r s, f !' , ,"- Ik V." , N if I and EXPOSUR E KILLED ACTRESSES i Twe Prisoners C.enfess te Leav ing Women in Chicagd Park Where They Died TELL OF TAXI "JOY PARTY" Clilcace, Nev. 17. Confessions from the two tnen held in connection with (he deaths of tlie two nrtrcsqes, Marie Ramey ntitl Mlllan Thompson, found in Ornnt Park Sunday mcrninn, liav rlenretl tip nearly nil the details of the tragedy police FnldteJay. It has been rttabllihed that the girls died from Rlcohel nnd exposure and without violence. Police still nre siarcliiug for two elhcr men who are said te have been with the girls early Saturday evening. According te the information given out br thn polite, the two moil being de tained met the girls after the latter had secured the liquor which played the chief part In causing their death. These men, the confessions diclarc, left the girls nt their own request in firntit Park, after a taxi ride, and it is lielicvcd bv the police thnt the girls wandered there until overcome by ex ex Hure. Investigation b the police disclosed, it was said, thnt the girls had par taken of "lemon extract," purchased near their home Saturday night, be tides the ether liquor which chemical elimination disclosed jn their stomachs. ?sn traces of poison were found, the police .nid. One of Uip men wlie confessed gave his nnnie as "Harris nnd said he is a rhaufleur. This is believed by the police te be his first name. Ills story lolleuy , ',5 We picked up thee girls en North Chrk sheet about 10 o'clock Saturday. We hnd a pint of moonshine and they leek plcnt of drinks. We mnde a round of the tenderloin where we liul femi mere uioenxhlne. We get back into the (ai and started for another Intii of the cabnrets. The gills w tinted tn go home. We bought n pint of whisky nnd w'e all get lighting for the I nttle, and In some manner or another the neck of the bottle was broken. That ii counts for one of the girls bleeding. She cut herself en the jagged edge of the bottle " , Harris cmphntiuillj denied thnt he mndi nn jUtempt or had any desire tn kill the women. He admitted that Ins companions unceremoniously bun dled them out of the car and that he ilrme them off. leaving them te die en the frost-covered ground. MEXICAN HELD FOR DEATH Jee Tercas Taken te Fert Werth te Avert Meb Violence Wichita Fulls, Te.. Nev. 17. (By A. P ) Jee Tereas. Mexican, wanted en a i hargu of killing Archie Martin, bv running ever him with an nutomeblle Menduv , vv ns captured near here lata lat night. He is being rushed te Pert Vtnith te prevent mob violence. I'ivc hundred armed men in automo biles, assisted by two levv-fljlng nir ji'.ines, frenrched the vicinity of Irnke ii tiita nil afternoon, seeking Tereat. GERMAN TRADERS IN JAPAN Party et Sixty Seek te Resume Cem. merce With Nlpponese Washington, JS'ev. 17. (Uy A. P.) Jlore than sixty German merchants hnye arrived recently In Japan te so licit trade, according te advices te the Department of Commerce from Kioto. They met with little hostility, It was said, anti-foreign feeling being con fined largely te Teklo and Yekahama. Readjustments Incident te the wn lmve se affected the cost of industrial production in Japan that "it is a ques 1 ,.n wncther production costs in Japan will be lower than in America" when conditions settle down, recent trade messages from the Far Hast declare. Sr , cesc 0I rnw materials, the In- t-iuuieiicy ei moor ana decreased pro duction due te shorter working days nre given as the reasons for the change. Japanese cotton mills nre resorting te the expedient of exporting Korean labor and establishing plants In Manchuria, Korea and China te meet the situa tion, the messages state. RUSSIA BARS U.S. WARDS Only 135 of 781 Vladivostok Chil dren Allowed te Enter Heilln, Nev. 17. (Uy A. P.) Only 135 of the 781 Hussien children brought from Vladivostok by the American lied Cress and landed nt n Finnish pert hnve been permitted te enter Russia, accord ing te Colonel H. W. Ryan, director of the Ucd Cress work in the Baltic states, who passed through Berlin en route te Paris cstcrday. The children nre being held In Finland until proper papers are presented showing that parents or ether responsible relatives will receive them. Seme of the little Russians, he said, had smashed windows nnd furniture in n sanlterium near Ilclslngfers, where they arc being qunrtered. Their action was in pretest ngninst being denied the prlrtlcge of entering Russia nt once. POLES MASSING TROOPS Germany Calls Attention of Allies te Slleslan Frontier Berlin, Nev. 17. (By A. P.) Con fidential reports that the Peles are. con centrating large mnsscs of troops near the frontier of Upper Silesia have been received bv the German Government, snvs the Leknl Anelgcr. The uttentien of Prance, Great Brit ain and Italy has been called te the situation, the newspaper declares. Graves en Way te Camp Dlx San Francisce, Nev. 17. Brigadier weucrai vv. e. uraves, termer cem-nmnder-in-chlef of the American forces in Siberia, who left Siberia for Manila in April, was here tedav from Manila enreute te Camp DW, N. J. He said the last handful of American forces in Siberia, n gieup te handle return of urmv equipment, had left Siberia re cently. ' , S i . ' " s i',- lr, ' ,).' t l j i ' " EViHtNGr, TOKO 3 WEDNED WYEMBEB IT, 1920' i : -i i ' : .i .'. . : i - W- & . " DANNUNZIU CEDE AU.M fflO II Difonsere dell'ltallanita dl Flume Rispencle Come I'Eroe del Due Mencll Published unfl Distributed Undsr PEnsitT NO. 041. . AntherlTil by tli net of OMeb'r 1917. en flla at the PottefTlea of I'hll lelphla, Pa. A B. nURLFSOM. Peittnaater General. Rema, 10'nevembrc Ij'Agenria Stc- fanl hn dlramate tin dispnecie giuntelc da Trieste, scconde )I quale l'Amml l'Amml raglle Mllle, cemmnndnntc dellc fer7C itnllane in Dalmarta, avrebbe pcrsuase Gabrlcle D'Annunzle, cemnndnntc i legienari di Fiumc, ad ncccttare l'nc l'nc l'nc corde raggiunte nella cenferenza 511 Rapnlle, seconue il qunle la Dalmazi.i c' stata assegnata alia Jugeslavia, 11 tclegrainmn parla dl tin dram dram mntice collequl tra il Mllle c D'An D'An nunzeo, a borde dl unn nnvc da guerrn nclle ncque dell'Adriatice, durantd 11 quale l'Ammiraglle avrebbe , dette che cgll intendevn dl mantcnere la sua narela di soldate c di restare fedcle nl lie. 11 Mllle sardbbe cesl' riuscite a persuadcre II dlfcnsere dciritnlianltn' dl Flume nd nderlre nl trattate dl Ilapalle, rinunriande a nuevc nvventurc. D'Annunzle nvreuue sugcnaie m sua rlspnsta con la sterica parela dl Gari baldi! "Obbodlscel" IAmmlraglle Mllle hn qulndl Invlote un noblle c patrlottlce telegrnmma n Re Vittorle, con cspressienl di devozienc e lenlta' nnuhc n nemc del suel marlnal. Kemn, 10 nevembrc. II cotenncllo Slcllinni. facente parte dclle State Mag- glere del wcncraic iiaaogue en hi (omande dellc ferze nulla linea dl dcmaracazlene melln deglene Adrlatlca, c' glunte e;gl In Rema, lu una Inter ,vista cenccssn ad un rapprcscntnnte il"l Glernalu Itnllane il Colonnello hni doclinnte ci dare qualslasi partlcelarc llgunrde nlln convcrsnzleuo nvvcuuta tia Gabrlcle D'Annunzle e l'Ain l'Ain inlrnglie Mllle, alie quale (gll ein prcsente, ma hn dette che cgll trevO' D'Annunzle pronto a qualslnsl azlene neccs"nria pcr qunute riguardavu In causn nazlennle il-llu Dnlmiula, nlln quale cell b! censldcravn legate. II t'olennollo HiclllnnI asset I' che una grandc Irrltnzlone isiste tra i DalmntI ner l'nblmndone di ccrte cittn' le nunll orane considerate sscnzlalmentc Itnllane, come (.urrein. J.issa e l,eslnn In unn Intervlstn per la Gnzzctta del Popelf dl Torine, Gnbrielc D'Annunzle, quande fu demandate che cesn: avrebbe potute fare ii Govorne vurse dl lul, avrebbe rlsposte dicende: "Pelrn' fnrml uccidnre, mn non pesse facllmcntc immaginnre che veglln.slglllnrc la sun pace vlttorlesn con II mle sangup." I'epplne Gnribnldl c Gugllcme Mar coni Hen partlti dn Anceun c si presume che proccdnne vcrne nrn. SI dice che Marconi nbbia dlclilnrate di cssere pronto ad audnrc in Dalmnzta con Peppino Gnribaldl alie scepe dl convlu cenvlu convlu cere l Dnlmatl bulla necessltn' dl acccttarc 11 trattate dl ltnpalle. come I tinicn posslblle holuzieno, per II pre? scntc, sulla (luestlenc Adrlatlca. . 11 Gcncmle Cnvlglla ha dlrctte un online del giorne nlla sue truppc nella leclenc di Plume, csortandelo nlla disci- plinn per coepcrare nirapplicazloue del trntttate dl uapaiie, il quale, cglb ha dichiarate, e' state approvate dalla grandc mnggleranza del popelo d'ltalla. Tutte ie notizie rue giungone ua varie fentl Indlcnne che vl c' un gran mlglio mlglie mlglio ramente nclln situnzlene, poichc'qualsl peichc'qualsl nel tcntatlve petrebbe compremettere In pace. VILLA IN LOJWERCALIFORNIA Fermer Bandit Has 1500 Men With Him in Colonizing Scheme San Diege, Calif., Nev. 17. (By A. P.) Francisce Villa, former Mexican bnndlt, who suddenly nppenred Friday i In Knscnnda, today was reported te be nd tin liKnd nf n lnrce colenv of bis fel lowers ou a section of land south of Hnsenndn, in Lewer Cnllfernln, nbeut 110 miles from TIJuuna. Villa Is said te have come te Lewer California nbeut seven weeks age, al though he was supposed te have settled In Chihuahua en land given te him by the government for himself and fol fel low era ns a condition of his laying down" his arms. The fermnr bnndlt Is new In Lewer Cnllfernln with 1C0O men, It ls4 said, and has modern trncterH nnd ether farming outfits for cultivating the land In n big colonizing scheme. ' GERMANY FEARS INVASION Simons Suggests Allied Armies Are Preparing for Encroachments Berlin, Nev. 17. (By A. P.) AI-' lied armies of occupation In Germnny arc being inalntnined nt a strength which Is unnccessnry, said Foreign Min ister Simons In a speech nt Cologne ne contended the allied intention in thus keeping the forces lu n high state of efficiency wes net defensive, but of fensive. The foreign minister asked the rca- l son why the llhlne bridgeheads harfb V extended, why military bnkcrles capWVi. .f in.nini. .. Ann tnn ..Haub 1nt1v faaif V tj been established, why new strntsgte. bridges had been prepared and why Bel ginji troops, equipped almost ready few the march, have been stationed In tee" tlcnl positions behind the nrinles of occupation. ' . He declnrcd thnt these features of the situation gave the impression that tcrrtk tery along the Rhine was being used, net for purposes of security, but ns "jumping off ground" for further n cronehment upon Germany. fi rm-Tm,jmm m m reuns Temts Tet'im IJHBjRll v.m Bbia (. ai '1 Teims Teims Tetms TOtlRI WEST INDIES Jan. 15th CRUISES Feb. 19th Twe cruises of 23 days each en palatial tteamcrs of the Great White Fleet built for cruising in the tropics. Nearly all staterooms ere outside and have private batn. JS4J0 up, including lierc Uzcursiens. Visits will be made te Havana and Santiage, Cuba; Pert Antonie and Kingsten, Jamaica; Cristobal, Panama Canal; Pert Limen and San Jese, Cesta Rica; Havana and return te New Yerk. ORIENT TOURS SOUTH AMERICA SPECIAL 50-DAY CRUISE-TOUR RATES: $1485 and up EUROPEAN TOURS Winter teitrs te Northern Africa, Algcna and Tunisia, Sicily, Egypt and the Nile. Siding from New Yerk, Jan , Feb. and March. Terns STEAMSHIP Information & Tickets Raymond & Whltcemb Company nre the elllclal agents of ALL, steam ship lines and can furnish choice rescrvatienn and tickets te all parts of the world Brine us your steam ship problems and let ua tell you whatever you wish te knew about the sailings by various lines, the different steamships and the comparative cost et accommodations We can also help au te comply with the various gov ernment regulations regarding pass ports, visas, salllne-permlts, etc RAYMOND & WHITCOMB CO. 13SS Walnut Street, Phene Filbert 3804 Small parties under personal escort visiting: Honolulu, Japan, Manchuria, China and the Philippine Islands. Sadingifrem Jan. te July. SOUTH AMERICA CRUISE January 29th 70 days 2200 up Down the West Coast en the luxurious Pacific Line Steamer "Ebro" up the East Coast via the Lampert 6: Helt Line. Inncrary include the best there is te see in SeuUi America and the celebrated trip across the Andes. Seventy davs of pleasure en land and sea. An extended program of sightseeing in oil the principal aties of Seuth America. Write for details. Wherever you travel carry these spendable everywhere American Express Travelers Cheques , TRAVEL DBPAKTMENT 143-115 H. nrend St., I'lMl,,. I'lieiif! Walnut 4U37 VVunamnktr Main Fleer, Crntrnl I'll.: sunireS Brazil Uruguay ' Argentina ChUe Belivia Peru Panama The shortest comprehensive journey te the great Latin-American countries ever arranged. In 50 days it visits the famous capitals of the East Coast, cresses the "Andes and proceeds, with numerous steps, up the West Coast. A wonderful oppor tunity te become acquainted with Seuth America for business or pleasure. Full details en request. Sailing February 15, 1921 lUsuift&l: Fzym 6 m 4fe if i Jim t.m ii. m m V v WEST INDIES BRILLIANT CRUISES OF 24 DAYS The Raymond-Whitcomb Cruises te the West Indies visit, among ether places, a half-dozen of the famous Caribbean ports Havana, Santiage, Kingsten, Colen, etc. They provide an unprecedented amount of sight seeing ashore. They sail en the most luxurious steamships in the West Indian Service. Sailing February 12, March 5 and 25 Rates: $450 and up (Jthiv tvius te California and the llatiaiian Islands, Flenda and Kussuu, Uinepc, Seuth America, Arabian Nighti Africa (Algeria and Tunisia), Japan-Cliiina and Round the World. Sind jyr booklet desired. v.'M rj K 41 u::: And Ui RAYMOND l:(.18 Walnut Street t.ri-.'f'' '? "I'tnti & WHITCOMB COMPANY Telephone, Filbert 38GI WW?rsi9V JJJjiatxIittcteiitmMiMiMjMAtNmiimkmt WOTurmiumrainmmnniM fm Wllfclj Ol iiimiiniimMiiranniimffnDwiiwiiiiirrriimffl 11)!,iiiiiiiiuniii'l""l'"iininiiiiiflWll, .,. .. . r ... ..... w v :.,..:. zp-.-v wwbwm I'nnmmniiiipiininiinnhiHiininiiininim II 411 ill 3 lALOIZ The Ship The Trams-Atlantic CUNARD LINER "CARONIA" 672 Feet in Length. 20,000 Tens. A Floating Palace The Carbnia will be the first steamer making The Mediter ranean Cruise in six years. t The accommodations are superb. The staterooms large and many have private baths. There are Suites de Luxe. There will be deck sports, dancing and ether forms of entertainment during the entire cruise. Jr "lit 1 ,"I" lllll, I I I IIK M. y n a AMES F ti 38V IUP miffflr,t!H3iu. BMi., iifllf ILY "" Plk A yfSiiL M i IKBiilllillll S!i ' MADEIRA '!,p2 IHHHIMBiaHliMll .mi iifttt ""S'lilH,,,, l""""l 'M, jUHjiiiDiininiiiiiranianiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin,,,,,! '"'"uilill'.'ili"1 '"''Ilium,. "in ill!"""- "ill I'lllllm,.. ""U, H (K "nimllli III1" I iiiii I1 ii iiiii1 1 W I iiiiniiiiiii WMiiiii. ii.; "iiite,..-' ji ."""'"""un, "iiiii,,",ii .Hit11 mn liimin iltiiuiii'rll,,JI,JI. Ii ,;i:iil ANNOUNCES '""in A 48-day Cruise te the MEDITERRANEAN, the first in six years On the Palatial Liner "Carenia" of the Cunard Line Sailing January 15 th from New Yerk Returning March 4th $1450 Up iiiiii- Including Shere Excursions Write, wire or telephone for details. KKN EXPRESS TRASCH L D l".lPAV.ri"l i IKV 113-145 SOITII DliOAl) SI. rilOM", UAI.MT I07 WANAMAKKR'S SInIn Fleer, Central piieni: sniiTi: l'lllI.AIlKM'lMV .s 0 .ni! 'I I' JUlt. .11' tin J 4 y'N i. w jy i J .,' nSL Itinerary On leaving New Yerk, January 15th, the palatial Cunard Liner "Carenia" will fellow the South ern route across the Atlantic, making the first step at MADEIRA; with its almost tropical loveliness. GIBRALTAR; the gateway of the Mediterranean. Excursion te Aleciras. ALGIERS; mere Oriental than the Orient. MONACO; of the Riviera; visit te Mente Carle. NAPLES; a step of four days, with excursion te Reme. ALEXANDRIA; a step of seven days will be made in order te afford ample time te visit CAIRO; the world-famed city of the Orient where East meets West. Ex cursion te Luxor. ATHENS; two days in the shadow of the incomparable Parthenen the next step- NAPLES; arriving New Yerk March 4th. k ' Jf"- ?W j Tr?7M PNBhhk IIIIMIHIHIiffl nnTiaKili g WMtH&s J m --' vXAT v- i, v, s,k ,,, I M 1 Mi . r A a I Si 1"S N fti .fi s v W ' is t Li7J