& ah; j .&njW 'V 'Vc-r' ,"U a-N .rilV ' ; ' '!"';. T; t , f ,A , r v teVEftiyflVEUB&dy tJEStfAX NOVEMBER ,23, 1920 Organ -ploys at 9, 11 and 5:20 Chlmn at Noen WANAMAKER'S 'WEATHER Fair Stere Opens at 9 WANAMAKER'S Stere Closes at 5:30 WANAMAKER'S Clear te Be Seen that Prices Are Rapidly Getting Back te Nermal 41 It Is AU Weman's Bright Ideas and Prudent Councils come te her intuitively! Whv are we aiways exaltine the mother eene and se thoughtless often of the faithful woman by nur sides? It seems easy te give receptions te the genius from afar and net recognize aright the genius that gits at the ether end of the table and relieves us of a thousand responsibilities,' as much ours as hers, that we may be free te build up this, that anTth.e ether thing we have undertaken. Many a woman has had as'much.te de with her man's success, a public official, railroad man, or business man, by giving up time due te her te his outdoor work every day long-heured duties. Toe bad te net realize the beauty of the Springtime flower gardens until the November frosts have come! Signed Nev. 23, 1020. Qfaetmfe New Black Duvetyne Wraps for Women Are Here. Decidedly these distinguished -garments arc the fashion at present and many women are buying them. On account of the scarcity of black silk-and-wool duvetyne, there are, few of these wraps te be had. . i We are especially glad, therefore, te receive these new models. All have the big cellars, vhich can be worn in the high muffling style or low with one's own furs. Seme have .stitching or chenille embroidery, ethers are plain. Frem $210 te $265 are the prjees. (Flfit Fleer, Central) I Yeung Women's New Silk Frecks Wiese are frocks she will like te wear during the day dark crepes nd silks in fetching new models. There are crepes de chute and soft satins, they are in the fashion able dark blue and the equally fashionable brown, and they are all effectively embroidered with colored silk or geld thread. There is one style with a long tunic, another with a straight bodice, and ethers are variously made in new winter styles. $42.60 and 14 te 20 year sizes. ' (Second Fleer, Chestnut) Women's New $28.50 Dresses With Substantial Savings This Is a fresh let ofthese wonderfully geed $28.60 dresses that we had the ether day, and these new ones are quite as unusual as the first let. Of warm wool Jersey, of firm trlcetine or serge, hey are dresses te slip in your bag if you are going away, they are dresses ' te wear under a topcoat when you meter and they are dresses that will be useful for any number of practical purposes. The best colors of the season, tee navy blue,dark brown, taupe and black. Seme are braided, some have fancy stitching, some have rows and rows of tiny tucks, some have a soft bit of lace at the neck by way of finish. The styles are youthful and becoming though there are models suitable for women net se young, for Jarger women and for slender women. The sizes go from 34 te 46 inches and they are al $28.50 each. (Flmt Fleer, Central) 200 Pleated Skirts te, Sell at $13.50 Each Just the thing for the football game, the country walk or an auto mobile trip. They will go well with any kind of a fur coat or sports coat, being in soft tan and bjue combinations in stripes or plaids. They come from one of the best makers we knew. It is the end of his season, and the prices are se much less' than they were intended te be that, in some cases, they don't Tven pay for the material. There are ever a dozen styles, some going up. te 33-inch waistband. Eit Alale) This Is the Opportunity for People Wanting Black Silks On account of' changed conditions, we have suddenly brought down the prices of certain geed staple black"silks te the level of pre-war diys. They are all fine, fashionable silks, such as women are buy ing at the present time, and they would make especially nice gifts. The qualities are se high and the prices ere se low that they will stand any amount of comparison. Black Georgette crepe, 40 inches wjde, $1.50 a yard. Black crepe de chine, 40 inches wide, $1.65 a yard. Black silk tricelette, $2 a yard. - (Flr.t Fleer, Chestnut) Comfortable, New Weel Topcoats, $37.50 Fer Older Girls ' Snorts coats thev are of a soft, reuchish weave and in an attrac tive brown mixture. They are in three-quarter length, are lined throughout with peau ee cygne, have cellars te be buttoned high, are belted and have two patch pockets. 37.60 and 14 te 18 year sizes. (Nerend Fleer, fhrntnut) . . Twe Very Handsome Coatings Are Much Less This Year One is the genuine camel's-hair coating, se much used for sports season's nrice. In both natural and brown. ethor is the finest corded belivia, one of the most fashionable WCarlntr rrmtlne-H. Tn nnvv nnd hrewn. Ji4 Inekns wlilp. new JtlO yard. , -, - . (Flr.t Fleer, Clutnet)' Trim Tailored Waists hi s"k ene8 nre nn 0(mirable plniiT taffeta, blue und green with worn? r Yl4" re(1 8trJPe8 through it j they have high-low. cellars and are 7m 1UI ler o.eu. iau Yfh'0 batistes are of the hand-mode Perte Rican sort with and V-ahaped necks j and plenty of dots and drawnwerk. iThese - ! (Third rioerr Centml) I ' "lt yrhe "ul best A g-fr SST WyOE miSX aathin imtnvf ffu, &&2nHGUmtn gW Holiday Garments in the Women's Londen Shep Fer girls or women who are going te the football game Thursday or planning any out door amusement, the Londen Shep has some interesting clothes te show. Distinguished English sports suits in three gedd styles and in brown and gray Shetlands, . hemespuns, cheviets, tweeds and Saxenies $75 and $85. . Seft, warm, lightweight cloth coats and capes in,scvcral smart models. Browns, tans ant greens, richly lined and some with beaver or squirrel fur 'cellars. $110 te $265., English greatcoats of warm fleeces and hemespuns. $75 and $85. Shorter coats of camel's ihair in tan" with green and brown evcrplaids. $60. Smart leather cftats of a different sort for metering and ether outdoor wear, in quiet, rich Shades of blue, olive, purple and black, lined with fleecy wool and having belts , and pockets. Alse brown suede leather coats belted all around. $110 each. Warm camel's - hair and cashmere scarfs in beautiful color combinations. $8.50 te $iu. (The Gallery, Cheitnnt) New Beeks "On the Art of Reading," by Sir Arthur Quiller-Ceuch, M. A., price $3. A book en this subject by ene of the most versatile as well as distinguished men of let ters is something of peculiar value. ' "Awakening," by Jehn Gals worthy, price $2. An unusual and reetic .study of adolesecncc. Pawns," by Jehn Drinkwater, price $1X0. Four ploys, very characteristic of the author's point of view. (Main Fleer, Central) Men's Seal Wallets at Revised Prices The newest let of men's wallets that; came in arc marked at lower prices than similar grades have been for some time. These are three-folds, of dull and polished pin seal, some skele ton style, some with tuck pockets, some with memo books and some leather lined. Prices, $3.60 te $7.50. (Main Fleer, Cheitnut) Seme of the Smartest Winter Millinery Is Greatly Lowered in Price In the Gray Salens you will find many fine French and charming domestic hats with hew and ex-' tremely attractive prices. They are hats of velvet, hats of duve tyne and hats of silk, all in the fashionable colors, in .becoming and smart shapes and reflecting the best of the Winter-modes. (Second Fleer, Cheatnat) All the French hats are re ducedmany of the domestic hats are, tee. There are hats for the theatre, hats for dress occasions, for afternoon wear, hats for mere genera use all in this group. Between $10 and $35 there is amazingly geed cheesing, but of 0rSe' M8et the nch hats ... w wvu mjjnur. Madeira Linen Lunch Sets Down One-Third Splendid Gifts Six tumBler doilies, six plate doilies and one centerpiece te match. All of fine, pure flax linen, beautifully hand-scalloped and daintily enriched with beauti ful Madeira hand embroidery, $9 a set; regularly one-third mere. It would be hard tp imagine anything mere appropriate us a home gift than one of these lovely sets. (First Fleer, Ch.atnnt) Tea Napkins New, Dainty, Gift-Like ', We are showing some new tea napkins, 15x15 inches, of fine plain 'linen damask, all with neat satin-like bands, and excellently hemstitched, at a moderate price "for such fine, dainty goods $10.75 a dozen. Others in size 14x14 inches wihv neat hemstitched edges, and equally excellent and desirable as gifts, at $7.50 a dozen. (Flnt Fleer, Cheitnnt) Franies te Put en the v Pretty New Bags which many wemenl are new making for holiday gifts are in plentiful variety in the Jewelry Stere. There are silver-plated frames in many new designs and different sizes $1.25 te $3. Novelty frames of imitation bhell and in atty number of pretty colored effects, $l'.50 te $16. Separate chains and rings are 50c. - (Jewelry Htere, Chestnut) A Clearaway of Our Fine Moter Robes are wool robes, mohair plush and silk All the beautiful cloth automobile robes go en sale at savings of 20 te 40 percent. People with car owners en their gift lists, please note. Among these robes plush. The wool robes are plain en one side and plaid en the ether, and the colorings are delightful in the fine cashmere and vicuna robes they are exquisite. Seme of the mohair plush robes are rubber interlined and the silk plush robes are plain or modeled in fur designs; some have Bedford cord backs te match the upholstery of the car. New prices are $6.50 te $85. (The OHIery, Chestnut) Still Seme Men's Shirts in the $2.65 Disposal Geed printed madras shirts in the close pin stripes that arc always in geed taste and that se many men like. All soft-cuff, neglige shirts, that have been considerably higher in price. (Main Fleer, Market) i Tree Elastic Girdles Medels designed for slight figures are in ten-inch lengths and cost $4. Fer overage figures there is another style of pink and white elastic, 12 inches long, $4.50'. Medels of plain ceutil, 14 inches long, $6.50. One of broche and elastic, $6. Still ethers with long skirts, $5.25 and $11.50. A dainty pink satin and elastic is $7. Silk slip-ens, $10. (Third Fleer, Chestnut) Three Interesting Groups of Oriental Rugs wn rugs of the same quality te sell regu tharj we have marked en these three lets. We have never kne larly for lower prices Daghestan, Shirvan and Kazak Rugs 4xD feet te 5x7 feet; $75 te $100. Chinese Rugs x3 feet te 2x4 feet, $22.50 te $37.50. Anatolian Mats 2.6x1.6 feet, $8.75. (Seventh Fleer, Chestnut) r Geed Undermiisltns -for Larger Weii i New high-neck nightgowns of a nice quality cambric, purposely mode with very little trimming, but very neat, $2.85 te $4.6Q Dainty Perte Rice nightgowns, every bit hand made and hand embroidered, $5.15 te $8.50. And hand made and hand embroid ered Perte Rice chemises," $3.75 te $4.35. ' (Thlril Fleer, Central) "The Last Taste of Sweets Is Sweetest Last" And here are seme of the geed things you'll want te top off your Thanksgiving feast: Mint wafers. 70c a neund. Glace nuts, $2 a pound. Delicious chocolates and bon bons, $1.15 a pound. Cream turkeys, 20c apiece. Salted nuts, $1.50 a pound. Chocolate-covered nuts, $1.30 u pound. Chocolate mints, 70c a pound. Chocolate straws, 70c a pound. Turkey place cords, with favors, ure 20c each. Turkey bonbons, 60c te $3 b dozen. Imitation Ivery Toilet Articles Prettily Carved One of the quiet, effective and attractive carved designs is'the daisy pattern, and just new we have a plentiful as sortment, se that you may cheese any number of single pieces or a whole set. Hair brushes,. $7.25 and $8.50. Mirrors, $9.75 and $12.75. Combs, $2,65. Puff boxes, $0,25. Hair receivers, $6.25. Nail polishers, $3.60. Hatpin holders, $4 0, Cleth brushes, $7.7 Hat brushes,, $5.25. Treys, $10. Jewel boxes, $7.75. (Main Fleer, Chestnut) The Thanksgiving Surprise Package, $3 Complete nimrmJ. ...-. ........w .. , v.i.n;,e aim HUrU CUnQleS, a OOX Of 'J""""I vviu mint aim BllUJjping DOnDOnS. (Down Rtalrs Stere, Chestnut) cream r Fer the First Time in Years WaHamaker Furniture In Large Choice at Half Price Wanamaker furniture at half-price, that is all that people want te knew; because they knew that Wanamaker furniture at half-price is some thing unique ia merchandise. Wanamaker furniture is offered in splendid selection at half-price in this sudden and extraordinary disposal. It is the first time in years that such a thing has happened and it ought te help in bringing furniture prices gen erally back te where they used te be, or near it. $ut probably that is something that will take time. The best thing for anyone who needs furniture new or is likely te need it in the future is te chose Wanamaker furniture at half-price while there is .such a splendid choice of it te be had en that favorable basis. Dining-Roem Furniture at Half Many of the individual pieces are matchablc into suits. Adam mahogany suit, ten pieces, $787.50. ' Adam mahogany suit, ten pieces, $340. Queen Anne mahogany suit, four pieces, $260. Queen Anne walnut suit, three pieces, $212.50. Queen Anne walnut suit, four pjeccs, $225. Queen- Anne walnut suit, four pieces, $275. Anne walnut buffet, walnut buffet, buffet, china Queen $103. Queen Anne $162.50. Queen Anne walnut $85. Queen Anne walnut closet, $59. Queen Anne walnut china closet, $48. Leuis XV mahogany china closet, $95. ' Queen" Anne walnut side table, $33. walnut side Queen Aine table, $43.50. Mahogany extension 48-inch top, $31.50. Mahogany extension 54-inch top, $45. Mahogany extension 54-inch top, $52.50. Walnut extension table, 64 inch top, $46. Mahogany inlaid extension table, table, table, table, 60-inch top, $100. Bedroom Furniture at Half Many of the individual pieces are matchable into suits. Colonial suit, enamel finish and beautifully . decorated, bureau, full size bed, triple mirror toilet table, chiffonier and mirror, $575. Colonial suit finished in enamel, bureau, full-sized bed, toilet table and chiffonier, $300. Mahogany triple-mirror toi let table, $31.50. Queen Anne mahogany bed, single size, $43. Mahogany bureau, $62.50. Mahogany triple toilet ta ble, $53. (Sixth Fleer) walnut toilet table, vanity Italian ou. Wnlnut triple-glass table, S130. Mahogany inlaid triple-glass toilet table, $50. Mahogany chiffonier, $45. Mahogany chifforebe, $92. Mahogany toilet table, $55. Warm Quilts for Celd Nights at Comforting Savings Mostly one-fourth less than regular prices. Many made in our own factory all of excellent quality. Weel-filled quilts covered with the finest Japanese silk, both sides alike in plain color $20 ; made with figured top, $22.50. s ' Weel-filled quilts covered with all-silk safln in pla'in colors, $30 Down-filled quilts covered with figured sateen, $15; covered with sateen, finished with an insertion of plain sateen, $16 ; ethers covered with plain sateen en both sides $18 All are cut two yards square, the regul ar size, and are from our own workrooms'. (Hlxth Fleer, Central) 75 Pair Weed Silk Curtains at $15 a Pair In ether words, all that are left in stock have been marked at this new and smaller price. They are double faced, which makes them very nice for deer curtains, and they are full length, two and a half yards. In brown, green, rose or blue. (Fifth Fleer, Market) 9x12 ft. Demestic Rags at Interesting Prices Wiltens, some seamless, seamless chenille, Fine $135. Imported $93.50. Axminster, $56. Demestic seamless chenille, $39. Tapestry Brussels, $38.50. (Seventh Fleer, Chttiut . i These Baby Clethes Made in Manila for Us are in styles we selected and ever measurements we gave the work ers. They are dear little dresses and there ar.e petticoats te go with them, and they are all hand made. The dresses are all of soft white stuffs, made every stitch by hand, of course, and often with embroidered yokes. Seme have embroidered skirts, tee. Leng dresses are $3.75 te $11.50. Short dresses, $4.25 te $11.50. Leng princess petticoats, $2.50 te $3.85. onert petticoats, 2 te 6 sizes, yjt.bv. (Thin! Fleer, OheitnuM year Sweaters, Vests andRugs for the Football Game Chill winds blew across Franklin Field Thanksgiving Day but with a warm wool sweater or vest under your coat and a warm wool rug wrapped around your knees you can eniev the game in comfort. J ' ine Imported Scotch wool vests in Leather mixtures and bricht colors, including canary, $12 te $20. erif.ni Sweaters of the same material and colorings. $15 te $35. Demestic wool rugs and fine Rcdleaf Londen wool rugs geed patterns and colors, $18 te $50. K (Main Fleer, .Market) in Women's Kimenis Very pretty and' dainty wool albatross kimonos, with just the warmth that many women like. They come in light and dark blue, pink or rose, with scalloped I'U.WU. - edges. (Third Heer, Central) Whoever Needs New Shoes Can, Save Meney en Them ,reJeldtth1&fg:aker 5tandard ta "" d '- "yta Women's Shoes at $4.75, $6.75 and $8.75 a Pair medds '"' bl"Ck gla7'ed kidskin and buckskin- various geed (Flrtt Fleer, Market) Men's Shoes at $6.75, $7.75, $10.75 and $13.75 a Pair (' K (Mln Fleer, Market) Women's Weel Scarfs and Sweaters for the Game Imported and domestic brushed wool scarfs in a wide run of colors and styles, some with pockets and belts, $2.50 te $20 cv. .n,1iertt,(l "nd d,em.es,tc styles of sweaters and Min-ens in Shetland, mohair and alpaca, in the newest colors, $10 te $40 (Flr.t Fleer. Murkrt) If an Aviator Could Ply Over Franklin Field tit&rzn he would m a densei-packyd Men's Tweed Hats t i h.e w1r? close eneuRh he could distinguish the Redlcnf Londen tweed hats from the ether tweed huts by reason of their fine fabrics and superb hand tailoring, which helps ?he f keen their shape in ull kinds of weather. ' heep In rich browns, grujs and Levnt mixtures, $7 each. (Main Hier, .Market I Te Keep the Outdoor Sportsman Warm HniWn ?"'! ceunt7 ?eat,s n varieub weulenb, with soft leather linings and sleeves, knitted neck and wristlet. A iffiwelrfft n ceai inat, is especially geed for golfers. $20 te $25 50 Seft leather vests, 'shirts, drawers and breeches? 810 te t30 Reversible leather and gabardine coats, $40. ' ?30, warm uuuiner ana rdurnv rnvnruiMn .,., n rrt bheep-lined cuats with large shawl cellars, $20 te 840 Mackinaw coats, $10.50 te $22.50. ? (The (IMIrry, Junlp.r) Jjjrt. ' i J -: "VI l-i.iV' av; i ..U . PUrr la. Vl' Yem" H- "V J -K. -$ Vfyvr - h i j n v ji 'ii run I . J II. ... i". , V yj n Ale BCFiI" T" VTm ih" 'PbIHMBHRI KHPFS L VJ ZSi&i.'cTl miTi rvu&K . JZ4.H ,: 31 B-lmTMBH HV WL '-, .jj-'-'J 07T7M1 vj