-frVtrTTvJ.- , v V ' -Tff. v"''V8'' ("; JZy fi i VK iv R F fcti 'tfl jr- )V.' . J" T I ' A" Sua wm fcv; . 6 DUB TS VALIDITY v OF FARE INCREASE Research Bureau Questions ; Service Beard's Right te Ad vance Car Rate SAY CONTRACT IS BROKEN The Pnbllc Service Oomini'slen's tight te grant nn increase In rare rates Je the Philadelphia Itnptd Transit Ce. questioned In today's ''Citizen's Busi ness," a publication of the Bureau of Municipal Ilescarch. It la contended abrogation of the con tract of 1007 between the city nnd the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Ce. con cerning fares may Invalidate ether por tions of the contract that are favorable te the company. "The agreement nf 1007 between the city and the Philadelphia Itapid Tranilt Ce. stipulated that rate of fare could be changed, but only with the consent of both parties." says the statement. The city litis net cenNcnted te a chance. Nevertheless, with the ap proval of the Public Service Commis sion, the transit company has been col lecting Increased fares since Novem ber 1." Appellate Court Helding "The Appellate Courts of this state have held that although a utility prom prem ises net te exceed a certain rate if granted n franchise by a municipality, the Public Service Commission may ai ai llew nn increase If the rate agreed upon proves inadequate. These decisions are based substantially upon the ground that te allow a municipality te cripple the service of a public utility by deny ing it adequate revenue would be te violate the state constitution. "It was apparently assumed by the Public Service Commission that the doctrine of these cases was bread enough te justify It In ignoring the 1107 contract. That the assumption is warranted isj net universally con ceded. "That the creation of the Public Service Commission Invalidated the contract, or that It deprived the city of the benefit of Uie fare clause without Invalidating ether previsions of benefit te the transit company, is seriously questioned In some quarters. "At this Writing no appeal from the Public Service Commission a order has been entered either by the city or bv the transit company. Complaint Is Appealed '"The complaint of the I'nltcd Busi ness Men's Association has been ap pealed from the Public Service Commis sion te the Superior Court, which has net vet rendeied its decision. This complaint, In substance, alleges that the underlying companies are receiving ex cessive rentals, and asks the commis sion te nsccrtnin the value of their properties for the purpose of deter mining the rates te be charged the pub lic by the underlying companies, or by their agents or lessees, for the service actuallv being furnished for public use. Whether the proceedings before the commission hed reached the stage at which thev could be appealed from, and whether the underlying companies arc 'public service corporations doing business' within the Intent of the pub lic service company law, are the prin cipal Issues In the Superior Court. "Te the lay mind It will be Inter esting te learn from the courts the answer te the questien: is u permissi ble for the state te Inquire whether the underlying companies ere conduct ing their business In such n manner nn n (ttff1n,n fh fPT1frnl UPll-hpltll- flf tl. utntii tiltlitn thn mpnnlntr nt thp Mictien of the stutc constitution quoted. EVENING PUBLIC LEDGETjMlXJABELPBlXV KMlftx NOVEMBER"; 1920 Waltham Boudoir Clocks Small clocks of attractive and novel shapes that make de sirable wedding and birthday gifts. One in a thin model mahog any case, 9 inches high, oval dial and radium numerals- $45. S. Kind & Sens, me chestnut st. DIAMOND MEIICHANTS JEWELERS SILVERSMITHS wftk When the cold wave comes, and that can't be long, we won't be caught. Will you? EXCEPTIONAL VALUE Suits and Overcoats 55 Qualities you can trust and we can back by saying your money back if you want it. See Window Display We Encourage Comparison Ferre & Ce.mc Clethxcra & Outfitters Agents for Rogers Peet Clethes Chesfresf Street Juniper. Unusucii Values in Fine Period KiaraittuE'e Net at certain periods of the year, specially advertised, u. Out HI Uil liuiua, vucwtt;i auvuikiavu ui iiuv. l liu iiiuii v woman about te furnish one room, an apartment, a house, or who only wants te buy one piece, will save money by coming here first, seeing our vast stocks and noting our values, which we knew are lower than any place in Philadelphia. Remember Dining-Roem Suites, Bedroom Suites, Living-Roem Suites, Single Pieces at Unusual Prices We've fifteen years of business success back of us, right here in Philadelphia, have thousands of customers, the second and third generation of them, who knew us and our policy. Our Service Department This is e complete Furniture Stere in every Jctwl. Our Service Department with its experts examines every piece of Furniture that comes in, and then, after the Furniture is sold, every piece is examined before it gees out one reason why we have few if any complaints after the sale, ROSENBLUM & JAFFE BROS. ttlx. ! 521-523-525 Seuth 4th Street BUS CASE GOES TO COUNCIL Camden City Solicitor te Investigate Rights of Jitney at the Ferry The fight of the Camden Ceuntv Itn Askocletlon against the 1'hiladnlnhtn and Camden Kerry Ce. for the right of It members te lead and unload pntrenii nt the ferry entrance has been carried te the Camden Council. .Judge William C. French, of Camden, actlntr as cenn. pel for the association, declared Yes terday that there la no law bv nMM, the ferry company can order jitneys and buMet away from the parking space et the ferry entrance. The City Council has Instructed B. O. C. IJleakly, city solicitor, te Inves tigate the case te determine whether the place from which the jitneys are being driven is private property, owned by the ferry company, or whether It belongs te the city. It Ih en that mies- tien that the whole situation rests, Mr. Bleakly believes. Civic Club Would Plant Tree The Mner lmx been advised by the committee en municipal art and tree nlantlnc of the Civic filnh tl,nt if a.. sired te co-operate with him in planting ijvc nuu uiuKiuK attractive the recrea tion center at Tenth, Eleventh, Lom Lem bard, Itedmnn nnd N'nudaln streets. HIGHWAY B L QCKED PUBLIC BUILDS SPAN Enterprising Citizens Refuse te Have 63d and Market Streets Closed WORK DONE IN A DAY Enterprising citizens In the vicinity Of Sixty-third and Mnrbet ntrf.pt. rr. ftMed te atop business because a ccmc-nt read was being constructed and there was no detour. In three hours they built a bridge ever the new cement read se they could get their big trucks out te the main thoroughfare. Because the business men themselves nnd their em em peoyes did the work, the bridge cost them only ?3 what they paid out for spikes. When the new paving was started signs were put up that the read was closed te traffic. Ne detour was possi ble because Cobbs Creek was en one side and a railroad en the ethr. The property owners nsked the contractor te erect a bridge, but he seemed loath te de se. , Then Leuis Pearl and Jack Jenkins, owners of a garage, asked permission of the state Inspector te build the bridge. The permission was granted. Pearl and Jenkins interested William Buckley, of the Kunkle Ceal Ce., and O. W. Oeycr, of the Mlllbeurnc Mills. These men. with twenty empleyes, started work yesterday afternoon, and at C :30 o'clock the bridge was open for traffic. Trucks, as well as smaller car, are making use of the new passageway. Dreps Dead at Werk Harry McLaughlin, 2202 Ituffner street, an empleye at the Budd Man ufactories Ce.'s nlant. Twenty-ninth street and Hunting Park avenue, fell dead while at work today. Physicians attribute death te heart disease Mc Laughlin is survived by a widow and child. Office Managers! 150 from I h,IH(H,HHl,lMMIH '"""""""" I V I SB, BOWIT TELLER &, CO. rjAeJpeciaftij JJxep efOrlglnatbnp CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET Fer SATURDAY ONLY Exceptional Sale of WOMEN'S SHIRTS C& BLOUSES BLOUSES of GEORGETTE 6.90 Made te Sell for 10.50 Of exceptional quality crepe in flesh, white, bisque, navy and brown. Specialized for Saturday. BLOUSES of GEORGETTE 8.75 Made te Sell for 12.50 Leng roll Jcellar; pleated frill; trimmed with real filet lace. In white, flesh and bisque. TAILORED SHIRTS 3.95 Made te Sell for 5.90 Of white dimity, long roll cellar edged with pleating. Specialized for Saturday. TAILORED SHIRTS 10.00 Made te Sell for 15.00 "Man-type" silk shirts de veloped in radium silk, men's-wear silks and crepe silks. IL Founded In 1865 The Heuse thai Heppe built Inaugurated the One-Price System in 1881 Downtown 1117-1119 Chestnut Street Uptown 6th and Thompson Streets Heppe's allow 1 year te pay for your Victrela Yeu may buy any style Victrela at Heppe's, and secure a quantity of records with it, payment for the entire amount being arranged either by full payment at the time of purchase or by pay ing through the Heppe 1-Year Rental-Payment Plan an you may rent a Victrela ied toward the purchase price, purchase or return the Victrela .tfTVC Through thiB pi i JV"""fcaL 2u and have all rent appl ryfiPK an remain free te Four Attractive Outfiti Victrela IV, $30.85 with six records Pay $S down, SOe weekly Victrela IX, $82.35 with alx records Pay f5 down, tl.SO weekly Victrela Xf. $164.35 with ten records Pay tlS down, tS weekly Victrela XIV, $246,60 with tn records Pay ite down, H.60 weekly Call, phone or writ for com plete list. 0. J. Heppe & Sen Downtown 1117-19 ChtMnut St Uptown Ith and Thompeen SU. SEE MURDER MYSTERY Finding of Weman's Skeleton Being Investigated by 8here Detectives The finding e( the skeleton of, a woman in a llre-Henrred weeds nt New Heme, nn abandoned settlement In At lantic county, thrce miles from Itlch land, yesterday by II, J. Toemls, of IiAndls township, Is being Investigated by Atlantic county authorities today. Detectives from Atlantic City have been detailed te the case te investigate n story tlint n young man had left that vicinity recently after the disappear, mice of n young woman with whom lie lived. The man, whose name hnd net been learned by the prosecutor, sold out all hl9 household goods and left the neigh neigh neigh borheod. The skeleton was found with n piece of rene near It and the bones appeared ns If they had been exposed te the wrathcr for severnl months. Shortly after the young woman's dis appearance the weeds was swept by Arc. "f "fro- CLlNICTOR'POUCE Treatment Will Be Qlven Thursday te Nervous One A rllnle for the treatment of peliw. men suffering from nejveug 0V() menw dlscompesuro.'wa eriencil ycqte'rdy ,f the ofllce of the dhlqf Surgeon, in'rit. ""11. ., , ' " "r Dr. Michael A. Ilurns, of .Teffr.. Hospital medical staff, assisted te, nec BuiBwun i'" nun. j.ne ellnU iiei.i iuprv 'i niira.int 'v vill be held every Thursday. ? BONWIT TELLER & CO. -" Qhe Specialty Sfup cfOriainatienb CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET Special Values Saturday of the New Medes in "JEUNE FILLE" APPAREL ' FOR MISSES and SMALL WOMEN Misses' Daiftime Coats K SILVERTONE and KINDRED FABRICS Very Exceptionally Priced at Plain-tailored coats te wear with one's own peltry. Lined through out with novelty silks. Sizes 14 te 18. Misses9 Camels -Hair Coats sl e e 58.00 '' i llf 6 II vsfeyrvL IB 5 JjjL 88.00 ALSO BOLIVIA SPORTS COATS ?g ss Made te Sell for, 85.00 0O. A full-belted model ; wide pleat down back from neck te hem. Lined throughout with pussywillew. FOURTH FLOOR Misses' Coats of Veldyne INCLUDED ,ARE BOLIVIA COATS Made te Sell for Up te 123.00 Smart effects in plain-tailored, belted and draped models. Flowered linings; stitchery trimming. FOURTH FLOOR Veldine Wraps and Coats SPECIALIZED FOR SATURDAY qq l Made te Sell for Up te 135.00 O0U Featuring fur cellars of nutria and squirrel. This delightful fabric is developed in varying youthful styles. FOURTH FLOOR Misses' Duvet de Laine Suits Included Are SUITS of VELOUR and SILVERTONE S ff Made te Sell for Up te, 85.00 O4.00 This collection embraces plain-tailored tweed models, fur-trimmed models and suits for sports and street wear. FOURTH FLOOR Misses' Suits : Impert Copies FUR COLLARS and BANDINGS 00 nrt Made te Sell for Up te 125.00 OO.00 Developed in Veldyne and Velour dc Laine; Radium silk lind. The unusually high character of the tailoring is only one of the many distinctive features of these gracefully styled suits. FOURTH FLOOR v Misses' Tailored Frecks OF POIRET TWILL Very Exceptionally Priced 58. 00 Original and unique style treatments in redingote, straight-line, loose and loop-panel frocks. Sizes 14 te 18. Misses' Crepe Silk Frecks KITTEN'S EAR CREPE and SATIN 0 nn Made te Sell for 98.50 '0.00 Seft, lustrous fabrics in such desirable colorings as taupe navv old blue, black, brown, street and afternoon shade! Bafste ceTrs'and SmmingP am tU"iC SkiftS' """ fur' fading and embroidery FOURTH FLOOR Fer Immediate Clearance 350 TRIMMED HATS Taken Frem Our Regular Stock 7.50 Regular Values 15.00 te 18.50 THIRD FLOOR m, A fv,.A V 7 I- WJBH WtfJ am ". .( w lifts -. 'Mtf$ta!l$fr it$&Ei til,AA;,.V.--v-; ".aii-K. 1 L.a WA. l.i , wfajnr,infi.ii.w . .MMWtUiiftwrt..vcrt, crsrs M-em t - "r 1. )-1 ,'.n lA'Di i. m nttfff im fiM aiSwMii: mrt. jf marjm i'-.umm