PtyreE Ufi" rf ((ft tV 4-, ) EVENING . PTJBLIO LEDGER-PHIEAI)ELEHIA, FEIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1920 n BOOZE SOLD FAST AS SHIP IS RADED Bettles of Smuggled Whisky Are Found in Ceal Bags and Bakeovens SOME EVEN ON FISH LINES New Yerk, Nev. 10. Lightning-fast itles of whisky en the decks of n steam ship from Havana while federal officers wcre raiding the iield of the vessel cre ated extreme nervousness in the "boot leg" market en Wednesday nnd price reached a new low level for Uie post pest prohibition period. That became known when forty ferty ncven sacks filled with bottles of various liquors were delivered at the ofilce of the pert surveyor. Federal agents as serted thp liquidation of liquids by sail ors and dockwerkertt en deck was fran tic in its swiftness nnd some bottles keW as low ns hnlf a dollar en the gamble that the transaction could be completed before the prohibition ngents emerged from the companlenwnys. Apenti searching the ship found liq uor hidden In nearly every nvullable 8pet. Cases were brought up from the depths of water tanks ; flshllnes, hauled nut of the water, disclosed bottles where the hooks should have been; coal bunkers yielded bags filled with bot tles, and from the baker's even, in Mend of leaves, there wcre brought forth bottles. Others wcre found in the crew's nest nnd in the ice boxes. Eight quart bottles wcre found beneath the bulging shirt of a negre baggageman, uhllc his trousers' pockets yielded two mere. I'ltlAburgli, Nev. 10. W. Wayne Illndman, prohlblten director for the western district of Pennsylvania, hns tendered his resignation te Jehn F. Kramer, commissioner, te become ef fective December 1. Arthur McKcan has been mimed his successor, it 1b re ported. Mr. lllndmnn's notion was taken suddenly. He was appointed director when the Velstead act became effective. Pittsburgh has been consid ered a het-bed of bootleggers. Unlonteun, Pa.. Nev. in. Thirty hetelmcn and barkeepers, of Unlontewn, were urrcsicn nnu enarged witn vio lating the prohibition laws. 'J'hcy were held in ball of $1000 each. Wnrrants for the arrests wcre sworn out by a "committee of one hundred," which is composed of professional and business men nnd prlvnte citizens of Fayette county. Twenty mere wnrrants will be served tomorrow, authorities announced served today. Captain Michael McQredy Captain Michael McOredy. for ninny years master of various tugs of the home, Ne. 2023 llichmend street. He llnmllnir Itnlhvnv. illerl venfnrrinv at his leaves two sons and a daughter. He was well known by the tug owners nt master of towing craft. In the latter (his pert and elsewhere as a successful ' years he had virtually retired from active duties. His death was due te la L (trinities of old age. ' I M. m i ffijRfMi1 laLH H Jill v,.j,iiti' H L HWMUtU t ifTOPffilwH rjT4fI f&smnimiimmit I Rfb- IS II WINDSOR ROOM' 1204 CHESTNUT ST. 11 II ' 11 SOUTH 15th STREET 1119 MARKET STREET II II ' Founded In 1894 II 11 ii j?5 vi t 91I9KmI I IE I liG0 I II Reduced dtYWXJi I 1 ft ft I l KvE m rJ)rV3Kl H 'm 33Bte40 iflWcW I kH M ' ' i, A il Percent! - M, LI J I I J I " - P ii jjB 1 Cepyrifht, 1H20, A. D. Klrschbium Cempmr , I Wm M I Ii I Ksl Free Lecture Christian Science By Mrs. Blanche K. Cerby, C. S. B., of Les Angeles, Cal. Mpmtirr of h Henrd of Lfeturmlilp of The Mether Church, TIib First tiiurtli of Christ, Scientist, In Bosten, Mann. THE NIXON THEATRE 52d Street Belew Market Street SUNDAY AFTERNOON, NOV. 21, AT 3:30 O'CLOCK The Public Is Cordially Invited WllfflffillIIIM 1 Vl 0JeJ:'.li.kvi!,'yil I The Last Week te join the Motrela Club This exceptional effeT for the electric winder closes shortly. -Don't delay. $5 .00 CASH Ualunce $5 for five months in a club plan limited te 200 members. Step in and see it demonstrated Talking Machine Ce. 1225 Chestnut Street These Six Stores Open Iirrnlni 4038 Lancaster Ave. Bread and Columbia Ave. 5610 Germantown Ave. 52nd and Chestnut Sts. 4407 Main St., ManayunkGermantewn & Lehigh Aves. Mllllllllffl oecena noer or stairs Women's and Big Girls' $4. te $8 Shoes 210 $3-10 $3-90 All geed styles taken from our regular stock, in lace and button, high and low heels, in tans, gunmetal, black and grey kid, patents and handsome combinations. Sizes 2V te 8 in the let 1 111 Onn "VV Sat. s K til's, " l tit I l I li It 11 fl II fl II 11 I I w je y' f xS-s5 DR. KELLEM'S Cushion Sele SHOES .70 t8j v I In Iluttea Beys' and Girls' STORM SHOES SI zee 10 te nA 13, tan ana Uf S( blaek,wlth ilj,l,v straps anfl V1- bucklee. BUea Q Ort j,, j--vr lte 6. jfK?a?Brr'' ' ! 1 l 1 J BIGGEST BUY IN TOWN Men's High-Grade Shoes I el W4-85 X f-n M m iff jA iX-Ptrfr - Opn Sat. ft - KvenlDB Tan brogues and plain tips. Gun metal calf, black kid nnd patents. Weltd soles, English, medium and bread tees, also U. S. Army .Shoes. BARGAIN TABLE at 52.80 and $3.90 Amy Overcoat or Suit ImThe R. & F.'Stores qA genuine reduction of prices en all our Kirschbaum Clethes te the Fall 1921 level 45 Suits and Overcoats 30.00 A saving of $15.00 50 Suits and Overcoats 33.50 A saving of $16.50 55 Suits and Overcoats 35.00 A saving of $20.00 60 Suits and Overcoats 37.50 A saving of $22 50 60 Suits and Overcoats 40.00 A saving of $25.00 75 Suits and Overcoats 45.00 A saving of $30.00 Original price tickets upon all garments. Ne changing or juggling ej prices. The only event ej its kind in town. OUR WINDOWS ARE WORTH A LOOK 8 Bt?IjK"'s" 'tBrflttHIBfcfg'i;?pMMr::i m C4f -rl- Afl J I SJ!BiiraPB5S35gJS Pour Ham Gravy Over It FRY a slice of ham. Beil a dish of rice se that the grains all stand separately. Then just pour the ham gravy ever the rice and let it seep down through every plump, tender flake. The rice will take the delicate flavor of the ham. And you will enjoy one of the finest meals you ever sat down te. Rice should be served as a vege table. It's great with meat, or fish, or poultry. It adds wonder fully te soups and stews. Eat it every day as you de potatoes with gravy or butter en it. Rice is the best feed grown. Amer ican rice is the finest in the world? Ne ether feed can be served in as many delightful ways as rice. There are ever three hundred tasty dishes that rice can be made into. Just try it with sugar and cream for breakfast. It saves you money. Rice is the most economical feed. One cup ful makes enough for five people. There is no need te ever waste rice. If any is left, it can be made into one of many very tasty dishes. Rice keeps you healthy. It sus tains your energy. It gives you strength. It nourishes you. Rice digests in one hour. This is quicker than any ether feed. The Master Recipe from the Seuth At cook, tin teuthtrn mammtta are Justly tameu. This It tlitlr rteip ler boiling rlet. It It te tlmplt that anyone by following It, can cook rlc aucctttfully the first time they try. Willi rice thoroughly in a itrainer. Use a deep porcelain or agate-ware kettle. Te (our cups of boiling water odd one level teaspoonful el lalt. Then add one cup of washed rice se slowly that water continues te bell. Lift rice occasionally with fork and shake kettle se that no kernels stick te bottom. But this Is important never stir the rice. Bell twenty minutes. Then pour water off, If any, and place In open even where It will finish swelling without burning. Each grain will stand alone, plump, tender, and delicious. Consult any standard cook book for a number of excellent recipes for rice. ASSOCIATED RICE MILLERS OF AMERICA, Inc., New Orleani, L. EATRICE II I II j m , II '' . ' ' v mX vif - x.JJut ,Jtt. nmiiTiiiiri!ii,iiiiiiiiiniiiJi!iiii!n.ii!!iiiiHiiiH!ii UBMIIIIIIIIUHIIllUllllllllli'linil'ailM'lV ,tW'i UpniirmiiiiHiniTOmiiiiiiiifflniMimii illlMIGOillillillinillllllllWWIIUIIIIUlilBilllllUI 1 Yes, It Is an Epochal Sale of Overcoats Every standard Overcoat in Oak Hall is radically and sweepingly reduced te prices that average about 33VsOFF Fer Saturday's Buyers Think of it! An offer like this coming te you before Thanksgiving instead of after Christmas. ' TT IS A SALE thoroughly typical of Oak Hall. Typical in its I greatness. Typical in its values. Typical in the fact 'that -. every overcoat in the offer is a standard garment built by Wanamaker & Brown, trimmed by Wanamaker & Brown, inspected by Wanamaker & Brown and built of cloths up te the standard all wool specifications of Wanamaker & Brown. Standard $35 Wanamaker & Brown Overcoats for $25 Standard $45 Wanamaker & Brown Overcoats for $30 Standard $50 Wanamaker & Brown Overcoats for $35 Standard $65 Wanamaker & Brown Overcoats for $45 Standard $75 Wanamaker & Brown Overcoats for $50 Standard $85 Wanamaker & Brown Overcoats for $60 Wonderful $90 Montagnac! Overcoats for $75 Never such a sale as this offer te the public by Oak Hall before Thanksgiving, and it would seem that no overcoats could sell in Philadelphia UNTIL THE LAST OF THESE IS GONE. m m Hz'v f .lHl 1 1 11 iil!. 1 11 ( I ' A Great Feast of TJmnksgiving Bargains in the WOMAN'S SHOP! $14.75 $16.75 $45.00 $49.75 THIS FIGURE (LESS THAN WHOLESALE) GIVES YOU SELECTION FROM THREE HUNDRED S29.75 TO $39.75 NEW DRESSES IN SATINS, SERGES, TRICOLETTES AND CHARMEUSE. SIZES 1G TO 42. PLAIN AND EMHROIDERED. OAK tiams nifPATPcr Lvalue offer of the year: f FOR JERSEY KNIT WOOL SUITS OF S29.7K QUALITY. ALL HEATHER MIXTURES. OX FORDS. TWO SHADES OF GREEN, COPEN HAGEN BLUE; THREE STYLES. SIZES 16 TO 38. FEW WOMEN CONSIDER THEIR WARDROBE COMPLETE without nvu rr I THESE WONDERFULLY PRACTICAL SUITS. rMANY TAKEN FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK. ONE OF THEM SHOWN IN ILLUS- J TRATION NO. 1. IN SAMPLE SIZES. REGU- 1 LARLY SOLD FOR $.-!. TO $75. SIZES 1G. 36, 39 AND .12'7. SOME OF THE HIGHER- I PRICED SUITS ARE FUR TRIMMED. FOR SAMPLE COATS REGULARLY $35 TO $75. S1LVERTONES, DUVET DE LAINES. POLOS. SUEDINES AND TINSELTONES AUSTRALIAN OPOSSUM HArrnrw suai. I INE AND FUR COLLARS. ( FOR $G5 COATS IN SILVERTONES, VELOURS; HCTff rf ) BLACKS. REINDEER AND BROWNS, ALSO Pr .UU DUVET DE LAINES FUR TRIMMED. MOSTLY. I SEALINE, LARGE AND SHAWL COLLARS. ( FOR $55 SUITS DUVET DE LAINES, SILVER. IMG 7C TONES. PLAIN VELOURS AND ABOUT TEN ipV. D ) STYLES. ALL THE SEASON'S NEWEST ) SHADES ( FOR $120 COATS (SHOWN IN CUT) OF BEAU- VND $1fllt i TIKUL UULIV1A CLOTH IN BROWNS AN lUU.UU ) NAVIES. HAS A HANDSOME TAUPE NUTRI I COLLAR. FOR $75 COATS IN EIGHT STYLES. BOL1VIAS. DIAGONAL SILVERTONES AND VELOURS. SOME HAVE SHAWL COLLARS OF NUTRIA AND SEALINE. ALL NEW MATERIALS AND FUR TRIMMED. . a rr (V0R WOMEN'S NEW $17.50 COATS IN FINE 4ft-12, SO i VELOURS REINDEER BROWN AND BLACK. Jr.JVf (.SEALINE COLLARS. ( FOR WOMEN'S NEW $15.00 COATS IN PLI A-rt-e )AND SILVERTONE VELOURS. ALSO IN $39.75 j BROADCLOTHS. THEY HAVE LARGE SHAWL . pmm (Fen WOMEN'S NEW $35.00 SUITS IN TWO $29 75 i HANDSOME STYLES. FINE CHEVIOTS IN NP-W.Z U (.NAVIES, BROWNS AND BLACKS. Furs Have Come Down in Price at Oak Hall This Includes Coats, Sets and Pieces Shirt Sale! All Shirts en Main Aisle tables (Furnishing Section, First Fleer) of $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 qualies .25 Woven madras, cheviets and percales. All sizes. 'ZiTtTws Beys Overcoats Small Beys' $15.00 0crceats $12.00 Small Bejm $23.50 Overcoats $18!50 Larse Bejs' $25.00 Overcoats S19 00 Large Beys.' $27 JO OtcrceaU $2250 Large Bejs' $30.00 Overcoats $2500 ALL MEN'S HATS! $5 and $6 Qualities, for $3.50 All new shapes and colors. Wanamaker & Brown ISfSS " 'X Js liUl if lth S W IVJWJI Wi 1 l ' 'TO -Pit i. a. vs-i- s! r m Ti! JA 7 wir. ft' t i' i ' ;ki i i s A -MBBrnch Stere,, 2434 Kensington AV TT. ' "" " J 3, .A-wrrW ., ,!?y,KCT STrlPl .. i.l2lji,ri-! V .i aT1 c ML