15 "wJ.Har- flltewp 1 -SVtft!fWjJtiISrv1rfi f?L "KrS."' iS?S'v BH u-i It a. . jW -& i.7k "-T i-ir H s !r , "v. r "'..irsrf-1 yr . yr'VJCrsj-Ndi ywi - ' 'VJPFPTTOF-aryj," I i ? V I -t I c 1". Ti In -Hi i. rc ' f 1 ii 3 Bi Mt ftl !m B ' lid w, . v r, ' it ; 4 K. Aft hi I lit r Id I Mr- a. ;1 I 4 ' J,J 4 r!1 i Ti g EVENING PUBIilQ tiEDGEJRrTPHILADELPHlA, THURSDAY, (NOVEMBER 25,' 1920 . EAGER FOR PRESTIGE AT INAUGURATION Washington Bankers and Secial Leaders After Adminis tration Faver 3-CORNERED BATTLE RAGES ItU a Staff Corrrtemffnt Washington, Nev. -.". WiHiinpten brinks nnil society lire nil mixed up in rt row ever npprenehing Inauguration honors, nml two of tile blRROit bank ing institutions in tlie capital linve ap parently locked horns in combat te sec which shnlt be the "official" bank of the Harding mltninltratinn. New, papers, finance, social aspirations nnd politics nil figure In the battle new scaring nti .issue. It is three-cornered in character. The three principals are competing for the honor of M-ning ns chairman of the Harding inaugurnl cemmitite. which directs nil nrrnngements for the In auguration. These three, with their affiliations, are: First. William T. (Inlliher, president of the American Nntiennl I)ank of Washingten: chairman of the Republi can central cemmli'tee of the District of Columbia, and chnlrmnn of the ways nnd means committee of the Republican national committee for the District of Columbia, in which capacity he raised many theusnnds of dollars for the He publican campaign fund this jear. Second. Milten V. Ailcs. first vice president' of the Klggs National Hank, and slated te be pi evident en January t ; one of the lending diameters in the famous Itiggs bank case, involving a long fight witli Jehn Skelton Williams, comptroller of the currency, former Secretary of the Treasury Wlllinm (5 McA'loe, nnd the Democratic national administration, which backed Williams In his chaiges of improper practices by the bank. Third. Kdward It. McLean, multi millionaire owner and publisher of the Cincinnati Knrpiirer and Washington Pest, probably the wealthiest individual in the capital, who entertains lavishly at Friendship, the MiLcnn virtue en the outskirts of Washington, nnd who Is new a member of the Harding party in Panama. All Hate "Hacking" Mr. Gallihcr is the "organization" candidate for the appointment, which is made by the chairman of the national cemmlCtnp nnd usuall represents the personal choice of the President-elect. Mr. Alles has the backing of the "Higgs Pank crowd," as that particular banking, business und social group Is commonly known, nnd counts en the at titude of the bank in the controversy vritb rtic Democratic administration te help his cause along. Secial and business influences prin cipally are behind the McLean can didacy and his personal popularity with Senater Harding is wcwed with ap prehension by his rivals for the honor. Having spent censideiable time with the President-elect in Marlen, und ac companied him te Texas and Panama, and having the nddirtenul prestige of owning two of the best known news papers in the United States, neutral opinion in the capital inclines te the belief that he will walk off with the assignment. Mr. und Mr-. McLean live en the heights of Washington society. Heth inherited tremendous fortunes from their fnthers, Mrs. McLean, before her mar riage, having been Miss Kveljn Walsh, daughter of Themas F. Walsh, western mining magnate. Their combined for tunes give them a commanding position in social and financial circles in the capii'al. "Secial Administration Expected" Although the chairmanship is purely an honorary appointment, it is eagerly eeught for the social prestige it brings the man who is luck enough te land It. The contest relleciVi the capital's belief that the Harding administration will be a "social administration," and that the (iffatrs of Washington secietj will be Intimatelj linked with rtie affairs of government during the next four years. T iwil Influences nlreadv nre at work in an effort te hae the inaugural ball revived. President Wilsen discontinued the custom when he entered upon his llrst term, holding Cte bnll would inter fere with the work of the pension bu reau. FRANCE AGAINST BLOCKADE Leygues Favers Resuming Trade i With Soviet Government i Tarls, Nev 2." It A. P.) Sup pression of the bleikade of Iiussin is favored by Premier l.eyguis, hebeid the committee en feieu'u relationsef the Chamber of Deputies last tvening. In- , asmuch ns the Soviet government is I actuallv in operation, he deiland, it has I been tfecicleu te permit French traders I and manufacturers te de all the busi ness they can with Uiissia In addition s.u s Marcel Caeh'an. who is a member f tin mmmitt'i'. nn I who has writtin nn account of the pre mier's statemint for the m WM'ai'c Humanite. M Levgi's snd he n nr ranging te eneeurugi trade with Itiiss a TRIBUTE PAID GIORDANA Nearly 100,000 Persons Witness Fu neral of Murdered Constitutionalist Holernn, Italy, Nev. 24, (ty A. P.) Nearly 100,000 persons today wit nessed the funeral of Deputy Glnrdann, the constitutionalist, who wns slain during the riot nt the municipal hull, en Sunday. The wife and mother of the dend man followed the henrse and ns they passed along the street ninny weeping women kissed their hands. Police officers have searched the house of Martclll, a Communist leader, who was arrested j esterdny, and declare thev found books showing bank deposits of lii.uuu ma. .unriciu is alleged te iinvp ateiided Sunday's meeting, carrying a basket, which contained bombs covered with napkins. On the dosed deer of the Chnmber of Laber some one today affixed a plrinrd bearing the inscriptien: "Closed for the cowardly murder of Glnrdann." COUNTESS TO BE TRIED Sinn Fein Member of Parliament Before Court-Martial Dec. 2 Dublin. Nev. "". The number of ar rests in Dublin from November 1" te 23 amounted te 120. according te official announcement. The trial of Countess Mnrklcviez will take place by court martial en Thursday, December 2. Countess Mnrkievicz, Sinn Fein member of Parliament from St. Pat rick's division of Dublin citv, wns nr restcd September 27. The authorities had been seeking her for a long time owing te her activities in Sinn Fein movements. GERMANY ASKS L IS. TO RECALLTROOPS Occupation of Rhineland Bleed ing Natien White, Says Reichstag Member WANT TREATY REVISED Hy Iho Associated Press Ilerlin, Nev. 25, The Helchstag yes terday entered upon consideration of appropriations te carry out the pro pre visions of the treaty with the reception of n report of the budget committee, which had incrensed the original esti mates, especially for the army of occu pation, by several million marks. The committee report nppealed te the German Government te memorialize the Allies, asking them, In view of the in determinate continuance of expenditures necessary en the part of Germany, that the former enemy countries make known the number of men which is te be con sidered essential In the army of occu pation nnd what the probable cost will be. The report also asked the govern ment te request the Allies te permit Germany te retain such war mntcrlals remaining In her possession as arc needed te restore, church bells, particu larly bronze. The committee recommended nn ap propriation of -10,000,000 mark In stead of 20.000,000, for the Ithinelnnd occupational troops, and 011,000,000 marks Instead of 410,000,000 marks for the costs of housing the army of occu pation. Demands Itcmeval of V. S. Troops Dr. Geerge Schrclber, Cleiical, bit terly attacking the report, said : "We must say te the Americans that humanity demands that they remove the mnin body of their troops from (he left bonk of the lllilnc. Wc want the Amcrlcnn people te knew thnt nil this charitable work, such as the Quakers and ether organizations are doing, is useless se long ns we are being hied te death by the troops, of occupation. One hundred nn.l fifty thousand men nrc oc ec cupjing territory where only 70,000 were garrisoned in peace tune. There wc nre compelled te maintain nnd sup port milltnrlb.ii, the elimination of which was one of the ostensible reasons for the war. "We knew, nnd we regret with the deepest of feeling, that it is n fact that 15,000 Negro trgeps still nre occupying the left bank of the lthine. This con stitutes one-half of all the French troops nnd a third of the whole urnij of occupation. Wc de net deny the right of these Negroes te higher cul ture, but in this position nnd ty un restrained impulse nicy see in me iter- mans whl(e slaves nnd this constitutes net eniy n danger te Herman civiliza tion, but te the Interests of nil Europe. "The white race will bitterly rue the day it sent black troops ns the ceui quorers of a cultured people.'' f Germans Joining French Legions Dr. Schrclber asserted that certain Gcrmnns, through the use of moving picture' films, were making romance nnd iidventure of the lives of the members of the French Ferclgp Legien and were "enticing young Germans te enlist in that organization.' He declared thnt mere than 3000 GermeiiH already were members of It. The speaker urged that there was ns much necessity te place a copy of the peace treaty In every school child's hands as the state constitution,' in order that the "shame of Versailles" might be shown. "The budget for the execution of this tieaty Is the dark finale of anguish of the German people," said Dr. Schrclber. Otte Wcls, speaking for the Majority Socialists, said the peace treaty should lie icvlsed In the interest of nil the con- Cuiicura Seap The Healthy Shaving Seap CuUrSepibTti without mejr, Ererrwhr3Se. WJt&Mtm jttmtiAt ? trading parties. Ile jwarncd the Pan Gcrmnns against making the Issue of revision a pretext for agitation, nnd told the Nationalists that se long ns. they were crying for revenge France would net loosen her fetters, "The trenty will only be altered," said Ilerr Wcls, "when the whole men tality of nations and of governments' changes. We must acknowledge nnd fulfill the just terms of the treaty, but at the same tlme strive te create nn atmosphere which will prove conducive te achieving ultimate revision." Hcrr Ileidicrt, Nationalist, said Ger many had been transferred frein n pros perous creditor into n hopeless debtor nation, and would seen be converted Inte a i beggar nation unless the treaty were revised. "The rights of the Germnn people nrc trampled en," he said. "Only two in dustries nrc actively In operation the printing presses, which nre turning out money, nnd the finnncc minister's add ing machines." 18 te Wed Tedav In PotUyllle PetUvIllc. Ta.. Nev. 25. There was an unusual rush for marrlage licenses nt the Court Heuse yesterday, and to day eighteen couples will be married In this county, the biggest kriewn record THK KTEBNAT, MONGIIEI,, the mur. overbearing, crlndns, "retpecteble" who nerenms "Cruelly lflml" Vvhi-n the "Dj Fellows" Rive the cue, and then erecta cently fanes for the adoration of the en whom yenterday he execrated and mur dered Meet the CUU examlne him then, after having absorbed the exquisite revelation of that abomination In the great poetic tragedy that haa astounded the Kngllsh-spcaklna; world CAIUS GRACCHUS nr Odin Orererr examine critically these about you. Today! Hew many of the mentrel tribe de eu knew? At nil heeksellera, St net nONI MVERIOHT. NKW YORK for one day. Heretofore ThanKT' Day has pet been a Popular SSlW day in the coal rien, Jnit the fcr'aH the coal supply js short all ?. .!" country makes certain 'the i.r" ttu have (ftendy work all winter. ANNOUNCEMENT ! I We have been Belling DIAMn. wholesale for 20 yeV" continuing- this fepartm3Tte devote our ent re attention i retail business. Thllwii? ll ' you for a limited tlme te pureffi 1000 DIAMONDS of all mS2. wholcsale prices" ,e ' ANT ARTICLE PUROJIAsBd NOW can be reierreit for Chrlit mas en a email deposit. Wchtes, M. llthSt, Medium length legs give maximum comfort and style COMFORT and medium length legs in a union suit cannot be questioned. This feature in the "Harvard iIills" gives that glorious feeling of leg case. Your sock top fits smoothly ever the elastic cuff en the leg of the garment. Silk hosiery can be worn without that unsightly ridge or showing through of the underwear. This means comfort and a neat, trim appearance. "HARVARD MILLS" (Hand Finished) Union Suits for Men "A GENTLEMAN'S GARMENT" Here is really "a gentleman's garment." Yeu can trust it te fit ou like a tailor made suit because it is made en the clothing principle. Frem the neck band down, "Harvard Mills" embodies every prac tical undergarment feature ever perfected. Ask our men's furnisher te fit ou. Winship, Beit & Ce., Wakefield, Mass. New Yerk Office and Salesroem: 893 Broadway DRIED PRUNES 17c Lb. We wish te announce the arrival of our first carlet shipment of Fancy Evaporated Orefren Italian Prunes, packed in 25-pound boxes, 10 te 50 size (i. e., 40 te 50 prunes te each pound). This carload constitutes a small part of our 1920 Crep of 2,000,000 pounds of Prunes. Several cars are in transit, while the balance of crop is ready for immediate shipment. These Prunes are grown and packed under the most Modern nnd Sanitary Precess at our Orchards. Special Attention Given Single Bex Trade Buy Direct Frem Grewer and Reduce the High Cost of Living We Optn lit 7 A. JL nnd Clese nt t P. SI. itelh riienes. JOSEPH CANCELMO 130 Deck Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Your Health Our First Consideration 2t St 11 A I ;JiWII T5 stfai' xaii i TRADE MAIIK HEQ. GRADUATE NURSE In Attendance LOWPRICES SANITAR Y SURROUNDINGS and BETTER WORK. We have been open but a short time and yet hundreds of satisfied patients are already praising us and recommending us te friends and relatives. They were impressed, en entering, with our Beautiful Offices After examination and diagnosis by X-ray they were pleasantly sur prised by our extremely Lew Prices Then, upon completion of work, they were mere than merely pleased with its quality then were as tounded te find that such geed work could be done at ANY PRICE. fflUMIW THE ' HEALTH DENTIST N.E. COR. IOT"and MARKET ST. ENTRANCE ON IQTH ST. j ia - "" i s B-4 r www "- jlllj in j TOUtl Teim American Express Cruise ihe Mediterranean January 15th 49 days $1,450 up Shere Excursions and Sightseeing Included It 4 Ad? On the Palatial Cunard Liner C 72 ft. long "CARONIA" 20,000tdns The First Mediterranean Cruise in Six Years ITINERARY The "Carenia" will sail en the Southern route, stepping at Madeira with its almost tropical loveliness Gibraltar Gateway of the Orient Excursion te Algeciras. Algiers mere Oriental than the Orient. Monace en the Rtviera visit Mente Carle. Naples 4 days. Excursion te Reme. Alexandria 7 days, affording ample time te visit Caire the world-famed city of the Orient. Excursion te Luxor. Athens Palerme then Naples. New Yerk March 4. THE SHIP The Transatlantic Cunard Liner "CARONIA" 672 feet lenu and 20,000 tens is the first steamer te make the Mediterranean Cruise in six years. The accommodations are superb. eck tperts, dancing, etc., during the cruise. Wntt, wire or phone for detail AMERIi SS rP$?!M aaMMB ffiPlif ' r Ir55w"jy JMH ll r.mf fttruly netds a PRCM1ER, lint Among Cleaners. Out where lldditi creep and crawl, romp and roll, PRE. MICR cleanlineis'u imperative.- Thick carpets and rues are fine fur little tee te play en, but hew they de collect dangerous dust and dirt I And )our doctor will tell you most cluldrens ad. merits come from Inhaling that germ laden dust and dirt. Making the Heme Safe for the Kiddies Travel department 113-115 S. Uread St.. Ph. Walnut 4657. Wanumaker's Mnin Fleer, Central Phene Spruce 5 JUST a few minute a day with the PRBMIER, Tint Among Cleaners, keep the indoor playgrounds spick and spanfree from all dangerous duit and dirt safer for kiddies yes, and grown-ups, tee. The powerful PREMIER suction gets all the dirt and foreign matter that lurk under carpets and rugs, as well u surface dust, strings, pins, paper, shavings and the usual litter of the playroom. The almost-human PRE MICR rubber-tipped brush picks up ravelings, thread and things which an ordinary suction-cleaner cannot "digest," just as human fingeri de it and with no mere injury te the pap or fabric. The PREMIER tufted.brijtle.brush gees for hard-te-clean floors better titan a hundred new brooms and collect the dust instead of scattering it. Then, for cleaning bookcases, behind radi, aters, meuldings, the piano, for rene. vating pillows, mattresses, etc., there are 'special PREMIER attachments. Ne place is tee out-of-the-way or tee hard-te-be-cleancd for the PREMIER. Have the PREMIER man dean sour playroom; have him prove the PRE. MIER advantage te .you. Then he'll make satisfactory arrangement for you te keep it. UPV from one MISll) &, WMIrfOWl IIP ELECTRIC CLEANER The ritlC.Mint U ehl ly Iradlnc elrctrle ulieps und Ueulem THE PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY SUPPLY DEPT. 130-132 Seuth Eleventh Street Mill. Mine and Hallway Supplies Fairbanks Valves m Steel Factory equipment (HW Lincoln Electric Meters Inside The Fairbanks Branch in Philadelphia AS YOU come down the jt north side of Arch Street and glance ever the windows at the corner of Seventh, you see a familiar blue and white tag. It is the "Fairbanks O.K." and it appears net only en the glass, but en every one of the tools and machines en display, as a concrete expression of our ideal. As seen as you enter the store, you are greeted by Walter McDonald at the In formation Desk. Ask him about anything you want in mechani cal equipment or supplies; he can tell you offhand or he will call in someone who can. Mr. McDonald was selected for this responsible pest because he can make you feel at home in our store. Whatever your in terest may be in things me chanical there is a cordial wel come for you here, and a wide range of machines and tools for your inspection. THE FAIRBANKS COMPANY SEVENTH and ARCH Streets MARKET 2210 Ikl THIS it Ne. 1 of a serlee watch for Ne. 3 ne?t Monday morning. FAIRBANKS FtlibanktSeaht.TrutkiandWhflbarttwi. Vahti . Engimi and Pump,. T .. . .. . ................. .,.,. .,i....a., juppn.i . MiiemeDiU Htpair Equip. jt I I II I W IM.I t.lt mint . Lincoln Ehtinc Moter, . Macnmt Teel, . Sl,.t Facter, E,lpm,nt. V-t-' VUJ SV I Vll m ,i 1 1 111m ' kpH ) u Hal ill ('irl9lliiH iff m 11 I 1 9 II vUllm This is Ted Pennel, son of a "broker whose coat was found wrapped about Katey, the maid whose tedy was found in the leclsced laundry of Overlook Heuse -rin.ia- -m ,.: ." i. . i JsMsssssssssssssssssssBsJIislAisMssMsssssssssMss 'H-rr- I T rarrn : ftSTTTMn rmrrrrsess. atsumtmum mtuir ' ( X.Hnk i - w .-, ry-V,t lJ.