Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 19, 1920, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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Lieut. Cem. W. B. Phillips Helps
New Yerk Pelice Seeking Di
vorcee's $500,000 in Jewels
Lieutenant Cemmnndcr W. It.
Phillips, of the Philadelphia Nnvy Yard.
Ik nldlnR the New Yerk, police In tliclr
efforts te solve the mysterious $."00,000
jewel robbery committed early this week
nt the home of Mrs. Charlette King
The lieutenant commander Is a
friend of the beautiful divorcee nud
former show clrl. and with ethers I
enld te hnve cnlled en Mrs. I'nltner
at her home, 50 Eaet Ninetieth street.
New Yerk city, and her LeriR Bench
summer home.
Commander l'lill'ipi tenay reiuiea te
comment in nuy way en the myeterietis
robbery ear'y Inst Tuesday mei nlni?.
when three men bound nnd gagged Mrs.
Felmfr's maid nnd butler, then trussed
f up Mrs. Pa'mer In her bathroom and
took all her jewels.
Toek Fingerprints
The naval officer. It Is said, was In
New Yek when Mrs. Palmer reported
the robbery te the police. At her
request he and ether friends enme te
her home and permitted their finger
prints te be taken.
This precaution is saidte hove been,
taken se that the police could eliminate
the fingerprints f these in no way
hiispectcd of complicity In the robbery.
Anether robbery. It has developed,
occurred early this month nt Mrs.
Palmer's summer home nt Leng flench.
The thief or thieves there obtained
about $1000 worth of Scotch whisky,
"geed Scotch, tee," as the divorcee
told detectives.
Frederick Kuhne. connected with n
private detective agency nt 305 Broad Bread
way. New Yerk city, fnid that en the
morning of November 8 he received n
telephone call.
"Arc you a finger print expert? I
have been given te understand se," it
man's voice aRkcd.
"Yes. sir." nld Kuhne. "I was fei
merly with Inspector Fauret at pelici
headquarters, nnd fingerprint work
my specialty. 'Who is this?"
"This Is Lieutenant-Commander
rhllllps. I'. S. N.." Kuhne t,ay tin
ether told him. "A friend of mini
down here nt Leng Iteach has beet
robbed, and we wnnt te sec If the. thieve
left anv marks behind."
Mr. Kuhne said he mnde en appoint
merit te go te Lene Bench the fellow
ins day. He said he met Commande
Phill'ps nt the station.
"I was presented te Mrs. Palmer, i
handsome, charming woman, who wn
(lttlng in n IututIeiih sedan nutome
Mlc," continued Kuhne. "She drove me
te her home. 52 Reach street."
The private detective said he wn
t-hewn a closet where the liquor hni
been stored. It also contained firs
and lingerie which had net been (lis
tributcd. Kuhne said lie dusted black
powder ever the white suiface of the
closet nnd found three fingerprints.
Scrvlce Man Suspected
Re.pl ing te n question from Cem
mnndcr Phillips, ncceiding te Kuhne
Mrs. Palmer said the men she sus
pected of the liquor theft had been in
the service, one in the nrmv the etln
in the navy. Commnnder Phillips re
plied it would be easy for him te get
the fingerprints of the two men1 fro
the government records nt Washington
Detectives believe there muy be u
connection between the liquor theft
tarly tills month nnd the mjsterleu
jewel robbery Inst Tuesdav.
The pearl necklace which Mrs. Palme
stus was puVed from her neck had 21"
pearls strung from a large penr-shnped
pearl clasp and had been bought In
Paris for $300,000.
Other jewels stolen included twi
hnlrp ns; set with diamends: n platinum
biacelet; set with d.a.nends and sap
iiii.tis; platinum hoiseshec breech, set
with diamond?: geld meshbag, set with
.lamendsj god purse nnd geld pencil.
live valuable fur pieces also were
taken by the Jobbers.
Lieutenant Commander Phillips Is as
ilgutd te the machinery division at the
navy ymd.; lie graduated from An
napolis in 11)11 nnd served en destroyers
v.i.nian UUIIIIK II1C Wflr,
Unoccupied Hemes Burn Cigar
Causes Anether Blaze
Fire of an unknown origin was dls.
envoi ed sherty nfter midnight In the
unoccupied two and one-half story
frame dwelling nt 350 North Sixtieth
street. Firemen from the Sixty-first
nnd Thompson streets engine house re
sponded. The ihmngc is estimated nt
hss than $50. Sparks from a cigar en
ciga ette nte believed te have cause i
the fire which was discovered in the
i we- story lrnme stable near Fifty -ninth
nnd Gibsen streets early Inst evening.
The damage is estimated at from $200
te $.100. The building was owned by
Frank Ilockweod.
Man Dies In Same Way as Fermer
MarshaM O. Wnttis, thirty-seven
.cars old. an Insurance agent, of On On
tarle street, near Seventh, committed
suicide lnsj, night in his bedroom by tnk
ing gns.
His wlfe found him In bed, with one
end of n rubber tube in his mouth, nild
the ether attached te the jet. He was
pronounced dead in Samaritan Hospital.
The pelice said the mnn who tire-
vleusly occupied the house euded bis
-life in the snme room in the same way.
Wattis hud been in ill health ever u
War Veteran's Funeral Tomorrow
The funernl of Jehn Stlffel, twenty
two years old, n wur veteran, who wns
crushed te denth between two cars
Wednesday night en the Atlantic City
Haiti end while employed ns n brake
man, will be he'd tomorrow morning at
10 o'clock nt his home, 2073 Congress
street, Falrvicw, N. J. Gloucester
Pest, American Legien, will have
rharge of the funeral. Interment will
be In Ilnrlclgh Cemetery.
Assailant Calls Victim "Fine
Fellow," Then Fires Bullet
Through His Meuth
Patrick Kellv. twenty-five years old,
a bartender In fJIUesple's saloon, north
east corner of Tenth nnd Knee streets,
wns shot through the mouth hv nn
unidentified mnn in the back room of
the saloon.
The shnetng occurred nt 12 -.10
e fleck yesterday afternoon, but wns
net made public until today. Kel'v
rvUn lttna nt OOT1 Tlnnn,l !.. .A ..
Is In the Hahnemann Hospital in a
m-iiu'i. f'nntniien.
Kelly was busy in the bnr when sum
moned te the back room. There, he
told police later, he met a mnn he had
never seen before. The man drew a
revolver from his pocket.
"You're n fine fellow, nnd I wnnt
te rewnrd you," the intruder snld, ac ac
erdlng te Kelly, and then shot. The
bullet entered Kelly's mouth nnd pene
trated his head.
Despite the wound, the bartender
made an effort te reach his assailant
nnd grapple with him. The mnn calmly
sidestepped .Kelly's staggering rusii
nnd, returning the wenpen te his pocket,
left through a deer leading tp the
Men In the barroom who heard the j
shot rushed In and initie n search for i
lie mnn, but they were unable te lo
cate him In the big crowd which seen
gathered. I
seigeant u nricn, et me kicvcmii i
and Winter streets station, wns nearby I
and had Kelly taken te the hospital
In an automobile.
Find Stelen Safe
Tne Iren safe which was stolen Tues
'Iny from Kimmcr'a Wholesale Ilettllng
plnnt In 3leuccter was recovered last
Mght in n field en lle'l's rend near
Mount Hphralm, four miles nwnv. The
afc had net been opened and $150 In
"ish, checks nnd pnp"rs were recovered.
The Oleurcstcr police hnve arrested
Hussell Mvers nnd Samuel Whnlcn, of
Philadelphia, and Harvey II. Price, of
Gloucester, as suspects.
$12 WATC
Special for Saturday
Guaranteed Geld-Filled
Jeweled ) Accurately
Adjusted &&r pegulated
Much credit ... ,i !-' our hujer, IT A
Pr, In m.iklmc thin wonderful pur
cliais which enables un te nell this (12.00
Wutch fe. the up cliil Harl.iln I'rlce f
10. US In uppearance nnd timekeeping
quulItleH these watches will exceed your
cxpectatlenn, Th movement are Jew
eled, udjuited, regulated nnd carefully
tilted hy our watch experts, se that the
are In perf ct order te alie you the best
timekeeping servlce. The caueH am the
new thin model, guaranteed ffelil-llll d
Our regular guarantee Is nlen you with
these watrhes se that you nre sure of
receiving- absolute satisfaction.
The fellow Ine lis, of special wutch
lulur will uUe Intercut yeu:
25-year suarunteed
Keld tilled tas
new thin mudtl,
-1 - Jewel ad
justed 25
movement -
Guaranteed sold
till d cane, Oen
ulne Walttmm
move- C 1 n
ment... aXO
Guaranteed cold,
fllled ect men
fuse, thin model,
7 Jewel levir
move- CI n
ment... sxv
Guaranteed g e 1 d
nil d cuse, thin
model, Qnuln)
Kl1n R12
movement '''
OUM-antee1 geld,
filled cane, hand
engraved, lR-Jew-I
I ver C- 1
..mevem-nt "
H-K. solid Rold
tnln medl r,
lj-Jewel Kl'n nr
' S41
L'B-yenr eeld-tllled
case, fitted will '
rtallread K'ade
21-Jewel g4g
Walt ham. k" XJ
1-l-K. solid geld ex
tra heavy cas
17 - Jewel Walt
ham or Hamilton
njeve- 50
ment. ..
Quaranteeit K e I rt
ailed caii. 17
Jewel Vnltham
or II
solid Rold
fitted with
ifrade IK-
jewel adlnstfl
move- jjjllJ
B-year geld filled
case 21-Jewel ad
Justed Waltham
Cresoetit 8t
movement with
vvlndlnir g65
280-1'age Cutnlet Mulled Free.
RT? axtqttxt
-VJL- JL L.Z. JUL N Iwl 'i
Three Medels
Nationally Priced
"SnburliB" "Cenntry Sett"
$595, ipGGQ
" "Wlitt Hern."
The Greatest Values in the
World at Thcse Prices
1108 Chestnut St.
Everything Musical Since 1864"
Irr j. j Tu i AI e
jcxirduruiiidiy v aiuca m rn e
Suits and Overcoats
Extraordinary is the only word te describe the numerous EXTRA
SPECIAL lets in the general Reduction Sale. Our entire stock of Men s and
Yeung Men's Clothing is reduced in price everything Sack-coat Suits, Cutaway-coat
Suits, Evening Dress Suits, Overcoats, Ulsters, Raincoats, Fur
lined Coats, Leather Coats, Trousers.
But several lines are grouped together at prices representing REDUC
TIONS MUCH GREATER than the average for our whole stock.
$45 te $80 Suits at $29,00, $39.00 and $49.00
Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits included at each price in the above let.
Alse, Hart, Schaffner & Mara Winter Overcoats that were $60.00 te .$122.50,
new marked at $39.00, $49.00 and $84.00. Then we have four large special
tables of -
"Alce" and Other Makes, Werth $40.00 te $75.00
Surely, we shall have another record-breaking Saturday! Please try te be early
r )4frnu. ttrltltTfi X flnt h!nr 3rrnnti Plivtf T?fi.
v-V atrnwbrldne St. Clothier Second Fleer. Hast
1' SWm W '
I !tter BttBBBBflQBHSHKusVwBSntVv : rrl
Qoed Qempany
Unquestionably a man is
known by the clothes he wears
as well as the company he keeps.
Geed clothes keep geed company.
There is an zAdler-lechester suit
or overcoat in our store that -was
made for geed company and you.
founded 1824
Salt Dittributerj in PMtaJetphia
for AJler-Recheiler Clethei
1424-26 Chntnut Strut
r II I I. A D U Ml I A
,,'- -s. i'ijji,Vtjyyt,.A-'. ;yn tyt. . . gllilji:
mwm m 11 mi rp ill 1 11 aaillBl 11 wpifipi . tmimmm. -vmmmmmmfmmmm r. ii ... isMaBHitjPjBjBjBa ,u bjbju- I'M-i-v.aHMiVHs.PHiin
. 1. . . ti . f. rn.'tat!Tl.l' " f- y.-iit'uw;.y.j r -M ,uk -rwJ-'' '?,0i "tsSiAsJMJ?-isii
Hand Bags and
Feather Fans
Special These nnd many ther gift
Beaded Bags $13.00
U. S.. Government tax included.
Beautiful Draw-string Bags,
handsomely beaded, silk-lined.
Werth $18.00.
Ostrich Feather Fans, $10.35
In sapph're or turquoise blue,
pink, orchid ei black, curled or
uncurled. $12.00 value $10.35.
Chiffen Velvet Bags $1.93
Smart Hand Bags, with metal
frame nnd clia'n handle, n'cely
lined. Vnlue $6.85 new $4 05.
Vachette Strapboeks $5.00
Streng overlapping frames,
moire lining. Fitted with mirror,
powder nnd pin boxes nnd memo
book. Bedured from $5.75.
$5.75 Shopping Bags $1.83
"Cotex" Shopping Bags, sturdy
nnd convenient, 12-inch size.
HtrnwbrMce f'let'ilnr
Allies 8 nnd C Centre
Victrela Outfits
Foresighted people, prefitin.?'
by the experience of ethers in
past holiday seasons, are select
ing Vie'reln Outfit"? earlier thin
usual this year. Twe of the most
favored Outfits
The $30.10 Outfit
$2.00 Initial Payment. Then,
hftrr January First pay $3.00
This Oi'tfit consists of S25.00
Victrela IV nnd s'x lO-inh
double - faced Records, worth
The $40.10 Outfit
$3.00 Initlid Pnymcnt. Tnn.
after January First pay $3 00
This OnKit consists of ?3n.00
V'Vtrela VI, nnd six 10-inrh deu-v
blc-faced Records, worth $5 10.
Straw ljrl'l Clit'ilT
r fth I'lner Wi-st
$2.25 White Madras
Waists, New $1.50
Tnilercd models of fancy-stripe
white madras, made with con
vertible, roll or Buster Brown
cellnr $1.50.
Waists, Special at $1.75
FLANNELETTE in gtay and
blue, vith convertible cellar nnd
long sk-pves. Medium sizes.
Werth $2.25.
$1.50 and $3.00 Waists, $2.50
Tailored models of fancy-stiipe
voile, plaid dimity and neclty
materials, in white and pretty
color effect?
Men's Hats Reduced
Our entire stock, excepting these of Stetson make.
Men's $4 00 te $12.00 Seft Hats reduced te $2.33 te $9.7.1.
Men's $10 00 te $2."(.00 Vcleur Hats new $5.9.") le $19.75.
Men's $6 00 te $8.00 Derby Hats new $1.05 te SG.-15.
Men's $2.00 te $6.00 Caps reduced te $1.45 te $1.75.
Men's $3.50 te $8.00 Cleth Hats new $2.95 te $0.15.
Men's Fur Caps, Made te Sell at $7.50
te $37.50 new $5.75 te $29.75
A wonderful opportunity for motorists nnd gift seekers. Furs
include ceney, nearseal, Hudsen seal, Alaska seal, muskrat and nutria.
Thousands of Men's
Neckties at $1.50 ,
Hundreds of different patterns
nnd color-combinations. This col
lection one of the largest of its
kind in the city is new at its
A short time age these grades
were sold at 50c te $1.00 mere.
Htrmvbrldife Clothier
Alsle 1, Murket Street
r 8.rnn iuu t i , i r Si nd l'loer.
mil tUre-t. Uusl
Table and Piane
Scarfs Reduced
Our entire stock of handsome
Scarfs for library and hall tables,
also for pianos; REDUCED. R'ch
co'ers and patterns te harmonize
with upholstery and draperies.
Velvet Scarfs in Persian Rag pat
terns, reproductions of handsome
Flemish tapestries, French silk-and-mctal
brocades, copies of
Chinese embroideries new $2.00
te $15.00 each.
c Tapestry Couch Cevers
new jje.vu 10 y)&v uu
Strnwb llr & Cletl'lrr
Thlnl lloei. Centre
Carving Sets
Three-piece Carving Sets
$4.75 te $32.00.
Five-piece Carving Sets
$12.50 te $23.00.
Game Sets $4.00 te $10.50.
Steak Sef $3.. 5 te $10.00.
Straw lirlilifn t Clothier
AlHle n. .VirUt Stri-ct
Fine Baby Coaches
At New Lew Prices
A special let, all fresh and
new. lnclud'na the ms'-wanted
models in Blech and Heywood
make. All nirely uph lstered and
with reversible gears.
Reed Ceacheb new S35 te $15
Reed-nnd-Woed Coach 8 $10 00
Adjustable High Chairs, $15
Fer babies nnd little tots, a
practical Chair, worth $22.50.
Strcwlirld-jc & Clothier
Thlnl l'loer, Uust
Sterling Silver
Cigarette Cases, $10
A gift suggestion these Cases,
for two rows of cignrcttes. Dec
orated in nt ctive engine-turned
designs. SPECIAL at $10.00.
Straw brldKi- Clothier
Alle 0. Market Street
Bed Spreads
$6.50; were $7.50 Fine white
satin-fmish Marseilles Spreads,
double-bed sbe.
Straw h? Mi,-. 1 Clothier
.Vlile II. Tilb rt Strfet
75c Nainsoek, 65c
All our Demestic Cottens nre
reduced, among them fine Bnok Bnek Bnok
feld Ta'nsoek, 3G inchps wide.
10c "Whtc C-rnbrtc. 3G-in 25c
40c BVachrd Mus'in 28c a yard
Straw brhli-e & Clethl r AMe 13. Centre
Wee Tots' Leggings
Of warm, durable steck;nnt,
buttoned ut the i.ide, rubber
waist-band. Si"e! -1 te G years,
black, $1.1fi fj $1 7- 2 te 4 years,
white Si ,r. nnl $1 55.
Kni'ted Lper'nnijs,
$1.95 te $2.25
Of &oft, wh'te yav-i, without
feet, 2 te 3 yeais. Values S2.G5
te $3.00.
Stranl.-M.ie I Clothier
Thlld Fleer W. Kt
1200 Men's Shirts
Special at $2.50
Of fine woven-stripe madras,
in a smooth, soft finish a fabric
tlat will wear well and will with
stand innumerable tubbings.
Straw b Mne A Clothier
Hunt Stere. 8th Street
Save en Cozy Winter
Automobile Robes
handsome plaids, were $25.00 te
$32.50 new $15 00 te $20.50.
$40.00 te $75.00 new $35.00 te
$G5 00.
FUR ROBES at these sharp
reductiens: $110.00 Marmet
Robes. $70.00; $150.00 Civet Cat
Robes, $100.00; $75.00 Deg Robes,
$15.00; $100 00 Peny Robes,
$50.00; $225.0C Beaver Robes,
Straw bridge & Clothier
reurtn I'loei. Market Streat
475 Women's
New Cleth
Extraordinary Value
Five smait models of wool jersey, in navy, Flemish blue, dark
blown, reindeer and Burgundy.
Three models of tricetine in navy blue, two in itraight-line,
leng-waisted styles with black or colored embroidery, and cue tunic
model with braid embroidery. Sizes 34 te 4G.
. i,i i ti i -' en 1 P'... r M rk m .
Sweaters Reduced
$10.50 V-neck Sweaters,$9.25
Excellent qualities.
$12 V-neck Sweaters, $8.50
All-wool, some in 2-"oler com
binations. These are in sizes 36
te 42. Smaller sizes, same grade,
that were $10.00 new $7.50.
$8.00 Sweaters new $5.00
Various discontinued styles.
Children's $") Sweaters $2
Of worsted; blue; 2 te 3 years.
ytri.iirl(li- Clothier
rnirili l'loer, Wtnt
Beys' Stockings
Reduced te 25c
These heavy black Ribbed Cot Cet Cot
eon Stockings, w.th extra rein
forced heels nnd tees, were
fei merly marked 35c and 40c.
We have reduced their prices te
25c a pair.
sir l.rMiri. i. Clothier
AIbI 4 Market street
:a l '
fr.f i Mrrnuhridc. Jt, f'Inl hi .
Pe-I f Si'ceml I'lner cntr -
S; Empm R IK Sas ",rt w
Ml i iCK'r Brisag tlhe Clhiildrem te
r a h ' iV L iAi
Santa Claus is new here, will have a pretty Picture Boek for
and for the Grewn-up Felks we have this
each Bey and Girl te-morrow
Geed News
500 Lets of Toys and All Dells at Reduced Prices
$2.50 and $3.75 Shoe-fly Rocking Horses new
$1.50 and $2.50
$10.75 Velecip des new $8,00
$8.25 in $12 Safety Ceaster Wagons $7.35 te
$10 50
$1.00 Dells' High Chairs new 75c
$3.00 te SG5.00 Dells' Heimos Stables and
Kitchens new $1.75 te $50.00
$7.00 and $13 75 Hebby Horses $5.00 and $10
$2.50 nnd $3.00 Ten Pin Seth $1.75 and $2.00
$3 00 Bey Ranger Cannen new $1.50
$15.00 te $32 50 Teel Chests $13.50 te $29.25
$1.25 te $10 00 DnllR new 75c e $7.50
$12.50 Walking Dells new S10.00
Babies' $1.25 Seft Cuddy Dells 75c
$1.50 and $3 Sewing Machines, will pew new
S1.25 and $2.50 A (0
$35.0 te $12 Mechanical Trains $2.00 te $8.75
rf2.00 Steel Trains, te pull new $1 50
$1 00 Medel Cettag. Builder HIecI.h 50c
50c Medel Heuse Builder Becks 25c
f'h IdrenV Sr.50 K'tben Cab net-, $2.00
$2 00 Bowling Alleys new $1.50
$1.00 Animat d Circus ana Nursery 75c
15c te 75c Beats new 10c te 50c
$2.50 Irish Mnil K'd new $2.25
Si "5 Jrcki Vcrebnts new 85c
35c te $7.00 Lead Soldiers 25c te $5.00
$18 and $25 Lrrgc Beats $15.25 and $21.25
$3 00 Structe Sets new $1.50
$3 50 Diidirs $2 50 75c Meuth Organ 50c
$7 50 Swiss Music Bexes new $5 50
$fi 00 te !30 00 Oe'l CenchcB S3.0Q,te $22.00
25c te $1 00 Leieure Heur Puzzles 10c te
$1.25 Ouilu Beards new 75c
Children's $4.00 Play Dishes $2.50
e 35c
Children's $10.50 Pla Automeb.ies $7.50
Children's $2.50 Snowless Coasters $1.75
$150 Snm'E Kars $3.00 (James Reduced
Electric Tiains, saving of 10 te 20 per cent.
M:in ArnrlMllllenl Tniu umlmr tP ..n.. ....n-.nM
$j te $17.50 Artincial Christmas Trees new
.J I III Jl.l ilU I .
$8,50 Carem Game Beards new 9..I00
S2 Dells' Bed $1.50 $5 T tidy Bears $3.90
$3.25 te $5 00 Dell-house Furniture new $2.25
te $1 00 a set
i 00 Herse Bl'-es like velocipede $10.50
$1.25 Boomerang Pul'man Cars 75c
jOc Kindergarten Sets new 35c
Thousands of Dells of all kli'ds, dressed anrl
undressed; end 3000 Infant Cha ctcr Delli,
all reduced. I
3&--Slrwbrlc!r & ClptbUif -rpurth Fleer
( ' i
'Li WW tK"
m 'r
n vl
f 'Tlf-
.1 V