''".; 'i. $mmi 'dmzm )...- 7 . V 'T'A. ..i I i us m - .... ,. .-'f -. -.-); - --- . . rt .vf,--j.-. -- ' . ,7 StllMW tlvTr'"'rTr'T'JBl 'ii ! ww , .-; twiiliw w '- t Ut !. J. .. .. 'i i MIMIIlll M mil ' '-- - - - - I ,-.y. J ,. , i.t .ULilfffcAV L . !'JIr.lJRWfcP",, V. I UX ,v T''Vll.wni,g-g-- " Tv--v- y,g wv-wpv "11 f . . n iflfPtjtH v -- ' S yv Nev. 2 19ZUt - tV- tfwMwsitr ;. 'i MARKET i CHESTNUT m-EIGHTH NINTH . . r , Come, Come, Come, Yeu Children of Ten, Yeu Children of It 's All for Yeu, This Beautiful, Wonderful, LAND OF OZ! Fairyful niddle-widdle-iddle, oem pom-pem! 0 l Oom, pom-pem! oem, pom-pem! 6 Tiddle-tiddle'tiddle, oem pom-pem! 1 Oom, pom-pem pah! ' r - ." The scarecrow is here. played the Musicker. "Bew-wow," said Tote. ' V What's It all abemit? asked everybody. Well, well, Beys and Girls the "secret's out" Santa Claus rented, no, borrowed, no, was given a great big part of the Land of Oz en which was the biggest cave you ever saw, and there he worked for three hundred days te make your Christmas Toys. Then he said te the Wizard of OZ "All's ready. Let's go," and the Wizard summoned Membi, the Witch, who' went te the Cave and sprinkled the "Powder of Life" ever the toys, lifted her left hand with its little finger pointed upward and mumbled: "Weaugh Teaugh Peaugh" and goodness me! these toys cried eut: "We live We live! We live!! Then the Wizard waved his hat and all of the Land off OZ was swept through the air just like Dorethy and Zeb and the horse were, and down, down, down the people and toys fell. After three days and three nights -they came te the;Gimbel Land, of Toys arid took possession and are te stay 'till Oh I I almost forget, I premised the Wizard and Santa Claus net te tell. The Jey of the Land of OZ Is Eternal Youth .Everybody is young. Membi has' a new charm, the "Powder of Youth," which she uses en every old grouch she can find. Here ten Ms ten, and seventy years fall away from eighty just like the Wicked Witch of the West melted away. We're all boys and girls together. And everybody's here all your old friends dear Jack Pump kinhead, the brainy Scarecrow, the geed-hearted Tin Weedman and Dorethy and the Wizard and Tip and Tote eh, just, everybody te welcome you, te walk with you, te'play with you in this fairyful Land pf.OZ. Lmust tell you about Santa Claus and the Royal Ponies and the ethers it's something like this v- tv ?.vir.."i( -rOaM v l)F i ' Eighty; j;-' '1 . fw I MM Jack Pumpkinhead where. r f,-!fa, Kv2f try Santa's Cave of Oz J ia open te all. He's here, j tee. He's waiting for you j te tell him what you want I him te bring you from the j Land of Oz. Royal Punch of Oz is here with his deg and there's a show every new and then. Yeu should hear the children laugh. Come and enjoy it all! Royal Ponies of Oz j are ready te taKe any coy or girl for a ride. Gidapt away they go just like our friend Jim, the Cab Herse. Isn't it fun? Whoa! T?niml 'Vfniiierl Tinne I of Oz "nnvfnrm for vnli nil. Yell should sce their sreen, srecn j jackets, as Rrcen as tne emer ald City,, and hew very won derful are all their tricks. Slakes ene think of Tote. Royal Bears of Oz arc located in the southern part of Emerald City, very near the Quadling Country. They have Christmas pack- ages for you. Treasure Heuse efOz is a household of gifts for all. The magic house that makes a gift package as each one is given out. It's endless. "ABANDON CARE AND SMILE IN THE LAND OF OZ" The Toys Bring Ferth Mere Than Smiles True fiappiness Beams Everywhere Like the Great Ball of Fire The Tin Weedman is here. T Fer Girls ' HE loveliest dells imaginable, infant dells and life-size ones dells that walk and even talk. Then you come te the Paris-dressed dells and these from the foreign lands. Hew beautiful they all are and hew lovely are the little clothes you can buy, shoes, stockings, caps, hats, dresses and cunning little parasols. And the Dell Houses, great big things are some of them what geed times they bring te the children. Sets of dishes for the afternoon tea. White furni ture, just like mother's. Dell carriages, tee, and the great big animal toys dogs, cats,, goats, donkeys "It's very queer hew big an ear Is worn by Mr. Donkey; And yet, fear he could net hear If it were en a monkey. 'Tis thick and strong and bread and long And also very hairy; It's quite becoming te our Hank But might disgrace a fairy!" The Royal Historian of OZ . Mr. L. Frank Baum has set down the doings of the People of Oz in these books for the children of ten, the children of eighty The Wizard ef'Oz Land of Oz Ozwa of Oz Dorethy and the Wizard of Oz' The Read te Oz The Emerald City of Oz The Patchwork Girl of Oz Tik-Tek of Oz The Scarecrow of Oz Rinktink in Oz .... The Lest Princess of Oz The Tin Weedman of Oz The Magic of Oz ' Glinda of Oz There's a wonderful collection of these books. You'll also find Christmas stories and fairy stories, Bey Scout books, Mether Geese, Alice in Wonder land and all of the books of your favorite series. Fer Beys HEW ! the whiz of the electric trains made me jump and that knocked my hat askew. Beys, you'll like 'em they're great hew they spin around and through the tunnels, just like any electric out there en the Main Line, only these have an engine. All you de is press the button off they go.' New for the Meccanes and Erectors, the in spiration for the boy's vocation, maybe. Chem Craft, Drums, Teel Chests, Horses and Wagons, Sleds, Velocipedes, Autes, Games, Humpty Dumpty Circuses, Bridges 'n everything from a single ball trimming for your Christmas .tree te a real live pony for your stocking that's why all the boys of Philadelphia and fifty miles around are saying " you go te the Land of Oz, Please take me along because" Well, just because Pali u r'- V JeKwIiln rV T ' ' a mi JrSV -rt.,vSHfclii!ii, x Tik Tek is here. ysk - v it ir. inp.rp. nn n. mnnKP.i . m;.ir. t n, tu:i jii.: .1 nci... -i . . 1 . -v . vxi-i - 'i "- " " vnuuu, vj s ui x nutiueipjwu uuu niiy nines ureunci are saying awm JA&.l -" 'ZZx x 1J n'""- """ uwi.i w-.-vv . w ..w ..., inerua u wuijuetiui vuutxuuu ui uiusu ueuks. i i V C5l And also very hairy; .'Vfeai T" V- - j ,jw . Hr-ttilr-iir 1 , " 1 "f7" "i'l -S. Mfe.MiS.1. .. ijftiv-'Ui"i- rrn '. u 'y-we-si'wM k 7,!7.. ,iyr . - ii fMffiliMM i f, f aaJa!Sf.J ;:(jbMMi.JiJ.:. - .. r lt ?uiiWJ.m .i.mniH''pjMmHi&ddBaaaLArtt.u .... 1 .1. a . .. .rr:-tn .ir jikLc..ni ciu'vv-ir. i.ii'jiinji M'"j?wrmw,caJMlB-r,nri'MM