J wv3 irr ' t :vy ".. &'T72?;' ; K UH ,j y i, vf X tf .. . i i- .. . s m M 10 t ilfflS. WILSON PREPARES MEAL 99 FOR THANKSGIVING DAY . Xftrce Menus Are Given, One for Bride and Greem, One for Average Family and One Which Requires a Turkey as Main Dish EVENING . PUBLIC LlppGERlHIJLADELPHIA, TUESDAY OVEMBEfr 23, 1920 - . NOVEL FROCK .All veil te the jinn Jrnlse nnd tlinul Jigs of a bnunt ferity will be r MRSj M. .A. WILSON MifiVtteht. tttO bv .Mr. M. A. lVlhen noirs rnrrvre. aTlA SON'S urn nlmnrrlm. If 1 nn fj longer blenh nnl cold nnd man linn made such n cn-nt stride in the line of neating nppnrntUH that It Ih nhvays ftlmmertlmc Intlenrs. The cnlcndnr tel U ua that In n few Miert days our great nil-American holl hell Hhv Tluuikselvlnc will be here nnd 'that it is high time the housewife looked fell te the pantry, for this year our inks for the ninny bless- iitlful harvest nnu pros- creat. The rhelce of the niece de reslstnnre (iust naturally he decided by the family that even the modest purse can feel tint it. tee. mny celebrate. I nm plan- line three menus one for the bride and Jer husband, the "we two" ; one for be nvernee fnmih. nd the Inst, uslne Sic majestic nntiennhlRIrd the turkey. MEM' Ne. t Celery 0ster Cocktail Ileast .seunb or Sunb Chicken Cranberry Jelly Bandied Sweet I'otntees Cauliflower Lettuce Mince Tnrtu Coffee The market basket will require: ine stnlk of celery 1 Jen oysters for cocktail 25 ne smnll bottle of catsup 15 IfquaD or one una enc-niui rauu broiler i-" Four nnd one-half pound roasting chicken 2.70 Total $4.00 Fer the menu with the turkey: MENU Ne. 3 drilled Oysters en Half Shell Filet of Fish, Tartar Sauce Celery Olives Ileast Turkey Olblet Gravy Cranberry Sauce linked Sweet Potatoes Cauliflower Hothouse Tonlate Snlnd Mince Flo Coffee Fer the family of eight you will re quire Thirty-two oysters en shell Oil One-half pound of bacon, minced fine .20 Four stnlks of celery 25 One large bottle of olives... v fiO Eight-pound turkey '..... 0.00 Four pounds of large sweet potatoes .40 One quart of cranberries 20 One nnd one-half pounds of sugar, .20 f'auliflewer r0 Hothouse tomatoes, one-half pound .) Lettuce 2.j Mnxnnnaisc '" llelis 10 Mutter W) Mince pie ". Coffee nnd cream 15 Allowance for sundries 50 ! Total $12.27 Each individual family will have its Wne quart of sweet potatoes 15 preferences and the housewife should dnc-hnlf pint of cranberries 05 .certainly stretch n point nnd have n jliiirnr 1H ' real Thnnkagtvlng dinner nnd infuc the T" - rt- . . rni .. . I. , . ...I,i 1-A- .1.- .!.. .e; .10 .15 Soils lutter ( laulillewer. smnll ! mall head of lettuce 10 2 lince tarts - i effec and cream 15 Total 3.1 There will be sufficient left from this i leal for u cold supper. MENU Ne. 1! ,! Celery unves I lirewn union neup Ileast Chicken. Filling, rewn Oravy Cranberry Sauce Candied Sweet I'otntees ieas Coleslaw Tumnltiii Pie Coffee Te market for a family of live or six cm will need two stalks of celery ! Jne small bottle of olives -0 4n nunrt of onions " four ounces of snlt perk for soup and filling - " Jne pint of cranberries 10 vn iinunds of sugar v 'hree pounds of sweet potntees .-. (no can or pens -" me head of cabbage mnll mimnkiti 1 oaf of bread ine-quarter pound et euncr.... ne cup of salad oil I..n mltl l,f Hllln lundries for seasoning and filling for thicken renl Tliiinkszlvltiir stilrlt into the day. i A few niitumn leaven lenil n restive nlr te the home. A roust of perk mny re place cither the chicken or turkey. Te (J rill Oysters Have the e)sters opened en the deep shell. Ilemeve and leek carefully for bits of shell. Uell in line breadcrumbs and then spread ever with the finely -mlnced bacon. Cook in broiler for four minutes. Serve with a teaspoonful of melted butter poured ever the oysters and a slice of lemon for garnish. Candled Sweet Potatoes Parboil the potatoes until nearly tender nnd then place in n frying pan and cover with sirup. Dust with cin namon nnd then cook en top of the stove until the sirup candles ever the potatoes. Egglests Pumpkin Pie Crush two -thirds cup of soda crack ers verv fine and then sift and measure after sifting. Place in a mixing bowl and ndd . One anil one-half cupt of thick itetccd pumpkin, . One-half eup of .limp, Onchatf eup of milk. One-half tiaspoen of ginger, One teaspoon of einnamen. 10 One-quarter teaspoon of nutmeg. 10 Itent te mix and then pour into n .10 pastry -lined pie plate anil Spread very 05 smooth! v. Hint lightly with cinnamon' nnd bake for fifty minutes in u modcr medcr 25 ate even. A Bif H&lstX Kl ;"M wf ) III aa t& ik' ,v-niii,i'ii m imm Pnssy willow (affeta forms the blouse with Its peculiar sleeve and two piece eversldrt. The wlde-pelntcd girdle U of l'nlslcy like the narrow underskirt which shows at the sides and below the points of the pcplum. A novel frock, Indeed, Cut net tee novel te be at tractive and suitable for luncheons, teas, matinees and daytime occasions that require formal clothes Please Tell Me What te De Tty CYNTHIA ' THE UNWELCOME WIFE T.y HAZEL, DEYO IIATCIIELOR Copvrieht, 19S0, tw PuWe Ltde'r Ce. ... rr -,. miirWanc te finally loomed in A7iw"v . r . . . r ... OTinrlefte Graves, a girl Dencmn nm daily, was a great u.tuiiv"'"","'. T. n-Z.... nniw ,fhn had exnecxea htm te marry Kdlth Comstock. a girl in his own set. Charlette teas treated with seant courtesy and everything the did teas criticized, until she finally ran away without telling any one that ihe was te become a mother. The night the baby was born Charlette lay at the point of death and her rather sent Teny a telegram, which was his first intimation of the true state of affairs. Teny's Arrival rpON'Y get an early train te Westen- bury He had a great deal of time - 1LI-I. 1 .. . Ii.l.lnr. -.!. .., V. a Snowy country The last time he had I lay se quietly there. A man was i Bitting raveled en this read Charlette had been ; beside her. and he looked up Interestedly r)th him. he remembered plainly her I an Teny came nearer and bent eer his dhlldlsh excitement. Hnd his dlsnleasure i wire, because she had made herself and him sight looked dreary nnd desolate. Mrs. nrnves opened the deer te his ring. Her face was set In wnrrlfd lines, it told Teny nothing, and there wan no sign of cojipremls" In It I as sh) held the deer open for him te enter "Charlette," he burst out, "Hew Is I she?" . "She's very weak." I Teny had set his bag down. "May I see her?" There was such boyish en treaty In his voice that Mrs. Graves softened toward him In spite of herself I A'ter all. he was only a boy. they were both children, she thought te herself, and her heart was net se hard as she led the I way upstairs. . The house sfemed very cold te Teny, and the room that they entered Icy. It was a large room, aim me nra btemcu tee large for the tiny little figure that imz Photo Dy Central Nei. Twe Minutes of Optimism By HERMAN i. STICU The "Corked Bettle" Pessimist rpHE most insidious, repressive, depressive and misleading pessimism that dls i. heartens muny people teday'ls the "CORKED BOTTLE" variety. "Don't go in for law!" glooms the "corked bottle" pessimist, "Don't go in for law ! It's overflowing with talented lawyers who are destitute. Cor porations arc absorbing all the individual lawyer's clientele. Big opportunities nre few. Clients tre wary' nnd scarce. Competition is bitter. Hundreds, no, theusnnd of embryos ure turned out of the schools every time you wink. Any way, there nre only a few bottles mid they nre nil corked ! "Medicine?"- he grouches. "Well, are you prepared te starve for five ears after beginning Je practice? De you feel like' marrying for a living if any girl's feel enough te have you? Don't you knew that the average man regards the physician as a legalized thief just a half-shade removed from the lawyer? Anyway, beards of health arc supplying medical needs nnd supplanting medical practitioners. Free dispensaries, hospitals, advice, printed laws of health preservation all ure offered the public from the proceeds of taxation; and only experienced and famous doctors maintain a profitable practice. Yes, there are only a few bottles and the are all corked ! "Business?" he creaks. "It's fearful. Te get ahead you need n mile-long pull. Te get a fat salary jeu've cither get te own the shebnng or be a brother or father or who-net te the boss. If you're merely unattached -you'll be under- f paid and overworked. Big department stores and chain establishments make it impossible te develop u sniull independent concern, and bring thousands of modest business men into bankruptcy. 1'es, take it from me, there ere no mere geed chances unywhere and what there were have long since been grabbed up. Yeu can see that there ate enl a few bottles nnd they nre all corked!" And se he gees en, with all his ret nnd cant, in the face of thousands of fresh enterprises daily succeeding; with business men crying vainly for men capable of holding UP worthwhile jobs; with new names constantly cropping en top In the ranks of the professions, arts nnd sciences; with an ever-increasing number of people coming across with bulging income taxes! Tedny real worth is surer than ever of its reward. Everywhere sheer merit is bid for. v Throughout the length and breudth of the United States any kind of ability is paid a premium. The "CORKED BOTTLE" pessimist is a linr. He ought te be crammed into a bottle which should be hermetically sealed, carried several miles out te sea, and dropped Inte an outgoing tide. Te "Bill" Send a self-addressed, stamped en velope te the editor of woman's paffe, asking for suggestion. 3ay 8he Can't Understand Men Tear Cynthia Will you .please print these few llrtcs te Mr. Kensington? "Thank veu." Well, 'Mr, K., se yeu're In again. Well, well, It has been a long time slhce we heard-from you, but we are glad you are Interested In Cynthia's column, and always come back. Yeu certainly did glve "Mickey" geed ndvlce all right, but one, thing I can't understand Is that yeu'vb said In Cynthia's column that It's Impossible te understand a wemnn. Mr. Kensington, would you mind ex plaining the reason "why?" We rend ers would appreciate It very much. 1J the way, Mr. IC, 1 think It's Impossible te understand you men also nowadays. Never mind "Mickey," perhaps you've get enough experience for yourself, but net tee much, as Mr. K. said. Ohl well, the elder you get, the mere you knew. Am I right, Cynthia:, or am I wrong? MISS FltENCHY BOWSIIAW. , Beth Leve the Conductor Dear Cynthia We ure two brown eyed girls. We are both well educated nnd accomplished, nre familiar with French and Latin, and are quite pretty. We nre .considered very attractive, but our parents have brought us up In strict seclusion ana we ae net Knew mucn of the world. The only real parties we have ever been te are church suppers. We have both fallen in leve with the conductor en our school train. He seems te like us, for he helps us en nnd oft the train very kindly whenever he can. comes and talks te us, and he couldn't only leek at us the way. he docs unless he liked us. But hew are we te let him knew that we like him, and then, we Are net sure which of us he likes best. He Is the flneot-leoklng young man we have ever known, and It mnkes us very un happy. Would It be proper te ask him te a tea at home te Introduce him te our families? Please, dear Cynthlai you have helped se many people, tell us what te de. UNHAPPY BROWN-EYES. Cynthia fears you will have te be as the maiden Viela speaks of In "Twelfth Night." She never told her love, but "let concealment like a Werm 1' th' bud feed upon her damask cheek " And New She's Jealous Dear Cynthia This Is the nrst time I m coming te you for advice ; please help me out as you did ethers. Thank you. Dear Cynthia, I met n, young man In the place where I'm working. At Jlrst he showed that he loved me, I could see It by his actions, but he hasn't told me se, nnd I didn't care for him nt all. Many times when he use te ceme and talk te me I use te get angry at him, but neve let en I was angry. Net long age he was away for a few weeks, se during his absence we get a new girl In our plnce. New he's back again, and he seems te talk with this girl, mero than he deea with me, and whefa I seei that I get terribly Jealeus: I can't help It. I knew I'm wrong, but I Just can't help being jenlefffi. It's Just right, In me. New, dear Cynthia, does my Jealousy mean I love this young man 7 But he doesn't knew I'm Jealous of him. I wouldn't let him knew for ... ..v.u, w.HW .town .,, ,u,. When I don't see him I forget about mm, dui as seen as ne comes around I Just feel llke crying-.- Please help me out. JEALOUS AND HEARTBROKEN. And here la another correspondent te the column who 'seems te be proud of being Jealous. Yeu say you can't help It My dear little girl, you should light that green-eyed monster with every available weapon. Nothing makes us se unhappy as Jealousy, nnd nothing is se unreasonable. In this case you were a bit of a "deg In the manger,'" tee. Yeu would net notlce this man who was nice te you until another girl came en the scene and took his attention. And new you want him te pay attention te you. Just let the matter drop and when next you attract a nice young man be polite te him at least. THE GIRL WHO FINDS OUT THE REAL TRUTH OF THINGS ... . Makes a Profession of Taking the Jey Out of Othcr Girls' Lives She Creates Such" Unnecessary Doubts About Such Unimportant Things AH THE train stepped at a station and all voices were lowered te a discreet tone, one girl turned te an other. And in a voice thnt carried distinctly te the people In the seat ahead of her, she said severely ; "Eleaner, I don't want te discour age you, but I really think you ought te knew that Dan Isn't making half se much money as you think 1" Eleaner answered without a second's hesitation, "Oh, yes, he is," she replied, reas suringly, with none of the Indignation thnt she might have bAn exuected te feel Dan evidently being her fiance. "Ne, he Isn't, nt all. I knew thnt." "Oh, yes, he is, I knew that for a fact, -my brother told inc." "Well, he isn't at all. He's with his father, nnd he isn't making anything like what you think he Is." "Oh, yes, he is. I'm sure of it," in sisted Elenner, still amiably. "Well, he isn't, and I think you're making a great mistake." There was a silence for a time. "I think you're making a great mis take," repeated the professional joy killer. And the silence continued. After while she remarked casually, "I saw Frances the ether day in town" "Oh, did you?" answered Eleaner, interestedly. And the conversation was resumed nleng that line. T71LEANOR is wise, or perhaps she -' has learned by constant prncticc. That'itlie only way te treat this kind Making Mere Meney I'lnylng m Man's Gn When Miss Avis Lobdell, of Portland, Oregon, announced thnt she was going te make her own living no one was par ticularly surprised, for, In these days of feminine activities, the entry of a worn An Inte business does net create even rlpple of interest, where twenty or thirty years nge, It would have given rise te, a wave of excitement. But the excitement manifested Itself In earnest when Mlsa Lobdell let It be known that she "was going In for railroad work." "What net manual labor or employ, ment as a conducterette?" queried her friends. "Ne," she smiled. "Net as bad as all that. But I urn going te tackle a branch of the work In which men .have previous ly been employed. I'm te be attached te the passenger service, as one of the ticket agents for the Oregon, Washing ton Railway and Navigation Ce. Yes, I knew It's an Innovation, but President Farrcll thinks that there ought te be a geed opening for women and that, It there were mere female ticket sellers, there would be mere female travel." Fer seme two years Miss Lobdell worked hard behind the little brass grille of the ticket agent's elllce nnd long before the expiration et the second year, word began te drift Inte the president's efllce of "the way In which that Weman ticket Beiler handles her Jeb" of the suggestions which she made te ether women who were considering taking a Jeumey alone, of the tactful manner in which she handled complaints nnd of the means she devised te stimulate travel solely for the purposes of pleas ure and education. When the O. W. It. and N. decided te Inaugurate a Bu reau of Women's Activities the head of the division, wasn't difficult te locate. New Miss Lobdell supervises the work of mere than 450 women In Portland alone and receives a salary several times as large as that et any girl who started out at the same time she did. Tomorrow Juat Xeektacrs of ncrsen : don't nnv nnv attention te her. She seems te go about picking up stray bits of news that she considers harmful, nnd then spreading them where they will de the most "geed." And you sometimes wonder just what sue sees in her minds eye when sne uses that word "geed." "That Isn't velvet nt nil," she de clares emphatically, when you show her your stunning new dress. "That's only vrlvctnrn!" "Well, " you defend it, feebly. "It really isn't nt all. I knew n girl who is n buyer at one of -the stores and she told me thnt these dresses like that nre net velvet, they're velveteen. "When you buy them you arc just allowed te understand thnt they're vel vet, but they're .net, they're velveteen." And having taken all the pride out of your best frock, she departs, en some mere of somebody else's business. What difference does It makefi any how, whcthcr'It's velvet or velveteen, It's still a giSbd-loeklng dress! "yOU can get these," she states, X indigneBtly, when you nppenr in a new pair of $10 shoes, "for $8." "Just as geed looking, the' same .style, low heeta and everythlug. Yen ttCIU JU9V VllVWfcVl., ...m w u,a. Her hostility is nlwnj Ays CMC Combination Powder-fWpBe i s V szt. ti ii.,ij Here is an Interesting novelty In the shape of a reuge and powder box. Qlu two smalt round bexen together, bottom te bottom. Cever the outside with a plcce of plain silk, preferably te match tht color scheme of your boudoir. Trim with geld braid, silk -flowers nnd a ribbon hanger. In 6ne slde Is .kept the rouge. In the ether the powder. Isn't this a dainty Christmas gift? FLORA. The Sweetness of GrapeNuts is a natural sweetness developed from wheat and' malted barley by processing and long baking. Yeu need: add no sugar. The rich flavor. appeals and the feed is both eco nomical and convenient. Try Grape:Nuts for breakfast It builds health and strength "There's Reason AT GROCERS EVERYWHERE! Made by- Bestum Cereal Cpmpanyjlnc eattic UrMJAfliehigan. Conspicuous It seemed such a llttle Bintter new, and thf many times he hnd Criticized his wife, rose up te torture him new as he thought things eer What a m,q (irtvR would hae Interfered. but the doctor motioned te her, nnd she drew back. Then Teny hnd forgotten everything but the fact that Charlette was here, and that Bomehew he must ad he had been, why he must have keep her from dying, net se much for Been blind te hae ever doubted Char- himself, but because she must lle se lbtte's goodness, or te have given her that he could make her nappy, fne moment e' unhapplness: I .MR?uSS 'SKSSRrSSSS'VS Tenv prayed as the train rushed en " " i7e P!a'e1, that Charlette would live se moment passed and he bent lower, sat he might have another clmnc,- te jn'ackgre'und Mrs. Graves was hold held yake geed He wanted te spend a life. , , 0mewhere In the house me surrounding her with happiness he J. r,,' 80Undeli and ke a p-euld have planned only he dldn t dare ' nadew the woman slipped out te tend Ie knew that h dldn t deserve te be "'lJlu 'charIe(te's mtle race was like f 5SVhe neared the town a cold r,ar , a.abast en the pillow, she hardly seem. Jegan te settle around his heart, a pre- eTl" MTIX,-a hls arms under her. His jentlment that he might arrive tee late " breath fanned the soft ash blonde The conviction was se strong upon him J'1" " ". r ',. ' , m -charlotte." ,fiiat when the train finally stepp d and LVlDered again j. get off at the dreary little station "r uXs nuitered. nnd then sud e felt hepeUssly convinced that there (le",j. n'er ,yes opened and she looked jUa no hope. . nt nlm Sucn a wje leek 0f utter Jey I There jvaa no ceneance of any ltlnd ' dawned suddenly In their blue depths fr meet nlm. the station Itself was de- tnlU th tears sprang te Teny's eyes, feerted, nnd It was very cold. ,Wlth his, -Teny" she breathed, "yeu've come bag In his hand, Teny trudged along the ' at jat !" fcy read Snowbanks were piled high , l both sides, and the farm when It Tomorrow Convalescing aiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiMitiiiMiiiMiiiniMniiiiiiitjiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiutiMiiiiiiiiiiniimjj TOSS OF PENA. TURKEYS DAILY SHIPMENTS RABBITS BUY YOUR MEATS WHOLESALE . .. 4 H.ll.-I SHOULDEl 44 Cheese I'lH.Y ,U 'g H a 3 I 5 C 1 lb. I 4 lbs. Real Sharp Choice of NUT MARGARINES, 32c lb. Mitchell's Market, Inc., 10-12 S. Delaware Avenue This Is Our Only Stere Phenea: Isembard 5110, Main 3209 fminiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiimiii tiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiuiiimiii iiiiiiiiminiiiiiiiiimit;iiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiimjpig BjsjsasiBiSfaraiaasiHSJsranSEW & SAVEiaiaiasMSjararaiaMasjajara' Theuanl of women h come te us In response te our ds, and: ItarntiJ of the rtmurkablr value we offer in SILKS, WOOLENS, DRESS GOODS Msn women whi here-te-fnr beuuht nient of their own and their Umlli a wearing upparel ready-made, new buy the oed from us and de their own sewlnii Htart a sewlnif cln le among our friends, we will wjpplj the material at lowest cost Nete These Specials 25 Belew Our Cost Hi te 5(1 In. AlMVoel Trlcetlne (All roler) formerly S yd 45 In. Silk Kile Twill lllurk Veltet, reed celwi M.SO vulue . t In. Dowered Hniin de Chine! 1.00 ralue te In, KHk llnl.h VeUeteen (all colon.) wholeeulei tl.SS value SS In, (la mince) Menliant Tuller Herri efl.RO . 54 In. All-Weel tlnest French Hsrre. bine only, (I tIu. : . 40 In. most beautiful finish Hnr high luster heafy-wcJiht BMin Chrrmeuac Remnants of 3 yards and more-ef 88 te 49 In. bst quality Alt-Hllk Chiffen Velct. Tiilur tl, 8. te, (10 a yard ... . ., 66 In. All Chilton Ilraiidcleth, 8 80 value (all colors) 55 In. All-Weel Men'' Ceallnc, Jersey finish, M.SO value SS In. Washable Hfttln, white only, 11.78 value f GOODS EXCHANGED IF NOT SATISFACTORY NEW ENGLAND WOOLEN CO. . Oprt Evening Till 9 o'CIeeh, Except Friday, 6t30 e' Cleck .... a-.. .-.. nrM I "SMmmm7i suuii-i ruuKiri ai.eaiatsiciisRajSEiaHii . S3 e . . 3,38 120 .. 1.23 3.1.1 , . 2.28 . 2.80 . . 4 80 ,& a as . 3.a .. .79 He fell in love with her and then found that she was married First she had tried, te kill him. And then when she, fey some strange reason, was nursinghim back te life, he fell in love with her only te learn that she was married. You'll find mystery and romance in James Oliver Curwood's greatest story "The Flaming Ferest." Just one feature in the big 254-page Christmas number of GOOD HOUSEKEEPING out today Stories Z&ZEZ5Z. Special features Grace S. Richmond. LA.R, Wyiie, Ida M. The league for longer life; fumiahinaa and Evans, Vtngie E. Ree. Judge Henry A. decoration; gift suggestions for every Shme in this December issue. member of the family; motherhood; household management Winter fashions Christmas cookery The newest frocks, suits, coats, evening gowns and wraps, blouses, hats, lingerie from the fashion experts of Paris and New Yerk. 9' pages; 42 illustrations. Many new redoes for the holidays oil tested and approved. AH binds of new desserts, puddings, etc. And full details ler a Xmas party. Fer the kiddies fnuX! Health and beauty two pages of The Dwarfics written and illustrated by Johnny Gruelle; various sorts of clothes for Christmas dells of all types. Alse the care of children. Hew te keep the stein free of blemishes. The cause of blackheads and their treat ment. Hew te wash properly. The kind of soap te uss regularly. An ideal gift suggestion SaXSttS a year. First member sent with beautiful Xmas card bearing your nartle. Your newsdealer will gladly take your order. A delightful gift. On Sale at All Newsstands ASCO ASCO r. A s c e A' O A TSl IU A 5' c e A S LC u A S ci e I 1 A S c e m ASCO ASCO A Fresh Killed Thanksgiving Poultry Shipped te ua direct by refrigerator express. As fine a "Let" as we have ever sold; the quality, our usual standard. Our Meat Markets will only have a limited supply Beme markets may net receive any. We would therefore suggest early selection en the part of eitt- customers, be cause the prices we are quoting are se very low wc expect te be sold out early. - Best Yeung Turkeys . 55c Seft Meated Ducks . u 38 Fine Fat Geese ..... ib 30c Roasting or Stewing Chickens " 43c 13c stalk Nearby Celery 3 Stalks for 20c Danish .. c Cabbage lb 1 Just the kind for "Slaw" Dark Red lb Cranberries A necessity for yenr Thanks giving Dinner Rump or Round A s c e, I A c A- s, Thick End Rib Fresh Beef and Perk Fer these who may prefer a nice roast of beef or Steak 32cl&r Roast 32' AH Sirloin Steaks 40c Roast b 25 A S M si c e A S r A S a e a r s C O A S C e A S c e All Smoked Hams &-. Perk Chops or Roasts . . Best Cuts lb. 40c ( ,n2aV ABifir S8',0'000 Sale continues in increasing leptunity? yU takInff adyantBe of thi meiSSSSh 29c 35c A g ArCrTk Lew, There is an "Asce" Meat Market Nr Yn. n-,. A5CO ASC6 ASC0 Agh... ,..,. p sJ4ixa-ssku ASCO 0 1 A S r O A ASCO directed ngnlngt the person who is cheating you bat you feel n If she were blaming jPlJ for allowing It. She ceinCH nlvig nnd puts a doubt in your mind nbeut nepicthlne that )ou have been perfectly sure.ef, et perfectly Indifferent nbeut, 'for years. She's always taking the iey out l Bomcbedy else's life. , 77iwgs Youll,Leve te Make V ) 'U.ti' , , ,-.; -ja in aujuu,, -fa i J $ ssb: .14 Ael- $m ll V . aaaa.aaw - t f- - . II,, , m tl1