TflitfEftHER Cleudy fdnffirftf Tueeday unsettled and warmer will! ptebnbly rain; strong nertlicnst nnd taut winds. TIOII'KWATimB AT KACIt THjn I in it ivj.i 1 1 a i rarme i' ;m :ih inn i:m i , -VOL. VII-t-NO. 66 Len Taken as Suppesed Fugi- tlves, "Al" Smith and "Jack," Given Freedom PAIR UNDER SURVEILLANCE MAY BE WANTED GUNMEN "Beets" Puts en Sheie for Jail Companions jVler Treadway nnd Slarle Pbll- .1... Wltllnlim.lless. etc.. "norferm- wl" for the City Hull ccllroem Inst night. He was playing Kolitnlre In 'the lc"t cell In Hip room, known g, tlie "soft-bed cell." Shu was ringing "Smile Awhile." A prisoner in tlie fourth, row Routed -.-"Helle. 'Heets.' " . Tlie girl didn't answer, but Trend -wfly sheuted: "Whnt?" "We don't want te talk tti en," the ether prisoner nnswered. "Hew long hnve you been In this outfit, anyivny?" Treadway teughed. A moment later liu jumped from the bed and grabbed the bars of the cell. "Sar, kid. wbnt nbeut n little walk tonight?" lie yelled. ".Iut right," the girl answered.. Well, get your things en; I'll be right ever." He laughed like n stage comedian. The prisoner in the feurtli row burst out ngnln : "Heets, sing for us." The girl sang "I'm Forever lllewing Hubbies." The "audience" npplaudeil. j. xftiri) nrrcsis hum1 uccii muni in MfiVst Virginia and Ohie in effeits te atch tlie men wanted for the murder ( Ilrtiry T. I'eirte, wlie was found 'lain a week age at -01)7 Market street, Detective Ileanley, of the murder squad. sent te Wheeling W. Va., te irr.inge fir the return of IVire e's stolen lutonehilc. in, which the murderer wenped. reported today that these ur- UTis nil linn proven unavailing. The riiilndelpliia detective lias been alleil iiniui tn Identify most of the men .wild by the pe'ice 'if Ohie anil West Virginia. In most enses the suspects lid net at ill rcsunble "Al Smith or '.hull. ' the latter believed te be a .mil linnit'il Herse. In the few ivlirn tin re seemed te be u oerrespnn- Jtme bet win the peliie description mil t!ic men nrresteil. the snstiects were iblc le fiiiiiish complete alibis. . One lend which the local detectives ar si ill iiiemise.s well is beim: run out In Detective Mulgrcw. Twe men inre miller stirwilliinee In Wellsville. 0,, tint far from Wheeling, W. Va., ne ei whom Is sum closely te resemble 'Jack." 11l....ti,n tlnUli..,.' Iinn.l nf !, H. tsi.i.,ii, ........n,,,, , ,,111,1 ,ii I,,,- min er kinutd. is hoping the suspect may turn out te be'tlie man for whom the Wlfp of iinlf the country are looking. Ilclsliavv says "Jack s real name is low Definite word should be received ivltluu a short time, as Detective Mul- ;rew, one of the local detectives who irresteil nnd lrnuj!it home Trcnilwnv mil Mnrln lMillltns. tlie nthpr nrisnners. i r. ."!... .: . ---- Ik hack again in Ulne nnu teiiay will see nnil niiestliin the Misnect at Wellsville. which is but a short distance from IWIiielmg. W. Va. Mnvnr fV It. ItiL'nni. nf Wellsville. said out tlie long-distance telephone lint lie was expecting .Mulgrew al any moment. Twe Watched Closet' 'Tin co men cniue te Wellsville." 'said tlie major, "and we thought it tterth while keeping an eye en them. One of the three inter left town. The ethers are still here and are under con cen fctnnt htit'i' (Inn Kcetns te answer the tjescriptien of one of the missing men sent out bV the l'hiladel- puin police." The susneets hnve been nllestihned by the police, the major said, but net concerning tlie Peine case because the authorities did net wish them te take fright. Detective Mulgmw will hnve the oppertunitj te examine, them thor ough!. nd if be considers It advisa ble, they will be arrested. "Tip" I'rees I'Vnitless Testerdnv tlie nrillee liml n "het till" from tlie police of Welch, W. Va., which led them te believe for a time tlmt the fugitives had been nrresttd. l'he sin riff of the town, which is a fining village, wired that lie had ar rt'Mtd an '"Al" Smith and a Jehn Say Say held, who answeied the description of the fugitives. Detective Heanley, who hnd been sem In ikImiiice tn WlioelliiL' wnn nrdereil bv telegrapli te hurry en te Welch. uetectlve ileanley went te Welch, but the ni'Knncru tirnvpd tn hii ininiM'S hlt worn nhln t fiirnUli n enninli.te alibi. Dl'tccilvpm MnliM-iiw mill 1 Iefliilir nre jxpri'tcij t Iwi vv WIictHui: (ouuiriew in I'clrtf'M rnr. All llllii iHwtrxl litfnli In tlinfi- ttltllle eaiue today, when (VT5. Hitter, pro prietor of the Kiireka (iiirnge. in Wheeling, where the car was stored by Tremlway and hh companions, obtained a writ nf iittiii-liinent fni It. Tin. L'ar- A age pmprieter learned that the I.u I.u Centlnunl nn TiiKe Tun, Ciiluinii I'mir FARES ROB CHAUFFEUR Driver Asks Pay for , Ride, Then Gives Up Own Cash After riding for nearly two hours in the tnxleali of Dusela Iteynelds, four men held up and robbed Iteynelds early yesterday morning when be demanded fares for the ride. Iteynelds, who lives at Twentieth and federal streets, picked up the men at Seventeenth and Lembard streets, Thej left the cab at Twentieth iiml Moere Streets, M. hii!I. nnd when demand was 'iue ler me cost of the trip two drew revolvers while the ethers took $S fiem nun. As a result of n description given bj (jtejnelds the police arrested Jehn Pat lerftfin ,.r ui. n. i t... ,i --".., .,, niAii i-iiiii mill i-i-iii'illl ' fttrnnlu, i..i i ,, ., ti i --.v.,r,, .Muni nnu i,iHrtfi, net iiiiuen. Ivseiii seuind ami Heed stieets, and ilieimiH Iligglus, of Twenty -bccenil and ij'wjten streets. Kach was held In ltMXI ball for a further hearing by Blstrate Dougherty. j i 30 SUMS ! jS?? THEN LIBERATE ALL fegr w, """( HOUR a j j i fTi T Knterert ... Hecen.l.:ir v,nltcr , lh(, unacr tun Art of Mnfch 1 tA7e MAHION II. INDKKSTKIN Nelrd unniitn tennis star, whose I',;l1',l,,l,i'1 ' 'l It. ilessup, ef Mlniliigln, has Just been an. neiinred ABANDONED YACHT FOUND; FATE OF CREW A MYSTERY Vessel Tied te Buev Off Benue Inlet en North' Carolina Coast The jiielil Kiideaverer, said te liave been bound from this citj te S.naniiiili, was found tied te n buej off Hogue Inlet en the North Carolina coast, jes teidaj, iKcerdiiig te a icpert fiem Newbern, N, C, A small beat, supposed te have eon een taini"! the new, was found eerturned some distance from the jaclit. ,Tlie Maritinm Ilxchuiige here lias no information concerning tlie ownership of tlie vessel. It is net listed in tin liiatitime legisti r ami there -is no record of it clearing tliis pint. Neither the Philadelphia Yacht Clul nor the Corinthian Yacht Club teiilu threw an. light en tlie cssel. OIliciaK et both clubs Mild they had ncer heard of it. JAMES AND SCHUCK PLEAD "Net Guilty" Is Entered by Attor neys Confer en Possible Charges Itauuiind W. Sclim I; ti ml Frank J. James teduj pleaded net guilty te the charge of murdering David S. Paul. Camden bank, messenger, whose bedj was found October ." buried in tlie pine weeds nenr Tabei nacle. N. J. The pleas of net guilty were entered in tlie Camden Criminal Ceuit before Justice Frank S. Kuti nlnicli and Judge Kates, Fer half an hour, Jehn Ilur lis, counsel for James, nnd ltussell ('arrow, Si buck's atternej, conferred with County Piosecuter Wolverton and the judges concerning nun vult pin pin (cedings. Hetli atteniejs also entered pleas te have tlie prisoners tiled sepal atelj. The court announced the case would be con tinued at Id o'clock next Wcdiiesdaj morning, when a decision will be rcachnj en tlie neu vult ple,l and th" plea for separate trials. CALLS STYLES IMMODEST Weman Says 1920 Fashions De pleted en Billboard Would Have Shocked Pilgrims "If the Pilgrim Fathers had seen a billboard en Plj mouth Heck picturing the stjles their several great-granddaughters were te wear in 111-0, tlie would probably have bei n tee shocked te make a safe landing," declared Mrs. Julia Willets Williams, at the "New Century Clul) this morning, in giving n lesiMne of the week's news befeie Miss Jam Campbell's class in tiirrciit CU'llts. "The extreme limit of immodesty In clothes seems te haw been reached," continued Mrs. Williams, "and it is time te call a halt and reconstruct our eur sdves en the principles of our fore fathers." Het'erence wits ab'e ninth and distip distip ptewil expressed of Secretary of War P.akei's ictusal te full in with the plan te have tlie remains of an unknown Ameriian soldier brought home te be hntieied as Omit Hritiilu and France have dei e. Mrs. .Williams pronounced this action "tlie greatest slight that could haw been 'put upon our bejs." POLICE VETERAN A SUICIDE Retired Patrel Sergeant Ends Life With Gas Fermer Pntiel Sergeant Winlield Scott' l.iiwience, who, after foil, -four joins' service with the Police Hureau, ietlred Inst October, was found dead in a little blacksmith shop in Hoxberough at S o'clock this morning. In his mouth was a tube attached te an open gas jet. Police of tlie Thir teenth District, te which lie was for merly attached, say he committed sui cide nnd had planned tn de se when he left bis home, KM Hermitage street, before daylight this morning. Ne reason is known for tlie act. His one-lime associates bcliew the inactiv ity following Ids retirement iiiav have caused him te become melanchelj. William Stewart and Frank Oaidner, residents of the section near the Cor coran blacksmith shop, nt f.everingten and Main streets, found the body of I.awience this morning. Police, in the faint hope that iistiscitatien methods might be effective, sent him te the Me Me eorial Hospital, where phjslcians said he had been dead mere than an hour. MILK AND BREAD TO DROP Leaf te -Be One Cent Cheaper. Quarts Will Fall Twe Cents First of tin December gifts te lioiise lieiise .. i,..s nut fiem husbands will be (he ,,,i f i lit per leaf in Hie price of bread. That is w,i,w In retell if the delherj limn Imp - the house en December 1 ahead of the milkman, for n twe-cents-per-iiiait ml in (he pi i f milk Is effect I vi the same dale. Decision t ml 1" end prices was feimallj reached at a cenfeieine be tween ii'piiscntatiws of (lie linking in terests and Frank II. .Mi ('lain, luir-pi-ice commissioner, held here. Cuts ill ccitain elher feed pnnlucls net.llil. lice .Hid sewrill ether staples milj be expci'led b) lieiisewiws during December. Ex-Kalserln Reported Better llnnlll. Ill llllll. M'V. -.'. in .. P i Tlie fiini.i r Herman 'iinuess. An ' istn i'lnlia. win'- hiss i , heart attack took u tuiii I'm (he wius icstenhi. . was icpeilcil heller bj tier physicians this morning. The ex -empress, it was bald, hud paused a geed night. uenm$ 1 0,lnm., . ,,,,,,..,. OUTSIDE JOBS HELD BY SOME 'WORKERS' IN MUNICIPAL COURT Everting Public Ledger Finds Judge Brown's Aides ' Busy Selling Ice and Milk and Plumbing During Hours of "Official Duty" ONE MAN DENIES HE IS UPON THE PAYROLL, ALTHOUGH OFFICIALLY LISTED FOR SALARY With Hie Hiiican of Municipal Uo Ue sen rib investigating the Municipal Court and the demands of that court '.'cfnre Council in its conslderntleii of the budget. (he Kvr.NINe I'l'IIMO I'l'Di-KIt herewith nresents the result of ni Investigation it has made of reports that numerous men en the ceuit's pay roll devote much of their time te out side paid pursuits. Of interest in this connection Is the report, just issued, of I.euis N. Hobill son. chief probation ellicer, who, de fending or explaining the number of eiuplejcs in his department, insists Hint ids report shows "the necessity of n large mid capable stun" of" probation of ef of ei is, stenographers and clerks. Mas Time te He Iceman The Kvcnine IjKIKimi's in vestigation involved the work of weeks. The results follew: C'lmiles W. Armstrong, SIS North Hlnggeld street, Hepublican committee man in tlie sixteenth division of the Fifteenth wind, appears en the Muni cipal Ceuit payroll as a probation of ficer al .$11201) a eur. Armstrong Iiiif been dc!iwiiii' ic dail in the waul, perseimllv .(hopping and handing eitt the chunks te his assistant.!. , Armstrong was seen delivering ice fiem a wagon en Itraiiiljwiiu street near Sixteenth, and en Seventeenth street nelir Spring finrdeii, nt neon, October .". When an effort was made te buy id .it lii home he winl out the rear de.ii while a woman answered the front iloei nt I'p. m.. October 1. Neighbors stated that tin bought ice from him. He luii. beiu driving ,i wngen painted dark gieen. labeled 'Sterling Ice," with the inline P. J. McOenigle. and nil nddtc-s in tin' !I0(1 Meck mi Susquehanna ave nue. l.nte' a reporter called at Arm strong's home. He was met at the deer by Mrs. Ariustieng. who said she ex pected her husband home in an hour. It was then almost HI a. in. Mrs. Arm strong said her husband was busy the whole ilnj sidling in. "De ou knew that Mr. Armstreni, dinws X1UOH a jcar as a probation olli elli cer," Mrs. Armstrong was asked? Owns Troublesome Aute "Yes. lie has some political job. but I can't giw j en the exact nature of It. Ills automobile broke down the ether day and we arc having enough hard luck te keep our nilnds busy with ether things. I would rather he gitw ou what information you want." "With this tlie reporter took up the route of Arnistieng's ice delivery. The wagon was dlsceveicd en Hamilton street near F.ightecnth. The reporter lollevvcd the wngen for mere thnii twenty minutes, and when the man cln pping the ice went up an alley the reporter uppmaclicil one of the helpers and asked for Aunstreng. "He'll be out of the allej in a min ute." the lepertcr was told. Presently a man answering the lie lie sciiptien of Aimstieng emerged with ice ptengs in his hand and was asked hew it was be delivered ice during tlie hours lie wits supposed te be in leurl. After hesitating tin man said : "Thi is net my wagon. I am mil Ainislreng. I just hind the wagon. Mv automo bile broke down the oilier da." "Aien't ou Mr. Aiinstiiing, the ceiiimittecuian of the sixteenth di vision'.'" lie was asked. "Ne. I'm net. Am 1. loe7" Jee, a helper en the wagon, came ewr and said, "Ne; ou are net Armstrong." Tile ether helper showed amusement. And Here Is u Milkman Jeseph I'nlgiin. a former Democrat. lieW a Hepublican. holding a janitor s appointment at SHIOO u 'nr. has been ilist i Uniting milk from his home. ..I.) North eighteenth street. A photo pheto phote giapher snapped him at l-:l" p. ' October (I. while In was standing in the iloerwilv of his dair beneath his home, iust after lie had sold u betlle of milk In a woman and her child. Colgan, seeing tin photographer, said: "I don't care, go ahead, go ahead!" Colgan was nbscrwd sitting in n chair in front of his place of business from 1 p. in. te -I p. in. en September 'Js lll'JO. Neighbors. su that lie has served them milk for years. Colgan Inter admitted I'eiiiIiictliiB the milk store, where lie ami bread an also sold, but denied i nut h ewr worked in tlie store during court Imiii's, which he sins me fiem ! te neon and fiem I te I P. m. ,, "I told mv horse and wagon a little ever a war age and I just de this store liu'sln-ss mi the side," lie said. "M wife mid I would starve if we luiil te depend oil III) ."fl'-'IKI oil It sill ur. An. hew. it is iieb.nlj's business what 1 d'i i befeii or after mj legulnr working benis. "Yeu ma) net believe it, but I rarely .niss n fla.s in coin' 1 I must be then ut II o'clock te open up the court, and lam nlwajs there during winking benis." Cii'lgnu was Interrupted h n jnung man who handed him sin Iiange made in sales uf lee te several ililhlieii in the nclghborheoil. all of wluiiu llf-t nppieiiehed the Janitor-milkman for serviie. , , , ,, ., , "(lei her some ice, Jehn. ( iilgan ordered, explaining that Jehn was a nephew of bis seu-ill-lilv. (iel "Vacation" te Tend .Stoic Wlie inns jour milk business when miii are at wet'k." he was n-keilV "Yeu see. we don't de such a rushing business," he answeied. "Itut jour store anil dull' an net shut down when uni an away." "Mv wife tends te the store, it you tn lift knew." "Hut I was just told that y our wife leieull) leturnul from a six-week va cation. Who then tended te (lie store?" "Don't )eii think I ever get u vaca tion from tli iiirt? If people winked i 1 tl") would be uni down In un time. I helped te tend tlie store when my wife was away. "I work in the court almost every day, and If you don't believe It Just 'ji",j . . -v. w , u PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1920 drop around and see." Tlie reporter failed te Hnd Colgan about his pro pre scribed duties in the court at U o'clock that afternoon. Official Jeb n ".Jeke'' Jehn YV. IVrliin. Tvventv -lirst. divi sien Hepubllciiu eeiuinltlccinnii of the Fifteenth ward, who is sixty-live years e'd. is listed en the payroll of the Mu nicipal Ceuit as "stenographer" al .?li(H) it year. Pcchln lives at 1!)".() Wallace street, the assessor's list giving Ills oicupntleii us "belting business," although lit) re tired from It some time nire. He is sniil te have been connected with the II. (!. Pcchin Heltlug Ce.. of Frankford. His son-in -law new eeiitliiels the busines'-. "What can I de for you." Pcchin asked u reporter who called en him .it ." o'clock in tlie afternoon. "Tell some of jour duties ns a. sten ographer In the Municipal Court." "That is the best joke I heanl in years. Kxcuse me while I laugh. Tint Is very mltthful." "Can Jim t) pew rite?'' "Yes, I can, but 1 am no expert." "Where did you learn te use the typewriter and take shorthand dicta tion?" "Never nt nil. I just use one hand, but I don't mnke a business ()f It." "Hew long would it take you te type this?" Pcchin was asked, as he was shown that familiar beginner's line, "New is the time for nil geed men te come te the it ill of their party." "About fifteen minutes," he calcu lated. "I don't sec nur point. I'm net a typewriter. I de a let of neces sury work and work which requires some effort. I am an investigator." "Hut jeii are listed as n stenog rapher." "I don't knew anything about tliat. I can only tell Jim what I de, and 1 have alrcadj told Jen I am an investi gator." lias Prominent FWeiuls "What de jeti Investigate?" "Yeu can't understand me thing. Yeu knew Clinten lingers Woodruff used te live in this beuse and many a chat we liml together. Anether prom inent man bv the name of " "What de )ou Investigate, Mr. Pcchin?" "This vcr) day." I'ecliin said. "I was looking for n Negro wlie wouldn't support his wife. 1 had te investigate his whole blsterj and I may catch him ami haw him arrested for iionsup iiensup iionsup pert." "What else de jeii de?" ."I'm an investigator and aii)bedy knows what an investigator does. See von are an investigator new. Hut you are net a stenographer, eh?" "lu the assessors' list )ou have given jour occupation as 'belting business,' iiml net investigator." tin division coin cein niittri'inaii was reminded. "Who said se?" Pcchin .asked. "Well, that is ipicer. I was in tin belting business, but that was thirteen yuirs age ami I went bankrupt." Dully Is n "Fireman" Jehn J. DulTy. 10IS Pearl street, who has been helping in Magistrate Cur acy's ellh e. Is en Judge Hrevvn's pin - I oil as a "lirem.iu," at Sl"(l() a .war. DulTy was seen assisting the magis trate at hearings at odd North Sixteenth stieet al " p. m. September 'J!l. Iden t ideation was furnished by Carnej's calling. "Ilrlng in Duff), he'll knew about this cum," followed b) Duff.v's appearance from a rear room. When a repeitcr went te tin magis trate's office he wils met at tlie deer b) a man who asked, "Aie jeii from the In i,.vimi Priii. ir I.iiinirii?" When the reporter said lie was, he was told that Duff) was net around nor had he been for the last few (hi)s. Denies He (Jets Court Pay William II. ItaiTctt. Il'l'l North Kighteenth street, listed us a clerk in the .Municipal Ceuit ut Si '()( a war, litis been conducting sjiecial Investiga tions for the charge department of a Mm kit street store, vvheie he is Km Km pleje Ne. .'Ms:. On October 1 Hurt ft t was checked as repelling at the iteie at S:7i a. ni. He left for Citj Hall at 1(1 o'clock te con tinue his duties as a store einpleje ut tin iccerder of deeds' office. October I. at 11 a. m., he was seen ut the recorder of deeiN' ellice. Hariclt is known among liis neighbors as being engaged in inves tigating. When Hariett was seen by a reporter he made this charge : "They arc padding the pa.vrell and lire using mj naiiie te help them. I was effeied the job as a clerk at Sl'JOll n jcar, but I turned it down. That llieue would never satisfy me." When Hariett was told his name was en the court pa) roll, he said: "That is nil wrong. If in) naiiie is en tin pav -.(ill -nine one ele is drawing tlie money. I am net getting it. 1 give inj entile ellnit- te the stoic whiill cui cui lilejs ine." Piuhatieii Ollicer Plumber ,1. Wnltir Mcrictt. of '-'WJ Aspen stieet. sceiis te have In en better known as a plumber in (lie Fifteenth ward t nun a piobatieu ellieei of the Munici pal Omul, when he diaws .sipJOII n jcar salarj . September -II, Sterrelt's home was watched for his itppeaiance from 7 a. m. tn '.' '"0 a in. He did mil leave for the Municipal Court where, as pro bation ellicer, lie should have reported at ' a. lit. Steirctt is a rcgistcieil plumber, his sign snjs, and he lives in the home ward of Judge Hrewn. A icperter rang the bell shortly after II ::ill a. in. and was met bj Mrs. Stcr l ft t. Mr. Sterrctt, she said, was very biisj, but was expistcil in u short while. The reporter was shown in. Fifteen minutes later Steriett i nine In, wearing work trousers ami a khaki shirt rolled up te the elbows, The purpose of the reporter's visit was explained (e him. Sterrctt smiled and said: "It is cillj te say I am net nlwajs en the job, I am a probation ellicer ami nothing iNe. M.v clothes new ma be misleading, but mi see 1 was ntlcnding te a per sonal job." "Have you given up a job as n fentlniiiil en 1'inte I'lflifn, Column One lltC LEAGUE COUNCIL DRAFT Nonmandatery Powers Given Majority of Places en Commission STATES CARVED FROM OLD RUSSIA DENIED ADMISSION fly tlie Associated Press Oenevii, Nev. 20. Tlie council of the League of Nations today approved the final draft of the project of the per manent mandates commission, definitely accepting the tentative proposal te have the commission comprise five 'nonman 'nenman 'nonman daeory and four mandater' powers. It was decided that all the members be chosen by the council. The permanent cemniissin, it Is fore cast, will probably meet once a year at Oinevn and review the administration of the mnndate-hnldlng countries, Detailed , rules for the commission nIe were ratified. Tlie council did net consider "today the proposed Invita tion te the ('nited States for Its par ticipation in the discussion ever dis armament. New States Harrljl Tlie committee en the admission of new members Anally agreed today that it is impossible te admit new the new states carved out of old Russian terri tory. The theory of the committee is that these states will eventually form part of n new Ilussian confederation, cntlrvly changing their present status. I'lii' committee will recommend, how ever, that while these states are net ad mitted te full membership, their dele gates shall be allowed te sit in the as seiubly In a consulting rapacity with out the right te vote. Among the Important (pie-tlnns which will come before the assembly this week is the question of ndniittlng Austria nnd Hulgnria te the League of Na tions. Despite tin strong imposition of Serbia. Ittunanla and (i recce te the granting of membership te Hulgnria at this time, a Inrge maierlty of tlie delegates seem in favor of taking that step. There is virtually no opposition In the case of Austria. Discussion of the detachment of troops the member nations will send Inte Lithuania, as well as the organi zation of n medical force te be dispatch ed te Vilna. were also te lie considered by the council today. In addition the council Intended te take up the guar antees extended racial and religious minorities in Juge-Slavia and Czecho slovakia. Polish Repert K.igcrly Awaited Delegates te the meeting of the as sembly arc awaiting witli keenest in tucst the probable discussion tomorrow of a motion premised by fieerge Nlcell Hnriies, of firent Hritniu, regarding the conflict between Poland and Hussla. It is reported Mr. Humes mnv attempt te put the league in a position of de fending its Inactivity in thin war., but there is n disposition en (he pint of the delegates net te permit the subject te reach any decisive issue. ' Fer the last two dajs European del egates have been dividing their attention between the sessions of I be assembly here ami the meeting of Premiers I.levd (corgi anil'I.ej gees in Louden. The decision of France n ml F.nghind tegit ril ing CJ recce un the Near Hast is awaited with much (encein. Many delegates continue te disi iiss the probability of (recce losing its plaie en tlie council of the league if Constantine returns te the throne. Vesl of the delegates have the Jt pri'ssiuu that the lir-t icply of Jvf's lilent Wilsen te tin ceuiicl's note rela tive te Armenia will be perfunelnrj , net committing tin I 'nited Stntes in anv way nor delinitelv I ejecting the offer. Mr. Wilsen's answer is cxpei ted te arrive within the next few dajs. LET TURK TREATY REVISE ITSELF, LEYGUES' ADVICE Greece Would Lese Territory Gained If Allies Withdrew Support Paris, Nev. 'J!!. (Hy A. P. i Te let the Turkish ticnlv revise itself if the Allies cannot ngiee upon its revision is the ellicial French plan that Premier I.cjgucs will piesciit te Pieuiicr Llojd Llejd Llojd (ie'eige, of limit Hritain, ami Count Sfer.a, tin Italian fiucigu minister, whom M. Li gees returns te Londen to morrow for tlie resumption of the con ferences between these representatives of the three powers with regard te the I ! reck and ether pressing situations, it was indicated in eflicial quarters to te dav . Ilv letting the treaty revise itself the li fin h foreign ellh e iiieaus, it was ex plained, that if French and HritMi support is withdrawn fiem (inecc tlie Tuiks cnu icgiiin much of the tcrriterv taken from them by the treaty, al though the Allies we'llld make sure of letainlng their held upon the straits of the Dardanelles and tin Tuikish finances. Of the five big powers which signed the peace treaty ( Hritain, Finnic. Ilalj, Helgiuni and Japan Ihtee must ratify tlie pint te make it effective. Attention was called by the lerelgii ellice te tin fact that none of these has us jet ratified the treat), and Hint it appeared unlikely that any (line of them would de se new. lier was there expectation that Turkey herself would licit ratification in the present (ircuinstauics, READING STRIKERS LOSE Men Return te Werk en Terms Of fTrcd by Company Heading, I'.i..' Nev. '.".. The six months' strike of .tlie ,1000 eniple.ves of tin Heading Iren Ce. in this city and ut Its mills in ether cast Pennsyl vania points was ended today bj the men siirri'iiileiing In the cempaii) 's terms and icturniiig te work. Piesldent Themas, of the Iren com cem pn.vii, agreed te reinstate all without discrimination provided they would re port for work by Tuesilaj, mid a nia nia jeritj did se today. Mr Themas in sisted that h'.Mll emplnjes who tool; the places of strikers should net be iis I in lied but said places would be found elsewhere for Milkers whose former jobs wcie taken. The men dei Ided te go back te wink at this time in elder te thaw n pay In fore ChiKtuuis. The mil I it point nt issue was thu cenipauv's puddling price of $1U,'Jj u ten, which is new nccepted. APPROVES OF MANDATE PLAN "iH Hie tjet Published Dally Hxcrpt Sunday. Cepyrluht. 1H20, hy STORMS PREDICTED ON GREAT LAKES CHICAGO, Nev. 20. Storm warnings -were ordered heIeZed ever the lake Superior, Lake Michigan, and Lake Huren us trlct at 10 a. m. by the weather bureau. A northeast gale wlli Bweep Lake Superior tonight, and a southeast gale svill meve ever Lakes Michigan and Huren, it was anneuncc3. Tlie galci will be accompanied by snow and rain. ' J PRESIDENT RECEIVES LATIN-AMERICAN MINISTERS WASHINGTON, Nev. 20. Three Latin-American ministers Who recently arrived in the United States te assume their uutic. were recelvd, today by President Wilsen. The three dij. jin. " Emilia Joubert, minister from San Demingrf; Dr. Julie .Sia "" minister from Guatemala, and Dr. Octavle BeccTTe, minister fiem 1 I. l sWOBue UMcaj were tictumpumcu e iuc wiuic nouse 07 un.... Secretary Davis of the State Department. PRAY FOR MAYOR, Hep es Moero Will Have Same Mind as Sprout en Sunday Observance Laws OTHERS GIVE SUPPORT "Let us pray for Mayer Moere that he may come te hnve the same splendid attitude tewnrd Sunday observance ns that of finverner Spretll," Tlie Itev. Frank Wnrner, pastor of Sit. Calvary Presb) terian Church, cutled in this manner un attack en the Mc'nv's utniiri mi the enforcement of Sunday laws nt the weekly meeting f Prcbvterlnn ministers in Westminster Hall in the Wltherspoen Huilding to day. "I have no respect fur anv minister of the gespn, be he Presbyterian. Sletli ndlst. Lutheran or Kplscepal. who sanc tions an open Sunday." snid the Hev. Werner, taking a slap at ministers who recent h came te tlie defense of Mayer Sloere's interpretation of the Sunday laws. , "I hope te (!ed Slaver Meer emny imbibe enough of the Puritan spirit." he nld. "te ma ke him courteous enough te listen te such n body of ministers as ,.. refused te see two weeks age en fbis mblect of Sund.iv observance. "I was born anil bred in Philadelphia and have never seen eiich discourtesy ns the SIl.vei' showed our committee, ap pointed te treat with him." Support Sabbatarians A ii'solutieu was then adopted pro viding for tin appointment of a com mittee which would draw up a platform showing definitely the stand the Piesby. tcrians take 011 tlie Sunday laws. The ministers were unanimous in tlieir support of the ntltudc of the Phil adelphia Sabbath' Association. I'lefcxMir Charles It. Krdmnn. of Pritieoen Scmiiitm. said: "America could stand a b'citth of 1'uritnnisni swiciing through its structure." He said this, breath of Puritanism would have a salutary effect en Ameri can women, (heir dies, ami their use of eignitttcs and cesiucMcs. Professer Hi'dnum intimated that lucre was some danger et tyinnny here' if deportation of iielitlcal mil! uls were cetit inueil. 1 lb coin, Hired the immigrants of tmlav 'with tlie Puritans' lauding. Me, vuid I that stierage facilit'es en steamships I hud been engaged for a .war In ndvance by ininiigiaiits trem (iermanv and Italy, and said that they should be made as familiar with the word of Ced a weie the I'liiitaiis when tin) landed. S:i)s .Mil) or Is Kiglil Slav or .Moere I (rent ivitli rlti, ,. is riuht in refusin te cniiimittc" of Pie'sbv- teliim.. till elitiiii..iii.iit nf tli., Sliimln, laws here, aceeidiii'j (e the ItuW Arthur C. Italdwin, pastor of tin Chestnut Street Piiiptist Church. In a set meii 011 liu Pilgiim Tercen tenary yesterday morning the Itev. Sir. Haldwiii declared the Sabbathiirians bail misinterpreted tile spit it of the Pilgrim fathcis concerning Sunday ob servance, and said tlieir "attack upon the Sla.ver" was a mistake "Times have changed," be said, "since the enrlv laws were made. Their literal ciifei'i cmeiit is impossible, "HcligiiHis eliserv tunes should net be enforced by laws. If vve Christians 1 nil de (Ids we should net ileuv that the Jews mnv de it with Saturday, or Slo Sle liiiiumeduns. if then were eneu;h of thrill, witli Fridiiv . Tlmt would be per secution for soinebed ." TO PROBE ALL CABLE DEALS Senate Committee te Investigate Whole Question of Landings Washington, Nev. '".i il'.v A P. 1 The whole question of cable landings in the Fiiiicd States, including the present 1 ontievei-sj between tils' Western Flileli Telegraph Ce. and the , ite Depart ment. Is te he investigated liv a Senate committee, it was aiiiieiiuceil teduv bv Senater Ixelbig. Republican, Sliuneseta. Senater Kellogg snid the iuquirv would be held in connection with his pending hill proposing tn itnpewer the State Depaitiiienl te legulate cable con neitieiis in (liis iiiuntrv. He added that he alread) had icqiiesteil New comb Carlten, piesident of the Western I'nleii, and ether cable 1 empniiies te have icpivseututives at the homing. State Iiep.iilmeut officers also will be iiiviied te attend. A mill t for the hearings bus been mad" hi the department. Senater Kel logg iiisi.b.scd. nnd it is 1 xpis ted that theie will be a complete airing of tlie refusal of the Stale Department te per mit the Western Fiiieu te land nt Sliiimi. Fla., a cable from HitrbadiH which would connect there with n Itritisli cable line te the cast coast of Seuth America, ANTI-SOVIET FORCE BEATEN Troops of Gen. Balakevltch Driven Inte Marsh Near Mezyr Oindiri. Nev. '".. (Hy A. p.)The Russian Soviet forces operating against (ieneral Riilukoviteh, at the head of anti-Helshevik foices which remitned in the held after the Russe-Polish nrml stlce. have pushed tlie remnants of the Halakevltcli troops into the marsh ills, trbl te the 1101 tli west of Mezvr. it wns announced in Suudn.v's official state ment from Sloscevv, received today. Tlie pursuit of the retreating iusur geuts is continuing, INTER RE "MJ -JWH Sutucrlptlnn Prlce ID n Year by Mall, I'ubllc ledger Company. 'The Crank," Entering Eastern Penitentiary, Says Coughlin Baby Lives WARDEN HAS KINDLY WORD August!) Pasqunle. still protesting that Hlnkely Coughlin is nllve, has begun his life term ns Ne. C.'.l." in the F.nstern Penitentiary. "The Crank's" last words te Sheriff Ja"ob Hamilton, wlie deliv ered him te Warden Slclventy yesterday, were, "Tlie baby is net dead. I can not tell J oil about it new. Hut when I nm In there and have plenty of time I will write it nil out nnd then you can go nnd get him." Sheriff Hamilton is still firm in his belief tlmt "Tin Crank" Is telling the tin truth. The sheriff admitted this morning that he has a plan In mind for recovering the baby, but that lie will de untiling until he receives from ('.".'le the piemlsed manuscript. "Tin Crank's" tcccptien nt tlie peni tentiary was brief and formal. Warden Slclxenty spoke n few words te the pris oner nnd left details te subordinates. "SVe don't care in here who nil wen outside nor whnt you did." lie snid. "We enl) knew that this is te be your home for some time anil )ou can make it any kind of a home jeu will. It depends en you. Don't forget that (ied hclp.s these who help them selves. It's up te you from new en." "Vcs. sir." said Pasqimle meekly. "I won't give nny trouble." There nre thirty-cue ether "lifers" new in tlie l.nstcrn Penitentiary, and Pasuuaie's stay will net differ in any essential respects from that of the ethers, provided he conducts himself j properly. Fer the first ten days lie will be under the core of tlie prison medical authori ties and tl" 11 he will ciiiiie directly1 under tlie guards. 1 "I don't knew oxuetl) what seit of '. . ' " PASUALE BEGINS UFE PRISON m confinement Pasqunle will hnve or just ,1'romier ,lej,l fieerge. between mem what he will be given te de," said 1 l,,.rs of the government and the heads of Warden Slclxenty this morning. "We .the pelic ganizatinns. treat ,-,.... every man here as. an individual 111(1 that applies te Pllsiinille. A let lie ds en him. "He. will exercise with ether prisoners and have a ihancc te lead books and magazines, but 110 newspapers. "Pasqunle is a verj worn out man and he-.jHfei t want much te de for some time, v'lti'r he gets out of the ilnetei'sj hands he will be treated about like tlie 1 ether life prisoners." Waller Tees, (loerkct'ViT of the pen- itentiai). -ins l'asqu.ile seemed "a little neiveiis" when he walked in at I I I 1 c 01 k .vi'steidity meuiing. , Hill, then, they u 11 de." Tees lldlle SNOW IN GERMANTOWN Forecast for Tonight Is Cleudy.1 Probably Warmer Tomorrow A snow flurry was observed and recorded in (ieruiuutew n at 1":'I0 te- 1 day. The wi ether fm coast is aune'inccil as I cloudy for tonight, with tomennw un sitthd nnd piiibubly wanner and still 1 mere prnbabl) lain. Streng east and northeast winds me te be cxplcted. j FATHER KILLS SOLDIER SON I Quarrel Over Little Meney Veteran Sent Heme, Police Charge Sii-anten. Pa.. Nev. L'!i illi A P.l In u quainl last nicht Mb had Keselv7.11. lift v -five wars old. stabbed te dentil bis son. Sliebnel, twenty-nine wars enl. 'I lie son was ewrstiis in Ceiunni f,, Sixteenth liifautrv. Fifth Division, and the fntli'T. according te pelne. iiuiirieleil with him bei ailse lie hm mil sent mere mom ) home while m the arm) . THREE HELD FOR MURDER New Evidence Against Peach King's Widow, Her Sen and Sister V.ueil, (ill.. Nev '!).- Illy A P I - Dtlii'bils of the solj.iter general's of. lice tmlav said Ihev wcie investigating charges made by Frederb k Crandall, in pin w of l'lcd D Sbi'p.ird, known as the (ieergia "Peach King," that Cran ilall had been poisoned liv drinking whlsk.v found in the iiiitomebile in which Shepard was brought te a hos pital hen, where he died last June The authorities charge tlmt Shepard died as the result of poison internally administered and thev have arrested Sirs, F. 12. Fluier, n former wife of the dead man, her son, (ieerge Hepsen and her sister, Sirs, lone llcnr.v, in con nection witli tin case. The charge against them is murder. Craiidiill in bis statement, according te Solicitor (ieneral (iarrett, said that after he arrjved here with his uncle be felt the need of a drink and took one from a half-tilled bottle found in tin machine He said he was ill for live days but did net knew when the whis ky enme from or wb" jriit it in the automobile. Dr. SI. S. ltiewn, who attended Criiudall, sard in a statement that at the time he did net believe Crandull hud been polseucd, but later hud changed his mind., NIGHT PRICE TWO CENTS L L- Sinn Feiners Blamed for De-" structien of Cotten Ware houses and Sheeting - Vi, PREMIER IN CONFERENCE;' ' COMMONS GALLERY SHUT Cameras Crank Merrily . as "Meb" Storms Whitehall Londen, Nev. 20. (Hy A. P.) Whnt nt first might hnve been mls tnkeii for n genuine move upon the government buildings in Whitehall wns made this morning, when n small crowd attempted te pass the barriers recently erected bv the police nt the entrances te Downing street nnd King Charles street. Tlie crowd, however, was made up of about ICO supernumeraries sent by n tnevfng picture company for photographic purposes only. The "mob" whose attempt nt the bnrrlcadc wns a mild one. wns dis persed by the police, the camera men meantime cranking vigorously. Hy tlie Associated Press Londen, Nev, 20. Half n dozen men who were preparing te set fire te n large lumber yard in the district of Finsbury, en important section of this city, less than n mile north of Londen brldgn, were surprised by n policeman Snturdny ' night. This- attempt was nlmest coin cident with the breaking out of inecn- diary fires in Liverpool. The policemen challenged n loiterer, who immediately attacked the officer nnd sbeuted for help. Five men, with reve'vers, answered his cnll, emerging lrem "eKiml some empty wngens nnd rusning the policeman, who was com pelled te liberate Ihe mnn he had seen. All the men escaped. Searching behind the wagons, the po liceman found cotton waste soaked with Kl'selhip hnd been pushed through a gateway of a lumber yard, and be also discovered two revolvers and 100 enrt lidges. One of the supposed Incendiar ies was Inter arrested. Itlanics Sinn I'clncrs for Fires Fdvvnrd Shortt. the home secretary, declared in the Heuse of Commens this afternoon, in eply te questions regard ing Saturday night's iucedniary deck lires in Liverpool, that there seemed no doubt tlmt the fires were the result of ail ergnuied conspiracy, in which members ()f the Sinn Fein party xvere aged. According te the latest In- formation, added the home secretary, thu situation in Liverpool wns well in hnnd. The latest Sinn Fein developments in Knglnm! were discussed nt an impor tant conference this afternoon nt 10 1 Himniri,. slreef llw, nffieinl riMrnei nf The cenfeiecs included the premier. Winsten Silencer Churchill, secretnrv j for win: Sn Hainnr (Ireenwoed. chief sccrcturj for Ireland: Speaker Lewther, r of the Heuse of Commens, and the 1 bends nf tin metropolitan police and I Scotland Ynul. Tin Commens Galleries Closed 1 losing of the public galleries' I of the Heuse of Commens followed this j met ting, and the n preacbes te thu heiie of pnilimncnt were guarded by ' "strn polne lts a piecnutien against pessiiiii. untoward incidents. Speaker Lew tiler stated in the Com Cem Com eons, in answer te ! question, that he had eidercd the galleries dosed as a icsiilt et information he had received fiem the chief 1 omniisslener today. Aineriinn "gunmen" are said te hnve 1 made their appearance in Londonderry ! Ireland, according te ndviees receivei hen tednj. Tlie presence of these mer cenaries in Dublin and ether' ish cities j lintprevieuslv been reported. The mil ! i n authorities of Londonderry anV I thking all precautions in thu event nt j attempted assassinations. The police of Liverpool, dispntrhei t from that iitv ' ,v , also believe Amori Ameri ' nn "giiiiiiKii" .nive Invaded Liverpool, The police claim te have established, ceini.'i t mi between Sinn Fein head quarters and numerous strangers who are idling about tin streets in groups; nf two or thus and having the appear 1111, .' of desperadoes. I Fifteen Fires in Liverpool ; Fifte, n warehouses jn Liverpool and, j the suburb of Roetle, principally cot I ten w alehouses, were set en lire Snt ' util.iv night Twe of the cotton ware I houses jn Liverpool were burned out. It was stated in police quartets thern was sfniig evidence the tiles were th(J I work of Sinn Feiners. I Soen sheeting occurred after the out , bunk of the flames. Constables nn the scene wen- fired at and bullets passed jtlneugh the clothing of some of them, but none was Injilied. I iv men were placed under arrest at Licet peel in connection with the in ecfidiarv outbreak Tl jeiiths, watihing the suspi cious movements of two men nt the cot ton warehouse in Parliament street, warned the police, who diallcnged tin suspects. Thereupon thej belted anil tired upon the police, who pursued them. The policemen were unhurt. buB a bullet pierced tin- heart et a youth, Daniel Ward, who was among tliesa who bud warned thu police, and be fell dead. CREW OF SWAN RESCUED Mine Sweeper Gees Aground Irl Storm Off Massachusetts Coast Duxbiiry, .Mass,, Nev "J'i 1 Rv A, P.) The mine sweeper Swan, fumeu'I as a wartime figure for its part in luy ing the North Sea mine luinage, was 11 wieek 011 the liiirnet Sand Spit tnduy with her crew safe ashore as a result of the life-saving exploits of Captain Jack; (iljnn and his (iiiruet coast guard crew. After the wan was driven en te tlm shoals In a utrtheast gale late yesterday, the guards of the (liirnet station brought the flftv-six men aboard te safety through mountainous seas, seimi of them) nlmest drowned by thu storm -drWeu waters. The rescue work was accom plished by breeches buoy utid surf beat ONDON FIREBUGS F LEO A FLAMES SWEEP LIVERP a 1 " -1 m -' M t 4,- V iA 1 I '41 tf.. frJjV'12' . rs'. ,.t.itVVi , fL, t.i &m mwntn i . sH-h-wJ fVv j.--A v.tiSasii3ae'.w' rrmmaimr:fsm LVJLLiLLLMl va JMMSiftj.1' JE1 r j.y,n's. i,fliVitf''krV-f -J . r, xJlI I - '