EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHIIBELPHIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 5020 18 . I J "'Y?7f''-" ' ' - " n, . r i m w m . 'r ,'9 r INCOME AND OTHER TAXES TO REMAIN Experts Have Ne Hepe of Early Lifting of Levies by I ; Tariff i :VAST WEIGHT OF WAR DEBT Bu a Staff Corresponds I ... whlnlen, Nev. SO. Any theuitht Jtlmt thcre mn be n reduction lu th Mnceme tax rate next venr may an well 'be abandoned new as later. Republican UejrtMatera and tnxe expert nnve aU rcndy reached tlic conclusion that the prejenr law will have te remain un changed se far aa the normal Murtax ievlea are Concerned, and that future reduction will have te nuatt experi ment with n new tarltE .law and con Iteration by the next Congress of u ales or compennatten tax. ' Uhcre Is a difference of opinion na te ithe neMlblllty of repeallnp or reduc anf the excess profits tax. The rcvenue requirements of the geTcrnmcnt are 'such as te prtclude the repeal of any existing taxes until new Beurces of revenue arc provided. Fer this reason it la thought nrebable that for the tires- ent .Congress lll de nothing mere tlmnt flfth juuuuy uie excess proms lax 10 re lieve the embarrassment of corporations caught In the sudden decline In material and commodity prices. It Is recognized that the benefits of a higher tariff would net be felt by the treasury for at least n year, and tli"t even though tariff duties should b .creased by the new Congress, it would be several months before the effect en revenues could be estimated. With ex- , ports growing and imports falling off, and with the whole fabric of Interna tional trade affected by credit and ex ' change problems resulting from the Trnr, there la no thought of appljlng a blanket increase en all commodities which new pay a duty, or fixing a sub stantial tariff en all ltcmt new exempt from Impert duties. Effect of New Tariff Delaed Senuter Ledge's statement that the 'existing tariff laws are net producing 'an appropriate share of government revenues represents the general view of ether Republican leaders. The process of framing a tariff bill under any cir cumstances is a tvdieuB one, however, and it li realized that in the light of 'uncertainties due te the shifting tides of foreign trade, it is likely te take longer than usual in the coming Con gress. Though the tariff will be one of the first subjects taken up by the extra session President-elect Harding Is ex pected te call next March, experienced legislators are convinced it will be late summer or fall before a new tariff law can be perfected and put Inte effect. Republicans In charge of revenue 'legislation In the Heuse hope te raise nn additional $70,000,000 or $1,000, 000,000 by the new tariff. This, In time, is counted en te permit a reduc tion in the income tax rate, but all hope that this can be accomplished in 1021 or possibly the following year has been abandoned. Until it Is known tvhat the new tariff law will produce, no material change lu the national tax j laws will be attempted. 91,000,000,000 Interest en War Debt Kvcn the slashing of departmental appropriations in pursuance of the gev ernmental economy program te which the Republican administration Is pledged will save relatively little. The army and navy programs require ap proximately $1,500,000,000 annually, or twice the total requirements of the government a few years age. The Inter est charge en the national Indebtedness resulting from the war adds anethr $1,000,000,000, and as yet no prevision has bten'ma le for a sinking fund te re tire the government's war obligations when due. Authorities here declare little can be done te cut government expenditures until It is known what the allied na tions can de about interest payments en the $10,000,000,000 lent by the United Stntes during the war. The government is new paying the Interest en the $10,000,000,000 lent te the al lies during the war, for interest pay ments from the borrowers have been temporarily deferred. If Great Britain, France anu iiaiy succece in weming out a program for resuming interest payments en this indebtcdnes, this would cut approximately $500,000,000 from the revenue requirements of the government. If the nations of the world, through the league of Natien or otherwise, work out a program for a reduction en armaments, halting com petitive naval construction and reduc ing the slxe of military establishments, It is thought this might reduce the na tional budget another $500,000,000. War Debt Aggregates $24,000,000,000 Roughly, the war debt of the United States, Including the loam te ltn allies, amounts te $24,000,000,000. Liberty bend Issues represent 815,202,8.S8,4ia of this amount, Victory nates of the fifth Liberty lean, $4,241,130,420, treasury certificates. $2,010,020,450, anu war saving securities $7HU,i)74, 303.08. Allied governments with the exception of Russia paid the interest en their war leans In full up te the spring of 1010, and Russia continued her inter est payments up te November 15, 1017. Deferred interest payments due this J ear amount te $403,215,013.00, which means mat tnis sum must be raised annually by taxation in the United StHtes until the allied government! are able te perfect a plan for refunding their war debts and resuming their Interest payments. Officials of the Treasury Department are new working en a iirnurnm for Until. datlen of the entire American national clCDt within twenty-five jcars. FIUME SI PREPARA PER U RESISTENZA Gabriele D'AnnUnzie Leva Grlde Contre II Trattate di Rapallo Published uml DMrlbutM Un4r , ,. , PEIIMIT NO. 841. Autherlied tv tbe net of OcteW 0. 16T. en fll at the I'ontefllc of PhlU- uciyui. it, a. 8. nunutseN. Pestmsster General. Flume, 30 nevembre. -I lcglonerl ill Oabrlcle D'AnnunzIe sone grr.ndimentc cccitatl dat pqsslenai appclll del peeta per Milvnre Flume, cmessl a frequentl lntervalll da quande II trattate dl Ra- ptlle slsteme' la qiicstlnne Adrlattcn tra l'ltalla c la Jugeslavia, centrarlamcnte al dcaldcrl dl D'Annunale. I rlhVtterl dcll'Isela dl Vcglla e dl Arbe coiittnuumente dl nette lllumlnane le aeque dl approccle n Flume, per qualslast pesslblle nttacce. mentrc I cannenl dclle epcrc di fortlficazlenc tuonane ad Intermlttenzn. Mentre D'Annunxle sta mandande manifest! In Italia con 1 quail leva II grlde contre II jmtte dl Rnpalle, pre pre jnrazler.l sone In progrcsse per fhla mare tuttl 1 clMadlnl dellVta' da! 18 al 50 In Flume, per la dlfesa della cltta'. Larghi rlnferzl dl carablnierl sone gluntl al cenfinl del terrltorle dl Finnic. 91 asslcura che l'invie ill questl vlnferxl sla state fatte alie sceno dl far com- prendere al leglenarl clie 11 Ooverne Itallane Intende dl dare csccuzlene nlle dlsposlzlenl del trattate di ltapalle Nn poll, 20 nevembre. Oil ngentl dl pellzla hanne eggl procedute all'arreste dl un capltane dl tin vaperc, Inslcmc al suel ufllclell c parecchl inarlnal, otte l'accusa ill nvcr fatte i planl per traspertare aU'cstcre clandestlnamente 40 Itnllanl. A borde del npore vi ernne 1500 emlgrnntl c durante la per per qulslzlene effettuata nel vaperc si tro tre tro vareno sette llbbrc dl ceculna, la quale non era denunzlata nel munlfeste dl carlce. Fureno ineltre trevate 370, 000 lire ltallane che, si dice, venlvane pertatc negll Statl Unltl a scepe di spe-culazlene. Kolegna, 20 nevembre. I capl del cemunlstt rcoenteincnte complettarono ner tmnesscssarsl della cltta' e l'attacce Saturday evening in a corn shock near uepra 1 membrl del conslglle munlclpale, movlmente, seconde quante aeseriscone i le auterlU' dl pellzla. le quail hanne ' dlchlarate dl avere sufflclentl prove per dimestrare l'eststenza del completto del cemunlsti. 11 Profrssere Illdene, un accanlte cemunlsta, fu arrestate eggl per eompll eempll clta' nnll'assasslnle del deputate Olor Oler danl, che fu ucclte durante 1 dlserdlnl dl cut sopra. Vcnturl e Cassuttl, membrl del conslglle munlclpale, e Flnl, un Inse gnante dl Idee bolscevlche, sone statl anch'eiul arrestatl, eggl, depe una flora battaglla sestcnuta con gll egeutl dl pellzla. Tuttl 1 predettl nnpartengone al gruppe dl propaganda belscevlca e sone accusatl dl cempllclta' nell'assassl nell'assassl nle del deputate Giordan!. Rema, 20 nevembre I Reciallsti Btanne fomentande una nueva agl agl agl tazlone cogllende il nreteste dal pre- gette dl legge che 11 Commlssarle (lencralc per gll approvvlglenamcntt, On. Heleri, ha prescntate alia Camera per raumente del prvzze del pane, cul vcudltn al prczze attuale cesta Govcrne Itallane eltre bc! mlllardl di il re airanne. CAN'T RULE IL G. L SAYS SERVICE BODY city te the company specified should be given. I The ruling of the commission puts the regulation of rotes nnd service of the l'nltrd Oas Improvement Ce In I'hlla iltlphla squarely up te the Maer and Council. The report nnd order of the commit)- i stun en the (lllmere cemp'ntnt pas: "The complaint in this proceeding al COURT HITS VERBAL SNAG Learned Justices Wrestle With Proper Pronunciation of D'Adame Trenten, Nev 30. Nothing eten re embllng harmony reuld be reached by the f'eurt of Krrers yesterday in regard te the pronunciation of the proper name li Aiinmc. I itlng a case in which one . . ... I'KO that the quiillty of gas furnished 1 1) Adnine was the defendant, former V0rnrril38l0n KOtUSOS Jurisdiction li.v the respeiident Is unsat!faeter. anil Vice Chancellor Mcrrltt Lane pre- Ms ilitrerent from mat required in tneneunced It as though it were spelled en oervice UOmDiaini DO- lease irnm tnc citv et rniinueipnia, "Liaupm, cause City 0wn3 Plant BASIC UNIT CHANGE STANDS 1000 Readlna Man Return te Werk Ruling, P., Nev. 00. Thlatl rearing for three minutes yesterday called 1000 men te work in tbe first et the three shifts at the tube works; largest of the seven plants of the Read ing Iren Ce.. resuming operations ftftet a strike lasting Ore months. It la be- IS FORTUNE HIDINCORN SHOCK Farmhand Finds $266,000 In Secu rities Stelen Frem Bank Danville, Va., Nev. 30. Liberty bends and war savings stamps tetnlinc $250,000 and Insurance policies totaling several additional thousand were found FIUME CLOSELY GUARDED D'Annunzle's Forces Take Precau tions Against Possible Attacks Flume, Nev. 30. (Uy A. !.) (la brlcle D'Annunzle's legionaries huc been greatly stirred by passionate ap peals of the poet te ''save Flume," which he has been issuing at frequent Intervnls since the treaty of Rapallo settled the Adriatic question between Italy and Tuge-Slavia far fiem D'An D'An nunzeo's liking. Searchlights en the island of Veirlia and Arbe arc brightly Illuminating the water approaches te Flume during euch night, searching for ncmllile Httueklne parties, while the guns of the vuriuun fortifications are thundering Intermit- I tently. J Meanwhile D'Annunxlu is tending I mnnlftstes te Italy crying out against the Rapallo pact. Preparations are in progress te conscript all citlzeus be tween the ages of eighteen and fifty in Hume for the defense of the city. Large re-enfercements of Italian cartblnecrs are arriving en the borders of the 'Flume territory. It Is assumed they are there as reminders te the legionaries that the Italian Govern ment Intends te enforce the previsions of the treaty. j Rv J Staff Correjpetiitrnf narrisburg, Nev. 30. The Public Hervlce Commission has no authority te regulate the rates or service of the United Oas Improvement Ce. in Phila delphia, because It operates a munici pally owned plant. That Is the answer given by the com mission In dismissing the complaint against the serice of the company bj James Ollmere, of Philadelphia, who protested the nnssage of the clt of un ordinance changing the standard of ges ' which the lease of the gas works by the I lease from the cltv of Philadelphia, I under which the respondent operates the I'lUiuiiPipuiu gll weritft. il srii luriu that the said lease specified n certaln standard of gas and that recently an eullnance lias been passed by the city p rmlttlng a change in thnt standard and that this chnnge has net been made with the approval of this commission The commission is usked te mnke Riich order lu the premises as may be necessary. The Public Hervice e. law In ArticV I provides " 'That no property owned by the commonwealth of Pennsjlvanla or mu nicipality thereof, at the date when this act becomes efTeitlve, shall be subject ald," replied the chancellor, "I would te the commission or te nn of the terms l like te hear .luiwe hltcs pronunela prenunela pronunela ef this ait, except us elsewhere pre-'tinn of Reger Illged, who was one of vlilcd herein.' " 'the signers of Magna Charta." Chancellor Walker called Mr. Lane's attention te another version of the pro nunciation, as though the name were spelled "Dadame." Justice Swayze said he thought both the chancellor and Mr. Lane were wrong, and that the name should he pronounced as though spelled "Dahdam," the accent en the 'Mam " "Well," said the chancellor, "Judge White, who wrote the opinion, pro pre pro neunies the name 'Dadame.' ". "That's beciusc Judge White is a Quukcr and doesn't like te swear," re plied Justice Swayze. in view of what .insure Hwnvze has Midway, seme miles from Danville, bv Guy Lampkln, a farmhand, according te advices received last night. Most of this has been identified as loot taken from the bank at Halifax, Housten, robbed by cracksmen eight weeks age. At the bank of Halifax It was said that no such sum had been taken, from that bank which lends te the belief that plunder from ether robbed Institutions was deposited In the corn shock, which had been standing for nearly three months, Solemon H. Marshall Dies at 91 Lafayette, Ind., Nev. 30. Solemon II. Marshall, father of Henry W. Mar shall, publisher of the Lafayette Jour nal Courier and former speaker of the Indiana Heuse of Representatives, is dead at his home at Montmercnci, weet of here, at the of ninety-one jenrs. avvenute una scttlmana or sone, rap presentava une del prlml nassl nel "Hide these old scratches en your furniture ! What with furniture tkIues e mneli hlcher than they lined te be, you iheuld tnke noed eara of your own valued pieces. "Theenlx Vernlnh Stain" covers all Hi old scratrhes and mars. Use l'HOKNIX and you'll sc a brilliant nurfiwe replace the old blem ished (nee. And It'll leek M soed as newt P10E Paint and Varfnsh Ce. At All Progressive Dealers Manufacturers 124 Market St, Philadelphia The Philadelphia Art Galleries S. E. Cor. lSlh and Chestnut Sl., Phil. REED H. WALMER, Auctioneer A Very Important Public Sale WII-I TAKK FLACK TODAY, AND ' FOLLOWING AFTEKNOONS AT 3 O'CLOCK. AIITIBTIC AND VALUADLR PHOPEIITV Belonging te Mr. L. K. Passmore Formerly contained in his home, 281G Queen Lane, Germantown Works of Art, Bronzes and Porcelains Te Be Sold by Order of Mrs. B. C. Tilghmnn, 2212 St. James Place ALSO BY OIU115K 01' KXKCUTRIV MAGNIFICENT AND COSTLY AUTOINTMENTS Belonging te the Estate of the Late J. dc F. Junkin, Ksq. AND FOIl OTHEI1 ACCOUNTS INCLUDING Baby Grand Piane (Mahogany Case) IVEIIB AND POND TICTOIl VICTBOLA AND HECOIIDB EDISON X-IIONOOItAFn WITH DIAMOND DING IIECOIIDH Oriental Rugs and Dilk Carpets High-Case Hall Clocks, Mantle Statuary Diamonds and Jewelry BUSBIAN HAnLE HCAnr, IIUDHON AND ALAHKA NEAT, DOLMANS AND COATS 3ll.tK, KOLINSKI AND OTIIEK FINE PUIlS Madeira Table and Bed Linens DINING-ROOM SUITES IN MAHOGANY AND FRENCH WALNUT OVERSTUFFED VELOUR AND TAPESTRY LIVINO-ROOM AND LIBRARY FURNITURE Chinese and Japanese Art Objects IMPORTANT IVORY CARVINGS, CLOISONNES. BRONZES , AND PORCELAINS Antique Chippendale Sideboard, Needle-Point, High-Back Chairs Mezzotints, Engravings, Porcelains ROYAL VIENNA, SERREA. CROWN DRESDEN, ROYAL WOROESTER8 AND DOULTONS, LOWESTOFT AND OTHERS tas Quest! uraen Asked About e Browning. King & Company WB (oekuvgachuve Se much Interest has been aroused by this wonderful Cook ing Machine that for general in formation we have compiled some of the questions usually asked, and their correct answers. Q. It it necenary te preheat feed) before placing them in the eren? A. Ne. Thii i jutt the point in which the Acorn Cooking Machine i u u perier te the "tireless cooker." Feeds enn be put cold into the cold even nnd they will cook better than if pre heated by the troublesome method of the "firelest cooker." Q. But surtly pittry cannot b put Inte cold even? A. Pastry ' the one exception. In this case the even needs a slight pre-heatlng. Or else pastry can be cooked in the even after it has been heated by the cooking of ether feeds, Q. Is It possible te bell and roast nt the same time? A. Yes. The even is se made and ven tilated, and Its heat-retaining qualities are se unusual, that It will roast meat and boil vegetables or ether feeds at the same time, Q. Dut suppose a piece of meat requires one hour of direct-flame and two hours of retained heat) will net this time be tee len for, say, string beans and puddlnr, and will It net be necessary te remove (hem before the roast? A. Ne. Remember, the even starts cold and the gas has te bum for some time be fore a cooking-temperature Is reached, Ac cording te definite scientific laws the string beans and the pudding cannot start te cook until the roast also starts te cook. The gas shuts off after a short time of direct cooking, and before the string beans and pudding could possibly overcook. Frem then en, the slew, rven heat re talned In the even Is net intense enough te overcook even the most delicate feeds Yet it Is het enough te complete the cook ing of the roast. Yeu are invited te come in and personally ask any ques tions about this new automatic method of cooking. Rathbone Sard & Ce. Suits and Overcoats Reduced Mens Suits Noweii Exhibition 1342 Arch St. HaDD EST. 1830 Send for Booklet "The Range That Almest Thinks" $60 te $48 $55 te $U $50 te $40 $45 te $36 $40 te $82 $85 te $28 Yeung Mens Suits (16 te 20 Years) Overcoats and Ulsters Reduced in Like Manner $50 te $4Q $45 te $86 $35 te $28 $30 te $24 All Browning, King Clethes "Meney Back" te Back Them Browning, King & Ce. 1524-1526 Chestnut St. Payment Plan FOR TUB Humphrey Radiant fire GAS HEATER Full Line of Gas Ranges en Payment Plans WM.AKERS,JR.CO. 26 N. 10th Street Have Yeu Tried the St. James $1 Luncheon We think it quite out of the ordinary, but we'd like your opinion at first hand. Dancing at Dinner and Supper te the most compelling muic that ever tickled the ear or feet! Dab ney's Syncopated Orchestra from Zicgfeld's Frolic. Clje Bt 3 ante ?etcI Walnut nt 13th Street J. Heward Slocum, Mgr. A very beautiful room en our second fleer man bc engaged for Banquets or Private Dances. A Heme! What a Satisfaction. flt'a Your Own! Philadelphia Real Estate Beard In thi Mning-nm pitturti ft, tiejJcer iAr-nttreng'i Linerum harmentrji in tthr vAth thi dtnrativt ithnt Hi i V" ,','! $ ..;,'i'. ,'; ..u t ll'l I1' ' ' . ., 1 1 : m , j . t j s.i .hatUiubwf.lO ,!! ) 'ii I 1'"! '' ! Loek for he CIRCLE 'A' tnuhnarh en iht burlap back Hew te Select Floers "0J naturally want floors in your home that leek well, last long, and can be easily cared for. These are virtues of Armstrong's Linoleum Floers. The rich colors in Armstrong's plain lineleums, two tone Jaspes, parquetry effects, and inlaid patterns give you a ide range from which te select. Yeu can pick the pat tern that will harmonize perfectly with your rugs and ether furnishings. If you prefer the less expensive printed linoleum, you will find Armstrong's Printed Linoleum beautiful and durable worth the few cents a yard additional you may be asked te pay for it. Have your linoleum laid as a permanent fleer. A most satisfactory way is te cement the linoleum down ever a layer of builders' felt paper. Such floors need little care. Ask any geed merchant te tell you mere about this modern, ideal flooring. All Armstrong's Linoleum is guaranteed te give entire satisfaction. Identify it by the Circle A trademark stamped en the burlap back. Armstrong Cerk Company, Linoleum Department Lancaster, Pemuyfeanuz Armstrongs Linoleum for Every Fleer in the Heuse ,i- 'i a A n di 5 w im ' a vif "a f ivl V-.?Sb l n I? vl ' (I p mu 'leiinitwi w; jS 7 'ppy f j 'i-i u .,, ct & .(ly tm'(m).,(l, ,f,.;d, .i.. ywiAisW3M.'a '-'' - 1Vf rrS'jr" - jnjiaIkiSaivJ. ra-. . zl.,mWi. gBMHMMgMJH ajAL i V 'I i