':' "mmmemw . wammF -rwmaev l-:i HBPSt 10 evening !PVBhi0mEi)(mBr&mjfM 4- SATURDAY 'NOWDMBBR20 WW '5ffi!BWRiH?HPa iim TllTllll n iKi iTPTIi ITIi i Fl i tbb) xa. i ii in mi wiiii in v igin-iiiiwi'j-n v.ivinBawi v' m i miinn ii 1 1 ' tr, i L' . IK- , uw I i- U9 ? FAVORITES - i-fnn wii b,v v H .H&4X4sSfl! 5 itfiPtk sfif v3r' Vv i tj &rf 4Fl"?vHPi7HBr & !Wiv'JivlK j- gLgg- I ?j Lrf j8&fi NXV un KM35.. ISIS uSa r.r--.- s5 iMfill LuSu S0- CLAYTON. BTONi.AND M9Wl-i La-i.... OrpWutti-... Glebe-. pILLAHD SHOW g-fr7TllW--B-l-BI jwk 'jXH . . flHiflTT TTri afcygiT MT ? f-f fl -s-& w yifr ""5 'WRwiys?HWlW ;&. Mi WtX V 5flTWV., Y&ftieiWKS-Hs-B-V h$ . mts&x jfflm BMsm&mr im,. . ,UVK ., T5& KiPJT it.1'? 41 "- y!'SiL.-s"t4 '". r WS& Pn&23& Tfeg? & thf - fftfflfe Vi mnmtmM zaFmfe .mw dfe .-.- . wme in Bm Mt .. Li1 - $ "SSL hrw i&enh! H A ltaft aJSWtBJs&S w W-JI )l Affi5SS -V.i4lR XI M. m ix& Ss a kS2?I1.!BB 1Bs4v fW.Vfl--H . f 3A AS FH K tTOR???4 '3, liBB Albert bkewn. M 'MI0 & t !5yW' JK? : , I '- -" isribL Z$&P& MHI THE PLAYGOER'S WEEKLY TALK ANOTHnri phase of. Fritz Krelslcr's nrt 'Will be revealed In "Apple Blos soms," next week's sole theatrical nov elty. This operetta. In which he col laborated en score with Victer Jacob, comes te the Ferrest KrelMer, the vir tuoso, Is, of course well known here, find the dlstlnculshed artist's own smaller pieces nnd hli exquisite trans formations of old music of set form la familiar In the concert room. The lighter music of "Apple Blossoms" Is up te his standard and far nbove the nveraRO score rer a "mus'cal show" Mr. Jacob), his colleague In comnesl tlen, te whom Mr. Kreisler Rives much of the credit for success, wrote slncle handed the delectable music for "The Half Moen " nt the Ferrest a few weeks age, ami wtiuam L,a Baren, the libret tist of that entertaining musical com edy, wrote the "Apple Blossoms" book also. TEIH Drama Imprimatur, ence," Beeth nnd finished Lengue has put Its as fellows, en "Clar "Clar Tarklngten's delightful comedy of American characterization new at the Brend: A worthwhile farea eemmlv. A satire en the army distribution of pro fessions under the seleetlve service act. Clarence, a dlstlngu'shcd ento mologist. Is npslgned te torture a sax ophone In the band nnd Is then trans ferred te become a valet te a mule Discharge and reconstruction find him with a l'ver wounded net In the war. but In tarpet practice In Texas," and atlll without his pay Chnnce makes him arbiter In a complicated famllv row requ'rlnff all his army and his elentiflc experience. He unravels the difficulties, net merely with complete success, but very much te his own advantage. The dialogue Is Tarkingten at his best. The cemedv Is exccpt'enally well sustained through the first two nets. Clarence, as the soldier-entomologist. Is ndmtrably lmp'rsenated by Alfred Lunt. The boy, Bebby, Is after Tarklngten's own heart. Mr. Tarklngten himself gives first praise te the company for the skill with which "Clarence" Is played Anether vital consideration of the plny's success Is the fact that these who revel In Tarklngten's fun as a writer of books and stories find he has given a stronger Infusion of it In the play than In an of Its predecessors. Hearing nnd seeing "Clarence" Is like reading TarkinRten at his best In ether words, these who have laughed delightfully at "Seventeen" and "Ramsey Milhelland" will find in the dialogue and character drawing cf "Clarence" the real charm of his printed works. T7"YItA. the exponent of exotic dances JtV with "The Pnsslng Shew," at the Lyric, belongs te the same school ' terpslchore as Isadore Duncan Ruth St Denis nnd Maude Allan All of these strangely gifted women nre of Ameri can birth and breed ng, nnl although Additional New3 of Plays and Music en Page 18 First Regiment Armery Bread and Callowhill Sts. Starting Today ' and All Next Week Admission 25 c. 50c VA8-? m1 Tickets Geed at Any Performance I I U. S. Official War Films Presenting "Flashes of Action" Under Auspices of Combined Veterans' Conference Sensational Motion Pictures of the I Beys of The 28ih Division The 79lh Division THE NA VY In Actual Battle j Taken by the U. S. Signal ! Cerps While Under Fire i Special Features ' Military and Naval Bands ' Exhibits of War Trophies i TICKETS NOW ON BALR AT nOX OFFICE OK ANY WA VKTErtAN This picture will net be shown nt any ether theatre in Philadelphia, se don't miss this opportunity of seeing what our boys actually did "Over There." BROAD MAT. TODAY , nStiJnnW!&'"C 1 a r e n c e" AAllll ALFIIED I.I'M Hnd Orlilnnl Cunt. (JJARRICK Mat. Today "fis t m r in 1V1 1 1 a I in a rv nil t V" AT PHILADELPHIA k KSSfiferAn ADELE ASTA1EE. I fV nmS!'rJ 'APPLE BLOSSOMS" Ferr-.b- IL ..Y fr "T & :;x&srj"fti' . A. Li feSSWJK. - v?xx -i-.yyy. s. tZXS. mw? HZLZH HUDSON. "TOWN SCANDALS-Casmo- they gained their first laurels en foreign shores they are lejal Amerlcins Kvra for tampie Is In p t of her unusu.il name a native of the tT,iited Mate. She Is net ashamed te ndtn't that hIh- w ii born n Mcmph's, Tnn and that hei real name Is Leis MeKciizlc. She gain il her first Inspiration under nn Ass i ian dancing masir n Chicago, nnd after ward Jeurneed te the Par Hast te per fect herself In the art of danc ng. THOSn who Imagine that and especially a star, has an an actor, ahun- danc of leisure time .it hN 1 would suffer a suddn illlll i'enm i rheuld thy hne the oppertimllv 'e tn'' n peep at a page out of the daily llfe of such a well-known actor as Ixe DltrlchPteln. Mr D'trlehsteln, while playing nt the Adclnhi In his romantic meleilnmn. "The Purpl" Mask." Is only cemplled by 'h' lBnc!es of the play te app ar at the thealr', for about thr e and a liilf hevirs each cenlnR, except en matiner das The truth of th. matter Is thlt he Is genrrallv nf the thatre bcfer 11 o'clock LOVENBERG SISTERS ind Mine Neary In n iip Ret lie 1 imnn A 'L lie' Hall AMisnlre rs,TWErr. a wr.KEit ITS()N rMI"I IlOdS M"r" s ,.. , I r, ,y MY f.OODNKSS" iaBegs!r i-rsn; t a Grrnmntn n Are, at Vrnnngn Ml Nit Uclt (uuul ii,ii nt Mif.l.r.'S "SOM THING TO THINK ABOUT" Wtli filerli nanNnn. I lllntt DfXtfr, Theodere HeIhtN anil Ml st.irri "V I .,... ...I. i. irt t. It t VaSj Ham 2 f !'-. 19 entpruH -i edna intreN i r. vn a hronsen SI!U A I ARRDIX rnx'-K f. ma i" ' in: u ii i.i m rei.i ir.tt in 'THE sntVANT QI CSTIOX" ecMt bid ami loci "T srs MINT AM nt Wanda Haw ley. Jack Helt, Acnes Ajres and Bis Cast in "HFLD BY THE 'FMY" Ht T1 It Kl-VTON In "t OVA ICT 1V. - , Il f. O'Jd "st-"til M irl.ft 2X'HVCKCMe..lms.U,U IH '.TIN riKM'AI In "Big Happiness" Ttmrvilnv I' miy itrsi.its mai: Mritit vy ,' Ttmrvilnv Ildiv A "n itnliT "I'Xiirsi.iiN ei Tin. Mi.nr 6! XT(I IT AT s,nsiiii I.I M T Ail I K AIAK Sintlt VY AI.UTMt f -T In The Mermen Maid" AInrl Bennett w "AIOVH' TANS" 51 rl.ft Sf Ilrl With Men Til -s A. r J R urnc C'-ttv) Vr1'"'"' '" in "The Remid-Up" TIiiitn., 1TI f. Ml. MirTean i May In "Tin; i n until" Ctdeji (iOTII AM) ri'UMl AAI.NUE Men A f ' K iltilirn Alllllnnis In "J U.ST A M1 K' r ir I Till I. ( I ATON In Till. ( I r V si Mtl'.nw AVcd I"rl. A hit lKlllerilA lll TON In 'ii i i inn r:-' P - i..v( virns i:. Men., '1 i i Itosiee iljtii) ArhuiUle tn "THE FtOUND-UP" l TM.ir III III MU IT In "Till I NtMl I I"' lit S,M" lrl viiMiill AS tml MAi In 11,1 .IMI I'll" Philadelphia Orchestra tk r r rnr avn'i'AI. rns -i riT STETSON AUDITORIUM Mnntipnury Ae II imv TlCth sinei Tuesday, Nev. 2, at 8.15 P. M. Estelle Hughes, Soloist APrTTnv 'iOn U n rd S rtlin $1 00 LN1VHIHUV I Ml V H iN si i II i V A D' AIV OF M Mi' I OATH THR ASOUI I) POLITICAL HI'lUAl'ION GEORGE EARLE RAIGUEL 3 Tuevday lectures at II rr.nt Invertlnntlen A M lulled en nnc? rme NOV 3 THE CITIES OK BUnepn 1)1" T ITALY AND Till: ADIIIATIC DEC 21 OKIIMANY AND AUHTIIIA Ceuria ticket. IS. at Academy. Hepre'i, er Unlviralty Extimlen, Bex-Offlce. 7ff s ydr-55AhwTErt v- . ? E1V3 'euil C Alontuemcrj-. 3:13, 7 & 1 BSMI p n n''' n iir I i jiN i PLAYHOUSES in the morning nnd remains for nt least two hours discussing business affairs, routes and ether details with his per sonal managi r nnd his business man ager, and leceMng dramatic editors ana ether 'slteis Mr Dltrlcheteln Is Inrgely Interested flnanclallv In the production of "The Purple Mask." and this means that he has te pe ever complicated statements dailv Then he devetes a couple of hours dailv In reading and studying new plajs or productions made abroad which are offered him for use In America. These he discusses Irem nn artistic as well as a financial standpoint with his mnnngers nnd buslm sn associates, for productions lnele the outlay of burns running ns high as 500,000 befere ene cent In return can be realized. ANHW n "Mldnlc Hddle Canter will be seen In Ight Reunders." which will be it the shuhert N"e ember 29. ns thi suit of his PhlHdelphli enRTgemcnt his season. At least IMdle Canter hlm- If sii tint In- feels llke n new man although his methods of fun making hae net changed "CJeerg" I.e Malre Is responsible fe my appearinee In white fact at all " says Mr Cm'er "When I Joined the Broadway Brevities' there were certain -eenes whleh hj wished plixd In white 'ace. I did net wnnt te de It. The "ellng of a man who has alwavs played In black face would be dilllcult for -i-n- CIUsTNl'T I1IXOAV iltxK A Joyous Thanksgiving Week Feslivai! A ROI.I.Il'KIM. ltlOT OF KAflTIAIi: Iir.ATI.UY AM) HIS SYNCOPATED SOCIETY BAND rAiei s iiMtiTQNT. am) te ah'sicians iy a Jivr.i.n or JA7Z HARRY LESTER MASON j TIM & KITTY O'MEARA n "Tiin AA'AiTnn" Serine Laushter A li Car' rnr. m i (i i.e uitiTi.it timm jmebs mm ComneMr of the World's Mekt rnmetiH sonB - senB - Hade 1 rnm The Orient LONG TACK SAM Jack Lexy & O'Connor Celia SMAItT M)C, A i)ci:s Peters & Lcbuff Extra Added Attraction! AND 1,, Musical Comedy Star iECTME VANDESB8LT Offcrin',' Quality Songs and Dances Dean Moere at the Piane 3 SHOWS TMOTSGIVBfSG DAVi:3V:-i?,- TAAO .II()AS it IM. 2 I' M IM I.I DISC. AA Alt I A LIMITED ENGAGEMENT FIRST Regiment Armery Bread and Callowhill Sts. Today 2:15 7:30 and 9:30 P. M. AND ENTIRE WEEK OF NOV. 22ND ADMISSION, 25c & 50c t s. OIFICIAL AAAIl Flashes e-f Action" IMIIH TUP. AISI'ICI-.S OF Till: rOAUHNEn AT.TElt.ANh' CONFEHE.NCE Sensational Motion Pictures of Our Army, Navy, Marine Cerps IN Actual Battle TAM N HA' I'. S. SIGNAL COUI'S AA1IILE INDEIl riHE SPECIAL FEATURES MILITARY AND NAVAL BANDS MONSTER EXHIBITS OF CAPTURED WAR TROPHIES Nrvrr before In the Malery of Hie world lina (lie nubile lnn irlren nn odd ttlnlf v In act unify (.re hv Innnennl nn tlin bnltlillrldx. ...Tbli picture Mill I'OSiriA'KLA net be shown ut any etber tlieulre I'lilludelplila. othera te tmderstnnd In a. Wny, ene feels 'undressed' when KelnR bofero the foetllRlila In white when ene hft3 al ways used black fnce. nut Mr. tie Malre insisted that I should de It. lie Used te be a blackface comedian, tee and told me that he was just ae re luctant te Rive iid the work as I was At' the tame tlme he told me that I could he Just as funny without It. Just because there wni no Retting out of It I consented te trv elavlnir whlte face for a few performances anyway. I nd-4 mlt I had no faith In the experiment and thought I would be back te my eici make-up before the week Mno eer I would E-e part way. but would net take a chance en Rlvlnir my specialty without the cork dlBgulse. That was tee big a onture: te my sutprlse the scenes which I trfnved In whlte face went w II I found I could cct seme results which had net been poss M. with the dlssulse TTLf SHIPSIAN. who clays the XI leadlnj: fcmlnlne rele In "Irene," the musical comedy at the Shubcrt, sas that all her lfe she has. n a way. be lieved In falrlei, nnd probably that Is whv she Just loves the pirt of lrne O'Darp. the little Clnderella-llke maid who as a peer wane-earner ecntually flnd her Prince ChnrmlnR. Miss Shlnman bel ees that dreams will be realized If, like Mlmsey In "Peter Ibbetson," wte only "dream true " Whll levetcu te me stnue, tne creatcst am bition of her llfe Is te write veil She new wrltis rer diversion and ncrnaps seme day the reading public will kneu nere or ner. Miss Hlilnman belleven that our ilrrnms nre fur mero imnertant nnd slR- nlflcant than the average person think" "Dream true, but let your urcams ue beautiful ones, and you will find the happiness you seek. The great tranj tranj tranj formatlen of Cinderella and Irene O'Dnre are nesslble te all In their circumstances I ir nil win ne n.q rn.irmmp n inev arc Keep your thoughts beautiful and thc will be reflected in your personality Let our ambitions be iroed and neuie and then dream true nnd strenslv and the coal Is yours. At least thnt Is m belief." COMPOSER IN VAUDEVILLE Writer of "The End of a Day" at Keith's Perfect Tim lntest ncntilslt en te "the two- latest acquisition a-dav" Is Carrie Jacobs Bend, known all eer the world as the author-composer j of "The Hnd of a Perfect Day." Carrie Jacobs Bend will play and sing her own compositions, with the as sistance of Leis Bennett, nt Keith Theatre as a special feature e the Thanksgiving week festival. It Is the first tlme she has been heard In this city. CASINO'S PRIMA DONNA Louise Sothern. billed as "The LS.rl of the Gelden West," Is a talented nctress and singer, who comes te the Casiiu next weik. Up te a short time bro sh was teaching school, but her dramatic and vocal talent, her magnetism and her general cleverness se often dlspnyid at social and amateur stage functions could net be hidden In her home town forever She begun her professional career as a singer at a hotel, charming the diners with her voice. I YRIP NIGHTS AT 8 ' rvlv" MAT. TODAT AT N Y. WINTnn GAttDUN PASSING SHOW OF 1919 ADELPHI EVCiS AT 8:15 MAT TODAY, 2: IS gj, DITRICHSTEIN In "THB PPRPLn MAFIC" SAM. S, SHUBERT evcf. at 8,15 "IRENE" Th fiT'itent of All Mu!cnl CeraMlea Chestnut St 0ly,ra IIf' M 8:n iiesenui ii .j i( nn ,w JInt? 2.15 U nP'tT'TIt' "WAY DOWN EAST TAVKIJTII bTKEUT Afftfu.V In "MEMOIIIKS OF THE DANCE" AA'ITH HI'STON RAT or home -o.nesi Assisted by Leis Hennctt "the i:n or a iriiri:cT d.va" runeuB ( llllKC AVeniler AAnrker Betty Martin & Moere Philip OKrEnt.NO "A Aim aiii classic I "Topics of the Day" Mc AMI Sic. MfiHTl, K O'CLOCK, Sfir TO S2.00. SLATS ON HALE O.NE AAEEK IN ADA AM IS Advance sale it Hut OITlfe 3 JliniH Dilly 1 IA-7.20-U.30 1'II.AIS I'ltESE.NT In PHILADELPHIA'S FORREST Ilrend nnd THOMAS Iluilneas THREE MATINEES W nmlL JOHN CHARLES THOMAS WILDA BENNETT PERCIVAL KNIGHT FRED and ADELE ASTAIRE and a GLOBE THEATRE CAST and CHORUS of DISTINCTION BROAD nrnnd llflew Lernt THANK NIIIDLINOBK Dualness Manncer NlEbts nt 3 Matinees (l:I Extra Mat. Thanksgiving Day s ! Beeth Tarkingten's CAPTIVATING COMEDY With ALFRED LUNT and Original Ncav Yerk Cast "Should receive cordial generous patronage." Public Ledger. ,i "Most agreeable and delightfully amusing." Recerd "Alfred Lunt carries the title role with flesh and bleed conviction.'" North American. "Tarkingten at his best," Inquirer. "Rich in comic spirit." Evening Ledger. "A fine piece, capitally performed." Bulletin. dimncTieN or oi:eitr.n c. tylkid Best Seats $2 at Popular Mat. Wed. I GARR1CK ClirMnut A .limliwr Six. SAM'L Nixe.N'-N'inDi.ivnnit Huitneai Mnniifer ni:t ' uir.it M:T TVr TAT AW.r.K -vr iiuvinnue UIAIIjI Specsa! Matlnea tfT GOOD-BYE MITT1 in Li ANEW JS. . MUSICAL COMEWjk ifl MUA1C A A B P X BY HAROLD V.W1 q A JJ "u, . STAGED BY X AH A A W Mk X r..,.. .....r X XW Ki 'H U '! X ZCu WITH METROPOLITAN CAST - DANCERS AND SINGERS IN QUARTEHES. QUINTETTES &. OCTETTES BEGINNING. MONDAY, NOV. 29 CIIARLKS IltOIIMAN At ILL l'HIllr IN THi: ST THE OI. III'M I IIM Al niK AllOAK OKNKKAL n-riCII. IlltO.AI) HTHKlVp Tin'iVi,. 1UE Adelphia Hetel DANCING Select Cabaret Fvem 9 P. M. te Clese Ar i iLU II pne , III!) Chest AAcad rU!l AHFIPIHAI .oieit ...1 w .-... ... TenU.nt , 8 ,;, jl nRrwKS A ORCHESTRA neauZtimnrz Mr Miinn fr Http In pinn i ??L l mil" n Tbnrjtoi-ter Tuch Pumt W A OANCINO LI1SSONS S lO.'.O Chestnut Lec'sU92 OiicnDajlCtvemjia Uacvjttieit ctVa nadnaatlns ut OJifi uuiviv-'in i MatH Men Wcd Sal ( , 15 Emmett Welch Minstrels nark te rtnh Again: or I'rlreH Coming Dnwn WORLD'S MUSEUM lllh (t Market Or MA'INQ CI HI03ITI153 OPEN DAILY 11 A AI te 10 1' M Fermfrly lllntham Houx Ut. OPI P S Ken l"10" Ave. Mtln. ri-TLUJ nn(, eiimlierlanil Dally THE BEST SHOW IN TOWN AVIth FHANK IH'NTER BIJOU bth al, Ilace, Mat. Today Beauty Trust AVIth AI. HII.LlF.n FORRE5T Last Mat. & Evg. THE SWEETHEART SHOP TliankMlilnit Week -"AI'I'I.H rtLOHROAIR" iiecadern 10tn & Arch. Mat. Uduj iiocaaere rni ryunsx 0HUr. jt ii FOREMOST THEATRES fluniem 81), M. LOVI3 Uanaser MONDAY NIGHT WEDNESDAY THURSDAY (THANKSGIVING) SATURDAY Charles Dillingham Presents The Season's Supreme Success Avm Muiic by FRITZ KREISLER and VICTOR JAC0BI nook nd Urlcs by AfM. LellAUON MAT. TODAA'- TONIOHT HH5 NEXT AAKEK 2d Bij? Week TKS& Matin-ec Today Tonight at 8:13 rriT-?TMnc, nvT Thanksiyinsr X Reenliir" Inre nl n SAVAGE effdas DY SLLY BOOK 'AND' trttlCS BIJttUA iEARS 6ANCES ARHANCtD BY JIAJAN AtfRfD SKAT1 THIIISDAY M.W I'LAV Villi! M$E Al'l'l ..!. -il. I 1-VIX..J m m- n i tit ...... . and NAOH GLASS 4 ni ( I rITf Th -nn. sriitn ii'ifj,'.!,1',.. .. J no Volunteers" .'"..M-rZ: UKN MEItOFF "sNi(U liy ri5 Selnmnn FRED'S CIRCUS ntne New LIONEL BARRYJVinRF. ntrllle IIUST AV. I'. MIOUiMi -STS "THE MASTER MIND" 0 METRO POUT AN OI'llllA IIOl'HII inurs. ivg., Dec. 9 - TETRAZZINI HinU neie nt AVet-iinnn'n linn riie.(....t FOR MM Mffw fjiffr IVyfamf wAwA jmI Bm and m& kti .flrft?r2 ftra III 1 1AM IK flit 111 n?'?llSHfl hi'm rir or HAHNEMANN HOSPITAL Myth and Legend of Old Britain INTPHI'IIKTRI) HY MARY DUNCAN STEWARD IHCOAII HT. TIIHAIKK " MONDAY A1TEUNO0N, j,V S AT s.m TICKKT8 ON MALB AT BOX OFffJCH THESE THEATRES EXHIBIT THE FINEST PHOTOPLAY PRODUCTIONS IN PHILADELPHIA Sec the Best Movies in Your Neighborhood Theatre Programs for the Week of November 22. Subject te Change ih NIXON-NIRDLINGEK t THEATRES AVENUE 23TII AND ALI.rjOItr.N'Y matinki: daily MON'DAA" -mt'LlNT' rilllDCItlClC IN "TUT. I'.AI.IREH CASK" TUES-'DAY-l'U'LlNi: ritHDLlttCK IN "inn rAi,i-i:it !.sr." AATDNLSDAA- ALAIA IH'IIIJNB IN "fill'. HOltl.II AMI HIH AAirK" Till KSUAY ALMA 111IUKVH IN "Till: ()!t!,ll AM) HIS AAIIT." Kit IDA Y KTllRL CI-AYTON IN "A ITY MI'AIIIUIM" . . SATunDAA nniiiL j-layten IN "A CITY MI'.AItUOAA" BELMONT BaD AD0VB JtARKKT MONDAY DWflTIN FARNUM IN "Hid HAl'l'INHSS'' TUESDAY DLsriN TAltNUM IN "HKJ IIAri'lNIMf' AA'EDNESDAY Dl'KriN I-'AUNUM IN me haitim:'"1 THUltl) AY I.UHOY SCOTT'S "l'AKl.M.KS (llf llli: NK1HT" ntlD AY Lk.RO V SCO ITS "I'AKTM.KS OI' llli: MI'lIT" HATUHD AY I.IIIIOY SCOT VR iwnisv.iiH or run xieht" CEDAR 0OTn AND ci:vMl AVnNOn MONDAY 8TA11 CAST IN ".It ST A.AAIl'h" , TUnaDAY bTAll CAST IN AA'ETJNESD Y 1HIIKL CLAYTON IN "A CITY "I'AHItOAA" TiiunsDAA- i-.tHi:l cl.ayten in "A CITA "I'AKIHIAA" , FIHDAA DOtlOrilY DAI.TON IN "HALr A HIHH'' , 8ATUIIDAY DOUOtHY UALTON in "HALr AN HOUIt" nrw feci TI matiket between VOLIbh.UM nimi and ituni MONDAY PATTY AltllUCKLE IN "Tin: itefMi-ur" , TUESDAY- 1'AITY AIII111CICLE IN "1HK HOIIMMII"' AVEDNESDAY FA I TY AHHUCItLE IN 'rilH ItOIM)-tl"' TIIUHSDAY DOUOLAS M.icLEAN IN "llli! .lAIUHUD" rillDAY DOUULAM MucLEAN IN "THU .1 AlLHIIll)'' 4 , SATURDAY DOUOLAS .MacLEAN IN "Tllll JAlLUHtD" Timinn rilONT ST. & GIUAnp AVE. JUIVIUU jml.e Junction en 1' kferd "L MONDAY ANSA Q NILS-ON IN "TIIK Hilling" VV. ,..l.V TUESDAY ANNA Q. MI.tSON AVt'.llM.sllAY HAIlI.r.S HAY IN IN "IIemii: ii.",,V.V,a ,M THtmsDA Y A LAI A -:L"'N-?i4 "Till: AW1ULD AMI HISAAIIT-.' rillDAY LI HKL CI.ATU. IN "CttnOKLD HTIlKKIt'' saturihv .:un:.. t l.aaten "CKOOKLD blUEETS" IN i r a rvire ist & Lancaster ave. LLAULK XLAT1NEE DAILY MONDAY rTTV MHU'iKLB IN "Tin: urn mi-up" TUESDAY PAT1Y MHU'CKLC IN run itetMi-vi"' AA'tDNTODVA' r,l AV HE SWEET IN "V I' I MA II.LIM1 IIVSHAMJ" TIIl'l DAA- 1 I NUIi: SU "i I'lN "Till: IMUI.L1NO "I'MIAMl" FRIDAY-nei OI.AS Mnct.KAN IN Tin: .iii.r.iisi" SATURDAY. DOl'OLAS MnrLEAN IN "llli: J.AII.IIIKD" 1 LOCUSTS AND LOCl'ST STREETS I .in, .1 Ml EP' in iu iu " 'i'.'iiiy r or 'i srnv in "IIEID HY THE IVM-1.A'' Tl'El Y LOl IS STOVE IN "HLI It IIV THE llNiail" . wni'V'DAA- loins ttrevi: 'N 'hi id HY hie r.vi::, ' Till IP-14AY LOl IS STONE IN "ii nn iiy i in: in i:ia" ni'DeY l.eui siuni: IN "in i i) hv thi: i:si:ai SATI'RDAY L"l H sl'iiVIJ IN "iilui hy nil' lm:ia" NIX0N5,D AND MARKET STS.nj Wf'iiM AVI LI IE COI 1 IK.!' IN Arm , - vt! Ml' 'M U IN AN LLEl'H ANT'S MI.IirAlARl RIVOLI 52D AND BANPOAt STS. initnee .uiij MONDAY MAE MURRAY 1W "A MtU'MllN AIII'' TUESDAY MAE MURRAY IN A MORMON MAID" AVEDNESDAY AtAE MURRAY IN " "A VOU'lllV AIAlll" rn.'?xVY,A.WlA, ,N riAiii STRAND "F-RMANTOAVN AVE .V!trf.F!V?Vi.xSA,e.-,TN:. Tl AdaA ELL'OTT DEXTER IN illAII TRIM. TO THINK AI101T" AAPI NI'Cd'a ri.IP IT DEXTPR IN sllMErniMI TO TIIIMi AUDIT" TllillsDAY ELLIOri DEV1ER IN "MlAir.rillMI TO THINK AROl'T" PRIDAA LLLIOTT DEXTER IN "MIAIHIHIMI TO 1H1NK AROUT" SA'l I IIIIAV ELLIOTT DEXTER IN "sOMiyrillNO TO THINK AHOUT" VVVVtVV&VVVVVVVVVVVV,VVVVVV. A CTAD FRANKLIN 4 G1RARD AVE. AbUJK Mat. Dallj MONDAA AVH I.TAM PARNU.Ar IN iKJu'..,v , ,,hiii! KINO TUESDAY AVII LI AAI PARVUM IN 1U'" .-up i Mr.HK KINO" AA'EDNESDAY AA II i I AM PARNUM IN ..,, , M-.itr. KINO" TIlUIfDAA l" ARL AVHITE IN nil; A'.imi: mei i." nuDAV-i" aiii. winrn in nn: mini: moll" bATURDAA" ' ARL AVHITE IN "llli; AVHITE MOLL" A I IDHD A 21J GERMANTOWN WE. AUKU1 MATINEE DAILY MUM A A LLOYD IH'OHLS IN "linMLSI'PN 101 KS" TUESDAA -LLwAD II (HIES IN "HOAIPSl'l N POLKS" AAEDNESIMA AI RA Alll.l.S .AIINTI.R IN A (IMRERI.AM) ROAIANCE" THURbDAA I.O.N.- ; ANj E lllNNEY IN FRIDAY OAAitN .ilOORE IN "A Dl'.sri.ltATE II Llltl" SATUHDAA Ol.i VI. TIUJAIAS IN "0LTH1LL 1'OIJ.A" BALTIMORE BAVB. V..?. MONDAY ALMA HUIVENS IN "IIUMIHll.sULi:" TUESDAA AI MA 111 HENS In "HlMOIll.sdli:" AVEDNLsu AA -VA b HART IN nn iu adi.i: or cei r.aep." til 11SDAA S II All I l.V "IHE CRADLE 01 LOCK ALE" FldliAA MVDUE KLNNEDV IN "Dill 1 Aits AM) sl.NM." BATUHI'1 A M DL ivl.NMIDY IN "DOLIAIIS AM) SENSE" BLUEBIRD TA? iB?7Sl!vS . MuNWAA- ALlUjj.B IN Tl'PrD'.A A N II ART IN TUP radii: op tot iter." AALl'SL llvA A S ILAIU' l.V "HIE CRADLE (IP CO! RAl.l," THL'lliH A 1 PER Pb N IN "LADA RIPI.'s DM IHM'I'.K" rniiivA i i: rniini s v in "I.ADA IlO-'l 's IIAl'OHTPJl" SATLUI'Y L RLE V II I I AAIS IN "iiir. PLRPLi: di'iiEii" rTMTI 1DV Erl Ave, and Gth St. Matlncn i'ir. M M) -rilflMAS II INCE S' "rmii'.in iw-. i iuii i" TULM1k,',Vm',eV.LSUIN AVKDNKBDAY-ULhsni jURRISCALE IN THURSDAY II It Alii li HAATIHTII IN "IIELOAV IHLhl KPACE" Fid DAY -I 'LH.SEUR S nn; AAimi; ( iik i.i." SATURDAY lllOMAS Ml. lull A V In "AAHA CHA.UP. AOUR (1K?" Fay's Knickerbocker Ve'iS JS MONDAY, WILLKAIRIELL ,N Comedy News 8I ActH A'audevllls asDAATiiAy.i,n.MRsinLLVli,N WEDNESDY-WILLIAMSUSSELL IN THURSDAY-WILLIAM RPflSELL IN 'THE HIIIV HIHKU" HUDAY WILLIAM Rl'HSELL IN "THE IKON ItlDKIt" BATUHDAY WILLIAM RIISSELl, IN "Till, si 1LV l i Iitiiij a Tin i "b a y' emudy rr ati-he "Jan I'LtTH ani Mflii i i aiii:" ritii'AA ceaii dy rr.ATi-iiE "AN I 1 I I'll AN PS NUII1TA1 AltE" 8ATI-RD AY t OA'EIJY niATCHE FAIRMOUNT 2filh & Olrard Av. SIATINKU DAILY MONDAA CONSTANCE lllNNEY IN "TIIHITY-SINK KAHT" r TUESDAY HlllltLEY MASON 'IN "(llltl, 01' MY IlIiABT" AVEDNESDAY MAtmiCU TOUIlNEUIt'S "III!M AVATI.HS" THtinSDAY .JACK HOLT IN "THIS HKST OK LUCK" ritiDAY elsih KEnotJseN In "IAIJY ItOSI.'H IIAIKIHTI.U" BATUHDAY AVILLIAM 11USSELL IN "TIIH CILALLKNOI1" FRANKFORD 4716 aekeud MONDAA HOSCOK AnnUCKLE IN "THIS IlOUMe.Ul"' TUESDAY IIOSCOI". AltllUCKLE IN "TIIK KOIINIJ-UP'' AVEDNESDAY H08COR ATUIUCKLE IN "1IIK KOUND-IH"' TIIUItSDAY KTIIEL CLAYTON IN "TIIH CITY rJI'AKKHAl" FRIDAY ETHEL CLAYTON IN ......."TIIK ,,TV HI'AltlUlW" , SATUrtDAY lllAA'ANT WASHUUrtN IN "A FULL HOUSE" GERMANJOWN B510 atm. Ave, Matlnea Dally MONDAY DAVID AA'AIHf flllT-ptTll'H TUESDAA- HAVII) AVAHK UltlFFlTH'S I UK I .OAK l'LUAAl'R" AVEDNKMDAA D. AV W flllll'I ITll'H i.na... . ......... " TIIUHb'llAY HEMh' HANIhLS IN "AOU Nr.VLft 'AN TELL" FRIDAY HElltl DANIELS IN "(IU NUVI.Il f AN TI-.I.L" SATUHDAA HEUIJ DANIELS IN "YOU M.A'l.ll CAN TELL" GRAND 62D AND MARKET Noen te Midnight MONDAY "A CHILI) 1 nil SALE" SA.Ml'llO.NV OKCIII.siltAL OUAKTET and II.Alli: RUTH In Persen TUEbDAY "A (llli. I) lOlt SALE" nnd RARE Kllll In Peruen AVEDNESDAY -"A CHILI) FOR SALE" nnd HARE RUTH In Persen THURSDAY "A I'll 1 1.11 KIR SALE" nnd IIAHi: RUTH In Perien FRIDAY "A t'HII.I) FOR SALE" nnd IIAIIE RU11I In Persen SATURDAY "A CHILD PUR SALT." IMPERIAL 2ND AND rerLAn MATINEE DAILY MONDAY ELMO LINCOLN IN "LJsDIUl CRIMSON hhllX" TUESDAY ALL-STAR CAST IN "iin: scoui'iev AVEDNESDAY RUCK JONES IN "SLNMEr HI'llAtlUL" THURSDAY AVILLIAM RUSSELL IN "HIE .MAN AAllO DVIILII" FRIDAY WILLARD MACK'S "VALI.IA OP DOURT" SATURDAY UEOROE WALSH IN "Tin: x'LUNuui" JEFFERSON id'ailt MONDAA' D. AV ORirFITIPS "THi: IDOL DAM'Lil" TUESDAY AVILLIAM DES UOND IN a into im. a a conneA" AVEDNLSDAA NOIULA TALMADCJE IN "AIW Oil NO?" THURSDAY ALICE 1I11ADY IN 'TIIH DARK LAMl.ll.N" PRIDAA -OLIVE 1 HUM AH IN THi: rLAPl'hll" 8ATUIIDAY jiAHY MILLS MINTER IN "SUia:T IA ISMIGU" I IRPRTV BROAD COLUMUIA AV lIOfI 1 I MATINEE DAIL1 DAILY MONDAY PEARL AVII1TE "THE lAIIITE AIOI.I." IN TUESDAY PLARL WHll'E IN ,IU, ttllllP. Mill. I," WEDNESDAY MAURICE UOURNEUR'S "DEEP AVATI.HS" Q THURSDAY- -ATIV' ARIU'CKLE IN "Till: ROUND-UP" FRIDAY- . VTIA AltllUCKLE IN "Tin: iieum)-l'i"' SATURDAY L. I.Ni. II A MMERSTEIN IN "WHISPERS" MOnFI 4-s SOUTH ST. Orchestr. 1V1WL-'I1 Continuous I te 11 MONDAY AVILLIAM FAVERMIAM IN "THE .ALAN AAllll LOST 1I1MMI1" TU1..1DAA WILLI AM I'AVERSHAM IN "THE MAN AAllll I.OMT HlAlshl.r" AALDNLSDAY -CHARLES HAY l.V "A AILLAdi: SLELTH" A THUrtbDAY UKOHOI. WALSH IN "Till: PLPNOEIl" riHDAA" IO.M MIX IN "THE Tl.VAV SATURDAY H'M MIX IN "llli; TEVAV NEW FORREST u13 IHRARD Mat DallT MONDAA TO.AJ .AIIX IN "3 (.01.1) COINS" TUESDAY- lll.HHIU HAKltlSCALi: IN "LIFE'S TAA1ST" AA'EDNESDAA dEOKUK WALSH IN x "THE HONOR .SAS1HM" THURSDAY HILDA UAHA IN "SALOME" i FRIDAY MARY PICKFORD IN "SUDS" SATURDAY MAK PICKFORD IN SUDS" OVERBROpKnRpgRD aa TULSDA V IT TON SINCLAIR'S tun-V-VM5 .-yOJKV CHANOIJ'.S" AVEDNLSDAA EtJUL.Vi: (j lilUEN IN -,.,.i'T.,IB.1''WraiK.Il" THUHSDAA' CHARl.l.S RAY IN "A VILLAOK SLEUTH" FRIDAY HRVANT AVASHHURN IN "H ILAT HAPPENED TO JOM" SATURDAY OLIVE THOMAS IN "DARL1KO JUNE" PARK nIIaE AVE. A DAUPHIN ST. . Mat. 2HB. Evr. 0:45 te U MONDAY-MARSHALL NKI IRAN'S "DON'T IIVKIt MAHIIA" TUnV.ALL NE IIWIN'B "DON'T KVR MARRY" AVEDNESDAY STAR CAST IN "PAHLOlt. IIIUIKDOAI AMI IIATII" TI I URSDA Y CONSTANCE UlNNLY IN FRIDAY Mary" i-ickfeiid IN SATURDAY-MAHY PICKrORD IN POPLAR 0T1I AND POPLAR Mrrtiir. M0aA.r-,E.T''"L.UI-AYTON IN ... vi Ti'.Aimiiii" 1 llk'.SDAV UP IN SI ARY'H, ATTIC" WliDNnKIAAV. FRIDAY OLIVE THOMAS IN SATURDAY tV'aV.'rUCKLE IN "THE ROUND-UP" SHERWOOD M,h ""ma1?1".?? MONDAY-TIIOMAS MEIOHAN IN ,i..3"'u;i ') I lll.s" TUESDAY THOMAS MEIUHAN IN .-..-n,,' fLOrilKs" AAEDNESDAY lHOMAS AlEIUHAN IN THURSDA??MV:!SL,,;NTnRIN ,pR;.,,,A,A,,rA,,!E,s,vl,N:', . .-'.'.v .1LL.A(JE SI l.lllll" SATURDAY ( HARLEM RAY IN "A AII.LAdE SLEUTH" SPRUCE U0TH AND mVi.f d. M0TiMr1?i.? JSiiiEfi 1N tuehday-iVai.iVvi'itij in "the aa iii tk mom," AVEDNESDAY" EILEEN PERCY IN "IHE HUSH AMI I1P.N I Ml" THURSDAY 1HJCK JONES IN SIINMh'l' kill) Ull'l .1 rniDAY AVm Pernum In "Drue llarlin" SATURDAY AAII.LIA.AI PARNUM IN "Dlt.AO HARI.AN" SUSQUEHANNA 'WaTy TUESDAY- DulTOLAh- PAIRIIANKS IN .-.., ,"T.l,l: SIOI.I.A CODDLE" AVEDNESDAY JACK PICKFORD IN "A norm p-dyed deceivp.p" THURSDAY THAI MIX IN .,.. J'llHI TIUtllOR" FRIDAY II II WARNER IN e. -'.'." 'K 'K'UR RKIOIIK DAAVN" SATURDAY DOROTHY DAI.TON IN MALI' AN HOUR" Thcse theatres offer special mue! cnl selections and many added attractions in serials, scenic, comedies, cartoon and travel pic tures. See the best productions at your favorite neighborhood theatre. l. .: t-Aid : 1-k $&&&&;&' i n iXffr ik ,..