Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 23, 1920, Night Extra, Page 17, Image 17

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Pest Representatives te Reor
ganize Philadelphia County
Committee December 21
Representative of the seventy-nix
pests of the .American Legien In Phil
adelphia county will be notified by the
deportment com
mander, through
David B. Slnfp Slnfp
Hen, vice depart
ment commander,
that n meeting
will be held De
cember 21 In the
Chamber of Com
merce assembly
room, Wtdener
Bulldlne. for the
purpose of reorganizing the Philadel
phia county committee.
A sufficient number of renneslK for
I. the calling of such a meeting have been
' received from the pests by the depart
ment commander te meet the require
ments of tho'cenetltutlon. It is provided
that 6fteen days after the receipt of
such requests a conference of repre
sentatives shall be called for the pur pur
pee of organization.
Vice Department Commander Simp Simp
ten will preside ever the meeting nnd
William G. Murdock, the state adjutant,
HI act as secretary. Representatives
tiecteti te me county committee will
coraprlse the committee under the con
stitution, The Walter M. Oearty Pest, Ne. 31fi,
enrolled twenty-five members at its
dnce last Thursday evening, and new
has a membership of approximately 780.
It alms te obtain 1000 members by De
cember 31.
The Henry H. Housten Pest, Ne. 3,
of Gerraantewn, has announced a dance
for Thursday evening, December 2. The
pest will be assisted by ihe women's
auxiliary, which is an active organi
zation. This auxiliary Ijas realized sev
eral hundred dollars from theatre bene
fits and ether affairs conducted during
the last few weeks, and this money
will be used te furnish rooms for the
auxiliary at 157 West Chelten avenue,
Evening1 public LEDGEEr-PHiLBBiiPHiA1, Tuesday; November 23, 1920
Harrlsbug Bishop te Assist In the
Service of Russian Church Here
Bishop Darlington, head of the Knls Knls
qepal diocese of Harrlsburg, will take
part In a special service tonight in the
Russian Eastern Orthodox Church, Sev
enth Btreet abpve Breun. The participa
tion of an Lpiscepal bishop In an East
ern Orthodox Catholic service is an im
portant event In the church world and
is regarded as n significant step toward
the Intercommunion between the Ortho Orthe
dot and Episcopal churches, which is
new being sought by the Episcopal
Church, long established in America,
and the Orthodox Church, which, among
Bcrsens of Russian, Greek, Serbian,
lUlgarlan. and Rumanian birth or cxj
traction, has new 3,000,000 members In
the United States.
B. and L. Bodies Increase 8teck
Bulldlne and lean nsseciatian flHn
notices at Harrlsburg of increases of
stock include the following in Phila
delphia: Christian A. Fisher, $1,000,.
000 t $3,000,000 ; Mutual Friends,
$2,000,000 te $5,000,000, and North
cast, $1,000,000 te $3,000,000.
1 JtMuh$ffi I
Wills Probated Today
Clese te $100,000 was made ever te
heirs in wills admitted te probate Mn
the office of the register of wills today.
Mary E. Morrlssen left $63,701.10;
Elizabeth E. Miller, 4017 Baltimore
aenue, had an estate valued at $16,
800; Albert Magllten. 2114 Applctree
street, $5400; Fannie B. Cassaday.
55277.50, and Theodere. O. Zeglcin,
1m74i .68,
The Stere of Personal Service
1310 Chestnut Street
Winter Medes
Fer Women and Misses
At Lowered Prices, Showing
Reductions of
25 te 40
-Featuring Tomorrow-
150 Frecks
Actual Values, 49.50 te 69.SO
Street and Afternoon Frecks in
Tricetines, Velvet, Lace, Crepe-back
Satin, Veldyne, Velours de Laine in
the new Autumn colors.
Dance Frecks of superior quality
Chiffen Taffetas in glistening even
ing hues.
The event a brilliant
holiday opportunity, pre
senting substantial savings.
Nena C. O. D. Ne Approval
All Sale Pinal
A New Organization With an Old Name
'" "' ' '!" in 1 1 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 in 1 1 in mum i in nmjil 1 1 in 1 1 1 1 hi hi h 1 1 1 1 in iii'in 1 1 1 1 u 1.1 n 1 1 i,ni i liiii i iB
i r
Here's Anether
$5,000,000 Appetite
Waiting for These
War Department
Canned Meats
That's hew much of these guaranteed canned meats were shipped last week
te every section of the United States sold by thousands of dealers and relished
at the tables of hundreds of thousands of families, and little wonder, when deli
cious quality of these meats' is considered in connection with their extremely low
price which would have seemed extraordinary in pre-war days. This is the Gov
ernment's second thrust at the high cost of living. The prices quoted are whole
sale prices, but they give you some idea of what you can buy this incomparable
feed for from your dealer. Obey that impulse new. See your dealer. If he
hasn't this meat in stock he should have, for these wholesale prices allow him "
a geed profit and you a great saving. Send us his name by postal.
Ne order received for less than $250.00.
Prices en War Department Canned Meats
Are as Follews:
Ne. 1 cans 15c per can
Ne. 2 cans 27c per can
1-lb. cans 18c per can
6-lb. cans $1.00 per can
1-lb. cans 15c per can
2-lb. cans 30c per can
Ne. 1 cans 9c per can
Ne. 2 cans 18c per can
1-lb. cans 12c per can
2-lb. cans 24c per can
G-lb. cans 70c per can
12-lb. cans $2.50 per can
Table of Discounts
The discounts te apply en all purclKiaeu of surplus canned meats en and nfter November
lBUi, 1320, are as fellows'
$250 te $1000, Net $2501 te $4000, 10 per cent
$1000 te $2500, 5 per cent $4001 and ever, 20 per cent
On full curlpac lets, shipped at Government expense, If alue of full carload Is less
than (4001.00, then 20 per cent discount will lie allowed en the value of the carload.
Mlisn purchaaea reurli $80,001 H hen purclmaea reach 1500,001
24 prr cent net te prevail 3!! per rent net te prevail
When pureliaaea reurh 1100,001 W hen purehuaea reach 11,000,001 and ever-
SB per rent net te prevail 38 per tent net te prevail
This meant) that the total purchase of a customer in carload tela from time te time will
bar taken into consideration and the proper discount applied en the sum of all the purchases.
Including the first carload let.
FREIGHT PREPAID 8l,l"n'n, of net U" "'"" Wleaa '' wl nade at Oevem.
ment expenae te any point In the United Ntatea eutalde it radlua of
SO miles of the point of storage from which ah Ipnient Is made.
Nend Orders te Neareat DEPOT QUAHTKIl-
MASTKIC at the Follewlnr Addreasesl
New Yerk City, 481 8th Ave.
Uoaten, '.Maia., Army Supply Haas
Chlcaie, 1IL, 1810 West 30th St.
Atlanta, Oa.. Transportation Illdt.
Ban Antonie, Tax. j.
Sun ranclace, Cat. y
Surplus Property Brandt, Ofllce of The
Quartermaster General, Munitions Build
ing, Washington, D. C.
r'i' -t
f VS.
Finely Tailored
Twe-Piece Uniforms
for Chauffeurs
Reduced a Fourth
te a Third
In high - grade whip
cords and worsteds, with
pinch-back or pleated
coats and patch or flap
AH With Leng
Seme With Extra
Knickers te Match,
at $15 pair
$35.00 Suits for
Chauffeurs, New
$50.00 Suits for
Chauffeurs, $55 3C
New.... VOO00
$60.00 Suits for
New. . . .
$75.00 Suits for (fcCC AA
Chauffeurs, New JUt).UU
Chauffeurs' Caps, Special de -ft
Chauffeurs' Ulster ' 7C Art
Overcoats 4) J.UU
Chauffeurs' .. fr'Ji pa te (n
Raincoats.. VLe.OV JOU
SneTlenbUrZJS Third Fleer
alRkaV i
Si 1 y
TUKHDAY, JfeV. 28. 120- tftere. Opens Wally at 0 A. M. Clenes bI 5i30 1. M. 1
Which Figure Is Yours?
Which Would Yeu
Rather Claim?
Fer the Choice is Yours! One of
Prof. Munter's Nulife Belts
Will Straighten Yeu Up and Reduce
That Unsightly Paunch in Ne Time!
Special Fitting
Reams ter Men
with Male
Nulife Corsets for
Women & Misses
The Corsets of
Correction, Com Com
eort and Style.
Fer Misses,
Here at
$3.50 and $5.00
Fer Women
$5.00 te $16.00
Nulife Belts for
Men & Women, $3.25 te $8.00
"Nulife Braces for Men, Women
and Children, $1.50 and $2.00
SNELLENBURflS Second Fleer
Factory Prices Reduced en All Our
Winter Overcoats for
Men and Yeung Men
New $15 te $80 Belew Fermer Prices
Splendidly tailored overcoats in practically every one of the season's
best styles, fabrics and colors. Medels for men and Ter young men, all made
of the finest imported and domestic overceatings in blues, blacks, greens,
grays, browns, tans, oxfords, fancy and heather mixtures.
Sizes 32-te 50-inch Chest Measures Practically All With Silk or
Satin Linings Grouped in Four Big Value-Lets Tomorrow!
Let 1 Overcoats that Were &A f ff
$55.0), $60.00 and $65.00, New fW.UU
Let 2 Overcoats That Were
$70.00, $75.00 and $85.00, New
Let 3 Overcoats That Were
$100.00 and $125.00, New .
Let 4 Overcoats With Fur Cellars
Were $125, $150 and $165, New
Cellars of Hudsen Seal, Beaver, Seal or Natural Nutria, Seal
Otter and Plucked or Unplucked Otter
Thanksgiving" Specials in
Beys' Furnishings
Beys' $1.75 Blouses
Khaki, gray and blue cotton
flannel blouses the Klassy Kid
brand. All sizes, 6 te 16 years.
Beys $2.00 Blouses
Printed madras blouses in
cellar-attached style.
Beys' $1.75 Shirts
Percale shirts with soft
Beys' $2.50 Shirts
Woven madras, crepe ma
dras and Oxford weave shirts.
Beys' $1.50 Blouses
Made of geed quality per
cale with attached cellars. Sizes
8 te 16 years. Geed colors and patterns.
Beys' $3.00 Outing Flannel rt J P
Pajamas tyLLO
Beys' $1.75 Outing Flannel (1 3JJ
Nightshirts iPl.Ud
. -
50 Off Regular Prices,
Mr. Moteris
and a guarantee for 6000 miles
against rim cuts, stone bruises and
blouyeuts that's what you get in
this extraordinary sale of
Speedway Tires
Big assortment of wanted sizes te
cheese frone prompt adjustment
for any tire' that fails te measure
up te its guarantee!
.de by a special patented hydraulic ex
pansien process an
exclusive method
which eliminates the
possibility of mold meld
pinch, side wall im
perfections or fabric
weakness, consequent
ly preventing rim
cuts, stone bruises
and blew-outs.
The only tires
en the market
sold with such a
guarantee. The
only tires adjust
ed en a 6000-mile
basis sold for
such an extraor
dinarily low
With white treads and black side walls.
Mail and phone orders promptly, filled.
-. ,-. y.hT 80 nuns
30x3 N. S $21.21 sil.ll
30x3': N.S 28.88
32x3 Vi N.S..
33x4 N.S.,
34x4 N.S
34x4 Vi N.S
35x4 Vi N.S
36x4'i N.S
35x5 N.S
ii ,
r.n aa
w.-m-M, , . . ,
69,46.. I.,.
T6 fiA I
1 isTJTii rd
Mnmumm xeyjgg f r j1TjX T a 2 wKKBrrm!PmitfmBKKKi
Third Flper
Coats Specially
Designed for
Large Women
A Splendid Assortment of Every
Wanted Sert and Style Excep
tional Values. t
M $22.50 t0 $150.00
Plain Tailored and Semi-tailored Medels,
developed in splendidly serviceable mate
rials. Just the right coats for metering
or for the ordinary hard service of every
day wear. Well designed; well tailored.
All made with a keen appreciation of the
peculiar style-needs of a larger-than-usual
Beautiful Fur-trimmed Coats and Coat Ceat
Wraps, developed in soft rich fabrics, with
cellars of moleskin, opossum, skunk, nutria
or spal. Beautifully designed, beautifully
executed. Siscs 41 te 58Vi
Our Sweater Department, Second
Fleer, Is Selling
Women's Stunning
Weel Sports Scarfs
Werth Up te $9.00
At $3.95 & $4.95 Each
Geed looking, serviceable scarfs in a
fine selection of colors splendid values!
bHEULENbURCS Second Fleer
Sewing Machines at
Lewer Prices
Than They Can Be Duplicated Fer
In Any Other Stere
White Vibrating Shuttle $CQ.50
Sewing- Machines. . .
I me vibrating
shuttle machines)
fitted viAth smtnnintir
lift and dial thread
tension, ball-bearing W
K1Y nrn70-a nriH -Full
set of Hteel nttfinli.
ments, guaranteed. IE
uuuiu jiiukc ei ma
chine with four draw
ers, $58.50.
Sold, if desired, en
easy-payment club plan of $3.00 when or
dering and $1.25 weekly.
Everything Needed in
Heusefurnishings Here
for Thanksgiving
and everything at a right fine
$1.75 Brown White
Lined Fireproof
Casserole, (M ec
With metal Plt)
nickel-plated holder.
out a large
variety of
a ss e r ted
Jap anned
tin oak,
blue finish white coffee, sugar, flour and tea
canisters at a saving of 50 below regular
$15.50 and $20.00 Heavy
Cast Metal Ceal Steves,
$10.95 & $14.95
Nickel trimmed
with shaker grate.
Heaters 34.uU
Smokeless and odorless.
SneLUENbUrgS Third Fleer
f p Xi
$88.00 and $90.00 Brand-New
Singer Sewing &. rn
Machines WU.OU
Five drawers, drephead cabinet table
of oak. Club plan, $3.00 when ordering
and $1.25 weekly.
bNELlENBURcSj Fourth Fleer
Sweater Coats for
Men & Beys
Fine and warm, splendidly sturdy
Greatly Lowered in Price
Shawl Cellar and V-Neck Styles
Men's Sweaters
Well-made sweaters
in shawl cellar or
V-neck styles, in
brown, green, blue
and dark oxford.
Sizes !30 te 40.
Beys' Sweaters
Plain ribbed, shawl
cellar sweater coats,
well made and serv
iceable; with pockets.
Sizes 28 te 30. j
Exceptionally Good-Leoking:
Roem-Size Rugs
rrem tne famous Mills of
Alexander Smith & Sens
A Full Third Under
Prevailing Prices
$95.00 Seamless 9x12 QiJ Afl
Axminster Rugs POiwUU
Rich Oriental and ether beautiful all all
ever patterns.
$85.00 9x12 Seamless (frn A A
Velvet Rugs Wy.UU
Splendid selection of patterns.
$195.00 9x12 Finest (UlOC A A
Wilten Rugs MOO.UU
Choice among best patterns and color
ings. $115.00 Highest Grade Seamless
Worsted Wilten Velvet (fcr aa
Rugs, Size 9x12 p 0.))
In beautiful patterns and rich, lovely
$55.00 Seamless 9x12 fler A A
Brussels Rugs at POO.UU
M. J. Whittall Angle-
Persian Rugs, New-
Other sizes at proportionate bavings;
extensive assortment of handsome pat
terns and colorings.
bNELLENbURGS Fourth Fleer
Fleer Samples of
Furniture for Dells
and Children
In a Wonderful Be fore-Christmas
Sale at Sharp Reductions!
a - jl I e e
$3.50 te $15 Bureaus, $2.25 te $10.50
$4 te $14.75 Chiffoniers,
$2.50 te $9.50
$2.75 te $13.75 China Closets,
$1.75 te $8.95
$3.75 te $6.75 Tables, $2.50 te $1.50
Other fleer Samples, Including While
Enamel Desks, Tea Carts, Chairs and
Rockers at One-Third Belew Regular
urth Fleer
Red Frieze Christmas
Wreaths, Decorated
ln Each
All Kinds of
Fresh Cut Flowers
for Thanksgiving
At Lewest Prices
HCLLENQURflS First Fleer, Flower Shep
$16.50 te $31.50 en a
Finely Tailored Made-te-
Measure Suit
$31.50 te $71.50 en a
Splendid Custom-Made
special tc: en
Cheese from a splendid assortment of
best domestic and imported woolens; from
smartest new styles; from most wanted
colors. KNOW that tailoring will be of
the high order for which Snellenburg cloth
ing has been famous for 47 years, and that
all findings, linings, trimmings, etc., will be
of the best.
SneTleNBURgS Third Fleer
A New Hat or Cap
Fer Thanksgiving
Men and Beys!
Here's the best assort
ment in town and at the
lowest prices.
All Our Men's and
Beys' Hats Reduced
with the exception
of our Stetson line.
$5.00 te $12.00 Seft Hats, $2.75 te $9
$5.00 te $12.00 Derbies, $3.50 te $9
$10 te $25 Velbur Hats, $5 te $16.50
$7.50 te $26 Fur Caps, $5.75 te $15.75
Beys' & Children's Headwear
At Lew Prices
$2.50 te $4 Cleth Hats, $2.00 te $3.00
$2.50 te $6 Pole Hats, $1.95 te $4.00
$2.50 te $10.00 Plush & Velvet Hats,
$1.95 te $6.00
$10.00 Velour Hats, $8.00
Beys Genuine Tim Mufflers, $2J35
X .
Rimless Eyeglasses
Special at $1.50
A special price for one
day only." Eyeglasses with 8"
geld - filled finger - piece g
mountings, htted with best- .p-
4UUilb; JIU1C WliltU OlAJUH
lenses, in medium size only. Larger lenses
and bifocals made te order at a trifling
increase in cost.
Last Day Before Thanksgiving
te Buy
Beautiful New
At Substantial Savings
Irish Point Curtains, $6.98, $8.9S,
$10.98, $12.98, $14.98, $17.95
and $24.98 Pair
A third under price; of finest quality,
handsome designs.
$6.98 te $39.98 Lacet Arabian Cur
tains, $5.98, $7.98, $12.98, $15.98,
$21.98 and $29.98 Pair
Handsome lacet Arabian curtains of ex
tra fine quality; beautiful patterns.
3J, $39.98 Velour
50 inches wide,
double - faced, in
wanted colors.
Open French
edges; 2Vj yards
Four Wonderful Cinne
2500 yds., 50c yd. Cretonne, 39c
2875 yds., 85c yd. Cretonne, 50c
2250 yds., $1.25 yd. Cretonne, 75c
2100 yds., $1.18 yd. Cretonne, $1.19
Imported and domestic grades in a most
wonderful line of patterns and colorings
for slipcovers, window draperies, etc.
79c Figured Marquisette, Yd. in
In beautiful stripe, verdure and TT C
(leral designs; handsome colorings
for light-weight draperies.
$5.98 Italian Damask, Yd. (ji in
Imported damubk, 50 inches n)040
wide. In figured rose, blue and
mulberry. Ideal for draperies or furniture
Figured Terry Cleth, Yard r
Handsome double-faced drapery Vt)C
material in a most beautiful line
rf!,tor!I"f.nJ,,,celor,llfB 80hl heretofore
at S1.20 te $1.75 a yard. 35 inches wide.
50 Japanese Lamu Shade n
s, Yard WC
t 36 inchg..yidef excellent qualiter.
jww aaJMi;
ff flOildliMM i "llM' MM lUiiiiil k
MmmimL. . Ak,
"V'E t i "vrmB'Wv Tt'jJKtTSMIB