PrrOTVi'sfW'' vw " t .-w'jwj 'vj y r,iA-"W 'f.V f ? "" f . r -- 'V M V,' -. r , r - J fc ! . . . 4 --. . ! ji, ? T ' 4 "J, a, - " -tiutit r"iiH iii . V''- 4- &' lB,.,.Jfm-V Art, 1,..,.iiV!- t...,, I.., li F &. JM0 frM.nevmkbr eil 1920 JUgrrGOSSlP ABdUTrPEOPLE jyawy JPfynnd TaJcs etic Xm;ier-iace te Be Given fqr iss Sullivan Tonight She Chats 'About ilie , Wuhs Class, Toe Many Dinners te Be Given 0 KB of tiie Interesting affairs of thel season will be the dinner-dance which the ..Temes Francis Sulllvans will I Ire tonight In honor of Elaine, who Is their youngest' daughter and a debutante of the year. Elaine Is very Vctty, fair, with lovely coloring nnd a very pretty Banner. Shc-bas a nnrtUiilarly lovely Jnillc and Is very popular with the ether Vids. . , ' The Sulllvttns were In deep mourning last yer 60 Elaine did net go te the dinger set parties then, but before that she was h member of the Witrts class and of the Saturday Evening. Her mother was MIsk Lulu Nichols, et iNcw Yerk, n sinter; of the late Mrs. Henry Clews and of Mrs. Qharles Kmery Rmlth, who several years after her Inland's death became e sister In a convent, where the members devote their lives te the care of these suffering 1 from cancer. Elaine Is n sister of France and Liv ingston Sullivan. Her cousin Jehn Nichols, of New Xerk, married Delia. Jfrankllu severnl years age. The Sulllvans will move Inte town later In the winter nnd will have apart ments at the ltltz-Carlten. They will give a dance for Elalna at that hotel en January 20. ISN'T It funny hew many of us have get mixed about the opening night of it,, nnrm? I saw somewhere that some one would entertain en November 10 after the opera, and se I rlshed te get ent my cloak nnd Bee te my long gloves and fus up my frocks generally for the penlng night. Net that I could wear Bera than one frock, but be that as it Bay, I did begin te prepare, nnd here testcrday I found en talking te some ine else that I am slight y queer In the lead. Oh, yes. I Insist only sllghtlv. and tint It won't be untii November 30. I suppose It was nlse because I knew that the foyer of the Academy Is te pen en Tuesday, and I hed nn idea that was In connection with the opera. As a matter of fact, the foyer Is te b apened en Tuesday, and with a formal toneert given by Mr. and Mrs. Jehn T. Braun. And have you heard that it is te be e-pened en opera nights that the guests may promennde there between the acts If they se desire? That's a wonderful Idea, I think, for, as I have said before, that is some room. Have you ever been te Versailles? If ou have, you re member the salon of Marie Antoinette. Well, I'm net saying nnvthlng, but I believe you have something that will please your eye beyond anything and your aesthetic self as well. TIIE gayetles for the younger set have Ktnrtcd. or rather will have started, tenliht with the first inr-ethic of Mrs. WurtV dancing clahs. Yeu knew hew1 the school set loves that class and what fun the members have. Tenicht the cotillen will be led by Charles Reche and Woodferd Bankson. Mrs. Wurts has named a committee of boys te lead the cotillens through the leftpen and te nsslst in running the dancei. They include Stewart Valen tine, Themas Story Jcnks, Richard Henrv Reeves, Charles Rachc, Wood Wood eord Ranksen. Lloyd Rcnuhnw, Themas 0. Fester and Maskell Ewing Hroekc. There will be a let of entertntuing in connection with the class tonight. The Walter llopkinsens will give a dinner for' Elizabeth Shulh the Rcnjamln Oljdc Wells will entertain for their daughter Elizabeth, the Francis Strnwhrldges wil give a dinner for Mary Straw -bridge and Edith Shoemaker, and the Henry Mlchclls will entertain ter their daughter Florence. NANOY WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mrs Alexander Drewn, i of Castlertn, Bryn Mnwr, will give a theatre party followed by supper at Iho Kltz-Carlten en Monday, December 27, In honor of MIjs Anita Strawbrldce, debutante dEUKhter of Mr. and Mrs. Rebert E. Btrawbrldge. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cliattln Wctherlll, of th Orchard, Chestnut Hilt. Will glve ft dinner en Wednesday, December 15, lit honor of Sirs. Wetherlll's sister. Miss Mary Gladys Muller. daughter or aire. Atgu3tc Fredcrle Muller. before the first Junier Dance. Mlsa Mullcr will also be the (jucat of honor nt a dinner en Fri day, Dcoerrber 10, te be given by her mother, Mr-J. Muller, before the meeting of Mrs. Edwurd 1 reth's dancing class. Mies Mury C. Hebard, debutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L.. Hebard, et Chestnut Hill, will be the ' guest of honor at a dinner en Tuesday, uecemnsr si, te be given by nsr uncie and aunt, Dr. nnd Mra Blddle It, Mars den, befere the dnnce Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Ducclng Sturr will give eA the Phlla flelphla Cricket Club4n honor of their debutante daughter, Miss jCharlotte Churchill Starr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeseph A. Janncy, of 37 East Summit nvenue, Chcsnut Hill, will entertain at a supper tonight for the. bridal party of Miss Virginia Stock ton Harris nnd Mr. Jehn Daln Ileynelds, of Pittsburgh, whese marrUge will taka jilve tomorrow, nt o'clock, !n St, Paul's Episcopal Church. Chestnut Hill. fjim iiarns is a niece or sirs. James h. Hepkins, of Chestnut Hill. The brlde-te-jxi entertained her brldeamalds at luncheon yesterday. They Included Mrs. Themas Harte, MIhb Elisabeth Peltz, Miss Alice B Janney, Miss Metn M. Janney, Miss Catliarlne Fuller, of New Jerk, and Miss Elizabeth Rumsey, of Baltimore. Mr, and Mrs. Janney will en tertain a house party eer the week-end. Among their guests will be Miss Eliza beth Steel, of Annapolis. Md. j Mr. Jehn ,. Graham, of New Yerk, and Mr. James Cutheme, of Pittsburgh. Mlas Cecily W. names, daughter of Ir; and Mrs. Jehn Hampton Barnes. 1817 De Lencey street, will leave the latter part of next week for Washing wn, D. C where she will be the guest ler a few days of her brother-in-law ami sister. Commander and Mrs. Ferdo Addison Tedd. . ,MIs Mary Lockwood, of New Yerk, Jill be entertained as the KUcst of Miss uarnes, the latter part of this month. ! will attend the Thanksgiving foot feot foet oaU same at Ptnn, Miss Page Andersen, daughter of Mr. na Mrs. J. Randelph Andersen, of Sa janjiah, Qa., whose engagement has eeen announced te Mr. Henry N. Piatt. ; '".w vai(ey, unestnut Hill, nns eeen tile anient nf vi.a nnmA nr, vn returned te her home. ThH WaH.llnr. , Y. a itsJii A. """'is i iuiea uurnra una nr. f"9 C. Oeyelln. of Hardwlcke, Vllla- -(j, nui uu Boicmnizeu. m. tne- eariy Jeshua Ash Pearson, of 433 West street. Oermantnwn. will nir. H ;smttl'luncheen nt the Dellevue- i&,i ,,J.tT,aa'";xevtnDer l, be- 'We the Phlladelnhia Orehestra mnnrt1 Sir. T?.Ac "demy of Musle, In honor of ' BDrlninJii e l;Rrtr "' Blmenlti) of 122 vSfe1.3 avenue, Chestnut HHI, ila 'l"enin uefore her recent mar bi5L7ia" ?fl8s "rr McKenzte'Mess, w Uewllng Green. Kv. ' M. aC.1 Allen te Princeton, N. J., where they will be the guests at a lunch eon Mr. William J. Balrd, Jr., will glve at W.e Cannen Club.' They will later attend the Yale-Princeton gnme. Miss Car Car llngten nnd Mr. Carrlngten will be (juestfl ever tho'weck-enu of llrn. Balrd's mn-ln-lnw nnd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. MO rlne stre6t. The engagement of Mlsa Cnrrlngten and Mr. Charles H. Balrd Jvus recently nnneunced. Tllb ffUestS Who Will ntlen.l D.n JI-. tier tonight te be given by Mr. nnd Mra Henry I, D.-ivIb, nt their home, 106 West .Mereland avenue, Chestnut Hill, in honor of their daughter, Miss Mary C astlemny Davis, befere the first mcot mcet fng of Mrs. Chnrles Stewart Wurts ilanclnjr claBa, will Include Miss Emily II. Cookman. Misj Dercthy Dedge, Mr. Ilorace Deacon, Air. Ames Deacon. Mr. Wheeler Lord. Jr.. Mr. Rebert Bole and Mr. Donald Beard. Mies Marlen Brooks, who has been th.e ?";? f l ?f. MrB- Richard Henry Merris, of .6004 Wayne avenue, Qermantewn, and lipt dnughter, Mrs. Hozleten Mlr kll. Jr.. of 2219 Rlttcnheuse street, for a week, has left for a few days' visit te New Yerk, before returning te her home in Bosten. Mr. and Mrs. T. learning Smith, who are spending their wedding trip In Cnnnda, will return te their home In Wynnewood en December 1. Mrs. Smith befere her wedding, en October 30 was Miss Nathlle Lucas, daughter of Mrs. Samuel Lucas, of West Hills, Ardmerc. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Smuckcr, of ejw uveroreoK avenue, uvorbreoK, who have been the guests of their son-in-law pnd daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Clemlnsen, In Londen, England, have left for southern France, where they will spend' the winter. They expect te remain abroad until September. Their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Rebert Wilsen Wifften. of 419 nerklnv read, Haverford, are occupying the heme'1 or Air, nnu Airs, smucicer uuring uieir uesence. - Mr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Simenln, of i2z springnciu avenue, Chestnut Hill, have returned from a few days' visit te Concord and Bosten, where they at tended the Harvard-Princeton football game en Saturday. Mrs. Simenln be fore her wedding last summer wasjvtiss Mary McICenzIe Mess. Mrs. Hlmenln's sltter. Mrs. Arthur Whitney Howe, who will Bpeud the winter in Pittsburgh, has icrt rer Hewling ureen, Ky., wnere sna will be the guest of her parents. Judge McKcnzIe Mebs and Mrs. Mess. Mrs. Franklin Woodward Earl and Mr. B. W. Earl, of Park read, In Edge water Park, have left for Miami, Fla., where they will spend the winter. Mrs. Benny Earl, with Princess de Campo Campe rcla and her son, will leave early next week for Flerida. Dr. and Mrs. Emlen Stokes have re turned from their weddlntr trlD and are occupying their new home en Chester avenue, moercsiown, is. j. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sinccr, of 1620 Spruce street, anneunce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Mildred Singer, te Mr. Rebert Blum, of New Yerk. A party and koffce kletch were given nt the home of Miss Mnry Kunbcrgcr, 7012 Rising Sun lane, Fex Chase, en Monday evening. The following gueets were present: Miss Moulten, Miss Kun bcrgcr, Miss Blshcp, MIes Duncan. Mise Mlnnlnger, Miss Crenln, Mlsa Snyder, Mr. Hillcgas, Mr. Bruner, Mr. Grlner, Mr. Kaplan, Mr. Emery, Mr. Heran and sir. HICKS Mr. nnd Mrs. Geerge McCIeary, of 2028 Seuth Frazler terraQe, are re ceiving congratulations en the birth of a son, Oeorge Newman McCIeary, en November 6. ... . ' r,, , i .. ! -i . .itppMtlv pH9pWi PPPPPHvV U ; 'PPHiSPPPa. HflpppppA k') jJiPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPHV ' BBBppHP .ppKnpsppppppppppppp v .ivH'ppppppK iVl pppppHppH . tcFF' :PlPiHPrpppppHppppi ; ; vllppKippppppppH W-M IpphMppppppppppppI' iVlillH ELAINE 5. H I flPVW'PPPH SULUIVAN M sMpWmm introduced' B .S.C'IPPPPpfl TC NIGHT . bmMKKM DANCE . H h 1HpHFfipppH ?IVEN BY HER- H i'.fpr.lMr;' rfPPPPPfl 9tudIe- fH tW;iMpipp ' jv Mpy:"'"ippppppWL .. IW M .m y',:;lBBIIHHIHBMHlP9PMHIHHPPflPJHPJPHPfl , j. 1L MISS MARY McNEILL WEDS MR. C. CONOVER Marriage of Miss Mildred Theis and Mr. Herman Bertsch, Jr.,lTenight 2 ,Tfjgst' y DELAWARE COUNTY Mra Henry Montgomery, of Walllng Walllng ferd. and Miss Anna Montgomery, of Chester, entertalned yesterday after noon at a brldge party at Mlsa Mont gomery's home. Miss Isabel Clark, of Augusta, Ga., who has been the guest for a -week of Mr. and Mrs V. Gilpin Robinson, of Hill Tep, their home near Lansdowne, will ceme tomorrow te this city, whcie ihe will be the guest of an aunt for a few weeks. Mr. and Mr3. Alfred L. Hawkins nnd Miw Manraret Hawklni will entertain Informally at a dance at Idlewild, near Media, en Saturday evening. NORTHEA8T PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Beckett, of 1838 North Franklin street, nave a birth day surprise party en Wednesday eve ning In honor of their Ben. Mr. Bernard Beckett. Thcre were sixty guests present. Mr. nnd Mrs. Emll J. Fried have re moved from 1D01 West Allegheny ave ave nue te their new home at 204 East Roespvclt boulevard. Mrs. J. Hutchinson, of Seventh street and Columbia avenue, will give a lunch eon and card party at her home en Tuesday afternoon In honor of Mrs. R. Chester and her daughter, Miss Scllna Cheater, of Nashville, Tcnn.. who nre spending several weeks visiting In the Kant. The marriage of Mies Mary R. Me Nelll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McNeill, of 513 High street, German- town, te Mr. Cornelius Van Dyke I. Conever. of Anglesea, N, J., will take place In the First Baptist Church, Qer mantewn, at 7:30 o'clock this evening. The Rev. Henry W. Stringer, pastor of the church, will olllclate and Mr. McNeill will gtve his daughter In marriage. Mies Helen B. McNeill will h her sister's maid of honor, nnd Miss Helen Conever, a sister of the bridegroom, and Mies wariune ,iuKiinimm win ee tne brides maids. Miss Ruth McNeill, a niece of the bride, will be the little flower girl. The best man will be Mr. Jeseph Bless ing, of Hackettstown, N. J., and Mr. Harvey Gog, of Ocean City: Mr. Leslie Chandler, Mr. Russell Jermon and Mr. Jehn D. McNeill, a brother of the bride. will act as ushers. A reception will Immediately fellow the ceremony at the home of the bride's parents. After January-! Mr. and Mrs. Conever will be nt home In Anglcnen, N. J. " BEnTSCH TI1EIB The marriage of Miss Mildred A Thels, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thcls, of 432 West Hertter street, Oer Oer mantewn, te Mr. Herman F, Bertsch, Jr.. of 4708 Old Verk read. Leirari. took place yesterdny afternoon at G o'clock at the home of the bride's Barents. The Rev. James Ramsay Snaln, of the Woodland Presbyterian Church, per formed the ceremony. Onlv the mem bers of the lmmedlate families attended the ceremony nnd the dinner at the Manufacturers' Club and the theatre party which followed. After December 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bertsch will be at home at 6123 North Sydenham street, Legan BITTNER BEATTY The marriage of Mlsa Helen Beatty, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Franklin EL Beatty, of 249 8omervllle avenue, Ol- ney. te Mr. Wallace E Blttner. of B218 North Second street, took plnce at the home of the bride's parents at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. The Rev. Bcln Shetleck, of the Zlen Lutheran Church Olney, perfermed the ceremony and Mr. Beatty gave his daughter In marrlagw. Mlsn Mildred A. Blttner, a slater of the bridegroom, attended the bride as maid of honor nnd Mr. Alexander McCart acted as best man. A reception Imme diately followed the ceremony. .After a trip, Mr. and Mrs. Blttner will be at home at 249 Semcrvllle avenue, Olney. GORMAN QUIOLEY The wedding of MIm Anna Veronica Quleley. dnughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. I1 ward Dcmne, of 6938 Addison street, mil Dr. Phllln J. German, of Blng- hamten, N. Y., took place en Tuesday nt the Church of the Transfiguration, Fifty-fifth strcet and Cedar avenue. The ceremony was penermea ey me .-" Lee A. Klnley, of Blnghamten, N. ., assisted bv the Rev. Themati J. Harren and the Rev. Jehn P. McHugh The bride was attended by her sister, Mlsa Helen W. Qulplcy. and Mr. Charles W. Leenard acted as best man. A wen ding breakfast for the Immediate family was held at the Normandle. Thirty sixth and Chestnut streets. The bride nnd bridegroom left for an extended trip through the New England states, after which they will live In Blng hamten, N. Y. MOORE8TOWN Mr. mid Mrs. Edwin Sumner, who have been visiting In Springfield, Mass., have returned te their home en Vest Main street. Mrs. H. V. Allln. who Is occupying her cottnne in Seaside Park, spent several days In Moorestown last week SleneG. 13e6Walnut St. k rmiiADEt.riftA'H i.hadime thbVi Direction or Mmr.'. 4 J. J. filtua HVC3. AT 8 OHAItr. MATS. AT. 3 flHAWPJ f TD I"" lVfnH. TnmArvftWlv' Beat Scate $2.00 1 Tltn NKWK3T AND TIKST " OK AM. WONDKnFUL. N. Y. Winter Garden Revue 60UTH PHILADELPHIA Mrs. J Phetan, of 1924 Chestnut street. In entertaining friends from TilMnVinrfrh mn Mnrv Jwinv and Miss Nellle vr.liv will Atitertaln at cards, follewod by a dance, In the Epiphany Scheel Halt, Twelfth and Jacksen streets, en Tueaay, ovmeer .tu, Mr. Jehn Orav. of 2112 Seuth Nine teenth street, Is (-pending seme time In Hnrrisburg. The Natural Treatment Fer Constipation Bakcdtoapleasingcriapnqss, requir ing chewiig, thua aiding digestion. Dr. Ven's Health Biscuit ' when eaten regularly, promote a normal, v healthy action of the bowel.. Twe te lr bta- cnlta a day are sufficient Children will Ilka them. In 8Se cartons and (1.00 tina. 11.60 In Iloaieheld Caddiu. At grecerlea and drug stores. Baked and purity guaranteed by Baker of Geed Biscuits in Philadelphia Since 1846 ALONG THE READING The regular monthly meeting of the Philadelphia Branch Alumnae Associa tion of Cedar Crest College for Women, Allentown, Pa., wue held Tuesday after noon at the home of Mrs. Edwin Smiley, of Abington. The members present were Miss Elsie M. Hartiell. of Chal font : Mrs. Jehn C. Frick, of Oak Lnne ; Mrs. Walter Scott, Mrs. Frank Kuntz, Mrs, Jacob Oelger, Mrs. W. F. De Leng, Mrs. Geergo H. McKay, of thin city, and Mrs. Edwin Smiley, of Abington. Amenir the guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Harwell, of Chalfont, and Miss Isabell 8mlley, of Abington. Philadelphia Atlantic City Baltimore yxuLyiw The Sheps of Sensible Prices SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY The pretty blouse in sketch is hand made of fine batiste, with tucking, hem stitching and drawn work. Specially Priced The smart two-tone all-wool plaid pleated skirt here shown is TORRESDALE Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Bnker, Miss Kathcrlne Baker, Miss Allce Baker and Mr. Levering Baker, of State read, Tor Ter lesdale, left en Saturday en the steam ship Olympic,-te spend the winter trav eling through Euiepe. Mrs. L. Yeung, of Grant avenue. Is Miendlng several weeks In Providence, It. I., where Bhe Is visiting Mra J. Hll worth. Befere returning home she will spend some tlme In 'New Yerk. Specially Priced m Big, Warm Comfy Coats Fer women and girls. Of soft belivia, silk-lined, snugly cellars. Splendid $I7K Value at P f f 1 27 PHILADELPHIA 1 337 S. 13th St. and Chestnut St. BOARDWALK SHOP ATLANTIC CITY BRIGHTON BLOCK J MSHliWMm Geerge Allen, inc. 1214 Chestnut Street-1214 Announce for Saturday Marvelous Values in Trimmed Millinerv Regular $18.00 and $20.00 Hats for Saturdav $10.00 and $12.00 Every Hat trimmed In our own workrooms of Fine Velvet and bilk Beaver Dozens of Smart Shapes in Small and Large Hats. Come early Saturday for bebt choice. Harvard Mills Underwear Week This Famous Underwear Reduced 25 at AllenV This Week The largest assortment of this famous underwear In town There is a style te suit every need, In cotton, wool or combinations et silk and wool. The styles vary, tee, either long or short sleeves and low, square or high neck, nnd you may select from scparate vests, tights, drawers and union suits. Di'rlng the balance of the week there Is a real saving of 25. laittiiifflmMw Ing Green, Ky, IrV r?hri,llllim I- Ba,rd nnd ,,ep s0"' Mli EihS? n Blrt!i n0"Uanled by Charles i?1 r?' .Cafrlngten and Mr. Ud , wm ,Car.rln8ten- of Dnltlmere, ""twill meter tomorrow with Mr. nnd i Aj t?5?? ''AMU&Tltr WN "U Pric Wrlu lanUtieni orAnneasc eunti or rhea. r RnrrsTMl or Prist NjUL ENCRAVInTce', 814 VY.ImI St MHBHI 'laSBMOTIja Adjoining the St. James sJ k Walnut Between 1222-1224 Walnut Street iiraciiur.fuiJaiiiriJtHrLBnHWTmriimicaffMriiflnutrjfWiaa' Fer Tomorrow Only 120 Misses ' Suits That Were $65, $95 te $135, Reduced te '45, $65 te $95 Included are plain and fur-trimmed models of velour de laine, veldyne, and silvertene, trimmed with nutria, mole, squirrel, and opossum. Sizes 14 te 20. Every color, but many styles only one of a kind. Our Higher Grade Medel Suits Are Proportionately Reduced IK W s St. 1 l 12th & 13th I Hi I1 liiKniiwniiffiiiiiBiivi m I '1 il! mL ill H m MbW JCtCu jRw jk I 'W m if if I HI HI I I Winter-weight, fleece-lined, cotton Union Suits "Harvard Mills" quality. Regularly $3.50. Sale Price, $2.50. Vests and Tights in the same grade at $1.50; regularly $1.90. Medium-weight cotton Union Suits "Harvard Mills" quality; regularly $3.00. Sale Price, $2.25. Vests and Tights in the same grade at $1.50; regularly $1.90. Silk and Weel Union Suits "Harvard Mills" quality; regularly $5.50. Sale Price, $4.00. Vests and Tights in the same grade at $1.75; usually $20. There are many ether ttylea tee numerous te mention at the tame laving in price. Women's Woolen Sports Hese, 75c Come In two heather effects, with brown or ere en predominating. A very special purchase enables us te offer these at this remarkable price. There Is enough for two or three days. All sizes from 8V6 te 10, Excellent for wear with oxfords for fall and winter. Saturday Is the Last Day of Our Annual Sale of Trefeusse Fine French Kid and Suede Gloves cleip French Kid Olevrs Overseam Sewn Whlte, black, tan, navy. Bray, mede and brown l regularly M.B0. Sale Price, 3.oe. l-clp Special Pique Kid OleveN Black, whlte, tan, brown, beaver, gray: regularly 14.75. Sale Price. 3.85. 2. clasp rinue Kid Black nnd white; regularly $5.00. Sale Price, 4.tS. 3-cUrp Trefeuise net rlque Kid Black, white, mode, champagne, tan, brown, beaver and gray; regularly 5 50 a pair. Snle Price, 1-cle.p Special pique Huede Gray only; regularly M 75 Sate Price, SZ.83 u pair. Cape and Mecha Gloves Reduced ui tha The finest grade obtainable In Imported Cape Lcather naxBen's best shades, our regular H.60 grade at 13.50. - Gray 'Mecha Olnves of finest Arabian Mecha. Our regular 15 00 grade at 4,00 u pair. IMPORTANT Oar regular price en thete glove are lower by companion than anywhere in town. Allen's for Handkerchiefs It's net tee early te think of Christmas shopping, and handker chiefs ere always a suitable little gift. Vv'e have never had a mero complete assortment of handkerchiefs, nnd there are many no elites In colors that have Just ceme In from Europe, which are indeed Nery stylish. Our Department has a cemplete assortment of men's, women's and children's handkerchiefs, and ere all moderately priced New Ribbons in Splendid Variety Ribbons for every purpose may be found at Allen's, und the new colors are all here. Whether you need narrow trimming widths or wide ribbons for sashes and vests, the assortment Is complete ; In fact, the selection of ribbons Is mere i,arled at Allen's than anywhere In town Fancy Brocaded Ribbons, Reman Stripes, Bayadere, Tinsel Weaves Plaids, Stripes and Novelties, including new color combinations iti two-tone ribbons and wide, cxqulstte brocaded neclty rlbbend. French Chenille Spot Veiling, $1.35 yd. We have Just received from Parts a new Importation of Chenllle Det Veiling In all of the newest colors. These veilings are quite the vegue for fall wear and are priced attractively low. Allen's French Hair Nets 10c each, $1.00 dozen We have every wanted shade In both cap shape, our famous "Sllppen" brand, and straight shape, our "Impert Special" brand. We ere sole agents for America for these guaranteed French Hair Nets. White and Ory Hair Nets, In both cap and straight shape, at ISe each $1.80 a docce. t v wRfW4WL Vl XJ I JW effi:k Sssk ii j I S.S.Ii II U cij. j. m a .i.ritvi.. ih .. ,v. , , I A4. i 1 and n uinner i : 11 ill! ' n UI i Eli I Ii4nnn.n M I jLicoeeo l rxa nn i fjjj i 1 Values III $75 te $150 j , III ' l A most generous ;! If selection of trice- 1 1 l! lifiM. k n i i n a. F(S I II, geergettes and HI B Iii velvets, is of- III jj fcred. II V ii HI g tu uuri.HU uiut u, lit. I if no Purchases JJ j I Charged. All Sales Final I 1 SPECIAL I REDUCTIONS I p I PREVAIL I I I IN ALL j 1 . 1ICMXC OJM ' s i 'X5 THE S$$ m'Orm 1919 "Kun ntiJ Frolic Keat unJ Pu muV A Italmcnt of flavliililnf? ruautlrn ISHATB KOIl TlIANKROlVINO MATINES AND NlOUT WOW SELLING ' f ADELPHINOW ' XJ MATINEE SATURDAY. 2I5 Mr. Lee DITKICHSTEIN HIS nOMANTIC l!RLODnAtA "The Purple Mask" SHATS KOn THANKHOIVINO MATINEB, AND NIGHT NOW BEM.INO sam SHUBrIRT eves- at B OTUDLIM Mats. Wad. flat, at Mt "Irena alnss atralsht te tna Heart or nar udicner "North Amartcan. WP"' PALACE (Formerly the Stanley) Markt Ab. 11 te 11 William Gillette's "HELD BY THE ENEMY" Next Wek LIONEL UAItRyjIOnE IN "THE SLVSTER MIND" 1214 MARKET ST. 10 A. M. 12. 2. 3:49 0:45. 7:45. 0:30 P. M. Clara Kimball Yeung In ";n,,., Nt. Wlc. "Semethlnf te Think About" , ARPAHIA Chtjtnut St. Ual. 10th VrtUlA 10 A. M. te 11:15 P. M A Paramount Picture "THE RIGHT TO LOVE" With Mae Murray and Dald Powell XIfTOD I A Market Street Ab. Oth V 1V 1 KJt A. K A M. te 11 :15 P M. Ann-.t. f 11 In 'Whit v omen 1je e ' ADDED Man-O'-War and Sir Barten Raca MARKET 8TREET rumpet Island 1TTH e MAT. TOMOR SEATS FOR THANKSGIVING MATINMI , AND NIGHT NOW BELUHfl ' ' CHESTNUT ST. 0PEUA HOUW MATINEES, 2:18. EVKNINQB. 8:tS. D. W. GRIFFITH'S Blmole Story of Plain People . J "WAY DOWN EAST HL'NDIIEOS Or ORCHEfiTllA BEATS FOR EVERY PERFORMANCE AT 11.00 i Special Announcement Rewe Btawart. PrraMent of the Anrerlatcd Advertising Cluti.i of the Werld: Karl Bloemlnrlala. I Prealflent of tha Peer Richard Club, and Vincent n. nmcht. head of tha Departmant 1 of Enrllah of the Nertheant High Scheel, ara examining tne manuacnpia auemuica in me idvMtlnement Idea prize centeat recently -ended. Declalena will 1 reached and prlaaa awarded in n. few daya 3 Shows Thanksgiving Day 11 A. M, 3 P. M. and 8:1B P. M. SEATS ON SALE NOW I PHILADELPHIA'S FOREMOST THEATBES DDAAn NIGHTS AT 8:13 OVJt-J Laat Mat. Tomorrow. 2:18 Positively Last Week THE FIRST REAL PLAT OF THE SEA SON." North American. HENRY MILLER BLANCHE BATES IN The Famous Mrs. Fair Ry JAMES FORRES NEXT WEEK SEATS SELLING Beeth Tarkingten's Buoyant Comedy CLARENCE With ALFRED MINT AND ORIGrNAI. NEW YORK CAST BEST COMEDY EVER WRITTEN BT AMERICAN." Ueywoed Druue, New Tork Trlbun. NIGHT8 AT 8:18 Mat. Tomorrow. 2:16 GARRICK dadii inr. SCINATINd vmef SriL. Q tbtFA Til w7fve k wfsinh hs i in l ; m UU UZ-bU ill 'J M in CAPITOL "Vs REGENT MinKOT. S)DI-17TI - ' Leve s Remanc (1 HRF MARKET ST. at JUNIPER VJ1-'-'iJJ it A. M TO 11 P. M. Cnntlnueua Vaudeville RAWLE8 & VON KAUFSIAN: OTHERS ACADEMY OF MUSIC BURTON HOLMES FRIDAY EVENINGS SATURDAY MATINEES Beginning Nev. 19 & 20 CONSTANTINOPLE NOV. 10. 20 JERUSALEM NOV. 2(1 37 OARDEN OF ALLAH . DEC. 3. 4 SPANISH CITIES . .. DEC 10. 11 VENICE & ITALIAN LAKES DEC IT. 18 COURSE SALE UNTIL SAT. Blngla Tlcketa Jl SO 1 7.,c. ready Nev. 18 r&Aiw meiLGF A New Musical Comedy TRODUCED UY HENRY W BAVAQE Seata Selling for Next Week CTlDnCQT NIOHTS AT SUB rUIIr3I Mat- Tomorrow. Sill LAST TWO WEEKS All the Jeys of Life Will Be Found in THE SWEETHEART SHOP THE RAPID-FIRE MPSICAI. COMEDY With HARRY K MORTON and Or1lnal Caat Girls, Gayety. Laughter, Meledy Seata Selling for Next Week IDEM) mm TAIL w TO Tnw SEASON E IT H ' S GRAND ANNIVERSARY JUBILEEl EDDIE LEONARD & CO. EDUARDO & ELISA CANSINO MAKV MARBLE & CO. Gee Lane A Tm Meran; The I arehB' Rejre Combs' Others ANNl'AL PHRYSANTIIEMI'M SHOW I ACADEMY OF MUSIC ! TONIGHT AT 8:15 ONLY APPEARANCE GALLI-CURC1 Tickets at Academy of Muale Dex Offlaa ?nrt Heprea. 1110 Theatnut. THHhh O.SE-ACT PLAYS AltDENaml TheTraellnie Man I HOSE VALLEV The Angel Intrula I'LAI ERS Remee and JullM 1 Ttrkets T6p. $1 and 11.80 FRIDAY EVG , NOV 12, 8;30 WHITE'S AUDITORIUM leth Ilrlew Chextnut ACADEMY OF Ml'SIP FOYER WILLIAM LYON PHELPS OF YALE FIVE LITERARY TALKS "Which Heeka are Reully Werth lleadlneT" nilDAY MORNINGS AT 11 O'CLOCK NOV IH, FER. 4, DEC. 17. MARCH 18, , JAN 14 Trice of Series 17 110 (Ne War Tax) Tlcketa en Sale Academy of Music and Heppe'a 1 1 in Cheatnut Htieet Wltherapoetl Hall, Tueaday Eve Vev 1(1 THE UNINKRMTY EXTENSION Wii'll.iy Preaenta .. JANET RICHARDS "PROBLEMS OF THE DAY. HOME AND FOREIGN" Tlckata II. at the 1'nlvert.tty VJxlanalen Ilex- unice wnnerapnen liuiiillnK Monday Morning Musicnlea Ballroom Bellevue-Stratferd KREISLER Monday Morning, Nev. 16, 11:16 KEATS, -J TO 13 SO, ON SALE AT IrWPI'E'S 11111 CHESTNUT ST, A DOOR ICE SKATING ICE PALACE J5TH & MARKET 8TS. The Mullera, Mian CreKer, Nervat Dastla And Added Fcaturaa Thr Skatlne benalena. Dnlly 10 te 19 A M. a:flO te 5. 8. IB te 10. S P. M. t' a Tarhrjbr rtnch Pup SCHOOL DANCING LESSONH?; TSrjpHPI IM UrmHntewn&i'lielifn v a -"rrlc'v-'JYl MatlnenTomerrow 2V35a MAE DESMOND ih:r player.,,, Next Ween ' A IWIJT Al llill ALL" . . . nth Ab Race Mat. Today Clean Rnud chevva Exclurlte) Tlie Tempters With nilHT llKUTRAVD lOU WORLD'S MUSEUM OF LiVINU Cl'llIO-llTILN OPEN DAILY tt A M tn 10 ! M Vnil-Fnrmerli Tllnrham llniiw Mat Todar Ie -. a Wal Ab nth Mat T LaSinO Jingle, Jingl With MAX FIELD . W. l,n (STORTISSOZ Vwiv.riANClNG 1520 Chestnut. Lec 3192. Own DytEi Jivcopiien ay?ar& Wmdnaadaj at Ot DUMONT'S WUifcARCH. F.V0.8I1S uumul1 l Mali Men Wad. Hat. SUi Emmett Welch Minstrels WOMEN VOTERS OR. WHEN THF.T RDT.H PFOPI F S Keiialnten Ave. Uatlnaa rLUI -i-"J ,) Cumlwrlanrt Dall SLIDING BILLY WATSON In HITS AND HITS - Till! TALK OF THE TOWN A Scliitt lutlnif Orlclnuliiy Amateur Mevla 'Hervnt and '-? heruaea of SOU Petiula ACADLMY or Ml'SIf, NOVr.MIIEII 17. II Tlikfta r.tx te 1.1 On aale ut Ileppa'a, Cenii . A ninny and Ulmlwla 1ROCADERO '1,IB ""tt.lrif llaautlaa UNIVEIIHI'IY MUSEUM Salurd-iy 3i30 1'j-ee lllijlratul lecture, 1'rnfeaivr Cfj nHh en "QioUe t fadu." .rfJ' w V ;, 1 (. ' "i. 'I '- ( k.1t W& -1Wi-J.,T ""' '''mM " Til I laJHi SsJ