E''""' ",'(Js lf''". '-V "tr r7? V XH wrwmi Ti' iTOTBfr.BY malTr-ITTW'I tlLUjJmrvl'iuaSali j '-Atom IV'JO f"---v,'.W 3 ' ' " . V i '1 I j-r 1 ',- J T . ljB(i- ' ' -f' ! EVENING1 PUBLIC LEDGER PHIL ATDELPHIA", FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2G, 1920 e LEGION 10 PLAN CHRISTMAS CHEER pest Commanders te Meet at City Hall en Hospital Program pOR VETERAN PATIENTS Commnn.lern of the scyei.ty-slx imsls ttif American I.rlen in Philadelphia f. ' . , II.. .1 .. tt .nnifn..ini. ill tilt lure dp1"' "viifti ..... .v. ...-., tlen room, City 1In.ll, licxtTtios licxtTties ilny cvenliiB nt 8 o'clock, wlicn the plans for providing n hap py Christmas for nil World Wor veterans In loenl liesnitals will be considered. This conference wns cnlled te enlist Ihf artlve ItitjTPst of nil pests In tills undcrtnklnu. 'J'lie pests in the lin- ,.. ..Inttiltv nf ii llnutiltnl .fill In. railed upon te tnkc rare of nil the do de tails of the Christmas program of the fitg'ien. with respect te the men In that hospital. 111. am llin TMillnriplnhlll rntinfv ..nm. mlttcc meets in the Chamber of Com merce assembly room, Wldcner Hulld- ij ..n-f Mnnrlnv nvenlllr' thr rnturf of the field day committee, headed by fleergc C,. Htrnnnhnn, will he received. Xbla will be the finnl session of this ...litiMi Tf wilt tin Mitppnnilnil In ii . ....tntritl IVIIIpll will lin fupmml rJOlV 111 ini"i" "! " ..... w. .W....V.I, at a meeting scheduled for December Ul. t ,f. Iiavlns hen dormant for n year, j (onnelly l'est Xe. 1)4, enrolling mem- hers irlnclpal y from t n.li-tlvti, war I, has Leen revived. William I'. Tin Jv former draft heard chairman, has nn iimmcccl that it stnml of (nrs will be presented te the pest parly In Decern. Der. Pem meetliig, nrp schcdnled for i i ! Wi,nR.',1' 11 l,,c Arm' n"(1 Navy ( lull. .S10 Seuth Twentieth street. I'rlnee.lVhes l'est 7, at Its stated meeting in Nevein her. iiln,i S.-.11 f- .1. lUipliasp nf cigarettes, cnmly, etc., t he distributed te the dOO wounded scrv ice men In the hospital ut Twenty fourth mi, ((, j.Vrry ren(, J Thrunksg v nc Dnv. Tin. -in., ' given out by the pst yesterday. . , ii ,0 B.ecnmI T"f-liiy In December, tlie Mth. the pest' will conduct n dance In conjunction with the woman's nux-1 llliiry of the pest, nt the Kingscsing Uccreatlen Center, Fiftieth and Chester avenue. The pest basketball tenm has been ergnnbed for the season, and has ar ranged n schedule. Tlmy have nlrendy met nnd defended the Fiftieth Club by u score of W) te 18. U. S. Flag Guards Prague Vienna, Nev. 2(1. In nn effort te protect Jewish emigrants ngnlnst at tacks by antl-Hcmltlc llehemlan crowds, the American consul at Prague has per' mittcd the American flag te be raised ever the building of. the Jewish com munity of that city, according te re ports received here. Dependable Clocks The American cleckmakcrs liavc made great strides in the past few years and today their products compare favorably with the'finest imported clocks. Our collection is large, includ ing the best styles of the fol lowing well-advertised makes: Chelsea Seth Themas Waltham Herschcdc S. Kind & Sens, me chestnut st. DIAMOND MKIICIIANTS JEWELEItS SILVERSMITHS 'J,, i? fJke hristmas Stere ff FOR three generations the gift from Darlington's has been doubly appreciated because our name is synonymous with worthy merchandise. We have a pleasant place in which te shop cheerful, well lighted, spacious; empleyes ready and able te serve you well. Recent changes have given us better op portunities than ever before for improved display in certain wares. A New Tey and Juvenile Gift Section Has Been .Opened en the Second Fleer Larger and mere varied stocks of this character will be available than we have had in the past. ARLINGTON'S sell only FINE 5ttP Gloves. Season after season hundreds of these who give Gloves, select them here. A list of such customers would be a veritabh BlueBoek of Philadelphia's most dis criminating and best-known people. We handle Men's, Women's and Chil dren's Gleve3 in fabric, wool and the various leathers. The best grades of Trefeusse Gloves, these made te spe cial order of the finest skins and super ior workmanship are sold by us exclusively in this city. These are stamped C9 meaning client Ne. 9, which ie our mark at the Trefeusse factory in France. 'Dr'HE list of Novelties is almost end &l less baskets, glassware, leather goods, pictures, candlesticks, jewelry, fans one cannot name them all. Seme of these things can be dup licated as s6ld out, but ethers cannot, se the early "gift buyer will get best selection. jff N Handkerchiefs, many a larger J) store would be glad te de as much business. The completeness of the stock and the wide range of prices make Handkerchief buying at 1 1 26 1 1 28 Chestnut Street very satisfac tory. Fer some time we have been booking several hundred dollars' worth daily of Handkerchiefs te be embroidered. Our facilities for doing this are unexcelled, but we shall seen be compelled te refuse further orders for delivery before December 25th. ILK Hosiery is another line in which we rank high because the Stockings we sell have proven se uniformly geed. There is plenty of "bargain" Hosiery these days, but none tee much of the better grades. Sweaters, Scarfs, Umbrellas can also be chosen te the best advantage here. NECKWEAR, Linens, Sewing Novelties, Lingerie, t" Negligees, Infants' Goods, Furs, Blouses, Fur niture are all well worthy of detailed mention but space forbids. The purpose of this announcement is te direct attention in a general way te the fact that a great part of yeuxv Christmas shopping can be most comfortably, satisfactorily and economically done at Darlington's, and that tomorrow will be a. geed time te start. On request we shall be glad te pub purchases for the remainder of this month en the December bill, payable in January. New charge accounts can be arranged for by responsible people through our Credit Department. J crx1 INC. C&&M) ey.LMm( S SK. S . v VJ--2-V J!26I28 'Zd4nut tiJept. W JL. I? 101O1& 6? ,! ... l M i$lbf4bJ&. Announcements for Saturday, November 27 STRAWBRl DGE &-QOTH 1 ER S l e r e She pinny II e u r fro m !) A M. te 5:30P.M. N Wonder Feature of the Men's Clothing Sale! Winter Suits at Exactly Half Price! Plenty of Suits for Te-morrow Te-morrow will be the sece tieji of Men's and Yeung Men's hi famous regular manufacturers, a P.RICES AT WHICH WE SOLD SON. All day the Men's Clothing remarkable activity. However, we start with this morning and there lectien for men who could net get morrow, nd day of the wonderful distribu- gh-class Winter Suits, from our t EXACTLY ONE-HALF THE THEM EARLIER THIS SEA- Stere has presented a scene of had almost 2000 Suits en hand te fore can premise satisfactory se- here te-day but intend te de se te- , jiii ,w- 1 Suits that were $45 New $22. 50 Suits that were $50 New $25.00 Suits that were $60 New $30.00 Suits that were $65 New $32.50 Suits that were $70-New $35.00 Suits that were $75 New $37.50 Suits that were $80 New $40.00 Suits that were $90 New $45. 00 A splendid assortment of this season's models youthful and con servative styles of worsteds, cassimeres and cheviets, In medium and dark colorings. A practically complete range of sizes at each price. The most extraordinary Clothing news of the year! A purchase of nearly 1000 Suits at one-half the manufacturer's price, and almost an equal number from Our own steak at one-half the original prices ! Saturday a Great Overcoat Day Our entire stock of Overcoats is reduced including Fur-lined, Fur-cellar and Leather Overcoats. But here are four groups of EXTRA-SPECIAL VALUES Ulsters, Ulsterettes, Chesterfield and Ferm-fitting Overcoats : Men's $40.00 Overcoats New $23.50 $50 and $55 Overcoats Abw $33.50 . & $60 and $65 Overcoats New $39.00 $75 and $80 Overcoats Afeif; $54.00 ml $- Strawbridea & Clothier BeoenJ Fleer, Et These Are the Kind of Beeks Yeu Can Well Buy for Gifts Because they are the sort you would like te receive as gifts. Just read ever this list and see just what title will meet the taste of that "hard-to-cheese-for" man or wemnn. Arl nnd ttir (Irml W'fir, tly Al bert Eim'nne OnUutln, with 100 11 luitrHtleiiK I'rlce $l.r, 00. Miirvel- of tlie t'nlrerc. A nopu nepu lnr work In the marvels of tlie heawiiH, tlie earth, ptnnt llfe, nnl mal llfe nnd the nilRhty deep. 1C80 Illustrations and 64 colored plates; 2 volumes, cloth J12.00. Tlie Wnnilern nf I lin World. A popular nnd authentic account of the marveli) of nature and man sih they exist te-dny. With 28 colored plates and 97C reproductions In black and white. 2 volumes, cloth $12.00. The American Army In I'runee inn-101B. Frem pictures by J. V. IJoucher, elOclal painter te the French armies, with text by Cap tain David Gray, U. S. A., nnd an Introduction by Lieut. Colonel Theodere Roosevelt, U. S. A. I'rlce $12.00 , Wild Hpert- und Nut urn I Illitery of the IIlKhlnndt, by Charles St. Jehn ; 30 Illustrations In color and 20 ether Illustration- Price $12.00. The l.lttle Flew em of Halnt Fran, cl-. A translation of I. Florette Dl S. Francesco, by Themas Okey, with 30 drawing by Kugene Burn- and. I'rlce $16.00. Itnlinl.tnt nf Chniir Klm-rynm. II lustrattd In color by Frank Brane wyn. Prlee $0.00. Snm- llrlil-h !lnn(l. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham. Price $6.00. The Hnninnrr nf Kin Arthur nnd II Ik KnliclilH of the Unillld ThIiI-. Abridged from Mnlery's Jlorte dWrthur. Illustrated by Arthur Rackhnm. Price $13 B0. The Sntrlft Letter. Hy Nathaniel Hawthorne, Illustrated by Hugh Thomsen. Price. $10.00. The l'n-tlril WnrliH of Kilirnr Allnti I'ee. WJUi Illustrations by Kdmund Uulec. Prlee $5.00. A Man for the Attre. Uy trvInK Bacheller lartfe paper edition. Price $r..00. The Tl-nr In the Hiiiine. Tiy Carl Van Vechten. with 32 Illustrations from photograph and drawings. A most remplet" bei.k relating te the domestic cat. Prlce $7. B0. Seclnjr the I'nr Went. By Jehn T. Farls. Prlce js.oe. 5r-- Htrawbrldire & Clothier 8 tetid Fleer. Fllb-rt Street $1.50 Dainty Satin Boudoir Caps, $1.00 In lovely shades te match a woman's negligees. And each in a gift box new $1. Nainsoek Night Gowns $1.85 Trimmed with Ince and an embroidered initial enVhc yoke. In holiday boxes. l Envelope Chemise, $1.50 Well worth $2.00, each of this special let of 200 Nainsoek Che mise, daintily trimmed. One style with ribbon shoulder straps. SlrawbrMtr & rinthler Third Fleer. Went HandBags,Special And these are only three of the many remarkable geed val ues: Headed Baps new $26.75 Handsome floral and conven tional patterns en dark back grounds, beautifully mounted en frames in shell effect. Dainty colored lining. Werth ?32.00. Duvelyne Hand Bags, $5.50 In brown, with changeable silk lining. A smart paneled style, with gnlalith catch en the covered frame. An excellent value at 50.75 new $5.50. $4 te $6.75 Strap Beeks, $3 te $5 Various styles of vachette or morocco in gray or blue, lined with moire and made en strong ever-lapping frames. Men's $1.75 Cellar Bags S2.95 Stniwhrl.il.. & i'imh. r Alsl- N and ! Vntn- fee y1 Biith Robes $7.50 Value $8.75 Of soft warm blanket mate rial in rose, lav ender, pink-and-gray or Copen hagen blue, fig ured in chrys nnthemum de sign. Trimmed with wide satin ribbon as sketched. $7.50 Blanket Bath Robes new $5.95 "Women's Sat in - trimmed Robes, figured in light or dark effects. Hand-embroidered Jap anese Crepe Kimonos, $2.95 Third Fleer, Filbert Strt, West Men's Seft Hats at $3.95 Made te Sell at $8.00 We have taken these fine Seft Felt Hats directly from our reg ular seasonable stock and we have reduced the price te this low figure te hurry them away $3.95. $10 Velour Hats, new $5.95 $7.50 te $37.50 Fur Caps, new $5.75 te $29.75 And every ether Hat and Cap in our entire stock (Stetson makes excepted) at reduced prices. S-iunl Fleer, Market Street. Dint Men's$3-50te$5Shirts,$2-50 A Geed Selection for Te-morrow! We began the disposal of this let of Shirts this morning. There were 1500 Shirts en hand te start with, of which 1000 were worth $5.00. They are chiefly of imported woven madras, in excellent pattern.-.. - Sirawliriilice i. Clothier Kant Stere, niehth Street Remarkable Rug Values Te-morrow in the department of lower-priced Fleer Coverings. A limited number of Tapestry Brussels Hugs, all 9x9 feet a't $12.50. Ke.'e and Hlue Velvet Rugs, measuring Gx9 feet nev. S'JT.eO. Heavy seamless Axminster Rugs, plain colors, -l.lixli.fi feet $17.50. Rubber Doer Mats,,, ' ()5c. Rubber Stair Treads, 15x18 inches $1.35 dozen. Felt-ba.se Fleer Cevering -G0c a sqtuire yard. Tapestry llrussels Carpets 90c a yard. Pi urth !' ,r Ki hen 'r . W.'it Plaid Skirts Are Fashion's Favorite These Under Price $5.00, worth $7.50 A ,.c. eial imrchtir-n of Women's I'lnul Skirts, plaited sty'es in Mvai't effects. Alse a few plain Tai lored SkhU of fancv mixed leth.-. "'1 1.25. worth S16.50 PlaM Skirts., various. hamlMUne iat ti'ins, box-plaited - iili'-p'.'i.te'l. - ii I I- rilh l t Mr, i Boudoir Slippers of Japanese Silk, $1.15 Ever se dainty anil se icstful for tired feet. Quilted Silk Slip pers in pink, rose, light blue, Copenhagen ur navy b'ue, black or puiple, embroidered with lovely flowers. Pretty and prac tical for gifts,. I"r. ru-h Kilen. '1 1 lr, I,.,,i . ', i Gift Handkerchiefs Three for $1.00 Excellent Corsets $2.50 te $35.00 Corsets of these best-known makes in our Corset Stere: Our Exclusive Jemtlca French Cornels, S13J0 te $35.00. S. & C. Special, Xcme, Smart Set, lletllern, Warner Ilust-prenf, II'. ., La Rcsisla, Gossard Front Frent lace, lien Ten, Royal Worcester and A mericn n Lady. Prices from W.50 te $35.00. 'nt Corsets Reduced . e following fashionable models at great savings: S2.50 & $3.50 Corsets, $1.85 Odd lets of S. & C. Special and Warner Rust-proof models. With low or medium bust, long nr medium long hips. Misses' $2.50 Corsets, $2.00 S. & C. Special Corsets of pink ceutil. Semi-elastic top and long hips. $3.50 S. & C. Corsets $3.00 With elastic top and long hips. $1.50 te $2.50 Brassieres, new $1.25 te $2.00 'll.ii I K or. Mark.-t snn.-. f.t Fer Men I'ikU'. i amtiiic White Han, kerchiefs, with woven cord ber- I'eis in whue or colors and col ored hems. TI- -e in a gift box $1.00. , Fer Women l;'1".' Wh,f; Swiss Mull Handkerchiefs, with the new Aipine-emureiiiered corners in 1000 One-pound Bexes of li Q ChocelatesiOC Creams, hard centres, and nit tops, coated with rich chocolate delicious ami pure te .sell at the remarkably low pi ice of 18c a pound box. Salted Peanut 28c a pound Chocolate Peanut Clusters 18c a pound Always in demand our high-grade Asserted Choco lates. Deli-ieus $1.00 a pound. A complete line of Christ inas novelties en displuy. Kan-'in-nt . nni I'llhert Sir.'ei from All white or colors. Struwhri'lK" & rintlit. r-- nir uml .Mule ji'. Mirk, i-i.. n l Sir,, t $13 Presqu' T veire Toilet Sets, $11.50 Hair Urush. Comb uml Mirrnr of fine Presqu' Ivoire. One of the handsome edged patterns, line in - ain, ivory in tint. The three pieces $11.50. Sir.iwlir.iU 4 I'lethler -Aids 0. Ontre Strawbridge & Clothier lkRKKT SWEET E1GI ) STREEll VllJUttn''ViaST- '4 i "fir ,,! Uii&:i.Ai E23lyJjJ as is- jf , -wia? l ,, .t.;y?T'r - SESziasiamiSii' mmmkm, . .'; H -.