Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 26, 1920, Night Extra, Image 1

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H '
Cleudy unit somewlint Unsettled te
night and Saturday; net much change.
In tempcrattirej gentle northwest winds.
Ti:)iiKnATiiKi: at kacii netrit
T"H I I) 110 111 111! I 1
2 3 I 4 I C
) T41 141 142 4 44 1-1,1'
VOL. VII. NO. 64
police Cot Proof "Al" Smith
Fled After Peirce Was
Petectives Still Believe Man
Under Arrest Committed
or Planned Slaying.
Military Brushes and Necktie of
Victim Found in
Have Yeu Seen This Man,
Wanted in Peirce Murder?
He is known as "Al" Smith.
He l of medium height, nnd
writhe lf0 te 100 pounds.
Ills huir Is fair; his complexion
He Is rnther geed looking, nnd
dresses well.
A mnn who answers the description
tf "Al" Smith, the "phantom figure"
Jn the Peirce murder, tied preclpltntelvj
from lodgings nt Eighth nnd Spruce I
Streets, enrly Sunday morning, a fcw
hours after the crime. ;
Pn grent wns his hnte thnt he nlian-i
(Innrd most of his clothing. Se lnte nnd I "'"'" wheels brought the nllcgc.l
. , , , . . . ,. . ., , , ' murderers of Mum T.. I'eirce nearer
te quiet wns his last visit te the ledg- . iMiilndelphin prison doers. Mnrie Wil
ing house nnd his departure therefrem, i Hams (with many ether nllnses) clasped
that re one heard him. I
.,. e in.. ,-!., i r.. ,!
Hut Sunday memirg it wns found i
thnt his bag was gene.
The name of the mysterious "Al"
wns brought into the murder of Ilenrj
T. Peirce, the Fert Wnhingten resi-
dent, found slain Monday morning at ,
ii. nn-t,t t ennr -r....!,t u-
Ids apartment, nt 200, Market street.
p.v the pair the police supect of the
murder or n part in it, l'eter T. Trend- j
W and Marie Williams, the eighteen-
ypar-eiu gin, who neu wim xreaciway
In Pcircc'a stolen motorcar te Wheel-
,, , .1 -..,.- rt-.l ...l. M, , t
In;, W. Va., wlicre both were arrested
trn days age.
Until today the police believed "Al."
as well as "Jack," accused with him
liy the prisoners, wns n mere product of
Trendwny's Imngirifttien, invented by
him te mystify the police and free him
cf blame.
Pair Described Him Well
Trcadway and the girl both told a
eircumstuntiul story concerning this
"Al" Smith, who forced them, they
Bald, te tukc him te the lodging house
(it Eighth and Spruce streets in Peirce s
car. I
They described him graphically. They
ald he get a small bag at the lodging
house and hurried buck te the car.
A visit te the lodging house at Eighth
and Spruce streets by Detective Hean-
ley this morning revealed facts se start-i
ling thnt the detectives were compelled, i
though reluctant, te change their whole
. , , '
plnn of campaign.
Immediately they enlarged the scope
fit their investigation te include possi
bility thnt "Al" nnd "Jack." named
tdse by Trendwny, really were concerned
Li the crime, and net phantoms.
The whole, country will be combed fei
the two men, who nre believed te be In
Ohie new.
Detective Ilennley interviewed Mrs
f Chtist, proprietress of the lodging
house, S1C said thnt en Friday she had
rented n room te a young man whom
Khc described us about twenty-six
Je.irs old, of medium height, weighing
Jibeut 1-0 pounds, having light huir
tind n light florid complexion.
This description e.vnctlv fits- that
plven by the prisoners of "Al"' Smith.
The ledger, the woman said, paid a
Wick's beard in advance, and was given
a room. He took his bag upstairs and
l'ut his linen in the bureau druwers.
Sent Laundry Away
He hung n coat en a hook in the
closet. After he hed been there a few
hourshe came rather late Frldn
afternoon he enme te Mrs. Chust with!
big bundle of laundry and asked her
te send it out for- him te be washed.
She complied with this request.
The ledger gave her his mime, nnd
this she turned ever te tliu police, but
they have requested that it be net made
Public. The name is net "Al" Smith.
The ledger slept In his room Friday
night. He was away all day Salur
!. During the day Mrs. Chu?t looked
into his room te see If he was there.
s she hnd net heard him. There was
' sigu of him. She made the bed and
iMlul up the room. She saw that the
tenant's bug steed in the corner and
het his ether possessions were as he
'""I left them.
All Sntuiday night lie hud net come
!" Mrs, Chust mid ether members
"' her family were up until after mid
night. There wits no sign or jeunil
"' the new ledger. They went te bed
"Winced that Iiu was net coming In
"nt night.
Sunday everything was quiet in the
Kwm a it hud been the day before,
Wra. Chust again Vnt te the room te
Q?n'j!)' hw Twenrvj)jimn"ene '
Entered n, Sccend-Claa. Matter at th.
"""' ' ict or Ma
bbbHbbbbbbbbbbHbH awi $&JlJI$&'mmmmmm
abbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbw aWKi.i'lii fi Jwl,ya'aaB
JbbbbbbbbbbLbLbW maMmmtJLjtfnrmmmmm
HHbB mwllwWr&zt&mmmW
WfvmmmWWMKmmmmmmmX. ff)';feij!;1B
M BBBBBBBBHW,)) i, --, - . V&"W S
1 aHRT!!PMA iaa'vlll" ' " -
fs K Y ki, A mUibbVbB mbV rj ' ? , I s
8 bbbbbKV v'' 5,ylB FVV-V s"?, I !
fk H? IbbbD MVf" " H'KJ' Ji
bbbLbLbMbW T" taBK .bmIP-'v'bbbw 1
1 bbbbb'sMV VJbLbLH .bKC'bbbB
1 bbbbW VKL v - IbbbLbL. KCt! ' bbbbbH
bbbbbbbbbIbV ' ' 'bbbbbPbbbbIhbIbv11bbbbbbbbP
I B t" i ! ILHfJM'1bbbbbShKbVbbbbbV'
I hi
Te:iiiv IVter T. Trcadway and Marie' Williams are In C it) Hall, held in connection with the murder of Henry
T. 1'clrce, the nlanufacturcr!l, representative. Pclrce was murdered at 2007 Market street early Sunday morning
Pretty Murder Prisoner Keeps
Car in Uproar With Im
0 premptu Theatricals
While tired-eyed detectives thank -
fully realized that each turn of the
'" her hniuls about the liinnaclccl
right hand of her lever and gayly sang:
..T.nn.i M , M, i n.i .,f t;,
It was a nticcr group n dozen or
mere detectives nnd newsnaner men.
l'eter T. Treadwax and one pretty slip
of a L'hl. wlin bmirlif'fl. elintted nnd
anK as the train from Wheeling, W.
" "I'd into this city Inst night. The
m mac ner picture ami name, ceupieu
witll xlw Qf Tjen,,'w (al(le et ,,-
aliases) in connection with a hldcelis
crime, blazed forth en .front pages of
,"1. ..Kr.
V " ' " ." .
was jubt one thing that could cliase
tile sparkle from her eyes and make the
picuy ups lighten ler an insinnt. iiiat ,
was when she felt Trcadway was net '
Ln Ij nJ ,,,! l,f
being treated as ci
be or when he looked particularly
or wen led.
Gives Trcadway a Dellar
The lights twinkling nbeut William
Penn's feet could be seen when she
leaned from her chair anil kissed Tread -way
geed -by, at the same tlijie slipping
into Ids hand a dollar bill. It wns
half of the two dollars a Wheeling. W.
a., philanthropist had given tier te
buy her a Thanksgiving dinner. She
bad the turkey dinner in Pittsburgh at
M lISd theTI:
lar nnd offered te "llin" te sec if she
should keep the ether dollar or give it I
te him. hlie laughed, brought terth a
Dcmn . Iliniied. nnd wen
They wen t let us be together much
longer," whispered the man ever and
ever us the train came into llread Street
Station, and his long fingers closed
sharply ever hers. He had shaved and
brushed. His attractive blonde hair was
combed back in u pompadour. His blue
eyes were worried nnd his lips hud hnrd
work te smile.
Hut the gill just smiled nnd went en
humming. Her shoulders swiiyed with
the music nnd she winked suucily nt one
of the detectives.
Oh, by the way,"
he culled te him: "you're still my
munager, you knew. Net discharged or
Detective Helleves lien
Detective II. I). Hcnnlcy laughed.
"She's a marvel," he exclaimed. "She
hflsu't given up for a minute. All day
Oiintlnut-il en I'iikc Twe. Column One
Interment of Murdered Man Is at
Aidsley Cemetery
Hurry T. Peirce. the manufacturers'
agent, murdered last Sunday nt his of
fice, 'J0D7 Maiket street, was burled ut
'J e'i lock this afternoon from his late
home In Fert Washington Interment
was luaile In Ardsle Cemetery.
The sei vices, at the icipicst of the
family, were strh tly private. The fu
neral nildiess wns niude by the Itev.
Italph I.. May berry, pastor of the Mt
I'lcasant Baptist Church, of I.ansdule
Tlinse meseiit included only (lie iiicm
hers of the immediate family of the
ictiin, and Included his widow and five
ihi'diTii, his aged parents, nnd a brother-in-law
hnd xister-in-luw. Parker
ami Miss Mary Itenrse.
The body was laid out In a plain
black casket with 'antique silver handles.
A siher plate en the lid bore the name
Henry Themas Peirce. The date of
lis death was net isncrlbed, as the
undertaker was unceitain us te the ex-
icl tunc of bis murder.
Negro Hanged for Assault
Wilmington. Del.. Ne . 'Jtl tHy A.
P.) Ei nest Themas, Negro, twenty
wars of age, was hiingid at New Castle
county workhouse tins morning for
iriiuiunl ussanlt upon a white woman.
I, em Price, Negie, slayer of Policeman
Zebley, of Wilmington, will be exo exe
i uted ii' xt Fiiday morning.
Swedish Minister te U. S. Dies
Washington, Nev. I'll. H A. P.)
W. A F i:kem:ren. Swedish minis
ter te the I'nlted States, died at the
egatien line today after u brief illness.
He wus appointed minister in 101-,
after six enrs' service ns secretary nnd
counseller te tbe legation, during which
period ue mnrnvi wuivuw juck
bed, w le jwrylve. 1
young in years, yHHO-ceinpIctely verse(UjIpPn Stewart, who Jives across the
in werldliuess. The words "murder,' street
"trial." "prison" brought no lHckcr. Justice Stewart lenves five daughters,
of fear or sadness te her face. There, Mnry r. nnil Ai.nn W. Stewart' who
Postefflo. at Philadelphia. Pa.
re ii a, is7n
Timid Pedestrian Get
Ha-Ha Frem "Bandits"
detrinn wns nlmest lield up ns
lie wns returning home early this
morning, according te his wny of
looking at things.
He was walking nleng Fifty-fifth
street, north of Walnut, when a big
curtained automobile pulled slowly
up te the curb beside him. He
jumped buck, drew a revolver nnd
ordered Its occupants te "Keep en
going! Keep en going!"
The.silvcry laughter of two w omen
who were pulling up in front of
heir homes In company with their
husbands were the only salvoes fired
in return.
Fermer Independent Republican
Leader Hit While Cressing Street
t'hamlter.shurg, l'a., Nev. V.O. Jus
tice Jehn Stewart, of the Supreme
Court of Pennsylvania, wns struck' by.
n trolley car here last night nnd iu-
stnntly killed.
The nccident happs::! in front of
Justice Stcwnrt's residence. He was
returning home nfter n Thanksgiving
ilinner nt the home of his daughter, Dr,
lived with their father; Mrs. Charles
I' arher. of Seuth ( arelma : Janet
Qt...nrt n lihlindelnhiii newsnaner
....An.' .,",.. tt" . ' iV...."? P" .;
wr'-'-. nnd Dr. Helen Stewnrt. nnd a
penburg. Arrangements for the fun
eral will be announced today.
Bey, 8, Accidentally Sends Bullet
Through Neck of Child, 7
James Dl Mottee, seven years old,
11110 North Kecj-e street, was shot by
his eight-year-old brother Antheny, to
day, while the:' were playing cowboy cewboy cowbey
anil Indian th their father's re
volver. Mis. Catliailne Dl Mntlee. who is the
mother of seven children, ranging from
two te twelve years uf age. left them
in till- house while she went te the
store. James and Antheny went up
stairs and in a bureau drawer in the
front bedroom they found their father's
revolver. They then played cow buys,
.lames wns the Indian. The gun was
discharged accidentally by Antheny, the
bullet pu.ssiug thieilgb In- b'-etlier's
The be rnn down the stnlrs scream
ing, bleed tlnwin from his cars, An An
teony, rcali.iiv what he had done, col
lapsed. The oilier live t hildieu vierc tee
frightened te call for aid. ( tni of the
neighbors healing the wounded boy's
screams, summoned the police of the
licrmantewn und Lycoming avenues
station who took him te the Episcopal
Hospital, where he is In a serious con
Disagrees With Fermer Phlla.' Peet
Over Spending of Her Inheritance
Reunited with her biibles. but sep
arated from her husband, Mrs. Donald
Evans, wife of a poet who lived here
several years age. today told the real
steiy of a wrecked tomame which
ended in charges of neglect and cruelty
te her children being brought against
her in New Yerk.
Mis. Evuns wns i barged with hav
ing left her two children, one tluee
years old and the ether eight mouths,
alone in an apailment for many bouts.
An agent of the S. P. C. C. investi
gated, and Mis. Evans was taken
from her apartment, Jl'.i East Tenth
sticet. New Yerk, te Justice Heyt's
ceuit. After tellinic her story the
babies were returned te her custody
and she was permitted te ictiirn home.
"I came into an inheritance recent
ly," she said after the hearing. ' My
husband would net let me spend the
money as I wished, and us the icsiilt
of a marked disagreement we agienl
te sepai ate. I went out en Monday
of this week te buy many things I
wanted, including an automobile, with
which 1 planned te take the children
about. The report te the ciuelty of
tlccrs was 'made by busybedics who oc
cupy ether apaitments ii tin- same
house. It Is true that 1 was thought
less, but I did nut feel nny Jiarm could
come te my childien. 1 never hnd te
tely very much upon myself, se, pei -hups,
I did net develop u proper sense
or rcspeiisinimy
Mrs Evans WUS Miss Esther I'm-- 1
fna fipmnvlv n ., Ii'iiu.ah I ... ..1..I I
.v., "... .j .... ..(.ntvu, I u , Kill
Her husband worked iu this city prier
te going te New Yerk several years
age. v , 7
s Suva judeic of a ckiart
aedf rjr, B. Mahn'.i, Key Wilt "A
loreaa. 'tUel 3 or U-lBe 'rfu
QfftU Coreptt,
Opens Fire Only After He Was
Badly Beaten With Own
Club Arrests Four
. .V patrolman, seriously beaten by his
I nHIl nltrli iie.t,nlilv fnfnllt' utwit nmr nf
i four thugs who attacked him at 2::i(
e' clock this morning ut Seventeenth
street uml (Jlenwoed avenue.
The nutrelniun. Jehn Mann, of the
..... ........ ,.,......,. ,..,, I,. ....v ..... ...
Twenty-second street nnd Hunting Park
uenue station, did net tire
had been knocked down.
until heT
He fired three times anil nil three
hets hit Themas llreunnu. thirty-four
years old. of Twenty-second street nnd
Indiana uvemic.
Mann nnd Hreuiinn are both in the
Satiiaritan Hospital. Mann's sculp was
cjit. his body terribly bruised, and
he- silircrs,'frem .concussion of the brain,
Hrennan's condition is said te be critical.
Pntrelinnii Mnnn, although semi
conscious from blows ruined en his head
by one of the men who had seized the
patrolman's club, struggled te his feet
after he had fired three shots and held
the four men until aid arrived.
Three Arrested
The three men with Ilrennan. who
were urrested and taken te the Hunting
Park avemiit station, are Peter Joyce,
twenty -seven years old. of C.nrnet
street, near Diamond; Frank Dough
erty, thirty two years old. Mavlie'd
street near Hread, and Frank Merris,
thirty-four years old, of Lambert street
near Somerset street.
They were held under SlfiOO bail
each for a further hearing one week
from today .
According te the story Mitnu told
ether patrolmen, the four men were
acting in a disorderly munner at the
The patrolman ujipreui heil and told
them te slop their noise and go home.
Finally he anested Iliennnn and stint
ed for a box te summon a patrol.
Without warning one ) Urennau's
three comiiiuiieiis seized .Mann's club
from its ring, uud the ethers are said
te have sprung upon him. Munn was
taken completely by surprise
He trieil te ward' off the men's blows
nnd backed into a doorway.
The man who wielded thu patrolman's
club knocked his lull iilf and struck him
a direct blew en the top of the head.
.Summoned Patrel
As i in. patrelmun crumpled and fell
the four men are said te have close,
in en him, kicking him in the face iumI
stomach. He drew his rcwilicr iiml
I fired three shots at his assailants.
ime ei ine blieis strucK Ilrennan in
tin' left breast and the ether two hit
him in the legs.
Summoning all his strength, the pa
trolman get te his feet. Sight of their
wounded companion cowed the ether
tin oe men. Maun summoned a patrol.
Patrolman Mann's body was a mass
of bruises from the kicks and blows of
his assailants, lie fought fifteen min
utes uguiust unusual odds before draw
ing his revolver, police say.
ihe injured patielman was treated i
at the Samaritan Hospital and hitei
taken te his home, .ri.",rN niakemnre '
sticet, East (ierinantewn. i
"I'm sorry 1 had te sheet llreiiuau,
nnd I hope he will recover," suld Pa- '
trelmaii Mann today.
"I used my revolver enlv as n lust I
lesert. when llreiinun. felling me wiln
. . " -.--.
- --.,.,., i niiih 111 - 11 1111 1
mv club, came at me dec arng he would
1-iH lne, h I
Hred at IWnie-nt First i
"I list fir, ,1 1, pa eme,,, , '
scare . The!,", stt W 'Z"L !
leg and then tired a second shot at
bis left leg. Th" shots Infuriated Hi cu
min ami 1 believe he fully intended te
beat me te death. That's when 1 fired
After I hit aim. Ilrcnuau walked
around tin erner and sat down en a
perch. 1 tinned ever and get te my
feet, culling for a patrol.
"The trouble started when one of
the four men. acting disorderly, inn
lowly escaped being struck by an an
"Ilri'iiiiuu. who wns drunk, said le
me 'Did Mu see that you bi.mv i
pretended net te hear him. He called
1110 a bum again and 1 told -him te l'i
home. Then he lunged 11 blew ut me,
which 1 dodged. Still 1 tried le per
suade him te go home, mid when lie
tried again te hit me I nrie.ted him
Mid stinted for the he te summon a
patrol. I did net cwu use my dub in
dealing with Hreiiunti and the club n.
tern frilin its strap when Ilrennan
tripped me ami we went down en t lit
piiwment together "
Den Chews His Pants! Hr P.c J
- . ..
Four dollars was awnrded te Frank
Prixiutllle, of JU2 Pine sti-ri, Cnmdeii.
today by n Jurv of the ( amdi-n D's
ti;ict Court for ilnmngen resulting wficn
a'vk'teus deg ewiied.'Siy Kruiik t'tillnr
laue'Xn nrlghber inlied prUutUle by
ll, l'.,.. n,l tnra l.l
Mether of Slain Youth Tells
Corener's Jury Suspected
Student Dodged Ordeal
Suspicion first was directed te Wil
liam P. Urines, following the murder
of Elmer O. Drcwes, Dartmouth Col
lege student, when Urines failed te call
at the claln collegian's home te view the
This was revenled today nt n cer-.
ener s innuest into the death of Drcwes,
who wns found dead with a bullet in
us head October 17 en .Mascncr street
near City Line, Oak I.nue.
Tle disclosure wus made by Mrs.
Christian F. Drewes. mother of the dead
man. whose testimony rnNed the pro
ceedings te a tense dramatic pitch.
After the slain student's body had
been Identified nnd brought te the home
of his pnrents.nt tVJ.1." l'inc street. Mrs.
Drejves called Mrs. Urines, mother of
the suspected youth en the telephone.
She testified she nsked Mrs. Urines
te cnll nnd see the body of her mur
dered son. Knewing thnt Urines hnd
been n chum of her son, she nsked Mrn.
Hrlnes (e bring "Hilly" nleng te sec
the body.
Premlsed te t'ome llut Didn't
"nilly and I will be ever right
awuy," Mrs. Drcwes quetd the mother
of the suspected youth s& replying
Urines was a student at the University
of Pennsylvania.
Mrs. Drewes. in deep mourning, told
the coroner Mrs. Hrlnes reached the
house seen afterward, but that "Hilly"
did net ( eme. She said she waited until
night for the arrlwil of her sun's for
mer companion.
When he did net appear detestives
investigating the case had their sus
picions aroused and they begun a hunt
for him.
Previously .Mrs. Drewes had testi
fied Urines' owed her seu SHOO. The
Dartmouth college student had Informed
his mother of the debt en October HI,
the (lay he made a surprise visit Jm his
parents and the day preceding the dia-
e I.!. I.. .1 .1 !.!.'. ..t
ins, uihi.1 " me iiiiiiiiii ei
I lie ill..
A charred remnant of a letter, recov
ered from an ash heap in the basement
of the apartment house at ."M4N Chest
nut street, win re Urines lived, was
shown te Sirs. Drcwes.
The sorrowing mtither wns able te de
cipher the words "your pnl, Elmer."'
a the bottom of the charred letter. She '
identified the handwriting as that of
her son.
The charred letter was part of n
number of burned papers recovered by
detectives in the nsh heap.
Saw Brines Itny Gun i
l',,!..., Iliili,..nii .. Cllliiln L.,,.t.... n.l
tt, ,,'f- .. .,,i , -. ,,, .1 , ,,,hii -lliuriil .l
ceinpanied Brines te a pawnshop where
a revolver wus puchtised. The first
purchase was unsatisfactory, he said. I
and luter niiefher wennen was obtained.
The first witness was ClifTerd Kelly,
.'Willi Sansein street, who identified the
body. He was followed by Christian
Drewes, father of the slain man.
"My boy mine home unexpectedly,"
he declared. "He arrived between (!:.'!0
ami 7 o'clock en Octol . - 10.
"I gave him a SL'OO U.cck and a S."00
Liberty beud. He wanted the funds
te buy mi automobile"
Tbe patents of the slain collegian
are of Danish descent. Their testi
mony wus given with a marked accent.
Their home is at fWII." Pine street.
Weman Elect rllles Crowd
The next witness electrified the court
room with her recital. She was Mrs.
Helta Fillmore, who lives in a cottage
en the Fisher estate, which bounds
Maschcr stict, betwen Queen lane and
City line.
"I was leading the night of the mur
der." she said, "and it was verv quiet.
My husband was in bed, asleep. I heard
nervous voices talking, as though some
one was holding en te somebody ele.
Ttieii there was a cry of 'murder' or
'help,' und the sound of a fall. Then
I heard a shot.
"I said te myself, 'That sounds as
though somebody was hurt.' I listened.
Hut 1 did net go out. This was around
10 o'clock."
Coreiu r Knighi' questioned the woman,
and she eplained thnt because of the
manner In which the bushes grew along
Muscher street, if the automobile had
gene past the Iteevcs' house, she could
net have seen it.
"The front deer, which is a wry large
one, was wide open." she said, naming
the deer of her house. "1 could hear
ewrythlng plainly. livery thing was
quiet. 1 heard semelsidy utter a long
drawn-out, 'Oh.' jusi like that."
As Mrs. Fillmore iniituteil the wail
she heard every one In the i u leaned
forward ....
Mrs Fillmore insisted she heaisi
it .id bein only skylarking, and did
-- .?
I... (.1... Imiui., i 1111'llk.T ir itii
"el "'lv'. "" , V ''"" ,
"Did this sound come from the place I
where the body was found next morn- ,
l"KV VZwt KlM " "'1'
"V"' .,..,, llllP. it
.1,.. I....I 1, ,1,1 the coroner evei thine she
-"' - .
had heard. 1
Yeu hi aril no velm-les'
"Ne. 1 beard no chicle or quarrel. ,
Twe Wllnessis, Absent 1
Mrs. Themas lteeves wus called. She
was net in the room Anether witness
absent was I 'limit's Sihless
Warn n E Weed. (Wl'J Chew strejjt.
Centhr'eil en I'iikc Tmt
Weman Supposed te Have Shet
Oklahoma G. O. P.1 Committeeman
Anlmert'. OUIsi.. Ne. ''i - ,jj a.
P.I Jacob 1. H.immi, Itcpiililiciui 11,1
Itienal . eiuiuitteeiiinn from llkliiheiua.
I who was wounded here last Sunday
night in 11 letel room, died this morning
Lit s !" o'clock.
I Aiierillug te Frank L. Ket, ,, hi,
1 business manager, the wound resulted
'from the ' aci idenliil discharge" of n
revelwr wbicli -Mr llauieu was
Following the death of Mr. Humeii,
Carter county authorities redoubled
their efforts today te locate Clara
rjmlth, of llingllng. Okla., charged
with sheeting Mr.. Ilainen lu a local
hQtel last Sunday night.
.-. .iv..'- . ,-. . -?1hli u, -
Published Dally Except Sunday.
1020, by
Here's What
Mayer Moere
Faces in a Lene
Fight Against Evil
MAYOR MOOHH is just new the
target for mere personal attacks
than any mayor in the last twenty-five
Every gambler, Ktrcct boekmuker,
ambulance chaser, dlvckeeper nnd ether
Influence for evil that swells the under
world of the Ht is rejoicing In the
The mlimrU in city Council, as
membeis of the iity geveinmcnt, for
tunately make their attacks openly.
There- is, however, u background of
ether forces mere insidious because tliey ,
work under cover. They arc the held- .
ever members of the Varc machine that j
held positions in cltj departments either
by virtue of n rigorous Interpretation of ,
the civil service law, or through the
complaisance of directors nnd burenu
heads appointed by the Mayer. i
They form the battalion of what have ,
been described as "the borers from ,
within. Theirs is the secret mission :
the mouth-te-ear ges.ers who spread
rumor and play the spy. .
Ilesf.lc Hntteric I'mniisUril
Within the lust thirty duys. however,
every battel y of opposition bus been I
unmasked. The Mayer new knows who I
is for and who is against mm. i
His uttcinpt te purify the police force ,
and free it of an clement that rendered
It the tool of self-seeking politicians
and petty bosses is furnishing an ex
cuse tin n series of verbal pcr-nunl at
tacks upon him.
It bus taken en the cl .uaclec of a
crusade. It Is the old clement trying
te tur down the admiiiisliatieii.
There is ample o'cusien and great
id reason for this. Mayer Moero bus i
leliberntely laid himselk open te nttiuk.
He has been forced te court it. He
has net cMided It in the , light, -t.
He 1-. the storm cc'uter of a battle
that was foreshadowed months age.
New Criminal Court, Mere Pa-1
trelmen ana tquipmein is
Need, He Says
M ' imlrelnien and delei tue
cnulnaieiil In bin1, them ii
Mj -
: ... .
; ' :.V;f'"I, nnls was unrcd today by
ni,..u. inrnn, li.,tnn ,i ii menus, of
reducim? crime.
"" " "" ' "
Mr. Hotan advocated sincere support
of the Mayer and the director of nubile
safetv In the big task which confronts
them and declared that the establish
ment of the metropolitan police district
suggested by Councilman Charles H.
Hnll would net answer.
Regarding the metropolitan police
district. Mr. Retun said
"That preposition is se much involved " uravicie s breast, and ordered him te' Manchester, Kng.. Nev. .'fl. illv A.
with legal technicalities that I de net turn ever his valuables. j I. i Vho lord mayor and chief een-
ciin- te talk about It. It is a question Purely, said Ciirnvicie "I'll give stable of Manchester, acting with au-
whether or net fhe munt ysurreumUng you my pockctbeok. which is m mv hip therity from the home secretary, issued
Philadelphia under the metropolitan pocket It cenrnlns nil my money " an erdei today prohibiting the meetings
iivstcf. would have te approve of the As he made a motion as though that the Irish self-determination
plan The leal thing te de is te reaching for the pockctbeok. Cnrnvici,, League hud proposed te held Saturduv
stiengthen the bund of the Mayer and suddenly grabbed his assailant's revel- and Sunday. It was at these meeting's
Director of Public Safety se that tbeviver and sought te turn it aside that Arthur Griffith, founder of the
will have the men and equipment ado- Ihe man purled the trigger et the re- Sinn Fein, who was arrested in Dub
ipmtely te deal witli the situation iil.velver, but tne shell failed te explode. I lin this morning, had premised te speak,
bund. .. ll,en nruii.-h. sei.e.l the highway- Th" authorities explained that ther
Need of Mere .Hen
"The fait of the matter is th.it we
need mere policemen, mere detectives,
mid meie equipment te hurl; them up.
In Phihidelphl.1. we bin nh :tV."H pu-
licemeu. whereas New .n";. I unuer-
stimiP has II 000 nn : furthermore
ri it ti 1 m
have a gre.ili'i street mileage imin
(11 1
The s, ,,f the city uml the sltua
tleu demands that we have mere men.
This Is 11 local problem, which Philu-
,l,.l.,l,,.i should solve fur ilM'll
The electrical bureau should have 1
n..r., iiii.iiev te spend se that its serv
ice could be Increased and be enabled te
make quick signals and telephone calls.
We iiii'xht te be able te patrol the main
reads lending ut of Philadelphia se
that all siisplileus automobiles leilld le
stiipped. ,, , .
I dun I mean te make a wuueii city
like in the elder countries, but wn
night te huw mere men, se as te mete
'closely (oiitrel ingress and igress. We
cuun.'l dprinat new eecuuse ,. .,., i
111 11 1 ii 11 ir r
1111 1 ....--.
tUllcc Will Ce-operate
,.u eir 0 w ,oil . tll ,.,, ,im,,ul t
the u.inesi w ith all ether .lepurtmcnts in
be effort ,., tamp out .run. I ,,,
','.... 1.1".. .1 1..,. ...,., .... .,!.,.
juiij;i's iisixiiim 11111 "'. 1 "e .,,,,. in, 1 1
criminal court. I expel that thci will
grunt the request. If the ltnunl et
.'Judges cannot spare one of tinir mcui-
ners ,,. t,s ,.w ,iirt. tl
. an. under
bring in one
an act of the Icgisiatui
of the judges from up the slate.
"We nied this in u c irt. The prisons
are tilling up with criminal- and we
cannot put them en trial quick enough
There are tee many murdcis and we
eiltiunt get the nun del ci tried quiikly
enough. One of the best deterrents feri
nil sorts of crime is a speuly trial,
and a long sentence. I am going 10 1
urge that before the beard of judges.
see murder done and the murderer 1'
guishes in Jail. A great deal of geed
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 i" rin inn ntrii i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.
would be done l speeih lustice The
same condition prejiis after every wai.
and, of course, the high prices have
something te de w it It it
Hall Threatens Mayer
Smarting under the terms "biK buby"
and "bluffer," applied te him by Maver
Moere, Councilman Hull today threat
ened le invoke the law against the
city's executive
The Vare lieutenant's rn was
aroused particularly ever the Mayer'
reference last Wednesday te the sec
tion at Tenth and Lembard streets, In
Continued f(n I'ma Twrnt-llirt',Ceuinn II
HiihucrlDtleti Price 10 a Year by Mall.
Public tdter company.
At. no time since Itis inauguration has
there been an hour when Mayer Moere
might net hnve secured pence nnd tran
quillity for his udininistratien. The
wordy minority in Council could then
have been silenced. The "borers from
ulthln" would have censed te bore. A
0litienl peace as trunnuil as n mid-
August neon would bat settled ever
City Unll.
I The forces of decency nnd morality
I would have been forced te go further
nlleld than u Sabbath observance tiues-
,()n though, had he yielded. They
we, have had te battl" against the
qut,t demoralization of the youth of
,hp pi,v
Mcere. as every politician,
pcn. neus).,p,.r n,,lf vscry r M,
( flnRw. ml Je m,. t,c of
Philadelphia knows, ceuid months age
p,IIT,laMii freedom from attach,
HyUplavinK th ,,,, IleItr.)0n. By
deserting the htandiird of geed govern-
mnt (ln(ler whirh hc w(w elected. Hy
ncq,liwicIn?( ether Mayers have done,
, ,)p ()f nn .. ,,.,.. nn(1
.rniittltl peiieemen nnd petty isdl-
tlcilinH fe grItft un,j b0)it,cs t0 run i,(s
Has Kef used Compromise
Mayer Moere is n fighter. He ha re
fused In compromise or deai. I.very
obstacle tluiL could ness'blv be thrown
in his puthway has bein flung there
in the Inst I'en months in a quiet way.
They fnlled. New the fight is in the
open. His opponents have become des-
There are no mere "fat pickings." In
previous administrations a Ikiss outside
of City Hall hud te be seen before nny
contract could be awarded, a policeman
Centlnurd en I'iikc Mvlrcii. Column line
Footpad Pulls Revolver Trigger!
1 t
in ecunie, out shell r-ails
te Explode
loin, Cray icie, of 72." Kimball street.
,,,,, -I . l,., l. . - ,
i " n.ui-ft ri'iiivrr irniu tup luiriii
of a e who held him up en Ment-
rose street near Twelfth ut IL'iUO nVlneU -
' .... . ....
- " ,,.j, mill klivil U1L
of the highwayman.
iiiim mnr .,,. nn.i ,K..n Ki, ..... el
fi, , fi
the lingers
Cnrnvicle nlighted from n southbound
Twelfth street car and was walking east
en Montrese street when the higlnvnv -
ii"' "mi .nun iiiu suiiuews or
a perch and halted him.
The man shoved a revolver ,.n.n:a.
man shoved a revolver neninst I
,1111111 anil tney went down. grannUm;
j aravlde reported the attempted
held-up te the peln e of the Seventh and
' l arpenter strcet.s station, lurnishing
" ,de.Tiiitien of his ass-, hint who ..h-
""" '"'"'"
I , Hospitals thtougbeut the ,iv have
I1H1111 luiltti,,.! t . . V,. it... 1. 1
"': ..n.-.i u; ee "11 me ioekoui ler
" -"" """ iiiiKiu api'iy ier treatment
"" '" "'J'"'" ui'iine
Man Who Removed Articles in Sher-
p Iff's Charge Is Arrested '
Valuable -,,,-ids and an iiiitem.ibile !
wj,jrIl in, ,,,,,, re,Ved hy viberr I'u'l
tenmiinti. nft-r the had' been h ,., '
UM1M ,, lllk(M1 iuiill,r ,,, p.llHllin ,f
!"' sheriff, have been recovered En- I
ti nmenn wns placed under ari.-t im.l
eiil 111 niki Mill by .Magistrate Wrlglej,
this morning, en the ehiirsc of larcem
nnd reuiiiying propel ty lth intent te
defraud creditors.
Ihe arrest of Entenn.ann was nunli
by Deputy Sheiiffs Werblun and Heep.
nnd Officer Winnlne ,n' the T'lilrn ...u .
district, near his residence, at' 2011,
North Hutchinson street The gissls and
automobile were reenwred en a faun
I near liur.'liville. Km Us county
When arrested l.utehiiiniih said he
bad been Ihmg .it i"lie Hutchinson street
address with a woman who claims te be
his wife, although he is married te
another woman uhe bears his name and
r.sidi'N nt ft."!',", North Thirteenth strict.
1 bishop of the I niteib Meceses of Gal
Weed-Alcohol Seller Sentenced way and Kllnim-di n The bishop
New Y01I1, Nev Ull 1 K A Pi1 warns Sir Hiiuuir th his own life und s
Jehn Remanelh. Ilnieklyn uiuli'rtaker. "'""' of ether clergymen have bee
who was convicted of the larceny of threatened, ,11111 that the Irish executlvij
1(100 gallons of weed alcohol, which M responsible for their safety.
was alleged te have caused the dentils'
of 100 persons in Connecticut and, ANOTHER BOMB AT CORK
Massachusetts last I hristmus. was te-
dav sentenced te serve from three and 1 .
1 ..
' !' '" ' .''' ,";v,,;
'" Mut' " pr'M'"
years at hind labor I
Man Killed in Aute Smash
Dewr, Del., Ne 'Jil -l.dwaiil .lulnh
was killed and Miss Mary Massey se
riiuish injured last night when the
automobile lu which they were riding
was struck by a Norfolk and Western
expicss train at n 1 ressing t Cneiweld,
Del Twe ethr occupants ,,f tln rar
Jehn Smith and Mi- Esther Gillespie,
escaiied with slight injuries The party
were returning from 11 dance ut this
piave te meir ngtnes in Muillc rsve, Md.
tt hotel, thrtr or
inula U nlayt. rtine
reataurant whrv,r
lle In nlay4. rtiiiet tliciiiwnt hit
Sinn Fein Founder Whisked
Away in Lerry After Being
Seized in Bed
Hy the Associated Press
Dublin, Nev. U(i. Arthtiv Griffith,
founder of the Sinn Fein organization,
and acting president of the se-called
Irish republic during the absence In
America of De Vnlera ; x Prof. Jehn
MacNeill, Sinn Fein member of Par
liament for Umdenderry city nnd form
erly n profc-ser in the National tTnl
versify of Ireland, together with a
number of ethers, including Prof. Mnc
Nelll's son. were arrested today by the
auxiliary police.
A statement Issued from Dublin Cas
tle, the sent of the government, witll
regard te the Griffith nrrest, rend:
"Arthur Griffith was arrested at his
residence In St. Lawrence read at 2
u. in. A inrge quantity of literature
was taken from his house. Xe arms
were found. He was in bed at the.
time, und wus tuken away in a meter
lorry. He made no statement. Ills ar
rest was effected without trouble."
Among these arrested, besides Grif
fith and the MacNellls, were Jeseph
M'''rldc and E. J. Duggan. Sinn Fein
inemners et Parliament, respectively for
the et division of County Maye and
the south division of Dublin.
Mr. Griffith yesterday disclaimed any
responsibility for the epi rations of th
se-called "murder gang." Asked if
, there was a murder gang, he replied:
"Yes, in Dublin Castle, which sad
dles the Dail Elrennn with it. The Dail
' Eircnnn hns been suppressed by the
' government. When the representatives
I of the Irish people no longer are hin
I dercd by Great Ilrltain's nrmed forces
from freely assembling nnd conferring
they can, nnd they will, assume re
1 spensiblllty. se far as the Irish people
j ure concerned, for maintaining peace
and order.''
! Mr. Griffith ussertcd thdt the policy
of repiisals was "deslgn"d te break the
spiri,t f the in.h people, but the enitfjj
result hns been te implant In Irish j
hearts hatred and bitterness that will
last inreugn centuries.
Mere shootings are reported from
various parts of Ireland. A soldier
ami n civilian 'were shot (lend near
Phoenix Park gates, Dublin, en Wed
nesday night while the vicinity wns
under military patrol,
! ,A,':,liVf..,! ln1 u'",eu"t , ,of the
I IHfiilV lillb llliUll, U IHMlMfllUD.J
if..Uw.wi .mm, v..i,.(t,.A,i . n .nin.M
1 P.ieket. pointing te the civilian: "That'll
t"" mn. . llie picket is then said
1,1 Imp..
t.-l l.fl .. llrn.l 1,1111 t,n Mn H.t..
.... ......
i" nui- Mi'-u, n limits. iil- iiJUiit wuu
, Iirev(ll te b(, ts0istnblp j(1,Ien ,n rivIijan
Anether picket, henrlng the shots.
ra,m' "pen tl'0 Krenp nml' I)eulnK fir.
i ,!V''JSml te '",ve "flll-d Lance Cor-
ling leree
I Then
the mysterious woman disap
i peared.
had reason te annrebend the hnlillni..
of such meet I
. hrem h of the
, affection.
such meeting would (enduce te a
pence und promote (lis-
Londen. Nev ,0 -fHr A P Th
Irish office, in stating this neon thar
Aithur Griffith hnd been arrested in
Dublin nt 2 o'clock tills morning, said
no fei mal charge had yet been pre
fcrnsl nguinsf him He was taken nway
in a lorry te a destination net made
Final military honors were paid her
today te the victims of Sunday's as
sassinations in Dublin. Londoners by
'sands massed themselves in the
ets along the route of the funeral
1 jt-psslen from Husten station te
estmiustiT Abbey and the Wesmin
sfer ('athelle Cathedral, where the im
posing religious ceremonies were at
tended bv representatives of King
(ieerge, bv Sir Hiimnr Greenwood,
sei retarv for Ireland ns chief mourner.
and Premier Lloyd Geerge. Andrew
Kennr Law,
Austen Chamberlain, ether
cabinet members, distinguished military
'hiefs and ether governmental officials
i and relatives of the victims.
. The Heuse of Lords yesterday carried
the second reading of the Irish home rule
hill, p jeering n proposal for adjourn
ment. The committee stage of the meas
ure will be started next Wednesday.
Denunciation of the "horrible goT geT
ernment eutrhges te which the people
of Ireland are subjected"! voiced In a
long letter written te Sir L.unar Green
wood 1 hief secretary for Ireland, by
the Most Reverend Themas O'lW,
I we rersens rvuica ana 1 nira in
jured In Irish Plant
teri.. Nev 2d. illy A. P. 1 Twe
persons were killed nnd a third was
injured m unether bomb explosion today
at a plain where u number of pernena
were employed.
1 On the night of November 2.1, a.
bomb was exploded in Putrick street,
wounding nearly a score of persona, tw
of whom died later in a hospital )
Miner Robbed and Murdered
Clrurfleld, Pa., Nev. 2fl.WasU AnU
sevik, a coal miner, of Aultman, la
Indiana, was murdcre-d und rebbij
wltliiu iiOO feet of his home lunt'uUk '
A PCll teiimiumiiBVvl WIUV HI
y-:L7h:.i h ;,-,., e. & , ..,
vim. .:
3BW.-, . ,r
B iJ . .... ...lt
.LjtHB-mfl-.- - . -.