craa IV. ? r Mtv" j v . s rAm7mRKmL ' " ' ' W L B I ft :tfv FS f't'W rw lV" Mi ft f for E Hi! K' ir I :' i S ICUtlinfl ttbltC WzfelOfct PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1920 ' f iimii iwtajtcK vMtfi ,;fcMiiwK7 jfBffpM i! ti V ff:f 1 Hi ti ft HI' t NEW YORK'S VENETIAN BALL. The event, held nt the Kitz-Carlten, was nn clnb- . IDENTIFICATION MARKS. A New Yerk insti- jmv .--.. - . . .. ..... -- -. ----... '...u., .v w. vtiv ii-m mu fciiv. ivi-vui ivuti, no itt UHU- - ivumii . , V a AiHMl nt new home. The statue, which lias been en Gity Hall plaza for fifteen years, was elntc n"air- Ik was in aid of America's tribute te Itnly. At the left is Mrs. Preston tutc for deaf and dumb children is marking the fcTi V ' uy ine r airmeunt rarK commission at its permanent resting place in Fairmount Park. uiosen. miss juaitn smitn is nt tlic right, name et The ev. Reger S. Ferbes, minister of the Unitnr ian Church of Gcrmantewn, is making an address. I. i - r J" te s International. of the institute en the child's back with indelible ink. It will be useful in the event of the child being lest. Wide World fhote. ARRIVED ON THE OLYMPIC. Miss Leonera Hughes, the well-known Londen dancer nnd partner of the fameui "Maurice," is In New Yerk. AVide World I'hote. n iimn.r; POLICE GUARDING UNION CLUB. The photograph was taken Thursday in front of the clubhouse ut trtn avenue and Fifty-first street, New Yerk, a few minutes after the crowd coming from a memorial mass for lerence MacSwmey made an attack en the clnb because n British flag was displayed. American and Sinn Fein flags are being carried by the crowd. ruder ej & i ndervoed v TO RUSSIA. Seme of the Russian missionaries who left the mission al 1820 Spring Garden street yes in the fathciland. The group at the left is part of the Russian gospel band that gees with the party. right is shown William Fetler, who is in charge of the Christian pilgrimage. Miss Demitrux is a mi terday te spread the In the etching at the missionary. Ledger Fhote Hervlce. XWa$f'& lfMS,iM0MWPrWWh ,& ''sMV; JUST GETTING HER TO MOVE ON. The GOING bfe Nv Yerk police are forcing one of the gospel itfliVZ: g yO-Z.& r pfflkaraJ ' '-' , women members of the crowd that attacked SSfflrjTOSSH& the attack. rn,icre.i n mdi jE? sticskI vjb?' ; wiaBk aJwas - j . wp KHBIBBr M1? f - .. , ,. M.Wrrffrrw- Iki illHI i nilMi W I : 23 laatKWiSlwag . .ftCu;i4 iS TWO WAYS OF GOING THROUGH COLLEGE. The old way is, represented by B. B. Pace en the horse, while the new way of bluffing it a, -shown lv Shat tuck and Thayer in their "bull" make-up, with Gorden Carrigan as the stu dent. This was part of the alumni celebration at Pcnn vesterday. r M Clark. DR. LEON LEGRAIN, curator, discu.sscs the Nippur tablets in an in terview en the editorial page. Ledger I'hote Ken i "FARMERS" AT PENN'S ALUMNI CELEBRATION. II. L. Allman took the part of the much-abused husband, while II. B. Cehen did the broom swinging as "Mrs. Farmer." C. JI. Clark. CARRYING OUT THE LIQUOR. This federal prohibition agent is one of a dozen that laided the saloon of J. Gallagher at 1218 Race stieet yesterday. l.i dice I'hote .Sirvin;. HOMELESS FAMILY OF IRELAND. This scene shows three women of Granard, County Longford, Ireland, following the night that their home was Durneu by a raiding party. Uri'lcrwoeil i, Underwood I OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO i'R ' '.?'r 7 SAGE CASINGS. L. Geibel, -1810 Olive .street, is epeiuting the machine that stuffs fl P XV t' fuusae nn our at tle Wilsen-Martin Ce. plant, Thirty-sixth street and Grays Ferry MUf SSt$5fr. fcJr Thete Servlc. THE BEAUTY CORNER I If ... mt "1 1 e,.., . I : : r. n . . JBtmk, IVri-lUKI, lNHNhL5 . JJffl. ,5 1 .'... . ,..rfMHMWl IM ill . ' iJHKVHitTm MISS DORIS STEVENS, executive member of the National Weman's party, leaving New Yerk te persuade European women te attend the suffrage convention te be held in Washington next February. 5S Wlde 'VVoriairheto. l ' - ..'J?.'A irMwtins v - ---- -',, ri -rim mi 'n ij-i' '"r-! dfrn UTA'ITriMPn AT lumin or,,,.,,.,. . PENN SQUARir for hveh. yT H AVBS? iTkWi,SRAL SItt . W1LrLI M fZlFL f,2l1C7 AUr street, wher?his wi'e Ne,?hfcNi.CnTn& .' ,ft? iMa-t...i viu Miwi uvu. jvrenz went Inte the no co ! ...iriir".; ihuwm, Hent liftcen years age. When there Is tlmn hn . i "' . "eauquarters in Uer- gmLu,i Point? n. SftAi "'Diw'frwaHa -um auuie porvice. liels in Wnshiti;ten. ' MISS NAN PARSONS C115 Glrnrd Avonue Philadelphia I'hote by CleL tiludla, mMm. V fYdl'M"- liiiiiftin '- isfei EV,.