riTECT :J?ij't!',"t J -"M,W V-V ' s . , K r.-.; i ft- I 1 Hit 28 KEAL ESTATE FOR SALS CITY Mmnn mmmmmmMA HOMES! Workwemen's Hemes! B, Clearfield & Indiana Ave. Attractive! aubatantlall comfertable1 Vtl fall -ltt, kaa t.aitlt.. WAW la h '.time te bus ; this 1 the place te lucnie, unni wain coma new iiu Inapcct. Wm. Reeaer, Agt 130 E. Clearfield Samp' house open between 3 a Id, m. every day , H.E.Smith, 724 W. Erie Av. iiSMmmimmummmM&mmm& A PKW ATTRACTIVE HOMES HEASONAHLE PRICES , 100 W. Oti'y ne., a rooms nnd bath $800 18,13 K Alrdrle at 0 room- and bath 48i) 293(1 N, 4th st 8 roema and bath 45in aeiS N rranklln at D roema and bath 4.'0O 8315 r.T Orkney at 4 room- and bath ISen 1B20 N Orianna at 4 roema and bath 130tl 802.1 A 303J N Jl'DSON ST Five roema nd bath te be renovated and put In A-l Condition like sample at 3030 N. Judsen at . 721 BUTLER ST Vacant 4 roema and bath A-l condition modern througheut: Accessible te car lines and achoela 3742 N. 24TII 8T Immf dlate iioaanlen! n roema and bath, het-water hat ind i-" trio light: an excellent location and In geed condition. 3005 N 7T1I ST Six riem and b-th modern throughout Including laundr. tee le In geed condition, early noaialen. H. E, SMITH, 724 Erie Ave. paiEKncaiiii'in33raiB,aiu.i'uiai:miu!ian,'P'' iiux.iinmr.naansjiHu'a DESIRABLE RESIDENCES Fer aale In the central part or the city 2010 locust ST. 2017 M'lt'TR .T litis PINK ST. 1818 RITTUNIIOUSE SQUARE rnPAD n pdacc 1411 WALNUT ST. H SiE:ii:reEM:3:i!:iii;;i;ji;aaiii:iiiibii!;iiii;iiii;ii!!:!:aLiTiiic nut iimT.Kiiii n u m iww v . NO. 2130 PINE STREET g Residence having 10 re"bms and 2 hatha. - EDGAR G. CROSS 1411 WALNUT ST. LfiSTBMBI t421 N. UTH ST Perch, 8 rma.. J steam heat. clec. It I lm. pea $10,000 17S3N. IBlh at ii: roema a patna, acani 1910 Jud en at. 9 re-ima. aide yard: electric lucht; Meant 13. Orntz at. I) rernu, vacant.... 8,300 (I .101 a sun . 173til.ru i at. J -nema, vacant ... 3 500 HUGH F. QUINN '"" KSffagi X have clients for one hundred houses M What Have Yeu te Offer? It pries la rlnht will et quick result , H. E. Smith, 724 W. Erie Ave. Ten property whether you comemplate te : bur or aell, or any cemeianclnz or cel lacunar tp r '!! , i J. B. PLOTKE Sc CO. !! BOO PERRY nt.DQ I OftlST S4r0 I IJlJIEDIATn possession X-room house, perch, araa, elec luiht, h -w heat, wash tubs, ewn.r eaving cltv 2ie 23d Fnrte-'e WnrebenHea Mfa;, Floers FOR SALE FACTORY DYE HOUSE AND BLEACHERY Kensington dtatrlct. 22.000 aquare t't. power and elevatera. email amount cash r tjulred. JAMHS I. STEVENSON & SON. 822.24 Land Title Hide. FACTORIES AND FACTORY SITES Everywhere In Philadelphia LOl'IS S OINSUURO r.'iil rhevnut at. INDUEH'RIAL PMNTS, warcheus-a. mil- read and river frontage JAMES L. STEVENSON & SON . 822 Land Tltle HldK FACTORIES & WAREHOUSES Walnut 003 TOMLINhON, Ltnoeln llld Dnalneaa rrn-iertlf and Stores Ka.Tniijm.iiriLiia!i!i.rj:iLiaiuMiiwtuBiiciJ5im,re FOR RENT 1 OR SALE J A central valuable business B property containing six floors ffi and basement, 40,000 square feet Elevator, electric lights, steam heat; suitable for large wholesale or retail business. J. A. Richman Realty Ce. 13th and Chestnut Sts. mrtrarnnatnwwiiDiicrfiwimmniGiiiifjisnKinaTmninmDijrTtiK WAREHOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT CENTRAL. GOOD CONDITION SPRUCE 4584 j 42S N 5b-T (Orianna ai aterv ware- I KniiuA a ninrv hrlnlc Huelllnv r.r rm- .. 18 IU17H t( Herara H Frltr, 711 Walnut. 1U H FU NT R.ntid IJ7DO per year. J20. OOP WBSTNEY 201 Liberty Dldg Wterra nnd Dwelllnaa nulldlna; lita. Faetery mtea. FAt. ITH AND ALLECHIUNY Large Ijt R R accfflble UKSTNKY 2Dt Liberty Uldg neri.KTAitn sec-tien NORTHEAST HOULBVAHD HOMES Nine rooms and 2 batha, also a garage for S cars; wlttiln 3 m.nutea' walk of triln anU trolley, agent en premise. CAMERON. 2811 Kensington ae. WF.ST I'IITLAHKU'IHA 18800 58th at. near Sprlngrleld ave., t rooms, steam het. electric IS800 2000 block S Cecil at., 7r., perch. J3S0O laau jiaraee n a rma.. percn. i $8400 33 N. Dewey at near fllat ft MarkeL ' $8800 1311 8 Llndenwoed at . 7r , perch v $2080 1212-54 S Ruby at, Hr p ch front 127005022 te 6034 Ogden at , 7r . perch iiane 5017 te 8047 Lancaatar ave , B rma. ffi I. CRAVE.VH hONH. 68th ft Chea"?! I Ril CASH Immedlate poaacsalen. six 3OJU VrtJll large roema and tll.dh.7h cTg electric lights. Djirh hall, white And mahogany llnMh PRICE $5r,0 Monthly! xnerme 131 50 plue amall payrni-nt te re ' duee mortgages. SAMPLE HOUSE -.3 N I Edgawoed at , open 1 i C RVA1M ON ritKMIHES or I. T. KIAIN 61110 MARKET ST ATTRACTIVE PRICE S-stnry nd realdenc, Colonial ttnlah, marble hewer; paniurir n."-.. inm i-iii inciusei aleeplng perch; excellent condition and leca EUGENE L. TOWNSEND 4PT11 AND IIALTrMORi: AVE 60th and Jeffersen Sts. CORNER STOnE AND DWELLINO fr -n aattthllahed and thickly DOUUtari.il real. dentlal sectien: a geed opportunity ter any Una or euainaw". . TA-LrrrR M. MITCHELL, en Dr.mliM n. 48th ft Market ata Hell nhene Raring 1400 BOMB VACANT; SOME ONLY $800 CASH, CARPENTER 8c WILSON 8220 Market at. ajBOO CHESTNUT, at Cor dwg. 0 r.. 3 aty.S med. a, F. Mlchaelaen. B04 Colonial TTUlt uieg. ft-QOf-Ti llaat heuae for the mnn.v iR ?7- wast P IU . e large room. auid bath! perfeet condition througheut: lkn nw: heuae vacant and ready for Inspection; Urrna te ault purchaaar; 1331 8. Linden- t1 t. 606 MARLYN ROAD Already financed- 8 roema and bath, metal wiather atrlpped, Including awnlnga ahadea and acreena: ready for, occupancy. Apply ." IN- M1TC1IELU 46th and Market ata. . w nnn. fiOth and Cheatnut Tvn tv n ' larg room; garage: tncleaad norehi ale- ant location for Dhyalclan; Immediate pos. seleni price right and tarma te ault pur. Shaaar. Harvar J. Aurjrat. 82d and Haneem, itiia N, KllAZlkK 8T.--Twe atery. 7 roema ind fcath. aleotrle lbjht. Dutch halls In -reed oenaluon; immeaiaia oesaeaaion. oea De YlNDEn 1828 Cheatnut at. IM 0. BBTH -Bigni-roem .-story flwe'lln; A-L-7if lmmedlata noa-eaafeni ftafina w--: -. -T. -. .." r. ".. ".t.w- ,a4a- eua wetsniai Tuat mat. flk SVAaW MiBiir. REAL E8TATE FOR SAM- yvsT riiiLArF,LrniA "Rese-Built Hemes 49th St., Pine te Larchwood Stene homes in an unsurpassed loca tion that combine a sense of the artistic with the utmost comfort. Built under last year's ce'ntracts,their price is far below what you would judge it she,uld be. ROSE CONSTRUCTION CO.. 1112 Widener Bldg. WAI.KUT 32B miMi!iiiiinittiiiffii.iiriiaiiw 1 Locust St. I 54th te 55th St. grain1. 1 iMMaffiin iiiiiiiwairaflBWieiiiiraiiiiiiif 4 II New Artistic Hemes With Garages Twe-story, 8-room homes, containing 4-bedrooms, Inclesed heated perches, het-water heat: electricity, hardwood floors throughout, all-tlle bath and showers, plenty cleact apace. I-urnlahed aample heuae. 0430 Iecuat at OPEN DAILY AND EVENINGS LIFTER & K0HN 412 Land Title Bklg. eiraiBiiiiR Hraiwiiniire ijrfflii;iMiiuiiiiiiraiii1in.iii.J m immmmmLvamwm7MmmZf NORTH 52D STREET CORNER STORE and APARTMENTS MODERN WELL FINANCED HERMAN N. SCHWARTZ 1B32 I.end Tltli- Dldr. Telcphone Locust 1142 rSfflMEMllIira $500.00 CASH Immedlate poaaeaalen- 0 roema and bath: flrat-cbtra condition monthly carrying charcca J23 per month. Apply A F OALLAOlIER 11200 Warren at . below Lancaster ave. PINK ST.. SB10 Three-atery dwelllnc and 4 bfd Cimr.ers. aittmc ' tnner ninine; room and kitchen, hardwood floera. arend hot het air heating, electric Ui;ht and gaa, beautiful flxturea papering and painting; (or site en easy terms without any expense for financ ing: net much cih required, 1'EMHERTON ESTATES. 4 f?. lBth at 1850 S. 56th $34 Me. Exp. Vacant: (1 roema and bath het-water heat, electric light; large yard, 2 aquarea Trem Cheater ave . 1 i"iuare from Woodland ave.. excellent condition open Sundav. MANLKY BIITII AND TEDAR AVE aim I PINK ST Reduced Til prlce from 114,000 te $11,000; runevated; loeka like new garage: open all day. must acll quickly te close estate - VACANT $500.00 Cash balanee aa rent, electric light: newly papered and painted: price. J43U0. 218 Peach St KIPR REALTY CO. 014 PENN SQUARE HLDQ. Locust 1228 SgiiSSiimmiiiiiiiiiiiin MODERN COKNhK ! Three aquares from "l. comer nf two main ata. Hardwood floera n throughout, ten roema and two bathe, y Ueautlfuliy decerated: owner will I """""SEE MATTHIAS U 02D AND AUCH STS. r! ii.it Tin rs Ii I piaiiiiimwiiiiiijMMM iJiii.iiiiii ii v.iiiiin i !I.J llllllll'llliaiElllllilliffllllllll'J COLONIAL RESIDENCES OOTII AND MARKET Hl. $9000 TO $15,000 Many of theae homes can be pur chased for as low as $1000 cash. J. H. MECKE. JR. &205 IVCE ST 3 "netlment 1087 vvei taiO'V u 1017 S 40TII ST. 3-sty. semidetached real- dencA 2 hatha elec llghta excellent con- dltlen and loc : let 2-JxISO: va . Immed. pos. EUGENE L. TOWNSEND .'-y. I Alten &TORH and 7-room dwelling well lecattd. Immedlate possession, jultable for ,nv line of business .1 Vr. CAilAC CO. Gild and Woodland ave. 0S0 REOBNT (00th nnd Cheater ave --Imm nesV . medTn. excellent cend . open Sun day $20.80 month exp. HCHWAU7. 00th and yK..iVr or MANLEY 50th and Cheater. rsn PINE ST Reduced In price from 814 000 te $11,000. renovated, loeka" like new garage, open all day, muat ell Quickly te clea eatate ....a !.- i. ft AMMaa VinV. -it laiti f nnn(V U4 r iiuxi ' iw--i mi-hi min mmt- r-rv het-water heat and electric light; lm. mediate Possession. LOFLAND. 7121 Weed- landav; IH44 REEDLAND ST A dandy remodeled home, exeMlent vulue, ate It new. call y?jlanjiMACft co C200 Woodland ave. Ijime koe block S ftlat.at .0 roema nnd hiiih aemldetnched well-nunt uwellinir. DELICeA. Real Kat. Tt Uldg. Walnut 8412. r.TT. "--... .. .1 n-n. Ka.U all cenvenlencea Leenard Trlca A Sen. ! 5t0 Market at I I74v REDKIELD Overbroek dlat. : owner leaving city V.1H aell at reduced nrlce. 1 ADOI.PH RlrA8P-eth Lanadewne. 2VJIARrHWrXJp AVE Ilenutlful med". i-rn 7-room end house. Inclesed perch, . . --Vi nut- flttftftfiwrl haraweria iiwjfe u.rwuit.u. -...-, - -rr. ., - ... "CA P" STUBBS Wasn't That the Meanest Tncfci : : : : : -i -B--..-. -..-.-.- --,----. BHMHHHhaMNiHaMMMBMMBaHiaMMaMMalaiainIBHIMI VGEE.! IXL OH UILL iO) . I HELUt) (ViM HELLO FREDDIE f VIELL GEE UOTCMA CenRuvnun ri veuri jciT m' I .r&yr. il I iri viHERe: -nin. I I Jvr.e-.Jlr-n2.... 1 wWi-.eriC V FJiceSTby t7M" iruvtwi;j i -y0U cone ffRer.1 J Brrk; -"""'"V -s -pROB-Er9 .. I tudbw- i cAN-ri v s s y - y r MONe OP" M FEPV va npvRy i ee.T r rr nuu. j r -y - g. tm. v s i yen I L nwuwtn v v - jCX jaWl -M X BI1NBS5. t r-J!Krt U Ja. y n . iM i Yv -LmlWI 1U j. "V . 'ii v'V . - -P4 Hrc. rT7TM1-.ffi,-.x-i. .x j I fe TK-r' Br a Trir v 4i1k vI!l ltCl-----i ---riwv"uvVw TJ L V ! b::-35 lf 1 -4?s2&il J-BIk . FUy&li W7 C31P J-A -...m a1aaaaai Li n 1 1 , una IIMJBMKIlJl-l-tB3K-B-M------BnW-T''"- '" " inw.i. -.-.- m ,f ,-..-.-!-! .. . ....---.. .--. .ai;'-- i i a 1 1 la i i - - i a-- aa. M.,.M-MM . yi t - a , ,, .. H ILJ r l 4U t. i- . '" - Sfl .dMMtiimm,-...Sr. I--', .1 . N i-'1 l,"-i"'' . ' Ml- . --'if.jt"jgBL--lBl.r EEKIKG PUBLIO LEDj&ERrr-PBpADELEmA, t THtfeSlY, , RAI. ESTATE FOR SALE WKST I'lULADKLPlllA &gM22lt ALMOST SOLD OUT IJ1"n.?d'nte Possession room .."".". appointed 6- ;""" tn heme: hard. ' rew ; Un,:ir8i. tch hall, lateat 0Jhd in mil Z'' anewer bath. Menth! an1 wh',e Expense $25.60 " m.nt neduTe . sample Heuse, 2114 ST. TAMPQ TCDDArp netweena,,,,, VAGLE & BURNS "n Premlaca or 10 4 ofe woodland ave. ' iMiiiiiiiiraMiiaiiiiirMiiaiiiiaHrMiittiiM Unequaled" Hemes Warrington Ave. 56th Windser Ave. 57th $6300 te $9000 ?iithi."r.wltneut garage. iiMii1." 'j,t,' mprevements J.'""' under 1910 ;entra"a 'w' hi lease siauu gi Jas. C. Efeffrg, Builder 1 Car 13 en Walnut te 50th nnd Che. B awaaia J-wmiait THE BIGGEST BARGAIN a IN THE CITY 1750 CASH: 5228 UPLAND ST SOUpi OF CHESTER AVE Eight roema. 3 bedroema Price, $4650 f Immediate posseaslon: rare oppertun I S.e!!!Sl!5. " fe ' ,hJ' tvw wuh g llttle money. Apply en premlaea. I !!giiiaiiHiiiuran Immediate Possession 2119 S 02d at., end house All modern mprevementa, large let. ete 2501 S. Pershing at. New corner heuae, with room for a garage, 5711 Woodland ave. t bedrooma bedreoma bedroema elnc remodeled througheut: exceptional alue for a large family. --w--i Cerner Simpsen and Avendalo ata Mne".m?,r from ce"" te ref. little cash 0343 Hulst ave. A main st. home, vlth a geed location, 1040 S. 00th at., enner leaving the city, will sacrifice for nuick aale. J. W. CAMAC CO. 02d and Woodland mc. c (Mffll mm mirniniiii nu i!iriiii''iifliiEji' M'JUtKIN CORNER Three square from "L." corner of two main ata Hardwood floera throughout, ten roema and two batha, Ueautlfuliy decerated: owner will finance. SEE MATTHIAS B2D AND ARCH STS. xien (iu .ffiiKi; DESIRABLE HOMES $4000 TO $13,000; FINANCED TO SUIT ARTHUR J. LEUP0LD f 2d and Larchwood ave We rtinnrt i;nn MY mederate-alxed home la for aale; it haa been built less than 1 year and la In ex cellent repair, a heated Karate la one of Its attractive features, I am In a position te maka ery eaay terma: monthly paymenta If neceatary te the right party and will e cura the. neceasary mertsagea without charg ing yeujinyCmmlsan;C03J!Le GOOD opportunity. $1000 -nan: Immediate poasesslen; 0242 I'ine at., all Improve msnta: lncleaed perch; hi block from Cebba Creek Tark, open daily and Sunday, JOS. A. McDEVITTRy.LSI'ty'' 122 S. 5 1ST ST. $12,000 Cerner property. Ideal location for physician or denttat. fWKEWBI.L A DORNAN. 422 S. 52d at. WILL SACRIFCE je effect prompt reaale. 84 Ovarhlll read (07th and Market ata.), atone ami atucce aemldetachad heuae. with garage: price $18 300 Owner. 8003 llarlng. Pheno paring 7348 J. WILL SACRIFICE at reaale. new aemlde- tached atens house, with garage; will aell below actual coat. Owner en premleea 3N Marlborough read (87th and Market ata ) 55.7 RACE ST. 8 roema and bath; newiy papered: all white plumbing, ran finance with $300 caah MARTIN McWILLIAMfl. 639 8 62d at. Woodland 7308. 5-' ,A s Sa .J',,"" ) V v mi r".! Ti!5c-A ' 'S5k' G WAN J a t a,i r.v,n i.,r" r: v ... L..Y-''av : ,Kxxr w."-v - ikt fv iium. wr r.v.'.'in. v trzM v? rci u':..i k - -i.' . l . . kJi -JZ - VJm V V-w -- ' ' . IwtJ, '"laba r . , . - --Mk - - , j REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OKRMANTOWN $9750 . Bml-dft ached atone dwelling: 10 fem and bath, elect Bno condition! perches detached, .$13,000 fB'mMetachvd dwelling. 10 roema ." .Finished In whlte and mahog maheg " Rlec.i excellent locatien: very convenient te Sedgwick station or itn ave. cars, t-rea aehoela te. $16,500 ml-detacred atom dwelling, with sararei 12 rooms nnd 2 hatha: elect parquet floers: excellent conditien: I a rue int. A meat convenient and ""I'nN. location. CORNER Detached dwelling! a line corner I'feperty with garni-. Living room Mth open fire. Inclesed perch. dMIna oem, breakfaat room, pa'itry, Mt hen: It bedrooms. 2 hatha -m aecend floer: 8 roema and bath en third fleer elec.l het-water heat: parquet floera S. C TOURISON "14 POYER ST Phene Ptn. flw n--mantnwn Q'n 4tl TIOOA LOOK talO MeFarren at.. 2 atery, 7 mrnii, he' water heat electric light, hardwood floeVa white plumblnz. reception hall, terrac front, perch, garage privileges, acreena w' awnlnpa Included: irrlce, $3050. LA QROSSA B01 Liberty Uldg. TIOOA 3fltfl N. Smedlej: modern porch perch front dwelling, 6 roema and bath alt hardwood finish, electric lights; price rea aenable; It can be bought en eaay terma E. J. ELLIOTT. 1112 Cheatnut at. Filbert 3858 LOOAN MY OrFERINOS nre absolutely the beat values In Legan, Olney and Lawndala; aome with garagea; well financed: possession. 1IAOAN. 410 Olney ave. Wjemlng BJ87 W PKNNBV1.VANIA sununnAx yrrawwHiiM ELKINSPARK nimaaaiiina Opportunity te purchase a atene Co Ce Co lenlil home which has been com pletely remodeled, but Mill rotelna the old Colonial llnca, centalna cen ter entrance hall. 8 chambera 4 mod ern baths, showers, electricity, hot het water heat hardwood floera through out, new Hinting fixtures; attractive, ly papered throughout, with all woodwork finished In whlte enamel; 4 acres with benutlful old ahada: 2-car garage: plcturesque spring house. Owner will help flnajice If sold at once. E.A HAVENS CQ -ntnfl MliBI,!,,' '""""'"Ml LAND TfTLE BL06 IX ARDMORE Vacant: medern: just finished; 8-room detached hou.ie: Immediate pea poa sessien: tlle bathroom, electric light, hot het water heat: If you want a reasonably priced home you cannot afford te overlook this beautiful bourn; only enn im-ler down bi. nnce aaaje as rent. JOHN W. HROOK. 147 Crlckefave . Ardmore. UIT COMMUTER Asn8"B 10-room atone house, stable, poultry houses, fruit, old ahade: en atone read: near Wana POSSESSION AT ONCE PHOTO C P PETERS & WON, 008 CHESTNUT ST, ALDAN Fine lew-prlcid homes In Aldan and vie from $4300 te $25,000. Wrlte or ph. nu of rma. and price ault.. or come and aee for veuraelf. Ollcr Turklngten. Aldan. STONY LANE, near Haverferd: arlatorratte community; farm of 00 acres; $030 per hcl .. e - .-r. -, ue iperty Aiieg. Itllllillng Ixita LARGE GARDEN nnd building let. $150 and up; $10 down and $1 per week: lecntrd near Sun Shin lfaldn In's and Westlnshouae plants, en the trelley: empleyes working In these plants aae time and money; the deed te thla property starts you te n.n vm.. .. n home where you can raise chickens, fruit tttea. nil kinds of egetnbles and benlea Fi-r further Information writ today W II I....'". .-- . .-...I .. . n. , currier I a FOR SALE Let 102x100. excellent location for aterea and npartmerrta; central part Cheater Pa banraln for prompt buyer. W. (1REEN 413 Hlckli-ilace Cheater. Pa. nATJV 111,000 Convenient location, 8 cnambera, 2 batha plenty closets , WALTER S SUTHERLAND, Rala. Pa. KLK1NS PARK COLONIAL DWELLINGS: Just cempleted: 10 roema. 2 baths, het-water heat, hard wood floera: convenient te train and trolley. Mccormick a Mccormick Lincoln Uldg. or Eiklnw Park ninni-NQ park MODERN DWELLING. 5 mlnutta from 80th at. terminal: living room, open fireplace, dining room kitchen, 3 large bdroema ami tiled bath, attle het-water, heat, gaa and electric; prlce $9010: financed aEOIlOE L. HARMES 1201 Chestnut st Walnut 4885. KHIKI.YN NEW MODERN 10-room Corenlal detached homes, 4 rooms, tiled bath and aun parlor en u iiitur, - .miiMfru iuuhib en noer, let 60x185, with sarage; aample house open for Inspection D. F. R,YAN, en Premises OR 3010 MARKET ST. Llanerch 288 or Belmont 1147, LANSDALK 40" ACRES Beven-room atone beuse, heat, bath, gaa; large perches; atone barn; cewa, 2 horses, all farming toela, 200 chickens: very near railroad and trelle, Quick price,. $0000 17 acres Stene house, conveniences; new barn, chicken house; 1 mils te railroad and trelley: IlO.Onp. 40 acres Eight-room brlrk house; large ba-n. geed suneundlnsu' 1 mile te railroad and telley; $8500. DO acres Stene house, heat, bath, electric, atone barn, abundance of fruit, spring water, timber; 20 miles north of Philadelphia, miles te Lansdale. I offer you a large selection of farma nnd flne home for aale: I am aure I can ple.ae you at the old prices. HARRY RICHARDSON 100 Susquehanna nve., Lanedale, Pa. IgffMfe I REAL- ESTATE TOR BALE NARDERTn BUNGALOWS . FROM. $9500 TO $14,500 J. A. CALDWELL teuae ph., Nar. 1B87. Offlca ph . Nar. 1788. IDRAL HOME, built IMS Hollew1 tile: large lett 4 bedrma., bath. h.-w. ht., elec, and aa hardwood floera; screens A aterm saahf ihrubbary: perfect condition:, (14.000. H. C, Frltach. Real Itt,. Narbarth, Pa. JARUEHTH Fer largeatTtstlng of modern suburban hqmes. ate ,J. A, Caldwell (epp, Ha., ever bank). Nnrberth, Pa Oft. phone, Narberth733' houaJihen1Narberth 1087. vICW HOUSES, atl convenience!: I3. $8500. $0500 unwarda.' HAltniS, Real natata. Opnealte Station. Natberth. Pa. BUIUCV rAttH UlbLEY PARK. PA M6dern 2-story real. , dene 0 roema and bath, aun parlor, team heat, garage. electrla laundry, etc.: minutes te station, atom and achoel: will acrlftce for quick aate. Call 114 Nevln at. TAYNK 'OLONIAL home anil garden, fine ahade. location, aplendld. 0 roema, 2 hatha In-1 losert heated aun roent, central heat. Pheno Wayne 851. WILLOW OIlOVB DUNOALOW en Yerk read, all cenvenlencea, 8 roetna: large let: fight price -r SClUIMACHEIt. Welsh read. Willow Prove. NKW. JF31SEY SUnUUUAN. COLL1NOSWOOD MIIITMIlililMlffllllimWiiiilllffiB C0LLINGSW00D In the heart of the Browning read district: 20 minutes from Phlta : ex cellent car aervlce; near achoela and churrhta nnd Knights Park: hollow tile atucce corner property; 10 roema: all modern penvenlenrea; het-water heat nnd hardwood floera; Individual perch with winter aaah and aummcr rcr"na: for quick, sale, prlred at $7200; part en mertgage: we'.'ld coat $2000 mere In Fhtla.: poaaeaslen: located 211 Hadden ave.. Celllnga. weed N. J.: for full iritormatlen apply te WM. H. ISZARD ! CIS FEDERAL ST., CAMDEN I rtaffniir.nnEitpasrTnnmnuCTiittHHruinmininHiraaimaiHrwraHffiinHiiiiTCuiDi M00RK8TOWN POSS. AT ONCE $8000 7-room heuae: let 00x200 ft. A-l aurreundlnra: key nnd nhote here. PETERS A SON, OPS CHESTNUT ST..P1IILA innu.iN EERLIN N. J. Heuae and large let en Whlte Herse nlkc. cheap te settle estate. Oeo. W. Miller, Roem 408 1001 Chestnut at PALMYRA DETACHED house. 8 roema. perfect condl cendl condl tlen, gaa and electric, het-water heat: ex cellent location- only $7600. W. WARNER. 724 Oarfleld ue.. Palmira, ft. J. RIVERTON RIVERFRONT HOME Attractive heuae. 3 batha het-wnter heater, 2 flrepltcea. etc.. let 80x3IK) feet: ahade: beat loentlen en the lank Te aettle estate. PETERS ft HON. 008 CHESTNUT ST.. PHILA. OTHERS ON AND NEAR RIVER new .irnsKV BKnnenE nCEANOATK EOARDWALK hotel alto for sale, between 5th at. nnd Brighten- place. Ocean City: $82,500 Haflelgh American and Cambria. PENNSYLVANIA TARMS COUNTRY HOME Stone heuae, 10 roema. het-water heat, olco elco olce trle light, bath: 03 acrea of very fertlle land! geed tenant heuse: property adjoins geed state read; quirk posscaalen; 100 ether farms. BEN T. LEVIS fSSSPh PHONE MEDIA 430 MONTGOMERY county farma. 1 te 200 nrrea, $2000 te $23,000: no ale. no charge, MicDenald, 317 Swede. Norrlatewn. Ph. 231. MONTd'Y CO.FRMsTfrem 100 tn"ioe n-'"H. Martin Outer 1217 W. Airy. Norrlsteivn REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT WEST 1'IHLAnKLl'lHA Rt.33 PINE ST. ST. Pine. -Sale or rent. Call at 5837 BEAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE HUYEItS FOR WEST PHILA. propertiea seum or .Maruei street. WEST PHILA. REAL ESTATE CO. 5000 Rqltlmore avenue WAREHOUSE containing 25.000 te 80,000 aq. ft. with It. R riding, suitable fur hevy storage. C pit. Leacr unice, LET aiS-SKI. YOUR I'ltOPKRTT swM n. iirewci au LIST jour properties with us: large demand. yl SADLER'a 8ON81in20 Columbia. WANTED, amall faim near Phlla ; state leweat prlcw. Katen. Roem 11, 20 3 18th. roeterlea. Wareheuaya, Mfg. Fleora WANTED Industrial planta, warehouses, factory altea nnd fleer apace. T LEE PATTON. 404 Lincoln Uldg. Storage Spare WK WANT 10.000 square feet of aterage apace, nothing fancy, heat net neceasary; geed tenant; location wanted muat be near nread and Semeract, Addreas P. O. Bex 3877, North Philadelphia, BEAL ESTATE FOB BENT City MANHATTAN BUILDING Cor. 4th A Valrfut In the heart of the Insurance. Financial and Shipping District. All eutalde daylight efflcea. One entire office fleer can be leaaed by responsible firm. About 8000 q. feet. Alse 1000 aquare feat. Building new betnr renovated, new elevatera. plumbing, etc., and generally being put In excellent condition. WM. LIPKIN. 1208 Aroh street BASIL 8. WALSH, 60S Walnut St. I Storage and Manufacturing nnoe aquare reet: naaemer, 811 te 823 Cherry at: fireproof; elevator aervlen and electrla llghta; driveway for big. gesKtrucks: front and rar entranea. WM. LIPKIN. 1208 Arch Street Pheno Locust 8844 or ynur own broker 2309 N. 29TH ST. MODERN STORE AND DWELLING FEnDINAND D. FLEMINO 1834 WALNUT BT. 1228-80 RACE ST. Three-atery manufactur ing building: eaily possession; rent reason. able Apply I'enna Ce . 517 Chestnut st. IF YOU WANT a leal home, wltl. every 'ceni venlencc In a delightful neighborhood at very reasonable rental, call, 2-5 p. m.. 3801 Devereaux at. ' 0DTII ST. SECTION New 2W atery, atone with garage, modern, rent $100 per month Phene owner, Raring 52$, ' 0 ROOMS, bath, perch, eec, 'het-water heat, $40 per month. Apply In peraen pnly P. J, McrARLAND, 240U E Allegheny? 4035 N, HUTCHINSON, $70: 0 me lease: 7 e -"ilia ii -f -! . Uil I.IIHT.y JliafTt T noeMS 4 hitH: all med cenva,; $eflT EI.J. Elliett. 11U Cheitnutflt. Albert 3858. NOVEMBEB. 11, t 192Q REAL ESTATE FQB BENT CITY aggBffliasniJBWiii ) . Desirable Daylight Office Space Units of 1000 te 10,000 square feet. Every modern convenience. In the recently rebuilt seven-story structure . .N.W. COR! JQTH & MARKET .STREETS JOHN H. SINBERG Exclusive Renting Agent 1218 CHESTNUT MMfflliailMllllM AftiVl!a 1706 AND 1714 MARKET STREET Each is a four-story builuing in a neighborhood that is steadily improving. Will improve for desirable tenants. 1706 is 22' x 176' te a back street. 1714 is 23' x ITi' te a back street. JOHN H. SiNBERG 1218 Chestnut MaMllMIMIilllllllillinillBCiMa rncter'ea. Wnrehenaea. Mfg. Fleora FACTORY & WAREHOUSE FOR RENT 50,000 square feet. Twe elevators. Steam heat. Apply 240 North Frent Street 1 block from P. R. R. 1 block from B. &. O. 1 block from wharf. 3 blocks from P. & R. CITY CENTRAL STORES FLOORS AND IJUILDINCSS GEORGE W.MILLER Formerly with Barl--r, Hartman A Ce. 1001 CHESTNUT ST llnalnraa l'renertlrw anil Sleren MniniMffliMi iKiSiMifm1? w w i t i m m m i tn e t 1 nm i pt w IU 3. I I in 5I. STORE & BASEMENT QtfnV!k (n- ..fall tiiialnaa. J. A. Richman Realty Ce. tg ae i ji nnu t.nfr'inui hb wmm mmmvwmm cuiiaiiiiiiiiimB; WAREHOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT CENTRAL GOOD CONDITION SPRUCE 4384 STORE for rent. 2324 N. 10th nnd German town ave.: geed bualnesa atand. Yttrterlwi. TVnrhe..nfw, Mfg. Flnerf FACTORIES FLOORS Waroheuaea for rent 1.000 aq. ft., Kensington. I.oeo aq. ft.. 1 aty.: Oermantewn; RENTED 1,300 aq. ft., top floer: central. r.f-'HI aq ft,, wareheuae: central. 1,000 aq. ft.. 1-aty. garage or machine shop. en Vine at. 1,000 aq. ft., fleer,' Kensington. 1,000 aq. ft., warehouse; Glrard ave l.nnnsq. ft., wareheuae; Delaware ae 1.000 aq. ft,, 2 atery; Kensingten: RENTED 1.000 aq. ft., new floers: uptown. 1,000 aq, ft., entire floer: Kensington, 1,000 sq. ft.. 4-story building; central. 1,000 aq, ft., wareheuae with R. R 1,000 aq. ft., warehouse with R. R. Phene ua your wanta ARTHUR B. FRASER bra 2330 1813 Sanaem Spruce 313 1 1 11) RENT GROUND FLOOR 70,000 SQ. FT.: CEILING 21 FT. Market te Chestnut St. AT 24TH APPLY GEO. E. 0LLER 140 N. BROAD ST. Telephone Spruce 1000 706-8-10 MARKET ST. FLOOR MODERN CONCRETE nUILDINO 0800 SQ. FT.: POSSESSSION FERDINAND P. FLEMINO 1384 WALNUT ST. WE WILL rent 18.000 aquare ftet of fleer apace, with power, aa a whole, or will ill. vide. Apply O'Neill Bres., Heward and Ox ford ata WAnEHOUSE containing 23,000-30,000 se. ft. with n. R. aiding; suitable for heavy storage. C 017. Ledger Office 20,000 SQUARE FEET, with power, Zabel Brea, 520 Columbia ave SECOND and 4th floera of 102 S 13:h at. Apply Kennedy A Bre., 102 8. 13th at. BEAL ESTATE TOR BENT CITY . Forterlf Wnrehenaea. Mfg. Fleora flamtM PRIVATE garage for rent holds 2 catT. Belrne. real estate 7th and Allegheny. OITirEH. IHISINHSS ItntlMS. F.TC. OTTaaiiiiiiiiiii " FLOORS FOR RENT N. E." CORNER 10TH& MARKET STS. THIRD AND FOURTH FLOORS 18x98 EACH EXCELLENT SALESROOMS OFriCES AND MODERN; LIGHT: CLEAN WILL RENT CHEAP. APPLY A. SCHULTE 217 SOUTH BROAD ST PHONE WALNUT 1333 W!1!llnM RENT DENCKLA BUILDING Twe Desirable Offices One of the spaces fermerlv ee. cupied by Sears, Roebuck & Ce. en sublease. HEYMANN & BROTHER u iv.ui.ner, BLDO, WHY PAY tremendous prices fn- -. mlnutea from Philadelphia p S JZ a rental aa $20 per month j WILLIAM H. ISZARD 585 FEDERAL ST Bell phone Camden 8137 VICTORY BUILDINf. 1001-13 Chestnut St. Several desirable eftlces for rent Albert M. -Greenfield & Ce "" " l-llliSTNUT WTO HAVB.0fSlc8 t( "ubaaae. cer Iirn.T , Chestnut sts.: 400 sq. H.i eutaiSJ di. aJld P 235 Ledger Office outside light. n.n-Tr.ti. a nvn .. . . 8, Bread at" outside light. tZLl'J? 2B0 eatien, - 'smjuie pj8, telmfB23" rjtff!,' '' "-ht-m7f.7. Wtm- B- '"EITsHwalrna. H" Udwina ifflramii'DMiH BBAL'EBTATB EOB'SENT CITY OFFICES. ntffllNIWB ROOMS, vrTT" 2D FLOOR OFFICES S. W. Cor. 15th and Columbia Avt ?ffte.'1,rSnfcYtp.nVfr0,t"l0B Albert M. Greenfield &' Ce. 1BTH AND CHKSTNUT STS. J . 007 CHESTNUT ST. Fourth"neor. 5!,Tt 1 aleam heat, freight alavatne. A.K.r.rr light: rent. $2000 per annum. Eatata .i David M. Heas, 804 Walnut at T 9 " WEST rHILADELrillA IF THIS AD, should bring you te mr office, yet net. aell you a home. I am aure you will leave with a pleaa ant taate In your mouth, ae that you will always have a. fileaaant recel. lectien te remember ' "CROSS" STANDS POR ALT, . .aT thM'a geed. Real e , tate, 89th and Larchwood ave. OREENWAY AVE., 4823 Meat attract , little 2-atery corner heuae, with a JS raciira lc ani s. eii chambera, large living room electric gaa lighting. PiCMnERTON ESTATES imrriwuu jjiub , iei ana jiaraet ata. nERMANTOWW . PELHAM Deautlful netr home, ena ann.7. from upaal station; 6, bedrooms. USI atera room, S bath, marble ahewer, aleaa. Ing- perch, central heat, open fireplace. ii 27x183. semi-detached: rent, $123 and Iibe a menth: aample house epan dally all w Hert'er st.: agent en premises or Walter v' Aahby. 2114 N. 2Hth at. r nxN. 7 rma. and bath: med.. 111(1 .. Kuahln A Kattman. Bth A Pine, Lern. Hi me, i3 LOQAN RENT $76 New houses 4800 block N,' tu a. . A Anmaa ani4 411a katii . - " V w' floera, gaa and electricity, Incleaed he' percn ana wwiip. imim inm wseiy. rENNHVLVANA TnitRRAN aMUXMUiUIW NB.W BOMBS 8108 BLOCK N. UTH TT. ABOVF I-.'NCANN'-.N AV Terrace front. Inclesed ewee wttS Interchangeable aaah, parquetry floors throughout, het-watar heat, elaetrlg and gaa llghta. e i Anen rooms and bath, built-in tuba, ahewara. laundry, ahad; leta 13x114 feet; raa' 175 per menth: fl-month taaae. SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN See today It preposition offered any where, jnka Ne, 47 or 7B car en Bib at. te Dunoanrlen,' walk 1 se "are wart. VVnTIN KfCLLT 2601 w ALt.KnHENY AVH. AGENT ON PIIEMISEB iirrjJifiiiiHMEl 7 RMS. and b.. el. Ha.; cenv. te train (P. R. It ) nnd trolley; $40. Frankford 47. CORNWKIJJ1 CORNWELLS 7 T. A b.: elec. llghta. cenv, te train (P.R R.) A trelley: $40. Fkd 4$T, OVKRllROOK 2031 N. 0D ST. Twelve roema and bt5 Willi nil .-im -m,'-i" jr J. B. PLOTKE & CO. 800 PERRY nLDO. LOCUST 84 WILL RENT, Chelsea section, very deslratiU and well-furn. house for 0 mee , $125 month. ly: opper. seldom offered, C 023. Led. Off. RKAD1NO New In course of construction, up-te. dite whlte front Stere Roem, 820-822 Penn Street, Reading, Pa. right In the heart of the business section. Entire store Frent 34 ft, Depth 121 ft. Stere front and display windows planned te suit tenant and may be made for one or two bus neaa pln.es, wltn or without basement. Possession at Once APPLY A. N. KISSINGER Scend fleer. 820 Penn at., or II, 8EIDEL TIIROM. Atterrev. B30 Waahlngten at. Reaillnr V J?OB BENT F UBNISBT-D PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN i;Hrli;i!iiimia1rifiii'?iiiiiiiiii!iiJ!ii:!iiiiiJUi!iJii:Liiiii!iiiiii!i,'m Country Seat and Farm 200 Acres at Newtown Square Conveniently located between It-idnr nnd Rean Tree Hunt Cuba: .Large sten Colonial heuse, 0 bedrooms, 3 I ntha, large living room, dining- nn $ A fn hill fn t11a.-.Mnj4-fc4 thJ IUUIII. vtVi uii litis ivj ui,.uiiur;u KJ old anade, In perfect erder: 2 tenant houses; 3 farm birna, Karaite 2 spring houses, numerous eutDUiiaings. The property Is attractive, censtating of 2 dairy farma. aultable for grarlng of niirs-a rr cuius; - appie ercnaraa ar ether fruit; well woeded: 1 large stream of water deep enough for bathlns nnd canoeing; aeveral amall atreama: in minute- irem Philadel phia City Hall by meter; numerous weu-Knewn i-niiaeeipniana own ad joining catiilea. HERKNESS& STETSON LAND TITLE BLDO. MlliBDII MORTOAQES WANTED FIRST MORTGAGES ON PHILADELPHIA REAL ESTATE LARGE OR SMALL AMOUNTS IMMEDIATE SETTLEMENT FRANK H. MOSS & CO. C18 WALNUT ST. $100 te $5000 te Lean Real eatate ewnara: note or mertgage: lmma dlate settlement if dcel.ed; 'long of abort tarma or Inatallmants; obllgatlena taken up. ARTHUR J. 'LEUPOLD '805 Bailey Bldg . 1218 Cheatnut at. . A FEW WELL-SECURED FIRST MORTGAGES AT 0 PER CENT List Your Funds With Me H. E. Smith. 724 W. 'Erie Ave. Funds for 1st & 2d Mortgages MAURICE II. MATSINGKR REAL ESTATE TRUST BLDO. McmN-r of Phlla. Real Eatate Ileir IBU NOTE ON MORTUAOM TO Immediate aettlemenu $1000 Unsettled eatate lean. Building association funds DEMP3EY A CO. 37 B15jn.it, TO I'LACB A MORTOAnn BEE MAURICE. LICHTJIAN 203 Colonial Ttuat Bldg. Wye. IStt interview uy apygmimcril only $50b TO $30,000 TO LOAN oil first merV gagea, Philadelphia preperty: alae smaller aulrk collateral leana from $100 up. qM JONATHAN LUKBNB. Drexel Bldg $00,000 for first and aecend mertgagee; alia 11, and L. funda. , Lewie J. Orubb. 10M Real instate xru-v iui. ivamut IIU1 FI 1NDS rf flr,t aI" aecend mertgitM 1 Ulll for home buvera nremnt -vlra HERBERT niCE. Colonial Trust Bldg. ' MONEY FOR MORTGAGES. Settlement! li ones. C 704. Ledger Office. , FUNOH for first anil aecend mortgages. 8, L1EBKRMAN, 805 Cheatnut at. U. AND" L funds, unlimited ameuntfl brekera protected. C 010, Ledger Offlca. MONEY TO LOAN -READY M0NEY- Uniirq States Lean Society 117 NORTH BROAD 23 Market 2S48 Oermantewm are. niAMONDM WATCHES A JBWBI.BT TO nORROW MONET SEE MAURICE LICHTMAN 203 Colonial Trust Bldr. 'Wye. IBM Intervliw by appointment only AUCTION SALES PUBLIC AUCTION HANDSOME RUGS AND CARPETS (New and Slightly Ued) 200 Ansle-Peralan. Engllah Ileyal, Wlltoe. llundhar Wilten, Axntlnater. V)vat J" Brussela. , ROOM SIZES 18,0x10. 18.0x18. 12xlB. 18. 12x14. 12x18. HxlB. 11.812, lO.Ojih 10x2 0. 0x15. 0x12, 8,qxl0.8, 7.-. -" Alae geed aecend-hand carpets. (Te be aeld at Public Auction) FRIDAY MORNING, Nev. 12 AT It O'CLOCK f DAVIS & HARVEY'S . AUCTION STOKE , Kay Be Bxamln4 Kii' lV-l-'J -M--i--MM-'-iii'j'iTi'ff'?t'' 'm't y.i t -f v ft.,fr..Mi,f--i'iS.K ,.,