HhSnS m .wr "r" v" ' ""-ipfer '" WlJwijtlWr'ir' '"" i4f IV'JT ' eWiVll (JT "(''wW),'V . jfV'v ru ", '-'j-; ' jrvrjJw-jT l,-XwW.TTi ; -"5,ffS f r i e i i1 fVtfK aifV I'' i fltf- 3EVENTN-G' PUBEICf EEDOTlt-PHrClBEEPHIA OMTOSDXT, gtfV3MBEK 25, 1920 jleft ifec. The development and financial condition of this lnrge manufacturer and retailer of candy Is outlined in this week's number of our Market Review. There arc also brief articles en mnny ether stocks, Including General Asphalt Aetna Explosives Allis-Chalmers North Butte Mining Columbia Gas & Electric Bent en request for LS81 Hughes & Dier ( Phila. Stock KTtlmnrn J I'lttshnrirh. Stock ntrhnnte Members J Chlcnitn Heard of Trad VNevc erk Produce Exchange 1435 Walnut Street GOSSIP OF THE STREET Spruce 843 Nw Yerk Philadelphia Telephones ritOhtirith Ttnce 1893 Cleveland Wille tha protracted liquidating movement enTl the wlielcsnlc slaughter of stock market values hns been any tiling but n pleasant spcctnclc, yet alto alte jretlier Wall street and its following nare mucn te be thankful for today, it mlglit have been worse. And even the most caiitleus critics of the Fed eral lleserve System nrc beginning te realize what the system hni meant dur ing the recent trying period. If the story could be told of what has been going en behind the scenes the last twelve months It would furnish the plot for the most exciting drama of high finance that was ever staged. The principal actors in this hair-standing drnnm have never appeared before the public eye, jet each and nil of them were portraying epoch-making roles nnd accomplishing what oftentimes seemed te be the Impossible. Jut new, when the rank nnd file arc beginning te get nn lidding of the real status of things in general, every body Is disposed te plunge into the deepest gloom nnd cannot see any but the adverse side of the picture. It is the time, te weep nnd wnil when the Vigilance Changing economic condi tions make necessary a regular survey of one's in vestments. We are prepared te offer suggestions regarding your present holdings or pros pective purchases. Inquiries (nvltcd Charles E. Brickley 1 iiffft I, M Penna. Tax Free I $50,000 EX T.ITTPfnr Pnimfir m I B Gas & Electric 5s i ME 1"1.. 1 r M e 1M uiin I'lun mm 1 A first, closed mertieare. Prorerty I value 60 in eices of this Issue I I hlch Is dated 1008. m Earnings ever twice chants. H Free of Nermal Tax te 2 B Price 78 I i Te Net Over 6 1 BATTLES & COMPANY 1 Investment Banker 1 Establish rrl 1890 Independence Suture (East) IMIIIII llMIII.ILl.JUiHBmMMH ... 71 i i I i I !' & Ce. Members New Yerk Stock Exchange Widener Bldg. - Philadelphia Telephone, Spruce 7391 61 Broadway 53 State Street NEW YORK BOSTON Direct Private Wires THE n POUND LING STEP Leeking Forward We recommend the purchase of certain Sterling Securities for Safe, Profitable Investments BROAD AND SANSOM STS. PHILADELPHIA 65 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 19 SOUTH ST., BALTIMORE S27 15TH ST., WASHINGTON Analyses of Leading Rails WS have prepared and have for dis tribution analyses ctvlnj; the salient features of the leading dividend and nendlvldend paying railroad stocks, with particular reference te earning possibilities under the Increased frUcbt and passenger rates. A copy will be gladly furnished en request. Carstairs & Ce. Members Philadelphia and New Yerk Stock Exchanges 1419 Walnut Street, Phila. j 71 Broadway, N. Y. ' Important Industries Our current weekly Market Letter describes the recent activities and industrial development in a number of stock issues, with important data concerning GENERAL MOTORS U.S. FOOD PRODUCTS Write or Telephone for a Free Copy cmith ncnniTH s. m J1H.1.I, aUiVaAlla IX WU. Members riilla. Stock Exchange 1524 Walnut St. PHILADELPHIA rhene: Spruce 6880 i real conditions nre better understood, but rnthcr the time for every one te put tlielr shoulders te the wheel nnd tnkc nn optimistic viewpoint of the outcome. Things, It is true, leek michty blnck Just nt the moment, 1ut it is also well te bear in mind, in se far ns the security markets nre concerned, that the rlctunl happening of a condition is net waited for, but is invariably discounted months nlieml of Its realization. Tills I mic particular point should net for n I moment be overlooked just nt this 'juncture, when nil the professional trading forces et Wall street seem ncnt upon completely destroying security values. Almest a year nge the market began te feci the effects of the corrective meas ures te relieve the evcrstrnined credit situation. Fer nearly n whole yenr there hns been almost nn uninterrupted declining movement. Net only were the ndvnnees made In the big bull mar ket In the summer of 1010 wiped out, but in the extreme swing of the market pendulum mnny of the industrial issues sold nt the lowest prices touched in several years. In ether words, the wnr's Inflation in security vnlues has been thoroughly deflated und the fancy figures once touched by many of these Issues arc new simply a thing of picas -nnt memory. In brief, AVnll street hns succeeded In getting Its house In erdct nnd Jr. nccerdlng te the views of recog nized Judges, in a stronger position thnn It has occupied at any time ia the last deendc. Industrial, commercial nnd gcnern business house clenning may biing about some unhappy situations. Such nn out come Is hardly unavoidable In view et the abnormally high speed nt which gen eral business hns been running the last five years. Measured, however, from the rule Htick et mnrket vnlues. It Is nlmest positively certain thnt much of the un satisfactory side has been discounted. Everything nhcad points te better things, rather than the adverse side. It hns been n trying year, but nil hands managed te pass through the ordeal without much damage nnd therefore nil concerned or Interested have many rea sons te be thankful thnt reckoning wns '. net mere unDlcnsnnt. Philadelphia Conservatism In discussing the centrnsting policies of the New Yerk nnd Philadelphia In stitutions, nn official of one of the larg est lecnl institutions said yesterday that some of the New Yorkers cannot under stand the conservatism and straight -lace policy of the Quaker City bankers. "The mntter was nt first brought te my attention severnl years age," he snld. "while holding the chnlrmnnshlp of the finance committee of the beard of directors of a "remlnent industrial corporation. One of the large individual interests called upon me and suggested the removal of the executive of the cor cer cor perntion. becnusc, ns he put it, the of ficer hnd outgrown his usefulness. He 'suggested thnt I should take the duties let the office and take the salary with it. "Upen refusing te accede te his de mands he wnnted te knew wlint remun eration I was receiving ns chnirmnn of the finance committee. My reply that I i was filling the office without return 1 completely dumfounded him, nnd he could net comprehend why I should hnve 'devoted se much of mv time without some compensation. Upen informing him that I wns merely n representative of large interests with which I wns 'closely affiliated, he replied that he I thought I was the biggest feel he ever met. In New Yerk, he told me, men filling n similar job would demand big pay. I "About n year age the same cendi tien enme before me ngnln," he con tinued. This time n prominent New Yerk Interest In negotiating te place a big mortgage generously offered te split commission. He could net understand why I should net accept the offer, ns he stated it was entirely legitimate, In thnt the mortgage desired wns only one third of the nsscsscd vnlue of the prop erty. When told thnt if lie wnnted te place the mortgage in this .city he must first climlnnte the fifty fifty commission bonus, he said: 'Yeu I'h'llndclphlnns are even slower thnn I thought you were.' " World Ceal Hungry In the November Issue of The 01 rnrd liettcr, Issued by the Oirnrd Trust Ce., there is an unusually Inter esting nnd cn'ightenlng article en" "coal." The subject is especially apro pos when two years after the great world wnr finds the humnn rncc hun gering pcrhnps even mere for cenl than brend. The article covers the cenl In dustry from almost every nngle nnd is well worthy rending. In addition, the edition gives n plenslng review of the J. (J. llrlll plnnt, nnd nise another sec tien of the history of the Glrnrd Trust Ce. The steel Industry in the past week has net been materially nftectcd by the steel corperntlon's announcement that prices would net be" ndvauced unless "altered conditions" made the step necessary, nccerdlng te the Iren Age. "It hns been understood," writes thnt journal, "thnt the corporation seri ously considered advancing rail prices, nnd the fnct that It made large con tracts for 1021 Inte whlcb the price was te be wrltten later pointed te n higher level thnn S17, which It hns maintained since March, 1010." It Is observed thnt further cancella tions nnd suspensions hnve come en finished steel centrncls, some of It being low-priced material. The steel corpor ation's operating cnpaclty has run up te 8e per cent In the Pittsburgh nnd Chicago districts nnd 80 per cent nt some ether mills. Seme of the smnllcr independent mills hnve clesqd down, but Independent eempnnlcs ns a whole arc operating nt CO te 70 per cent. It Is stntcd thnt current expert trnde in iron nnd steel is nbeut a third what it was three months age. THE TRADER. Jiurncintrii iiiiitiHunu tni tjiMMtitiiibCJUiiiiiuiiicai tuiuMMiciiLUiMULiitiiutniinMCSiiiiiiunMC uniuitLiixuJUJiiuiiiEuiixjtiiiiicsis A Coupon Every Menth We recommend nnd suggest six different bends cost ing, at present quotations, approximately ?B222.20. The scmi-nnnunl coupons from these bends arc due each month and give the investor an income of $370 per year. These six $1000 bends combine diversity and safety with favorable possibilities for rising prices. Send for Special Circular West & Ce, 1417 Chestnut Street Philadelphia B2 Broadway New Yerk Meralws New Yerk Sleck KxclinnEe l'bllailrlphln Stock Kichanire. We Alwsj-r Have en Hnnd n Lttt nf Hltli-OrnJe Heed's Correspondence Invited iitiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiniiiiiitiniiiiHHiitiiiiiiii'iiiitiniiiiniiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiHiiiiiiitiiiiniiiiiiitninniiiiiitiiiiiiHiiiiitiinnii? JMH Geerge K.Watsen & Ce. Certified Public Accountants Federal Tax Consultants Real Estate Trust BIdg. Philadelphia - f h!L Paper Boxe fyAl& and Mailing Tubes EDWIN J. SCHOETTLE CO. 533 N. 11th St Philadelphia 1812 THE 1920 Pennsylvania Company for Insurances en Lives and Granting Annuities TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY Capital and Surplus - $7,000,000 Member Federal Reserve System iineAn STitKF.T erFicn, Chestnut unit Juniper Streets 517 Chestnut Street Philadelphia JlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIMI!MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'll''l'llll''llllll'll''l'IIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIii Gray Iren Castings American Dredging Ce RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS 30S Chestnut Strasl Philadelphia ffx vi I la tev I N aK mmm ydy Machine Melding Our Specialty. Limited capacity for prompt delivery. Fleet of Moter Trucks make daily deliveries te Philadelphia and vicinity. Call, write or phone I.nnsdale 450 Lansdale Foundry Ce., Lansdale, Pa. Te Business Men . and Women After an exhaustive study by the Officers of the Cern Exchange of all our borrowing accounts, taking each individual account, studying the con ditions of the trade in that particular line, the amount of merchandise en hand, ether assets and the debtsr, we find at this time among the thousands of our customers that there is only one account where weare apt te make a less, and but two ethers that are extended beyond the safety point. With all the shrinkage in the price of merchandise, in some cases as high as 75, we ourselves were surprised te find such a strong condition It proved te us that the situation is net as serious as some of our friends have claimed, and, with the exception of a few weak spots, American business is in a strong position. Lesses, large as they are, have already been offset by profits previ ously made. There is no excuse for the grossly exaggerated statements current en the street, and it is time for business men te plan for the future and forget the widespread propaganda against American business. H z&J aJ&tXttJZZ &UjuJ I CORN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK I 1 Philadelphia Chestnut, at Second flllllMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMIIIIMMIMMIIIIIllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIlllllllllllllllMllllllllllinillllllMIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIMIIIIIIlflllllf Savings Fund Interest 3.65 Fidelity Trust Company Philadelphia CspitsI $5.200,000 Surplm $16.000,000 Centrifugal Pumps Fer All Purposes MORRIS MACHINE WORKS REAL ESTATE TUCST ULDO. Dell Telephone Walnut 2038 moTei'i.ws I'llOTIM'I.WH MMIiliM.MJiiMilM Anglo-Seuth American' DJN UNLIMITED yew Yerk Agency, 40 Ilreadtrny 28 Drunrlirs In .Seuth America One llrnnch In Mexico 8 Olllces In Europe FLORIDA Dy Sea Blesmer every Tuesday 3 P. M. MU s.nd limited number berths Included. Ment economical way te travel. Make rerervatlen early. Merchants & Miners Trans. Company Entnhlliihed IBM Millien, of pnsurncers carried net a life lt. llrr 1 S. Del. Ave. Tel. Iwmhrd 1BOI East St. Leuis & Suburban Ce. Convertible 7s, 1921 Chattanooga Railway & Light Ce. 1st Sc Refunding 5s, 1966 IIAMIEHS 321 Chestnut St., Philadelphia lltmbtr New Yerk nnd I'hiladtliihia Bleck Eichanait Penna. Wat. & Power Ce. Stock and Bends Further information upon request JosepKW.Gress aCe. 1421 Chestnut St. Corrpe n dt.i Aldred & Company Lawrence E. Brown & Ce. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 10SO HKAI KHTATK TKI'BT m.Dn, liiteatlsute und adjutt partnership und MtriHirallin areeunta. Alan prepare U. B, Income Tax Batumi. A Free Boek Fer. Men Who Wish te Knew The General Rules of Trading. Hew te Give a Breker Instructions. II r e k e r s' Commission Charges. Hew te Indorse a Stock Certificate. Hew te Use Collateral in Trading. Hew te Greup Invest ments. The Deposit Require ments for Carrying Stocks en Account. The Rights of Stock and Bend Helders, etc. Call.phoneerwriteatonce. Ask for Ne. T. U.-303 JONES & BAKER Specialists in New Yerk Curb Market Securities Widener Bldjr.. Phila. Phenes: Bell, Locust 4730 Keystone, Race 2290 Offices in 8 Principal Cities Direct Private Wires CORRUGATED Walnut smrnvn BOXES Hare 1S7B At lets money than you are Darin. Geed Deliveries, Corrugated Container Cerp. AI.IIKKT A. I.inilT. Drnrkln Illdr. THESE THEATRES EXHIBIT THE FINEST PHOTOPLAY PRODUCTIONS IN PHILADELPHIA See the Best Movies in Your Neighborhood Theatre IS I h N1XON-N1RDLINGER THEATRES ACMI W 25tn ani Allegheny AVE.1NU11, MATINEK DAIIA' AI.5IA RCIir.Ns In "The World and His Wife" BELMONT C2D AD0VE MARKET I.l'.KOY SCOTT'S "Partners of the Night" CFDAR U0TU AND CEDAU AVENUE IttJir.r. CLAYTON In "THE CITY SPARROW" MAIIKUT llirrWEEN .VlTII ANT) tiOTU Tint r.l.A M.iel.rAV 111 "THE JAILBIRD" COLISEUM REDUCED PRICES all mnLee et ADDING MACHINES Mr i" it wpp The Ilasnett Addlnr Marhlne Onl llin Cellins Office Machinery Ce. Sat Cheatnut H. I.ariest aiaertmenti all full' ziitranteed. n minn thent st . uiiuiid avb JUIYIDU jumbo Junction en I'rankferd "W AI.M.V KLIir.NS In "The World and His Wife" IT l-:l 1 1. .Market 440 i ay oi.uit-K.cruui;ri.i:rNeontoio:30t mii.i.i.im hi r.i.i.i. in "Tin; iiiiin itinnit" rnwr.nv m:vi mx acts vacukviixk FAIRMOUNT 'sSat?n WaA? .IACK IIOI.T 111 "THE BEST OF LUCK" FRANKFORD 4715 A,;J!AlrF0IlD KTIII'.I. CLAYTON In "THE CITY SPARROW" FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY 3.6S Interest en SAVINGS FUND ACCOUNTS Office i 325 CHESTNUT ST. 1431 CHESTNUT ST. G324 WOODLAND AVE. Capital, $5,200,000 Surplus, $16,000,000 Germantown Br,Vu?iT dVy hi. m; dmi:i.s in "YOU NEVER CAN TELL" CRANIO 02D AND "'"WET UIXrtlNU Noen ie MldnlBht "A ciiit.n von sw.r." SYMPHONY Oli('lli:sTKI. til'UlTKT nnd IIMIY Hl'TII IN rnitseN 1MPFRIAI 2Nn teplau nvii E.ru-l m-atini:b daily wh.i.mm in ssi:i.r, in "THE MAN WHO DARED" i cAnrn st Lancaster ave. LLAUHlN MATlNPin DAILY !I.A.ri!i: MtKI'r In "The Unwilling Husband" JEFFERSON A&iZ? ai.ici: nitAiiY in "rtw'1 "THE DARK LANTERN" I IP! 1CT B2D AND LOCl'ST STHERTS LULUeImhih i te. a .in nm e aoteii I.OCIS sTONI! Ill "HELD BY THE ENEMY" NIXON MD ANU MAH,f ;r3.S7TSand reMi:iY rnTi'Hi: "An Elephant's Nightmare" D!m I "f AND SANSON! STS. KIVULl Jlutlnee Dally MM: MfKKW In "A MORMON MAID" iere COVEBINO THE eNTIRE HELD OT MtCHANICAL EOUIPMCNT POR BUILDINGS POWER-STEAM t. ELECTRIC HEATINO PLUMBING WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS LIOHTINO VENTILATING GENERAL PIPING WORK ETC "The Heart of the Heating Plant" is geed heat regulator. The price of the best one made is $67.50 and up, installed. We can fur nish one at once. Ring us en the phone today. TD AMn obumantewn AVE iSlKAiNL' Al VIINANQO UT. ' KI.I.IOTT ninCTKU In I "Something te Think About" I leTHD FIIANKLIN- K OIIIAHD AVE. AS 1 UK MATINIJi: DAILY IT.Mtl. Minn: In . .. "THE WHITE MOLL" a i ir?rr? A 2'3- oihimantewnavl, AUKUKA mxii.nii: DAILY 1 censtanci: IIINNBY In I "39 EAST" BALTIMORE 6lZl'tiLSTJlf. It , n, il.alt "The Cradle of Courage" Tnrr.T and NA AVE. BLUEBIRD "ftS "LADY ROSE'S DAUGHTER' r ADM AM cniiMANTOWN avi:. "HALF A CHANCE" I.II.T.IAN niCII i. ai.llt.ON HAMILTON In M tmf ml trlA Aua. nnit (Ith flt CLIN I UK T matinkk sat 1KIIIAHT HOHWOHTII in "BELOW THE SURFACE" IRFRTY urtAD A COI.IMHIA AV. j uir hum 111. All 11 CKI.l; h, "THE ROUND-UP" MODEI ,23 S"L"1' ST Orche.tra. lVtVLlI, C'entinunii. 1 ir. 1, fiiceitnr. wai.sii i " "THE PLUNGER" NEW FORREST wa "d Tlir.I HAIt In " "SAI.IMII;" "VNISHING I).,(ir.K" NO. IB COMKHY OVERBROOK'i-vVy." CIIAHI.ICH RAY In aay "A VILLAGE SLEUTH" l.ilaUWI l. V1" INTERNATIONAL VORPORATION V REGULAR SAILINGS PHILADELPHIA te RIVER PLATE PORTS S. ,S. Cetntl . Nev. 30 PHILADELPHIA te RIO JANEIRO & SANTOS H. b. Cetutl ... Ne. 30 Refrlcerater PHILADELPHIA te FRENCH ATLANTIC PORTS , ciiHir -net. au . Xedmn? Dec. 1Q t'. y, -ij v ""'"I urn ou ifayotte Building, PhiUdelphU 170 Broadway. New Yerk Mala 8115 Lembard 3033 Cortland 3383 Wi:ilSTi:il II1.IIU., CHICAGO, HAIiniMIN UI3U Manufacturers and Jobbers We tVIlI Discount Your nilli and Trail Acceptances Guarantee Finance Trust SM Chestnut St. STOCK SALESMEN We want rnerleiired i.teek aaleiimen Ie Mil the Merlc of a thrlrlnc Indue trial, A real ennflrtiinlty for real men, A BIO. LEDRKIl OFTICK FINANCIAL KAHLKiait - IIHOOKWOOn COAIi COMPANY riKST MOHTOAOK S l'HB CENT S1NKINO KUND OOLD IIONDS, DUE 1028. Pursuant te terma of mortrave dated Julr 1. 1011, the underlined Invites tenders et abme bends (or sale und delivery as et January 1, 1021. at a prlce net exceeding aniin 02',i PARkT "'ear. avi: & daltiiin st centn i: iiinni;y in "39 EAST" POFI AR UTU ANO rei-LAit 1 v-l ""' I'nn'lnuiiua 1 te 11 DOUOMIY HAL'IO.N In ' "HALF AN HOUR" SHERWOOD " 'Mm- MAHY 2III.1M MINU.lt j,, " UJU "A Cumberland Remance" SPRUCE OUTII AND SI'IU'CC MATINIID DAir.v IHTK JON'i:s lii "SUNSET SPRAGUE" Susquehanna 17th Rnd Bu'iuehanna MAT. DAILY TOM MIV In "THE TERROR" Special Musical Selections nnd additional attractions offered at the uiettneu uuvciviacu in, tne ,ledger, JOHN L.MERRILL, Pres. lleutc jeiir messnges "Via All America," which words are tianamittcil fret! by ail teleijaih cempanlca. URUGUAY The last available figures (1013) show that Uruguay wires in an area of but hae 5344 miles of telegraph 72,172 square miles. ALL AMERICA CABLES enables American manufac turers nnd exporters te keep in close and necurnte touch with their rapidly expand ing Urugunyinn tsnde. Hecker & Ge. Bankers and Brokers Member of Hillnileluliln nnd New Yerk HIiH-k Kirliunir N. K. COIL 0TII AND CIIKSTNUT 8T8. LEE, 1ILGG1NS0N & CO. Kalnlillslird 1843 1800 Finance HiilldliiK. l'lilladrlnlila 1IOSTON NEWYOttK CHIUAOO MEXICO With Improving internal con cen con ditien Mexican Government 10 Year Treasury G Hends of 1913 offer a most attractive op. pertunity for large speculative profits. Information en Application Charles Fearer & Ce. 333 Chestnut Street 102',i iier cent and Interest, te the eitimt el J3n.07n.lH. the aum new available In tbs Slnklns Pund. Sealed tenders, atnllnr numbers of bends nfTered, addressed te OirtAnD TIIU8T COM. PANY. Trustee, Hlnklnc Fund, Harlelsh. nroekwnod Ceal Ce. 1st Mtie. fl Per Cent Hende, will l received until 3 p. m., De cember 10, 11)20. (lIUAItD TltUHT CflSirANY, Truste OEOnOE II. STUAHT 3d, Treasurer. Philadelphia, Ta,. November S4. 1020. POCAHONTAS CONSOLIDATED COLLIERIES COMPANY, INCORPORATED rirtr-Vcnr Five rer Cent. Geld Dendj, Dus Julr 1, 1057 .Netice Is liersby wlven. pursuant te lbs terms of the MortKage dated July 1st, lvOi, that the undersigned. a Trustee, will re reive sealed proposals up te 8.00 p. m e the 8th day of December. 1920. for the s! Ie It of bends as above described, sulilcltnt te use the sum et 148.018.77, The unotr unetr lined reservra th rlcbt te ruiect auy or all iiiK new renic, TrtusT cempani. Trustee Dy n. O. CUHTia. Becrstarr. New Vnrk October 81. 1020 . I, L.1.NVAHTKK VATKIl F1I.TBATION CO. Hereby liUm notice that, In accordance vlin the terms of the mortKuue or deed of trust, the follewlns bends have been called ' paymmt dnd cancellation upon January iq. 1U21 tu wit: Nes 8(1. 40, 41, 44. 02. ei.Vl, 71, 140. n,q in njn (in em upon proper presentation of the lame at the eritce of the below named trustee the lull principal sum thereof, toKether with Intereit ihoreen te January 1st. 1051, will be pal. Interest thereon will coase January 1st. Wti. whether bends are presented as requested or "wERT END TTtURT COMTANT. Trust's nread St. Seuth Penn Bnuare. Phila.. ?s. 1(10. 117 121, 152. 153. ISO, 13S, IS?. . 14.1, 107. 108, 207. 210, 214, 218, 554, Annual Meetings iNsriiANrn r or neiith amkiiica Third nnd Wnlnut Sta Phlladrlpbla, . ' The Annual Meetlntr of the Stockholders win no ntiu ui me jiuma uuice ei me w"'l ,l piny, en Tuesday, Jnnuury 11. lOil, at u j M.. fur the election et Directors and tn. ceme before the meeting-. JOHN KHEMKH. Secretary. Dividend The PhlUdelphin Electric Cempanf 1000 CHESTNUT BTnEET Philadelphia. Pa., Nev. 12, 1020. The Ileurd of Directors have this day if rlarcd n quartvrly dividend of one and tarrf qiinrtrrs (IV.) per cent (being 48.75 rents s sluirr) upon the common capital stock of tiuj Company, payable Drrcmbr 18. IO0'. " tuckheldera ut record November 10, 120. II. C. I.UCAB. Treas. MITAMKMH HOSIliHV COJIPANV Venango It I Htreta. I'hlladelphU DIVIIHWD NO. S . .,. nevtniMr se", " The Hosiery lieard of Director of the Nels'1" 'of 2 en the Klrat Prt-ferred Bleck, Pfl,1!! 'I Ilrcrmbrr l, 10J0, te stockholders of ree ,1 November 23rd, 1020. J .'I uuuKnu vtvuiTf it j ft :k . a r .-?. -?Aj!it -r"! J ( yve rf(n'T.wii Jt .fn; .w. ,.. t&f&rtJ1 53 . Vtas- u