!tt VTf "TiJTnif "f'SiyAm" m V- v?f j Miauii in Fin . iK"T:ar- 7W?i Pk' . r ! .(" I c ru v -, l -- II if 4 fetf 22 EVENING PPBLIO LEDGER-PHliADELPHtA, THtJItSDAVi ' NOVEMBER 11, 1920! KEEPING IT DARK NOT HARD FOR COACHES THESE LATE AFTERNOONS OF SECRET PRACflCE UP-TO-DATE FOOTBALL SCHEDULE MAKERS SIDESTEP 'SOFT' GAMES FOR BIG TEAMS IN EARL Y SEASON By RODEItT W. MAXWELk BoerU Editor Ertcln mblle lSttr ITlHEnE has been a let of modern stuff pulled In football Au this year, which ahews that the tame Is Improving jite Age. However, outside of the new plays and Im proved defense, there is one feature which apparently has ten overlooked, and that is the football schedules, chedule-makers also are. getting modern. 'ri In the olden days" the sd-called "big" teams took things easy in September and October, achcduled games Witk the smaller colleges for practice purposes only and pointed the teams te the important contests in November. On very rare occasions a small college would score a touchdown and cause a sensation. On rarer occasions a tyg team would be defeated and the whole world would Cevanaugh idea, but considerably modified te suit Duffy's plans. Nine of last year's team came back this season, and this accounts for much of the success of the eleven. West Virginia Weslcyfln will be played next Saturday. Tim Didn't Enjoy the Fun WI1EN Bosten College played Yale the New Havenltcs were anxious te wipe out last year's defeat. The be' stunned. Remember when Tufts beat Harvard and Uralnug beat Penn? New it is different. It seems that every game is a Wig game, and if a team slides through the season theut a defeat it is very unusual. A college with an enrollment of 5000 Btudents can play but eleven men at ai time, just the same as an institution with an enrollment f 100. The game has opened up considerably ; bulk and beef de net count and have been supplanted by skill and peed. Early in the Bensen a small college team has a hlg advantage ever a larger one. It has mere chance te perfect team work because the limited number of candi dates makes it poesible for the coach te select his varsity the first week. At Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Pitt and tte ethers the first team is net picked until November. 'Therefore the schedule-makers forget the past and Arranged games along modern lines. Every game was considered a hard one, and in some cases the harder the tetter. Pittsburgh is a geed example. That team has waded through one of the toughest schedules ever arranged, and tins far han been successful. West Virginia, Syracuse, Georgia Tech, Lafactte and Pennsylvania have been ftlayed, and en Saturday Washington and Jeffersen will entertained. That makes- six hard games in a row. fter W. and J. comes Penn State. That game will be ,e hardest of all. Princeton played Swarthtnere, Washington and Iree, e Navy, West Virginia, Harvard and xale. l'enn iaced Bucknell, Swarthtnere, Lafayette, Virginia SI. I., penn State, Pittsburgh and Dartmouth en successive Sat urdays, west Virginia naa Dut one easy game wis sea sea lien; and that was with Geerge Washington University. TO LONGER de tee hear the old cry e&out iv scheduling tee many hard garnet. Coaches say it it easier te go through a tough schedule than teft one. The hardtr the better. Introducing University of Detroit T5EPOHTS from the West indicate that the University v ei uetreic naa one el tne best teams in teat section, and some are claiming it is the best in the country. Lest ie.ar Detroit surprised followers of gridiron dope by beat Big Georgetown and Hely CreB. This year Tufts was beaten by an overwhelming score and the ether games kave resulted in victories. The Ferd city aggregation has weight, speed and ex perience, and unless it falls a victim te overconfidence they say it will go through the scbedule with a clean slate. Detroit is coached by Jimmy Duffy, formerly of Col gate, and is assisted by Jim "Binge" Brown, another Colgate man, who played en one of Larry Bankbart's strong teams. The diminutive Duffy has developed a system of attack and defense founded en the Frank players were en edge for the battle and readv te nlav thn game of their1 lives. However, Bosten happened te enter tain the same idea and finally wen. There was quite n little conversation exchanged be tween the players, and some was geed. After the kick-off, Captain Tim Callahan steed up In the line, looked down at Heapey, the Bosten center, and said: "Well, young man, what de you expect te de today?" "We're going te glve your gang the worst licking you ever received," quickly replied Heapey, "and I am sorry you won't be here te enjoy it. Yeu won't be with us very long." Heapey is one of the best centers in the East and had all the better of the argument until Captain Tim was injured and carried off the field. HOW the mighty have fallen 1 Last year Colgate had one of the strongest teams in theyceuntry. Brown, Cernell and Princeton were defeated and a tie game played with Dartmouth. Syracuse wen the final game by a small score. But that was last year. This season Colgate hasn't wen a game. Susque hanna and Allegheny held them te tie scores, and Brown, Cernell, Yale and Rochester scored easy victories. Yeu never can tell what will happen in football. McMillin vs. Boynton "DO" McMILLIN, captain of Centre College football -Dteam, was placed en the AU-American team last year by Walter Camp. This was a big surprise, for .little was known of the southerner. This year he played against Harvard and lived up te all of the nice things which had been said about him. Still, there is a feeling in the East that Benny Boyn ton, of Williams, is a better player. Benny has starred in every game and is at least SO per cent of the offensive strength of his team. He is a great player. Last Saturday I asked several Harvard men te give their views en the subject. Beth Boynton and McMillin played en Soldiers' Field and here was a geed chance te get the inside dope. McMillin was the unanimous selection. .Because of his generalship, ability te threw a forward pass and running with the ball, he was considered the peer of the Wil liams star. And that's that. e SELECTING an All-American backfield this year will net be an easy task. McMillin appears te have wen the quarterback position, but hew are you going te place Herwecn, Churchill and Fitts, of Harvard; Kelly and Murphy, of Yale; Leurie and Gerrlty, of Princeton; Leech, of V. M. I. ; Tem Davies, of Pittsburgh ; Haines, Snell and Wny, of Penn State; Kaw, of Cernell; Abbett, of Syracuse, and a score of ethers in the three remaining positions? CepvTiaM. Itltf. tv Putlia Lt&etr Ce, BOXING AT GARDEN IN N. Y. BEING HELD SUCCESSFULLY T i iClese te $300,000 Has Been Taken In, of Which Glevcmen Have Received About 55 Per Cent trrrra " Yerl By LOUIS the return of boxing In New Yerk has come the successful pre motion of the sport at the Madisen Square Garden. In ether years, at Clsses when boxing was permissible in the metropolis, the glove game never was considered as a paying preposition Sit the Garden. If you don't believe this ask Lee P. Flynn. He says he ka the evidence te prove it. Lee P. is matchmaker for Tex JRlckard, who has promoted seven shows e far at the Madisen Square Garden tnce the Walker bill became effective In the state of New Yerk. Clese te $300,000 has been taken In the box ftee for boxing attractions at the garden, according te Flynn. About 55 per cent of this money has been paid AT In purses te the boxers, la further Information furnished by Lee. Net receipts for the Jeff Smith-Mike d'Dewd match at the garden en Tues day night totaled 4S,05S, of which 910,844 was turned ever te each of the lexers who worked en a 25 per cent Wals. Prices of admission ranged from 2 te $10. If an O'Dewd-Smith match were te be put en in Philadelphia, ex perts here estimate that the gate would hardly come up te $8000, all of which braves that boxing in New Yerk is being supported a let better than In this ity. Flynn seems te be absolutely certain that a Lew Tendler-Benny Leenard or Willie Jacksen -Leenard match will ever be staged at the garden, nor amy ether place net this fall anyway. 'I don't think that Tendler or Jack Jack en la anxious te tale en the title bolder," said Lee P. But Flynn did ay he would consider a match between Tendler and Jacksen and the chances that such a bout would be held at the garden some time this season. H. JAFFE lined (or three match U1 month, en No vember IS and 20 In tbla cur. and In Itar rlsburr en November 22 aa-alnst Uattllns Murray. , Walter C. T'niVrwoed naa aurreunrt-a him self br a stable of bextr men. aa follew: Johnny McCab. 148: Charlsr Dunn. 120; Je Spencer. 118: Ellly Uannlnr. IIS; Mickey McDoneuih. 113 .and At Shaw. 110. La!ai Herat, a Frenchman, who mad reed recently tn a bout at Atlantic City, will appar there In another bout tenlaht. taking; en !w (Kid) Curnr. Matty Dechur. a stablemat. and until r the management of Steve Marcee. will box at the aher In two weeks. Charley WUUama hae matched Teunr Jn Tlpllts te box at Atlantic City en November 1ft Williams also haa Johnny Martin, Harry Kllburn, Temmy Keran, Je Clark and Jimmy Tendler la hit atable. Oem He Scraps About Scrappers rail OlaamMUt and Doe narlry, respective Eanarera et lw Tendler and Willi Jaokaen, iv their own previsions under which they SU1 prmlt their reeseetlre be I era te meet any .Leenard. Olaieman aaya that he neil icuuiar iw uva uvunexu ai ,gu welch In at 8 o'eiock. but muet be 4.n m. vuarantea of 180.000. Kber atlev. aaya that Jackaen will never box Tapnsrrt unless the tltlehelder la alrned te eta In at 1SB peunda, weigh In at 9 p. m. e the nlrnt of the , bout. All of whleh mean preeent Indications point te the fact that neither Tendler nor Jacksen will be nuuehed with Ieenara at the uarden. If 9aa4ler.Lenard bout were te be held at S of the New Tork ball parka next eummer en ther ralrht be a chance of the Thlla Iphtan retUnr the bis pure aaked by his anenarer. JaMfc Sharkey and Je Lynch will meet In 9 next Ms enew at the Madlaen Bqear Harden. They will se en In a (Uteen-reusd .tout en the nlrht el December s. X. JtaS tSSaV! Ime oraelc welterweliht '4S? faa-p Xj tar, .naa entered 7a win ieam aner VBrlen. a ltfhtwetiht from Iloaten. and ra aaya un uicai naa me awn te in Peel et era uueuv. field aa a raanaaer. leek after the aeplratlena of Dick Hanaem wilt com back Inte the a of Director Cortalyeu tomorrow nlrht. iiret neavyweirni ken the UeUth je ugrrei millr An Jee uerrell at uia uamer Clark re. Mike Credell will be the tner peuiai je ititneai va wuunnr tarry DeyU va Johnny Merrow and Delancy va. Johnny cianety. the Cambria Club. Vavrt Pajyar may aiBeet a atorrey tee en Saturday nlrnt, wnen he pair off Vuk KWde WlUUma at the National Club. The former cheraD haa proved cencluelvely that he waa boxing In rreat form. Je Net Net eat and Bebby Burman will appear In th mL preceded by me rouewlnr DumBersi . rftei vnniuffi ffienftw iira anu ana xid Murray va. emi. preweue w bra wanta te mateh Je Del nnr llovee or Tlattllne1 XTitr-ev Denny Huxhee la another bantam under th ment with Je manartment of Hurhee. STARS ARRIVE TONIGHT Leenard and Leughlln Prepared for Beut Tomorrow Night Everything is virtually in readiness for that "by public demand" return match between Benny Leenard and Knockout Leughlln at the Camden Sportsmen's Club tomorrow night. Manager Herman Tayler announced lest nlgbt that both principals would arrive in Philadelphia this evening and rest up here preparatory te going en in their scheduled ten-round match. Jeff Smith will go en In a ten -rounder against a hefty hitter in the light heavyweight secker, Knockout Sullivan, of Shenandoah. Smith is fresh from a fifteen -round bet in New Yerk with Mike O'Dewd. The ether ten-round number will be between Jimmy Murphy and Jentiny Nealy, witH the opener will bring to gether Len Rawlins and Yeung Nell. Amateur Teams Would Ge Begging in Phila. Without Evening Public Ledger Bverts Editor ruMte Ltdptr: Dear Sir I wish te thank the Evtctine Puklie Ledeeb for the help in advertising our -wants as n baseball team and basketball, tee, and con only say that the amateur sports would go begging it it was net for your column. Wishing jeu and your paper suc cess, I remain, yours truly, "W. E. SENINOER. Folcroft basketball teams would like te arrange games with third and fourth class team's willing te play in Darby for expenses. Fer games ad dress W. E. Senlngen, Folcroft, Pa. Phene, Sharen Hill 01, evenings. OH MAN! S&s Tmat COY? f 6i-&ee tNf J 5ei That Cey? I INHI v 1-1 M -w Fire.i i M Jf r-iT nuwr BeKE V I MY TMI ntt I 1 PA5H31X J 7 PVVI f C T.iei aiimm) 1 IV.,.? I aftBLsata.liRU ffflOUA aaSfeaaPVLV C.tSt V ttZlalak BaHsalxSaixl IMs-i .SSSSSa!!S.(U BSl .AViBV fefa8l 4B l-l---' 9sL WgttpPj liBaa...BaVVaai - cit aaleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeH -MijHB,w,BWL,M.,,,M 1. i i JppsPtW,HassL - JHEKKtELmm Sen That Guv7) eh-h eyJ I TMrYTs MY ) dlfratDOc'eA L J VW49BHJ.M? waiti r ' ec,X "I II WHO DO VOVJ A WHO J 7 V "IM - V Iu.l A ifoie. That is it 1 .r ' S".I. JNi "8-V J& Mm JIpU. IfflimjCX - iwrnks I tCJZ$ S&Vij&QwKzfc- 4mmrrmm r - Amateur Sports YOU AUTO KNOW A denes nraSleT will eftea ttmen ca reduced power. Ktna out et ten noterlala run with ttrea tee aeft which mease a tee of mlleas. CaetlU aeap and water I an excellent remedy for remevlnr ipete en th Inald et the top cover. When the urtn ahewa tee rreat a trn dancy te overheat th radiator. It ta probably clerred and should be cleaned out. An excttlant pip Joint cement can be mad br mlxlnr ten part of Iren flttlnra with three parts of eWerld of Urn with water. be eVapced by tlrhtentnr th nut around th DUl pemuiien ireeeae lietie lur w ZABxJen hu n.nk iic3eTrn Lrakara at tka atultlnr box may atually np. packlnr, In ear where th oil level float ta at tached te a rertleaj atemjt I neeeeeary te held the float up at It hlrheet point when replaclnr th iewr crankcaae. Molater en th axpeaed part of th poi lain will erten eaua th enrln te mleflr. but thl trouble en a wet day can be obviated by rreae(nv th porcelain with vaaeUne. Eddie McAndrewa Knoeked Out Beetnn, Nev. 11. Bddl Bhelln knocked out KHdle McAndrewa. of I'hllaHelphla. in th third leund of their ten-round featur bout at the Carlyt A. C. iMt nlrht. with a aelar plexua. The Quaker city lad went down and waa fn areny for a full mlnut. Th bell had scarcelr aeunded for the be. or tn tnini ruuun wiiii. riiei. te MeAndrwr corner feinted wit la left. and. aa th pmiaeeipnia, oey uiie Ma enard te protect wa xae.. enevui in ueii rinnlnr ' lumpen t hi left. feinted with et v.v.a aX A. AA m.t W .& t tve ete a Mcleua nrnt viv w- wm.vm. rE Saranac Tribe Xe. 123 of the Order of Bed Men in Camden, N. J., has placed tae teams en the fleer, which will be known as the Scouts ana the Braves. The Braves have wen their first two games and the Scouts have split even in two starts. They Slay at home every Tuesday and Tburs ay evenings. Traveling or home teams wishing te book cither attraction should get In touch with Manager Edward May, 1403 Park boulevard, Camden, N. J. Dellvlra Tl. C. a flrat-claa traveling team, haa aeveral open date for horn teama of. ferine fair Inducement. Rebert Q, Weld man, 1310 Marlboreush street. tit. Cecilia O. C. neanrre, a thlrd-claa travellnr quintet, would Ilk te arrange ramea with teams of thta caliber. Edward Uend, SS20 Cambridge street. Nix Ileya' Club, a ilxteen-etrhteen-year-eld nve, would line te schedule ramea with teams A. liechtel. 292 West CENTRAL HIGH READY FOR WEST PHILLIES Rival Elevens Clash in Year's Biggest Scholastic Battle at Housten Field Tomorrow Gimbel Cup at Stake O'Brien's Team Heavy STATISTICS OF TWO TEAMS CENTRAZ, HIOH SCHOOL Flaver Ate Jamleeen, left end... 11 . vrk."..-.'.-'!? WebeUr, center ...., Is HeAlpine, rlsnt reard IT Katatman (east.), r.t. IS n. Uebrrmsn, r. IS Welle. earterMek Tratienearr. I. h. b. i"aTitt!7JiWk..";L' n 1.. letit Af Uaunl of backneld Central. 178 Weat 1711 Ilrtrht 0. S:s fl.U S;!t 6.7 S.9 0,7 TTHrlit 1M IIS ISO ISO xJ 19S IB ttkst rnrLADKLrniA men scnoei, riayrr Are Hrtrht Wftihl t end 17 ; takla. ... . 17 ruara., is left ISO us 10 ISO Whlt. left nneklrr. ai Ilrlntr, lft haltbaek IS Ma llelawanrer, eeete. , IS Mftthlna. rirht ruard 17 nlrhmena.rlfhttackt IS Jeft-nttt, rirht end.. IS B.ll tt1 e.s pj w.-Cait1. 1 VtlllaaalaXn Wt rhillhla nacklrr. Ifrintr. I HtlB. Heht hal Bwret (rapt.), f.b VTrat rblladelphia. uarterbark II ck 17 IB S.10 fi.10 8. B.R B.R Sit 180 1SS 190 f8 ISO ISO lea wrt rniiadeipua. IBB. Arerar wlet. Hhhl. rrf. Avcrwe wcirht et line CcetFal. ISt. Central High and West Philadelphia Charter was the first team played, and CITY COLLEGE FIVES TO START Will Inaugurate Basketball Sea son This Evening at Central "Y" R4BTKRN I.EAOUE W. li. P.O. W, a 0 1.000 nerrnant'n 1 S 0 1.000 Thlla. ... O 2 1 .687 Newark.. 0 Hehednle for the Wetk Tomorrow nlxhl Philadelphia at Trenten. Haturday nlrhf Trenten at FhUadtlphlai Camden at Beadlnr. Readme.. Trenten, . Camlet),, I P.O. t .ass 2 ,oeo 3 .000 THE PHANTOM CORPS ' By GRANTLAND RICK OTAND and talutet Thh U our daythe Phantom Cerp U patting V Like wind-Uaum iegt that drift and turn through mingled mitts and foam. Bv ttaff and line by rank and file our thinning dutt it matting In full review htntath The Fleg that beckoned u from home. IIOW faint hew far the old hail comet from thete who vted te fore at, " Fer we have tlept another year letide the tighing ttreamt; Anether winter' t tnew hat crowned the mounds feu built e&ove , , The sunthine of another spring hat danced upon our dreamt. WE'VE teen two thiflt of peppiet bloom, and fade at once we faded ft Before the fire againtt the wire that halted our advance, And there we waited through the dawn for friendly handt that tpdded Our twitted bediet underneath the bloed-ttained ted of France. tJOW teft hew tow the buglet teund, that echoed once te loudly. Can it be we are getting old, who gave our youth awayt Our feet are faltering and tlew, that once mercAed forth te proudly Along old'fathiened ttrtett of home before the world turned gray. bavins horn fleer. Rublcan street. flood Intent desires ramea with second, class home quintets etterlnr fair ruaran. tees. C. M. Belder. 10 North nfty-fltth treet, A forward, who has playad en school and ceUer teama, would like te play with a flret-claas Quintet, c. JL B.. S North Bee end street. Xeran A. A. has November 20. 7 and Sunday UUa rrpen for first-class home elevens. T. McCleekey. 4832 North limed street, or phone Wyoming 701 afUr 7 JO tx m Thn Wntt Walnut football team haa Thanksrtvtnr Day open It would like te hear from a flrst-clasa home eleven efterlnir a fair inducement. Mr. MeLaurhlln, 29 North Fifty-fourth street, or phone llelment 021 W between 7 and 8 80 p. m. Nerthmat B. V a feurteen-slxteen-year-eld arrresatten. wanta te book ramea with borne nve or tnia or, nawara uaimisn, 119A Penlar atreet. St. Joeeph O. C a 118.120-pound travel lnr eleven, haa Thanksrlvlnr Day open for a team etterlnr lair inaueemems. j. ueyie 1106 Stat street. Ht TUtn Reaarrcw. a ecend-lasa travel Inr team, wanta te schedule ramea with teams of that caliber etterlnr reasonable ruarantees. J. A. Mullen. ISte Beutb Lam' iVMlmerrfaml D. C et th fourth division Allied I-earue, are anxleua te arranr ramea en Sunday with soeeer lven etterlnr rea rea aenabl inducement. I. J. Jacobs, BOSS North Randelph atret. VTaneete A. O.. a reoend-olaaa trawling tmtntet. would Ilk te ararnr ruiwe with fives havlnr floors. William members. 2608 Seuth Hutchinson street Suburban II. C. a fourteen-flttem-year-eld flv. want rames with home teams, a. u lUnmew, BB97 North American street. Bell phere Wyoming BTB M Pickering Hunt Races Saturday, at Valley Hill Farm, near Pheenixvile, 2 P. M. Ver Parklnr Bpaeea, adarres, Wm. J, Oelrr. 1" th th St. l'rlce, S10.00. Adm .Ien S2.00. Take Iteadlnr train te phSrnliTll at M, liOO or HM T. M. TIIK KIOIITfl HATIHFV AT THE NATIONAL A. A. SATURDAY KVIC., NOV. IS KID MIJKKAY va. CY MOnniH rilANKIR C1JLKK v. MtANKlK MrMANTJS JIIAHlin rftJf'UC vp. aur. viininur. 'nv. JOB NKXHi T1CK17T3 AT KID WIIJr.lAM.yaulCABX PDBYKAB IlOnllY niJKMAN '5. ss b. nth ar. Anether basketball learue lifts the lid en the Indoor sport this evening. With but a single change In the cir cuit, the City College Basketball League will usher In the sport with two games at the Central T. M. C. A., when Os teopathy meets Pharmacy and Textile lines up against Hahnemann College. This is but the third season for the league, which has been a decided suc cess since Its inception. The games are played en the open fleer at the Central Y. M. C. A.; and while one would I ImnrIne rhfit thin would tend te slew up WA MIS8 thc sunder of the gum that broke in en our tlumber. .v - . ... i --. t.-i. e ima I rf Te mm thc seracant't muttered curse, the caissons relllnn .., . ire miss the tongs of marching men who twept by without number ' And talked of dreams we'll never knew beneath the earth and tky. 'THE rutt upon our riflet new hat grown a trifle deeper, Our helmett are a darker brown that once were burnithed steel; But tpring will bring itt peppiet back te guard each dreaming tleeper Who turnt through ttarlets nightt te where the unfergetting kneel. JT MAY be that the wind and raint have efurred our wooden crettet, Have wiped out namet and companies where none might under it and; It may be few will steep te read the records of our lettet, But "Killed in Action" it enough te let you knew our brand. tne ploy, it is a fact that many times thev have been faster than where the cage style Is in vogue. Interest has always been keen, due te the fact that thc teams are, as a whole, evenly matched. Last season Osteopathy wen the first scries and Temple the second. In the play-off for the title Temple wen the odd game and the title. The split schedule will again be in vogue this season. The newcomer in the rinks is Philadelphia Dental, which takes the place of Temple. Wonderful Ball at Camden The attendance at Camden last eve ning te see, the Germantown five engage the home talent was net up te expec tations and the efcayaways missed one of the fastest contests that has been played In the Eastern League for many moons. This was especially true of the first twenty minutes when the Bennls clan carried the Bkeeters at about as fast a pace as they will travel during this season. True It is, the visitors lest, but if figures ever failed te tell the story It was last evening In the Camden Armery. Outscored fretn the field 12 te 5, Germantown gave a fine exhibition of team work, something the fans have been waiting for a long time. Dave Bennls clan had the shots. Just aft many as the bems taieni. eui wry uu able te connect with the hole in the basket. Campbell anil Kerr Star Jimmy Campbell and Dave Kerr were stars from a Bkceter standpoint. The former outplayed Nat Helman at every turn and dropped in four baskets. The big guard cme down the fleer for a trio of two-pointers. .,,-, Fer Germantown Charlie Powers at center was a big portion of the club, and another large part was the veteran Winnie Klnkalde. This pair towered ever all the ether players en the vis iting team. Outside of an advantage of 3-0 assumed at the start, Germantown was never within six points of the champs, after they went into tbelead en five straight baskets by Delin, Steele, Kerr and two by Jimmy Camp bell. Reading Sets Mark The Reading Bears continued their march toward first-half honors by handing Newark one of the worst de feats ever sustained by a team in the league at the opening of the season at Newark score, 10-10. Few fans turned out for the contest. A record wsb established when the leaders shut out the home talent without n field goal. This is something of a feat and be enenkii well for the chances of Read- inn'. The winners landed only three M tnnses. two Relng te Ernie Reich and the ethor te Jee Dreyfuss. The latter received a deep gash ever his eye in the secenu nan ana piny wen ucm up for ever five minutes. CHAMPION L 0 N A R D VHIDAY NIGHT. NOV. 13 Camden Hportamen'a deb, Sd atari. Armery. Camden, N. . BENNY LEONARf) VS. K. 0. LOUGHLIN (lOr) Jeff Smith vs. K. O. Hulllren (10) Johnny Mealy vs. Jimmy Murphy (10) Yennr Nrtl vs. lm Rowland (6) WIND-UT HKMATCHKD AT rUIIIJC DKMAND Admission, $1. lies.. 12, $3 and few rlnseld) at IS, II ux today at HCHOTT'H CAFK. ltth and Fil bert. TIHH BIIOW HITHK TO Pf.KAHK AND A COMER Private Leeeen Heome Han O'Brien's Vani-Flesh Fleth Reducing Bedy Building Prlv. Treat's by Attendant 0 a. m. tn n n m Boxing Taught Ne Punishment Jloeme Hand nail Courts uedaclnr flarmente JlmrA Padded Itunnlnr Track 35 ft. Ceillnr Best Natural Ventilated Oym In World Boxing Tournament Nev. 16th Phila. Jack O'Brien 0, V. Cor, 13 th A Chestnut Bv; Pr, Ged! hew gently we have slept tince the Great Stillness found v, Beneath Montfaucon's hill we've watched thc seatent flew; The mighty clay of Mether Earth in itt great grip hat bound us Within a closer comradeship than life can ever knew. ni' STAFF and line by rank and file we've held our pests together, By cress and erets we wait and watch beneath the mounded sod, Te dream of arms that held us close against the wildest weather Until we gave these dreams away for country and for Ged. TIT? KNOW you clamor te forget we knew hew few remember ft But. why should dead men come te haunt the crowded Inn of Lifet Is it net quite enough we tleep November en November .Beyond the bitterness of peace you've built from cleaner etrifet IITTf'O cores fodey what dead men dreamt The final charge is ever. If Who caret what cresses dot the hills that shield our yellow dustt Be let it be and we in turn who wait below the clever Save earned the pcaee of sleep and dreams beneath our rifles' rust. STAND and salute t Tht is our day the Phantom Cerps is massing Like wind-blown wraiths of fog and mist that mingle with the foam. By rank and file by staff and line our shattered forms are pasting In full review beneath The Flag that beckoned us from home. CoftrleM, rise, an rlchti reserved "WELLS HATS WEAR WELL" We meet the demand for low prices by going te bottom at once. Ne Halfway Step Every hat and cap In our four stores reduced one-fourth or mere from our present low prices. Net a ningle article reserved. Price reductions ns follews: ,-jBKKL $3.50 te $2.60 $7.50 te $5.50 4 te 3 10 te 7.50 5 te 3.75 12.50 te 9.35 All Reduced 25 Gee. B. Wells HAT SPECIALIST 1101 Market St 2715 Germantown Ave 1315 Market St 2452 Kensington Ave. ' Soccer SLt. Soccer f SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 3:30 P. M. Marshall E. Smith & Bre. v Wolfenden-Shere Football Outfits Nete the big reductions in. prices Shoes Jersey Pants Helmets Shoulder Pads $2.50 te 3.50 te 3.00 te 2.50 te 18.50 5.00 8.50 8.00 8.50 Pure Worsted Shaker-Knit V-Neck Sweaters $10.50 Each ' Marshall E. Smith &Bre. r War H yaan m M fc.aWa OiwU. tmjt -fit . . m 4tva vueNiiac Ot TTIarti will hattln fin Housten Meld te morrow In their annual game, which for the second jear in Succession' will decide the championship et the High rVheal Irnp. and will also determine whether or net the Crimson and Geld athletes will sain permanent possession of the Ellis A. Gimbel trophy. Dr. Mathew C. O'Brien's football tram this year has established a record that has never been equaled in Phila delphia, and In the game with the Or ange and Blue team from across thc river the Mirrors will make a strong i tempt te upheld their record. Six games have been played te date, and all have been wen, but thc meat important feature is that none of Cen tral's opponents have been able te score. Great Recerd Anether important fact is that in the nix games only six first downs have been registered by opposing teams. Lewer Merlen, Catholic High and Frankford High failed te make a first down, while Germantown High made one. Penn Charter two and Seuth Phila delphia High three. -ine opeeaeoys, alter a ratner peer start, in which they were beaten by the Swarthmere High, Radner High and Bryn Athyn elevens, braced up and wen their three league games, showing improvement with each succeeding con test. Germantown High was the first Gim bel Cup opponent te be played, and West Philly came off en thc long end of a 7-0 score. Frankford High was next en the program, and again by scoring Just one touchdown were the Orange and Blue boys nble te put ever a victory, fcr thc Millers were unable te cress the Speedbeys' line. Last week, against Northeast, West Philly showed the greatest improve ment, after weeks of hard work, and rolled up twenty-six peiuts. while the Red and Black team was able only te score a touchdown in the last few niln utrf of play en a fluke. Central's record is far different Penn the Queen Lane boys werit dutvn t,i n 0-0 defeat. Lewer Merlen was next en the list and they were victims of Dr, 0'Brien'n eleven, 28-0. Catholic High took a 30-0 trouncing, while in the first league game Germahtewn was beaten 21-0. Frankford lest 14-0, nnd Seuth Philadelphia last Friday was beaten 42-0. The Central eleven outweighs West Philadelphia. In thc line the lightest, man weighs 158 pounds, while the heav iest tips thc scales ever the 200 mark. Besides McAlpine, who weighs 202, there are three ethers en the line who weigh 100 or eter. Thee are Clark nnd Webster, guard and cente respectively, uhilc Captain Jake Kauffuian ut right tackle weighs 108. , The average weight of the Central line Is 171 pounds, while the West Phil adelphia team averages only 1G0. In the backfield Central averages 173, and West Philadelphia 101. Rally At West Phil. West Philadelphia will stage a big rally tonight at Fiftieth and Baltimore avenue, in the Arcade Hall, when the warriors will make speeches and the cheer leaders and football aoleps will get the rooters In the proper mental frame for the big battle with Central High at Housten Field tomorrow. The West Phillies will rehearse their war songs tonight. They will march te the field tomorrow 1800 strenjr, which is the total atendance at the Chestnut street institution. Add te this crowd about 1800 followers and you have a fair estimate of thc West .Phillies' standing capacity. Central High root ers will occupy the solitary grandstand. Men's Salts and Overcoats tSuperbir Tailored. Mada-te-fMasim, $25 te $35 GL01TO TAILORS 07 ABCH ST. Fourth Fleer. Tak Elevate "" HitirrtiTt Ttrttlt 6 V. M. Quality Pays Its Own Way Men who buy in the Beet Shep have learned this truth. if I I (9 I If0 r r ioiaeru)ali 'Jinn' .CAn tJOfi Visine... CJ "Where Only the Best ii Geed Enough. i i YfV MILD HAVANA JV CIGARS gratifies trndsatisHas" we've get the Wendthat'a the secret of that much talked of quality of Men-De-Lien cigars the finest Havana Tobacco perfectly blended We knew you'll say ae, tee, if you try a Men-Dc-Llen M. EISEMAN & SONS Manufacturer!!, Phila, BaP9aaSQrKj H5'i$fjii ie sizes aVK5w One Standard of Quality fnxr$$fl at 7 ?jfjftaAgB M SJjj E Miia1larraal WStiSSB aafa. ? tTT.rjVfjmWaeeaaW rJTrCE"W -- i T ii HMaaiaP JftviitrSWiHaal ' '' ''jsaAJLal Kmmm weal S aa BejeaeeeeHM- " ? -- I tal . , aJ-tSlii Aift. laaS&ykif' tOMi" i3iry 'ill i' ''' 1 FSBn ftrfin.fWf. n N1, i.n '-" " " i