Ezsa MOTj,' PJyiTM''''' SVV' '' . fSV iu.1 rt,i- V AV -,.-) K ' "Hi I .? . ''I !- 1 w& EVENING PUBIilO EEDGER PHILADELPHIA; TUESDAY, NOVEMBER' 23, 1920 i , T ffiti rttlte a r s t ' 4l 4 f 'or! ; i Si 1 ,JS ft m V '- I MS A r il ifjthfc LIPPINES NEED MONEY TO EXPAND Military Governer in Repert Urges American Bankers te Invest en Large Scale ISLANDS' TRADE IMPROVES By the AMedatfil Pre Wiuthlnrten, Nev. 2.1. Inability te Interest American ennltnl en n large calc In the nntlen's Insulnr pewev Ions, particularly Philippine Inlands, knfl rtwulted in greatly retanlliiK de de clepment of the (treat nnturnl re re ieiirces of the Inlands, nrranllng te the nnnnl report of Majer General Frank Melntyre. chief of the bureau of in ular affairs of the War Department, te Secretary Haker. General Melntyre urge American banker and business men te Interest themselves In the trade and development possibilities of the outlying possessions, declaring thnt "Innre tracts of the best agricultural land In the world nwalt development. and that "In a "'"mb" ' f7U IT.: lnces the population falls be lmv twenty persons per sauare mile, while there Is an unsupplled labor demand In ether agricultural provinces having a popu lation of 2. per square mile. Shortage of labor Is proving a ser -tills obstacle te the development of the islands, the report states, the natives preferring te move te Hawaii and e 1 er comparatively developed places rather than clear the back country. "There was every evidence of con cen tentment with conditions and llness toward American- nvvr nvvr tlen fnrWhat the I'lilted done in the islands." General MMntyre states in reporting en a recent inspec- Thpregrev. of Perte Rice under the organic art of 1017 has been very niiafnnrnrv nnn iiiiiliiiui'- - ---- REVEAL PLOT TO KILL HARA Accident Caused Dlicevery of Jap Jap nnete With Bemb Teldn, Nev. 23. (y A. P.) An attempt te nssaeslnnte Premier Hnrn wag te be made en May 8 last, It Is disclosed by the publication of the find ings of a preliminary court which tried a former artilleryman named Ite, who was charged with planning an attempt ngainst the premier s person with seven bombs. Ite was hostile te the present cabinet, it was asserted, and came te Teklo, where he bought n revolver and ex plosives. He made the bombs out of four whisky bottles and three card card heard betes, but was knocked down accidentally by en nutomeblle, and the police discovered the infernal machine and unraveled the plot. Ite has been remanded te the higher court. D'ANNH ALLS TREATY "SUICIDE" 'Leaves Flume at Mercy CreatlanB," Peet Says in Mpssage te America of PROMISES TO DIE FIGHTING Dead Actresses' Companions Held Chicago, Nev. l!,', A coroner's jury at the inquest ever the bodies of Marie Ilamev and Lillian Thomnsen. actresses found dead in Grant Park n week nee. recommended that Lawrence and Harris Jorgensen, Michael Cox and Marcus llrumbrrg be held te the grand Jury. The four men were with the actresses en a "je) ride," which ended when the women were left l.i Grant Park. Ily tlie Asseclateil Press Kiume. Nev. 23. Acceptance of the treaty of Ilnpalln, by which Italy and Juge-Slavla sought te settle the Adriatic question, would be suicide for this city, declared Captain Gabricle d'Anuun d'Anuun xle today. He pointed out that the pert of Daress. which was aaalgned by the treaty te Susak, the Juge-Slav section of Flune, was the natural pert of this city, and that without It Flume would perish. "Perhaps the American people." he declared, "will any- 'There (K D'An. nunzin again ; he still wants something mere.' Yeu must explain te them the situation here In Flume. Tell them that If Flume accept the treaty of Rapallo It will sign its death warrant. Flume, without Busak, dies, for if the pert of Ilaress Is given te Juge-Slavls, this city Is at the mercy of the Croa tian. "They would let the real pert of Flume lie Idle, while the pert of Barosa, which Is the natural pert of Flume, but which has been given te the Jugo Juge slavs by the treaty, would be favored. In addition the water supply of Flume comes from Susak, and the Oreatlans could at any moment throttle Flume. If this city should accept the Kapalle pact It would commit suicide. "Italian Dalmatians have come here, begging me te come te their aid. I must go and defend them. They hnvc come en their knees, with tears In their eyes, and they will be defended. We are few, but mighty. We are rrady te die nnd are filled with courage. I knew Americans will appreciate our life sacrifice. I knew free America will understand us and will applaud our devotion te this cause. America knows It Is n noble thing I live for. I will die for it fighting. I will die with arms In my hand. What n glorious death it will be. Ged will help us." tL HAITIANS DENOUNC E U. S. CIVILOFFICIALS President of Republic Charges Financial Adviser Shows Gress Inefficiency WORSE THAN MILITARY Ily the Associated Press Pert-nu- Prince, Nev. 23.' The Amerlcnn civil administration In Haiti Is "mere oppressive than the mllltnry," President Dartlgucnave asserted In the 1000-word statement he made In at tacking the public service of Minister IJkmchnrd nnd Jehn Mcllhcnny, finan cal adviser of the Illnck Republic. The president charged that slnce American occupation no effective aid bad been given Halt! for development of Its agricultural and industrial re sources, as stipulated In the trcnty, and no serious measure tad been prep6scd with a view te "placing Haiti's finances en a truly solid basis. Mr. Mcllhcnny Is in Washington, nnd the minister declined te be seen. Calling attention te the fact that the financial adviser, as named by him en the proposal of President Wilsen, la In effect a Haitian elUclnl who is paid $10,000 a year from Haitian funds, the president said, "In reality, the financial adviser does net report te the Hnltlan Government; it Is the Haitian Government that he pretends te submit te his sovereign will. The facte arc numerous which show the omnipotence which the financial ad viser attributes te himself. "Nothing can give n mere striking Idea of this omnipotence thnn the con fiscation by the financial adviser, aided by the American minister, of the sala ries of the president of the republic, the secretaries of stqtc, members of the legislative council, because the govern ment refused te Insert in the contract of the National Hank of Haiti, an es tablishment controlled by the National City Ilink of New Yerk, a clause pro hibiting the Importation into Haiti of foreign geld, which the adviser wished te Impose." Admitting that his own proposal-! were net perfect, the president com- Funetln..-,' I plained because the civil funetleatI I failed te propose modifications n !H stltutes. Th i,nti.. -. .r1 mi. i viser, said the president, requited" Jit J financial eiDcrlence. which ".... retl te haie been considered in the ehel.tti and he added! le," Rave you "Dined and Danced In THE BOX? AT THE RITTENHOUSE 22D AND CHESTNUT STREETS An Old-Fashioned , THANKSGIVING DINNER 12 Noen te 8 P. M $2.50 Turkey n'evcrythinfrl A renl hemey dinner with a big fleer for dancing and the Tierney Five for entertainment Conic lierc nnd vpu'11 feel you have renl cause for Thanksgivingi pert Bays, tiassencer States nnd mended. , "--,,.. , prevemeni in iti-irmv " ice between the 1 nltetl Illco was recein- 1m service Perte Linuldatien of the $20,000,000 bend hiiie( IMS and the collection ei . customs In San Dominge by the I nltcd States continued te progress satlsfac satlsfac terllv during the last year. General Melntyre stated. Increase in the salaries of Chilian mpleves in the bureau of insular affairs te retain the services of old and allied empleyes was recommended Trade figures for the Islaud posses sions for the last year were given as fol'ews: Philippines. ''"Pert $118.-(1.10,0.-2. experts $ the bulk of the trade being with the 1 n ted States in both eases. Perte Illco. m m perts S00,:W.O00. expert $1.10.811,1100 of which $1.13,207.000 went te, the t'nited States. DENIES INVITING EX-KAISER Censtantlne Never Offered Him Refuge at Corfu, He Says Londen, Nev. SI. (Ily A. P.) Ex King Constantine of Greece has em phatically denied report thnt he hail lnviteif former Emperor William of Germany te go te Corfu, where the for mer emperor has a residence, says a dispatch te the Dall Mail from Lu cerne. The correspondent reports that when Censtantlne was asked whether the tery were true he indignantly charac terized It an a "lie " j A geed chance te grab a saving! REVISION IN PRICES of Suits and Overcoats $35 te $75 Were $50 te $95 Rogers Peet clothes included. Substantial reductions all through our stock. Suits and Overcoats are invest ments! Consider the character of the house behind them Ferre Ce.fac, Clothiers & Outfitters Agents for Rogers Peel Cletha Chesfxuif Street ( Csn Neie the simplicity of the Dal ten keyboard. Burinesi mat prefer the DalUm became any of their emplcytu can use it. De Your Employees Make Mistakes? install a Dalten Most employees make mistakes net because they're lax, or alack, but be cause they can't help it "it's human te err." But you can be' sure that your books your invoices and sales slips, your bank deposit Blips are correct if your em- ?leyees have a Dalten te help them. ou can be sure that all the fiffure fiffure werk of your business is correct if you have a Dalten. The Dalten is protection against figure errors it insures accuracy. This is se because the Dalten is se rimple te operate that any one can use it your clerks, your stenographers, your bookkeepers, the office hey like the Dalten because they can use it im mediately without previous practice, and because it saves them time and labor. Fer the Dalten has 10 keys only; even selection of columns is unneces sary numbers are automatically placed in their correct numerical order by the machine itself. And it's 25 te 80 per cent faster than any ether method of adding and calculating. The Dalten adds, subtracts, multi plies, and divides, figures interest and discounts, handles fractions, figures costs and wages, tabulates, cress-loots whatever the nature of your figure work, the Dalten will save you tremen dously in time and effort. Have a Demonstration Phene us, and at no cost whatever te your self we will bring a Dalten te your store or office for a demonstration en your own figure work. And ic will only take a few minute of your time. Telephone today. Phenes, Lembard 1137-8 Main 5962-D PERRY & COLLINS, Dalten Sales Agents 125 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia. Pa. Mtttn Onte and Factory, Cincinnati, Ohie JDema- lAddjing-Galculting Machine ifi -UHMWHMII '""' - - - ' W...l Community Plate JaJJ 1 in nm I WjnJ ffEHsSIMv W Z " t"i ' ' ?"V"'r " , TF ' ' 1" W ryT" ,-. ' iT?frTH9iall I I HE ifii IlillllriisL III (Ifni I ijMwiii iP y 1 1 111 I El famaniaimriui mirvuiti W&ihWMMi$M Adam Tierce J Server $2 5 eac Fer serving sliced pineapple, fritters, tomatoes, croquettes, fish cakes, etc. SM2. Patrician Olive Speen $2.00 each Fer serving olives, salted nuts, etc. nfiirini"n'rT"""''T"'"""i't"''"nw J1 QIFfS I Inthlm j hL--.v cVelvd'Unw J Adam 'Baby FerJ( $ I .OO each An ideal gift for the baby lllllllf " ju IMfllAf ''' mimimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiig I """""'"""""" iiiiini ! lElu fcf .. t..kfnr Jj-- rnrt i fcim I rftlhmi II--- ---mi Tn u l r .ifc.n - uTlH Shbraten Tittle cr Olive Fer 1 .75 each Fer serving pickles, olives and relishes Sheraton "Baby Speen $.1 .00 each Especially deilgned te meet the requirements for bread and milk and cereal diibet mi"" t"" " jusuiuiutuiuia Patrician "Berry Speen $7'75 eac1 Fer serving fruits, puddings, and especially desirable for casserole and baling dish service gMllPBWilMlilM " ""iiii'imin n mn 11 1 tut i.iinium ii.n.ii ,, ,i,..,,...., ,,.::.'.'.'.'.':',,.';;il'7i! Adam e!dCAUai or Serving FerJ$2.0 each Fer serving sliced fowl, cold meats, fish, etc.. mi fagSig mmmm Adam yTiece Child's Set J 3. 7 '5 per Set Appropriate gift for the child " 1 " rTTTTTt " ,niWk Patrician Five 0'clecTea Speen $4. 40 Set of Six lispeciauy designed ler tea service; also desirable for sherberts, etc. I -Mutafai.iiHi'utiiutiiuitti.)Ui.uuyujwiifa.tiuiiiiiLMtuuuHiiiiiiiii)iiiiiiuuLiiUiimi""l""l"'llM"ll'llfil I aattal.tnnfiiiiriiiiifiilairiii.T......iwiw.in..n1inrrT.TTnrTiininTii.riiinitniiiintwTn..iinnwJ Sheraton "Butter Knife and Sugar Speen Set $3.00 per Set Axx attraclive, practical gift ILlPlWWfflWlTOlM """" " """"Mnnni..ii.w....... r.. .7T mnuutUUm Adam Serving or Qravi JCadle S rnn each Fer serving gravy, preserved fruits and sauces from a deep dish lIBiBl V mn.ifim, llf A)TE: The gift pieces shown above arc made in all Com munity patterns, and can be bought at the prices quoted. iwuiuuMuai Sheraton Jelly Server $2.00 each vex serving jelly, honey, cheese, tc. 9 extra charge for gift Cases. fl Many ether attraftive pieces in this $1 te $5 price range m. your aeaiers. O0CLI)J v iKlifgCT mler 'f&Ja C" yA' Vw-G"tdfir ie Yean-Rlguhr Vricefet of Six Teaspoon, "I Pfif fgTgffgth: , i I mmrrSTJ fn(hl'rtjfi p--, fJL