' cV rfrrru-'V' -vt -et1 jitF- t ?ar s f i. -i EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEKr-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1920 18 mlddlen te thr- Hcnnte for ratification. Official; yesterday characterised re- m.i. r-mii 'I'nltin nt tln ncci'titancc 01 COLGATE LEFT $6,000,000 pTellet Goods Magnate Divided Et tate Among Family Nmv Yerk, Nev. 123. Nearly ffl.0O0.0rtO wns left by Richard M. Cel- Sate at his death In Ornnup, N. J., In eptrmbrr of last year, It wan learned when the result of the nffirlnl npprMfsl of the toilet article manufacturer'!! ea tate was placed en file by the deputy tate comptroller. The bulk of the legacy w willed in tqual shares te hla wife, Mrs. Marga ret A. Colgate! hla eon, Henry A., end his daughter, Muriel Colgate. Colgate University, of Hamilton, U. Y., was bequeathed $100,000 end the 8amuel Colgate historical collection, the Orange Orphan Society, the North Ornnge llnptlst Church nnd Washing ton l'lnygreund hi West Orange, re ceived $25,000 each. The New Yerk Society for the Suppression of Vice, the Orange Memerial Hospital and the Orange Free Library received $r000 each nnd the West Orange Visiting Nuraes Settlement $2000. Building Preber Win Point New Yerk, Nev. 23. The Joint leg islative committee, investigating the nl leged "building trust," wen the first court test of its powers here last night when Supreme Court Justice Hetchkisg dented n motion te vacate service of a subpoena for Miss Elizabeth O'Dca, an empleye of the Hulldcrs' Supply Burcnu.. U. S. MEDALS TO JAPANESE Fifteen Are Rewarded for 8ervlcet During World War Teklo, Nev. 23. The American charge d'affaires conferred decorations' en the Japanese minister of marine and fourteen officers for their services dur ing the war. Washington, Nev. 23. The negotia tions with Japan arising nut of the California nnti-alicn land ownership legislation have net.been completed nnd no new treetr ha yctccn ''accepted, It was aald nt the Sttttc Depnrtmcnt yesterday. . Estey JR-4 Ff. 1R48 thn new treaty na "nesdlbly ft little Tfiere are inuicntiens mat tnp treaty will net be mnde public before ltn trans- K propaganda." HEPuciTF EATS11 J H.Mc Culleugk 8 Sen AUTOMOTIVE AND GARAGE SUPPLIES 4 . ? 1327 Chestnut St. Syiwap yuv" i t HI , K ! V m r.TH5 vsma ,,& L Iff i' ' Mir P Finest Kidskin In Gun Metal Gray A perfect dress Beet and your delight in it will be accented by its price : $10- from $18 M m l ervdali S. feet OAOO "Where Only the Beit it Geed EneuC Raybestes Brake Linng grips it holds it wears well, from surface down te the last strand. Get your repair man te line with Raybestes. nkm 257-59 N. Bread St. We co-operate with your dealer. Buy through him. jf Welsbach "THRIFT" Gas Lights 1 C At Cost k &" Te replace wasteful open-flame gas burners. Give mere lieht than open flame burners and use less than half as much gas. We will show veu hew te install them. Complete, rendy te fit en any upright fixture. Bread and Arch and District Offices 4 r.lehUn Cat Oleb The United Gas Improvement Ce. lllliMIIIIIIHtllllMD i H MMm i i h TTirrrrnsHHTT t Fer visitors ieep enJiand aJboxef Henrietta ADMIRALS EISENLOnn'S MASTERPIECE 15c straight Perfecto size 13c 2 for 25c OTTO EISBNLOHR & I1U08., INC. KSTAM.IHHED 1330 wieaeeaaaaaseaWSssmW 'xkix.vMi -WX te'vi v'V-ir 8urfac painful with fl finlih paint Surface painted with Barreled SunUiht Photo-micrographs of two paint surfaces Sandpaper or tile which surface for your factory walls? The microscope's warning te buyers of interior white paini Ti Gless finish paint Flat finish paint Try this test yourself Hub your finger evar dirt resistant gloss paint. It will net leave a mark. Then note the amudge your fin gar leaves en the porous surface of flat fin ish puint HR illustrations above are re produced from actual photo micrographs, made en the same scale, and showing the paint surfaces highly magnified. The first shows a surface painted with a high-grade flat or mat surface paint. The rough, irregular appear ance which you can see, shows why dull-finish paints collect dust and dirt. It makes it easy te understand why it is impossible te wash the walls properly. All the sponge and water can de is te smudge the dirt still deeper into the thousands of little pores in every square inch. The second illustration shows a photo-micrograph of n similar sur face, but the coating i3 Barreled Sun light the Rice Precess Mill White a pure white, glossy oil paint. The smooth, tile-like surface is highly resistant te ill forms of dust and dirt. It gives the maximum reflecting pow er, since there are no crevices te make shadows and absorb the light. Our exclusive process produces a, gloss paint which is guaranteed te remain white longer than any ether which withstands the shock and jar of the heaviest machinery, and when soiled after years of service may be washed clean, like tile. Barreled. Sunlight is used today in thousands of plants as coating for ceilings and walls. Flews easily from the brush. Won't clog a spray, ns it contains no varnish. Sold in barrels, also in cans. Send today for free panels se that you can make the test described at the left also our booklet, "Mere Light." Fer shop and home, tee Barreled Sunlight is also used in count less institutions, stores, garages, small buildings, and in rooms in the home wherever a white, tile-like finish is desirable. It is much cheaper than enamel and easier te apply. Sold in gallons, half-gallons, quarts, pints and half-pints. U. S. GUTTA PERCHA PAINT CO. Providence, R. I. B arre twJf?t,i'Mltftyiali.liiYii1 ttOilaHllHili The Rice Preeeu Mill Whlt Warehouse Stock in Philadelphia j Sunlight U. S. GUTTA PERCHA PAINT CO., 1003 Bailey Bdg., 1218 Chestnut St announce the opening of their new store 1527 Chestnut St. JXl, Tomorrow, Wednesday, Nev. 24th, 1920 With the tame high-grade quality of Feed Product! and Moderate Prices for which we are renowned. French & Daniih Paitry from our own balceiheps Fancy Fruit Thanksgiving Day Dinner 1.50 Turkey Flutter Cranberry flatter Street l'etntuen Hnccetnuli neil or Het DUctilln and lluttrr Miner or Fampkln Fie or Ire Crenm and Coffee 10:30 A. M. te 9 P. M. OUR OTHER STORES 12 N. 12th St. 1310-14 Drury St. 29 3. 16th St. 208 S. 3d St. United States Shipping Beard Offers for Sale the Following Articles of Clothing, F. O. B. Camp Stuart, Newport News, Va. 10,500 Pea Jackets 250 Complete Suits Oilikins 7,000 Bine Uniform Trenieri ?W ?" Ruer Beets 450 Blue Middy Bleuiei 00 Sea Bagt .. n, el i ,, . 600 Sea Bag Lecks 7.000 Blue Chambray Shirts 2000 pairi Shoei 1,800 Blue Denim Werk Trousers 5,000 Suits Light-Weight Under 4,400 Blue Denim Werk Blouses wear ALL IN ASSORTED SIZES Sample of this clothing may ee teen at hrn flerrlce Ilureitu, 30 Atlantic Are., Ilonten, Stnan, Hen Berrler llureau, 2(1 l'ftrk Flitce, Nev Yerk City Hra SerTlce llurenu, 57 Menth Fourth St., Flilln., Fu. Kea flerTlce Uurean, 420 Custom Heme, Dnlttmere, Md. Hea Training; Hurenti, Camp Htuurt, Newport Newe, Va, Ulds will bfl received en a private competitive basts from new until I 1. M.. Tuesday, November 30, 1020. Bids may be submitted for tha whole or a substantial part of the articles llntcd, nnd must be aocempanled by a .certified cheek made payable te the United States Shipping Beard Recruit ing Kcrvlcu for 2 4 of the nmeunt of the bid. TERMS 50 of the purrhnne price upon delivery of goods and Imlnnrr In ninety duys, If Reed nrcurlty l offered. The rlsht Is rraerTed te reject any and all lilda. Bids should be addressed te the United States Shipping Beard Recruiting SerTlce, 45 Broadway, New Yerk City, and indorsed "BID FOR CLOTHING." HffiBHBH jMjKS Vietreli Estey Best Known Musical Njame in the World Over Half a Millien Pianos and Organs i bearing the name ESTEY have been made end are in use in every Country en the Glebe. Such a rec ord inspires confidence. Yeu Expect te Purchase a Musical Instrument for Christmas Buy It New Yeu will be mere certain of accustomed ESTEY SERVICE if you make your selection and book your order new. Delivery can be made later if you prefer. Prices Always Lewest Consistent With Quality Pianos, Player-Pianos, Organs Victrela, Senera, Cheney Interesting booklet, "WHAT ESTEY SERV ICE MEANS TO YOU." and explaining our Easy-Payment Plan mailed upon request. Name , , , L AddteM ESTEY COMPANY ,Cor. 17th & Walnut Streets i Test Crew Levick meter oil right from the driver s seat Any novice can teat the quality of the oil be puts into a meter. It requires no testing device or chemical lab oratory. The one biggest benefit a motorist derives from quality oil is also its test lasting power. Lubricants break down (or carbon ize) from heat. The better quality a lubricant possesses the longer it resiRta heat, and consequently the longer it lasts. The next time you put in oil make note of the mileage it yields then test Crew Levick oil exactly the same way. You'll be surprised that there could be such a difference in lubri cants en this score you'll notice also that your engine is smoother and is perhaps a little keener. Try it and see it's a point worth proving, for it affects your pocket book and your pleasure in driving. Wherever you see the Crew Levick diamond you can buy these Crew Levick products. Moter Oil Gasoline Cup Grease Crew Levick Company New Yerk Bosten Philadelphia Syracuse . ! i ii, 1 1K Chicago St. Paul U I fl f' fl ii1' r IBTrnrimiaiiMi i -'trimsmmmw&amimmOamB lafKrWflimyfJU MlWiui s ,,i B;3MaWBS Wm MmMT e?s timeftk Gutty latest jvoctuces adrdinascfdl ygyjftg ZWM0' D Sold at retail by wh&L Sitae Dm Cnpnr. 13 Se. 13th Str Sw 4 Fiber C... 2&0S-10 Ne,!. Pre (aa.r.'. M , a aJ 1 Street Ceerie C Felker. S S. Kutnckr A, e. M nt3t. J. .AfWKPfc. MACaei f.a..AAllMir. llBlTI.MaVMM-H- f tat trmW I ! J ".T" " i. .. 1 A.CiUlaben, ISth 4 MerrU 3U. OaJey Hardwire Crmpaar. StaAEdsemeaWAva-ClieStw.Pa.. Bsabrr & RebUaa, Wilaatatct-a, D Auaaueut7.n.J. r r w -r- - r Vi - .Ti V i-a&Ce'ParL9lT4il9 Areh St. O. F. Zuna Ce- 27S8 North Hra! St. V . r 4 MS. ; ) m MlftBHC Ml i tm i v f. Darrew C S621 Germantown Ave. a rfJJ 8fr x.Js 4.fp" tajK -a- -- - rfsiassiffcjwjcf ' ." &kZ, '$. '-vV K'S. ' -iA ll-T" ?,..wH, 5. ,bim4f&?A-'. 1 L3"TTYM ' 11V, r .OJ. Mffwar :-M. r-cK