THE HASKELL INDIANS, PENN IS HOPEFU L OFVICTORYTODAYy Cesich Heisman May Lucas at Fullback In Battle With Columbia Turn lrnr . . Ward reth run . . my ,. . Cnpflnnn Wnrnfr . Urtrcssrnair Wrnr ....... Whltrhtlt .. Mlllrr. . . . Onlnmlilft . Klcnnlnsfr , . . . Callnwnr Illnck ltrnilll .... llcrmin tlrer'U l'enjth .... IfurrU . MetrrnUI . . . Cnnnimry . AiMH'lbnum . Ml mil . . trf I tnrkli ... , . Irft rniard .. . . . rrntrr .. . . . rlclil ciinnl . . rli-ht tnrUlc . . rlsltt rml ,. nimrtrrlnrK . Irft linlfliirk , rlslit hilfl.tick T,v" Tlnip IB-ml'mil periods fnl'tinH; Ncr Yerh. Nev, U0. Confident that they are Relnc te win baek bnrN the preptlxe lest after four tureenslvc de- fratu the Tnlverslty of Prntivi . football team listened te n Ions talk by Teaeli nelsiimn nt the Hetel I'cnnsyl vnnln thN mernlnR preparatory te the ciime with Columbia en the Tem Oround.e nt U o'elerh thW afternoon. This confidence is net the result of thlnktiiK that Columbia 1h weak, but Tather that the Red and Ww will find themselvcH npiln after their dl-nstreiis defeat at the ha mix of Dartmouth lift Raturdnv afternoon en Frank in Held. The l'eun delegation te the Rame numbered ever 1000, which with the band, should stir up considerable racket thlK afternoon. Tim Venn student came ever en two i-peelnl trains, one last nlcht nnd the ether at neon to te diiv. The Red nud It'll" followers whose pockets must he extremely leun after ii -i .... .ic, ie vciir were willine te accept even money en the result or the canv. but the Columbia followers were unwilllnc te risk their Ieiik Rrce .xeent at odds. Wall street. 'Its said. Is bettlm; even money en the result of the came. , (Inn of the liiKgest crowds outside of Army and Navy attendance. Is expected te throne the xtnillum this iifternoen, u even creator number than attended tliu Dartmouth-Cernell battle here two weeks bro. C.M'imbln has a blR repre repre nentntlen all ever (lethnm anil her uluninl are expected te turn out strong for the battle. Dyed In the wool foot ball fans who seldom Ret an oppor tunity te see Mr cames In this city were cluineriiiR for tiekeU this morn- The Columbia ebeeriiiR section ac cording te the dope will be tilled te over ever over (lewhiR. The first time In fifteen years that a Pcun team hns played their favorites Is the reason for nil the en thusiasm shown by the students. J lie Columbia band will be en hand te vie with Penn'sgrent lmisic-mnkers. Cor Cer nell scouts and the inemberH of the Ithnca football t.'iun are expected te view the game te cet a line en the Red nd Blue for the big game between Pcun and Cernell en Thanksgiving Day. Perhaps the most consnicueus member of the entire Penn delegation is "tiihby" nihvnn. tin famous Dusky ground- keeper of the Penn field. "(Jibby" came ever te the Pole Grounds last yenr te nee the l)iirtmeuth-Penn game, dressed In a lien Franklin makeup that made quite a hit with the big crowd. As he strolled around tne neiei inn uiuiiuuij he caused no end of comment. He will ride out te the Pole Grounds with the plnycrs this iifternoen. His comedian antics nre expected te give the crowd the laugh that U usually lucking In ellcge football games. Reth coaches were in doubt this werning as te their pesslhle line-ups. Coach Helsmau, of Penn. was uncer tain about his backfield. He may send I.ucas .the former ccrub star, te the varsity fullback pout. liiicii', if he starts this afternoon, will get bli Red and Rlue baptism. He was only taken ever te the varsity last week, but his great defensive playing se Impressed the coaches that they expect te use him because of that alone. He is a geed ground gainer in line plunging and may prove te be the man of the hour for the ued ami nine. . Herman Harvev. tic 31 nersv Ic ad who has been playing regularly all sen- son. probably will he benched In favor of Mike Whltehill, the former Rutger, I'n Miller will nluv t he oMier half- Ttlll Itent'.i .if flu, nllini. ctiirr nnt llaiipy Day will held down the pivot' 1 lositlen, with arii and Wagner the tacUles and Cuchrnn tititl Cepehuid th guards. Today's game marks the thirteenth meeting between the two institutions. Penn has eight victories te her credit, while the -Meniingsiihi Heights eleven hns three. The ether two games result ed in tlu scores. .e-i.i n. ,wr-r.r r-r, NEW PLAYERS FOR DUII A PACC TCAM rnlLA. UAUb I tAlVl Fans Will See Several of Manager Myers' Stars In Action for Last Time Tonight itaskethnll fans that attend th,e Knst ern .League contest this evening nt Musical Fund Hall, Kighth and Locust streets, between Phl'ailelphla und Newark, will In all probability see sev ernl of the players wf-urlng Philadel phia uniforms for the last time this season. Manager Rill Myers Is net it bit dis gusted with the showing of his men and has notified them In words te that ef fect. In fact, he bus gene out and hlgned 11 new center and guard who will play with his team at Rcudlng next Thurbday night. There arc some star players en the lecul five In Cress, Sugarmau and Drewn, but they de net beem te piny together at times and Manager Myers says he will play no favorites. Seme one is going te go and ha cares net vhem. It Is up te the pluycrs them selves and upon their work ngainst New ark depends their Jobs. ftewnrk has net set the world afire since entering the Kasteru Leiigue and Philadelphia lias a fine chance te win. 'Stretch" Mcehan, the big six feet seven center of last year's Germuntewn Club, will be with the visitors, pro viding arrangements are untile, with Wave Rranlss. If he gets Inte the game Philadelphia Will have te hustle, as any team has a decided advantage with .Meeliau getting the tap four out of live times. According te reports, there Is n pos sibility of Newark net coming here. It is rumored that they will quit the league, Mimugcr Myers Is prepared, however, nnd will have another team uu hand te play nn exhibition gume. Schoolboy Breaks Leg In Game Katten, Mil., Nev. 20. In the game bo be luren tin, llatten llluh Hchoel eluven and the Chestertewu llluh Scheel, nt Kederal 1'ark, ItuMell, of Chestertewu, broke two hones In liU left inkle nnd loot and had n be carried off Ihi neld and rushed te (he ulflc of Dr. C. Fyfavldsen. In the lust 'tus'Hcr Kennedy. ofSUheetertewn, ftll and uacK piwi. wun i'i raj i-.uiiih; in,- " ,v',,.i i..i,i in ,..t .lriivii n lift friim .einlier lihie c nrette.s te (117.7I Inn I ""-v. "H. "au u iuw jeuriy unites signals. Carl Themas and Jee Strain.. deV, ! - ertif.ns Imd wnV " W- "," the gridiron. The score stands en- the Penn line backers, wl'l hardly hop After a l"" e "' ,b J ' over.aouey f il v I lie cint Ur"w ,irt,'-v " ,l, s fllv,,r ' the annual action nt nil. injuries and n desire te the bets ' "f1'1" ' V ,'. '"u j f"" ' K t ,'v were largeb s,'rie-s ,h viewwl from ,he "'B " for eave them for the Cernell game. ' "1 ''"'' , . hen veu never he nr.-ed w n- is and u 1 iw Vale has wen twenty-lhrce cenflic s te prompting Coach Heismai. net te use n-"." ivny. . '!". 'avptt " ' e Jri'iv ,r .Hi t f the brown of f"1, Hnrvnnl. six resulting in ties. ,,, ,... a ,., t , ,,,. , vKH gja teft. . f;; km? sh. -KsiiSS,;,a'.&ff s ..,! . 1. 11. 11... 11-..A-- ..nlll.i.a I, .. lllir I II II U 11 .vv ! - -..-..- w . GERMANTOWti LOSES Lecal Cage Five Dreps Anether te Trenten by 29 te 23 Wmntitewn's Eastern I.cnEtic Imsketlmll team journey te Trenten lad evening only te mid nnetlier tieieat te the loser already tmstainetl. The locals wcre bcnteti hy the Roere of 10 te 123. etnrirj,,,u',r "'',,cf fnn't w,ls 'he fiiet Hint WLUI L. fl.ntr nmilit twit Llmnt 41a1j1 .... !. 1... .ivj ut.ii iiuk rnvvv iniin feutunt lilt! retters uettiiiR twelve te their ceven. LEHIGH-LAFAYETTE EAGER FOR FRAY Lehigh Valley Colleges, Rivals Since '84, Even in Betting en Annual Classic at Easten Lafarett , . Ilmninrll . William . . Wnlhert ... Ilrenn , . . Srhnnli . . . Ilediirr . O'f'nnnrll . . llrrnnin Lnrkln Cimlrk Mrf'nrthr... CeMninn. . ,. Mnirlnnr. . . Niirlniistrrn. Cliillrk Hele Ifcrrlnmnn. . Simirln. . . . IlnusliiM . . . ..Mt end. . . . .Irft Inrklr...... . . If ft ininrit renter, . . rlsht ennrd .rlrlit (nrkln . . .right end . .quart rrhark. ., . ..left lialfliark... . .rlcht halfback. . . . . . .ftillliarli J. O'llrlsn. Trifla . .. Oiiirllu, Lnnerkn ' , Spnuhnltu Krfrrfr- K ITmnlrf ' O. .1, Mrt'arty, llrniinntenn Academy, Held jiwitf ;. I'. Txnirnrt. Ilerhrstfr. Tlin IS-mlmite periods. Ry SANDY McNIRLICK Knsten, Pn., Nev. U0. "Lnfayctte, we are here." Yep, and they're here with a crash. a solid, pep-eyed, bellowing student body, alumni with their ladles, nnd just plain fans, who jammed specials nnd mnde n parade of automobiles in endless line streaming into this town, berib berib bened, flowered, pennaiited. bnwllngbcts nnd college yells for the institution of learning twelve miles down the river which they represented, IvChigh Uni versity. Rut two words of General Pershing were superfluous today. The Lehigh fans could both be heard and seen. And the geed citizenry of Knsten, Pa., turned out in criunl numbers te greet them, footing just ns hard for its favorites, Lafayette. The reason for all the hullabaloo Is et.i.t.ln T nlilrrli n...1 T nfiirnltn mrnf In a football game for the fifty-fourth time in their history. Fer they fifty-fourth time the l.ehigh valley is in an uproar. There Isn't nnythlnR te talk about for miles around this populous stretch separating the two colleges hut the mo mentous game today. In the minds of the population tiiere isn't any college game in the world that compares for n mlniitu with the rivalry and resultnnt tussh) ench year when Greek meets Greek, when Lehlsb meets Lafayette. Standing Roem Only The L'1.000 seats nt Mnrch Field, high en the bill overlooking the rest of Knsten. were snapped up in a jiffy. Hundreds were disappointed. "ieu'il think four times that number were going te Bee the game this nfternoen, from the leeks of this football-fevered town. 1 Intel lobbies nre Jammed, the Htrccts teem .with n slew-moving precession of highly decorated fnns and fanettcs, and automobiles, moved everywhere with great Lafayette or Lehigh banners and pennants telling plainly what it's all about. Shep windows and buildings every where along the main marts display the maroen-nnd-white colors of Lafayette, with here and there n sportsmanlike brown and white gonfalon of Lehigh. The practice of both teams for a week new hasbeen puinfully and studiously secret, mit it's no secret that a real game of football will be played here today. , . , , "Pent. Lafayette!" is the highly em blazoned button worn ,hy the Lehigh folk, while the big Knsten team's ud mirers admit their ambition today in no less gaudy boutennlers "Lick Le hlsh!" . , . , . , , ., . ,,...,. ,,.,.,. ... ,),.,. Lafayette is me laverire, mji me net ung, ii. "' " ". "" ' ":-i and high y intr ) ;" nn , . 1 Ins, advocated as te why t ie ' t UeMh !' "". i "' "."".. '"V I glltlie "Kile" Annihilated ltut up te Inst Saturday l.aiayctte lie- lleved it had a real edge ever Its anciert rival, in the Maroen nnd White line. Lafavette forwards outweigh Lehigh's line en an average of twenty -two pounds per man. And the huckticld Is almost as much mere husky than Lehigh's, Furthermore the Knsten line is conceded te be one of the liest in the country. Hut lust Saturday Lehigh played the ,1'l'IIU State huskies, nspirilllts te the .championship of the Kast te a 7-7 1 standstill, und should actually have wen ' ti, K,m., though outweighed fifteen pound te n man. - Chip Winner Over Klesch llrle, Nev. 20.-In a tlirec-lmut program here Jee Chip. f New ChhUp, wun tlw main contest from Johnny Klesch, of Cleveland! Kildle Niii'Minnt. of New Castle, wen the hiMiiiniutl l.i 11 knockout In the first ruund rur.r lUrr I'liiilen. of lliilfulii. nnd In the nil-Hi. linn ih's .lehiiny ("lark, of Krle, nun a txchnli'iil knockout from .eiim.- Krnest, of lluffule. All bouts were scheduled for ten inuuils. HAVERFORD I1AVERF0KI) V Racen L. If. R. O 2e X. Sunsrce Q.R. Rrewn F.R. O 17 .Mncinterdi R.H.R. O Average weii'lit llavcrferd, 102; Swnrtlimerc, 170. Substitutes Hovcrferd 2G, Strnwltriilrje; 27, TnykS: 30, Walten; 15, Jenes; 1, Drinten; 11, Hillemnn; 29 Timbres; 20, MenRest; 10, Kumm, 28, Thompson. 31. Haines; 22, Pnxsen; 0, E. Ileilman. 10, W. Hellman; 19' H. Matzke; 0, Pansier; 1. Allen; 10. D. Matzke. 12, Hoepes: 14, Hunslcker. Swarthmore 10, Earp; 8, White; 13, Asplundh; 14, Jacksen;-15, Wilcox; 10. Shaw; 17, Wilkin; 18, Schneider; 19, Lenir; 21, Cellins; 22, Jescpii',23, Puffhj 24, Cinrk; 25, Butterworth; 26, Courtney; 27Dettercr; 28, Esman; 29, McAllister; 30 Rough. WMM 'PUkEfe liEDaEIHIIMBEEHIA, BA.VPM1JAX. AFTER ALL, HAVE THE ONLY SIMON PURE ALL-AMERICAN TWO HOLMESBURG STARS evHkk '"PUD JpvLJHIM DAY 1 sm - WM- CONNIE LYNCH. He1msburf 1 HUGE CROWD OUT FOR HARVARD II 78,000 Fans Overrun . New Haven te Witness Yale-Crimson Conflict Today Ry SPICK HALL New Il.'iicn, Conn Nev. L'O. When tlm whistle's shrill blast started the thirty-ninth iinnuul battle between Yale and Harvard at - o'clock this afternoon the greatest throng that ever witnessed an athletic contest in America was jammed in the remodeled saucer. Frem the vast rim te the narrower confines of the oval circling the arena there was ....!.!..... .. ........... . t ..lnnn In which te stand. It was estimated Unit nver 7N.OH0 iieeule were m-eseiit te witness this great gridiron battle. The crowd was. a typical Vale-Harvard one. If there was any one in the vast assemblage who was net wearing either the blue of Hie bulldog or the crimson of Johnny Harvard, he was net discernible In that bla.liiK mass of oscillating color. While crimson nnd blue predominated in the uiensure'ess expanse of excited humanity, the effect was given a varielated appearance by tin hundreds of hues represented in the costumes of the women. Kvery shade that the artist can conceive was there. seu or blue Held Fer once the weather dispenser was with the spectators. .The day was In striking contrast te these bitter cold, damp ones which hnve se often been an unpleasant feature .of this annual classic. The ((lay dawned warm but hazy. Toward neon the mists had dis sipated and I'eiil Indian summer greeted the throng that ebbed and llewed through the streets of this college, town. Great, Parade, of Meters Kvery thoroughfare within five blocks of the Tuft Hetel was lined with unto- mobiles which later in the day wended thnlr tfii-tiimm wnvs te the nai-kinir I ground In the vicinity of the bowl, I Kvery turnpike in this section of New ! I'mrhind iieured forth a continuous 'stream of meters until ever 12,000 of them had finally liven lined up while their occupants watched thn game. Within the Tnft Hetel this morning Ynlc men of the eighties met and chat ted with the 11122 undergraduates, liar. vii rd reunions were almost as frequent Kvery feet of fleer space in the hostelry - SWAItTIIMORE LINE-UP TODAY , 21 12 Miller f) f) KemP L. 12. K. K. e 5 Cnskey O O Budle L.T. U.T. 8 3 HunlT O O Valentine L.G. . K.O. 7 f Fisher O O Cetntll ,C. C. 23 11 Pierce f) O Nichols R.G. L.G. 13 1 Rowland O O I'!rki" U.T. L.T. 24 4 11. SnnKrce O O Cn II. E. L. E. .. '."'. ;,." : '..iu ...,.'i. Probable Line-Up for Harvard-Yale Game YA1.E Aire Wt. lit. tl 174 B.ll 21 203 n.u :i ii)7 n.oe ti sin o.en 24 22A n.U 24 20(1 (1.01 is 108 M. Cutler. UK..., r. V. lilrkpii. I,. T... J. 8, Arenlii. h. a.... II. ! Crn. Jr., C. . .1. T. Cnllalinn. K. O. A. At. Inte, It. T. ... ('. U'. Ileun, It. K.... II. '. Krmrten. (I.... 21 ins 3.01 M, r. Altlrlrh. I.. II. II. 10 II r. II. Krllrr, II. II. I).. 24 21 o.en 5.11 .lumen Hturm 1'. II. 178 IIARVAItO Alte Wt. lit. 1.01 n H. linnp. I,, i; 20 IK'4 It. SI. Snlnlrk. I.. T.... 23 .1. It. Tvlhrrl. I., ft 2.'l C. I' lliivrmeyrr, ?.... 21 T. H. Wned. It. (1 2S Y. I). HiiUhnrd. It. T. . 20 .1. Ciwkrr. It. K. 20 .1. .1, ritr.Krrxld l 2:t (inurn, I.. II. II 10 W. II. Churchill, R.II.U 20 A. Herwrvn, r, II !!S 1HII 0.01 2nd n.oe 178 2111 0.03 200 11.00 170 0.004 n.ns iKO inn ft.envfc iei n.iiMi was occupied by a constantly changing mass of gay, talkative meu nnd women. While these scenes were being enacted, thousands of football fans, hepiiiR nmiinst hejin te get one precious paste board of admission, Hocked toward the athletic association offices. The siege began at 8 o'clock and continued until the doers were closed shortly before the game. Squadrons of these clamoring would-be ticket purchasers charged the officials, but the losers in coin en the one side nnd tickets en the ether were light. The only chnuce te get a ticket was te nwait the returns, which were extremely few. Reth Ynlc und Harvard bands paraded the streets nnd finally wound their muslcnl way te the bowl where they were given u great ovation by the .huge delegations of rooters. Ynlc was a favorite like Jlmmle Wilde would be a favorite against Jack ucnipsey. in ether words all the Jehn llarvards here are offering impressive odds that the Crimson will mangle Yale and leave them te be swept up with the cast-efT programs at the end of the fe, 5 "" i"1".'?"! twlliplit today ... -though Harvard eutliusias t today, thusiiists net their money en the most n'retninenl. cigar stands of the city at odds of 10 te !, Kll adherents had rrlppied el bows und were unable te go very deep in the old jea,ns te cover the tempting mazuma offered for home consump tion. The odds en Hnrvard increased slightly toward game time, but even then Yale money was slew of appear ance. The Rlue and the Crimson began battling en the gridiron forty-flve years age, but since 1873. because of war, euner wun nermnny or with each ether. of the lust ten games, defeating Ynlc in huceuisien nvc out et the last blx occasions. Harvard wen in 11)12, 1013, 11)1-1, 11)1." and PJlii. the Ells taking the game In 11)10. The world war. of course, prevented a meeting in 1017 and 1018. I'lider Tad Jenes' coaching the Kits wen their gume in 1010 and were hope ful of another victory this yenr. when Princeton upset their plans by defeat ing them. 20 te 0. lust Saturday, the most humiliating score ever inflicted by the Tigers upon the Rulldeg The first gume ever plnyed between the rivals was In 1S75 nnd was attended hy about .100 persons, mostly friends of the plnycrs. The present football rules were frnmed In 188.1, when Yale do de fcuted Harvard, 2.1 te 2, the Crimson players securing n single safety. The gume proved se rough thnt the Har vard faculty prohibited it the next year, but allowed their team te play In 18.S5, when Yale wen, 48 te (1. This was the biggest score ever reu. istcred by cither team against the ether. SWARTHMORE 2 Stewe It. If. 11. a GeifjcH Q. R. 20 Yarnnll F.B. 7 Cetter L. IT. n. Wk TO Rival Professional Elevens Meet for Eastern Pennsylvania Honors at Ball Park irnlmtubiirr . . . t'nlen A, A. nnyni Mt end .'...fllllneie n.I. t.n ni.iA Hnncnn Kelly If ft runrd "ttHSJi I.ynrh , cenlfr. vf.J.yj flafrney rlrht mmrd Mc7.,il Newcnmb left mmrd VtliilJ 0."ten left end v-i"l Helclp. ..qunrtrrlmrk. . . Andrroen rnftkrr irrt rinirnirK, I'etlfUrr I.llit .Wrlilen Dewner right hnlfhnrk Tlinmiid fuuuarK ... Hffrr K. ellnnls, 1'rtin. Ilmplr T. fw.b. ., iikd.i iinMMaiu.TMm,T. Penn, Time of prrledn in minutes. HnltltiiJi- for llnlmr'burr Morrison. Kurtz, Hlevrnn. WheMfr. llnnlt. Wnlsh. Iletirne. Mjfin. IlenthBrt. Klnncr. Mertti. Wolf. MfCnlye. Tliornten, .istn iniun. iimra, u vi," for I'n'en Krrirh. Cnhle. Mrftrenr. Tnp- Jnrt, iwrten, nnKnninn, jirriici. .uii IcNallr. nrnnt, Cofall. The question of football supremacy of Kestern Pennsylvania will be settled this nfternoen nt 2:.10 o'clock nt the .Phillies' Rail Park when t'nlen A. A., of Phoenixville. clashes wun iioimcs iieimcs burg. With the Penn tenm in New Yerk, the battle between the profes sional rivals looms up ns the gridiron cIhrkIp of the dnv. from a lecnl stand point, nnd the gnme Is expected te at tract the largest crowd that ever wit nessed such n contest. Professional football has been excep tionally well patronized this season in the West, where It has a stronghold, but has advanced far into the sport life In the Fast this year. In fact, at lluf lluf fale, where Spngnn, Andersen. Pot Pet tcigcr. Kyrich. Lud W'ray. Leu Lit tle. Heinle Miller nnd Hebcy Light play en Sundays, the team will meet Akren one week from tomorrow for the championship of the United States. All the plnycrs mentioned will be in the line-up of Union this afternoon. HelmcsburK Alse Streng Ilelmesburg is net lacking in players who hnve niade a name en college, gridirons. At least twenty-five en the local club nre former college players. Notable among the number nre Charley McGuckln, the famous drop kicker, Lee Lvneh. one of the best ccnte-s vev turned out nt Vlllnnevn: "Kidder" Cnskey Hayes nnd "Pud" Day, of Muhlenberg nnd Dewnev Gnnev nnd Kelly, of the Rethlehem Rlue Stnrs. Last evening nt Ilelmesburg the cit izens turned out In force te a mnss mectlng held nt Men's Association Hall, Vrnnkfnril nvenue nnd Welsh read. The slogan of every speaker was "Wn Must Beat Phoenixville." The wildest enthusiasm prevailed nnd nil the plnycrs were present. "Kidder" Cnskey, cap tain, was singled out of the crowd nnd forced te make a speech, In which he predicted that Union would knew they had been in a game. Hands en Hand Sncclal trains will convey the rooters of the rival forces te North Philadel phia station. They will reach there about 1 p. m. and march te the ball perk headed by hands of firty pieces. At the gnme arrangements have been niade whereby the scores of nil the leading games of the day will be an nounced. Union held its final practice this morning at Franklin Field where the Penn stars, Miller. Light, Little and Wray were tendered the use of Frank lin Field. Thousands of their admirers at Penn will be in attendance te root for Phoenixville. The line-ups have been announced nnd Chnrles McGuckln will in t tn t for Ilelmesburg. Manager Gerkcr Is profiting by his experience in the Frankford gnme, for had net McGuckln went in nt. the stnrt it Is likely that the burg would have wen by the score of While Redie Welden is slated te begin for Phoenixville, it is said that he is net in the best of shape nnd Cofall will in nil probability relieve him nt an early stage of the game. THREE X-COUNTRY RUNS I AT GERMANTOWN CLUB Junier A. A. U. and Church Events te Be Decided This Afternoon The Hnrriers will have n busy day at the Germantown Reys' Club grounds en West Penn street today, where Coach Ralnbridge and Sutten have three cress-country runs scheduled. The first event will be a junior run between thn Germantown Club cross cress cross eountry team and the Rig Brethers' Association, covering a distnnce of two nnd one-eighth miles ever the streets of Germnntewn. Following this run will be the regu lar scheduled Amateur Athletic Union Run, In which Meudowbreok, North west Reys' Club. Nicctewn Reys' Club. Germnntewn Reys Club, Kntcrprisn nnd severnl ether organizations will have representatives. The distance will be four nnd ene-hnlf miles. The fiunl event of the day will be a race for ('ermuntewn church athletic associations. Willie. Heppe lusues Challenge New Yerk, Nev 20 Willie Heppe. 1 hum. plen bulk-line Mlllardlst. has lul a formal challenge te play IMeuard Hertmans. Euro pean champion, te decide the world's cham pionship. Thn challenge speeWes that th match be played before January 2. Hess te Play Against Pitt llHfttnirirli. Nev. 20. Hareld ITcs. ct.,.. tain of the Pennsylvania State College feet- 1 lull squad, will be 011 the line .igatnrt the University of Pittsburgh here en Thanks giving Day He plnved fullback last I but due te a weakness in the line volunteered te go te ine ireni. Konetchy Early In Line UrenUlyn. Nev 20. Hd Kenetchv i.A Dodgers' veteran first baseman, has returned Ms signed contract for the reason of 1021. ' He is the third member of the National lague champions te sign for next season. Manager Wllbert Robinson and Iian u'uen are the ether two who have attached their , signatures te contracts. STEAMSHIP NOTICES EARN-LINE Incorporated 101 U. S. Shipping Beard Steel Steamers General Carge Regular Service Philadelphia Manchester A Steamer Dec. Philadelphia Havana SS "Lake Fernanda".... Leadiaj SS "Coquina" Nev. 26 Fer rates and particulars apply te Earn-Line Steamship Ce. 139 Seuth Fourth SU PHILADELPHIA, PA, HOLMESBURG PLAY UNI HERE II A sfs's'" Tat en. -men W v jgusf " Scholastic Athletic Schedule for Today rnnTiiAM- II Kill HCIIOOf. I.KAOCK Citrnl 1Mli t'. Nerlhenst lllch. at Iloimlen Field. eTiini eami: Wltnlnrten llkh nt NorrWenn lllth. Ixiwer Jlcrlen nt Itutlner lllth. HOOCr.1t IJnlirrnllr of IVnnsjrlvnnln Frfeh nt Ceerite Hchoel. FIK1.H IIOCKKY rrlende- 'itrnl Belimil rlrl" ys. Alutnnae. nt rertr-nlnlli strret und lOhed tr nvenun. cnoHH-cei'NTiiv m;N Rmler Champlennlili) nice, I'nlrmoent Park. GERMANTOWN GRID GAME Hobart Plays All-Scholastic Eleven at Wayne Field Geriiiantewn All-Scholastics meet Hobart at .1 o'clock this nfternoen en Wnvne Held. The klckeff is scheduled for'.l sharp and n large turnout is ex pected. Hobart is In top form, having held the Washington Navy Yard te a single goal last Sunday. Captain Kgan will have Eddie Gottlieb, of Southern; Stevens nnd Council in the backficld. The line-up: Itnbart A. Oermanteun Iiuly Krphart lluiinla MnrliPe Emm Itt end . . . . Myerx Ml tnckle . . . (leldman left guard . . lc.nn center . . . . McCarthy rlsht guard ., Northrop , . Waters Hulliviin riKni iscKin. Clrnham' right end ... .T Kiran fiuarterbaek . . Hml HeeburK .... icil n&uuacK iiuumuii Ht.vnn .... right halfback Carney Oottlleb fullback Coady Mount Meriah vs. Langsten Tht Mount Meriah Ulackjacketa will travel te Chester this afternoon te meet the Iang Iang uten nil-colored eleven, of that city. Fer the first tlme In ever a month Mount Meriah will mart thn game with all Its regulars In the llne-up, As aeveral charwes have been made In the team, Including the addition of rtanck and Lang, two geed local bes, Mount Meriah should give u geed account against xthe Chester club. On Thankeglvlng after noon Mount Meriah will plav Mount Helly, and nn the following Hnturd-iy clashes with Vlctrix en Vlnceme Field. Billy De Fee Beats Gene Delmont New Yerk. Nev. 20. Hilly Defee, of Ht. Taul, outpeinted nnd outfought Oene Del mont. of Memphis, last night In one of the best fifteen-round bouts seen hereabouts. At the start they appeared evenly matched, Defee weighing l2A't pounds und Delmont scaling only a ciunrter of .i pound mere. Hut before the fight hud proceeded many seconds It became npparcnt that Detee out classed his opponent an u boxer. Dundee and Jacksen Again Kr Yerk. Ner. 20. Johnny Dundee nnd Willie J'icksen have been matched for a nf-teen-reund bout te a. decision here en Novem ber 20. for the world's Junier lightweight chnmnlnnshlp STnMSIIIl NOTICES The CHARLES T.MEGEECO. Agents for U. S. Shipping Beard 100 A-l Steamers Philadelphia te Scandinavian Ports CHRISTIANIA GOTHENBURG COPENHAGEN S S "Oronoke" Leading Dec 1 (Other Scandinavian and Baltic Perta if sufficient cargo offers) Philadelphia te Greek, Adriatic & Black Sea Ports Piraeus, Patras, Salonica, Venice and Trieste SS "Fert Armitrenr".. Leading- Dec. 1 ,Fer Black Sea Ports if sufficient cargo offers) Leadinr Berth: Pier 78, Seutl Waarrti Fer rates and space apply te The Charles T. Megee Ce. Drexcl Building, Philadelphia Lembard BlOO-1-i-S Main 3064 Philadelphia te Gibraltar, Valencia, Barcelena, Marseilles S S "Lake Creenbriar" Nev. 30 Fer rates and particulars apply te James W. Eiweii & Ce., Inc. 17 State St., New Yerk or The C arlcs T. Megee Ce. Drexcl Building, Philadelphia Lembard 5100-1-2-3 Main 3064 jpUMMINQ - LINES ,ta-r U.S.Shipeing Beard Steel Steamers Regular Freight Service PHILADELPHIA te Rotterdam & AntS&rp s?iS"Arizpa" Nev. 25 b . v ;Lake Harminia . . .uec. a :OTTERDAM te HILADELPHIA SS "Lake Flag" Nev. 25 PHILADELPHIA te HAMBURG and BREMEN A Steamer Dec. PHILADELPHIA te CONSTANTINOPLE and BLACK SEA PORTS A Steamer as sufficient cargo offers Fer apace and rate apply A. D. Cummins & Ce., Inc. H. P. DILKES, Manager 139 Seuth 4th St., Phila. . Lembard 4127-41S8 M07 Mala lS4i LINE New Yerk te Rotterdam Via Plymouth and Boulogne-sur-Mer Noerdim .... Nev. 171 New Amttenlam Nev. 23 'Dec. 28 Ryndisi .Dec. llJia, 8 RetUrbim Uec. II! Jan. 22, Noerdsm .......March 3 ' .J'.'UBL '?' ti T fituV i c Champiensh ID Of City rHnK03' r ' ! Hit of Game at I .. ... en Result Conshehockon Krnnkfertl A. A. Miller lef end. Coniihehorken . . . Carsen Ilrnnrn .... lVIIen ...... Mitchell ruber Mumhy ObrrfeH left tnrkle . Itlrilnulli .... Irft giiiird. . Hlmendrt renter Ilnle. rllht guard.. Mellow rtgnt ineKin. . Shlrnr right end. . Ieinm-v nnnrterlmck. . Nemilek ... .left half hark. Wile Ktichre . Headier MclJeehiin Htrangei ... . right Inilflmrk or IIhIIeii Knufmiui fiillhark. Ilyerly The Frankford A. A. lclleujncKcis . . . . v .. ,.l i nnd the Conshohocken football team are tirimed for their gnme nt Conshohocken today, one of n series te decide the championship of the city and vicinity. The YellewjacketM apparently hnve the edge, en pnper, but Manager Reb Craw ford hns Imported severnl players front the Ohie professional teams and expects them te show up well, and possibly win Rut in Frankford Censhy meets some of the host nlnvcrs in local independent rnnlcs, nnd one of the most thoroughly i coached of the professional teams in , BTnAMSHII NOTICES .... Keute te .iuicRca ONLY FRANN-DKDMttlS CONSHY ON GRID NEW YORK TO NICE AND RIVIERA Unsure.- d Arrnmmorlatiens When Yeu Travel "Via Cunard Vcrbinia PLiUdelphit te Londen Chipana .i;i. j.t.i:. i i :.....! Aquitania Carmania . . . , Carenia Aritertirm ... Saxonia Columbia K. A. Victeria Imperator . . . Maurclania . . , New Yerk " Cberbenrg and Soeth-mpton Net. 23 Dc.l4 Jsa. 2 ....New Yerk "Liverpool Nev.24 Dec.2S J.n.22 ....New Yerk" Plymouth, Ckerbcerr & Hambnrf .Ne v. 27 -; ..Ptiladelpliia" Liverpool, Briitel (Avonmentli) . . . Dec. 4 u... V-.l., ri,.rl,nnr ft llamhnr". Dec. 9 Jan. 18 mar. I . ... New Yerk" Lendnsderry . . . .New Yerk " Liverpool New Yerk " Cherbourg ....New Yerk" Cherbourg Winter Cruise te the Mediterranean R. M. S. "CARONIA" Sailing from New Yerk January 15th ' f 'Itinerary Inclndea tMOi te MADEIRA. OinnAI.TAB, AI.OIBRS. HOMW (IlIVIKHA). NAIM.r.S. ALEXANDRIA. TIRAEUS (ATHENS), reternlns t New Yerk Tla NAPLES nnd OIlJltALTAll. A 48-day trip replete with Interesting nnd comprehensive programs of. shore excuralena. tncludlnir a full weeks stay at ALEXANDRIA permitting- of a vialt te CAIRO and th I interior of EGYPT or of a short trip te the Hely Land. I'fcasenuer and Freleht Services. Fer later sailings pplr t T rasieneer Olllce, 1S00 Walnut St.. Phlln. Frelnht Offlcr. Hearse Hid., IhU4 FRENCH LINE FREIGHT DEPARTMENT Compagnie Generate Transatlantiquc Inwurd anil Outward l'ast Freight Steamers Regular Service Between PHILADELPHIA & FRENCH-ATLANTIC PORTS' SS "CAROLINE," Le Havre & Berdeaux Dec. 10 (and such ether French-Atlantic Perta as cargoes offer) Te Loud Pier SG Seuth AGENTS NEW YORK OCEANIC COMPANY, INC. Fer Rate nnd Spare Apply GEYELIN & COMPANY (Inc.) Philadelphia Representatives 108 Seuth Fourth Street 4207 LUCKENBACH LINES Philadelphia te Rotterdam Amsterdam SS HOMESTEAD (U. S. S. Beard) SS EASTERN SOLDIER (U. S. S. Beard). SS WATONWAN (U. S. S. Beard) Rotterdam Philadelphia SS WEST POOL (U. S. S. Beard) November 25 SS HOMESTEAD (U. S. S. Beard) December 10 Philadelphia San Diege Les Angeles San Francisce Portland Tacoma Seattle SS FLORENCE LUCKENBACH November 23 SS SHORTSVILLE November 29., San Francisce Les Angeles San Diege PhilarMphiaX" SS WEST INSKIP Nevei. Cr t S S FREDERICK LUCKENBACH Decemb. e f LUCKENBACH STEAMSHIP COMPANY, INC. 328 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia I.OMIIAIU) S340 NAWSCO LINES Freight Service Between PHILADELPHIA and LOS ANGELES HARBOR, SAN FRANCISCO, SEATTLE, TACOMA, PORTLAND West Bound Steamer Hast Bound West Bound Steamer East Bound Sailcdt Brush Dec. 1 Dec. 17 Springfield. .. .Jan. 5 Nev.23 Articas Dec. 15 Dec. 20 Lehigh Jno. 29 Dec. 5 A Steamer.... Dec. 30.. ..West Togus....Feb. 1 t Dcea net go North of San Francisce Fer Rates, etc.. Apply te NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. Aeenla U. a c7Mnp'ni7 Wenrrt 136 S. Fourth SU Phila. Phene Lembard 5791-2-3; Main 3202-3 r SOUTHERN Steamship Company Regular Weekly Sailings Every Saturday Frem Pier 46, Seuth Wharvct PHILADELPHIA Housten, Texas Freliht received (or and thru mils el Ladlnc Issued te all points in TEXAS, OKLAHOMA, ARKANSAS, COLO. RAIJO, UTAH, ARIZONA, NEW MEX. ICO and CALIFORNIA. Far rate and partirulars. applv te Southern Steamship Company 322 Commercial Trust Dldg. PHILADELPHIA Locust 3887-4030 Itace 8040 U. S. Shippiiy ,?"l'Jteel SteaW; T FREIGHTONLY W.K ,f m ,i ,i i. ,! mr rximKi W&V'? fhn vtlntlV. Thl nensen the Ycllei- rh tn.1..M 1,n.'.n ct..t.A.t 99(1 nntnftt in 1 Captain Reb Rcmmcy, quartoreanKy"' ,ti In line condRjen te piny his tmunl bwtu i caliber came Leu Knufman, FrnnR-w i. Jill ni'ir. nil.- n.v.i... tv .v....- " -- fnnVu llr.e senriiic fullback, also naU t )l! recovered from miner injuries, ns bM Ncmzlck, the left hnlflmck, and ShlralT, one of the best ends nerenueuia. k Will. Khlrnr en one end nnd HAT -f-K' V, Mlller. fnrmerlv nf IVnn. On the ethfifj ' I ....... - , ... --- , ., f K Coach (Jeerge .lolinsen enu emimiw v i Hewnnl Rewker, nntlclpate no treubla from end runs, nnd Mellow, Dnl, i-,(.-M j Bimendet, Illedpatii nnd uecricn ar capable of stepping most plays nirawl ' fH',, t tl"? 1,n,! ... . ill WM1I'F Frankford followers will re te In MW MM, game In a special train. Five hundred 'f"8 j.; V reservations already liuve ecen mnue mm.' -'iim '!.' a big celebrntlen If their tenra landa .ill tu vilniinml- ' jSt rJ M if Seven Players Dropped .. New Yerk, Nev. 20 -New Yerk Unlvi, ally's football team will take the, neld loe, iigalnat their old rival, the Stevcni eluvenj minus the acrikes of flve regular . PlTer nnd two eueetltutef. An investiraiien irij .ns rnrnrnm an kfv..ii infill nn, r, u. k.i a u . - ft,unln, C0mmlttes revealed that thy re are net eligible te compete for the Violet College and they will be debarred from further competition. Ted Lewis Scores Kaye "r I,onden, Nev. 20.--Ted "Kid" IiwIh laif night knocked out Johnny Ilasham, ferme welterweight champion of England, In tb nineteenth round of a twenty-round bout 1 Albert 1U1I. Case Offers te Play Rutgers (. New llrunawlck. N. J.. Nev. 20. Ca' Cnlverslty has offered Ilutgera a upeclal game te b played en the former's flem, treit en Thankeglvlng Day. .' '( KTKAMMIII SnTICKH Any i-axt ex i,llr vPe 7 DAYb nor. z . nev. i.M Dec. 11 Jan. IS Feb. If Dec. 18 Jan. IS Feb. IB and Olnjew .. and Southampton and Southampton.. .Dec. 23 Jan. 20 Feb. IS Mir. 10 Apr. 7 May 12 Main S1SJ Leading . November 27 . November 30 PHILADELPHIA TO SOUTH AMERICA RIO JANElU, MONTEVIDEO AND BUENOS AIRES SS "Lake Fannin" Nev. 24 SS "Lake Fagundus" Dec. j U. S. Shipping Beard ' Steel Steamers Appir Jehn S. Emery & Ce., Inc. Bosten, Man. Megee, Steer & Ce.. Agfe, Draxel Btilldlnp, PhlladelphJ """"MS, W.-SI i$V $ K i yffl,; i VmB mM I'.V. t M "!9I tw'M'jH 5 3i.7i.wH .ffWI mm a (Sajiw hA M'm: wzX. r? j nil Hs 'dasH''! r cillRH C' 5 n ,s h M W: i ; fcfcd'iffilWia.OlitW.. Tf- FMis(cr 0r Wahnt SurUk, L-f?t err" Irmijia tl, ''"..,(',:. Mtei U'&'fi,y.ia.'; KX-r-rT-vnrni?aiuu n irs b&xA J .., VanHi '-y i V ,r M"A,- Iv . j&m . , , AWrAv4