!"W Vf; KhfV if 7el f-,,tH S t . f- . i. V4'f SJjp K EYENING PUBLIC , LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1920 TOZM Y'S MYSTERY STORY By PHILIP FRANCIS NOWLW Yesterday's Mystery Solution IN THE case of the "Decey Theft," Hirtey Hunt hhd only te determine which one of twd nusalbllltics hnd oc ec Mirreil : whether Wrctf kH or tome nent of Mi nctunlly bad. jtelen the document from Jacksen, or Jacksen hrtd framed fake theft te mnke Wrecks think nmtbedr el had Ftelen them mid se make hfm think a further attempt en his part would be futile. Harrey Hunt obtained a description nf the Htelen ultrnnp from the police. Then he wrote Wrecks under nn ns iimed name, but with the address of hid apartment, slvlne n minute descrip tion of the Fiiltrnse nnd asking Wrecks If he euld be Interested In purchnHlns och an article. In record time nn etn!ury of WreekH called upon him and offered te buy It If "ecrtnln document))" were 1 Hunt bid him up te the point where fcp offered ft certified chefk running Inte n,. figure for It, and In the em: die vealed the beneath it. almost obliterated writing It was a strange message u.,! Kim with the promhe that he ..ia "ll.lnlf It ever. Naturally, Hunt knew. If Wrecks had really obtained the documents he would have paid no attention te the letter, nnd certainly would net have itnt n representative with a certified check. Obviously Jacksen had relieved hlincilf of annoyance from Wrecks by a clever nliC, , , VIII Can you solve the cede in the ease of EIGHT KINGS Erie Dunlenvy nnd his sister were mending the summer in n bungalow in the Catskills. Dunleavy was a chem ist and he spent most of his time en mysterious experiments in the impro vised laboratory he hnd set up. One night when Fnnnle Dunlenvy re turned with her escort from n dnucc nt the hotel, which was mere than n mile aa', Kric had disappeared, nnd there erp signs of a struggle. The young man who had brought her home at once suggested that she nsk the aid of Harvey Hunt, who was stepping tt the hotel. She telephoned and Hunt come nt once In his roadster. "It's the strangest thing. Mr. Hunt," . beIiI. "I'm sure Eric wouldn't have gene off and left me here without! ny word unless semeimng lerriuie nnu happened. He must hnve had a light with somebody. See hew these rugs In the hall are rumpled up and the pantry deer there has been broken In." She pointed te the deer nt the end of Hit hall und thu criminal Imesti Imesti gater nvnt onie thnt It led te the only room In the little edifice which bad ue window. "New thai Is strange," he said, step ping into the pantry and lighting the jimp. Hut there was1 no sign of a strug gle In the room. 'Ter Heaven's sake, whnt is that? the girl exelnlmed suddenly. Hunt fol lowed her gaze te one of the walls, where a big daub of wet green paint jnaricd the clean pine beardi. Then his tjes fell en a paint can and brush. "Of all the thing " snld Fan nie. "Why, I can't Imagine what Eilc would be smearing up the walls for that way. He bought that pulnt for the iterch railing. It's tee silly. Oh. Mr. Hunt, tell me please, what does It all mean? I'm frightened." Hut the criminal investigator had Hhh n rag nnd was rubbing vigor viger vigor euslj at the point. Finally he re- Miss Minnie 13th abort Citttnet Take Klfvater te Bth Fleer Hairdresiing and Manicuring r Appelntmrnt rhenc Walnut ?8;u "Dlaht RlnflMni,ln t- n..i Vluq cldxqb fhbxplj. Erjc." "New this is indeed peculiar," mur mured Hunt. "De you understand thlj Jarzen, Miss Dunlenvy? Did you and your brother ever play with fecret cedes when you were youngsters?" "No-e," said the girl slowly, "never." Bhc also Informed Hunt, in answer te his questions, that her brother told her he wm engaged In cry Important experiments, but that he nctcr recalel te her their nature, "Did our brother like cnrfl? Did he ever show ;ieu nuy card tricks?" Hunt shot nt her suddenly. "Why, jes," she admitted; and then with sudden fervor, "Oh, I see! Oh, quick, Mr. Hunt, what does It say?" Hut Hunt's pencil was out, and he was covering n sheet 01 his notebeok: with figures and letters. Then he rushed te the telephone nnd get the secret serv ice en the wlre. He quoted the de coded message. "WhntV that?" he was saying. "Dunleavy was developing a new poi son gas for the army? I see Yeu knew where Arlcln is taking him? Ne, I'm sure Arlcln couldn't read the cede, se he won't knew Dunlenvy has been identified in it, aud won't be look ing for you Geed. "New I'll tell you Just whnt hap pened In this bungalow, Miss Dun lenvy," said Harvey Hunt. PENN TO HAVE PARADE ChmpuB Affair Will Be Viewed by Many "Old Qradt" The University of Pennsylvania will have a campus parade Friday morning with floats and funny costumes and prizes, "n'everythtng.'' Just like Phila delphia's own mummers' New lear parade. The University affair will be one of the many festivities held In connection with Junier week, but it will be staged mainly for the edification of the hun dreds of nlumni who will return' for the Cernell game en Thursday. Theee alumni will be asked te register en Wednesday afternoon, Their names nnd data concerning them will be kept in a book in Housten Club se that Heb Smith, of the class of '87. can find out whether any of his old clnssmates are back. TURKEY FOR PUPILS Open-Air Classes Are Given Thanka giving Feast A Thanksgiving dinner nnd enter tainment for the children of the open air classes of the Whnrten Public Scheel, Third nnd Lembard streets, was given ein the school at 12:45 o'clock tedajp Miss Mary O. Desmond, prlhdpal of the school, Invited Dr. Olivet P. Cornman, assoclnte superin tendent of schools; Dr. Walter 8. Cor Cer tiell, medical director, and Charles II. Ilrelsferd, district superintendent, te take part. The classes nre composed of beya and jjlrls whose physical development has been hindered by insufficient of Im- nrntuif fnrnK Thn dinner consisted of nil the Thanksgiving delicacies, from turkey te Ice cream; each child being given a Jfaver in the form of n basket made by pupils of the orthegenic cln of the Wharten Scheel, and the entertain ment included folk dances by Kva Pollock nnd Lena Kupslk. ORGANIZE HUMANE SOCIETY Rldgway Residents te Probe Cruel ties te Yeung Weman Rldcway. Pa.. Nev. 23. (Hv A. Tr). At an "Indignation meeting" of mere than 1000 residents of Rldgway last night, a branch of the National Humane Society was organized and a committee appointed te Investigate 'the story of brutal treatment at the hnnda of Uie Weman who adopted her, said by author- Can veu read the coda reconstruct the events of Krie Dunlcavy's disap pearance, explain tne smasnea in pantry deer, tell why his cede message teas covered up tcith point, and hew Huni knexe that the German spy Arlein did net suspect he had leen tdcntificdt The ansxeer icill appear tomorrow. (Copyright. 1920, by Public I.cdKer Ce.) Te Give "Turkey Dinner The Doer-Step Sunday Scheel Circle, 1227 Seuth Seventeenth street, will pro vide Thanksgiving dinner for a large number of peer children nnd elderly folks en Thnnksglvlng Day. Kdward T. Duncan, who founded the mission in 1012, asks the aid of friends te assist blra in making thii day a pleasant one for peer folks by donating feed, cloth ing, money or any articles which would be 01 uhc te tncm. a. INSTALUtTeN ahd RE&IR WORK! g COVEBINO THE ENTIRE nEUDOF MECHANICAL COUIPMENT FOR BUILDINGS POWER -STEAM ELECTRIC HEATING- PLUMBING WATER SJPPLY SYSTEMS LIGHTING VENTILATINO CENERAL PIPING WORK KTC- A geed heat 1 emulator will snve mere coal nnd give mere comfort, dollar x for dollar, than any ether single investment in any kind of a heating plant. We carry the best regulator rnade, in stock, and will furnish and install one for you nt $67.50 nnd up, ac cording te the model. i Women! Bay Your Clethes At WHOLESALE MICABFS 1214 ARCH ST. 119 1 1 f i a I I Coats, Dresses Suits At Almest Half Price 9 S A 1 fAm ItleR te have been told by twenty-year- old Julia Heeter. , ...., ,; Mrs. Hliines ueorgei, uOTU. . the case, was charged with assault and battery with Intent te malm, nt a hear, ing yesterday, nnd ball was Increased from SI MX) te $3000. Mlsl Hecter, ;X Is rjeewrlnj from the cffecU of the nllegedHl-treatment at the home of Deputy Sheriff Jeseph Slav, told authorities jesUrdar. they SlI. of being tortured by Mrs. deerge with het Irons In ether ways and boiling Hit by Train, Okull Is Fractured Jehn I.ubatty, carpenter, of 11)28 Hil Hil eon street, was (.crleusly Injured jester day when struck by a train en the new mncrctt hrldee mnr the nlntenu. Lubatty Is In rlt. Luke's pltal, where physicians a,y his Is fractured "23 SS "PaijCity" Dec. 10, 1920 J & i Mirnha (ermanr Tn ZZmwmJl Four Checks a Menth 3.65 Interest en Balances tfl Saving fund accounts may be opened at either office with an in itial deposit of $5. CJ Interest will be allowed en daily balances at the rate of 3.65 fe per year, and credited semi-annually en the first of May and November. CJ Depositors are permitted te issue four checks a month, without notice, each for$100 or less. Fer larger 'amounts ten days' notice is required before withdrawal. The Real Estate Title Insurance d Trust Company of Philadelphia 45 S. Bread Street Lincoln Dallslnt an 523 Chestnut Street Acrei from Indeprndmcs Hall INDIA Sailings Frem Philadelphia ft for . BOMBAY, COLOMBO, MADRAS & CALCUTTA for Freight Rates, Etc., Apply te KERR STEAMSHIP CO., INC. 615-616 Lafayette Building (Fifth and Chestnut Sts.) Bell Telephone Lembard 6264 Keystone Telephone Main 166 ONE HOUR! That's all we need te deliver yeta VICTROLA Complete Stock All StyUi AH FinUhet The J. R. WILSON CO., 929 N. Bread St (bread and Olrard) West Phila. Stere, 1215 N. 52nd St. VICTROLAS and VICTOR RECORDS EXCLUSIVELY Basv Terms Open Evenings HIS MASTER'S VOICE Our service it next deer te you no matter where you live m l'e 3hc Most Beautiful Car in America Uh'e Most "ServicoaHe Truck an America WILL YOUR CAR DO THIS? Test Ne. 7 Just making Tarn O'Shanter a hill near the park entrance at 24th and Green streets without shifting gears, is considered geed performance for the average car. The Paige 6-66, doing 5 miles an hour at the bottom, made both turns and shot ever the top at 2 1 miles, in high gear all the way and with four passengers. GUY A. UMieY Jhcside Jhige D&rriiirfew' 394 ?RTH BR9A0 STRe6T, PHILAOaPHIA The Best Thing Meney Can Buy Fer Your Child's Christmas our name BBJUjriWttAUA. w. . Jd8SaaMU.MU H J w Electricity in the Laundry In modern homes the electric washing machine is accepted as a geed investment. It means easier washing, and obtaining and retaining better help. But going a step further, the meter of your washing machine is an all-important part. It shettld be known te you as a meter which will always work. Robbins & Myers Meters have been adopted as regular equipment en the leading makes of washing machines and ether motor meter equipped devices for office, store and home. They answer the strictest requirements of these manufacturers. They deliver the kind of service demanded. Be sure the meter en the electrical helps for your home bears the ' ' R&M name plate. It is all you need knew about a meter. The Robbins & Myers Company, Springfield, Ohie Fer TVeny-tfire VWa Mekera efQueUty Fane and Aforera Addrett office neare you 1418 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. . Repm 420 E, 30 Church St., New Yerk, N. Y. MM swnisiiiiiiiH . m tpr-m A trww&y EP81WBl! please" Dear Old Santa Claus will be here in just a few weeks leaving things at the deer and dropping things down the chimney. We are going te loosen our purse strings this Christmas for our boy and girl. BUT we are in no mood te threw money away en foolish trifles or gifts that will last but an hour or a day. THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE, The Children's Encyclepaedia, is the best thing that money can buy for the child. It is the gift which lasts for a life time. It begins with the child who is old enough te be interested in the 10,000 striking pictures and takes him all the way up te high school graduation. Ne normal child can resist its appeal te the reason, the heart and the imagina tion. Frem Iceland te Patagonia and Bombay te Madrid, in five different languages, this wonderful work is furnish ing ever a million children with a working knowledge of the world. Let Santa Claus bring THE BOOK OF KNOWL EDGE te your child this Christmas! It is the one great gift because it combines the greatest amount of pleasure with the greatest permanent value. THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE THE CHILDREN'S ENCYCLOPAEDIA 10,000 Educational Pictures 350 Colored Plates Complete Index Robbing St Hvcrs otercELaiB ir.jfcfc Knowledge at a Glance "There is no royal read te learning," said Seneca, but there were no moving pictures in the day of this great philosopher. That film pictures will become the most valuable asset te the textbooks in the schools is a foregone conclusion. This great new educational method has already been introduced into the home through the most remarkable publication of modern times, THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE. Its 10,000 striking pictures, many of them in4colers, with their brief but fascinat ing talks and descriptions, give the child complete possession of the great world of knowledge with the smallest amount of effort and the greatest amount of pleasure. It is the educa tional achievement of the century, the most helpful work of our time and the best adapted te growing minds. Don't you want your child te have the benefit of this new method of obtaining knowledge at a glance? The Breakfast Table Teaches Let us take the breakfast table and see what we can find out about it in the striking pictures of THE BOOK OF KNOWL EDGE. There is "The Making of Bread and Butter"; "The Manufacture of Knives, Ferks and Spoons"; "Hew We Obtain Coffee and Tea" ; and "Where the Fruit Cemes Frem," or you will learn where that delicious codfish was caught and hew from a fresh fish it became a salt and was packed up in barrels and packages. The brief but fascinating descriptions of such subjects as these, written in simple and plain language, held the child's attention almost as strongly as the pictures them selves. He is being delightfully entertained, while very impor tant knowledge is sinking into his mind almost automatically. He is hanging the walls of his memory with pictures which he can never forget and without the effort of driving the nails. Opens Every Doer a Child Should Enter The lft Great Departments, Nature, Science, History, Biography, Astronomy, Physiology, Art, Poetry, Literature and Educational Occupations, contain the important knowledge of the world scientifically arranged, beautifully and simply explained and fascinatingly illustrated. It is the Simplest System of Universal Knowledge. Answers Every Question a Child Can Ask Why does a stone sink? What keeps the stars in place? Why docs a stick float? Why de we go te sleep? Why are the raindrops round? Hew docs an iron ship float? Yours for the Asking Sign the Coupon for Free Boek The FREE BOOK contains 82 pages, 1 40 pictures, the contents of all the great departments, and 350 questions answered in the Wonder Section, and a number of brief articles showing the method of teaching the child most difficult subjects quickly ami easily. Send for this FREE BOOK and the secret will be yours. Let th children decide ., The Grelier; Society. i I ' Ik 'Mf?" "'' "" &M TaUfhejfM Flibtrt 3: 606-7-8 Vandam Bldg., Philada. 9r rni giiiiHiiii, " ' i ' ' fl YOUR NAME, PLEASE Mail the FREE COUPON NOW THE GROLIER SOCIETY 606-7-8 Vandam Bldg., Philadelphia Telephone Filbert 3900 Please mail descriptive book containing specimen pages and illustrations from THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE, and explaining the 7tse and meaning of the work. Name Address :4 . laVl I 1 W i V fcl Hi .rfV- 4 -- . I . I aWJ YIT" --)- r r t -TfJl, T 13 -'V 13' ll mm Tf HWiJ , tA M . e .1 ' A i -: ;! - ;i '1H I' fl H V J "i 'I '& tt . '-Til 'M, W MMMML ii il Ml'MtfllinfflMMMMmMMMMi WkmmmmWWeammmkmmmxr'Jfi TBt!E!S8laL ' . JW.illW!U ffiaBFllHn&S'-i'iBHBHHMteiBfe iiini" f am jjaaBBafeiJ -rtMaJS'jJalJaKilr' V j3 LKljMPiaLLLLKVTllNiatfyfea in