V- J 3 " V 16 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1920 inV .1 , an i--, pi 2? 11 Z-jtR f.i I. c , e i v. iiJ t3 of I'! LfST FH U ft Mil oil U rina Awlnnlntf. .. BREWERY PROBE HERE Velstead Act Violators Face Penal ties of Lesing License Breweries In Plillnddpliln county manufacturing beer rentnlnlnR mere than enc-liulf of 1 per rent nlcohel are ecctipj-lnR attention of federal prohi bition authorities in this cltj. Viola tions of the net will be vleoretinlv prosecuted, It announced Int nlRht iy 1.0 a. i resmi, supervising pre- I lilbltinn enforcement officer. The nc tllty iiRHinst breweries here fellow n nntlen-wlde Investigation. Samples of beer were taken Inst week from each of the twelve breweries In Philadelphia. Am violators of the law will be summoned te u hearing In the office of Mr. Croixen te explain whv the beer contains mere alcohol then the elstead net allows. In case of a con viction violators face n penalty of losing their license te manufacture in addi tion te pu.wneiit of a heavy flue and assessed menu? taxes. J CHABROW BROS. T H O U s A N D S O F S A T I S F I E D C U S T O M E R S E N J O Y E V E R Y W E E K O U R $UnjfciMg) y f- Wc sell thousands of pounds of LJUC Mountaine Tub Butter every vJlfi week 9ur bus'ness ha grown " through its merits. ElginButter?a&edbutter 60c lb. a dez. Geshen Eggs, 80 The kind you can eat raw and enjoy Fancy Selected Eggs 66c a dozen Richfield Eggs, geed for boiling .60c. a dozen Slightly Cracked Eggs 56c a dozen Every Egg sold in our stores is guaranteed SUGAR, 9c a lb. Pure Lard , 24'b.Scoce si&. 18 Sharp Cheesejr42!SwissCheese50 tc Mb. lb. lancr Jelly 7-oz. Jar 12cJam 8-oz. Jar 15c All our goeda guaranteed. Meney refunded if unsatis factory. Loek for one of our iterei in your neighborhood North Second btrwt Seuth Second street 1640 ItliUf Alfnuf 1K0O Meter Avenue 1212 Celumhlti Atemte MJH MiMiuehunna ATenue 41)11 nrth llriwid street 811B North I irtli street iiill tlermnnteun Atenue Sins (irrmantnin Avenue 3MH (erniuntasn Aienue 4220 ermnntmn enue 2111 North Iren! Mreet 24-S KenlnKtun Vlenue 2S1H Iven.lnctnn enue Market 3208 Kensington Avenue Market ?2I!S Jr",u.,"r'J "' 4R0S 1-rank.fertl Arenue 4(101 Frenkfnrd ATenus .iMO I enznhnre Htreet -'01K North I Ifth Mreet 4111 l.nnriiMer Avenue 4032 Lnneanter Avenue A240 Market Htreet 12J2 North B2d Htreet 1819 V4oetllnml Avenue A034 Hnltlmere Avenue 0114 I nnvletrne Avenue fllM Woodbine Avenue Other Mere In t nmrien WllniltiRten mill t lietrr T H O U s A N D S e F S A T I S F I E D C U S T O M E R S E N J O Y E V E R Y W E E K O U R MOUNTAINO TUB BUTTER i II WINDSOR ROOM 1204 Chestnut St. II ' II 11 SOUTH 15th ST. 11 'l U 1119 MARKET ST. II , Pounded in 1894 II i ATI Kirichbium Company 1 I I I I 5 Kirschbaum Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits Special At O Without the slightest exag geration, these remarkable evening clothes are $25 te $30 below the prevailing retail level. Tailored in fine unfinished worsteds pure silk and satin linings and facings all the ele gance of line and finish that a full dress or tuxedo suit should possess. Te keep their custom shops busy, A. B. Kirschbaum Ce. are supplying these garments te us without profit the full advan tage of which we are passing along te our customers. Yeung men's models Men's models SUITS AND OVERCOATS REDUCED p 1-3 TO 40 PERCENT Fer Wednesday Stores Hourt 9 te 5:30 Wish we had five acret for a Tey Sterel As it is, this ii the biggest, brightest spot in town. Gimbel Brethers MARKET i CHESTNUT 1UOMTH NINTH Tueiday, Nev. 23, 1920. $80 for a snlendld Columbia Talking Machine. AH tyles at new prices tremendous savings at Gimbels. Fer Wednesday goupenIt DAY Ne Medi or 'Phene Orders Filled Frem Coupon Specials This Dees Net AddIv te r Geed Othe Gimbel "Coupon Days Feasts are Real Bargain Planned te carry off the "last of things" while they are still new and desirable, the Gimbel Coupon Day brings bargains very great bargains in every sort of seasonable goods. 36-inch Lining Satin at $1.25 yd. Staple colors. aimbdii Coupon DT(" Btcena fleer. 1 Women's Silk Stockings, at $1.10 I I Women's Lingerie Blouses, at $1.45 ) A clearance from our own stock. Plain and fancy styles, at $1.45. Save a third te double. Qtaibals, "Coupon Day," Third fleer. Georgette Crepe Blouses; beaded or laee-trim-med; light and dark colors, at $3.06. Save $1.05. Olmbela, "Coupon Day," Tint fleer. L Girls' Middy Suits, at $1.55 Values run te almost double. Ginghams and plain-color chambrays. Slightly mussed. 6- te 14-year sizes, at $1.5S. aimbsli, "Coupon Day," Tint fleer. Girls' Winter Coats, at $8.95 smart warm wraps for girls of 10 te 16 years. Of cheviot, in serviceable mixtures; convertible cellars. Alse corduroys in navy, brown and green. Excep tional values at $8.95. QimbaU, "Coupon Day," Third fleer. Natural Mink Cheker Scarfs, at $15.75 Single skin. A saving of about half. Pox Sets in taupe a.nd brown, at $5B. Save $14. Qlmbali, "Coupon Day," Third fleer. -f 1 200 Sports Skirts, at $10 Plaids, stripes and checks in a large variety of colors. Bex, side and knife pleated; also plain model with the exception of being button-trimmed. Excellent value, at $10. Otmbala, "Coupon Day," Third fleer. Women's Ready-te-Wear Hats, Black and Celers, at $1 ' Black Silk Stockings with lisle tens and soles. First quality, and finished with seamed backs; sires ty, te 10. Werth almost double, at $1.10. Men's Union Suits, at $2.78. Fine ribbed cotton, first quality; closed crotch, ankle length. Women's Union Suits, at $1.85. Fine white ribbed cotton; worth a third mere. Misses' Union Suits, at $1.7B. Sizes 2 te 16. Fine "glebe" make. High neck, long sleeves and ankle length. Men's Silk Socks, at 7Se. First grades; sires, 94 te lltf. Women's full-fashioned Mercerized Stockings, at 85e. Sires Syi te 10. Children's Ribbed Cotten Stockings, at 40e. Black and cordovan. Olmbeli, JCoupen Hay," Tint fleer. Women's and Misses' Shetland Sweaters, at $2.50 Surplice style. In gray, black, navy, Copen hagen, rose, white, buff -and' brown. Save a fourth at $2.50. Olmbali, "Coupon Day," Third fleer. Mers and Yeung Meii's Overcoats, Reduced $24.50 Fancy mixed overceatings; also blue and brown. Ulsters and Overcoats Reduced Men's and Yeunp- Men's, at Mackinaws, at $16.50 $32.50 Men's and young men's "rough-and-ready" styles for sports and outing wear. almbala, Stoend fleer, Klnth 8trrt, Stationery In gift style.' Various dainty shades. 24 sheets and 24 envelopes. At 55c a box. 1500 Bexes of Writing Paper and Envelopes in white and tints of pink and buff, at 2Sc a box. Christmas boxes. aimtilf, "Coupon Day," Tint fleer. Ready-te-wear Velvet Hats, black and colors, at Banded Spert Hats, silk beaver and veleurs, at $3 $1 Children's Banded Hats, velvet and veleurs, in black and colors, at 50c. Olmbali, "Coupon Day," Third fleer. Women's 2-clasp French at $1.68 Kid Gloves, Overseam sewn: white, at $1.68. Women's 1-clasp Gray Mecha Gloves, at $2.45. Women's 1-clasp Cape Gloves, eutseam sewn in tan and gray, at $2.15. Men's 1-clasp Cape Gloves in tan eutseam sewn; spear point back, at $1.85. Men's 1-clasp Cape Gloves; wool lined, at $3.85. Men's Aute Gauntlets in 1-finger and mitten styles, at $3.50. Men's Weel Gloves, at 68c. 'Women's 8-button length Chameisette Gloves; white, gray, mode, brown and mastic; all sizes in let, at $1.15. Bevs and frirls' warmly-lined Fabric Gloves and Gauntlets, at 34e. Olmbela, "Coupon Day," Tlrrt fleer. I New Dress Ginghams, at 20c yard "Geed" quality. Pretty plaid designs for chil dren's dresses and house dresses. At 20c a yard Clese te half price. Olmbela, "Coupon Day." Qrand Aleis, Plrst fleer Clearance Sale of Morning Dresses, at $2.65 Odd Lets. All sizes but net in every style. Ex cellent quality gingham checks, plaids and stripes. Fine quality percales plaids, stripes and two-tone effects. Billie IJurke or waist line model; loose detach able belt, or sash tie at waist; trimmed with colored embroideries, white pique, poplin and chambray piping. Excellent values, at $2.65. Olmbali, "Coupon Day," Tlrrt fleer. I Women's Fiber Silk Scarfs, at $6.75 Attractive novelty weave, fringed ends; various color combinations. Women's Cellars in combination of real Irish and real filet lace, semi-roll shape, at $1.85. Alse of Irish lace, at 95c. Venise Lace Cellars, beautiful patterns, semi-roll shape, at 50c. Mmest half price. Others at 38c. Marabou Capes; trimmed with heavy tails of marabou, silk-lmed black, seal and natural color, at $7.75. Sae a third. Olmbala, "Coupon Day," Tlrrt fleer. Beautiful Mahogany-finished Fleer Lamp Standards, at $9 and $12 Fer electric or gas Beautiful Silk Shades, at $8 te $15. Small Electric Lamps, asserted kinds, complete at $5. -Olmbali, "Coupon Day," Teurth fleer. Women's Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, 6 for $1.35 Hemstitcf v Men's Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, ' ter $1.75. Men's cambric Handkerchiefs at fi for $1.35. Olmbali, "Coupon Day," Tint fleer. Beaded Tricetines and Embroidered Satins Women's Dresses : Coupon-Priced, $27.50 Twe very smart styles in tricetine one iet- bugle-beaded; the ether with the tiny iridescent beads. Beth in the new-style massed-motif headings. Beth have the dainty little pink silk bodice-linings. And both are expertly man tailored. $27.50. Save a Big Third An elaborately embroidered chemise-model In satin embroidered all-ever, in silk and beads. $27.50. And still another satin model, in pleated red red ingete effect; and with wee, smart, stand-jp pleatings everywhere. $27.50. Olmbela, Salen of Drrsa. Third fleer. 400 pairs of Women's High Shoes, at $2.90 Patent leather, button, gray satin top and black button and lace in kidskin. Patent leather lace with gray kid top. Alse calf lace shoes in the let. Round and narrow tees; welted soles; Cuban and Leuis heels. Net all sizes; at $2.90. Values run te mere than double. Slippers mule style. Ne heel. Velour fabric, at 95c. Grewing Girls' Shoes of black calf; lace, welted soles, low heels and full round tees. Imitation wing tips, at $4.85. Beys' Junier Suits, ages 2y8 te 10 years, at $6.25 Save Up te Half Knitted jersey cloth and fine cassimeres, in jun ior norfelk, middy and Oliver Twist models. Beys' All-Weel Oregon City Mackinaws, ages 6 te 18, at $7.50. Save a third. Beys' Overcoats, ages 14 te 18 years, at $15. Fine all-wool, double-breasted overcoats with all round belt and convertible cellar. Beys' Norfolk Suits, ages 7 te 18 years, at $11.75. With extra pair of lined knickers. $14. Olmbali, "Coupon Day," Third fleer. 3200 Pieces of Higgins & Seiter Fine Dinnerware at ! Half Price OlmhrU, "Coupon Day." Flrit fleer. Silver-Plated Flexible Bracelets, at $1.35 Jeweled designs Imported Bead Chains, combination of colors, at 60c. Cellar Pins, geld filled, square and. fancy shapes, at 25c half price. Sterling Rhinestone Bar Pins, filigree designs with gallery mounting and safetv catch, at $4.50. Olmbela, "Coupon Day," Tint fleer. Electric Wnshinir Machines, at $55 Used for demonstration, complete with rever sible wringers, at $55. Save $40. 1-qt. Aluminum Lipped Saucepans, extra heavy quality, at 38c; save a third. Scrap Baskets, made of fancy straw, strongly made, at 75c. Duplex Fireless Cookers, slijihtly marred in handling; one, two and three compartments, at 17.50 te $40. Oil Heaters, smokeless and odorless, patent burners, one-gallon canacity, at $5.50. Roast Pans, made of extra heavy iron, 10x14, at 35c. Carving Sets, three pieces, made of the best Sheffield steel, knife, fork and steel, at $2.95 a set. Vest Pocket Flash Lights, fitted with the Ever Ready batteries, and Mazda bulbs; sae half, at 60c. S-qt Aluminum Tea Kettles, seamless, extra heavy, with patent handle, at $3.35. 2-qt. Aluminum Rice Boilers, lid fits both vessels, at $1.85. 1000 Aluminum Stew Pans, 1-qt. size; unfinished handles, at 25c. Olmbali, "Coupon Day," Tenrth and Tilth floero. Men's and Women's Umbrellas, at $3.75 ,Of union taffeta, silk and cotton; tape edge; large assortment of handles, at $3.75. Women's Colored Silk Umbrellas; bakelite handles some hive colored tops te match cover Either ring or silk cord stvle, at $6.50, Olmbali, "Coupon Day," Tlrrt fleer. 37 Women's Fur-Cellared Sports Length Coats Coupon-Priced, $27.50 Suedine-cleth, Mighty smart with huge ceney "topping" for a fur cellars, smart plaid skirt! 25 Aute and Travel Coats Coupon-Priced, $38 Very fine oxford fleece. Silk-lined throughout. English models. $27.50. 100 Fur-Cellared Coats and Wraps Coupon-Priced, $39 Woel-velours. Silvertenes. Duvettes. Silk-lined throughout. nlmll, Raten of rri, Third fleer. 17-inch Huck Toweling, at 20c a yard Fer hand or roller towels, at 20c a yard Hemstitched Cotten Damask Cleths, 64x88, at $2.65. Hemstitched Huck Towels, at 46c. Linen Weft Kitchen Toweling, 17 inches long, neat blue border, at 18c a yard. Limit 12 yards. Filet lace-trimmed 8carfs and Centerpieces; sizes te match. S1.65, $1.80, $2 and J,7B. i Olmbali, "QoupeaSaay,' flaoend fleer, Lessing Parler Cabinet Sewing Machines, at $52 In handsome golden oak cases; all enclosed and dust-proof. These machines will de the work of the higher priced cabinet machines and make an attrac tive piece of furniture in any room for your home. Guaranteed for ten years. Instruction free at your home. Terms, $1 weekly. aittUls, "sfjnpen Day,"JMHi t r mv. Women's Silk Jersey Petticoats, at $3.50 Black and colors. Silk jersey top and pleated flounce with novelty silk border, at $3.50. Sample and odd lets of Nightgowns, at $1 te $2.25. Half price. Cambric, nainsoek, high and low neck; embroidery and lace effects. Heatherbloem Petticoats, at $1.50. Half price and less. Black and plain colors; fancy pleated flounces. Olmbali, "Coupon Day," Oaoend fleer. 9x12 ft. Smith Seamless Tapestry Brussels Rugs, at $32.50 9x12 ft. Smith Seamless Velvet Rugs, at $54.75. Half price for high-grade Royal Wilten Hall Runners, stc 3x15 ft., at $31.50; newest and best designs. Smith and Bigelow-Hartferd Tapestry Brussels Carpets, at $1.90 yard. Sleaue, Smith & Magee fine close-pile Velvet Carpets, at $3 ard. Standard quality Inlaid Linoleum, two yards wide, $1.80 sq. vd. Olmbali, "Coupon Day," Tlfth fleer. r Silver-Plated Flatware, at 18c te $2 I 1847 Rogers Bres., Reed & Barten and R Wallace & Sens table flatware Discontinued pat terns, odds and ends, at 18c, 48c, 74e, 05c and $2 each. Olmbali, "Coupon Day," rirat fleer. 1 All-Silk Ribbon, at 35c a yard Twe choice patterns in light and dark effects. Excellent for making useful holiday gifts. At 35c a yard. Olmbali, "Coupon Day," Tlrrt fleer. 22-inch Sleeping Dells, at $5.25 With lashes, shoes, stockings; special at $5.25. Sets of Lead Soldiers; consisting of seven en feet, 2 mounted, one cannon, two tents; at $1.35. i-niiarens unbreakable Tea Sets; 10 finished in blue; special at $1.35 Mechanical Train Sets; 8 sections of track and one car, tender and locomotive; special, $1 85 Children's Reller Bearing Ceaster Wagons- ii. ..,; '" lwu "cs specia $7.75 and $8.65. Children's Racer Style Automobiles; painted dark green, gasoline tank, complete with adjustable steering gears; special at $0.85. Large sire Dell Coaches; made of flat material; heed, heavy rubber hrcs: special price, at $6 95 -OlmbMi, "Coupon Day." Teurth fleer. pieces, the prices, Crib and Bassinet Blankets, at $1.45 rink and blue. wiwi nursery ucsigns. rink and blue. Special at $1.45. ' vw"" $2 9SfantS' Dre""' 2' te 6-year si"- Special, at H"bali, "Coupon Day," B.oena fleer. 5000 lbs. Coupon Blend Coffee. 4 lbs.. 92cj 3500 lbs. new season Green and Black mixed Tea also Black Tea, limit 6 lbs., at 3 lbs. for 85c. ' Creamy Sugar Cern, new 1920 pack, case, dozen or J-dozen lets, at can, 13Jc. High-grade Peas, LefIex, in case, dozen or 54 54 deren lets, at can, 1654c. Save a third Perk and Beans. Jersey Duke Brand, big cans; in ..ii --""-""" '"ia, ai uvjc a ij-av in.c. unceaien wmte S- or 3-lb. lets, at 1214c lb. 8parkllnff "Appella" Apple Juice, ties, dozen $2.25. nr Kniti- in. "" wv 4 ; . -Olmb.l., "Coupon Day," Oh.steut Strait Annas, can. Head Rice in 10-, full pint bet- Men's Shoes, at $5.65 Samples and short lines from stock. Tan, gun metal and patent-colt. Values up te double, at $5.65. Men's Slippers, at $2.65. Black kid Remee ami Everett styles. Men's Bath Slippers, at 65e. , Beys' Shoes, at $2.98 and $3.95. Sturdy Shoes, tan or black leather. Solid leather soles; Munson army last. Values run te double. Olmbali, "Coupon Day," eenA fleer. Extra Quality Sheets, at $1.88 Made from one of the best known makes of mm lin. Sires 63x90, 63x99, 72x90, 72x99, 81x90, 61x99, At $1.88; save a third. Embroidered Initialed Pillow Cases. Most alt initials. Shep soiled from display light washing will make them new and gifty, at $2.75. Bleached Canten Flannel; 34 inches wide. Geed nnd lenir nannv Quality, plain back. Suitable for babies', children's and women's wear also has twice the life of Outing 1'lannei, zee yarn nan price. Crochet Bedspreads many geed heavy qualities. Slightly shop-soiled. $2.35. iavc AiYiJt en many. Sntln Marseilles Bedsnreads: extra geed quality. Hiirh raised desisns. Seme cut corners for metal beds, at $4.95. Save almost half. Shep-soiled Blankets; variously white, plaid and crav. SliKhtly mussed. Seme all wool, at $6.95 te $20. Save a fourth. Olmbali, "Coupon Day," Bioend fleer. Cretonne-Covered Werk Bexes, Filled, at $2 te $4.50 Rigid Dress Ferms; jersey covered; wire skirt, at $1.75 and $3.50. Sold as is. Reliable Snap Fasteners, white or black, (12 cards in gross), at 38c a gross. Jehn J. Clark's 6-Cord Cotten; white or black, at 87c a jdezen. frrrrij-ed Snoel Cotten, at 60c a dozen. Oimhel Perfection Dress Shields, at 2 pairs for 55c. Rubberized Household Aprons; neatly boxed, at $1.05. Olmbali, "Coupon Day," Tint fleer. Ivery-finish Celluloid Candle Helders, at 85c Complete with candle. Shade holder and shade, at 85c. MlliMrv Brushes, imitation ebony weed backs, tiacked in Christmas box; special at $1.25 a pair. iNery-finish celluloid Boudoir Clocks, special at $2.95. n:.. v;.. rnnmrt Pnurrier or Reuee. at 38c a box. Guaranteed Het Water Bettles; 2-qt.. at 85e. Olmbali, "Conpen Day," Tint fleer. In The Subway Stere I Women's and Misses' Coats of velour and silvcrtip, belted, swagger and platn backs; every coat is lined; sizes 14 te 44, at $15. Women's and Misses' Dresses in jer sey, serge, tricetine and silk; sizes 14 te 44, at $10. Girls' Winter Coats of cheviot, $8.50; 6 te 14. Women's Shantung Pongee Waists, at $1.45. Bolero Jackets, 50c. Made of pretty figured blanket cloth. Bath Robes, $4.75. Of figured blanket cloth. Flannellet Nightgowns, at $1.35. Neat stripes. Petticoats, at $2.55. Co'tten taffeta top, changeable silk flounce. G. B. Corsets topless or low bust, $1.90. Women' Shoes; asserted leathers, at $2.88. 23 te 6 ' Misses' and Children's Shoes, at $1.85. Youths' Scheel Shoes, at $1.95. Sizes 10 te 13,. Brushed Weel Scarfs, belted; pocket trimmed. $4.95. 300 Men's and Yeung Men's $1 .50 Overcoats. Fews of a kind, at 1" Men's Gray Mecha Gloves, at $2.15. Men's Shirts; odds and ends and seconds, 88c. Beys' Suits and Overcoats, Sizes 3 $C te 8 years O Women's Gray Mecha Gloves, at $2.95. Women's and Misses' Pullover Sweaters, at $2.95. Men's Natural Gray Merine Underwear; broken lets, 85c. Sizes as you find them. Sterling Silver Bar Pins, with brilliant Rhine stones, $1. Odds and ends of Rogers Silver-plated Flat ware, 15c te $2, Leather Goods, 5c te $1. Traveling Bags and Suit Cases, BOc te $3.78. Damaged. Odd Open Animal Scarfs, in taupe and brown, $25. Stock Clearance of Odd Pieces of China and Glass, 5c te BOc. C. M. C. Mercerized Crochet Cotten; 10 ball'. $1.30. Shop-seilcd Table Damask, Fancy Linen Toweling Remnants, 25c te $9. Weel-and-Fiber Rugs, fancy borders, 9xl ft., $16.50. Weel-Face Tapestry Brussels, 9x12 ft., $20. 500 fancy Crib Blankets, half price, at 7Bc. Shep-handled Blankets. $1.50 te $6.9. - "uouBen way." lubn Bter. , . --. j "r tMJJ'J IIBPaKaaaaH &s J wL i- .- I - vm H ' j i-rv . --Vfc te VMtX 'tlmm''mi' tHm mSM U,4j .4 g t .ByMilBfcaaJhA-A iAv KMSSSiHtM I.V HEEuUly,-