i-iV't' r- iw ," -,-.' y v, ., . "m."ifijf; i ' ' ' J ' H3 JSVBING, PUBLIC LEDGEIPHJXADKLPHIA. . WEDNESDAY, . DECEMBER ,1, 190 .j 25 New Yerk Bends (SaMCO IN 11000) A aid M ev A ,Cubn C evl N'k A Wn 4a I. ... 10W t. ... MH 1.. .. 3SH 0 8SU a 74 Vi R. .. 78 A Atr C Si 10 BOH Atnar Rmllt't n.' si Nik A W d 4i D.I Hud ev 1,. .. 70 m R S4S ...... MH N'U A W ev fli 7 snrf7Ti im ,Q ' . tpt5 V ". ! ,,., ,; : ' ; , , , " , , i, ' 3 ' 1 ja-i ; - ' ' ..,,..'. " r! I f; $12,500,000 . Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company Twelve-Year 1l Sinking Fund Geld Debentures Ded November i, 1920 Interest payable May 1 and November ! Due November 1, tyjt Kdtamala In whelt or In part at th option of tht Company en net Ime than 0 day notlce en amy le ' ttrtit data, at 103 ant Inwrttt en or bafera Nerambar I, 191?, tha praalaa dacrtaalng H for aach aaetatdlng at month nntfl tnamrtty Iircrert te be payable wltkmt deduction for aty Federal Income Tax up t ftt umb kkk dH Company may b eblljd te withheld Fannaylvanlt Paraenal Property Tax of Four Mills Rfqnd4 Coupon Debentures in denominations of $tee, 6500 And $1,0005 Debentures may be registered as te principal. Total authorized issue $11,500,000. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OP NEW YORK, TRUSTKE Ftr information regarding these Debentures we refer 4 letter tf Mr. C. G. Wilsm, President eftht Ctmpany, which he has summarized briefly as fellews: COMPANY, Incorporated In 1893, la one of the largest manufacturer and dealer In Its lines, being tngafed, directly Or through subsidiaries In th manufacture of fertiliser, sulphuric acid, cotton seed products and edible oil products and the mining phosphate rock. S... T5 T8H TR 7B 80.. . 108H 4 .. mm 1 2(1 4 Dm n e v 10 R4U N'n Pacini) 8a Dm A h (I Id 2 bit S .... B4U Am r T clt S3 40U TO Dn a n e 4i N'n Paetfte la A T T CV 4 3 HH a 04 8 7AU 1 0IH 1 MH A TAT OV 4H i BOH R HO 3 Ml Orta A Cal 8a D Can si '31 1 AS S 0SH 11.... 08H 1.. 8 . fi . 10. IS IS 8A D Can OH '21 e.. . nm A7; 7t Am Til A T M O Canada 'Sit 4. 1 70H 3 TtlU 1 001 Ortfert 8 li 4a f) Canada 'SI 0 70H Am Tl t, T A.. 3 , 3.. 00 00 00 12 70 R 8a 70'4 10. ... OS 2... . AS Pae O A xAi I 3. ... Armeuur t Ct Dam itepe ri 70 n Kit 4ui 3 78 Pa4 A Mam 4 4. 10 Ktt, Otnt I.l'n 1 78H 70 la It cm 4Via NET EARNINGS of Company and subsidiaries corn paw as follewit Total Interest Fiscal Year Ended May 31 Net Earnings before Interest and Federal Taxes including Current Interest 1010 .$ 5,437,466 1917 . ... t . 3,903,249 1918 ............ 13,119,801 1910 ....... 10,939,334 1930 ............ 10,876,745 $1,160,397 1,341,163 1,808,391 3,366,071 1,899,699 Number of Times Earned 4,67 4.73 6.69 4.83 3.73 ASSETS: The consolidated net assets as of May 31, 1920, together with the proceed! of this issue, exceed .3.80 times the total funded debt including this issue) the net quick assets alone, en this basis, being 1.7S times such funded debt SINKING FUND, payable semi-annually, commencing March 1, 1931, wOl provide for th retirement of ever 30 of the total issue before maturity. RESTRICTIONS? Ne mertgag te be created by Company or ita aubsldlaries without including these Debentures equally and ratably therewith, except Inter-company and purchase money mertgagee and also except the extension of the existing First Mort gage for net mere than three years; the consolidated net quick assets are te be main tained at net less than 150 of the'princlpal amount of all Debentures outstanding excluding the Company's existing First Mortgage Bends. ' All legal proceedings are being tassid upon by Messrs. Hornblower, Miller s Garrison and Messrs. Oudin, Kilbreth id Sthackne, New Yerk, The Company's aceeunts have been audited by Price, Waterhouse t$ Ce, lattrim receipt or temporary Dtbenrurti will be deliverable la (he fint initince. All offering are wbject te approval of ceuaral "when, at and if limed and received by ui" and iiibjtct te authorization of litue by the stockholder. Price 96.25 and interest, yielding approximately 8 Ctraul&r en request BLAIR ft CO., INC. HALLGARTEN & CO. THE EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK ILLINOIS TRUST ft SAVINGS BANK FIRST TRUST ft SAVINGS BANK CHICAGO CHICAGO Tit tttmitai ertHMit tlfwt, tJJ!r nt) ptttsntiei, en ttittti frtm mttit wihi URti a, h rtEilh "' ' " ' '- - ''ll'nVl I 'I il.Ul. Lr.'.'j,',1 ".riss $4,000,000 The Niagara Falls Power Company Firrt and Consolidation Mortgage Series AA 6 Geld Bends Dated November 1, 1920 Intereat pnyabl Due November 1, 1990 Vahln iMiml.nnmitlllv fakJ 1 mA VAir.Mh.. 1 ! ?.. --,. n..at -. . i- .... . Authorized Iaaue, Series AA, $15,000,000 Te Be Presently Outstanding, $4,000,000 The total amount of Flrat and Consolidation Mertgag Henda which may be axaeuted la limited be that never at any time (.hall thre t eutstimdin r an asperate prlnelpal lum excaX 7B,090V0OO. PROPERTY: The NlttarA Feils Power Company ewni and operates all the hydro-eleotric power plants en the American side of the Niagara River nt Niagara Palls and controls the power plant en the Canadian side t.iuS L,2L'L?w,"ed nd ep?te.d th8 Canadian Niagara Power Company. The. present aggregate In 1M3S ISn Aft 2g cnPnclty of ,th four Kencrntlng stations en the American side of the Falls is approxi apprexi rwifl TO.00 horsepewor, and the additional 112,500 horsepewor installed in the generating stations of the eaniidlsn Niagara Power Company brings the aggregate of the system plants up te 480.000 horsepower. Plans have bn perfected for a combined capacity of about 020,000 horsepower. EARNINGS: Tha Jetal net income of The Niagara Falls Power Company and Canadian Niagara Power Company for the twaly jnenths ended September 80, 1020, available for interest en the funded debt, was equivalent te th6 5nnartftnw?'e!Rht emes i l. .a.nnu?l interest nqulreinents of the total outstanding funded debt, including 2XM' ' i . S1"' ud Cenns?LidJ?t,?n Merteo Sprios AA 6 Geld Bends. The earnings for the twelve months ended September 30, 1920, de net reflect the full benefit from the operation of the threo new units (aggregating approximately 112,600 horsepower) which have recently been Installed" VALUE OP PROPERTIES: The real estate intereits, power houses, transmission systems, ate, owned by The wltVSJf.-!)1 f,-j0Wer CemPany nd the Canadian Niagara Power Company, and the investments pledged n iftBtJg.ir(!rnvJ0,u,8 merteaffe, are carried en the consolidated balance sheet under date of September ?i 92?i "I IW.W9.308.77, , or ?23 753360.77 in excess of the total funded debt of the two companies eutstand Hn,tin ty'jEL"? l t pSbi,cAi.nci,uiI5,th5 M.000,000 The Niagara Falls Power Cempanv First and I Cov"li a,'!, "?.!? leri0B, 44 c Geld BendB t0 bc Pssntty outstanding. The equity Vin these prepe iea iXWA"" de "tandlnB in the hands of the public, as" represented fiy the present rat?Jet values of the preferred and common stocks, Is easily ever $23,000,000. ni!?n.CUiyi 0r,the80 Bends. Sinking Fund Previsions, Purposes of Issue and complcte Information regarding the .PPiy.nn,diUB,n" of the Company, are set forth In a letter furnished us by Mr. Paul A. Scheel kenf President nd General Manager, copies of which we shall be pleased te furnish te investors upon application.' "e8,dent Price 87 lA and interest, yielding ever 7 Bend?0. '&',. HS""1"- l0 B,ubJtct t? the approval of Puhlle flervlc Commliwlen for 8cend District of Etau of Nw Yerk lerlllt "S fSnSL'i.."?.8"11 w1hen .t9Ued M& ved by us. The proceedings relating te the iMuanoe of th beml ami lerallty of tha Indenture securing the game will b passed upon, In'eur behSlf, by Messrs. Slaaten & Nlehela New Yerk Spencer Trask & Ce. 25 Bread Street, New Yerk E, H. Rollins & Sens 1421 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Schoellkepf, Hutten & Ce. Marine Trust Building, Buffalo Ml liiarmaHeit eiven htrtin te from oljtclet leureti, or from thou leMch uit rteard a. ri(nbf St n e event are the atalamcnra Kereln contained te be reearded a ?'eE '?EJ!i Xfi!' regarded as or representations. 3 . 4 3 3.. 5. n. 70 H 7RH 7RH 7RH T0H ATtRF.ll S .. . 78H 3. ... 7B( 0 7BH .1 7Si Ateh Tepfka m B V ev 4a 1 AS Atch T a r) r v 4i '0 10 R4U All Oeatt t. 41 S. 3, 0 a. 7. Erla n n ev A A 40 ... . 40 KN n n cv I! 10.. .. 40 1.... 40U Km nn ev d et 01 til 01 91 01 77H Bit 77H 77U Ail Ceait.t. 7a 1.. . 103 Halt a Ohie ita 1 A7U Dan a onto a l. i. 3. 33. 8. 3. TJal A O Tel 4l 2 S1H 3. . 82H a na JJ.I T.I 7i reti 1.... 103 1.... 101H 4 iniM Halt A Ohie 4a 11... . tHK nth simi rd l ..is iuth S n 'te C 7SH Hrkvn n T 7a 1 4fltt nuth niii' 8 1 Aft Cll Lpftthrr Ea 3. ... nn 2 80 2.. .. 0OU C'nt'l Pe III 20. .. 7311 Ctl faclAe AU 1.. . 78U Ch'K e m 3..... 74H C A O cv 4i 1 73 C'k A U ev As 7. I. 1. 7. 1. C A Alten H s as Chlcuce nn A Qncr am 1 7SH 1 7BV4J 1. 1. I. 1. 3. Itrli nn en Ot 1 03 'flfn Klrc SUf 2 07 a.n'i Kiact ni 3 A3U Oenc'l Rita 0i 10 oft .Oevi't Wmch tlfp'e reta 10.. 3... A... 18... 1... 10.. lOO't lOOH 100 4 lOOVi 100 VI 100 Vi O Bnltld reta 1 ... 102H 1.... 103H A.... 103 Hud A Man td I 1H 1 01U 1... . OlVi i. ... eiu Til Can' I 4 a '88 A4 sai fi.lH KBS Chlcaen D'n A Qney nb I . .. AS Chlcaxn IV n A Qney 4a 1. 1. 3. .1. 1.. 004 0OH 08H ooh Chicago Dn A Qney II 4a 3...... H2H Chi ATJ W 4. 1. ... BAT4 Chtcaan Mil A Bt F&ul 4a 1 70 Chicago Mil A SIP 4a '38 1 AIM, Chlcase Mil A 8tr cp Ba fi OAK Chlcare Mil A stP ev am 3 71 Vi 1 71 Chlcace till A StP fd 4Ul 8. a R0 1 00 2 no 1 00 Clilcaia Mil A, StP cm 4'4 10.. .. 78 Chicago Mil A Rt P cv Bs 20 0A Chicago A Nth Wn cm 8.. .. 7714 8.. .. 77 Chi Rallw'a Si C2U Chi ItecU al'd A Pac fd 2 HO H 1.. .. flOH S... . (KHi Chi Heck al'd A Pac 4a 1 71V. Chi U SU 4W B . . . . TD Chi A W I 4a 1 BAH Chita Cep'r da. 4IH 48H 4AVi 48 42H 1. it '.a 47 T'l 47K 47H 47 47 0 OS 111 Ctn'l 8 Via t 00H 3 1)014 Intb'e M Vt. 10 17 80 17 no... . mi 3 .... 17 10 17 14 17 1 17 Int Mat et 4i 1 17 Intbore It T fd 82 BSti nzvs A2Vi 82 e2H 83 B24i R3u 82 88 H A3 82 H H3Vi B3H 11. ... AOU 11 0H Pcnn nn li s son Panna. It 71 7a 2.... 104 3.... 104 Vi A.... 104 1 104H Phil County ev I....? AS Pitta Cln Chi A St L. a Ba 10 ASM, R'adlni rty 4t 7 ABS 4 A2H III-) OiVti 1 04 Vk nook laid Ark A L 4 Via 1 A4U Bt t. I'n Mt A B'n nt 4a 8 71 tl U t'n HI A S'n niy Ba St Uiula rran a) 1 10,.. . a si St I.euta rran In 10 10.;... 10 A. .. 10 SAM A H (14 0411 01 04 H A H A, 1, 3. n, 2. 3, S, J. Bt li 80 ... 80 ... RO .. 80 "... 80 . . 80 .. RO ... 40 ... 40S .. 4fl4 ... 40H ... 40 Vi ... 40 S A fl Fran AAU, BOVi UOVi 00H 00 H R2U A3U B 4f BAH P 8a 72 71V4 8. B.. A.. 0.. 2 . H . 10.. 1A . 13.. .1 . in. OS OS A3 08 en 11.14 na AS 04 84 H 04 H nn 8 20 21 2 n 10 85 4 10 10 10 7 S 4 9 1 M Marine fla R 70H 2 70V Iowa Cent'l 4a 3 43M Jan deve't 2fl 1 74H Jap Oove't 4i II .... RAH Kin C Ft ft A Mtmp It 4n 1 84 2 0ST4 Kan C A 8 8' 1,.... St 1.. 1.. Kan C A A..., Kan C A 8 . 7.. Kan city Ttr'l Rwyii 4a 8 71 Vi I. ... 71 K nlr 0a '2S 8 01U K Ilele'm 7 VI a 1 07 1 Sf Lack Btaet '23 2 . 02 Lack fitffl 'A0 8... . 77 Lakt Chere M S'n 8Vil a 004. Mka Shere M a'n 4a '2ft 2.. .84 Lehlah V 4 Ha 1 SU 4 Lerlllard C 7 1.... 104 1 .. 104U 4.. . 1044 ou A Naah 4s a A04 1 R0 4 S hi Leu A Naih 7i 1.... 104 Mldv'e Bteet A Ordln Ba 1. .. 72V1 M A StL M 4s 3 .... 434 Me K A T 2nd 10 83 Me K A T 4a 20 B8", 4 RAi MKiTiMi 10. .. 2SVi Me Paelflc 4a I. R4 Ment' a Pwr Sal AO New Karen Oe Sarlaa A 1, in 10. 1. 8. 4. PILAU Fran Beris C 1 80 4 1. ... A04 10. .. 804 HI L A San F am 0a 1 ... 05 SI L Bwn rr 4 03 8 03 St L Sew'n ns 2 2 1. 3. Btab'd A 1. 1. 1. 3. Btab'd A I. I'l 8 424 B'n ParlAe M 02 024 024 024 I. a 8AV4 38 4 884 384 r fc .i 74 4 .... 74'. .... 744 .... 744 .... 744 .... 744 Paclflc 4n 4 704 S'n Pae ev 4a 1 704 10 704 B'n Pae ev Sa 10.... 100 IS lOflU in nrrya la A0 Bft B0 BO. BO Chlla Cep'r 7 II... 014 0 014 0 01 U 8 Gt Chinese Onve't 11-K Itya Aa 1 .... 434 1 .... 42 B. . 42 C Meme rta An 1 1 City City 10 Cty 00 004 Cnrln Ah . 084 Cujg A 4 .. 734 New Yerk 4k et 'SA II. .. HI Cty Npw Yerk 44 '00 3... . 87 4 Cty Nw Yerk 44h or 'in .1 .. 874 City Parla Oa A . .. 044 It) . 044 2 04 4 3 04 4 1 . 044 C Zuurlch rcti 8 . . 00 1 . 00 10 684 10 96H Cd Cln Chi A St Leula 01 1. Al4 Cole A H'n 4 4 B 724 B 72. Cena'd ana 7i 1 . 100 1 . 100 2 . 1004 2 . . 1004 1 100 Crucible Bt Ce of A 44a ! 2 . 00 1 1.. 1.. 2.. 8.. B'n rihllw'a u 1 SA4 1 884 Union Pac ev 1..... 80S 1 80H B A04 Union Pae 4a B.-. ... S() 0 .... HO 4 8. ... 804 8 804 2.. .. 804 1 A04 V K of O urt A I'll 1B11 3 4.. 1.. 3.. 1.. 1.. 7.. D It at O Ufl A I'd 1020 07 U 074 08 074 07 07 074 88 Aft A8 i0 H8 8A 8 ... 08 New O Tax A Meilce 8a 1 . .. BR4. N T O A It It II II SHa 8 AVi 1 . 084 N T C A II It K II 4a U K of O Drt A IB 1087 1 884 10..... AR 133. ... 82 U n Mexico 8a A 444 7 44 VI 10. . 44 1. .. 444 t 44 H 8.. .. 44 I't'd K'da Man F unct 4a 4. N Y C A R It en 4. 1. A N' Y O A 11 Tt R 8a 10.. .. 1 29 Rub'r Aa . . 73 704 . 70 Hub 7 Via 07 . 074 . 0A 0A OS B Stel At 01 (lit. W'niUtah Pewir A OH 1 Light S 7 7Vi 7. 11 rt 2. V B 10 1 1 V a 1.. 1 . 1 I'M 10 4 1 4 3 3 10 N Y A II II Itn rcta 7a 1 ... 101 1 . 101 a. . 101 2 . . 1014 Nw Yerk Ct'l I. 8 84a 2 . Ill 1 N Yk Light It A Pwr 4a S 044 N Yk Light II A Pwr 8 a 1 At New T N II A Hart'd 0s 1 n a 78 1'Va C Chm lit 2 . t.1 10.. 02 Va C Chm ilu 2 . 02V, 02 V, Va IWIIw'h Ba 03 I I Ba 024 1 Nj.4 Weit'n Mrt 4a 1. . MM Wat' t Pac Int 2. . 81 1 MU Wcit'e Elee a Mfg Ce 7a 2 04 07 7 UA 004 N T lllya ct Ba JO 44 N Y Tele 44. fi. fi. fi. B B Liberty :J'.ss .... Liberty 1st 4 'Ah,. Liberty LM -IUh.. Liberty 3il 4a.. Liberty -Itli 4Vis.. Vic Notes 3&A... VIC Notes 4... 784 784 . 7S4 784 784 Utah 1)1 .00 80.00 8.i.mi 88.40 fiO.OO OS.04 05.70 B a 1 1 2 A I 1 1 IB. 114 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 VVIIaen Ce ev A2 H2H H2i A2 NV4 Wla Cen'l Hud A Duluth Dlv A Tann aa IB . 72 Liw 1)0.00 80.C0 SO, 04 88.00 85.00 05.B8 00.00 11 18 A ni. (UI.UO fitl.fiO 85.10 88.04 85.70 05.00 V5.04 Banking Methods Applied te Real Estate The same painstaking and conservative business poli cies, which characterize ether departments of this Com pany, are found in its Real Estate Department. This Department, which combines every advantage of a real estate agency with the added security of a trust company, offers en the usual commission basis the serv ices of a staff of experienced real estate men. Careful attention is given te the prompt payment of taxes, water rent and insurance, in addition te regular collection of rents, all dealings with tenants, overseeing of repairs, etc. Appraisals with a view te purchase, sale or The placing of a mortgage, made en request. The Girard Trust Company's Real Estate Department has in its charge properties, large and small, in 36 states of the Union, the District of Columbia and the Dominion of Canada. Chartered IB 39 Booklet of prepertitr fat tale will be tent en requett GIRARD TOUST COMPANY BROAD AND CHESTNUT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA Capital and Surplua $10,000,000. EFFINGHAM B. MORRIS PRESIDENT Member Federal Reaerve Syatem Natien Bank of Commerce in NewYerk Established 1839 STATEMENT OF CONDITION NOVEMBER IS,. 1920 t ' Liabilities Capital Paid up $35,000,000.00 Surplua 25,000,000.00 Undivided Profits 8,182,4(57.33 Deposits 349,804,962.93 U. S. Bends Borrowed 6,000,000.00 Bills Payable and Redis counts with Federal Re serve Bank 102,578,000.00 Reserved for Taxes, etc..." 4,137,130.41 Unearned Discount 2,942,544.08 Letters of Credit and Ac ceptances 50,385,089.89 Other Liabilities....'. 1,850,000.00 Resources Leans and Discounts $364,576,466.19 U. S. Victory Notes and Certificates of Indebted ness Other Bends and Securities U. S. Bends Borrowed Stock of Federal Reserve Bank Banking Heuse Cash, Exchanges, and due from Federal Reserve Bank Due from Banks and Bankers Interest Accrued Customers' Liability under Letten of Credit and Ac ceptances 47.128.634.76 5575,880,194.64 1,929,031.04 9,004,519.46 6,000,000.00 1,500,000.00 4,000,000.00 134,619,115.27 6,626,065.88 496.362.04 $575,880,194.64 J. HOWARD AHOHEV JOIEPH A. BRODERICK OUY EMERSON HARRY P. DARRAND LOUIS P. CHRISTENSOS JAMES I. CLARKE OABHItf ROV M. PAS9MORE JAMES S. ALEXANDER WILLIAM A. DAY HKNRY W. de FOREST FORREST F. DRYOEN CHARLES E. DUNLAP rnaaieeHT JAMES S. ALEXANDER . VIC-rHaiDBNTB HERBERT P. HOWELL LOUIS A. KEIOEl DAVID H. Q. PENNY JOHN E. ftOVENSKY eeeONO viCfrrtcaiDtrtra AROHIBALD F. MAXWELL FRANZ MEYER DIRKOrOKS HERBERT P. HOWELL ANDREW W. MELLON FARI8 R. RUSSELL STEVENSON E. WARD ROOER H. WILLIAMS EDWARD H. RAWLS EVERETT E. RISLEY HENRY C. STEVEN9 AUDITOIt ALBERT EMERTON CHARLES II. RUSSELL VALENTINE P. SNYDER HARRY D. THAYER JAMES TIMPSON THOMAS WILLIAMS giiiiiiiiiiristtn urn iimitiiimi tim iiiimhiiiiiiimcuiii raniiiit iriiicaiiirtieiiucjriiiiiiiiiiica iinciiiiiiiintnTll k s J Our December Bend Letter has been mailed te our clients. We have udditiennl cepius I for interestinK investors net en our mailing list. i This letter discusses the 1920 hen.l mnrk.,t n,i u te tnke advantage of unparalleled investment opportu nities. Copies Scut Upen Request West & Ce. 1117 lirntnut Ktrret 1'uiinaripin .V It.-.. ..!.. .... .. , ew Yerk . Verk SleU KxrhaiiCF ... ., i I lilludelpliU Sterk I'.xi h.iine Me Alwayrf ll., en lleiul u I.ut of Itlali tirade lleud. . "a'uiiurm-c I in liru JailllllHIIIHIHHIl"1H'l"H'''"'H Duquetne Light 6, 1949 B0ENNINQ, GARRISON & CO. UTUCH KXOIANOK IIUILDINQ 0ltt fUsMJffxsiL te..??ir.xrk iinaia Dtwa, JT4CUI NEWBURBp-R HENDERSON & LOEB Philadelphia Stock Exchange 1410 Chestnut St. Canadian Provincial Bends Te Yield 7 te 7.50 Principal and interest payable in New Yerk City. Clrculara and prlcta upon M'ru.it Harris, Ferbes & Ce Plna Streat, Cernnr William NEW YORK Philadelphia Office i Wldan.r Dulldlnr 'i M -n I '1 ,11 3! m j 3c r '! i S i id m.