TVtfaevH. - '"" pp&lfr" :' mT - "t IW.1 ' hiU ? hrf te i I I : m " ill lljf 1 Ik ,14 WASHINGTON SOCIAL WORLD AGLOW WITH ANTICIPATION B VENpf & PUBLIC - LEDGEBr- PHILADELPHIA; , MONDAT, NOVEMBER 22, 1020 : the old Petition Building, which has the Inrgrst open fleer space of ntiy structurp In Washington. They were ft tradition and a function of national Interest until President Wilsen, looking nt them with n coldly practical eye, said mere weuiu de none utiring ma mciim D tit i I i t , n I wiwv nuuiu ui' nunc timing- ma mciim Republican Administration Is Expected te Rcneiv Brilliant ""py.beonuae it would result in n two , wcpkr deln In the work of the PenMen a Society Atmosphere of Prc-Wihen Davs lu,r"! .nn1. c"'i",nt inconvenience it ' ' je official!!, clerks and theu-inmU of nvn. jt) 111 Btaff Ccrrrtpendtnt , - Washington. Nev. 22. Nel since the Koeitcvelts and Tafts presided evr the affclrg of government nnd drawing room diplomacy has the social atmosphere of Washington hceri se electric as at pres ent The 400 and 4000 alike leek for ward te the Harding administration with pemethlng nkln te the eagerness with which n tunall hey awaits Christ mas. The feeling Is that the geed old dajs arc about te return, ana the capital Is pleasurably excited ever ths prospect. ' Dowager and matron, bachelor maid, ' miss, debutante, subdeb nnd flapped, nil share the excitement and the hope. The resident set and the congressional set are polishing up their conversation, dancing steps, wit, French, silverware, teacups and brnss knockers In prepara tion fet the Inaugurnl bull and the so cial events that are expected te fellow it. With the new cabinet, Senate, Heuse and the scores of new bureau heads will come .i new assortment of wles and daughters, and with them, the capital hopes, will come a revi val of these formal and Informal af fairs without which the socially In clined are desolate uml forlorn. ' There Is this about it, tee, women tte eipectcd te figure lmertantly In the honors dlstrllmtctl under the Hard ing ndmltiistrutien. And what Is mere profitable, except nn invitntluu te the White Heuse, than te entertain Madame de Corpulent, m denr, the new fourth aetilstnnt postmaster general? Longwerths Ma) Itrappear If jeu want the answer from these who knew, there is only ene: Nothing? Berne well-inteiitiened prophet with nn uncertain ecabulary remarked rccentl) that the Inaugurnt'en of a Republican administration In Washington would be followed bj the "rccvrudescence" of the Longwerths, who rode the crest during the IWsevelt Incunibenej, swam with the tide during the Tuft administration, and mere or less dropped from sight ..when the Wilsons came in. "Recru descence" wus net the exact mennlug he had in mind, lint it rpnwjixl his i thought. ' The I.ongwerths. in the languuge ef1 the lobbies, will "mine back" with their part). The social columns u jear from Dew, unless all feremsts fall, will tle tle etc m.iii) n pirngraph te the doings of the daughter of the former President I nil her hu"hind. This will be true nle of many ethers. There is n streug Mli f in high places that Itrlgadier lienernl (iviirge Harnett, erstwhile commandant of the I'lilted I States marine corps, and new com- I te officials, clerks Rtitl thousands of pen- i sinners. niunder of a brigade supposed te have I Wilsons Cored Llttle'fer Society Its headquarters somewhere en the Va- President Wilsen and his first wife elllc coast, will once mere be back In I cared little for society. They sought nshlngten as the head of the corps, their associates among relatives, n few im i Vnrn'u.' who '" n Mnntftgup, of. Intimate friends and a small group of irglnla. and KOmethlnir nf n fllitntnrt Intn11wtif-)1a uhiKK rnmnnnv thn. M...1 In the Inner circles of cnpital society, , congenial. Their time for social affairs was further restricted ny the necessities Igl the most dtfQcu 'Icar had te conserve his has remained here this winter nnd. nn cerd'ng te her friends, expects te stay much longer. Capital Chiefly Republican In the resident Net there Is a strong of government, for It Is net disputed tunc me last cigni years nave been among me most, utiucuit e: period In Am The President IK the most difficult of any similar vi in American political history. llcpubirtau predllclctlen even among i strength for the real duties of his office. Z,.ni, ST . .1 ln al Possessing a keen sense of personal mosphere of the capital Is Republican., responsibility, nnd Interpreting the con cen lhe social atmosphere Is Republican. stltutien ns holding the President In Mrs. Harding, while priding herself I dlvldually responsible for the conduct that she is one of the "girls as she of governmental affairs by these under calls seme of her close friends, and a I him. the office weighed heavily tipgn typical and likable American matron ' without affectations or airs, is never theless fend of society and social af fairs. She Is counted upon te inaugu rate a regime of hospitality nt the White Heuse such as has been unknown for the last eight years. She Is ex pected te hove friends around her con stantly nnd te entertain nnd be enter tained. This prospect contributes te the expectancy of the social set, for the highest honor Ameri can society knows Is te receive an in vitation te dinner or tea with the wife of the President of the I'nlted States. As the first social event en the cal endar, It i". hoped the new President and his wife will again sanction the Inaugural ball. These balls are held In Mr. Wilsen In the sense that he al- marriage. Recently, of course, the ways endeavored net only te direct n- President's Illness precluded It. cfl?rlil?nbUiihutiMhChyi.W. V .,s eem""n complaint among the ptfc. L'mMwn i!:'!ectaUJr ,lpct et Washington that the 5 "?J 'wlMhiihhtVmmilr' administration has nel tried friends te mere superficial asse- .ft'fc S .lBeh.tX te CL u, ., . . , '? nUht be cited that mera wealth Aiiui u tjvu.uiiiuunn ei euiciui iv snenslbllltlcs, personal Inclinations and the dictation of lllhcalth served te dis courage under the first Wilsen admin istration the custom that had made the White Heuse the center and ten of the social life of the capital. When the first Mrs. Wilsen, died there was naturally an end te what little enter taining the White Heuse had witnessed. The world war also enme en, and from that time forward the President found his only diversion in frequent at tendance at the theatre, of which he Is very fend. Sharei President's Views The present Mrs. Wilsen, formerly Mrs. Halt, while n native of Wash ington nnd one of the inner group in the city's social life, shares Mr. Wil Wil eon's views te an unusual degree, nnd hns done little entertaining since their "Witty, amusing, as light an sun flceked foam."N. Y. Timea The Adventurous Lady BuJ.CSnaith This Is An Appleton Boek CIVIC PROGRESS Investigate new. excellent oppor tunity te obtain 8T. preferred stock and hlgh-frrade commercial enter prise urgently needed In Philadelphia. Increased earnings after tlrst year. a oeo, i.i:ihu:k efficii SAVE COAL Haye leurWIndnwa and Tfcmre Flltrd With Onerntrtd METAL WEATHER STRIP Kiwet pat Cetd itep Itnttllnt Sew Is the Tim. It me Estimate C. F. HIRSCH CT X. Frnnlilln HI. Phenet Martlet 17 Yen. will like the distinctive atmetVVH B pheie f tit Sana Stmri no lass thaaHMUH HHk me axccHent fed and arrvke. DKBiiHiH ,B $1 LUNCHEON gJEB WMl PLATTERS 70c te $1 wflM bU pK OR flamc a rA eaktb Byfl 1 HplB Geercc GeebePs musical entertain- xVj Pk am are eeaalry at home with con- MmjfmM fllPy2VS cett and dance mmtc. Dancing dur- fmmJzl m BfV inff luncheon, dinner and atrpper en n tfjHflfl jH l,"K dance fleer that can't be beaten. KH 1 Is MtvMt&l m is usually represented in a Republican administration than In a cabinet and Congress of Democrats. It would be superfluous te add that entertaining in the national capital is fully as expensive as In New l'erk, Philadelphia or Newport. In discussions of possible women ap pointees tinder the Harding adminis tration, the names of Mrs. Barclay Warburton, of Philadelphia! Mrs. Me dill McCennlck, of Chicago; Mrs. Nicholas Iongwerth. Mrs. "Neil" Me- Lean and Mrs. Douglas Robinson recur most frequently. The President-elect has already Indicated that li mr. nlscs the right of women te participate In government. There is talk of a woman in the cabinet, but it is only talk. Unless nn additional cabinet port folio shbuld be created,, It Is highly im probable that there will be any women in it, though some of the assistants or subcablnct appointments may go te the women. Alt this adds te the interest displayed by the feminine world in the approach of a Republican regime. There 'will be many n shattered plan and many a broken heart If anything should occur te again relegate the social side of things te the background. High Scheel Alumnae In Shew Alumnae1 of the'Willlam Penn High Scheel will appear In a musical com edy In' the Academy-of 'Music tenlffet. The ptay, "Back te'Earth," Is a mej. ernlxed version of Mether Geese eterltj In which the heroes and heroines of the old stories figure. Feature parts of the eitravaganza are. said te be the PaJama(Glrlsd'anceltthe Spanltl dance and the "Oulja Girls." mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Your THANKSGIVING DINNER won't be complete utiles. you have one of our attractive fixture ever your table. ' We'are con tinuing our CLEARANCE SALE. Nete the specials listed below. Take advantage of this unusual offer. '""'. V w Filing and Card . Index Cabinets and Supplies BLANK neOKS 1'tunii nnd " Ivis Leaf LITIIOC1KAIUIINO ritl.NTINO i:ngravine OFKirn btallener and Suppll-s VOI7 cin cheese right from our stock A whateer ou require In Steel or Weed fablnets. Including eery new, modern Idea In Mini:. Indexes, folders nnd canla of finest quality for till efflce nnd bank uses ere iilse carried In stock. The completeness of the Mann offerings save you. In many cises. days or weeks of dilay. Thn entlr enulnment stock and ervlec of our eiere at 529 Market Street in planned Just tn meet jour needs With promptness and cfllclency. WILLIAM MANN COMPANY 529 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. JVeu' Yerk Office: 261 Broadway, Founded in 1848 m Thanksgiving Day Dinner 5 An. umisuall y sumptumir and. app e -tizing menu. Dellcieua Roast Rhede Island Turkey and home made atuffinp; preceded, sur rounded and followed by-the; most delightful dishes of the aeajen. Truly a. regal repast) Three Dollars Per Cever SERVED FROM 11 A. M. TO 8J8 P. M. HOTEL WALTON Bread and Locust Streets MMMillilM -Qr the Sudden Hurt Little Injuries If neglected tee often leadtegreat trouble, and anepen wound is easily Infected. After the wound Jus been thoroughly cleansed It etlnoIOInt etlneIOInt etlnoIOInt rnentiwhtyeawanttohastenthehea. Incr. Itif Derfectlv nure and kirtnlpn Itwlllnehherstinpnorlrrltatene matter hew bruised and broken the fleth mar be. Carry Reilnel with you for the tudden hurt. ReImI Ointment rdltl(3 Rctln.l Sea are icld tf all dreffliu. Resinol Complete set of fixtures for 10roem house, like set here $39-95 Thin beautiful three-lluht fix tur suitable for your Dining Dining Dining rtoem or Living; Iloem. Com plete , for gnu or electric, neirular price, 114.00. Sale Price s&iS $6.891 Basket Bowl complete with fixtures for Gas and Elec $3.19 Electric Irons AntrScan Btanty SJ5 n.Kularlr 110.00 Hal Peiat $SJS tUrul.rlr 18.25 Olaert, nraalitt J3JS FLOOR LAMP Shade and Statad I1Q.I0 Complete for or elec Majestic Electric Heater, $7.65 nriularlv I12.S0. Safe, dean beat Inatantanteuely for bath ler any ether room. MAIL ORDERS will b. glvan Imnwdlal. Il.nllen upon r.,.ipt of pric 60e .sir. let packing charga. n oulf.lewn mdara. ft ; A Tomorrow is Architects Wives' Day at Frigidaire J Pittsburgh GaS & Elec. Fix. Ce. g OPEN EVENINGS DURING SALE TILL 9i30 O'CLOCK, " iflinni&iiu EMILE G. PERROT Formerly of the Firm of BALL1NGER 6f PERROT, Architects S? Engineers Calls te your attention the opening of his new offices in the Parkway Building Philadelphia Woolworth Building New Yerk Architects' wives are given a special invitation te visit the Frigidaire Salesrooms tomorrow te examine Frigidaire, the modern method of refrigeration by electricity. Ne woman is mere interested than you in modern house keeping methods. Ne woman is better qualified te judge the value of a house hold product. Discriminating women throughout the land are agreed that Frigidaire ends refrigeration discussion; that Frigidaire is the hygienic, efficient, economical method of feed refrigera tion. Frigidaire is a real cold storage plant for the home. Inspect Frigidaire tomorrow. Learn hew it operates; hew, among ether features, it enables you te make dainty frozen desserts. There is no obligation te buy, but we wouldn't be at all sur prised if you did se decide after seeing Frigidaire. THE FRIGIDAIRE CORPORATION Division of the General Meters Corfteration 1627 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. -f'M FrieiclaIis A Celd Storage Plant for the Heme COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS OFFICE, LOFT, STORE AND BANK BUILDINGS Borertewn Baritl Casket Ce., PMladtlpkia Lee t Artaar A. Nienee, Paibdclpki. 3nitk. Kl'.ee & French Ce., PMIadelpkla Ckirlei Lentx ft Sem, Pkiladilpkia Lirkin Company. ..Pkiladtlpkli Miaafacturera' Realty Ce., PMIadelpkla F. A.NortkCe Pkiladelpkla Da Leni Beildlaf. .Pkiladelpkla Bernard Gloeckler Ce., Pitliberrk, Pa. Gerkardt ft Friedlaader. Hazleton, Pa. Narietul Caiket Ce., New Yerk Pkyiiciaai' Boildief, Laxiatlen, Kt. E. M. Harrii Pkiladelpkla INDUSTRIAL PLANTS MACHINERY, IRON AND METALS Victer Talking Machine Ce. (eyer 40 repeat orders) Camden, N. J. Edward G. Budd Mff. Ce., Philadelphia Mnelcipal Repair Shep Philadelphia Hefo Bill-rare Philadelphia Otis EliTater Ce... Philadelphia Abram Cox Stoye Ce., Philadelphia and Land. dale, Pa. De Leng Heek & Eye Ce., Philadelphia Eiterbroek Steel Pen Mfg. Ce. (lix orders).. Camden, N. J. S. L Allen & Ce... Philadelphia American Engineering Ce., Philadelphia Earle Gear and Machine Ce., Philadelphia H, B, Underwood ft Ce., Philadelphia L. F. Serfert'i Sens, Philadelphia Ktllr ft Jenes Ce., Greembnrg, Pa. Crane Ce Philadelphia J. D. Jehnsen Ce., Camden, N. J. Enex Foundry Company, Newark, N. J. American Pnlley Ce Philadelphia American Gasaccnmnlater Ce., Elitabetk, N. J. Warren Webster ft Ce., Camden, N. J. Sarniel J. Cretwell Iren Works, Philadelphia S. Faith ft Ce Pkiladclpklr Themas Helten's Sens, Philadelphia Merchant ft Erans Ce., Philadelphia Ancher Cap ft Closure Cerp., Haw Yerk J. S. Thern Ce.... Philadelphia liega Steel ft Ferge Works, rhiladelaU Mr. Perret's name has been intimately asso ciated with the creation of the greatest industrial structures erected during the last quarter century. Today, with a carefully selected organiza tion equipped te handle the largest work, he announces the continuation of his professional activities unrestrictedly under his personal direc tion and supervision, in the designing and con struction of modern industrial plants and insti tutions. EMILE G. PERROT Architect & Engineer Parkway Building Bread and Cherry Streets Philadelphia New Yerk Office Woolworth Building PAPER, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, SOAP, RUBBER, GLASS, ETC. Federal Paper Beard Ce. (are orders) . .Bogota, N. J. Becker, Smith ft Page, .nc, Philadelphia Datz Mannfactaring Ce., Philadelphia Barrett Mensiacturing Ce., Philadelphia Jehn Lacas Ce Philadelphia and Cibbikore, N. J. Harrison Brethers & Ce., Philadelphia Patterson-Sargent Company, New Yerk CUs. W. Yeang ft Ce., Philadelphia Georg H. Cenner Ce., Chester, Pa. Lambertyilla Rabker Ce., Lambertrille, N. J. Hires-Tinier Glass Ce., Philadelphia and Resslrn, Va Ehret Magnesia Maaafactaring Ce Pert Kenned;, Pa. American Ice Ce... Philadelphia Valcaaite Portland Cement Ce. Vnlcaalte, Pa. Batk Portland Cement Ce., Bath, Pr. PRINTING, LITHOGRAPHING, ETC. The Lord Baltimore Press, Baltimore, Md. The New Yerk Censlld. Card Ce New Yerk Chilton Printing Ce., Philadelphia Lexington Leader, Lexington, Kjr WOODWORKING AND FURNITURE Lester Piane Ce. (nine orders) Lester, Pa., and Philadelphia Winter ft Company. .New Yerk Herwood Bretkers ft Wakefield Ce Philadelphia, Pa. S. Karpen ft Brethers, New Yerk Henry !. Sheip, Philadelphia. A. Sckeenknt Ce.. .Pklladelphia LEATHER, SHOES AND SPECIALTIES Sarpajs Leatker Ce.,Pkiladelpkia C. J. Mattkewi ft Ce., Lentheme, Pa. McNeely ft Ce.. . .Philadelphia Laird, Sckeber ft Ce., Philadelphia TEXTILES, DRY GOODS, ETC. ni .y?."' Company (eley,. Tll3:,"e CemVnT " B'"'l0 Roanoke, Va. The Viscose Cempear, Lewitiewn, Pa. Dnplan Silk Cerp. (fear orders).. Hatlelen, Pa. Oaplan Silk Cerp., Oorraaceten, Pa. Cnaranly Silk Cerp., Naaticake, Pa. Sill's Textile Mfg. Co Ce Bridgeport, Caaa. Salt's Textile Mfg. Ce.. Lyens, Franca Nerlkeastens HasVilal. Akerfeyle Manafactariag Ccs, Philadelphia Ckester, Pa. JfllI & Stetson Hospital, Philadelphia aii. micaaeri Industrial Scheel FOOD PRODUCTS, CONFECTIONERY AND BEVERAGES National Biacnit Ce., Philadelphia National Biscnit Ca., ClaraUnd, Ohie The W1 Company, Philadelphia Acme Tea Company, Philadelphia Crane lea Cream ft BaklagCe,. Philadelphia Ktehltr-We;! Baking Ce., Philadelphia Oakdalt Baking Ce.. Philadelphia FleiKkauna'a Vienna Medel Bakery, Inc., Philadelphia Philadelphia Heme Made Bread Ce., Philadelphia Great Atlantic ft PadCc Tea Ce, Jersey City, N. J. 3 Repeat Orders Penasjlyaaia Chacelaje Ce., . Pittsburgh, Pa. Chocelat-Menier, Hobeken.N.J. American Chicle Cempanjr, New Yery Cir Jeseph Campbell Ce, Camden, N. J. MISCELLANEOUS Aatomebila Club of Philadel phia Philadelphia Locemobile Ce. of America, Philadelphia United States Pest Office, Garage ..7 New Yerk American Stores Ce., Carat. Philadelphia Ferrest Laaedrr... Philadelphia Salem Lanndry. . .Salem, Mast. HOUSING Uaien Park Gardens, U. S. Skippiag Beard, E. F. C and The Liberty Land Ca, (503 Dwellings) Wilmington, Del The Viscose Ce, (262 Dwell ings) ....Marcus Heek, Pa. The Viscose Company,, Roanoke, Va. Levriitewn Heasiag & De De Telepmenl Ce, (80 Dwell- '!) Lewistown, Pa. Samael Hemer, Jr, (157 DwalN 'I') Philadelphia INSTITUTIONS Villa Maria Academy, Sisters of the Immacelite Heart, Frazer, Pa St. Marp'a Hospital, Sisters of St. Francis,, Philadelphia Chester Hospital.. Chester, Pa. Andre Martin (ClearSeld raxtile Ce.), Clearfiild, Pa. James Lees ft Sens Ce, Bridgeport, Pa. B. F. Be;er ft Ce, Camden, N. J. Fern Reck Woolen Mills, Philadelphia Rambo ft Rerar. . White's Ferry. Pa. Fordham Uarfarsitr, New Ytk The City Clnls ef Miladelphla, Philadelphia Engineers' Club of Philadelphia, Philadelphia Philadelphia TamasnaV E Hihschmaa , W. A. Haine:.. .Philadelphia .Philadelphia " -!.& -szrr aad Mahaa.y Cl,y pt. DcUa4, IHi . a4fc-' 4thtr 7T i s X AW !5jr ,iiw-i - V. a M if j ? 4- mWsw.