Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 13, 1920, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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Baihd sit 9 and 5:20; Organ
at 11
Chlmea at Ncren
Stere Opens at 9
Stere Closes at 5:30
Down Come the Prices On a Hest of Splendid Things!
Net "as Little as We Can, But
as Much as We Dare"
is our own transposition of Bishop
Wescott's words applicable te every
honest undertaking and mutual help
fulness. Nene of us has finished his education
and graduated from the high schools of
faithful endeavor. 4
Tomorrow's day should count up
mere than today's best day.
Put en your thinking cap net te
make a mere spurt, but te be your real,
best, steady sell.
Nev. 13, 1030.
NOW that the women's French hats have served
their purpose, revealed the new styles and been
used as models, we have marked them at new low
prices in plenty of time for a woman te get the bene
fit of the savings and wear the hats all through the
(Seoend Fleer, Cheitnnt)
Hanging Lamps and Wall
Fixtures All Lowered in Price
A Brilliant Opportunity
Mere than $20,000 worth of hanging fixtures and side brackets
for electric lights have just had their prices lowered.
Yeu can equip your dining room or living room with new wall
brackets all around; you can get new hanging-lamp fixtures for the
table that the family gathers about.
Instead of going te a manufacturer's and looking at a sample
and waiting months te have them made up, you can come in here
and get them and have them sent home at once and save money.
As low as $2.50 for a side-wall bracket and through a great
variety of wall fixtures up te $150.
As low as $2.50 for a small hanging light up te $225.
There are hall lights, dining-room lights, side lights, drawing
room lights, living-roeom lights, and every sort for the home and
assembly hall.
All going out with prices lessened 33 1-3 per cent.
(Fourth nt, Cntntl)
Thank Paris for These
Jet Flenncings
Net only are they very lovely,
but they are quite new, for they
have just been unpacked and
you may be sure they are the
last word from Paris en the sub
ject. All the fleuncings are of sheer,
fllmy black net with tiny Jet
beads, jet bugles or glistening jet
spangles cleverly combined in new
and unusual designs. Some have
embroidery, tee. And there is
one style with velvety chenille
They are 27 te 38 inches wide,
and go from, $10.60 te $30 a yard.
And te go with them thore are
nw jet fringes and bands in dif
ferent widths.
(Main Fleer, Central)
It's Wonderful the Way the Silks
Have Come Down in Price !
New shipments coming in at lower costs have affected a large part of
our own geed stocks, en which the price markings have had te come down
te meet the lowest market ratings.
Loek at these fine staple and novelty silks at these new low prices
Crepe meteor, new $4 a
yard, 40 inches wide, is in all
the best shades, Including
All-Bilk charmeuse, $3.50 a
yard, 40 inches wide, is in all
wanted colors, and is a very
superior quality. It repre
sents a reduction of Sl.'BO and
$2 a yard.
Tnftetas. $2.60 a yard, arc 38
inches wide, in all colors and
plenty of navy blue.
Mcssalincs, $2.26 a yard,
lustrous, lovely qualities. 36
inches wide; colors and black.
Satins, $3.60 a yard 38
inches wide, all shades and
particularly geed quality, tee.
Georgette crepes, $2 a yard
40 inches wide; all the
wanted colors, plenty of white,
black and flesh color.
Colored Japanese habuteis,
$1.60 a yard 38 inches wide;
plenty of black and navy blue.
(FlMt Fleer, cheitnut)
White broadcloth, $8 a yard
washable silk of geed qual
ity, 32 inches wide; white with
colored stripes.
White jersey silks and plain
white broadcloth, $3 a yard
and 32 inches wide.
Novelty Georgette crepes,
$1.60 a yard 40 inches wide.
Surely something here te
suit every silk-needing woman!
Women's Fine Tricetine Gowns
New $85 te $150
These are the interesting indi
vidual pieccs which have been in
the house only a few weeks, but
which have already had their
prices lowered. They are in
black and navy only, the ma
terial of beautiful quality, and
usually of the straight-line type.
One dress has large bound eye
lets for ornamentation; another
has a delicate design wrought in
green beads; en ethors again the
Deads are navy or black. One
frock has ribbon ombreidory done
with lacquered ribbon; another
has ball buttons set en very close
together and having correspond
ing loops; a third has n binding
of wide lacquered ribbon.
These are the gowns which
leek be well with fur neck
pieces for their only finish when
the weather permits, and which
can be worn under smart top
coats or fur coats when it doesn't.
Prices, $86 te $160.
(Flrit Fleer, Central)
he Loveliest New French
Frecks for Debutantes
have JUst been taken from their Paris wrappings and are ready
for your inspection Monday morning.
They are charming dresses dresses for teas and afternoon
wear, dinner frocks nnd dance dresses, and there ere net two
like, which makcB the collection se much mere interesting.
Paris (till has the greatest fondness for beads, as you'll sec
by the decoration of these frocks. Rows of beads, bead floweri,
beads and glistening spangles she uses thorn all. There are
gowns of crepe de chine, of fine voiles, of whlte crepe Georgette
and of spangled nets. Seme dresses are in navy blue with white
or colored beads, there are ethor dresses in Nattier blue, in rasp
berry and in black.
The prices are quite moderate for such charming frocks
$40 te $140, and there are 14 te 20 year sizes.
(Soeond Fleer, Clieitnut)
1000 Women's Sports Coats,
Sweaters and Slip-ens
in a Sudden Sale
Fer immediate clearaway we will sell ever 1000
sports coats, slip-ens and sweaters, in wool, silk, arti
ficial silk and jersey knit wool, at
One-Half te One-Fourth
of Regular Prices
Incomplete lines, oddments and garments slightly soiled from
handling but all first quality goods and values really wonderful.
At $2.50 are 116 wool slip-ens and sweaters.
At $6 are 899 wool slip-ens and sweaters.
At $10 are 151 artificial silk slip-ens and sweaters and jersey
knit sports coats. j
At $15 arc 45 silk and artificial silk slip-ens and sweaters.
At $26 are 88 silk nnd artificial silk slip-ens and sweater.
Alse, 116 wool and silk scarfs at $6 each.
(Wait AliU)
New Georgette Waists
Half-adezen new medels, flve
of them trimmed with real filet,
and ene with imitation Venlse
lace; in every instance the quan
tity of lace i3 abundant. All the
waista have long sleeves, nnd
white end flesh are the chief
Prices arc $12 te $20.
(Third Fleer, Central)
Eyelet-Embroidered Serges the
Latest Fashion Development
Yeu will see this eyelet-worked Berge, which includes tricetine as
well, used in many of the new French gowns. It is very effoctive and
forms its own trimming.
Usually the sorge of tricotine is navy blue or black with the
eyelet and ether embroidery done In one or the ether color or the eye
Uta may be werked in antlque geld for greater richness,
l Prices go fremfq,BD te $14 yard. , y , JUi&ii
trim jrioer, GMiiaai)
Women's Pleated Plaid
Skirts at $12 75
and $15
Such beautiful soft veleurs and
worsteds and such pretty styles
that you would knew without
being told that the original prices
were way above this.
Many arc samples, in fact, and
ethers small odd groups that the
manufacturer wanted te clear
away before starting his Spring
All the colors ere of the best,
for we carefully selected them
and there are plenty of the fash
ionable blue and brown combina
tions. (Eatt Atlle)
Imported Beaded
Handbags for
Mourning Wear
Thore is a pronounced dis
tinction about these beaded
bags from France and Italy.
The all-black bags have both
dignity and grace and the bags
for second mourning are effec
tive combinations of jet and
steel beads.
Various slses and shapes, in
draw-string and frame styles.
Prices, $10.60 te $45.
And a beautiful little fitted
cose of dull blnck long-grain
leather with gray moire lining
and sliver fittings at $185.
(Main Fleer, ChMtnat)
New Tree Girdles
Thrce models net shown before
A plain pink ceutll, ten inches
long, for $4.
A pink satin and rubber girdle
nt $7. . .
A plain pink ceutll, sixteen
Inches long, at $0.26.
(tkU rla, cat u
Women's Bleemers
Several Sorts
Cotten batiste In pink and
white, $1.05 te $3.85.
Sateen in pink and white, $3,16
te $3.50.
Wash satin In light colon, $2.85
te $5.50.
Crepe de chine in pink, $S te $8.
Leng ankle-length bloomers of
silk In dark colera te go with tai
lored aulta, $6.60 te $10.76.
If Somebody Ytu Knew
Wants Boudoir Silver
New is the time te find what
pieces are needed te complete the
ret or it may be te start ene for
We find that many women pre
fer the pretty engine-turned
stripe te any ether kind, but
there are also a great many geed
patterns in plain sterling silver
or cngraved period designs.
Rand mirrors, $25 te $30.
Hair brushes, $16.60 te $21.
Combs, $4 te $7.60.
Puff Jars, $11.60 te $20.
And all the smaller pieces te
(Jwtr "(or, ChMtnat and
Marie Antoinette Lace
Curtains Ordered a
Year Age
But It takes se long te make
these beautiful curtains that we
have only recently received them.
Nearly all arc imported and every
one is beautiful in workmanship
and design.
The prices arc Just about one
third less than if we had te order
these curtains new.
In white and Arab color sash
curtains, $5.75 te $18.60 a pair.
Leng curtains. JR.75 te S30 a pair.
(Fifth Fleer, Mark!)
The Modern Nursery
Has tbe Right Furniture
and the right place te get that
furniture is in the Children's
Stere, vhore they have an excel
lent assortment.
Dainty bassinets in many
styles are $25.60 te $65.
Kiddie koeps arc $31.50.
Wardrobes and chests of
drawers are $34 te $08.
Toilet chairs are $12.76 te $14.
Clethes hampers are $7.50 te
And if you like we will be glad
te trim the bassinets for you in
any color dosired.
(Third Fleer, ChMtnat)
Everybody Likes This
New Imitation Ivery
Toilet Ware
It has bands of an exquisite
shade of blue or rose with decora
tions of geld. Yeu can imagine
hew pretty it is nnd what charm
ing gifts it would muke.
Mirrors $0.35 and $9.76
Hair brushes. .$5.50 and $5.75
Combs $1.85
Puff boxes $4.75
Hair receivers $4.75
Buffer $2.75
Trays $2.60 and $4.66
Shee horn $1.50
Cleth brush'e $6.75
Hat brushes . . 93.76
Jewel box $5
Manlcire rilcet. eh..$l
(Slain Fleer, ChMtnat)
300 Pencil Sharpeners
One Third less
$1 and $1.25 Each
Attachable pencll sharpeners of
regular standard quality in per
fect condition. New $1 and $1.25
each. In the Commercial Sta
tionery Stere.
(Third Fleer, Market)
Ready Monday Morning With
Mere Than $200,000 Werth
- of Men's and Women's Shoes
in a Most Unusual Sale
The price of shoes is one of
the greatest items of interest of
the day.
There is an immense amount
of speculation as te when they
are coming down and hew
The Wanamaker Extraor
dinary Sale of Shoes, starting
next Monday merni-ig, bring
ing mere than $200,000 worth
of men's and women's Winter
Shoes, will show just hew much
can be done in the way of less
ening the prices of shoes at this
Mere Than 10,000 Pair of Women's Shoes
at $4.75, $6.75 and $8.75
Savings of Mere Than $3 a Pair in Every Instance
Over 18,000 Pair of Men's Shoes
at $6.75, $7.75, $10.75 and $13.75
Savings of $3, $3.25 te Mere Than $5 en Every Pair
Please note- that all the shoes in this Sale are geed, sound
shoes, these most desired for Winter wear.
There are some Wintel low shoes and plenty of Winter
high shoes of nearly every description.
This Sale is distinctly net a clearaway of peer selling or
freak styles. It is a genuine, splendid Sale of the best types of
shoes in our collection.
Here are Seme of the Descriptiens:
Women's Shoes at $4.75 black glazed
kidskin, and dull black calfskin lace shoes
in various heel and tee effects.
Women's Shoes at $6.75 dull black
calfskin and glazed black kidskins and va
rious tan calfskin shoes, all lace, mostly
with Cuban and military heels. Splendid
shoes for the money.
Women's Shoes at $8.75 a comprehen
sive collection of nearly all sorts of geed
calfskin, buckskin and glazed kidskin, high
and low shoes, mostly lace, with Cuban
and Leuis heels and some with low, bread
heels. A splendid let of shoes for business
and general wear as well as for dress occasions.
Men's Shoes at $6.75 dull black calf
skin and glazed kidskin shoes in lace, ma
hogany bearded calfskin and tan grain
blucher lace shoes in a variety of styles
and tee shapes.
Men's Shoes at $7.75 mostly fine,
blucher and straight lace high shoes in
dull black and tan calfskin, also various
excellent tan and black Oxfords.
Men's Shoes at $10.75 a let of only
525 pair of tan Norwegian and mahogany
cordovan and tan calfskin shoes in fashion
able effects.
Men's Shoes at $13.75 very fine shoes
including tan calfskin, patent leathers,
black glazed kidskin, black wax calfskin,
and mahogany cordovan shoes in various
(Men1 Stue en tha Main Fleer. Market Women'. Bhewi en the Flmt rioer. Market)
Fer Every Heme Needing a New
Dinner Set New Is the Time
In the Thanksgiving Sale of china and glassware new going en, we offer every dinner
act in our possession at 25 per cent less than the price hitherto marked en it.
Think of the splendid range of selection which this implies!
It covers a full variety of sets picked out specially for excellence in the best potteries
of France, England, America, Bavaria and Japan.
It takes in a wealth of the most attractive decorations from the simplest sprays te the,
richest geld effects.
It all means the greatest dinner set offer ever known at this season. ' 'V
And it is being taken advantage of liberally and we are keeping the geos well
There are American sets at $17, $22.50, $26.25, up te $60. '
English sets at $30 te $41.25. i
French dinner sets, $37.50, $75, up te $315.
Japanese dinner sets at $45 te $105. ;
All are complete sets of 106 or 107 pieces.
Hundreds of pieces of our regular stock of cut glass are in the sale at 25 te 33 1-8
per cent below regular prices, and there is a liberal choice of inexpensive glassware at simi
lar reductions.
(Fourth Fleer, Cheitnnt) J
The Wanamaker Great Clothing Sale for Men
Is Sweeping Everything Before It
It came exactly at the right time with the drop in the
Prices and thermometers went down together.
And the men are coming by hundreds and hundreds
te buy the new aults and te buy the new overcoats the
fine, durable, reliable, allwoel, hand-tailored garments that
are the standard of the world. '
(Third Fleer, Market)
And gettintr them nt lewer nrleun thnn finr Vw.n
known In many and many a day.
Every garment of every kind, in our Men's Clothing
otere has come down.
It is a whole stock clearaway, and there will be abun
dant opportunity en Monday. Plenty of suits and plenty
of overcoats, plenty of big, warm, wrap-up Winter ulstera
tt is tne opportunity et tne year in the clothing market
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