 32x42...N. S. S.S.... 34x42...N. S. S.S.... 35x42...N. S. S.S.... 36x42...N. S. S.S.... 33x5 ...N. S. S.S.... 35x5 ...N. S. S.S.... 4 Majestic Tubes at 50 off list prices. 'I PIFleer ' H Hl I bNELLENBURGS Thi il'V f 'tw 'v l & CO. JkiL& " ---w -. ,'. AW' .- -' "W-., "i!u ' UUHUUlk l -.. 77.3' - .. -J.- ;. SN1WL1NBURG &CO; - - -w t -- i - J7- S-li ,,- 2nnellenburg7 L- ill rAJmrnCmLJi KmV . , v 1 .. .. J. i ii -i . mtTM i M r-HAW J ' f - - 'w ' I ', , r v taw'- ! tmrniii j-..w"t.i . im. ,u .i.f.i.1 nam im -n ir-i i i i irma