vV V", f. '1' .t'l 4$ frtfl :u MMWiJCi .U5 l r I- 1 . . . If wn J i V B10N0flEEliBft&vkiRMfinL i" 'nHiMni VHiiitwBBBBMMl2rT'f?&rai BHtHmTwif mini I 7 ffci ssssffvlAA Jl J G2 a Ss Jm lBwa .WPfi-y BCPMBBBlBvVBBBk K2BVijfV&t.JLjjBBBM.XYx1 WMEBI fM 8pjMj w?vP5TBf"w ?- l3VlBkJ!!5SfiBt$i?9w BlBlBrflBEfVlBM ;)Bl9a.BBBBnBaBuCjbK xllf? Vmltfe! fftHflfcQPcNnv9iMfiBIC''',M BSK(iHHHEfiril ' '"SSi HI- WMfSMBMBBBBBac?! Wf-& Jwii 5? 'CbuEbVbbV S'vNKv sTr. BBMJrMBBW,F-V MKJfffiaAWBrliMliisWTOMfc' Jl. f -BBBBBBBBBBBl iJ i? .-v I1 vc v- " y bbbbI A bbbbbW c WKvfllv SmbbPbYBBBBf $ 1m MMV,-l-i -rr"-:.- :r. -';; "U .rVHJYA,WHB!NitfHULXS( r J,-'lii -TrTiw; v -' khk? tH v?' " r-rvfc; &felK,,49d- rew miff QnfXteX;:mMr tm SHE KNlTTEt) PRESIDEN.WILSON A StARP. It was her efferine te.'rcDav for manv a.kin'dlv B100ZE FOR WASHINGTON LANDED IN PHILADELPHIA. This chnnge in destination -wave that she received from the PreaidcntJa auto- at West Greve. Federal authorities brought the prisoners and whisky te the Federal Build- is the happy woman! President' and Mrs. Wilsen , ' Jjedrer Photo Servtc. FOUR-KILLED NIN NEVADA!" WRECK.' Spreading "rails sent the i Pacific j.0verland tumbling ever an cmbankmentarid 'trestle at ManxNevadaf. Twehty-oneiwero injured. r ' . , t . . International. i i f f i SmvB iiMi yvH ,haJht jiff f Kmv ! j p1 'f B ? fiifJjLMj KmwJfi m W -.liW '.B 't i Wamm'mKHrA:Ml.im.nM'JwKM m&is-&&rr?s'.x-xzr-i'!r ,? ., .,xi"jib' f:Hri.ii rKk. a v n n '"V ('). - - y w . ,, : e i . ;- r .t x : tt""t-. . pr- .a - 7 called at her' hbnic a few days. aee. I . . iKeyitena View Ce. mmmmfFm TOOK PART IN UNVEILING CEREMONIES. Ten girl students of the Gcrmantewn High Scheel made up this group. In addition, two boy students carried the colors, lidrer rnote sryic. -'U .'W.Vi 3KB3i mmam U J tY-v il&J&i f vf 1? UNVEILED PASTORIUS STATUE. Miss Mary Bancroft Clossen, daugh ter of Dr. and Mrs. James H. Clos Cles Clos eon, of Gcrmantewn. Ledstr rhote Sen Ice, FIREPROOF. 'This new safety suit for airplane pilqts. and firemen in sures the wearer against fire. An oxygen tank in the helmet prevents suf focation. Pul Thompson. r 1020 POINTS IN.FIVE.,MiNUTES. This remarkable 'record' was made in Brooklyn by Charlesi Petersen,-the fandyshet. expert .of 'St. Leuis. The record Was made in straight rail billiards., v Internxtlena!. I ( 1 1 MAY THE HARDING ORCHID. Itiwaa.named, yes terday at .theiChrysanthemum Shew." vJack Stryker is holding tHe newly named'flower. Iar rtfetb Serriee. .J - s N'O T PLAY AGAINST PENN.' Jim Robertsen, leader of th(j',Dartineuth eleven, is , suffering with a wrenched sh&ulder. SECRET BRlDE'-ef Cincinnati, man. She "was Miss Jes'sie Reed, -who was well rehearsed for her secret wedding, as for months she took the part of a bride en the stage. Kejeiene. View Ce. DESCENDANTS OF FRANCIS DANIEL PA STORIUS. Mrs. Daniel Pasterius, Daniel Pas Pas teTiua, Mrs. Sarah Pasterius Stevens, Mrs. Rittenhouse F. Reaver, Samuel N. Pasterius (left te right). The children are Helen C. Pasterius and Daniel Pasterius. They all attended the unveiling. Ia&mw Photo Setvlee. WV ilB lyiWT'h I laBBlBBWBBBBBBBrii MM bl rXW.'l&EERfy .&&$ BBEBKJMV'kVls 4KV;P,t.'n:BBMRBBEii( iBBrByT Wlllllllrl'f W'H'r '"1 HPpBBBlNjgaWillyg w nTl iraHw'WHW yatyggfteA.,; .x wSBHBflKiufiiBlSMHQBlHBBABttCnBBBB - a 0-Vt,. ( i- 't- vj 'ii-T 4v BBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBMBKHBlllDBBnPwBHKRMBBW t-$.-? m mJ V.V v 4 BBBBBBBBBBWlflVVBBKSBBaBBVdBBKaKSBBnVPaaiVVBBB (-v m& VHBBBBBBBBBrHBnKBBBS8ABBBBBBMill4PJP4A- rlTrtfljBathyTltfHi iiVP'- ' A Z i BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBSBBBBBiRlK71 iV'V BBBBHBJ2BiHBBW'r: ' --" BBBBBBBBJBBBBWy.vVw.j A DANGEROUS SPOT FOR PEDESTRIANS. The etching shows Old Yerk ,Read above Lakeside avenue, where there is no sidewalk. The plank crossings are used te get te the read, the only place for people te Walk. Ledxer Photo Serrlca. OUR CITY'S WORKERS' AND WHAT THEY DO '''iBBBBBBBBflBBBiki -'BBBley'? '' ( 't.'t v "iV' '' ftDlBa ;;BB wif 'V v'it'lBBl BBr x vrt ft BBB BBkwffvrn'!S5l'!lsBBl BBBBBB?4idiBBBB BBBBBBr4iM9BBBBVJ BBBBBBBktrHBBBBBBI BBBBBBBK. v. -faH .-BBBBl BBBBBBBBKTaBM. BflBfll BBBBBB' JXBr BBI mm BBBBBBBBBBBBBjrTqMBBBjnT MrBBl BBBBBBPTTll!''3BBBBBBBBBlMBBgBgBMl mK9wBmxSSIBBMJ9BfmS9mKKf,, Kt :'i ' BBBBTflTflTflTflTa9flTB bTbTbTbTJbTbTbTbbIBh Hn8i0BTBBlBVK'sulHBYBVBVBVBBF?v' A y' MHI P?7JBu'''''JhbT AMLtfbu BBibTbTbjSIIbWbTbw' V nBBlBlBlBaflBlJKBBBBBlBlBl BBBv1 v AtH l&$wmsi JOHN LUTHER LONG djscusscs the modern drama in an interview en the editorial page. ldr Thete Servtc '!. 'XWl'MJ. BkVW tiLSBBBvvliBBSnBk'llBlflBBTVN? W-;JBBll:r-Bl-nmlBfjMB-Bt.vBWa MiBBa B;1B BBlJ j9Kv'BPkjBBBM vewi Iri. ja.JBafcWTJBLMBm- IwMKf Wr-rf5 :; '?,!;' SCkcx ttRvHHtarClSHMKw fri jiff "BWBBBHBt P W4BUflH9iBBKifl IBiVlHBikPIBffBBBBB pVBBBBWKHraBBlBBBBnBBBlp LvKiCp Hu ? UBflBt bbbkbbbIBI iBJSHi lBBBBSl BMHBBjPHBBflBSBra39VBBBBkl HBBlflfEBHyiBBBIBBB9BBBBBHBlBBBBHKj HHBflBBaBBBBnBBfflHBBBl bbVbVbVbVbbbVbVbV JbbVbVbVsVbk BEiEM BBWpfWBWgB?lKBIiipiB MtigixyHmm a:f7: .;-Jjf .-rHxrJiy; IP' .S5! rs4; 'Tiiiif: WILLIAM PENN .HIOH SCHOOL XLVWNAE- PLAYERS They wl ppea,r in 'Back te Earth' at the Academy of Music en November 22. Aerminia Martinez, Elvcra Martinez, Florence Messinger, Tillie Berhang, Edna Speidel, Glflra B.' Hirsch, Lillian Glassman and Ree Messinger (left te right). PpIII(SSiIIWBeBHJBJ3rB;BB,1 tmmKBmtiatimMSK''miwiilKl- HBBJMipXR,flBDBBBBBB' an f MlMIITIB ITTiiTI f 1 ii ibmmIMIm limit 1 1 I Hi ' i n iii MB! BUI1 ff ' I lillBBMBBlff"BB BniiePBBJBBBBKSiyf w v-V'y 4 '' si&?X-?i4 bbbBf HAi '!'iliMi!!9KK'i BBBBk'jiMMM'!''!SMBflBBBBBBBBBBBB MAKING STARS. This cutting machine makes dozens of 'stars at a time at the Schuylkill Arsenal. ,Thcy. are .then sewed en the blue field of American flags 'aid, pennants. ider .Photo Brvjc.. ' PIBBBBBBK v4i'?sH?iWs. s THtfMAS TORCHIO, C027 Hazel avenue, operating a sticker machine which makes about 6000 SELLING POTATOES. The Rey. Jeseph -It. ifik of cash stock for perch enclosures daily at the Themas J. Malia plant, 232 Menter street. Baird, one of three Protestant Episcopal-mini?- v iJr Photo Bervice. ters who are real farmers during the week daye, ".' 1 nt Wnrlilnirten'n Mill n Neshamlnv Velley. , t , 1 lilttfrhote,8mcu,' . x. M-tv : 'w, X v -iWhB ffaBBMJBtBBlBBjP wBwj&&ftriBWii"- - i'J'vJf w . - ' '.. BBSs l:,,if - L m BBfrW;V"Bl BBBBSlrJNBK'tfBRr'v 1 Jt 1-shwbI bbbbbbsSWbVpIIn?' """ib1 BBBBWf?it' l'v''YBBBl BBBB2l'if"i;;'4"(iBBBl BBBBBJP 'fcyjjBBBl HbTmiV m tmPWbB BBBBBBBBBBBygfuK BSlSiHBBBBBFiSEw'SC' wMalBE' taraMriwalSWJ wiaBBHBBBkf jHmBHBBBB bbTMbVbVbVbh THE BEAUTY CORNER BAT0mPIAnTnCE- bya-dwn t th Pcnnsyl- HELD' xAS IIOSTA.G'e BY ,... ..y., uviickk, vj iioier, wermng en ctese-up TUKKH. ( qblenel J. P. Coombs, bayonet 'work, lf a r-eminder of the training camps. of Brooklyn, "dlrocter T the . Amnrlnn' Onrrnia,itn, -w-n-Jt- ; a ' intheiWdar'East KnfnVtienL bbVbVb-'-- sv-v j?r Vi-v hSt 'ZOQEKKKtKk tIBp Jf f...";S'Ai h ji 'V .BaBTBaBaBaBB ' i?i'i"4'' '"s AiBlBlBlBlBw'Lf'i M VlJHBBBBBBBBBBBaJMD Wil'lfeBBlf llB!tiwf MISS MARGARETE1 COFFMA'N. McKinley, Pa, ,.-v' ' .' ffncricaniL'pmnlissJon.ferrRolief ,, r . s ,:-(,., , ' In'tbolir&EeBt internftlen.1, '.,- , , -' . ' Bv w X ta ' .t Tf B 1 fc.VI :v,; t's k JiSi m. JLjttfaJL. - ,.1. ,1. ...I... J , U4WtML :rtet'r-'iJmt'''''''u-uu'-i jjj " -r MV . if . t & .irg-.iywM. AKtWSJffJ ?f i -T-- T- " f'-VfP 'v1- fcr 4. b-j