Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 23, 1920, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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'K .
CKy Filled Hele, Then Paid
$400,000 te Romevo
New Yerk. Nev. 2X Vcrhsl fire
works pepped nnnlti tndny In the Inves
tigation of New Yerk' nllegcd tmlUline
trust when Samuel i'litcrmycr. counsel
for the Joint legislative committee con
ducting -the Inquiry, enllcd te the Man. I
Ornver Whnlen, cemmls'lnncr of plnntM
nod structure and formerly secretary
te Mnyer Ilylan.
The commlneloner admitted In for
merly owned one-half intcret In Hol Hel
land & Ce.. which for twenty-five year
has held the city nxh dumping contract
for territory below Canal "treet. ThN
company begun dumping italic in the
New Yerk retintv courthouse excavation
In Februnry. 1018, nnd rentiinied doing
se until recently. New, according t
Mr. I'Dterm.ver. the city li pntlni
nearly $400,000 for removal of these
she, fe that construction ran be be
Run. When objection wan made that qtiei qtiei
tienlng concerning the ah contract hml
Be bearing en the case. Mr t'ntermyrr
replied thnt If It retild lc "liewn Ailing,
tip of the excavation had been dime
."under cover In the interct of a city
eficlnl." It tveu'd indeed be germane.
Immediately Mr. Wlialen warned -committee
connect he would sue him
for libel "and take tome of your money ,
way" If he continued along thi line.
"My menev wnt net mnde out of the
city." Mr. I'litcrmycr retailed.
Thcught It "Reed Thin? for City"
3tr. Wlialen declared he theiuht
dumping of the ai"hr "a geed thing
for" the city," and the hole "a proper
damping ground when the hculth of the
city was concerned." There was m
much unew en the ground in 101R tithe
eeu'd net be taken te Leng Island, he
"Well, there wasn't any snow en the
(round two mouth ntfe when the prac
tice wan still going en," commented
Peelaring he "gave nwny" bin share
in the company in 1017 because it was
"unprofitable." and he ivns "going Inte
the campaign." Commissioner halen
denied having any Intcret In the grant-leg-
of permission te the company te
dump eiie In the excavation.
Alfred E. Smith, new governor, was
acting mayor and Majer IIhn wa
at Palm Itcach wlieu the practice begun.
he said.
"And you would like te shove this off
en the governor?" ashed the counsel.
"Ne. nothing of the. kind."
"And ou weren't interested in this
thing one bit?"
"Net a bit! net a bit! net n bit!
That's clear English. I want you te
knew you're net going te besmirch my
."I'm net trying te besmirch jour
character; I'm nuking von (jiiotlens and
you'd better answer them. '
"I'll unswer."
Flaw May Shatter
Judge Brown's Hepe
Craflnard from rKf On
"Section 1. The Select and Common
Councils of the city of Phllfldelphia de
ordain that the sum of $400,000. au au
teorised te be borrowed by erdlnauce
approved January T, 101.1. be, and the
same is. hereby appropriated te Item
100 in the anaital appropriation te the
City Commissioners, for the preparation
of plans and preliminary work en the
construction of buildings for the Juve
nile nnd Demestic Relations Branches
of the Municipal Court, en the plot of
ground between Twentieth anil Twenty
first streets, north of Race street.
"Section i!. That the City Commis
sioners be autherised and directed te
employ an architect for the preparation
of plans for Municipal Court buildings
en the plot of ground between Twentieth
and Twenty-first streets, north of Race
atrect. and te enter Inte contracts for
preliminary wnrw en said buildings.
"Approved the scoeud day of April.
A. D. 1010,
"Themas II. Smith, Majer of Phila
delphia," Payments tu Architect
The records of the county commis
sioners show that Mr. Wlndrlm re
ceived fees as follews:
Jul.v li I'll!) ,v,7 SI
Auiriai II IBS TV, no
Auniit It. 1HJO i.; .
AuiuM II 1020.. , hc? 'i
Total .. I2TIU 4d
The contract between the count) com
missioner and Mr. Wlndrlm providing
for his fee, wns made en the recom
mendation of Mr. Cenner, counsel for
the commissioners. The commissioners.
In selecting Mr. Wlndrlm, were guided.
it wns lenrned. by Judge Itrewn
The contract i-entailis this clause:
"The comnrnantfen for professional
services shall be ft per rent of the lesr
of the work. In accordance with the
rate of the American Institute of Archi
tects, and shall net exceed in any event
The face of the original ordinance
made no reference te a maximum of
$180,000 n architects" fees. This was
arranged In private conferences.
This maximum shows, however. Judge
Brown at that time contemplated n
$.1,000,000 palace of justice. New it is
estimated thnt the cost will be $5,000.
Say Tittle U Net Clear
Vpen 'e'iking ever the ordinance,
Willium II. Felten. chief clerk of
Council, said the title should .nive cop.
tained specific reference te the section
autherising the employment of an
In the office of the city solicitor ex
pert opinion was s fellows;
"The title is net clear. Fer enething,
the appropriation Is for buildings ler
the juvenile nnd dnmestc relations
branches of the court Tin- seeten au
thorizing (lie employment of the archi
tect says that the architect is te draw
plans for Municipal Court buildings.
The architect I net limited te build
ngs for the juvenile and demetie re
lations branches, e that evidently the
architect was te work en plans much
larger 'than centsmplated by the ordin
ance en Its face."
Legal opinion In City Hall was te the
effect that A suit ceiili' In fibsl niisluu
legal objection te the validit) of the
whole ordinance.
The title makes no rPterence. ngue
or otherwise, It was pointed mjt, te the
larger and mere ambitious plans
MIKHI Paid Se Far
.t Out of th original appropriation of
$400,000, the total expenditures for
work dune up te date, according te the
county commissioners, la $04,noe.0.'l.
"The amount due, fG2,707.00,
. , An wldlttenal ,$500,000 wa appre.
ijrinteu te ine reuri in Juiy, iviv
Jlin",i f When "r-Jtlnned Concerning the ulaps
fciweftE. V 4Mk ft Hflpal Court, Mr,Wdrlmk
Tit -t.cjWv-(i(re In the .Qslwwfti'.
Loek Out for This Aute,
Sought in Peirce Murder
Car Pathfinder make, twelve
cylinders, ninety horse -power, ca
pable of developing ninety miles an
hours new llnrt-llrll carbon remover
recently Inttnlled en dashbeard:
left-hand drhe, Helen lighting and
ignition sjsteni. License number
1222011 Peim) Ivuiiln lO'-t). Owned
by Henry T. Peirce, murdered Fert
Washington man.
Itedy Chummy reudster t)pe,
seating four persons ; painted bright
red. Mark heed, blnck frmler, one
spare tire en rear, pointed radiator,
viewed from rear hns appearance of
beat -shape.
Wheels Aluminum wire wheels,
with nil new shoes, size .1" by "i
Ught"i, Warner lense headlights,
we spot lights operated from dnsh
l";ird Special markings Lu Lu Temple
Hag. emblem of Mystic Shrine,
stamped en windshield; Ke) stone
utii Club design en rmllnter.
(inrnfif owners and nttte repair
tnecluinlrs This car has a badly
leaking r.idlater. needing freipient
lepalring. Maybe be occupied by n
dump blonde woman with a man
i ompaiiien.
Municipal Court under n contract re
ceived directly from the county com cem
miintiers. I am te receive (l per cent
of the cost .of the work, which Is the
regular fee allowed by the American
lii'tlMtts of Architects. I will net
charge the city any mere than I would
any ether client or any less."
"Will the proposed Municipal Court
buildings cost $S.00O.OrtO?" he wns
"Ne di'linlte cost has been decided,"
niil Mr. Wiudrim. "They may cost
nwre or tliey may cost less. I am
'ncllned te believe the cost will be less,
as the cost of material is decreasing,
and there is every indication that the
cost of labor will be lower.
"Hut my fee will be (, per cent of
the total cost, whether thnt is 32,000.
000 or $8,000,000."
Hy piecemeal legislation Judge
Ilrewn. through his adherents in the
former Councils, bus mnmiged m far te
get appropriation amounting te .?!00,
000 for his Palace of Justice. In a
hurt time probably he will get $1,00.
000 mere, ler the people at the last
election voted te give the court that
sum tewurd the construction of build
ings. (training that Council will appropri
ate $1,000.(100 for the new court, as
toted by the pe iple. there will still be
s51.10n.IH10 te raise before the Mini
specified en April 1!, 1010, will have
been obtained.
1 Fermer President Working In
terett ef Unitarian Drive
Fermer President Tnft spoke in Phil
adelphia this afternneu and will make
another nddress tonight.
Ills first address was at a luncheon
given by the First t'nitnrinn Church, at
:i.i Seuth Van Pelt street.
i At the luncheon, which was the last
i of a series of four, team captains in a
i campaign te obtain $.'0,000 here us
' part of the I'niturian natiiuiul drive for
&I.OO0.OO0. made their reports. Mr.
Taft. who belnnjH te the Cuitariun
Church, is honorary chairman of the
I national campaign committee.
I Tonight, the ex -President will be a
' principal speaker at the Pilgrim ter-
I centenary celebration at the Academy
of .Music. This "town meeting" will
be one of the features of the week's
1 celebration in this city.
Intimate He Will Aid Whltaker for
iinte. win- uk..i,. i n
(v, ,".J HSi.i -i I . V ,,,'('11"''8
!" Tl' Jit,1,. L',.hp '.T.:B.f.er
ciiirenci i,t nn- iinii.ii- in thtiri'IM iJlil '
tlves. It was reported today that Mr
Sheehan would sunnert Rebert S. Sunn
gler. the (irundy candidate for the pest.
.Regarding this report. Mr. Sheehan
said; "I am n geed friend of Governer
Spreu, nnd I nm sticking te the geed
old ship."
Politicians construe this as meaning
that the register of wills, who Is Vare
leader of the Twelfth ward, will net
support Spongier, and will threw his
strength te the candidate favored by
the Governer, Majer Samuel A. Whlt
Driver of Car Surrenders te Police
After Accident
Struck bv mi iiutumehllc at llrniul
street and Glenweud nventie at 1 o'clock
.this morning. Jnlm Klausnn. lift) -six
jears old, of 174" James street. Frank -ford,
died in the Samaritnn Hospital
five hours 'nter.
Charles C. Cameren nn automobile
accessory dealer, of 2501 North Rread
srteet. driver of the car which struck
Klaiuau. surrendered nfter taking the
injured man te the hospital. He will
have a hearing today at the Twenty,
second street and Hunting Park avenue
Klausan wns crossing Rread street at
OWiiweml avenue, and Cameren, driving
south en Rread street, struck htm.
Klausan was hurled ten feet
Vari-Colored Substitutes for Stock
ings Vogue In Wheeling
Wheeling. W. Vn.. Nm. 2.1. Wheel
ing society girls are setting n mark for
Dame Fashion, Gauzy nothings nnd
ether freak legwear, imported from
Paris, Deauville and ether I'reueh cen
ters of fashion, have been taken up by
American secittj women in days gene,
but It remained for the ultra-exclusive
) Wheeling bud te Institute u new patrl-
etic fad. And that Is the spiral puttee
hese. close wrapped around the limb. In
1 place of sock or stocking.
Frank E. Channen Succumbs at His
Winter Heme In Flerida
Orlande. Ha.. Nev Si. (Hy A. P.)
Frank K. Chnntien, fifty, of Vine-
land, N. !.. magazine writer and an
tlmr'ef numerous bejs" Iwuks. died here
jest'erday of jwrltenltis.
it.. ...... iqU..n Ml iilmiir n u ...! n
lir ,, i ... - - ...... ..
while en his way te nis winter home at
Lake (latlln. near this clt). He was
editor of the Vliielaud Dally Itepubll-
1 . .
Badly Injures Her Three-Year-Old
Daughter and Then Ends Life
Manchester, 0., Vev. 1KJ. Mrs. May
Temlln yesterday killed her five-year-
nbl son with an ax. Inlllrtrd severe In
juries op hrr three,yeer,nld daughter
end then ended her life A, two-mouths.
old babe was unnarmee.
"Tk. hnv'a bend was
from his idy by twe'bl
va, of the. eg.
The girl f ' atruck emi
'en 'the heaij
ri .--usaji cur.
ine -wemnn'ri
n yi.BiyiijCMMgB.AiaBMBWBBMM 'Bsv9i tj
iwtt i mill ill tfTiBynlTCTn'iliwIl I
mv full il0iSHwMl9V
mSSk ilJLmmMi ill jlTSTjjnM !!
Ixdr Thete Siirlc("
The flve children of II. T. Peirce, Wctlm of a brutal and mysterious
murder, are (left te right, Themas, ten years; Kianh, thirteen years;
Albert, eleven years; Richard, seven years, and lentils, three years, in
front. Itrlnw is the Peirce home In IAut Washington
Police Closing in
en Murder Suspects
rnntlmirit fmm rre One
i This man told the police he had dined
1 with Peirce Saturday night, late in
. the evening, and after they left the
1 restuurant hud entered Pcirce's cur and
ridden with him awhile.
Pelrci. according te this man's story.
dieve Ids big car past one of the fash-
tellable apartment house in the uelgh uelgh uelgh
botheod of Twenty -first and Wnlnut or
Twentj -first nnd Chestnut si'recw, and
honked his born twice,
1 I u response te this Nignal, a man
and a woman came out of the house
and get Inte the car. They rode with
Peirce and bis friend te the Muiket'
street office, and went' upstairs with i
him. The friend said geed-night and
i went en home. '
i The police have u geed description of ,
I both the inuii and woman. .
Had Lived lu Ovrrhroek
Peirce lived at 152s? North Sixty-sec- '
end street. Overbroek. before moving te
reri i nsningiiiii. ins uiriner neign
bers lu Overlook said today that i.
sp-nt little time at home.
lert Washington. His former neigh- i
Mrs. Jehn Wrase. of in24 North Sixty-second
street, exprissed sympathy for
Mrs. Peirce. who. she said, was aware
that Peirce was frequently with ether
women, tint li"rc herself bravely.
"Peirce had his red car when be lived
here In 1017." said Mrs. (Jrase. "He
spent much time In his car. Jr wns
really unto crazy.
"Despite his fondness for worldly
pleasures, he appeared te be fend of
ills children, and they never wnntcd for
anything. Rut he should have been bet
ter te Mrs. Peirce. She Is nlmnst a
cripple and suffers greatly from rheu
matism." Mrs. Grase said it would have been
possible for a person te strike Peirce
fiem behind as he wns deaf.
Peirce sold his Sixty-second street
home te Captain of Police Smile) . Peirce
also owned the hipiscs at 1.10S and l."41
North Sixty-second street. He sold
these before meviug te Fert Wash
ington. J. D. Peirce. a brother of the mur
dered man, and his father, Themas
Peirce. live at 1521 North Sixty-second
City Detective, Radiating Prosper
ity, Gets $75 Werth of Tickets-
Cltv Detective Chapmnn Marks ap-
pent ed In Ccntrnl Court against I.dwnrd
Cehen, of Wharten strict near Urend
charging Cehen with seHlpiug tickets.
.Marks, nfter nnserting he had been
detailed te the Olytnnla Club Inst night,
said he hml arrested Cehen, and con cen
flscated about ."." worth of tickets
Cehen was alleged te lie offering fur sale
en the street.
When Magistrate Cnrsen get inquis
itive, "Chappie" Marks is said te hnve
declared he had linnnclnl intere-t In
the affairs of the Olympic Club. Cehen
was fined .." nnd cots.
Marks radiated prosperity in a silk
shirt with stripes three-quarters of an
Inch wide en. a yellow ground; nut
brown suit, bntwlng tie. brown over
coat, the latest In soft fet hats a he
brown nnd weurlug a tbree-carnt dla
Gets Twe te Seven Year Term,
Menth After Crime ,
Ralph Parsons, a Negro, twenty-five
jears old. Hevcitteenth and Lembard
streets, was sentenced ie iu m evv,-n
vears In the pen by .Indue Kates in the
, Camden County Crimlnnl Court today
Ti.iruiuiu wns lenvlcted of brcalllllg
i .,.'u...i .. , t 111111
Inte and robbing the home of llllani
Unlaw in. Twenty, fifth and I gh streets,
Camden, a month nge. I he accused
jwas making off with Jewelry valued at
iff,x), when he was captured after a
U. S. May Keep Amatel Plant
New Yerk, Nev 23. A favorable re re
pert Is snid te hnve been made te the
War Department nn the preposition te
turn the huge Amntel Arsenul, three
miles from llnmmentnn, N. !., Inte a
everiimeut airplane construction pinnt.
arsenal is said te nuve cesi die gev-
K Colonel Allen, U. 8. A., who Vi
ernment Aii.inni.iii, i ..i
Mierged with, the selection of nn ntrfi,
d piano fa.rtoryhesm.fpe',t"(. the arsenal,
pla'nff ffti
wh.lwi is en
a pletledntalnlug (1000 eqrfcf
plot ceniaimug ituuu acre
Peirce Children
Net Told of Tragedy
Continues! from INure One
the hardest thing of all is for me te
tell the children."
Then the frantic little mother wppt
bitterly. "I I de net think I can tell
them. I will get Albert te break it te.
the little b,eys."
"It was only se short n time age
Harry and I were talking about the
boys, He was se jireud of them and wit
were planning for their future. I'
asked him what he would like them te
be and he said he wanted them all te
be business men.
"I had often wibhed my husbnnd had
been able te be home mere with me
and the children, hut I realized he wns.
a business man nnd that wns net pos
sible, and I wns content."
In the doctor's office there wau no
nlluslen te the blonde who has been
mentioned in connection with the crime.
The scene staged in Medical Art Ruild
ing was tragic in its bare simplicity.
It was an nwed meeting of these who
knew nnd loved the sluin man best, his
wife. IiIh father, his brother and his I
best friend. The rest of the offices nil
around were elnsed, but long after the.
last surrounding light had one by one
blinked out they snt there many times
weeping together.
"If only Harry hud come home Snt
urduy night it would never have hap- l
pened," wus the bitter regret, voiced I
aguln and ngaln. i
In appearance Mrs. Peirce wns ut
terly broken. Her ejes were red with
crying anil her words enme In the short
throaty dry sobs of one who hns wept
nud dried her tears and wept ngain. She I
were a dark brown hat and a long
mixed twved ulster
Empleyes Laid Off for Twe Weeks.
Other Plants Reduce
West Chester, Pn.. Nev. art. All the
departments of the Sharpies Sepnratnr
p'aiir at West Chester will close thlH
evening for a period of two weeks, as
announced te the men and all the em em
pleyes except a few retained te leek
after machinery will he out of work.
About one-half of the force was laid
' i ff two weeks age Hlid are still idle.
i Many nre seeking work en the farms.
l... .,.,,.., ,,.... nnlnff in thn ul.tr. i n.llu '
chlve The Denny Tag Ce. here
bus ilse reduced Its force greatly in
seveinl departments, and at the West
Chester wheel works the working hours
have been reduced te eight per day and
a number of men given vacations.
Hire In Grocery
I'ire, supplied te
mve starteil In
box of matches, dnmnged the front part
of the grocery store of Stephen Qiilnn,
nt -141 West Indiana avenue, nt .'I :-IO
o'clock this morning. The blnae was
easily extinguished by the firemen, and
the damage was slight.
(diml locution. Krry appointment ter
comfort and service. Runnlns water. I'rlvau
(mini. Muilc. DanclnK. tlunsarlan cultlna,
Itedfrutn rstrR
Ye Thanksgiving Proclamation
iTHE-Wlv W
, i
I..I...II ...i.a
WON'T ACCEPT $1,000,000
Bosten Youth's Share In Father's
Estate Prefers Farming-
IloMen, Nev. 2.1. Charles fiarland,
second son of the Inte .Tntnhs A. (Jur
lBnd. has declined te urcept $1,000,000,
lila share of his father's large estate,
because he prefers manual labor te a
life of luxury.
He Is living with his wife nnd Infant
daughter nt Ray End Farm, hi
mother's summer home at Iluzzard
Ray. Ills mother forfeited her claim
te the (larland millions by marrying
Francis dishing (irecn in 1012. Since
then the estate has been held In 'trust'
for the three Feils. One- of them..
.Tnnic A. Garland, Sd. new twenty-two.
years old, accepted his share of the
estate. The third brother, u student at
Harvard, is inclined ter fellow the ex
ample "f ChurlcM who is planning te
become an nutoraebilu mechnnic.
Quick Wit of Pedestrian May Have
Frustrated Attack
Quick action by I.erey Smith, 722
Seuth Seventeenth street, frustrated
what i supposed te have been un at
tempt of three alleged highwayman te
held up Smith near his home early this
Smith saw the men crouching in n
doorway adjoining his home. N He no
ticed that two of the men held'pnr.tlally
concealed revolver. Retracing his
step, Smith quietly informed Patrol Patrel
mnn Hunn of his discovery, and Ilunn
arrested the suspects who surrendered
without resistance.
The prisoners guve their names as
Milten Fisher, llninbrldge ami Smed
lev streets; Harry Rlee. Seventeenth
and Wharten streets, and Krnest Crow Crew
lev, Eleventh uiul Lembard streets.
F.nch was held In $1000 bail for court
by Magistrate Harrigan.
tf AtR miKS
Fer 1U21
iiiiiai:m,ima siktkr en.
012 Krai IMutr TruM llultdlng
e season when
the greatest advertiser in
the world leeks for his big
gest sales.
We refer te our friend
"Santa Claus," of course.
Advertlilng Agsncf
Evry Phaie of Sale Promotion
North American Bldg. Philadelphia
"I de net knew of any
comment te make ether
than the highest," said a
customer in a letter thank-
ing us for our handling
of his advertising
The Helmes Press, Vrinieri
1315-29 Cherry Strut
Net. 25th
Till 8.30
NOVEMBER ?3, 1920
Capital Friends of Vice Preal-
dent-Elect Have Vain Search
for Plnce Within Means
Bv a Staff Corrpendf
WiLshlnrten. Nev 2J1. One of the
net-advertised human ynrns of the '
coming administration hn.s been the
quiet nnd thus far unavailing pearch
for a lilnec of residence for the nejv
Vice President, Calvin Coolidge. . KviT
since November 2 f Mends of the Mnssn
cliuscttH governor have been quietly but
persistently haunting Washington real
estate offices, seeking n house In keening
with the dignity of the office of Vice
Prrstdent. liut yet within the extremely
mwletenn of the new "V. P." Thus
far the haven't had any luck.
Washington hn plenty of house,
that -would innke splendid home for the
next highest official of the I'nlttyl
State, but Washington, also, I used tu
rharglng for them an only capital cities
knew hew te charge. They nre out of
question in the case of Coelldge. In
the old days the vice prfcddency usrd
te be given te some mnn of wealth who
was willing te make nn opulent gift te
the campaign fund In return for the
honor. That chnnged some year nge.
Tem Marshall, the retiring; Vcc Presi
dent, Is net n wealthy man a wealth
gees, but he Is a Crecu compared te
Coelldge. A there arc jimt Mm. Mar
shall and himself, they have lived at
hotels, the last few yeura at the historic
In the case of Ooelidgo living nt one
of the hi? hotels I nut of the qiiestibn.
They huve youngster and they need
nnd arc accustomed te n house with a
yard around it.
Furthermore, en the salnry given the
Vice President, $12,000 a year, Cool Ceol Coel
ldge can't evtn Ftnnrl hotel prlcen, espe
cially as the Vide President has con
siderable official entertaining te de and
there Is no entertainment fund pro
vided for the Vice President, as Is the
case with the presidency.
Coelldge'a wealthy friend would like
te present him with a place or turn one
ever te him at a nominal rcht. Rut he
won't stand for any charity any mere'
than he will de any thing thnt would
seem like capitalizing the office te which
hn lins been elected by the people. Se
the hunt Is still going en en the
pert of some of his Intimate friends
here, trying te find a place within uis
means, but yet one that is in- some
measure in keening with the second
highest office of the land, And, as
stated, thus far .without luck.
Coelldge Is probably the poorest mnn
ever elected te cither the presidency or
vice presidency. Friends sny he has pet
saved mere than $20,000 at the outside-
Salted "Nuts.
Favers, Bea Benn
te "harmonize
with the table
Every One of 12,000 Pieces
Reduced 40 te 60 Per Cent
Positively the biggest saving opportunity of the year. We started
this sale te batter down the high prices of the profiteer. It is all for the
benefit of the public. Hundreds of suites and single pieces may be had
ter half their value many for less than half their actual selling
price today. t
Don't think it is special-sale stock, picked up here and there or
anuwnerc just for this occasion. Every piece is fully guaranteed
Lwde quality, right out of our own great warehouses. These goods
are from the best makers in the ceuntru. RtnnJr, mm.um"
hundred per cent
$155 from $285
This Queen Anne Bedroom Suite
in Amcricun Wulnut is beautifully
finished. Drebser, 42 inches. Chif
fonier, 32 inches. Tpllet Tuble, 34
inches, with three mirrors. Full
size Bed.
215 etlir Bedroom Suites from
$150 te $850.
1W (ftutttittH fflkmf ihiSSl3ETaiUaUaig wiv ft JffSSs T-trtJrw
Kill iiiTOfflM
TOvite?' HtJWT Reductions
195.00 Wilten ttiiu. 0vie
B2.50 Axminster Kugs. 9x12 ft'..'
?nm (VX"!"",8,,er- MI0.6 ft....
78.01) Wtlten Rugs, 6x9 ft
21V"0')V?!1 I-'l'cr Ivugs, 9x12 ft.
J.i Inlaid I.iiielcpm, sq. yd...
In all the .year helTJns. lcep In public
life;" although be 'hits' tved frugally and
In ft melt modest fashion. ,
lie has never mnde a Chautauqua
tour( Such speeches n hcMnakes are
In campaign or en 'set ecrawhnn before
nfcktit'-bedlai, .with ue thought of com
pensation In them. Likewise a law
yer Tie" Iibm had many opportunities,
his frlendd say, te make profitable legal
connections bccauMi of his political
prominence. Hut again he has refused
te de Anything that looked like selling
his political Influence, and turned dewu
business, a one friend put It, when
there waa" "no aense In It," Just he
cause of his Ideas ok te what a public
man Should or nheuld net de.
Then -was minis atitatlnn. when CoeD
' Mirp wait, f) rat l-frt. In liHvn thA rnv-
ernment buy a home for the Vice Presi
dent, just as It turna the White Heuse
ever te the President Out as the In
coming Congress ha the virus of econ ecen
ntny In Ita sjstem there I net a chance
of that going ever.
Chinese Put Under Ball for Grand
Jury Inquiry
Defectives Elsctman, Walsh and
Zlegele, of the vice squad, raided the
basements of Oil and 013 Race street
Ian night and discovered two alleged
opium dens, with luxurious Oriental
Lee Sec. arrested In the basrment nt
01R Itaec utreet, was today held In $500
ball by Magistrate Corsen for the grand
Jury, charged with having opium.
Six Chinese, arrested In a raid en
010 Ilacc street,' Raturdsy night, were
fined $10 each by Magistrate Carsen. In
this raid, the detectives say they found
9400 worth of opium In a sheet iron
There Is mere than 51000 worth of
contraband opium at the headquarters
Of the vice squad, together with many
valuable opium pipes, some of them
trimmed with ivory.
Leses Arm In Oakery Reller
Samuel Dnrnfelder. flfty-three, of
3125 Oermantewn avenue, narrowly
escaped death jestcrday when his right
arm caught in a roller at a bakery at
Twenty-second street nnd Sedgley ave
nue. He wns taken te the Women's
Homeopathic Hospital where his arm
waa ntnbutated.
J. E. Caldwell S Ca
Jewelers Silversmiths Statiendis
Chestnut and Juniper Street
Wedding Invitations
And Announcements
social stationery
Pierced Monograms
Visiting Cards
Gift Bexes Of ..
Fine Stationery
Christmas Cards
from hand-wrought plates
dependable. Comparison proves their true value.
nsr la
yjjjjLj (i .s
,'VS v,,,? Ru
7.50 Axminster,
27.50 Wilten, 27
35.00 Wilten, 27
23cl, Celt i
Panama Vassels Cordially Sa
lute Pre$!dent-Elect as He
Enters Harber
By the Associated. Tress
Colen, Panama, Nev. 23. Warren
O. Harding, Presldent-elect of the
United Stnte. arrived at Cristobal at
0 o'clock this morning en beard the
stenrrter Parlsmlnn. He was given a
noisy welcome by the craft In the har
bor. Mr. Harding went direct te a
A the President-elect approached
Panama en hi vacation voyage he wns
flooded with wireless messages invit
ing him te be the gucit of honor at a
long list of public functions during his
Ave days' visit te the canal r.enc. Most
of the Invitation he will be compelled
by hi vacation planR te" decline.
As new formulated his plans shap
up as follews:
Tuesday, spend entire dny resting it
Cristobal Hetel.
Wednesday, trip through the canal
with n call en President Perras, of Pan
ama, nt his palace at Pannma City;
spend night en Pacific slde of the iMh
inns. '
Thursday night, guest of President
All ethor Invitation have been held
under advlkement, although It was re,
garded as net improbnble that he will
accept the invitation of. Governer Hardf
ing, of the canal tone, te dinner, and
may also be a dinner guest of Cristobal
and Colen business men.
Arrangements have been made for a
step of several hours nt Kingsten, .Tnt
malca, en the return voyage. Leaving
Cristobal Sunday, the party will reach
Kingsten the following Tuesday morn,
lug. A short outing has been planned
sahore before departure of the vessel
that afternoon.
$295 from $S50
This handsome Chippendale Din-ing-Roem
suite is American Wal
nut of the very best construction.
Buffet, CO inches. China Closet,
44 inches. Serving; Table, 38 inches.
Extension Table, 48x60 inches, oval
157 ether DivJina'Roem Suites
from flSO te $1075.
$185 from $325
This elaborate three-piece suite
nua cane backs and neatly hand
carved mahogany frames. Scats
covered in hlgh-ffrade blue vcleur.
Twe pillows with suite.
230 ether Living lioetn Suites
fe te fvoe.
- 4"6t7.6 ft....
27x54 in
in. x 9 ft....
in. x 3.6 ft
Open Friduy Kvtningt Until 10 o'clock
'rm 4y -r " 'V'''
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