Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 12, 1920, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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Organ plays at 9, 11 and 5:20
Ohlmea nt Noen
Moonlight Glee
Unlmlted Guenlii
'AFTKB Judge C hart gobbled up
fM'lj& leader of the Field Mice or er or
liWe, tha Xlflbblts Moonlight Qlee
ball went en merrlcr than ever.
"fcecKy lilted Honpltv-Hep ns a part
ner", find be Bcemid te like hei, for he
ytta s'lfhti '" trAdlnjr dnnces with tha
ethfT rnbblta AH the rabbits dnnccd the
sanie Ulnd of a dnnce, which they called
the'bunny bob. The dnnce was Ilk ltd
jlkme n. bobbing, hejiplns 1nnce that
a a let of fun. j
Why drfu't ycu dance tax trot, tee?"
Mkrd TiBcy of Hoi)f)lty.He) He
wrLikled up hi whfskers mid sniffed
tS'fxc answered: j
' 'tPex trots! Ne Indeed. Itabtills don't
ikif foxes nor fox trot. They trot nfter
US ten often." !
J lid fie Owl wiped off hln mouth care
fully after he hud .finished lunching en ,
t)tf orchestra leader, then cpreart hlir
wIiib1' te fly away en his rounds im
heid watchiran of nirdtand.
JWhoe' Whoe! When you net through
with that erehi'stra "itwl for no." he
booted. "This nlRht work watching Illrd
larul makeH me hungry-nnd I'" be ready
fdr'a great big dlnner at dawn," I
The field mice In the pnll knew what
h meant 1y that nnd they Rquenkcd nnd
icirtrlt'd about Hie old prill at a great i
ret. And the fustcr they pcurrlcd, the
ijtiller was the imtfta thy made. I
Old Juige Owl flapped away, making
fdfthe corner of the weeds where Tod Ted Tod
jle' I'upklns wn.i chasing nreilml In u
clrtle trying te catch Hnpplty-Hep, the
rubblt. Teddle hadn't vet learned that
Hobpliy-Heii had fooled him, nnd wau
hftvlng a happy time dancing at th,
rirtv w"n PegRy. Judge Owl went t
scold Toodle for malting se much nolse
with his "Iti-yl" lnjr.
The rnbblta felt mere free te dinr.)
whin Judge Owl was gene, just ni chil
dren playing In the strcctn feel mero
free after a policeman ban passed along
But they wouldn't hae felt se glad ever
Ms) going If they had known that he
was going te tell Toddle Pupklns that
Hopplti-IIep wuu nt the ball Instead
of .In the weeds. Ner would rncy hnv-i
bison se gay If they had known that
wblln the watchtnnn was nwny mean
foeg were sneaklncr Jewiird them In the
ihoder of the hedge.
The mean fees were rats big, gray '
farm rats They had crept out of the
barns for a moonlight mid en the pile
of -yellow corn which the huskjra had
left In the fields. On their way te the H
corn the rats had henrd the sound of
the field-mice music nnd they had
ineiked up te the celf-puttlng green te
ee what It was nil about.
When the rats saw the party thev
rnnted te gtt Inte It They wanted te
dauue nnd they wanted te feast.
"Olggolty-glggclty-gee I" u hlwpcred
Frowsy Whiskers, the chief of the rats.
"Olcgelty-glfcgelty-gcn ! Merc Is moon
light glfe! Msat tastes better than corn
te me! Wa will dance with. rabbits tntr
rllv, then we'll dlne en them heartily.
OlgKClty-glggeltv-gee !" '
The rots liked that Idea. Silently they
crept forward, blewly thpy formed n
circle around the dancing rabbits. Then
Frdwsy Whiskers squeaked loudly nnd
the rate Jumped forward.
Mv, but the rabbltc were startled. '
Thev quit their dance with "hrlrks of
fright nnd huddled In the renter of the
Rrecii Hnppity-Ilep swUng Peggy t the
very middle of the' group, and 3toed In I
front of her te guard her. I
Peggy Wrui ns murb startled and ai
much scaled a" the rnbblts. Hhe wnt
afrnld of rats ns well as mice even whn
tlurwns ordinal y girl slze, nnd new she
was ns small ns the rabbits, nnd the.
rata ljuked te her ns lntgt as liens.
"Qlggolty-slpgelty-gce! Come d:nce
with us," sneered Krewsy Whiskers
"Every rat take a partner, nnd t'll tnke
tnrtt tieu in tne center. e ioekcci rigni
t Peggy as he crept forward. Peggy
hudcircd and gave a ery of fear.
An If In answer te her cry, there enme
a, !.i!lp ficm the wools-.
"Kl-yl! Kl-Vlf Kl-yl!"
It was Toddle PiinUlna. ell wns com
ing keen for revenue en IIepplty-Hnp, i
but he stepped short when h" naw the.
circle of rats fi round the rabbits.
"Sae us, Toddle.' cried P.WU. i
"Ilats." barked 'Toddle bravely.'
"Hats' Yeu can bet I'll bove you."
TJut what hanpened then will linve te i
Walt for the next chapter.
Seize $8000 In Whisky and Make
Twe Arreste j
1'ellre scored nnether victory In the
fiijht against "whisky running" Inst
nieht when they seized n truck 'eaded
with $8000 worth of liquor nnd nr-,
rested two men In charge of the con- i
It was shortly before midnight wheu1
the police of the Twentieth nnd Berks
streets station received nn anonymous
telephone rail that n whiskv-ladrn
truck wns stending at Eighteenth street
and Montgomery nvenuc. I'ntrelmnu
IJewcn jumped en the trurk ns it weh
about te be driven away, and nftcr n
two-minutes light with the chuugeur, '
the patrolman dragged him from his sent.
As lie was lending the man te the
station house another man drove up in
a touring car and remonstrated with
the officer for interfering with the move
ments of the truck. He. ten. was ar
rested. The man who interfered, the
police say. is the owner of the consign -went,
He gave his name as Samuel
"cinstein, of 011 Seuth Eleventh street.
The driver of the truck was Frank
Cicelere, of 745 Kater street. Iletli
Jtre turned ever te the federal pro
hibition enforcement agents.
M6ere Calls Conference for Support
of Administration
Mayer Moero arranged with leaders
of Semen's orgunUntlens in this city
jesterday for n conference In his oflice
In City Hall, December 2, nt which
yiuns ter actively support ne the mu-
lent will
c'ciml gevcrnniei
'irn. deerge A. Duiinlne. chairman
be worked out.
of the Philadelphia Lcasue 'of Women
JrtWH. with lieudqunrteiH at 133 Seuth
inmiii sireet, suggested the conference
nd the Mayer egreed ininicdlutPly nnd
nxd the date, lie declared tlrnt wiiile
me bi-shleiiH would commence at 10
" m , it might continue during the
afternoon ami premised te give "con
"." information" ns te the city ad ad
rnlniHtiatien. Directors of all the city
departments will attend the conference. ,
ihe Mnr cenfeued with Mrs. Dun- i
mng and Miss Maude Hurt McCnll,
chninnan of the Thirty-fourth wnrd ,
OrtUUl of the Lenirue nf Women
.", during the afternoon. Mr.
running said that the purpose of the
conference wbh te learn in what way
women can be of intelligent nssisUiucc
"'"ie various departments.
Twe Lewer Classes Premise te Aid
Athletle Association
.,JJ'.C tw. ,I.0Wer '' of the TIni TIni
Xiyief V.w,nHy,van,a ""v'' 'lecided
eihrcak up "scalnlng," which is caus
ng be muel, treulle te the Peuu ath-
held in"Vr,l,t;('s- At a Jint 'neeting
alVn tl0, "oi'Rten Club, the sophe.
rf,in.,ul ,f"",,",m" c'asses went en
If rI aH willing te step ticket fcnecula fcnecula
en by any m,.nn8 necessary.
ran?.;. Hn,turila' utrmig-nrm. Bqund
eSS"!,c.lper, eS tl,c i"Pu nd
--.r.,u nun Hlll'CeSS
? va3nt ,nt8
was successful and there were
ipe. The demnt,.! . vi' b;.. 1.:v,1!
Wt be etuh!etle Awltttln office vV
m he able te supply the Iate-cemeVd. I
Tomorrow Morning All the
Down Stairs Stere Will
Furs in
25 Per
Wanamaker' s
Cent Less
Over a Thousand Nev Coats, Dresses
and Suits for Scheel and College Girls
IBS ? fi
1 A
Weel Serge Dresses at $7.50,
$8125 and $8.75
Navy blue serge frocks in sizes 8 te 1G
years nre in several models, some high
wnlsted, ethers in coat effect and many of
them embroidered in wool.
At S5 twe'spccial models of navy serge
are trimmed 'with braid or brteht stitch
ing. Sizes 6 te 14 years.
Serge freckfe for junior girls, some com
bined with' 'cliarmcusc, arc special at
$11.75, $15 te $26.
Levely Velveteen Frecks for
Juniors, $18.50, $23.50 te $36
Girls always like them and with reason,
for they are becoming and, often, pic
turesque. Navy, brown and black pre
dominate and the dresses are embroidered
in wool, beaded, trimmed with braid nnd
sometimes have Georgette vests or satin
sashes. One at $23.50 is sketched.
Suits for Juniors Reduced t6
$20 and $22.50
Heather jersev suits nre in several
models and cheviot suits arc in navy blue
or brown. Most of the jackets are lined
with silk.
Girls' Coats Many a -Third
Under Price
Fer little girls of 6 and 8 years, many
fine coats of corduroy, velour, chinchilla,
cheviot, serge, pole cloth, silvcrtone and
Belivia are $12, $15 te $25.
Fer girls of 10 te 14 years, splendid
warm coats are $12 te $37.50.
Sports Coats at $23.50
They arc of pole cloth with roll cellars
and have interesting pockets; they are
lined throughout. Sizes 15 and 17 years.
Other Tep Coats for Juniors Are
$25, $27.75 te $115
Notable among them is a group of fine,
full-lined coats of velour with sealene col cel
lars at $27.50. Sizes 14 te 17 years.
Alse, at $30, pole cloth coats in rein
deer or brown with large cellars of racoon.
Sizes 12 te 16 years.
Practical Every-Day Skirts
Special at $5.75
They're of veleurs, goldtends, sllvertenes, serges, gabardines and
jerseys in a variety of wearable colors navy blue, black, tan, brown
nnd heather mixtures. All ere simply tailored, pocketed and finished
with belts.
Pleated Skirts, Special at $10.75
Accordion-pleated skirts have diagonally arranged plaids.
Bex-pleated skirt3 wear their stripes between the pleats.
Knife-pleated plaid skirts arc in brown and blue colorings.
Envelope Chemises and
Special at $1.25
The bloomers are in six styles, five of pink cotton crepe, figured or
plain, nnd one of pink bntiste. They are cut generously full and have
clastic at the wnists nnd knees.
The envelope chemises are of fine, soft nninsoek in nine styles,
prettily trimmed with lace, embreidcrv and ribbon.
Children's Warm Fleeced
Fabric Gauntlets. 35c a Pair
They have imitation leather cuffs nnd are snug nnd warm just
the school gloves the children will need. 10 te 14 year sizes.
Knitted wool gloves in oxford gray nre $1 a pair; Scotch knitted
wool gloves in brown and oxford nre $1.25 a pnir.
Gray and tan fleeced fabric gauntlets are 75c a pair.
300 Beautiful Sample Blouses
at $5.90
Fashionable Tricelette Overbleuses
the tricelette of unusually fine
quality (some almost like a fine
silk jersey) are in brown, nay
nnd black, many embroidered in
wool, ethers nderncd with fringe,
or braided.
nre in dark shades navy, black,
brown. Most of them are em
broidered in wool. Alse combina
tion sntin-nnd-Gcergctte over ever over
beouses in dark shades.
Lace- Trimmed
Georgette Blouses in
Light Celers
These are the dainty things
that women are nsking for every
day; in flesh-pink nnd
I fl
white, trimmed with pretty laces.
Men's Seft Felt Hats at $3
Most of these arc perfect qualities and were originally made te
sell for considerably mere. Yeu will find nil the fashionable shnpes
and shades of the season. Others arc "seconds," most of the "seconds"
being such slight imperfections in the felt as only experts would
(Oallerr, Market)
Round, plump muffs that invite cold
fingers te be thrust into them, fluffy
scarfs that will nestle softly about your
neck and sets that combine the virtues
of both
Every Piece Will Be Marked at
One-Fourth Less
All the fashionable furs of the sea
son are included in this collection and
every piece is marked in plain terms
for just what it is. Ne masquerades
are allowed and nothing second rate or
shoddy will be found among these furs.
The Quality of Every Pelt Is
Backed by All the Years
of Wanamaker Fair-Dealing
In addition te the furs already in
stock there are many fresh, new
arrivals whose initial prices will be 25
per cent less than usual.
Please note that children's furs are
net included in this- sale.
Scarfs in taupe, brown and black are
$22.60 te $65.50.
Sets in brown, taupe and black, are $60
te $93.75.
Red fox scarfs are $30 te $41.25; sets
are $60.
Japanese cress fox scarfs are $26.25;
sets are $56.25.
Patagonia animal scarfs in taupe, brown,
blue dyed and pearl dyed are $18.75; silk
lined scarfs are $26.25.
Scarfs, in taupe, brown, gray and black
are $26.25 te $41.25.
Sets in taupe and brown are $67.50 and
Badger sets are $37.50 and $45.
Threw scarfs, choker cellars, muffler and
shawl cellars are $35.50 te $67.50.
Muffs are $33.75 and $48.75.
Skunk'Dyed Opossum
Shawl, choker and muffler cellars and
threw scarfs are $20.25 te $35.50.
Sets are $30.
Natural Squirrel
Cheker or muffler cellars are $37.50 te
Muffs are $52.50.
Australian Opossum
Cape or choker scarfs are $30 te $63.75.
Muffs are $38.75 te $45.
Other Fashionable Furs
Beaver muffler cellars are $67.50.
Nearseal (sheared ceney) muffler cellars
are $41.25 ; steles, 12x70 inches, are $75 te
Mele scarfs go from $18.75 for a choker
te $63.75 for a large muffler cellar.
Civet cat scarfs are $18.50 te $47.50.
Natural racoon large cellars are $45.
Ringtail opossum scarfs are $18.75 te
Pieced Hudsen seal (dyed muskrat)
steles, 12x70 inches are $43. Muffs, $17.
One and Twe Skin Animal
Stene marten, 1 skin, $25; 2 skins,
$50.25 and $63.75.
Fitch, 1 skin, $18.75; 2 skins, $22.50 and
Kelinsky, 1 skin, $18.75 ; 2 skins, $33.75 -and
Natural squirrel, 1 skin, $17; 2 skins,
$59 (j $29 v $37.50 $50 'jj $45
Six Groups of Women's Winter
Coats and Wraps at Savings
of 20 te 50 Per Cent
At $24.50 te $29
Tinseltene, pole cloth, silvertene, ve
lour and Belivia dolmans nnd coats
comprise this group. They are lined
with plnin or figured silks. A dark tan
pole coat with a ringtail fur cellar, at
$29, is sketched.
At $37.50
Coats and dolmans of suede velour,
Belivia and tinseltone are trimmed
with Australian opossum cellnrs or
sealcne fur. A silvertone dolman in
taupe, brown and reindeer, trimmed
with fancy stitchery, is sketched.
At $39 te $55
Fur-trimmed or furlcss wraps nnd
coats of woeldyne, crystal Belivia or
suede velour nre lined with figured silk
or plnin penu de cygne. A woeldyne
dolman, with a fur cellar of skunk
opossum, is sketched. It is in brown.
Pckin or reindeer nnd is $45. The $50
coat sketched is of camel's hair lined
throughout with plain silk.
At $59
Wonderful cheesing in this group of
hnndsome wraps and coats. Most of
them nre of Belivia or woeldyne, trim trim
med with fashionable furs natural
squirrel among them. A brown, black
or reindeer Belivia coat, sketched, is
lined with peau de cygne.
Extra-size coats, trimmed with fur,
provide fittings in sizes 44 te 52 all
at $59.
At $69 te $97.50
A collection of beautiful wraps of
soft and luxurious fabrics Caledonia,
evera, woeldyne, vcldyne and crystal
Belivia. All are beautifully lined and
they nre trimmed with embroidery or
fur, or are made perfectly plain.
30 Handsome Wraps
Seft and lovely affairs, are these, of
fertuna, evern, Caledonia, veldyne and
chamoislyne in delightful blues, browns,
tnupes and beaver shades. They have
deep cellnrs or cellars nnd cuffs of
beaver, squirrel or Australian opossum.
But one or two of a kind and all very
much reduced in price nt $130, $149
and $179.
Hair Nets, 60c a Dezen
Cap and fringe shape nets are
in black, blend, nuburn nnd light,
medium nnd dark brown.
6000 Pair of Women's Shoes and
Brogue Oxfords at $5.40 a Pair
Savings of $2.60 te $4.20 a Pair
u . A11 of rhtm are faahienable shoes, made en the best lasts and in the
best lines of the season shoes that are, every inch of them, desirable and
f? p.nny of thelr price economical. All" sizes from 2i te 8. Widths
AA te D.
Brogue Oxfords of black or tan calfskin with medium or low heels.
Ian leather lace shoes with full wing tips and medium or low heels.
Tan leather lace shoes with imitation wing tips and medium heels.
5000 Pair of Women's High Shoes at $6.85 a Pair
Savings of $2.75 a Pair
Black calfskin high lace shoes are made with straight or full wing
tips, welted soles and medium or Cuban heels.
Tan leather shoes with straight or wing tips have sturdily welted soles
and medium or Cuban heels.
500 Pair of Women's
Comfert Shoes at
$5.40 a Pair
The black kidskin of which they
are made is soft and pliable and the
shoes are made with wide tees, turn
ed soles and low heels, exceedingly
1000 Pair of Children's
Shoes About Half Price
at $2.50
The shoes are of durable hlank
dull leather in lace and button styles.
There are all sizes in each style and
all widths from A te D in the let, but
net in every size. Sizes llii te VA.
New Winter Hats at $5
Fur or beaver trimmed turbans or
draped turbans of gleaming metallic
cloth; large hats of silky velvet; flaring
brim hats in great numbers, some of
satin and velvet combined are among
the many pretty things.
There are bright or dull blues, henna,
brown, reds, and, of course, blnck.
And in ench instance you will remark
upon the lowness of their price.
Smart Tailored Hats, $2
Geed-looking hats of hatter's plus
are in five becoming shapes, finished
with tailored bands. Suitable for
sports, street or business wear or for
Children's Furry Beaver
in n number of shapes are in blnck
nnd brown at $3 and $6 nnd blnrV.
brown and navy at $5.
All-Weel Overcoats for
Little Beys
Are Special at $10
(4 te 10 Year Sizes)
About twelve, different patterns in browns, grays and
They are cnrefully tailored with plain, inverted or welt
pleat backs, belted all around, have generous pockets, are lined
with plaid, and have Venetian yoke linings.
Altogether the best let of overcoats we have seen for many
a day! And wise mothers will take advantage of this opnor epnor opner
tunity. .
(O.IIery, Merltet)
Veils, 55c
They nre the fashionable veil
ings cut xp in yard lengths for
convenience and quick selling. In
blnck, brown, nnvy and many of
the colored dots.
Fine French Veilings
In black, brown, taupe, navy,
black-and-white, flesh-and-blnck,
caster - and - brown, brewn-nnd-black
and taupe-end-blnck. $1 te
$1.75 a yard.
Knitted Warmth for
Little Felk
Drawer leggings nt $1.25 te
$3.50 are of white wool, warm as
can be, and hew cunning the little
boys and girls leek when com
pletely outfitted. Sizes 6 months
te 3 years.
Sweaters at $3 te $5 nre knit
ted of white, blue or pink wool,
and there are slipovers and little
coats te choeso from, even in such
small sizes as G months te 3
(pntrM) ,
Practical and Pretty Dresses Are Special
at $16.50 and $25
The $16.50 dresses are of wool jersey in brown, navy and reindeer,
embroidered in self-tone or geld threud. Or of nnvy serge, bended or
made with pleated skirts. Some charmeuse dresses, with beaded over ever
skirts and pleated frills, are also marked $16.50.
The $25 dresses are in dozens of pretty styles, with some remark
able Bnmple dresses among them. Dresses of velveteen in black, brown,
plum or green, embroidered with geld, wool or trimmed with duvetyne.
Or of fine wool jersey in navy, brown, tan, blnck and henna. Plenty of
silk dresses, charmeuse or Geergette, tee.
At $8.75 te $13.50
Surprisingly pretty dresses can be had nt these low prices. They
nre of serges, wool veleurs, silvertencs nnd Peiret twill in simple, tailored
styles, trimmed with braiding, embroidery or contrasting vestees.
Fine Tricetine Dresses, $32.50 and $35
Beautifully tailored nnd of excellent mntennls, these nre in navy
blue or brown. One is made with n circular overskirt, another has nn
entire underskirt of black satin, while the overskirt is heavily embroid
ered In wool and braid.
" (Market)
cafxaa HMt yt
12 $25
L1A'4 4' ,) ,tf y-i'V,,', S a. '.V.,. v .j -li iyt) uf fr
.., ,.. .
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