If y '.V A a -i 'a m- tl! a' a ii V & Bt. &T1 J nli ill '41 a r.4' V. ivdJ8N tH7, tell Si ' 4 m& irae butu I r.i 3 ' J Or I. Lw . i-i' Mr teas 1 ' T,26 " PAXCILTOtiT XMA8 AND KKW YEAR rAVOM B If Vftfl BhAW thl. haullfal . M "Tree xfjj' 4frw friend and Inel. a. f Is wanted. Cwni,'lll1 Itniel Ave, XMAH WONDER PACKAGE I Cards, Felder, IVteklets. I'hnki, Efre, bent wanted. COWKN. 8127 Hase. Ave, 5000 LETTERHEADS. $1fi WITH MtlNTKn FORM I.KTTK1U. aie .. . . .. i-r - -.-- lett I tnnt Shen " uermantwn E. " .- AT. Kensington Ml 5E NO STATIONERY wllliAnt mfiF niniM A .itdr... . sheet . fine writing Tlepe printed with nam and address, tl. nMrnl Yttiaa riif. Print Shep. IMS Ofrmulawn Ave. Ken.lnxlen 314 Upholstering Farter and ,IJbrrr Suit made like riVw. We reuphelatcr anything. Gel Onr Ettlmtltt, Charles II. Delficld 104 N. 11th St.. rhlU. Phene Wetnet 6820 ( SWEETAIR" i The Modern Method of Painleii Extraction of TEETH SAFE AH HLEF.F" w i On te 20 teeth extracted without rain or dancer. Just the thing for narveue people 'no 111 effect fellow It uie. Come In for examination Monday. MOSES 5. E. Cor. 7th ec Market Sts. ' Farmerlu h tnff of prominent ITntpitnl ) U bid DelbMadcNew. 1 1, e nave a ea nespiiai Unque Heads, all iliti Heal Hair and Mohair Wis. Guar anteed unbreakable Hand (or lelnted Dell. Part, eta. THIS DOLL 21 Inche high. Imported Hair Stuffed Bedy with nonbreak nenbreak able head; our own make: (1 without wig; tl 50 with wig. .Mailing. SSc Extra. mtestiB& 10,000 RECLAIMED O.D. WOOL SHIRTS $1.90 10,000 iReclaimed O. D. Weel rBreeches !1. 90 'Army Trading Ce. 303 Market SU Philan Pa. PROTECTION FOR YOCR HE ADUGHT LENSES Act B Rebber Tire for Ynur In t' (Pleaenr Car or Truck) -Against Breaking, Turning or ' ', Rattling 4 FLEXO LENS AND PROTECTOR Made In all - - Patented ice. Pre vent water or dust enterlnc the lamp. Keeps reflecte a I e a n and brUht. A p proved b n I g h w a dept'e of N. J., Pa., and Del. The Pro tector Is made of live rubber especially te fit the lamp. The lens fit Inte a sroeve made In the Inside 4d( of the rubber d r e $s.75PER PAIR v Postpaid tecter and cannot turn. Ne part of len (ouches any part of lamp. Upper halt Of Flexn Lens Is sandblasted. Jler FLEXO I.ENB and PnOTECTOB rem jet dealer or write or call Flexo Lens Protector Ce. 824 North Bread St. Fbeix (flell) replex 401! ArenU Wanted i Factory! Camden, X. J, Hide Them Away Until ' Christmas rterlnnln; Slenday, November 22d, and continuing until cleslnif time, ijttturday. November 27th, If you mention thlc bj? or bring; It with you vre will dispose of Aute Wheel, Pari, and "Whlte Ceaster Wairena tn a. great upeclal sale. (I TARIH .1 LARGEST SIZES Ne. 15 7.00 rrrular Sin. SO Ne. IS SS.OOi rrrular SIS 04 Ne. 20 SS.SOi rrmilar S12.50 At'TO W1IEX Ne. X M.00 WHITE Ne. 3 SO, 23 Ne. fl S0.73 Ne. 8 SO.OO t nil, tiv.uv These are just about present cost prices at the factery: some a little under. We bought them In 1919 when they were much lower, but are crowded for room In OJr warehouse and must unload. fCeme take there away In your auto Ne deliveries or reservations at these rrlee bur house Is known as the DIG up town TOT and Sporting- geed store. Our sleran U EVERYTHING ON WHEELS FOR CHILDREN, and we carry It out te the letter. 'Velocipedes, automobiles, desks, chairs, dell coaches, second fleer. The first fleer Is leaded with small toy and came at price far below these quoted In the center of lb city. SHOP riBST. 1cl0.lggE HEKB A0 TkaeM two will llluatratel nuwe liberty Oan. SI. 00 ' baler BveUnr Air BUI, S4.B0 j Open Btntelnst Phene Ken. 743 Heffman Cyle Ce. 8810 Kensington Are. ?3 m SIS SI CvEM4gOg" M Wrk si? ri 15 J. '"P"T 3015 F Sl, Phllft. i ii-. "T( J J-U7XX, TOST LADIES' Heavy-weight Flanel sttc Leng-Sleeve Night gowns i Te e 4fi it. se at.... Vain This is an unusual bargain Fine Woolen Blankets Actual value $5.00. All colors. Large Bite. MENS HOSIERY Made of Pure Weel 25c a pair or 5 pain for $1.19 The hM are wlthent question Ih wrmet and meet ervicr.ni market. . Daring wf pWn.srz&'AKS COLORS. .J. WALTMAN 457-61 N. 8th St Own Ere Evening Till 10 a'rleek tOBT ANDTOJJND DAO Ixrat, black leather ba-. oxide claip, ' In Arcadia Theatre; reward, l'hen Wal- nut 1087. EAniirNQ It. old earrlnr. turquel et- tln. bet. Bellevue-Strat. A Wanamaker'il reward. W. Wharten, 1134 fem'l Tr. nida?. 1 CERTIFICATE L.et. Certincate Ne. 6J7. dated June 11. 1912. for 4 nhare par vnlue t50. of lllttenheuae Trust Ce.. tn tne -.. . ...... UAA.. Ullla- -a.tini..fa V. Iinilir Ml M.l .wuwir ......r.. .. ....... .-. 878. dated June 11. 1012. for 1 hare par value, of Illttenheuee Trust Ce.. In the name of Emily Eleaner Miller. Tempe. rary certificate Ne A 1104, dated June 29, IPSO, for 5 aharea, par alue tlOO. of Illt Illt teneouee Truet Ce.. In the name of Nellie V Lallue. Application ha been made for the liautnir of new certlfteile In lieu thereof unleis objection I made te laid trust company Illttenheuee Trust Com pany. 1312 Chestnut t.. Arthur Halne. see retary. DOO-i-Lest, en Nev. 12. at Merlen, half. irewn Airedale de: answer te name of Mac: reward Phene Cynwyd g2. IXXJ lest. black Pomeranian Ang. m Merlen or Overbroek: reward. 331 8. lllahland ". Phene Merlen 009. DOQ- Ijst. brown spaniel. namMTIrewnle license 1201: 32d district: reward. 4724 lClnrs.slnar ave. MEDAL, Lest, at Swarthmore Collets foot ball field Sat.. Nev. 13 cold medal In. scribed Oilman Country Schools rew. M 723 Ledger Office. HELP WANTED FEMALE A NUMBER of Interesting- position of vari ous kinds are epn here for women of re finement who have leisure time which they would like te Invest prefitably: excellent puv. reed hour and pleasant conditions and sur roundings are outstanding; features of all Wanamaker employment. Particulars upon personal application. Mlsa Oarnell. Employ ment Office, first fleer, gallery. JOHN WANAMAKER ASSISTANT IfEADWAITRESS Women of neat appearance who have had restaurant experience for Dairy launch Iioem. Apply Restaurant, seventh fleer. OIMI1EI, RROTHERS DELL TELEPHONE OPERATING Every eung- woman likes worth-while companions BHE WILL HAVE THEM HERE? Beside she will have UNUSUAL RECREATION FACILITIES HOMELIKE INFLUENCES? ta MEAI.S AT LOW COST MEDICAL ADV.ICE AND SHE IS PAID A GOOD SALARY WHILE LEARNINO s",t'A" See MISS STEVENSON. 1031 ARCH ST. DELL TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNA. IHNDERY HANDS Teur.K women experienced en binders' werlc Apply Dureau of Employment WANAMAKEIV3 I10OKKEEPER wanted: reference required. Western Upholstery Furniture Ce., 338 1. 2d et , HOOKKEPER In central real estate effice: must be thoreuihly experienced and com cem petent: oed salary P 422 Ledger -Office. CASHIERS FOR SALES DEPARTMENT We hae seeral vacancies for experienced cashiers capable of delnr some clerical wurk; references as te character and ability re quired. APPly, Sl!P.RrUlir,n,.t,,?.,e accounts. R. F. DEW bt,S 1122-24 Chestnut St. CHAMDERMAID Capable colored woman as chambermaid In private school for back- ward children; free accident and sick fundi roea salary. ifc ridnv. iruirru. apph In person te housekeeper. Hancreft Scheel, ifitrtftenfleld. N. J I CHAMHEIIMAID and mendlnr. family of 3; ..HTflnc" ,p.,m.- -vr j-.. '..mm m. CHILDNUItais "' reliable, settled woman te, care for 2 children. 5 and 4, veara: experienced and reference necessary- ioed home and ae for one who win take' in ntrei. can r. v.ain. suss -Mldvale rtVf tlermaniuwu ...in r. OIOCOLATB COATEIJ8 and bon-bon dip. ptrs. experienced and Inexperienced, need ed at once. nvvr " .i.ei square, tier- rnln Candy Ce. CLERK te O. X. charge schedule at tube center, one with department store espeii- mnm nreferred. permanent position with . cellent opportunity. Apply department of account. n p nr.WKEg 1122-24 Chestnut st COOK. yeun. competent, family of 8: ref. erence requireu vvy n. .vainut si. ELLIOTT.FISintR BILLINO MACHINE OPERATORS We require several young women trained In epemtlng this machine. Apply te Mr. Leldy Main Office, fifth fleer. Leiay. qimIIEL RROTHF.RS' ITS THE OniL WITH A HEAD WHO OET8 AHEAD In thts great business organisatien, with Ita many privileges and opportunities 1 Just new the chief opportunities are for TYPISTS CLERKS SHEET WRITERS CASHIERS Apply Mis) Oamsll. Emplermsnt Office, first fleer, elelery WANAMAKER' B mck wSSV .-i:-n--.,-!'ijy'. h?5l BhV7 C2W EARNING PUBEtc,' -f-l t a '.."- .. , . a .- r 3EKU? WAKTBD-rVXSCAXX COOK, chambermaid and wattre. 3 whit tlrla, nratt be exp.t Danlh or pwedlrti preferred: rtate ref. and waare eipectedl tamlly Of a adulla. 1 414. Lder Office, Oini. colored, for coeklnr and dewntalr werlf for family of 3: eleep out! referehee Teeurea, iii narin a-e j I-AD1KS Wanted at once. 3 ladle between kbv ui te ana dvj ii rrquirce v. i.ui ' clean -character. (Iren personality, wttn ambition te rlie far above the averaie.walk In life: experience net neceetary. If. Toe are loeklnr, for thl kind of a Jeb call el -: ta.ti iriicp (IMl lirv.rai ft re loeklnr, for thl kind of a Jel 02 Van Dam nidr.. 10th and Mai hlladelphla. Aak for Pelleld, j.ei van Dm mar., leth ana Meraei i. Phllad PACKKnS We require atren-, able-bodied women te pack china and hevue furnlr.hlnr! natural llaht and iroed, airy packlnir room, located en upper floer: If inexperienced we will teaeb eu thl work. Apply any day after Monday. Employment Iturrau. fmirth fleer. uimuiuu liiicrniHitv PANTRT WOMAN wanted: nod wae. room. Franklin Sauare Hetel, Wushlnc ten. D. C. SALESLADY Exceptional opportunity for bright woman, lnterestlnr talker, te join our salea force! stasia tireduet! we exDect suitable applicant te earn upward of several nunarca dollars mentniy, I' 401, Ledser or flee. SALESLADY exceptional opportunity for a unsni woman, cenvincinr taixer, 10 join our self force; stsple preducts: liberal com mission; fast seller: live event can mak big money, r 4e. Ieder Office. SALESWOMEN FOR VARIOUS SECTIONS OF TUB STORE, Apply Employment ITureau, fourth fleer. OIMBEL IIIIOTHBRB STENOORAPlIEn. vnun. lade with knewl edre of boekkeeptne. Apply R17 Lafayette XJin. RTOnK DETErmvw Have you an eye that Is quick tn detect wrong? Hre you perfect control of your nerves? Can you use geed Judgment? If no, you ran nna a geed position by applying te Mr Coogan. fourth fleer. 8th street side. OIMJIEL nneTHEiw TELEGRAPH OPERATOR Wanted, a bright, refined woman te receive and transmit messages. Apply Dureau of employment WANAMAKER'S TRAVELTNO 1-OSITION PAYING 350 PER MONTH NOW OPEN Applicant must be ever 27 years of age. well educated, enjoy traveling and be entirely free te leave Phlla. at once; business exp. unnee AHKHBB. . 4ne a. e-H mmw HAifillkA swi.l llAh A manent. with rapid adv : appealing te teach - er or women with educational exp.: give full details as te age. education, past employment and telephone number for appt. In first letter. '"I1IO n'pe'l '181 W sJppy wam-tmti Evimi tenitr-ATKn WOMEN for PERMANENT TRAVELING POSITIONS General sales manager of successful, nation- any-Known cnicage corporation is in i-niia-delphla at Hetel Adelphla te Interview 4 or B competent, well-educated women of person ality with view te adding them te sales or ganisatien; applicants must apply in person and be ever 27 years of age, have at least hlirh .chnl education, be footloose te travel extensively and able te leave Phlla. within a few day; sincere desire te succeed In busi ness mere essential than past exp.; no Invest ment: piensant werK. snort neurs. perm. cnn. nectlen with advancement: we will pay rail mad fare, salary and commission from atartt position worth $83 per week. Call In person between le a. m. and 8 p. m, all week. starting Wednesday, .Nev, ze. F. It. PULFER HOTEL ADBLPHIA WOMAN, accustomed te church and social work, ever 23 sears of age: permanent po sition; advancement: pleasant hours and geed money. A e".. imager urnce,. WOMAN of education and refinement. 30-43) preference given te one who. through re verses, finds It necessary te enter business werld: geed pay a psrm'cy. A B82, Led. Off. WOMEN WANTED 140 TO ISO TEn WEEK Te a limited number of ladles with proven ability but limited chances for advancement. v.e will assist tn securing the necessary qualifications for a higher positien: the training can be secured at home during spare llm under guidance of experts In a short time and at a small cost. Fer Interview, without obligation, write Executive Service Rureau. Bt Transpostatlen Rldg. Phlla.. Pa. YOUNO WOMAN In Inspection, and wrapping department: dry goods store experience pre- ferred R F Dett.es. 1122-24 Chestnut st. General CLERKS ever 17. for postal mall service) 1123 menth: experience unnecessary; for free particulars of examination write J. Leenard (former civil sendee examiner). (1(12 Equitable nidg.. Washington. P. C. IIUSINESS SERVICE CO.. 1116 Land Title. Ilkpr. A stenn.: cashier A typist: clerks. HELP "WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANTSA firm of certified public accountants with old-established business, ......... t.minra. In reDlylng aDDllcant should state his experience en staff of certified pub lic Accountants; bisu iun iieivi isusiiic.s training, education and age. P 409, Ledger Office. AISLE MANAGERS Olmbel Brethers have -several vacancies for men who hae been trained In department store work te act as aisle managers Te qualify for this position you must be of rep resentative appearance and possess executive ability. Apply Superintendent' Office, fourth fleer. AN OPPORTUNITY One of America's largest, most successful publishing houses needs a young man of geed education, capacity for hard work, sincere desire te rhaks permanent connec tion, with big opportunity understudying esstern sale manager: must start In per sonal selllna field: promotion ss rapid as results Justify; work Is along educational lines, appealing te teachers and well-educated men: applicant must be footloose te trsvel extensively) age 26-32. fair salary and railroad faru paid from start, give full details as te age education and business experience, also telephone number In first letter. M 726. Ledgsr Office. AUTO TRIMMER WANTED We have a permanent position for a man who ran build auto tops, make seat cover and de general repair work en seat cover, etc.: please state past experience and wages sxpected. TWlQQ f, flnEp.iDAN SAI.ISHURT, MP. DOT. ever 16. for mailing and general office work In electrical supply cnmpAny Apply Elliett Lawli r.irr-rir.i . ., , ,un unce St CARPENTERS, union, 80c; overtime dally; all-wln'er work 1229 Arch st COLLECTION manager, experienced In han dling insiaiiu.il. v.u.iuiiii ncwuni; must be a live-wire and thoroughly understand the business, geed salary and excellent chance for advancment; married man pre ferred: In reply tat age. experience, prea.nt employment and when available, A 404. I,edr Office COLLECTORS. Catholic experienced en In stallment accounts, familiar with city, can msKs goon cunnruwun, birhji cam oena req. Call Mr. MQitn, wjm ui., .van t.nesinut st. COOK and butler, Japanese, for family of 2 adults) give rsfsrences and wages sx pected. P 414 Ledger Office CUTTERS and glaalera, leaded glass, Cen try Stain Olsss Works 212 H 11th st ENGRAVING Detail man for large print ing plant young man capable of looking after ordering of phute-engravlng and fol lowing up deliveries Write fully, stating sxperlenee and salary wanted, A BIO, Ledger LABORERS wanted) colored laborers for out- side work; wage 48 cent per hour. Apply William Fester. 130(4 N, 81st st. LINEMEN wanted; flrt-cla eleetrle light linemen only; steady werk: geed wages Ap- piy William -rosier, hub n. eisi. MANAGER for talking machine department ei a lirge aspariment store, located 'n Trenten, N. J-: must be thoroughly expert eirced; geed oppertunity: salary and com mission. Call Tuesday morning after 10 o'cieck ueiumma urapnopnene co.. -Ill .''. all 13. LEDItl HKLP WArrrai ltALl MAM-.rtAMirrMrl tMeert-rftTtrtfcf iris .v- k. CELLENT OPENING FOn MAN TnOIVf OUOHLT. EXPERIENCED IN TRUST I J'K'-T. WURK I OPI-OHTUNITT 18 UN. LIMtTED. ADDRKSfl. GIVING ALL QUALinCATIONn te A mi i.wrviisn OFFICE. MAN AND WIFE Wlf. cook; man. butler and heuaemans Pretestants: family of 3 adults; experienced and references. P 414, Ledger Office. MOLDER en heavy fleer, green or dry sand. 1SLi lren. vtk' . mu " flret-class mechanle and otherwise above the average man. able tp leave city; opportunity te work 1?.U.. .t?."!cVtlS.e fo'l'lent weed salary and iV..iV-nt J benu. le rtl give complete outline of. experience and ere. M 713. Ledger Office. iwf& 'f- h'7br 1yJn " Civil t,!!fn..J.ir".mm,";'en J"' Philadelphia will held examination for the positions scheduled J-.?" ,ne "l1" "med. Fer detailed In formation apply. at the office of the com mission. Roem 873. City lull: CLEniCAt. SERVICE R0, J"" 2.'.,llnir " operator 13 50 day Dec. 1 File clerk loeo S'c . gtneraphr (male).,,,. 1200-1 BOO Dec. 10 Stenegraphtr and elirk 00O.9OO Dea 17 Typewriter clerk (male) 1000 r, ,.5NaiNEERlNO(epe'ratln) Dec 14 Chief engineer (pro'etlonri2400-2BO Dee. 0 Drawbridge operator ,. (team) 1440 S'c- ii 5n" nNr .(Pumping)..... 16OO-180O Dee. 20 Engineer (stationary),... 1200 Dee. 0 Fireman DOO-ISOO . - INSPECTION Dec 10A,,t, milk Inspector.... 11200 Dee. 18 Elevator Inspector 1200 Dec 14 Inspector (Qual. page 18) 2000 Dee. 23 Inspector qf construction 1200-1800 .... MEDICAL Dec 10 -Anatomist ..., 1800 Dec. IS Assistant physician .... 1000 pec 18 Assistant physician .... 1200 Dec. 21 Assistant RoentelogUt,. 1200 Dec. 18 City nurse BOO Dec 13 Graduate nurse BOO Dec; 1 Occupational therapist.,, lfjoe Dec 2 Supt. of nurses. Phlla Hospital for Mental Dis eases 2180 Dec. 21 Supervising school med. leal Inspector lflSO-1840 urc. t lecnnician loeo MISCELLANEOUS Dec 17 Attendant sewage dls- .. P"1 Plant) 11000 Dec 11 Cleaner 000 Dec 11 Cleaner (female) 600 Dec. 1 Chalnman 1000 Dec. SI Filter attendant 1000 Dec. 2 General superintendent Lague Island Park. .. . 1500 Dec. 23 Guard and subguard.,.. 1200 Dec i Interpreter 1800 Dec, 11 Messenger 800-000 Dee 11 Messenger 000 or mero dce. ii umce nor 4.20-480 Dee. 10 Supt. of filter constr'tlen 2000 uec 10 Huperviser or markets... 720 Dec. 1 Third-year apprentice 800 POLICE SERVICE Dec 0 Patrolman 13.78 day SKILLED LADOR Dec 13 niacksmlth'a helper .... 34.80 day Dec. 16 Cerpenter Ord. Dec 22 Caulker Ord. Dec. 17 Climber 14.00 day Dee. 16 Ceal passer Ord. Dec. 20 Electrician Ord. Dee. 17 Foreman (asph. repair) 112.80 me. Dec 20 Foreman rarpentsr SB 00 day Dec 17 Foreman dept. (sheeinkr.) 1200 Dec. 20 Lineman 1800 Nev. 80 Paver 14.28 day Dec. 22 Plumber Ord. Nev. an Rammer 1 4.. 10 day Dee. 22 Steamfltter helper ..... Ord. Dec. 13 Telephone operator 10 00 or less Dec 2 Telephone operator 1400 Dec. 23 Wagen trimmer 1000 Dec. 23 Wheelwright 1200 Dec 2 Wlreman 1200 TEACHING Dec. 17 Assistant teacher tOOO Nev. 80 Assistant principal (pre- motion) .............. ItOO Dec 20 Class leader (a. b. c. d. e) 18.00 evg. Nev. 30 Principal (promotion).... 1B0O TECHNICAL AND PROFESSIONAL nfC. 10 Aast. englner (prometlon)ll80O Dec. 14 Assistant engineer ..... 2310 Nev. 30 Asst. engineer (oenstr.).. 2400 n... 51 Chief draftsman 180O nr. 10 Draftsman ............. 1200-1BOO 1 Dec. 0 Draftsman (architectural) 1200 Dec S Draftsman (mechanical ).. 10OO Dec. 3 Draftsman (structural),, loge Dec. 8 Draftsman (structural).. 1080 n-c' 3 Draf'.smsn (structural).. IflHO nn. 14 First asst. surveyor 1880 Dee. 14 Principal asst. surveyor. 21" rIe 21 SVcend asst. surveyor... 1380-1860 I,,- 14 Tra"er 1008 n.r.' a Volunteer leeal assistant N'ene CLINTON ROGEnS WOODRUFF. President CHAiu.isa v.ri?...w. .."- LEWI8 O. VAN DUSEN. Commlasleners. issued November 20. 1020. PACKERS We require men who are e,tEr!!ne1ff!, '". packing china, toys and heus.furnlshlngs. packing rooms are well ventilated and lo oted en upper fleer. Apply any day after Monday Employment Rureau. fourth fleer. GIMREL RROTHF.RS FLAIN FOREMAN WANTED Are you satisfied with your earnings? Would you spend a few hour of your spare time at home te acquire practical knowledge In order te Increase your salary? Fer interview without omigaiien t;; fssr-""!!. w. nureau. 81 Transportation Rldg. Phlla.. Pa. POIlTEMK. colored, wanted. Appiy te Mr. Haas, nun inwmui . PROMINENT New Yerk company represent ing chain store system, having opened an office In Philadelphia, wishes te engage several mere geed salesmen. Apply te Mr. Pasch. 250 S, Ilread t. Phene Spruce 8897, RIVETERS wmi-i- nv lentST CLASS INSIDE AND iiOTTOM 'fllELL MEN: RIO MONEY MADE; PIECl" WORK; NO FLOATERS NEED APPLY. CALL EMPLOYJtENT DKPT SUN 8HIPDU1LDING CO . CHESTER. PA. SALESMAN CATHOLIC We can offer you a real opportunity te make big money selling the stock of a substantial enterprise. Writ Immediately. M 728, Ledger Office. BAI.c.eAlAr 10 e.ii iiij-v,.w vecuriues, ler- elsn exchange and foreign bends; exp. net necessary: geed pay; apply at onee, O. Specht A Ce.. leiv wainui si. ask 10 see Air. Kusrene A. nacns 8ALESMAN New Tork linen Importer has opening for salesman, te cover Philadel phia and adjacent territery: attractive propo prepo prope altlon te right man; replies treated strictly mnnqentlal. Aoereii A soil, iuy.r uniw. SALESMAN wanted. Inside, and eutstS work; feed eppartunity. Apply 413 Market. SALESMEN FOR THE JEWELRY SECTION Apply Employment nureau, fourth fleer. ppy - 'a,,El iineTHERB DALESMEN We are admitting a few new salesmen te our force new te help take care of our holiday business: applicant must be men of high Intelligence, pourteeu and gentle manly; accustomed te handling fine cllnetele. Apply nureau of Employment WANAMAKER'S SALESMEN THE MANUFACTURE AND SALE of art advertising calendars and sift advertising Is an enormous Industry employing thousands of salesmen. The Blanchard Ce., of Aurera. Ill an old-established concern with high class exclusive lines, has attractive open eastern territory, commission basis. Werk require keen, alert men who may build lasting future. Apply letter only stating ... experience and last connection Geerge It B'anchard. 826 Broadway. New Yerk city. BALE8MBN A corporation that I new be be cemlng nationalized desires th service of 1 first-class salesmen te sell the stock or tbs company; P'ntJl?l': operating In Washington. J I p C and subsidiary companies are being nrreed; this lnvatmsnt pars a minimum of 18 per cent: live wire, only need apply. Roem 87. Etey Bldg,. ntn ana wainui. SALESMEN Wanted, nve ambitious sales men at once, between tbs .ages of 25 and BO. It require men of clean character, .irons personality) If reu are dissatisfied with your present position and your future outlook for advancement la small, call rd see jist experience net necessary. Apply 703 ir.r,Xnum Olds.. 10th and Market. Phlla. Uk tn Mf. rtDtli, XMUP WAHTa-tA.IJI JL SALESMEN Te. men possessing courage. Initiative, am- " e visualise, we can ener very premising future) thts I a man' lebi If you are accustomed tn wnrlrlna, .inn. tin of least resistance, de net apply) te mak real money mean hard werkl thl I a rare opportunity. Apply 423 Wldener Bldg.. after io-ae a. m. SALESMEN w.nted by local corporation of ins nicnest class te sell 8 per cent pre ferred stock with liberal bonus) name of Prospective Investnra nmnlUiti nttnnal opportunity for ambitious men. Telephone "wnui 1W11. . SALESMEN MINISTERS Are ypu satisfied with your present Inrem? If net. you can align yourself new with a concern. International In scope, that Is per. 'Tmln . truljr great lervlce. Apply 423 """"t mas.. Slier 10:30 . m. NAI.KHUPU ,.. .- . .. .. hard-working specialty salesmen, big pro ducer enly: call all week. 2 p, tn. te 0 n. m. American Can Ce., Typewriter and Adding ..im-mne ijivisien, laae chestnut st. BALE8MEN, house te house. Esce Specialty Company has geed money-making proposi preposi tion for hard wnrk.ra! ,t.. .-.n-l nll inN Parkway. SALESMEN wanted for eteetrle washers and vacuum cleaner) reed propesition: sx- y-,,,jnr- yrriprrm. Apply 133 H. lltn t, SALESMEN te el high-grade securltl) ,! lh0." "'""Plenty of pep and ability. 1 , IJIinr unic, SHIPPER wanted te take entire charge of ..J!?P!V,T,"U "na must knew routes abe-jt Philadelphia and vicinity and have knowl edge of furniture. Answer, stating full par- tll.nl. A SIR T a.. fit ....-. n ...., r..r vji.ice. SILVER POLI8HER A man experienced en silver and plated Apply Dureau of Employment WANAMAKER' S 8TOCK SALESMAN . If you can sell stock 1,1 an old-established company, rated AA-1 R. O. Dun, with di rect lead furnished, plus the assistance of Pennsylvania and New Jersey bankers, who will handle stock notes, this deal wilt In terest you; w have the goeds: only mn of unquestionable ability, credentials considered) no advances, nilnel Tractor Ce., 1118 Lin coin Bldg. STENOGRAPHER Large corporation want atenegrapher te take care of correspondence and records In newly erganised Philadelphia office! long experience net absolutely necessary. Write. 5V,J3 J!lrr expected and references, te C, W Oilier, Shelby. O. UTHOLBTERERS wanted en new werk: reed working conditien: perfect sanitation; ex cellent opportunity for right men. Apply ready for work. Leuis Ruben A Sen. N. w. ear. 87th and Market. WHOLESALE SALESMAN Must have had experience selling publle utilities, boiler, hardware, machinery, automobile or similar specialties; preferably a man with an estab lished trade among the Jobbers In Pennsyl vania New Jersey. Delaware and Mary land; geed salary and commission. P 428, Ledrer Office. General BUSINESS SERVICE CO.. 1114 Land Title ACCTS. Acct. A cr. mgr., 15600; asst. auditor, 12400 up; cost, 12400 up. ROOKKEEPERS AND CLERK8, I2B-I83. MORS Large sen. stores, buying. 12400 up: effice: retail credit. 18600 up, REP. Sales. W. Indies. Spanish, exp.. 13000 up; sneet steel, rniia. territory. sa i.K.-f Textile. I28O0: ether oeenlnxs. SALES ENGR. Power plant equip.. 12600- xaoeo. STENOQS. Ceal exp- 183: secy.. 11820. hailway TRAFFIC INSPECTORS wanted earn from 1110 te 1200 per month and expenses: short heurs: travel: a months' home study under guarantee: we get you positien: no age limit: ask for booklet Ne. 380. Standard Business Training Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. ASST. AUDITORS for gevt. Income tag, rev enue service: salary 11640 te 12740; write for free literature. Consolidated Schools. Br. 730 Reck Creek Church rd,, Washington, D. C, 130 WEEKLY Send for free plans hew te earn ISO weekly. The Continental Service Ce., Randelph and Green sts., Chicago. III. SITTJATIONSWANTED FEMALE COMPANION Yeung lady of 20 wishes po pe po nltlen as comDanlen with refined middle- aged lady; have knowledge of secretarial ana Business practice; nave quiet, even ais- r-osltlen. M 724. Ledger Office. SECRETARY Executive assistant: experi enced bookkeeping, stenographer, all offlee detail. M 730. Ledger Office. YOUNG WOMAN wants day's work. light housekeeping, plain sewing or serving din ners Call or WTlte 1543 B. 29th st. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT will review Income tax re turns, ana. gevt. Inquiries or file amended returns If devel. warrant. A 427. Led. Off, COOK, butler and houseman, Japanese, wants position in family; coea reierence. nuwa Tama. 003 Pine St. YOUNO MAN desires position with manu facturing or business firm with premising future for steady, hard and faithful work; high echoel education, age 2B, single; best of reference. A 411. Ledger Office. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. NICHOLLS, 286 S. 20th, ha butlers, ecend men, couple, cook. Ensllsh In fant' nurses, etc Wanted, couples, cook's, chambermaids, waitresses, nurses. Phene Lecuet 2180. WANTED Butlers, second man. English lady's maid, Swedish cooks, kitchen maids, young laundress, waitresses, parlor maids, chlldnurses. Mrs. Rogers. 813 S. 20th st. MRS. KANE. 011 S. lath st. (Sprues 8401V First-class white help wanted and supplied; all capacities EDUCATIONAL AND DOMESTIC EMPLOY MENT CLUB. 225 S. Sydenham (15th and Walnut) Hours. 0 te 1. Phene ffpruce 8728. HOUSEMAN, highly recommended, capable, wants positien: Pret. 818 8. 20th st. POSITIONS wanted, white and colored help. IIORHKT, ftlfl 8. 181h st. Bpmee 7118. WANTED Cemp, help In every capacity: reigrcncfw rvumreu iwiw luunnnege WANTED, at office 812 S. 12th, cooks, waltrssses. chambermaids, nurses. AGENTS WANTED Reliable man te act a district superintendent te book orders for fruit and ornamental trees, roses and shrubbery, and engage sub-agents: exclulsve territory) pay weekly. Apply at one. C. H. Week Nur sery Ce.. Newark, New Yerk state. AGENTS Mending tissue mends all fabrics without use of needle or thread; big profits; every lady buys, light te carry; sample, full Instructions, wholesale prices. free. New Yerk Specialties Ce., 044 Union Ave., New Yerk cuy. DO YOU want te earn money In your spare inner re nave a woneeriui ener te man ambitious men and women) no previous ex perience necessary; no money required. Write today for plan. American Product Ce., eiw American me., tincinnan, u, FREE RAINCOAT for Introducing our com cem com blnatlen storm coat and overcoat. All th rage. UI demand; (20 and up dally. Failure Impossible. Our free offer and selling outfit starts you. Liberty Raincoat Ce., Dept. II 194 Dayton. O. "AOENTS Establish a business of your own; there Is big profit selling- soaps, perfumes, toilet preparations, feed products, etc., ex clusive territory. Write quick for particu lars. Amsrlcan Products Ce., 478 American Bids.. Cincinnati, O. AGENTS I pay 190 00 weekly for three average raincoat order dally. Ne delivering-. Ne Investment. Five dozen sample. "2-ln-l" Revcrslbles and rubberised over coats featured. Sample te wear free. Parker Mfg. Ce . 29B3 Boek St., Dayton. Ohie. AGENTS Mending tissue msnds all fabrics without use of needle or thread; big prefits: every lady buys: light te carry; sample, full Instructions, wholesale prices free. New Yerk Speclaltle Ce,, 844 Union ave.. New Yerk city, . SALESMEN with acquaintance and ability te call en merchants, manufacturer and rrofeaslenal men. Electrical line: very at ractlv te all. Charles M. Ohisen, 71 Broadway. New Yerk city, MAN TO WORK this city reflnlshlng cban dellsrs, brass beds, automobiles, by new method; 110 dally, without capital or ex perience. Write Ounmetal Ce., 332 Elm, Decatur. III. CHEWINO GUM Sell te dealers. Profitable fr.it.fn.sa built UD Quickly. SDearmtnt and popular flavors In novel package. Writ te- qsy. li.imei .j.. .,i,w,,n, w. i a i vVf h'M.innrirnn4 mr rtairi.rifv..1 I city or traveling. Write for list ; of lines and ful particulars. Addrqss Nat'l Sales- ma! St Juun,. 47v(. W, CJAlw.0, tut '-AeiirriYf- ) AN OPPORTUNITY for a wide-awake ales man with small capital te take the ex clusive sale of the New Rote Eleetrle Sign for shop window and stores; New Tork gent sold 80 first week) thl sign I a 1030 wonder and sells en sight) In answering aire Phens number, A 518. Ledger Office BUBINES8 PERSONALS MEN AND WOMEN Teu can av M of your clothing coat by brlnglns; your own material, custom tailored te your measure ONLY $15.00 Standard Tailoring Ce. Ma"Vt t. SECOND FLOOR. TAILOR FOR MEN AND WOMEN. ESTABLISHED 1B11 DIAMONDS TpVe.0foer KS&'Ki. ..... pie who have a diamond Kill PUTIn wish te turn Inte money OWUVJlllaulckly. Office hour. lO.te . . ""ir- A. McCUTCllEN. PPrATl70n:cM. Ht Estate rrVlVAlCTrust Dldg.. Ilread and Chestnut at. Dell phones. fhri.rrnns. On art etching rev. 128 dot. , photo and one oil tint, value Snrvml " 'he combination of photo i ana art for only iji.tdi proeis shown; take advantage of special offers to day) present this adv. at time of setting. PEARLEN STUDIO 1810 CHESTNUT ST. PHONE SPRUCE 4843 DIAMONDS BOUGHT Positively hlshest rash .Prices fop 'your dia mends, any site, from H te 19 karats: none pay higher: also old geld, platinum and sliver imugnt: estate bought (private); est. 10 yrs. The Diamond Shep 18.g-.jf '&.,, EVERYWOMAN'S SHOP gfft Bldg,, 13th and Walnut, handles ladles' high-grade slightly used wearing apparel, Call or phone Walnut 1723. DIAMONDS BOUGHT ANT mZE PRICE NO OBJECT Fawn Ticket for Diamond Bought KELLY A CO.. DM CHESTNUT ITT. Suit 21-22. Over Chllds Restaurant Prt. IOOK what ws can de Clean nld wait. paper: make It leek Ilk new) we wash window, de all general house-cleaning. SKIJ1Y DROS., 8716 MANTUA AVE. PRESTON B988, PAVING Cement, brick and block side walks, driveways, cellars and floors) curb setting and bricklaying) estimate furnished! no obligation. JAMES KANE SMART. 818 N. 21st. Tslephene Poplar 1931 W. GAS and coal range, henter. refrigerator and fleer covering; lowest price. J. Men dell a. 1814-16 E Pasyunk ave. General re- pairing. Bell Pheno. Oregon 2847, 70 ACCOUNTS sent us are collected) rea rea sen. everlastingly at It since 1890: business and ether matters adjusted: bank ref. MUtl iu.i mu.,,uTi,. v.i, uiu riiirau -. OOWN8 and millinery -Walk up a flight and reduce high prices; smart styles: open Mon day and Thursday evenlnrs. Helens Fulds, 27S 8. B2d st. Belmont 1806. SHARON Rest Manaterlum, 20 E. Chester pike. Sharen Hill. Pa. Massage, electric ity, high frequency (Violet Ray), etc., by exp. operators Rell telephone. Sharen Hill 748. PRINTED stationery. 100 envelopes. 200 sheet of line wrltlnr paper: mall one dol lar. Delta Print Shep, 1812 Germantetwn ave MASSEUR French medical, ref.. dea. high class patients, men. children at their homes. Q. Oartter. 2181 Pine st. Spruce 1333 DIAMONDS BOUGHT HARRY W. SMITH. 717 8ANSOM HT TO SOLVE any business problem " SEE JtAURICE LJCHTMAN 203 Colonial Trust Dldg. Spruce S77S ORAT HAIR restored te natural color by special method. Kathryn R. Smith. 512 Empire Dldg. Bell phone Walnut 0882. HAIR tinting a spec. ; scalp treat'g. Reglna a. tinieiqs, iaae Ataraet: taxe elev., Bth fir, ELECTRIC TREATMENT: also manicuring) 10 te 8, 308 fl 11th st. ' ELECTRIC treatment and manicuring rm.. lue lieeq lima., uib nipen, I.OC, 3982. RUBBER GOODS of all descriptions repaired Wnurrw . . iiir, ii-ti, iw. n, .n Wl. BUY YOUR JEWELRY en the Installment plan. Leuis Knrff. 118 a. 7th t. HOUSES, sirs, remed.. Jebhlnr. reas. II. Alt man A Sens. Crprs. t Bidrs. Wld. 6312 w. ASHES and rubbish removed from cellars; hauling done. 818 Duttonweod. Mitt. 4421. DOGS, BIRDS AND GOLD FISH GREAT DANE, female, golden brlndle, 6 years eld: very finest breed. Fert Wu.h. Ington and Susquehanna rd.. Ambler. Pa. PEKINGESE of quality, superior pedigree. B1..1 . xsreaa si. liega Vila, MACHINERY AND TOOLS Dynamos and Meters OF ANY SIZE GEORGE SACHSENMAIER&CO. Office: 926 N. Third St ' WAREHOUSE AND SHOP C28.I0-32 NORTH THIRD STREET A. C. MOTORS Eight 20 H. P. Westlngheuse type CS. 220 volt, 60 cy,, 2 phase, BOO R. P. M new, never taken out of crates; special price; Im mediate delivery. WETFERT'B. 487 N. Sd st. New and Used Leather Belling. We have a large stock of all altos In single and double; attractive prices. HKIITISI.T-B. 431 N. 8d at. FOR BALIS 11-feet lathe. 20-Inch swing) vi w mii aiii' viiti uuflMV me WCCkC. BIMON GOLDBERG. 219-221 Weed st. ONE Ne. 63 American gas lead-hardening furnace with 2 parts new. 1829 Ruan St.. Frankford Phene Frankford 2310. ELECTRICAL MOTORS. MACHINE TOOLS POWER EQUIPMENT O'BRIEN MACHINKKY CO.. 118 N. 8P 8T, ONE 22 Inch by 18 feet engine lathe; geed conditien: cheap. 1820 Ruan St.. Frank ford. rhene Frankford 2310. DRILL PRESS. ISO. band saw, 9: U if". P. cas engine. 135. Schober, 34th and juarari, NOW ana second-hand maen. beusrbt. sssa. eaeh. t plant dismantled Grew, lis sJKaS BELTINO pulley, shafting, hangers; bar- sain, aM.i ac iMniini.il ion p,, tm at ALTERNATING and direct current meter, new and used Mink A Ce.. 227 N. 4th 800 HORSEPOWER water tube boiler for sals. Haflelgh. American and Cambria. DYNAMOS and meter bought sold and rented. Yssrsley Ce.. 224 N. 8d st. PULLETS, HANGERS, SHAFTING. HALF llllUK. Aiuruu KJt.t-ltA.NQE. 827 N n ALTERNATING and direct current meters". n-. .nd ll.Md Mink a f-n 0 nt .... " ,. , .,. ,(n juuui-nn "!t"'"'.,,"TjV!mJLer '"I1 erd's we de millwright's. 210 N. Frent. Mkt.2850. STORAGE AND MOVING FIDELITY FIREPROOF WARBHnrrnsM 1811 TO 1810 MAIUCETirr. U3W Miller, North Bread Storage Ce Bread above Lehigh. Phene Diamond 7l8n' Moving, brick and fireproof stwsj, p.tHgg' VICTORY STORAC-T 8206 Filbert. Phene Belmont 4670 for estimate. Plsree-Arrew .V?"' t")NAR 'H STORAGE CO.. 8870 I TuTS TER AVE. AUTO SERVICE, STeftAnS PACKING, LONO-DIBTANCE MOVlM015' HAULING ' ' GOLDEN ave. Y N MOTOR EXPRESS, til Warbii.in--YpnVer. N. Y.. wish. relurS Vetf idlse or furniture, te New YerV A?i meraliandl New Yerk city or vicinity November 22, MOTORTRUCKS te hire by day. WMt, .-. heur: all else. Phlla. Aute Traasf. S3S N. 28th st. Call Pep. 1784 Tranf.r. WANTED DON'T SELL YOUR DIAMONDS un'll you see us: ws are paying th INCREASED PRICE Fer mers than BO years we have k buying diamonds, old geld and silver V2 ether precious stones from th. large d Jewelry and Department Stores and from their custemsr recommended t . May v. be of service te you? " Our transectien, ars always cenfldentt.i ....v. .- w.n,t , .. nnl,a WM....V.. tllt . ' . t " V CLOTHES bought Highest cash prices" n7iZ for men's and women's elethlnr p 'S kinds. Writ, call or pben. T Market iifj' Superior Clothing Ce.. N. W. corner vlZZi and Market. -'nr Frent WE WANT at one household fn,S; .tore fixtures, office furnltur2) pa?""", cash) honest value. Phene us about Tt i ft"' 4214. Old Church, cer 12th a.!1 rU'T ty NEW and second-hand If ui nlture bought J,f, and sienanged. II. Mills mi tr.".'.' " WE BUY wemsn's and nun's wern'eiATCT-' W7 shoes. Call or write 837 N 4th.1fii?!ft' PAINTING & PAFEBHANOiNft HOUSE Painting at special .eductien! .' "quality) by WU.r K. Werres, 1722 S1 28d. Diamond B8TB. ' '4 . OLD OOLD OLD geld, sllvsr. platinum, plated ware ,iL style Jewtlry. tth plates fcreuiriit fn ''i- I CM., lliL i. is. CIM4V & "u 'eiSgi TJiBD"ATJT0K0JtL1 ,- UsedCars Will Always Be in Demand . That is, Geed used carp. There are many people whose natures would net permit them te' accept or use the mediocre, they would be un comfortable with a new cheap car because it would appear cheap, feel cheap and behave cheaply. They would feel as though they-were en the slide, se te speak, going backwards, se where only a limited amount is te be invested ( they buy a geed late model quality used -car that in no way subjects them te embarrassment in either appearance or condition. We are serving such geed people every business day. Here is a case in peint: A customer recently came te us admitting he had $1500 te spend. We furnished him a refinished high - grade car in perfect condition (fully guaran teed) that delighted his entire family for $1000. He saved $500. (This car originally sold for $2900.) Let us explain hew and where we get our used cars, then you will understand why we can actually save you money, in fact a very important sum of money. (Send for our book, "Buying a Used Car With Safety.") Selling new Eight Cylinder Peer- less Moter Cars with open and closed bodies and rendering complete and efficient service te Peerless owners is our principle business. Doing this necessitates trading in cars of ether makes, taking them in part payment for New Peerless Cars-r-buying them in ether words. Yeu can rely en it we use expert knowl edge and advice in doing se, as the used car must be passed en te you. Te de this the car . first of all, must be in geed condition. It must be geed value, se it naturally fellows we pro tect you by our methods and secure for our used-car patrons value net possible elsewhere. (We de net speculate in or sell used cars for a profit.) There is no reason te be .skeptical. Your eyes will reveal facts en this question that are worth much money te any one in the market for an automobile, new or used. Therefore, we suggest the purchase of a late model refinished quality car as being better business than buying a cheap car. At your price it is possible that we can .give you bigger value and greater satisfaction. Let us show you. Correspondence solicited. Net open in the evening or en Sunday GIRARDAUT0M0BILEC0. iCCTlGSS 2314 CHESTNUT ST. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RESTAURANT YjTL ,nl0tlre appearance. In the heart of the city; old establish ment) up-te-date fixtures and furni ture: reasonable te quick buyer. Apply ARDASH B2D AND WALNUT STS. KeXSKBTCClBSEraiJ SMALL HOMES ARE BADLY NEEDED An experienced operative builder would like te meet a few gentlemen or a private party who would be Interested In making an In vestment and helping te Incorporate a home building company, the- purpose of which would be te build, sell and finance homes for werklngmen at moderate prices) this Is a geed, legitimate preposition. A M1, Ledgsr Office. COAL PROPERTY FOR SALE Creek Washery Plant, at Sunbury. Pa.: grab buckst and recovery plant with capacity of 100 ten a day; also railroad spur connec tion and ether valuable creek rights; plant new operating. Apply L. O. Dergh, 27 Cedar St.. New Yerk city. BUSINESS MAN In geed credit and tend ing dsslre te make a congenial connection In a going mercantile enterprise, mrs. pre ferred: will take a seml-actlve Interest In aree and contribute I2B.000 or mere capital; It la essential that the business Is en an es tabllehed basts and associates men of char acter. A 631. Ledger Office. NEED BUSINESS CAPITAL? We'll present your preposition br letter of prospectus se forcefully and convincingly that you'll get quick, certain, positive re sults. Advertising Berries Ce., 903 Park- way nidr.. Herat. 1820. LARGE corporation needs service Of geed men In Penn,. Md Del. and New Jer sey; these with eharaeter, ability and geed leeal acquaintance will earn minimum of 18000 per rear and unlimited maximum. If you .contemplate a change en or bsfert Jan. 1, please add's tie cenfldsnt'y. M 636, Led, Off. WE OFFER wonderful opportunity te re liable man te make from 130 te 1100 weekly, at home In spare time-direct by mall preposition; no experience needed: capital re quired only 1120. Mutual Ce.. Minneapolis, Minn, IF YOU IL4.VE ABILITY and can Invest or Influence the Investment of 110,000, with money secured, an exceptional opportunity is offered as an executive and director In a local corporation. Address Profits, P 410. Ledger Office. LUMBER, coal and building material busi ness for sals at Inventory en market prices; In Phesnlxvllle population 10,000, 28 miles from Philadelphia; full Information tn quali fied Inquirers. Merrl P. Penrose, Phoenix Pheenix vllls. Pa. IB000 Energetic man commanding this amount can secure secretaryship In a mfg. corporation, well estab.. doing very profitable bus.: money secured: fullest Investigation In vited: reference required. A 602. Ledser Off ESTABLISHED automobile concern detn? large profitable business desires an sctlvS ?fJ.,neI' who can Invest from W5.0OO te 180,000: wonderful preposition for right a W s -law, inusei mm.. CONFECTIONERY. Ice cream, cigar and i..tir n.itu.iiui uviwriunuy en main thoroughfare; established, new fixtures leres soda fountain, satisfactory lease. 6818 Spruce st. SUBURBAN paper reute and stand BervTng S90O people, near college; weekly profits 170; J350O. W. 8. Jltttl.'. HeaT Estate! Swarthmore 111 J. ' 8. K. CORNEIl Hobsen st eaaElniwo"ed ave. Must be seld: owner leaving for Panama; excellent corner fcr any business J. W. CAMAC CO.. 6200 Woodland ave. ' WANTED Clean-eat young" man te ta7e Interest In established mall-order business" 1730 and services required, fully secured Fer Interview address A 822. Ledger Off.ee' TO INVEST or secure capital ' SEE MAURICE .UCHTMAN 203 Colonial Trust nidg. Spruce 6778 APARTMENT HOUSES' ifTou'wan'rte buy or sell your tpartmeit house husiness ..I A. L. DUQOAN. 110 N. 20t!'.n,, "M SMALL garage and repair snoi.'delnFTSn- did bus. at the preenl tlmej B-year l., can be bought cheap. Phene Poplar 848JI LICENSED CORNER 6TdsTa"bT te'rneT meney-maksri en account leaving for Ku. rope; reasonable, M 784, Isidg.r Offl". Ku ENTER profitable business; great odd feT man with capital, Jacobs. aul ffi,'" CIGAR and candy store with riwHiin. ',?.. sisi tin ja. taSwZSll&g" !) -" Vv w'wamiL .( ,, I .. Automobile Painting 2?!.-.Mi1TtlnV,,x,n''r Y of leflnlskhui 'omeblle ha proved the- most eeeim(caI b?n? Ife P? question about th suBerter f.'"1'0' th finish l)y the baking nrecees de.7 ,.R"nt i durahllltr. preservCi the 2?lJuVreu, nnlh- Th avoidance ef fn?..'T n Jndeflnlte period lutlfle the euV SJL.00" et nrst-elass work. Ws keep friurSra,l . 9 dTerri eui. facUIus insure prompt service. sonlii1I"il..,'re -n hour " PntvU pr pr enally Inspect our wsrk. Martin-Alexander Ce. ADTOMOniLE nEFINTSHERS 128-128-189 Reed st. meinen 2291 v.h, are 5tr.!.i;MA,ln!f Moment plan and ou pei!ne ? reIuea low P'1" ur op. make r?rt0 "T" t new or UMO standanl ei.v t.iJ.0.Vt.ruck en exeeptlenalli eU,. 5df ,ht ??u cannot resist ewnlrn, Ib'n. SHS.W,.- Vehicle Ce.. 2111 OVERUNLV-STUDEBAKER srHnRPR ?4th and i'AJiXO MARKET flTREETS NEW TUBES Any $i SCHOBER, 34th & Market Sts. A iTSen?!; .." .? .ter. t-ed" only desirous in r nii.tJV. . .cenu'"ni ,ewnr is Te'rchl'A1'!!' gr'SftSSfr "Y"' K,beE"-bel;,h.,'Ucit ,n n-l eondltlen can Frankfort' ' C""' Cl" 182 nun '" WIbt:Bt4 car. standard raaks: PniSiiniir n"ln; no dsalers. n"v?rhautiid,PBE-48'.a1'- 18: n.wi DSir1 an5 "Pelnted: condition like new) tool.. ,par. tlr. Ti.r-i.-,.e , 7Qfl. DlSTAlit teS1?'.. JJEl OUARANTEED. STANLEY AUTO CO.. 610 N. BROAD ST. CArDnL-VC5PANS. 87 MODEL: 'NEW OTani hV ...iJJ SARB GUARANTEED. OTANLHY AUTO CO.. fllB N. BROAD ST. C,LB.Yft?,?IJ!T ". 8-passeng.r touring. new Mr... . '""""eteir everhau led lately, str-tlnn .J,Amu,t "fine for cash: dsmon dsmen dsmon frentt'018n01,'t'f.,,ly "rtvale. grounJ-fleor "sta'AtMST .V,n,NO CAH. 26;"SHLF. AlITrIrTEn'.r.LA.TB MODEU ST'ANLET AUTO CO.. 810 N. BROAD ST. "HTSliv'iL'H. 10201 VELOUR"UPliO- BTAVl "JB. W43JI5jyKEL8. NEW TIRES, STANLEY AUTO CO.. 619 N. BROAD ST. 1r,imNKridN ?urlng car: latest model 0 B; mefnUt" KS? mplni,.';rB:i: f"0' "38 P"" " Y'xtiia arOVJi.'!t3. JjMOfjiJINB ' WITH KIMn u .Cm - - .'.. U,r,..i:lr,Joui,em-. 'von mode : 8 wire Mr W.V'd.'ii1 mlf5a.nlcml oena-t bargain. Bee Mr, Crandell, 1848 Poplar at. Poplar 3244. KmedT'iCYi'i,DK" Murray roadster ipert model, with rear-seat apartment! abse- at,,ynJPrn,Ia,-".,condl!lenS demon.trStlen 5 and B. l Walnul 2BS between only 1400 miles: abselutely new) ts ', Ledger emc." leaving- town. P 435 SteTJCt O-cHlnder Continental entlns. diiiA V "'chanlcally perfect) B passenger: ?,Lvl.di?ifre,n' ,.5i ldal '' "Inter Indos Indes urei Ilelce Leck-Weed chain) cord tires and rlmsj excellent condition. 400 W. Allen's lane, or phone Chestnut Hl 1124 W. OVERLANDS. all medsls. 0 and 7 passenger touring. 2 and 6 passenger roadsters. passengsr chummy roadster, all ethel K!:" J"4 ,me5,Jj" "me payment; open eve. hOysrland-Harper Ce.. 230 N Bread st, PACKARD, Whit and Franklin limousine for sal.. Call 1411 Locust t, , ltKNIF.lt. ms, slightly used, half-ten dsllv .. . ......., ..,. ,t,IM1, jhw m, jsqs4.tjmi. STEARNS. 120. 7 pass, touring. In perfect cend.see Mr. Crandell. 18 46 PopUr.Pep.3244 WINTON 83." 1018 model, touring; wire wheels; perfect condition) run 700t mils; r:.n."j"' z.aw. "!.d. .i ?. a ..-.',," ..it ., rvm Kuq a Wlnten Bervlc Station. 2tn ana nir- IDDUII CkTVt STAMPS AND COINS ' ' , v ' STtMPS, PACKETS, DIME 8a7T) ".,wi.,i",.,!.,J.,'.'ll,i, 1' ulimp collscte: run w 01X10" co ai vjju H EC C" 4whO... , 'm ,)jrrun, , k . '1!.j ktJisVl 1 v .. -l.i,i.c $ jf t ? I gxA, r IS 4,(, -r j - - - VrSS wfte V sT J.-ii,? ,1. V tU ,. rv r- '"xVIt