atfi'il I r TJr -ti "JVj. vTsMtf rv ' - A sv ".r. '' vi-, .;,.,.,, v ......,...... ..--- , . " MB I r-. , . i k I '. .TCT ' "jl-.i Ifnai-.M -"Wii-, ;i- , i ! . " . ". ; . . j. ' - 24 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEEr-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 24, 1920 f n-fS MAT. ESTAT-J FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR RENT REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE 'WANTED ZUSAXi ESTATE FOR BALE SEAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE rKNNHYi.vANiA wimrnnAN l,KNXHYI.VANIA.SllimKll.U PENNSYLVANIA SUHUBtlAN . new jkrhkv simriuiAK nkw jersey i mimmnAW CITY CIIKSTKR f'HKNTKK rilKSTKB Factories. Warrhnnsca. Mfr. Floers si tm i &! l r 1 'ft b' f S W I!' ? ( i ,r v ft sV, j' I V h LNff-. if I ',lt 3 Bfci JTi E VII UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD Emergency Fleet Corporation Offers 278 Detached Modern Houses and Other Buildings for Sale Buckman Village, Chester, Pennsylvania Scaled bids en one or all of the above buildings will be received in the office of the Chairman, United States Shipping Beard, Washington, D. C, en or before 10:30 a. m., December 31st, 1920. Bids will be opened 10.30 a. m. same day in the offices of the Beard. Buckman Village is ideally located nnd within easy reach of the city with its stores and amusements. It consists of 278 detached 4, 5 and 6-room houses with bath, electric lighting, gas and all ether me'dcrn improvements. There are also 22 buildings of 40 apartments, 3 rooms each, and 64 apartments of 4 rooms each; one building with 2 apartments of 4 rooms each and 4 stores; also One Bearding Heuse of 152 rooms One Waiting Station Twelve Garages " One Old Mansion The Project Contains 36.64 Acres The soil of a texture admirably adapted for gardening pur poses. The construction of the hetises is the very best, every modern convenience and improvement being embodied. Proposal forms and ether information may be obtained from Manager Division of Transportation and Heusing Operation, 140 North Bread Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. ' The Beard reserves the right te reject any or all bids. Sealed bids sheidd be addressed te the Secretanj of the UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD, 1319 F Street N. W., Washington, D. C, and endorsed "Sealed Bids for Houses (giving location), and de net open." STITCHING PLANT 16.000 SQUARE FEET (SOME ADDITIONAL OltOUND) Situated In New Jersey 75 miles from New Yerk less thnn 80 miles' from Philadelphia. Equipped with 200 sewing machines, suitable for light MltchlriK: new In operation. This plnnt en railroad 5 mlnuten' walk from station In excellent condition. Three Meers nnd basement. Beiler house, coal bunkeru and toilets In attached buildings. I'rlce reasonable. Laber following excellent. Apply te A G, LEDGER OFFICE i ri.enmA t';iii:iiiii!;iiitcj;iiiiii!iiwii,:i:Bi:iii!(i;ii,iiiifiiiaiMJiiiiHiiiii;iiiiii;iiii;iiiiiiiJt' I FLORIDA H thf r.RnwiNir. of the TEMPLE ORANGE Is mere profitable than any ether sound commercial business we knew of. THE TEMPLE TERRACES Is a genuine business propesition: the highest-class fruit development In the slate; It Is backed by successful Flerida citrus men. The location Is part of the estate of Mrs. Petter Pnlm-r: an Ideal section of Flerida near Tampa. P.vmnli arm anritArt nv.f t VenTS. 3 nnd B or 10 acres will return a goeiP J Income for life . let us outline It le a you. Write for booklet Ne. 3 1 Temple Terraces, Inc. ioeo puikway, phila. jj phone ixcust tltll.l iiic'irminannntiwininiiffliipffiniiiininniiiiniiimniiniiiitiU'iiniiiiimiiinniiimmiiitir. FAUMS REAL ESTATE SALE OR REUT TWIerlm. Warehouses. Mfr. Floers HAI.n en iir.MT 2-Story Factory. .14,000 Sq. Ft. 3 Street Fronts fl SQUARES FROM CITY HAM. 2 SQUARES FROM IIKOAD ST. A 014, Ledger Office REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE CONSTANT demand for all kinds of properties, also factories and fnctery altos and greund: also N Ilrend at, preperties: list yours with us. Call Tiega, 4323 or Park "04. .Michael Heck, Jr., 3148 N. nrend st WANTED. In Oermantnwn or vicinity, 0 te 8 room heuse: price IS00O te 3000; state full particulars; will pay all cash If nccea snrv. Address A PIT, Ledger Office. DO YOU HAVE for sale a large mansion house, old or new with about 20 bedrooms, within fair distance of city? Would like some acreage witn it: give run particulars descriptions price, ete. M 701, Ledger Office, NKW JKKHKV sriiritHAX nkw JKitHKi smritiiAX NKW JERSEY M'M'RHAN CAMDEN CAMDEN CAMDEN F l! UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD "N' Emergency Fleet Corporation Offers 1578 Detached Modern Houses and Other Buildings for Sale Fairview, Camden, New Jersey Sealed bids en one or all of the above buildings will be received in the office of the Chairman, United States Shipping Beard, Washington, D. C, en or before 10:30 a. m., December 31st, 1920. Bids te be opened 10:30 a. m. same day in the offices of the Beard. Fairview, Camden, New Jersey, is ideally located, and within easy reach of the city with its stores and amusements. It ce?isists of 1578 detached 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 room houses with bath, electric lighting, gas and all ether improvements; also 15 Buildings containing 115 Apartments, 19 Stores and four ledge rooms. One Hetel containing '38 rooms, One Garage, one Gymnasium This project Contains 165.50 acres The soil of a texture admirably adapted for gardening pur poses. The construction of the houses is the very best, every modern convenience and improvement being embodied. Proposal forms and ether information may be obtained from Manager Division of Transportation and Heusing Operation, 140 North Bread Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Beard reserves the right te reject any or all bills. Sealed bids should be addressed te the Secretary of the UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD, 1319 F Street N. W., Washington, D. C, and endorsed "Sealed Bids for Hemes (giving location), and de net epen.11 Clese te Philadelphia 35 Acres, Only $1700 rieasant home and geed living here frfltn poultry and fruit; cesy house. !'r shade, shrubbery, rure water big barn, poultry heue. cerncrlb. wagon house; level loam Adds, splendid crops, weed for home u". orchard apples, plums, cherries, pears: 14 grapevines, variety berries, aged nner un able care for It: your opportunity at only 1700, easy terms. Details this and ether farms near Philadelphia and throughout 33 states, page 32. Strout-a It g New Illus trated Catalog Farm Bargains. Call or write for free copy. 140-Acre Pennsylvania Farm With 3 Horses, 20 Cows and icons, complete machinery. harvested crops, famous dairy section, schools are! uirket rinse by. nelds cut .10 tena hay. 25 tens sllace acre: 40-cow, spring-watered pasture- 400-bbl. apple orchard, ether fruit, 100 sugar maples: equipment, 2-slnry house, lake view; 2 basement barns, silo, etner buildings, owner, wlta Important business, makes quick sale price JHHtie, part casn. Bal ance easy terms, jjetalls this and equipped 102-acre farm pfffe 88, Streufa Die Illus trated Catalog. $1 100 Cash Secures 1 25-Acre 2-Family Farm Beside large. nalgable Marland river, Mi nlle st. ambeat .amllng beating. Ashing. ! mpreved read- convenient geed town- 7E acres machine work-d fields, very productive, prlng-watcrcd pasture, abundance weed. 30 000 ft. timber, 140 fruit trees: geed - story house, diltghtful shade, convenient l.arn- owner called away, makes low price SS.'iOO. J1100 cash, balance easy terms. De tails this and poultry farm for J1800 page 4.1. S rout's ItlK New Illustrated Lata eg Farm Bargains 33 States. Call or write for ee copy STItOVT I'AItM AOKNCY. 1422 I. Land Title. Bldg Philadelphia. Pa. WILL 1IU three-story house In geed nelgn. borheod If financed te IBOO. P 425 ledger Office. GUA11DIAN will Invest In city properties If ehesn, A Bin Ledger Office. Farteriea. Warehouse. Mfg. Fleer WE sruciAMZE In the selling and renting of Industrial preperty: If you have a fac tory or warehouse that veu wish te dispose of we will be glad te examine It. Wa can furnish the names of a dozen large cor porations who have found our services satis factory In the last year. A postal or a Phene call and we will examine your prep. ejty at once. CHESTHH D. ROTTNEll. Merris Wulld'nr Iici-st 203. VA I. Dnsmi: the specifications of factories, sites and warehouses, which we handle ex. cluslvylv from an Industrial, engineering and manufacturing standpeint: we nre net real estate agents and de net accept exclusive agency. J. ALAN MIDDLETON. 002 Wide. ner Tlldg. Walnut 24na. flnragen WANTED Large garage or building suit able for garage, te be used for repairing ?. ?aln"l"r au,lr.": statc ,ul1 particulars. M 721 Ledieer Office. HEAL ESTATE FOB BENT CITY I T Southern Jersey 25-Acre Fruit and Poultry Farm Only 2 miles It. U : 15 acres tillage, va riety fruit, acre grapes: 4W acres berries: goe'd cottage heuse: -2-story barn-. 4 Poultry Tieusea; 4-het beds: ether buildings for quick sale: owner Includes all machinery, fleck peul try- S22UO, easy ierm. irimm ui limb tun 130-acre farm, J4000. rage 31. Streufa Big Illustrated Catalog I-'arm Bargains. 33 States. Call or write for free copy. $500 Cash Secures 20-Acre Farm Near II It. town, farmers make big money In this fa'meus tomae and berrv swtlen 0 nrrei mellow loam tillage, many cords weed tlm lr apples geed 2-story heue. substantial barn: owner called away, makea low- price Only illO". i)"!l 'lUttM. ,-" t....p. -" this and 110-acre farm iquipped. JS0P.O, part cash, page 44 Htreufs Illustrated Catalog. Equipped Dairy Farm Less Than $30 Acre With 10 cows, compile machinery, wagon, quantity hay. grain, etc , 12.1 acres fertt e fields. spriiiK-" '".. - yeiu..., ,u.u..w.l I uhmI varl.-tv fruit 40J tree, pqulp- tneirt prosperous community, all cenven- lences, geed li-room heu"i big barn: peultrv heue spring water, personal reasons compel I immedUte .il" ei-rnhlng. 3Sne. eaiy terms. Details this and famous grain farm pac HI Streufa Ws ' IllU'Uatel Catalog Kami IUrgalns, 33 States Call or 'writ" for free copy. 8TROUT FARM ' AOKNCY. 1422 U Land Tltlu Bldg.. I'hlla- . delphla I'KNNYI.VXNIA F.UM FOR RENT Term Lease 2 $0 PER MONTH ,;0,0.b!Mk Lambert st.: new. 0 rooms and bath; agent en t.reml.,.s. $85 PER MONTH h,..h. .." "" ave.: new, 6 rooms and bath, agent en premises. $100 1220 Lindley ave.. Data PER. MONTH cer.: 10 rooms and $100 PER MONTH1 72JO block 74th ave.s new, 8 rooms snd bath. OAK LANE REALTY COMPANY Oak Lane SST 0752 Old Yerk rd Factory and Warehouse for Rent 50,000 square feet. 'Twe elevnters. Steam heat. Apply 240 N. Frent St. 1 block from P. R. R. 1 block from B. & O. 1 block from wharf. 3 blocks from P. & R. QTOfflimiMIM FLOORS 1210 & 1212 Arch St. WANTED TO RENT OR BUY Build ing, with 30,000 TO 50,000 SQ. FT. with power; modern construction; RAILROAD SIDING PREFERRED. Ad dress P 432, Ledger Office. BEAL ESTATE FOB BENT BEAL ESTATE FOB BENT rirr CITY 48x170, te Rear Street Excellent Salesrooms nnd Offices: Will Divide te Suit; Modern; Excellent Light; Pas senger and Twe Freight Elevnters. Inquire en Premises ffiHTMnnmmarmnii'Hiiiuimminiiaiin"iminjrninniirtmmini;rmiiimiinjiiTOta DISPLAY ROOMS AND OFFICES MAXWELL BLDG. WALNUT AT 16TH ST. WILLIAM C. BEkERT 1421 CHESTNUT ST. MANHATTAN BUILDING Cor. 4th and Walnut outside dayllEbt offices. One entire oftlce fleer can be leased. In the heart of the Insurance, Financial and Shlpplnc District. All by responsible firm. About 3000 sq. feet. Alse 1000 square feet, Sulldlnx new betns renovated, new elevators, plumbing-, etc., and generally belns put In excellent condition. WM I.IPKIN. ll'OS Arch Stre.t HAM1L a. WAI.SH. BOH Walnut St. llfl N. 3D ST. Entlre 8-story bulldlnir. elevator, ete. lo.'-e N 8d st. Upper floors, 11.1 N. 3d St. Second, third, fourth, fifth floors electric elevator, steam heat ISO Hace st. Second and third floors, electric elevuter steam heat, lmproe te suit tenant. O C. SCIDEL A CO , INC 4TH AND CAI,IiCnVHII,I, STB. 10 ACRES. FULLY EQUIPPED; 5 HORSES. 1 0 COWS. 20 PIGS & ' all machinery and crops, such as pas enelne. Kraln binder, manure spreader, corn planter, I eerythlnc Keen; lil-acre woodlot. la-rere rlM'i front pasture, tmlunie. reed work land: direct rnllrind rnnmrtlnnx te Philadel phia, near school, plenty fruit: troed watir; larKe stone heuw. suitable for J families: lame burn, cempbti set eutbuiltllnKs. rltn at once for catuleBUe or ive HL.Khb !.;. DIIIIMA.N' il ! f Alr t Ntirilrtnwn. IM NEAR PHILADELPHIA; 19 ACRES. SOME CROPS. ETC. Electric ears with n slKht of place, hchoel at end of farm, best of soil, plenty fruit, uoed water: alate reefed. Btene house, barn, ' poultry heusts, new v. anon and buteher house; pltt P-n. corn crib: all new: low t.rlce and easy terms Write at once or see llCf-.-lt. l,i.i""'".'i " - ' - Norrlstewn. Pa. , i'js acri:h. I dairy farm, rE.vyeYi.VAXL sl "Ui!L2t OVEIinKOOK rKxyivi.y yi st iu'nn.N wiyyiiwoei) 0VERBR00K Moderete - alied home we I built, well planned with l. Ins room, dlnlna- room. bra! -fast room, etc . S chambers 2 baths, storeroom e,ee trlctty; central plant heat saraits: Immediate possession convenient te train A trelly WM. H. WILSON & CO. 7OO-O1-02 Mennis ni-ne Members Phlla Real Estate Heard ' R r WYNNEW00D m '"n and stucco residence, rrn tn'nlrB s bedrooms. 3 bath, "leenlrir rerrh. every modern ennv-nlence uarnitei eenvem.n te station. J22.O00. 0 Sa Jmuel C. Wagner. Jr. S21 -,rrmreai Trun map 3J havm; WKNTMONT .i.iiiii hix-rnem h'jUbc sinte reef " ifr .fc '"' ',f"'fr khh let Sllxl'.M iVi 4tfr,"B- emera up le JG.,00 iel. productive stock and rlsht en cement highway; a money-maker; dwelling. It roems: medern: I bath, electric llnht In all bu minus large b.irn for (10 cows, modern atables with steel eernTnt i Jacks; . carriers silo. fem. spr gs. ria-. erchara geno inm-i . .- . m .- it i,ere wheat Included, here Is u great uildlng Ieta. SOxlSO f.'.t. IB50. easy terms opportunity for a man wanting an exfellent nv new build In spring IMvArd H CuN I farm, cenvml-nt te markets, price Ke OOO. i-i fe Hadden and Or stal Lake ae J II THOMPSON, member Philadelphia 1ST FLOOR FOR RENT I Kara we in rear, rent 1151 i -(th ROBERT FINBERG R0S CHESTNUT iiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiirii'iiiii'Ciiiiiiii'imiiiiiiiiijiiHriiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiii'a I THE BEST SECOND FLOOR 1 IN TOWN j Let us show It. 1318 Chestnut St., gj oppeslto Wanamaker's. J. T. JACKSON CO.' Chestnut nnd 13th Sts. t! 'iniHtniiniraiHimintiiiniHimiiin'nminuniirrj.iiiminnminriiMniKnnimiinnimriiinff -vmrn SmBiiHiiiiii, F0.R RENT Second and tliird floors, 37 S. 17th St., corner Ranstead St., for business purposes. Will alter te suit tenant. Keys in store. lTllMlfll1MITM FOR RENT , LOT-NORTH BROAD ST. GOOD FOR GASOLINE STATION OR STORING N. E. COR BROAD & McFERRAN STS. .84 FCET ON BHOAD STREET 150 FEET DEEP TO REAR STREET CHARLES KAHN 1421 CHESTNUT STREET Locust 2400 Race 1872 nr.KMAXTewx GERMANTOWN Attractive 2 s t e r y perch-front dwelling with garage: contains 7 rooms and hath; front perch Inclosed-het-water heat: gas nnd electricity; hardwood fleer; examine at ence: only $83. Smith, Dalgliesh & Russ REALTORS r,622 OEHMANTOWN AVE. Sli' n n m a t mi unn mi n inn i mini n n iHiiP inuiTEn imrnmuiTiT.i-rtn nurmrnn mnnu nnnCT 70 E. ASIIMEAD ST Perch, tl rooms, bath; Immediate poss ; $30 per month. EMU. srill'llOOT, 4227. O't'n ave. i,enAN 1004 LUDIX1W ST.. 24x10.1 te Hanstead St.. 1-sterr bldg., suitable for garage, repair C'F!C'SIM0N. 112 S. 16th St. WITH A FOUR-CAR SIDING l-sty, building. 40x130, suit heaw storage. A. It. FHAHKH " ransom. 1.100 aq ft Mr menth: Storage and Manufacturing MOO square feet: basement 811 te B23 Cherry St.: fireproof, elevator servlca arid electric llahts; driveway for bis Best trucks: front and rear entrances WM I.IPKIN. 1208 Arch Street Ph Icui,t ni!44 or your eun breker 2220 PINE ST. Kntirvly renevatetl, nlectric lUhtu FlrM-floer kitchen nnd cUnlnjr room. MLAtO & BKUW1N 02 H. 1.1TH ST MFG. FLOOR SPACE RENT 20.000 BQ. TT . ONE Pl.OOIt, OTHEns OP VARIOl'H SIZES ANIJ IOCATIONH. HERBERT RICE COLONIAL TRUST iiuii.uir.ti ;emnent Jallv nn.l KundnMi Ni:V JERSEY KKAMIOUE Ileal Estate 'Heard. WfSt Cheater. Pa. WAnEiieuac ren sale or hent CENTRAL GOOD CONDITION SPRUCE 4B84 APARTMENT for rent, 220 S 4th, second thirl fourth floors, d rooms und hmh jn te dO per month Rebert Mnberir fins I'HLIC SALE en premises Vi miles I'ert , che,tnut st Eurtilshed and unfurnlfched null "JIWkiJ , .," oie estate E C. Hhe-. tin AND lf,0 PER MONTH New i,n.,..i.. flal llilh limit.- . I ' nw..-.. M,. .Q ,. . fl.flft " .. .u l.lh ..iivh ..l.,,ln .L .".'Vil. 8321 Ueverceux st Asent en premises, 2 10 n y. " i? . .' 1'urtilshed and unfiirnlkhed ' Philadelphia t close estate E C. Hhe-. , '"' ..ottaReM and flats with uneb- i .i.? deceased. Thursday. Nev 18. at 0:30 tru-te.1 ucean i lew ptlcta much ln-r linn k": Bl-ncre farm, rich land. Cole-ilal ee"n,fUy"v'"jt""1" J M CKM KK- I 3e"l n. b eutbulldlmrs fine location, ' ii n i uy . J , ,! unm nv farm nutflt. In. ATLANTIC '1TV rilRLh ftn falrlv modern all-year heubes terfe.t letatl n amaetlve prices nnd rm. nni lA-axfr (irrire iin.iin Miitinue and ethnr furniture Fur- " " . - - . r,m A. ..A. 1 in M 111 11.111, lllllllli 1 .'11' Vl write rer eatnimruea. AMI1I.EK tII.IUII(lI lull KALE UirKf corner aere prepertv let 100x100 nimprlslnir larffe store build. .tlB eemplete tlxtun-s, with apartment dwell ing above, also laiire ruttitue wllh 4urane In rrar excellent locution receipts last year I.Vi 000 JAMES A L HARRIS. Title and rrui.1 llldir Wlldwoed N .1 nlture sale 0.30 a. rnrm .. r m HENRY KIDDLE HVDAI. RYDAL r'nlnrla i.r.tlnnallt aitrULlMU ,'!" v-uivim-i Hvlnir rnnm dn Jtnlnif rOOTT). liniinJ ....- "-";. PWrttienllv attru.ttie f nv mi in i dn dlnlmr room. mdr; ider 320 LOL'KLLA AVE All-alone, house about 13 rooms alt "in nt-iires steam heut, copper tfjtters and rondurters. all-stone ku. raice for 1 cars ner ar. nrre wltn shudi and larlnir fruit an unusually fine preptrtj , brokers preteetid J M KHONBF1KLD Wayne Pa KLtllllI) 11 ACREh $.1000 (reduced from $OO0), 'n cluillnit fl cew'B, 2 horses. 0 neus, 1(10 chickens all crops In barn und ttreund, farm Implements. Immediate possession.. Reed room house, barn, watren house, land fertile ns rarden. fruits, commuting- service te Philadelphia 14 miles West Chester, county sent Chest, r ceuntv topulatlen ln.000; rea rea senable ttrma Heald & Sen. West Ches- terra WILLOW C.IKIVE lleht. as. het-water heat, meaern open Plumbing- mrawwa "" 'iu ..i: open fireplaces and larse and amel" closets; lare let sltuateil en h h ele vation iidlelnlnc Hunllneden Vallev Keif links; only 4 minutes' walk f nation. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE 1I1.1K1 iSiiiiiBwiiiUuii!iii&.wiii vejiiiii iiiaM him mrauiiii Ay 5T0NE COLONIAL HUML U AND GARAGE Ideally situated In the beautiful lluntlnsden valley, larte garatre new bulldltifs of unusual construc tion, well planned, en 10 acres of round surrounded by large estate property borders en 2 street fronts the nrlce Is reasonable and will make terms te suit, Immediate possesien I T JACKSON CO. CHESTNUT AT 18T1I ST ,. .v. aIm. sfaTlen " " "v.-r;-..B r,v.;;.,iiK, , is iim.j:j nailtlltiwiiajliwiliwirjumiasu 8 ROOM dwelilti all improvements one-half of i ub.. h'tui i lese te train and treluy price right reasonable terms WARREV M Ci 'I1NEI.I. Hathore Pa m:w jkiisi,v m m bien RIVER-FRONT HOMES RIVERTON ElKlEWATKil PARK 4 le I acres 10 te 20 rooms ull cenv PETERS 4 BONS tlOk CIIKSTNTT PHII.A Ariirim.v pnuiuiMiiiiiBiiii'iiiiiuiiL'' 'im,i!iii:!i!ii!!!iii uiuiiiiUiiiiAii'iiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiy ' ? OROOM 8EMI lir.ViAl.cjW atrlillv g, i1 modern eenenlent te train and M I trolley. ILO0 p, I J Other e- and fl-room bungalows In Fg 1 1 Oaklyn. CollliiRswne'l nnd Hadden ra ' J Heights i? ERNEST U. JENKS 1I''" W AtUnil uvh AU'lu.ten .V J Heth rihenr Oin Sunityn & evp k I - BWABTIIMOBK JT1KUL all-Une Colonial house, 11 t kalha A enan MreDlaces. steam hVrdwoei floors, eapper gutters and con. Crtersi let 200x200: a beautiful prepertri fin. OOP. J. M rrenefleld Wayne. I'a. ' Is-ROOM STONE HOUSE arrs ub auiirru uiti niiaur P . . ,... nknlAI dlAIA IKJUBrBsitUU .llt -! '"'"". C. V, VEimb I BON. 603 CHESTNUT ST. iijjiiiiiiilii!i;iiiiiTii'i;!ii!iaiiiiimv7ii1ia!iiii'kB'!iiiyiii;iii,, ( LA TON DEHIRAIILE DWEI.LINlJH for sale, location tine, all cenviin.ences, price and terms reasonable, worth our Inspection. L. R. LEDUON Clayten, N J MOOKKSTOWN sea phi ilKSTNt TRACT OVER AN ACRE ('On. OAK AVE. Ii ELM HT .1 FRONTS New, with tax exemption fur f. y.urj, It Is worth whlie te build a heusv S. e th e, PETERS It IOV tins . lirTNI'T -i'r PHlf,A ALSO A TH VCT Vk 25 ACHLS PALM BEACH FLORIDA FOR RENT FURNISHED: ,DULCIORA, Very desirable residence at Palm Beach, facing Lake Werth, three hundred yards south of Poinciana Hetel. Five master bedrooms, three baths, three maids' rooms and bath. Twe - car garage and laundry, with large room for two men ever. Twe acres of ground, with orange and grapefruit trees, ether trop ical trees and plants in pro fusion. LOUIS S. CLARKE (Owner) Haverford, Pa. HILLTOP FARM 10 acres beautiful view: cIemd te station, T.rnnm dwelling, heat and light, modern rjuultrv plunt, outbuildings Price .10OO. P "vIltltEN M CORNELL, Hathore, Pa S4! AND nu Per menm; nw operation n rooms, bath, perch, electric, twin homes. 8321 Devereuux st Agent en premises 2 teftPin. ernrF.q. ih' rooms, etc. 'i SEARS. ROEBUCK & COMPANY'S DOWNTOWN OrriCE FOR RENT Entire Market Street Frent THIRD FLOOR FIVE nOOMS IN THE Denckla Building 11TH AND MARKET STS. Possession at Once PHONE MR. TRIMBLE FRANKFORD 2H0O N. E. COR. 15TH & LOCUST NEW STREET FRONT OFFICES & STORES Stn-ilR.1 OR MORE hQl'ARE FEET 8ECONl-ri.OOR OFFICE CO.MPRIS1NC) I 2270 SO IT WITH 31 WINDOWS AND 2 IAROE SKYLI11HTS New Ready for Occupancy RICHARD J. SELTZER 400 CHESTNUT ST. wwraimiffiniiiiiwia EXCEPTIONAL RENTAL OPPORTUNITY A most attractive new residence of 7 rooms and tiled bath, with separate tiled shower; beautifully finished throughout. Including every modern feature alass-lnclesed hated perch and heated garage; rent J75 and S0, examine furnished sample house. 1712 N Warnock st . open for In spection or communicate with SMULLEN & BARRY 1200-11 LIRERTT ni.DO. UllOAD AND CHESTNUT aimiiii'tflwiiiDii rKXNS .XVANIA SimiTnn a m 'ifcMraiKMfJMGOmSiEMMmrailCMxr,, HOMES B200 mjecK n. eni bt AUOVE DUNCANNON AVB. Terrace front. Inclesed perch with Interchangeable aash. parquetry floors ItiM.i.hniit hnt.iu.l.. . ... ....UUM..V. . ...-..,, ui, Discing and gas lights. U 1.AHUIS KOOMS. and bath, built-in tubs, ahewsrs ii.uuuifi Dircii, inn luim lect: real JIB per menthl 0-month leases. riwiu ub. uuuaci urr.fl Bee today; best preposition offered anywhere. Take Ne. 47 or 73 car en 0th at. te Duncannon. walk 1 eq. wen MARTIN A KELLY 2801 W. ALLEOHENr AVB. AGENT ON PREMISED "" IWMMMM CYNWYD 420 STATF ROAD Ten rooms, 2 bathT completely furnished, electric light hetl air heal open for Inspection 1 te 2' ih afternoon Arthur Peswell. 233 n. 13th it TACONY CORNER house: suit 2 families: also etif". 111.K iivuae iui ran., 0 neuses fll r month. Williams 4 Williams. Alls Te" ner resd lie ae. .NEW JF.RSEV SEASHORE ATT.ANTIC CITY ilBWUUMIII 8TH ST . 41130 New home, with Barage; $80 per month; hut-water h at, electr r ty, hardwood floors, built-in tub nnd shower. Annly 4000 N "th st 1742 N. HUTCHINSON ST. Six rooms nnd bath, het-water heat, electric light; ga rage: all modern conveniences; Ise per month 4743 N. HUTCHINSON HT Six moms and bath, het-wator heat, electric light, all modern cenveniences: tlfl ner month TienA EIOHT rooms and bath, medern: furnished. "JKiO per menth: earlv lease. Tiega Realty Ce 17th and Erie nve Tlnga 1h'I2 OMI I.AXE DES1RA1II K a ilte of ff Ices, Immediate pos session, 2e0 S. Ilrend st., unexpired leasu at a large saving eer present rental price te desirable parties. Apply 518 Stock Ex cliamre Illdg Mr, Caldwell NEW HOMES FINISHED TO SUIT THE RENTER 8 rooms nnd bath. 2-car parage $100 PER MQNTH. Sample house (182.1 N llread "at. Alse 2 beautiful up-te-date homes, with 7 rooms nnd bath; large yard, $75 PER MONTH Sample house. 1447 W. 00th ave. Routes 24 and ." out Old Yerk read will taUe you there. FOSTER & TEICHMAN OAK LANE 1C37 WILL rent. Chelsea section, very d.iir well-fur. heuse for 0 mei $i:s mthii. ppertunltv seldom offered. A (128. Led Off' OCEAN CITY lir.0 ASDURY AVE. S rooms and bath; Ut 30x100: low rental by the year. S M OAYLEY. 1000 Pine st. FOR RENT FURNISHED OERMANTOWN RENT FURNISHED fn. r. r..l l atone neuse vyiui uarage Containing It rooms. 3 baths. 7 chambers, gas and electrla light. het-water heat: situate In best residential section en Scheel lane. n.fnwih.r I te May 1 HIRST & McMULLIN OVEST END Tni'ST IlLDO !!ENNSYLVANIA SUnUlttlAN VILLANOVA STONE HOUSEJtK ff AND GARAGE M, i ry convenlfntly located, adjn irt M cent te electric nnd nteam trains; rl linuse rentalna 14 rooms. 3 baths, Tj Q Ka il'Ctrlclty, het-water heat fj U UrtiM let. will rent te April 13 O ! HIRST & McMULLIN X WEST END TRUST DLDQ.yQ' I. J ax&&ZcrxIx&r NKW .IEn"EV SflUinnAN MKitciiAvrviLi.K MORTGAGES (r V nuiMiT.K nrflce. corner llread nnd rh.Mtrmt 4D0 snuare felt, sublet for 1100 monthly I p .11 H Ledger Off lei. OFFICES FOR RENT Shubert ltia,.. esfl 8. llread st : outside light: Immediate ues- s.sslen. PART of office for rent. Land Title nidi: A Oil. I.edgiT Office OFFICES and roems: sul llgnt manufac turing. 220 Sjlth st. '" OFFICES for bus or suitable doctors, den tlwts Hetel C.irnden 2d and Penn RENT $65t,lIy ALL Rent Can Apply On purchase of This New Heuse If Desired WANTED FIRST MORTGAGES 0YAS,D0JRLPSMf!EAAM0SNTT3TB IMMEDIATE SETTLEMENT FRANK H. MOSS & CO. .118 WALNUT ST. OKl'U'ES and ib'sk rooms, cntr.illv located A A KU'RKNB & CO. 220 H Hh s t UREI1LE 1II.DCI.. 170H-10 Chestnut Dealr stuaies rem j. 11. .mrurn-. la.i.T nrlstl u n MT. VERNON. 223H 10 rooms and bath. suitable for an apartment; t7B per month yearly lwnLatjrnssalinji.berty IHdc ' A P A R f M E N'fS-" JAMES D. WINCHELL 17TH t, HANSOM 2403 N 1IROAD Electricity het-wlter heat 2 baths stationary tuba, yearly iMm James U plxen. 1M4 Ridge nt r 2D AND 3D 1'LOOR, corner nenr 3d 'aTij UIIIM V swmm s-.w mi V. t fl'IViriC Iltf lit learn heat OAYLEY lBOOPIna st. kimii ACR-.S. unimproved en macadam read close te vlllage nnd station- price ch"n.-jl M J'ORNELL Hathore, Pa. illTCKS COUNTY farms. Send for list. II. O LIOIITCAP. Dovlestewn Pa. XKW JKKHKV I'AKIS Vr.-ACItK OENERAL EARM. potuteea, fruit. truck poultry sleck, some timber; run ning stream, fenced fields situate close te school, church, mill and b-auUful lake: nearly new semlbungalew house, H rooms, fine cellars, tenant house for help: harn. wagon sh.ds. crib house, general bu dings, nrlee 300. reasonable terms. Write for details, ulbe our new Illustrated farm eatu- leg, . i . . "Tiji'AY MAlJEOROE, Vlenland. N. J. ne.ACRE FAR-L 0 miles from Camden, en geed stone read. 1 mile of train and trot ley 1-fare zone' Leam soil en- clay sub soil' large frame house 10 rooms; 2 geed tenant heuVe large barn and outbuildings, ill In excellent cendlt en, 1180 per acre. EDWARD H CUTLER CO. Cutler. Illdg., Maple Shade , 17TH ST . N 201H 3d-tl apt.,4 rms balh. Apply C Kranlt Ayer.1724 Busiiuehnnna v STORE and 2d fleer. 012 Arch st. l'ruden-. Hill ReHll Ce . 140 S. llfllh Helment Sllllll lluslness Prenertles nnd Stere Machine Shep or Garage ON VINE ST 40x140 WITH POSS ERASER 101.1 RANSOM HPR 3383 DEtilltAlil.I'. sh'iwriiems Kess.Hughes Ce 21st and M,. rkit sts Mr (llllrt. racterles, Wtirelieuwes, Mfg. noerw REAI. ESTATE SALE OR RENT KLOItlDA We'll help veu get a geed home en products . soil high Und near this Hi i i m. rii ,i,iiv t rms Jjli Height!, -. Ji...wi. vim. ia "VERY DESIRABLE" RESIDENCES FURNISHED OR UNFtmNIHHED JOSEPH M. JENNINGS CO. ntiwHTMMT HILL. PHILA. rhs'niit Hill 1877 Chestnut Hill 2017 T. t. imut UT it nrner of HflllKilTl jh'UOM-- U JAUDELLA, 1333 Christian L li'i!!illi:,i;!)iTlI'l!lll!lM!IIIIi!!!ii!;,l!LlaiLlllI!!lll!l!.tl:llll!!llil2ll.liIII:l,ll!ylilllllil!lj!K 1 706-8-10 MARKET ST. I FLOOR 1 MODERN CONCRETE IICILDINO flMIU SQ T.; POSSESSION E EERD1NAND D. l'-I.EMINO m 1824 WAIJMUT ST. r iii'iiiiiuiiffliiiiiiiiwiiiiaiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iimiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiittiiaiiiiiiii;' OFKICEH nnd desk room, crntrnlli located A A Kaurene - Ce , 220 S. 4th Professional tlfflceN ll!l!llUIIIIIl!l!llil!lliPIIHIIII!ini!llll!3ll Physician's or Dentist's offices In Professional Ilulldlng; 1 or 2 suites: will divide te suit, high class building In every respect. J. T. Jacksen Ce. CX"U Piunui m muuiitiiu .u in unii ii in ii 1 1 Uit j n: iii!E i iii i iuii:ii n nil 1 1 irni i j u i rtii imr n nif nr Jin: i -t . . in- i .eV3te-42ss3-s-5. - R'BfJME!' 5KisEsS Offlee Space I'RIVATE room In suite of prnfesslenal effu lth telephone service l,.Min A Knhn. 8 ; Lafajetta Jtldg Iiunbard 2913 WKST rillLMtK.l.l'IIIA 01ITH AND MARKET STS. Immediate poT peT poT aeeslen, twin house, brand new 4 bed rooms, tile bath, shower, 2n-ft living room open fireplace; 8 story, with garage, hot het water heat, electric light, M23 a month, further particular. J II Mlske. jr , bq, Rare st Helment 10H7. West 4318 p. WIHTHY AVE . 54318 bedrooms, best or der, het-water luat. gas and elec, key after n at MUB u EMERSON CONRAD. B3 N. 10th, UEAU'lIHIL home, I bedrms., h.-w heat elec. It., hanlw'il ns , ter. front, prl. gar E J. r.lllett 1 1 12 Chestnut at Fjj ar,M B2H2 MARKP.T HT tfrms . hath, reas pTu" dentlal Heulty Ce . 14H S Quill H.-I ailllil OKKiriM, m'HI.VKSH ROOMS, ETC. LARGE BUSINESS ROOM" 1822 LATIMER 8T Private garage, well arranged C. F.SIMON, 112S. 16th St. 1721 CHESTNUT ST., 20x113, te Ranstead at,, first fleer, excellent for saleu and dis play rooms offices, etc C.F.SIMON, 1I2S. 16th St. WILL LIlEt'T building, 80.IKMI te 100,0110 11 ft. DILTEUICH 737 Walnut at. S. E COR. 3BTH AND POWELTON AVE Tl'e fleer sriUe 34x30. sttiim heat, also ad. jeininv iwuh mam. I7lh and Hareiem sts 1AMES D. WINCHELL flKKMXNTdWX $75 PER MONTH 12 houses, with KaragesUerkley and Merris streets', electric lights, het-water heat hard, weed floors! open fireplace; tile bath with shower, every modern feature; tnk0 train tn Wayne function. 18 minutes from Reading Terminal, 110 trains dally, or Ne. B.1 car en 18th rlreet te Wiivne avenue and Iltrklrv l walk west 2 blocks, ' On Premises or I'lien I-reatuii IUU5 G. PERCY FOX Fast Trelley and Bus SeVvice 1 minutes from Philadelphia via I'enn ''anln It ill i ,d te Weal MerchnnHlll, 3 large bedrooms, large hath, linen room, laundri and downstairs rooms Inclesed perch, plpelesi heater, requiring very llttle coal, large plot en main 80 f boulevard. Write for Aute te See Them Or take MV-rchantvllle trolleys or busses, 'r'owsfe emceI:""1''t0', """ ,ollew "r" CUMMINGS BROTHERS din DREXEL ItriLTMNO. PHILA , PA MPflt .!'KXNSYLVX srm-UHAS iii'i-iniiiiiiiuiBiiiiiiiiiii SAh"E INVESTMENTS FIRST MOItT I(!ES ON CITY PltOPl.HTIEi Js"oe each, 0 per cent Interest, payable semi annually; no expense; flre and title pellclM assigned I'EMIiKltTON. Jr.. 818 Harrison Dl-I WJ! NOTE ON MORTllAOB TO immediate aettlemsnts. I10UO Unsettled estate IeaL Dullding association funds DEMPSEY CO. 1 27 8. 10th st. We REPRESENT 0 of the largest bultdlnr and lejn associations nnd desire applies tlnna for first, second und split mortgage In any s-ctlen of the cltv nr suburbs WILLIAM JAMES KEOOH. Land Title Illdf NY VMDL'NT te lean en Mist and second mortgages or Interests In estates, jvjnr, jv, iiaiuiv fj07 LAND TITLE III.DO I IOoTikie TO INVEST In first nnd secenl mortgages from lne te fSOOO. U C SEIDEL & CO.. INC. 4th and Calewhlll sts. WE HAVE FUNDS In ameunti of loe ta J3M0 te man en geed tlrst mortgages. YARNALL IIROS., (14th st. and Whitby ar. Woodland 031 B PI 1MHQ for fl"rt nnA aecend inbrtgagts I UliLt for home buyers; prompt servlee. - "K" I IERT RICE, Colonial Trust Hide MORTOAOKtt We can place thun qukkly; try us LAKOFF RROS.. .122 Market. $00 0011 fei first nnd second meitgsges, alw ii tuiu i, iuiius j.cwis j iirunn ivus Rral Estate Trust Illdg, Walnut 1014 TO PLACE A MORI'OaCK .SEI7 MAURICE LICHT.MAN 20 Celnnliil Trust lllil Hpnirs UTTs TRUST FUNDS for first mortgages. JEROME II, JARDELLA. 1 833 Chrlstl SB .1 W "II. DAI.L t "sun 48-1 LAND TITLE III.DO COUNTRY SEAT 5c FARM 200 Acres nt Newtown Square Conveniently located beteen Radner and Rese Tree Hunt Clubs, large stone colonial heuat, 0 hidroems. 3 baths large living room dining room, etc , en hilltop surrounded by old snide; In perfict order; 2 tenant houses a farm barns, garage, 2 spring houses, numerous outbuildings. Ins Property 's attractive consisting of 2 dairy farms, suitable for grailng of horses or cattle: 2 apple orchards and ether fruit, wep weeded 1 large stream of water deep enough for bathing and canoeing! several small streams; 40 minutes from I'lilla. City il?.'.' by. m.n,ni'l numerous well-known Phll-dclphlar.a own adjn'nlng estutea. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE IILDQ. iiiilllitaffi!lii fl ,ii " 'I i, , . ,. hjiU Mta PRIVATE funds en hand for tiill-scureJ ii.. .i.i w it- imurn i.nn nuwnijr nwnn w linilTII 4 lll.'U In nmnunl. rAn- ll.ftn .... " O. HOWARD MOORE. Commercial Tr Il!r MONEY TO LOAN -READY M0NEY- United States Lean Society 117 NORTH OROAD 230 Market 2648 Oermantewn are. DIAMONDS WATCHES - JEWELRT NEED MONEY? We will lean money en salary or fumltnr, te reliable people; no honest employ r (used, Courteous treatment te til. WOOD HLDO. 400 CHESTNUT tT. te p.ennnw MONi-fV SEP LU'PH B 'I ICIITMVN ,. !..., SprK D. D. DRAKE - NneAM. f? - " V trrr iI,i L.. -Sfi-UllirfiMK-feAW! wa ..ati y