Mm n 't ,J VJ Iff w V ".' Vi, A' . it , ' P r. ."-" EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1920 11 INCHES FROM "Come nt once. Aunt Mnry is dead. Funeral tomorrow at 2 p. ri. Henry.' That we, the urgent message. It wa for Emma and her alster. And they nt a movie in Hackensack I pirtcr lived In Orange. She'd go directly home twp hours. I must reach thcra at once. i,' t iii,lmnH the theatre. Three different voices answered. The Gelden-Plated Rule Be LUlUn Paschal Dag His Own Medicine It was a long shot, but It hit. Your SeuTs in Your Hand Br inviNO It. BACON Nene waited long enough te hear. 'It's very mtiertant I A denth in " Before X' finished they'd ring oft. Onerater renerWd "Don't answer." "Keep ringing 1" I Insisted. " 'Till you ring some sense in 'em. Even if it takes forever 1" Se she did. At Inst he answered. "Snvt I ain't get no time for you I Bhew's out an' they're Just gene. Second show's en new an I'm busy. Wetcha think I yam? A neperatcr?" Peer Vmma and her sister I They were up nearly all night. Confusion andcatchlug trains. It was a shame. I could have went with rage. Hut I didn't. 1 wired nim thut messngc. Waited a half-hour, sent anether: "Pelivcr message sent te E. Mann." nils u iuuk DllVt. UUb It (lib. It happened he hat an Aunt Mary. Most every one has. come te think. Stic was rich lived out in Ohie. He expected a legacy from her. no no dropped ever) tiling enu ran. He caught the midnight train. Ne berths left sat up nil night. Landed In Ohie pale and tired. Aunt Mary met him at the deer. , Ke keeled ever in n faint. Thought it was her spirit. anc tneiignt lie d been dissipating. Later she changed her will. Nobody knew of the telegram. He came home, mad and dejected. The rest of my messngc was waiting. I called him up sweetly: "Thanks for delivering my wire I Hew de YOU like It? Ilcmember the Gelden Ttule. Death might ceme te your family Put yourself In our place." He started te say things. I quoted his reply te me: "I ain't get no time for you 1 Wetcha think I yam? A neperater?" Then I rang off. Isnt It odd? Berne fellows give bitter medicine. They hate te nn allow it themselves. 1 7 1 r h U X? A 1 )--' I FASHION BRIEFS One of the almplMt and meat 'fpld models which I .have seen In bteuie censtated of n., plain surplice bodlee et btak duvetyn nttlnr down snugly ever the skirt In basque fashion and nnlshed ether mere spectacular blouse w made .; .u. ! nvr -which a cape of crlrn laoe was diverted Inte the abort kimono sleeves. vm..- It mmM tn bMLdttlff. tOO tnueh cannot be said of the popularity of thla ornamentation. Bugleu and kImw and wooden beads are scattered ever all man- nor or meuses. Ner Is the sleeve with a mind of Ha own confined te the dinner blouse. The velvet or duvetyn garment for wear with the tailored suit In this year likely te have Its sleeves of Georgette or crepe de chine, Thus, one etunnlng tobacco brown velvet destined for this very- .. ir.feisir neenrettc. the ywilT.' l. "I . ' " . .. - hBMflt iniff. fiftniv AmDreiaercu in .. shades mix ed, or seir-coier ueerawe. " richly embroidered n ."" nixed with a dull metallic thread. Pbr the elaberate type of bleu Uhree One la the short kimono, th ether th short tight sleeve held ever f tern pre pre vleua aearens, and the thlrf the three quarter bell-shaped one. With thee la found the low neck line. Taffeta la a material -en which the caletturrtlew reel constantly this eee- WANAMAKER'S WANAMAKER'S . bJ?it teri wed. anjj te the pTrtlwlMly YtunnlnV when-executed In duvetyn. ceitlNNK LOWE. SHORT FUR COAT HAS INTERESTING CUFFS vHHP SnOBLTHUMD VENUSIAH A The dotted line shows the location of the Mount of (Vnua. !tV Without the "vision" of a long thumb's second phalanx (logic) and the ' mlnatlen of Ita first phalanx J""1,'' the short-thumbed Venuslan a nrcne ite be the victim of almost any big-thumbed scoundrel who cares te take advantage of him. , v.. Ttti.. bfnrt nr vniiainri can nrvvr iuu ber malice long. Ne matter what wrong another may de him. a kind I word I or an appealing leek la aure te win forgive ness. , . ,fc .v.,-. The STeaiesi'-aanKer ei " '"' thumbe J Venuslan Is that , his ,exeelv. sympathy and affectlenaU disposition unrestrained by the powerful rJJte will and reason,, make him yield tee easily te temptations. It Is of the trespaaaca et such aa these that the treat novelist Laurence Bterne : The recording; angel, aa he wfcte- it down, dropped n tear upon the wera and blotted It out forever." SPECIAL SUIT SALE FOR THIS WEEK ONLY 75 50 Trlcetlne French Serge Silk Lined Suits Sports Suits $19-50 lterelar Vain. as $11.75 Velar (1T.1H have two cheesecloth dusters, carefully nemmea Dy nnnu, wun a denim bag In dark blue or green te hang en the wall as n holder for them. If you embroider, you could put her Initial-) en In white yam. If she needs n new knitting bag veu could mnke her one of cretonne, binding It along the seems, en the out side with tape te match the principal color. If Bhe weare Kinases, she would appreciate a little clenrer, made by cut ting three oblong circles of ohamelB or suede, folding them evor and running a llttle ribbon through two holes cut In the folded eart. If she docs her own hounework. make a neat nnuarn of some thick material, like scree, reiaea ever enough times te multe It qulte thick, nnd cover it wun some pretty cretonne sew ing It around the edge en the machine, and then making two stltchlngs from comer te corner, crossing In the middle, te held the lining firm. Attach a loop of tape te one side, te hnng It up by, and see hew pIcaBed mother will be with such a "dainty helden Destroys Weed Te th Editor of Weman's Poer: Dear Madam Veu lve people euch valuable Information that I would like you te help me. There Is Berne sort of worm or bug that Is eating the weed In the fleer. It does net come te the top of the beards, but eats under the very surface. It eats the weed se fine ihnt It lctiveH It n. vellew newder. and will destroy the whole fleer In tlme If Bemethlntr Is net done te prevent It. The bug leeks like a small worm, and has a ery hard vni you icn me new I may get ria ei u ama. j. ji. Put plenty of oil of pennyroyal en the places which nre Infested with the pests nnd sprinkle salt In the cracks. (Te be eontlaned) A Christmas Gift If you want te meke some of your priwnts. nnd If you are one of the people who (tlmply cannot de any ether nert or .mhrnlillrv honMea rreSS-StltCh Or out lining, you will Iintl inn.1 euncr ui w make Just an eftectlve a trimming as the fancier stitches en the white or gandy cellars and cuffs, which one sees be much Juet new, nnd which nre at tractive te give away. Cheese a Bmall delim for the two comers, and . work this In bright colere with either embroid ery, ellk or n fine-stranded wool. A single row of cress-stltchlng or a slngle row of outlining may nlBe be embroid ered all around the cellar and cuffs. If thla Is used, be euro mat me comcr cemcr deslgn Is extremely smnll nnd dainty. A New Grab'Bag Of course, properly Bpeaklng, the whale never swallowed a fenclnatlng va. rlcty of toy watches, rubber balls, small dells nnd balloenB. but Btlll would make a wonderful "grab-bng" at a- fairs, and certainly If he swnllewed Jenah, he could be made te swallow these packages with very little persuasion. la I mO&r TTp28 V I vtiii J s:e rt"i A1 Wanatnaker's Down Stairs Stere d co m OPPORTOMITIES Tiwoe! ATTRACTIVE SELECTION OF WRAPS AND COATS LADIES' FASHION SHOP 107 S. Uth St. 'eracceprJ' 271 S. S2d St. SphS ' MONHAT. TtlDAT nd BATOnDAT r.VWNINnH Comfert and economy with a small heating stove A Bmall auxiliary heating stove is a great eenvenleace and. coat Haver, Many, many times during the winter months jnst a few mere degrees of heat arc necessary te make a room cozy and cetnfartaMe. With one of our high, grade oil or gas heaters you can get that extra warmth in a Jiffy at a coat of abort 2 ceata an hew instead of by the aae of a let of extra coat in the furnace each time a room becomes chilly. Just consider what a saving this witl make en your coal bill. Our display Is the largest and the beat la the city. Prices range from $3-50 te $37.50. JF B Sohintle Flrrpiaee (M Heater Bolarale Pertuble Um Heater By CORINNE LOWE Berne like 'cm het nnd some like 'em eeld, but It seems te us that the werthlei preference ,1s for the cold fur eat. Dy that we mean the model that Is Just hip length, as agaiust the long enveloping garment which makes of walking a duty. There are n great many of these jaunty short coats this year In both the sports-wear furs, such as leopard, and In the mere dressy pelta. Here we show an attractive one In sable, distinguished by the fact that cellar, cuffs and the edge of the gar ment show the entire animal mounted as In the scarfs. The Weman's Exchange Anether Nice Offer Te tlit Editor 0 Women'i I'age: Dear Madam I have several sick room utensils that I will gladly jrtye J any one who needs them If they will call for them before December 1. MHS. W. K. Thank you very much for making this kind offer through the column. Tour name and nddresa wl 1 be given te any one who writes or calls en the telephone asking for It. Seme Chrletmaa Gifts Te the Editor of Weman' root, from whlcl Te Held String The next time you put a new ribbon en your typewriter, and are rejoicing ever the beautifully distinct letters It prints, don't threw away the spool that held the old ribbon. It still can be I'sed for something, though the Idea may be entirely new te you. Knamcl It In some bright color, and wind a ball qf string around It, and you have a pretty little strlng-oentalner. JB I iRaiKrJft . f range from 13.50 te $37.50. ' Mwm eanwn Tf-. H Cm Hniter "' fl aKf"pBHMIpiawpl uns neatcn ju neaicrs aTl TiYllft I Tla-M I-awren Oderlfee-P-et, onlqee mT7h wll5knA--. Hk EinTOTJMNMENTfca Smm aUe ear c-mp,t fiW of Ce Range; Wmtmr Heater., Ka BGSV BmU Refrigerator! and Kitchen Cabinet. Many et the have jatt been WSL ryf -flKJaH reduced in price. WKflBOJBlfiS Three DSBP Stores HOk JBEyl CENTRAL RJEEQJr WEST PHILA. Wa7aagX3LtitB 1026 'Arc St 1f TUs evm mea- TtL Q2SSKfiBi T-U Stere op Bat. Bve. a-4 a. Sraalaca amaWaBalBBBBBBBaaaam i ! FREE J MjS- p ji Every heuewife aheuld pet- v-A 2 L ty illuttrated 64-page Cem J s jf I Products CoekDook. Write v "" N- todayteCornProducuRe- c L v Ny Z fining Company, P. O. Bex : viV. -L' N. 1Z K 161, New Yerk. 5 v V. - Nv - , S I vvV -" Xf jOU k ..ST flL jjfJam. S?a5SCaWIi3aW5ff3' V. l l X J , , , I-..' - . . 1 f I I;, atji-aamta-i" VVAf fit fir I The Great American Sweet J 1 for Breakfast, Dinner and Supper 1 One Quality but Three Flavers I BLUB Kare 1 . ak . 0 Your rrotecnen n I, CENTER AISLE Splendid Christmas Surprises 1200 Knit Silk Neckties, $1 Until a few weeks age the regular retail price was mere than double. ,, Many people would think them all-silk. They are woven with a tiny thread of cotton, but the cotton does net show, and even in feeling them they give the impression of being every bit all pure, rich silk. Forty beautiful colors and combinations m plain and barred effects. Wonderfully geed for the man's Christmas gift. Entire let of them will be chosen quickly, we knew. Such things as these at $1 don't happen often. i m fl.saV I ya4myaXl38aV I w .rxMass fWBaraaL nar Madam Could you please aug: irra rrnm wnicn nhnn nnn for mv friends, a gin OI gest some gifts I could nnrn venrn old? Alse DraCtlCnl, handmade gift I could present my mother. As I would like te make my mother's gift between new and Christ mas, I would like something that weula net take long te finish. RUTH. Hew would one of theae de, a barette, a handkerchief with a colored border, a. pretty cellar, a leather belt, a decorated talcum powder box, a .set of painted dress hangers, a patent leather knitting bag, or a brightly painted deer atop In the shape of a little girl, a deg, or a basket of flowers? , , I am Bure your mother would love te 27e Question Cerner Today's Inquiries 1. Describe a geed-looking fleer lamp that serves a double pur pose In a living room. 2. What would be a thoughtful gift for the woman who Is a Beral lnvalld? , . 3. In what novel way la a conveni ent reminder ter the grocery llt made? . , , 4. What useful Invention will keep an unruly cork firmly secured in a medicine bottle? 5. Hew Is n novel trimming for the nii of a Bilk cellar made? 0. Describe an appropriate decora decera decora tlen for the base of pillars in a large room for a Thanksgiving affair. . Yesterday's Answers 1. A metal disk with a specially pre purcd liinntlc te fit ever the guH jet will enable It te light as well nu lnnt n room. 2. Large glass bcada can be fastened around the edge of a basket In a wide border, interspersed with Uewers made of a circle et white beads around one yellow one, te make a novel decoration. 3. A dainty gift camisole te be worn with an evening frenk can be made of white crepe de chlne, with a wide band of geliTlace ever It. trimmed with tiny white roses. 4. A perforated cap covered with gauze for the mouthpiece of the telephone, should be kept In every Mlckroem. B. A striking sweater of woven silk 1h made In white with a design of brilliant Hew era scattered through it, and cellar nnd cuffs of knitted alik tn match the fiewerti. 0..A worneut metal case, formerly placed ever a paper candle shade as a decoration can be lined with . , bDIc, nttfUwtth n ribbon handle and, uied as a powder pu bag for r tha'awalat Mk, . (I. v m Amazing Sale Women's Georgette Crepe Blouses $3.25 Every one in the let would ordinarily be much higher. 9 Pretty Styles in All Sizes The Georgette is of surprisingly geed quality in French blue, sunset, tea rose, maize, white, flesh-pink, navy and gray; some are combinations of navy-and-tan. Silk embroidery or beading is used most effectively. Three of the blouses are sketched. (Center Altle) L 'A rtiste Phonographs bought up te Wednesday evening at 6:30 will be delivered within our regular city delivery limits in time te ndd te the gaiety of the Thanksgiving festivities. L'Artiste Phonograph at $90 is the best moderate-priced phonograph of which we knew. (The Uttle rhonegrapu Shep, Central) De net be deceived by cans containing syrup that might leek like Kare. W ,tre) L This mark Vy is en every can of original Kare leek for it and be assured of fitll weight cans and highest Quality. OrdefKareby name! The standard of all table syrups. Alse for cooking, baking and candy making. Light brown color, delicious flavor a heavy bodied syrup. RED Kare The Ideal Syrup for every usefer cooking, baking, candy making and preserving. Many prefer it as a spread for cakes, biscuits, breads. GREEN Kare Fer these who appreciate the tempting flavor of real maple sugar syrup. Very moderate in price absolutely pure. The makers of Kare Maple are the world's largest users of the highest grade maple sugar. Over a thousand tens used annually. Twe Geed Coats for Junier Girls $25 and $27.50 At 925 a warm pole cloth coat is in a brown heather mixture and is fully lined. It is a teppy sports model with raglan sleeves. At $27.50 a heavy jersey coat, in a box-pleated model, is half lined and Interlined, and you may cheese brown or green. Twe Pretty Frecks At $21.50 sizes 10 te 14 years, a charming frock combines brown velvet and sand Jersey and is embroidered with colored silk. At $25 slues 14 and 16 years, a fluffy navy Georgette dress is trimmed with taffeta ruffles and wool embroidery. fHarket) Selling Repreientatlves NATIONAL STARCH CO. 1S5 Seuth 2d St, Philadelphia. ifr .A ny A Warm Ceat for Thanksgiving Women s and Yeung Women's Coats Many Specially Priced At $19, $25, $32.50, $37.50 te $59 Every geed kind of Winter coat la among them, surely 1 Coats of Belivia, silvertene, tinseltenc, suede velour and se en, are simply tailored or topped with big, soft cellars of scalene, rac coon or Australlnn opossum. Camel's-halr coats, in the natural color, are $35 te $97.50, and remarkably pretty. Deuble-faced sports coats of heavy coat ings, $50. Pole cloth coats In a wonderfully geed model for young women, $48.50. i . CAlarket) VJ A Few Mere Men's All-Weel Suits, $20 Heavy and medium weight suits of pure wool cheviets. Coats are single breasted, one and two button models that are just right for business. Colorings run te brown and gray mixtures. Regular sizes, 34 te 42. (Ualltrjr Stere for Men Market) Men's Lined Gloves Snug and Warm Suede gloves, with warm fleece linings, in aylt. or beaver, $2; with mohair necce linings, $ Tan and black glace leather gloves, fleece-lined, $2.50. Fer Moter Drivers Black leather gloves, fleece-Hned, are in the form of mittens with a thumb, and have a strap at the wrist of each. $3.75. Regulation driving gloves of black leather. strap-wrist, with mohair fleece linings, $3.75. i tMM1, fllaVA Ontneat en The Gatt. Market) t4 , , t; if r K A Mr 'I Women's Smart Pumps at $5.40 a Pair Savings of $1.50 te $4.50 The geed-looking pumps have turned soles and high, covered or baby French heels, and are of Black patent leather Black calfskin Fieldmeuse kidskin Brown kidskin Whether one wants them for evenlnir wear or for street wear (with spats) this is undoubtedly anfj: UJJunumiy. Most all sizes in each style. (Cbeitnnt) 3 i 1 " i -av v ir . vVmeb JOKv $ V ' i ( rnn M xr Ha , s' -t h $ 1 AuwShL. Vcirm sHim, - '? I fill imWT'vCiSm dftk wA t I r n '-dx,ta r W ' ffr- m Sw " 1 1 A: Tm&diLLiMiJdlt, l i. ty faaaaawFTaaaafleVk ?. . .. xMH E Women's New Serge Frecks $9.75 (9 Different Medels) Fine serges, excellent tailoring and fashionable lines mark them as exceptional dresses. Amengily the styles are beaded dresses, frocks with pleateeTl Biwrm mm HtruiKia-ime meueis, Deaueu, emtroldered with wool or trimmed with green or brown checked i velour. I Three dresses from this group are sketched. j Other Serge Dresses i in various beaded and braided models nre 812. I $13.50 and $16. ! Velveteen Frecks at $15 and $25 ! It is rather unusual te see such pretty velveteen I frocks at such low prices, especially when the ' velveteen and the workmanship are both of this ! quality. They are embroidered with silk or beads. I Gay Dance Frecks and Pretty Evening Dresses Linwen vvur t in cerni or sappnire Diue, some combined yr 'fcd or silver lece, fluffs of silk tulle. taffr rvWe combined. Georcette nHr with flew $3bedIces and many mere de- j m& dresses Bflaka thla eenwr,'f lightful the Dre-, Wf and bright.. w t l 3f t f 7,Pjj' liiaV! or II v K1 ;1 V,.'-. At.r.,.. . . WfWKIMmMZIZT iVM LLLH PBBHIBH . J9'HiBJiiTn KWHH