FA " a - V. Vr"' -;- ""? '"I .':; -. .-i $'' A r r- V w I t )Ui h H mm mi pill 12i v. "$ ? "M m & . IM -, !' , . M - A Mi nntntf. 11 j . A J -. iiu . EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, i?,PlMY NOVEMffBg 23, 1020 , c , , CABLE-CO. SUES NAVY SECRETARY Courts Asked te Enjoin Daniels Frem Delaying Miami Cable Laying tlens te Inr cables en Islands owned by the United States. Anether 'question net yet settled Is that of "the distribution of the former CJcnnnn cables. There is reaMen te be lieve that the United States has naked for that cnble which the French Gov ernment diverted te Hrcst, and which n survey of the needn of this country snem te Indicate would best meet American requirements. It Is thought that Orcnt Hrltaln probably will retain the line she diverted te Canada and Kngland. Italy possibly will get the Azores cable. Contrary te some published reports, It was Btatcd In the wcll-lnfermedtiuar-ter jeRterda that the EnRllsh delega tion Is working in harmenj with the American delegation ami aise wiai no "blocs" have been formed In thp con ference, every delegation, In the main, standing firmly for the recognition of its own demands. fewerT pupils in schools Census Shows 296,573, Decrease of 4550, Beard Learna Tlin nnnunl school census Ju,t com- demand of the Western Union that gev i piled nnd presented te the neard of trnment buslnrss sbeuld be paid for In bcliicntlen shows LIHI.Oi.i ennuren ee- advance WaJilngten, Nev. 2.1. The con troversy between the VVestern Union and the gn eminent entered a new stage yesterday when suit was tiled by the cable eempan) In the District of Colum bia courts te enjoin the secretary of the navy from pm eating the -laying of n cable from Miami llench te Miami, Fit. At the same Minr the State De partment announced that It had ordered that all Its rahlc business should he di verted te another company, due te the The suit filed by the Western Union contained the charge that the Nav. Department had rertised te allow the cempart te connect the cable nt Miami despite the issuance of permit for such a connection bv the War Department. Newton D. Ileker, secretnry of war, said yesterday he had ordered the con collation of any permit that might have been Issued pending the settle ment of the Issues between the govern ment nnd the Western Union S It's nn Old Cable The company made the additional joint in its suit that the cable which It new sought te lav wan net one con- tween the ages of six and sixteen, as compared with .101.123 last year, a de crease of .Ki.'O. The decline Is at tributed te the egress of war workers from the cit . There are new 2liftt mere bejs than girls in Philadelphia, the census" shows. It Is also shown that there nre .12,80." children between the ages of six nnd shteen net enrolled in schools. Of these, 133(1 are listed as lawfully absent from i-choel because of poverty. The school population Is divided as fellows- 213.802 in public schools, 71. 3112 1" parochial (.choels, and !)31 In prUate schools. " necting up with thy se.cnllu.l llarbadees I LEGION PLANS CHRISTMAS AID cable, but one which had been In eper lien for jears and existed under nn old permit. It had been n moved, ac cording te the Western Union, te facil itate some harbor Imprew-ment work and what .ns sought new n miri'lv the right te repluee the cable that had Previously existed. Josephus Daniels, secretary of the kavy, was served with the papers in the case late yesterday. He said be had halted the cable connection nt the request of the State Department and that he had been informed that permission which hail previously existed had been revoked by the War Depart ment. Answer te the Western Union "Bult will be prepared bj the solicitor of the Navj Department today. Failure still marks the efforts of the International Communications Confer ence te agree en general principles, one cf the most Important of which respects the right of an nation te use as n cable base' the Island terrltnrj of another nij Hen en terms of equal!t with the owner nation It Is the expectation of the American delegation te ehtiin unanimous sanc tion for tills principle, without nn ex ception. Acceptance of the principle would ghe te the United Stntes an ab solute right te use the Island of Yap en equal terms with .Inpan fur cnble pur poses, and also would enable ether na- Tlie American Legien will give Christmas gifts te approximate 800 wounded ex -sen lee men who arc new in sixteen Philadelphia hospitals. Ar rangements were nmle nt a meeting nt Kill Chestnut strict last night. David H. Simpsen presided. There are bev-enty-eight pests in the eit, and they will be apportioned te the hospitals. Contributions will range from twentj -the cents te 51. The treasurer Is Jehn W. Urock, 30 Seuth Tenth street. DIVORCES GRANTED The following divorces were granted tedny by Court Ne. R : Ann McQlttlsnn from Jeseph A. McOlt- tlsan, Agues M WTisrlfy from Julius Wlir. ley. Deretts. Jl Jacksen from William T. Jurlipen Ieulae A Luff from Herman D T.ufr. Anirullnn. Mithls from Crlstes Msthls. James I. T Iloscee from Emily n Roecee, i" Allien 1111. r Jr. from Man Kllitbelh i dialer Clura Het "ener from Ireit riesener, llnrbnra Cecelia MeMutlln from IMard J. 1 MrMullln Charlea I) Ilephel from Heinle llnrhet. Ksthr flmlth from Herman Smith Helen Etelle Smith from Owerue. Iblnnd Mm th Harah A s11 trm Samuel Sell. Themas If Carer from Mirlan M Carver. Mabel M Oehrlneer from rhlllp T Geh rlniter, Apia M turelll from Jehn Uaunlll, Jianette I I lnk from Ilenjamln Llnaky, I I'harlea Vt Schale-, Jr from Hsr-let Ma I P"hnffer Will am A Teoka from lUttle U. ITemii riva Kroimireld fnm 8 imin-l M, KreunmtlJ I'eu T. Kramer from Henry Kramer Wallace d Witt Tlere. from Rlla Pl"rc Jienb r-t"ersin from Addle M Pat Pat teraen und James Jeseph Walker from Eliza beth C Walker. TODAY'8 MARRIAGE LICENSE8 William n. Starnn, 3140 Ella at., and Irene K Aahten, 2710 C at Horatlerr N Kleenbrey, Jr . 4603 A at., and Kathryn K llleck. Trevete, Pa. Ilebert A. lluckley, 7241 Uray'a ave , nnd . Uenevleve C. Yeunir. 12B4 N. Heward at. Peler J. Keenan, lBS S 8d at., and Anna .Marley. 4S1U Hanaem at. Herman J. Krnai. 2040 .V. SOth at., and Wllhemlna M. Ilrnnaen 10 N flth at. F.llawerth Ueuxherty, 4033 Catharln at.. . and Emma McUrare, 4V1S Walten ave.. Adelph J. Fchmeewela, 4442 N. 6th at., and Mary E. Connaxhten, 618 Weatmeraland. Nalaen Lcaalir. S40 N 12th at , and Ilertha iteth. 1210 l'arrlsh at. Charlej II. Wnltrer, Seuth Perk. Ta , and Mary If. Walker, He) pert, N. J. Samuel a. lleddall, boss Cedar at., nnd Ida . M. Dnnda Nartierth. Pa Joaeph K. SprlnK, 2038 S Paclnc at,, and Ileatrlce K. Patta. 205S H. l"acinc at. Mlrhael Sampson S14 N. American at., and .Tlllle 8loledzvl. 813 N American at. Harry Uewman, 2110 H Ilread at . end Elliabeth A. liiiiluliili l?n M 4lh at. Joaeph K. Stackheuae S70O Chelten Ave., and OlUe Jenea. mill dinner at. Herbert J. Peter, 1131 W. Venanre St., and l.llxabeth II Strnub 4130 N Marahall at. Uliaaea Travla Camden N, J , nnd Flor ence. 1) Marahall. 1007 S. 22d at Jehn Deueherly, 3313 N 0th at., nnd Mary Mullan 2137 N. lllnneld at. Jamea M Qulnley. 3MJ N. 0th at . and Mary O ttudi. lmaferd. la Charles P. (I'llara. 0101 Iecuat at,, and Mae A. Hartmarr, 112 N. Parson at. Lewis A. Kleas, a.ltO N. 1.1th at., and Oath nrlne Punaburn. 3310 N. leth at. Oeerite W Ilenhurat, ,2,3S lalmlme ae . ana Matilda 1 Keehler. 3430 Maacner ai. Davit) llrulnn 731 H. 11th St., and Ada l.ane D2 S Cliften at Antonie IHtre, 717 4 dth St.. and Madeline llerarde. 717 H lith at Anthenv It. Schramm, 13", FltXKerald at . and Ileac I, Hiirkltn 241 Tree st. Iaalah Striusa, 1012 limmiisen M.. nnd Ellr- nbeth HejneldK, HSO N sth at. Themas J McCllnteck, S700 Media at., and Minnie P. Franz 10.' 0 Lelthsnw at. Albert II Harn. 1108 Cantrell at , nnd Ma tilda A App. 21100 s 10th at, Joaeph E Kans, 2010 N 4th at,, nnd Cath- nrlnn Oerd-lmnn 2450 Jf. lvrence at Alfred Dnestl. 1307 Merris at., and Mnrle Denrlln. 1SJ4 Heffman at. L Antoek 1001 iZ uanuehnnna. ne . and F. M WlnnlnB, 2111 N Wnrneck at Ludwls Chtr 1130 12 Husquehnnna ne . nrnl Loulee Ierr, 1121 K, Suaiuehanna William J Hippie, Cleverdnle. N. J., and Suaan Kauflnmn, Cleverdale, N. J. Crll Mazlm, IHJ E Westmoreland at,, nnd Ellen Htrnehun, 2032 E Westmoreland at Oenrse J. IJetterer UJ0 N 4th St., nnd Elizabeth Uoedrrlend. 2428 N. Park no Antonie Marine 720 Ellswerth St.. and As- aunta Marlen 1711 Fernen at. Jehf Oerczenakl, 3221 Salmen st , and Agnes Itellnek 443S Edwement st Felix ZlclenaAl. 137 Fltzwater at , and Mary V Ilrewarel! 3132 Cedar il 3. T Hendrlcksen IXends' Hospital and Mary Mooney, bl24 Cnllewhlll st Dnnl-I A Sadler. 133 Arneld at . nnd Helen Ofrer 512 Cottman at. Vlncnm PnnRena, 1310 8. 20th at , nnd Antenletta CapAlbe 1130 Dickinsen at Albert I.aleukc, Darby. Pa., und Ilnrbetta C. Stcas 73 Island rd Edward Verlander. 019 3 ISth at , nnd Laura nyrdaans. 2014 Carpenter at Harry Klntr, Jr , 1820 N. 13th st . and Eleaner C. Dalle 2280 Chrtatlan at Henry Moere, 147 N. Udet at., nnd Oraee Chaae, 147 N. Udel at Heward II Fulce, 43S4 Werth st , and An- ffiiMfdrtA-, Electrical Heme Needs Fer Christmas Gifts Llcctric Teaalvr The donor of gifts electrical is ccrtafn te receive the heaity thanks of the recipi ent, net only because of the attractiveness of these ap pliances but because of thci daily usefulness. See our line of electric percolators, urns, teapots, toasters, ptc. Alse vegetable dishes, Pyres pie dishes and ens ens lerelcs, crumb sets and ether thoughtful gifts. Reduced Pricet Engraved Christmas Cards -3 ITIcctrtc Tea Pet t'trili if Oeffi Percolator Electric Coffee I n Qualit) Stationers and Engravers Chestnut Street at Ninth jr Cellna Coatanze,, 2037 W. Indiana ave. William J. Neasel. aiOB Memphis St., and Claire M. Lynch, 3107 Memphis St. Illchard Lord. 2012 K Erie ave , and Mar caret II. Mersan, sans Frankford are. Charlea F. Sinn, 2732 nuchas at., and Anna II. Ullllfan, 4313 Hee at. Charlea Panceaat, 827 llreen at., and lleslim Dunrr, 327 Oreen at. Joaeph B. Haughey, 2803 Ante at., and Wanda Kull. 2331 E. Ontario at. Joaeph Plccell, DOS Llmhall St., and Eliza beth Bterane, Moorestown, ;,', J, Samuel Ijkln. 329 Jackaen at., and Dor Der Dor othy Wazman, 323 Weed at. Clarence W. Ilusalnger, 732 1C Chelten ave., and Anna C. Lenartz, 0401 N. Oth at. Jamea J. McManus, 1402 Ouriher at., and Mary MeAleer, 2014 Mercy at. Ilebert L. Urlsga, 8V3 a A7lh at., and Ma tilda Ci Celeakey, 1129 H. SOth at Jamea A, Uceghegan, 001 W. tHemeraet St., and Alma Telchman. oak line, Thomaa A. Mcflulley. 1201 W. Atlantic ave.. ana .Mary navase aw janey at. Itamend Turner, 1812 Ilalnbrldge st . and Mary E. lleyd. 1702 Ilalnbrldxe at. Frank (Irahnm 423 N. Oth St.. and Annle stexer, nsa ureene ar Frank Stasltane. 1148 S. 10th at., and Kleva Mtagllane. 1148 S, 10th at. Ancnncele Santnra. Camden. N. J . and Ansellna Derngn. 400 Titan st Charles Puckley. 1420 N. rmnt at . and Marie Paule. 210 X. leuden st Jehn 11. Urlckley. Chnmbersburg. Pa., and Emily M Courduff. 2011 E. Helen sf. William 11 Murrerd 1221 N 12th at., and Ella M. Haven. 1010 N. 23d at. Carl a Nell. 1010 N. llalley st.. and Cecelia Peck. 1722 J, Newklrk st. Alfred 'Ceppena. Me rnn at.. ndertt6 DeUcntl 1611 Adaml'gt. -; , 1 Itudelph J. (lrlealoeh. ii FuiY t.. and Lena Sutzbeih. J728 N. 6lh n. ' 7h .. Leen F, Kraft. Oluw dtentan v.. and.ilnea Hmeth. Oleu titenten at. , Leepold Hudlcek. 80N, Lawrence at ant Lillian Heward. lOS.K LV,.r.'.n.c..,,.nd Heward J. Hamilton. 3210 N. 18th it. and Edith J. Mlthler, HI. Brooklyn St. Jehn X. McOewan. 222 8. Hleks-st.. ana Catharine MeAleer. 2038 Merey at. Samuel N. Wlchele. lfll8Summr at., and -Anna M Oliita, 10HJ Summer at. William J. J. Walsh. 3033 N. "a Eleaner Cunnlnsham. Hlenelelgh Court. a. Jehn Olasce, uamaen. ami u wii.v.... SIS Relith at. William Walte. 1028-H. Tasue, 121 lyeague St. ,2d st . snd Mmry William C. Halderman S082 N JfyuD at., and Florence II. Fischer, a0S4 S. Marvin. Heward J. Hamilton. 8217 Nv I8th st and Edith J.MIshter.. nroeklyn. N. T, Edward J. Holleneter. Camden, and Mary T. Oelrls. Oaklyn. N J. . , . lr . Edward J. Toland, 8243 , N. .Oth"!., and it.i. t. fiih nujw. InAlsna avs.. Jehn Temple. 2109 Chrlatlsn at., and Itealna OIa tm MUM 1 A nBArsi .T Jehn Surdeakl. Aahly. Pal and Joaephlne, Hchnskl. Iteadln, Pa. Eaaay 7ager, 888 w. Mevamenalnr ave,, and Eva Z CtialzT 905 N. 6th at. James Nelan lOTD Webster, St.. and Anna Ward. 1332 Klmbalt St. ' Francis O. Krelder. Portsmouth, Pa., and Manraret A. Carrlgan. 1029 Chrtatlan si. Oeerge I Nelan. 70 Washington lane, and Catharine V. Carney Oirnantnwn. Ta. t Joaeph F. Derlnger, 724r Tllslng flun ave , mA Ik., f Vt T.u 4.M .!. . Qeerre II. MeMaater. 823B Mdr are., and jiargartt A. iMrenenm, B s. Herman si. FYanjc Pqney. 1838 Carpenter at., and Myrtle VieB, iiiw e. warneca ax. -v llllem Palmer, 1812 N, 2tat at., and Net us Btrickian, 1?2;N. Woedatock St. Vincent P. Ftez li2 flltner St., and Qraes O. Kappl. 137'8. Bth St. .' f , Oeerts A. Eats. '33 W., Selioel lane, and nianchs Klnsr. 23 W. Scheel lane. neehe'OerrMti. Camden. N, J. and Helen Weeden M2s W. Lehurfa avs. beth M. iiinn. 1721 Weed St. Ari1'iL?; V.c9rJrir JW N. 8th St., and Mary M. Mtlskey, S120 N. lth t. Th.?nM it' w'Cni. 3018 Celsna st-and Mary a. Swlfser, 8222 W. Susquehanna B't; A- f'lnnaS.-aettyaburV'pa., and Bvu..., , .VIIUVK ,maen, rr. J, Adam J. nigtr.iSf, at. LuR. .t and Calharlns A. Deafus 21B1 Livtntten it. Patrick 'Kally 243 8. Hemberger- st and Ella Carrell. 1928 S. 23d.it. Samuel Sharkey tlStO'lUtctr at., and Sadie ,J4 Crane. 3747 Kensington avs. , J F.dward F. Oray. 814 Jasper at., and Hazel E. Pareent, k(l?0 Nevada st. Jiaeph Marzlani, 3110 Kerahaw si., and Ellaa Ktterle, Slid Kershaw; it. Joaeph II. -.Carrell, 8342 Weat Chester Pike, and Catharln M.Cosgreve, J18 N. 68d at. Charlea W. Ernest. 1304 N.th at., and Julia M. Nelsen. 38 W. Cornwall at. Edward Devlin. 2188 E. Cambria it., and Marie Smith, 21 K,Ann it. Frederick W. Herbrt,-8109 Welkel at., and . Anna, neltz. 2817 llesehlll .at., Harry F. Geerge, 3217 N. 3d (., and Jans ' R. Liffarty. B217 N. M at. TTiemai in. 'Marvtne, W1B, Upland it.. ' 'careUne C'Luseh, 1229' N. '07th st. W B. Heck. 'U. S. 8. Btrlngham. and Elisabeth A. Cushtrur. 238 8. Bth st. Geerge (bewd, 2012. Poplar St., and UtHs Wyn, 1B0 Olrard ay. , . " Uarba It. -Itartlfr. Kant. Mdv and Dorethv Itldmlls. 143 aarkaeit it. "' Frankli Shangel., 2000 Almend it., ,n4 Arn'Qulnn 18J Oaul it. " Charles N. Oamewell, 770 N. 23th at., aj,d Elizabeth M, nebyrti. ttft N, 23th at. Chtrlik N. 9mwlll. W If, 23th at.. nl Elisabeth M Heberti. 770 N. 2th at. Nathan ' IlallUan' 020 lALembard it.. M1 Mary O. Andersen. 920 Iximbard st. William T. nennll, 4240 Orchard St., ana .Mary T. King. 4236 Orlicem at. ' Llebre Teala, Vlneland, N. J and nit. d. Teoder.; 1 CaMl. st. " Harry K. Atlarlin. BWajChaneetler it.. aa4 VeTcy Karelian, B03B. Walnut it, ' " Arbl ft., IIauaaU401i Spring Oarden it., and Angela A.' Flnnegar.-MtJ iv.brit Christopher J. Bryarnan v ,WJt Sprvc st and BeHha M. Knt. B9rt Chestar ay,.'" William W. Heeler, 111 N.Utn it, ut Mary Dougherty. 1211 Chestnut st. '' Community Silver Community silver is well made and. heavily plated sck that a lifetime of service is as sured. We present complete sets of the following well-advertised patterns: Adam Sheraton Patrician S. Kind & Sens, me chestnut st DIAMOND MERCHANTS JEWi:L,EnS SILVERSMITHS ) Can we give Carter that much credit?" W&Wm JJk M simiawjmum jwm w8mst Aew mm ts&bsrmm nlMRZrW- ' Kl I'WWA ie. nm mi Ivtervt carrv threat iritis te these at home' All dav lone in the office or shop, in the cars, the j 'crowded stores veu have been breathing in germs ef1 sere threat, tonsillitis, influenza, what-net. In the warm crevices of threat and mouth they multiply with incredible speed. Perhaps you are in rugged health and they find no weakened spot te attack. But what of these athemc-" They may be less able te resist these armies of ill-health and the home-coming kiss may bear the dread germs of disease. A pleasant almost candy-like Fernuramt diiaelved te the mouth new and then dunn? the day makes the txevttt fluids intiseptic, keeps germ-growth fithln bounds, and forms a strong defence against disease. Ii the threat is already tore, the freauent ue of Fermamint Ueepa tie membranes bathed in this splendid antiseptic, alla3 inflammation, prevents new infection and gives the tissues s chance te heal. Children are glad te me them and should de w freely, as crowded school-rooms are frultiul fields for the spread of threat infection. Fermanunt is told by all drv-ptts. Any druw I tadl till you hew vnaily Fermamint u rnommtnd rnemmtnd ii by threat tptnaliiti, pkyticiant and dtntiiU. ermamm i THROAT TABLETS rrjoe'uel. BtntrChnn,Ce.,Ii iW.i A mans 'l' Users of RAND Systems of Visible Control are) rnrKnnl Moter Car Ce. Inlin WanamuUrr Vllantlr lteflnlnr Ce. iiterur ( e. supples Illdillr llardnure Ce. Ilras-Ilrlght Mfc. Cn. iiirrlrun Knglnrrrlng Ce. I'l-nn Mutual I.lfe Ins. f'n. Vuualiae your prtient Card- Rtcerdi en the i RAND and instantly RAND Visible Record Recerd show the credit limits established NOT only de RAND Visible Records take the guesswork and speculationxeut of credit work, but does it at a speed and accuracy that mean a saving of monetary lest. Credits simply cannot be authorized en delinquent accounts red danger signals flash the warning. a saving of the customer's geed will. Credits can be passed in less time than it takes te wrap up a parcel, without embarrassment te the customer. a -a saving in clerk hire. The accessibility of the concise credit data enables one clerk te de the work of three, and with greater ease. , a saving of room. Three Trace Cabinets altogether as high and wide as a -man will contain ever 6000 cards, with every name visible. Yeu run your eye down the panel, which visualizes every name, till you see the one you want, then raise the card ahead and there, before the eyes, are all the credit data. That is hew simple, hew practical, hew modern is the RAND Visible System of Card Records. In every phase of modern business Sales Promo tion, Stock or Production Control, Personnel Werk,, etc. RAND Visible Records show the way te greater efficiency at lower cost through giving the executive all the facta at a glance. 'Pheno our local office te thowyeu without ob ligation) henr RAND cmn halp In your buainets - RAND COMPANY, INC, North Tenawandn, N.Y. Branches and Agencies in All Leading Cities Philadelphia Office: 1218 Chestnut St. A. SWARTZ, Manager. Phene, Walnut 960 T.PswcttcT MuMtaa nwiiw H( IjaaaaWaVil flLsSLf WlilYrWSlSM lasVaBaH (1 V ItMbalBBBBBBBl HfMIL 1S1. U I rHHS HtSBBBB,lallllsaBBBBBi .JaaBT HaWiBHaWk"isWlV i HHeii JBtLHMJI - ' llU BHaliHaBBBBBBBBl J SRSm 'I ' HUDSON AW Wm 3CSH1 VISIBLE BUSINESS-CONTROI. 1TJ aaW E H I Baau!raiBl BlaHSaBBBBBBBB iiiinwiliitijSriaMSJWajajnBjBSBjBjajajBjM ssas. . ssf MP r$JJBEKsaaaHrBnlnfiHuLHrilT ' Kssar ILK Ps.aP'liBillll llWill . .r W Wfe ,.yY. la--aBaBaHaMsHUfKaBaHaHiwajBjajaja y, -.v'y'X v wWsws3swtmmmmmSMslWtSn9mswtswWsmswslSMWSssm Virv.v wiav.iMmmmistMimn.9mmtn9Htmu:am'LmMmimv:H9ttii9mnmn!iaM9Bmatt9aMUMMs -J.-. msu ,J SJJlBaaBjjjjjjjjjjSJjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarBaBjjjj :BBB. T ' IF . L BR' - T Wr r T-'-: s- - --aaj ' -i '- '.r.-.-'.t.-'.v.w..,, ..,., ....... :jisyKV2vvi.y4J'lT!attM.LLLCrr?TM,'',,M" 1 , s- ) - Ha- ' . '. - ' -" " ' ' ' ) "BSBBn' sWsWsWBsmmKKESSSSsmmssssT " " ' BSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEaalaaaHaiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiaBBBBBBBBl aiiBBBSisHliiasiBBBBBBBaHiflalaaBBBTaaaHaaaaVaH "' rLlaBBBBBnaBBBBBBBBBBRMMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWaBBS' LLalaiBBBBBBBBBBMBpriIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH ' H ""' ln MKiB1 1 aaal ' aH H H "ssaaaaaaaaaaaaaTaar H WM I I I wW' Mil ssbbbbb! bbbH sH SbbbV IjbbbbbbbbI sbbbbH BBsbbbbbbbbsBsH iall I . 'I1 I rai " jfti b I J tsBBBBBBBBBBBBBSS .BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiBBBH flb Hi wry HsbbbT , KnaberAmpice Grantfy; Reproducing Piane f s Rachmanineff, Gdewsky, Rubinstein, LevitsW-ceres of the master pianists' of. the -world play for the Knabe-Ampice. Which means they will play for any ewjier of a Knabe-Ampice at any time. , The Knabe-Ampice is the union of one of the few really great pianos of America with the greatest reproducing mechan ism. It is sold in Philadelphia at Wanamaker's only. As a Christmas gift such a wonder-instrument could net be surpassed. The price is $8500 and convenient terms of payment can be arranged. Yeu can hear a public demonstration of the Ampice any weekday from 1:30 te 2:30 in Egyptian Hall, or you may have a private demonstration whenever you wish. (Egyptian Hall, Second Fleer) N Jehn Wanamaker Philadelphia Why Hudsen Utility Appeals te Business Men Ne piudsen owner forgets this fact inhis appreciation of Super-Six economy. He knewa Hudsen is the cuprcme performance type among all the world scare. Its stock car records in speed, hill-climbing, acceleration and endurance have never been matched. Engineers who aim at such per formance distinction usually ignore such elements of economy as fuel, oil and tire mileage. udsen'8 notable speed, its 72 added power, and 80 greater efficiency means no extra coat in its operation. Its speed and power de net come from gnjat meter size and high fuel consumption. The exclusive Super- Six principle gets 76 H. P.,' from a light, conventional meter that form erly developed 42 H. P. at maximum. Vibration that wasted about half the power of the conventional feype is almost eliminated by this type. Near er approach does net seem possible. That means that even extraordin ary calls impose no strain or abuse en Hudsen. It accounts for the way HudBens retain new car ability when they have grown old in point of years ' and use. It removes the costly burden and annoyance of frequent repairs and service attention. With all the ether desirable things men find in Hudsen, this accounts also for the additional triumph of true economy. 13409 3400 WOO UaswaOai ftle p, e. B. Dtl rait 4-Psm.m, Ceupa 7.PaastnicrSdaa . Touring LlmeusUi . tiww SM75 MM MtJ GOMERY-SCHWARTZ MOTOR CAR CO. . 12140 North Bread Street I . bbW A. .. . t x i t . h iftfT tssBQi AssssBwsss. B KsWC9sBasssssssWH H753P5?-. TheCmbrielmt Vvv WSfe- , TIMBhrAYMKNTfl, '.. 'a? I hVi K . . BBK' .- 17 '.SI BBBBBBBBBBltltlll'llAl 1 I l P'.i'Vk.' jM atalaWMMilMiBBBBiri' llii I'JltsBUlil sF?.N. .r ' f ymugjMpa