Mii-lKAOi li in gK, lamn -;r C. J" t?iVV T,i tjt It, - ff-i. pk-" , .& J. v; !' T-.:tf; "A .- f :.W 18 EVteNING PUBLtO. !DBbGBI5PHiLLAI)i: .. -.'"7. 3 .'-. .; ii K .i.. 'jjj'.jaaa r " I , i .: 1 y i ft THUKSDAYe NOTlSAlBiSJtC H, luzu - Ifc ' r 'VI &. fts ff v I it 't' r ' I A ACCORDO M ilALIAEJUBOSLAVI La Scabresa Questiene sul ,1'Adrlatlce Flnalmerrte Sa- rebbe Stata Slstemata VnbtUhrd A DUtrtbfltM ttn.sr , . VBiutrr no. ii. a Amfcerlta by the set of Oetpb-r . WIT. en Ate at the Postefflee of PMla Wpbla Fa. BenKSOM., Pestmasttr General. SsriU Matrtierita, 10 noverebM Un CTrtnle tra l'ltalla c la Jugeslavia sul k qitMtlene dell'AdrJntire c' itate Yirhialment rnggiunte. Mr. Trumbich. nintfttre Jnfos'ave pr U fT"I sti i. hn Infnrmntn I cornEenncnii nci Depo tin lunge muwspgte rlccvtite da Btlsrade la Delesatiene Jueeslsra a mcue del nue Mlnistre dezTi Esterl, if mDlcn n& iniormate quells Italiana el rtsetc dispesta a centlnusrc 1 nteo ntee atl sulle bnsi dtnbllltc dali'Italla. gtacche' 1'lUlla aveva dlmostrste il sue buen relcre dl accettare nlcune rcttlflca xlenl nulla lines della frontier a dellc Alpl Glullc, come erlglnalmente era stata propestai 81 apprrndc cbe un pe' dt csltazlene nel Jnjeslavl ebb per 1'accetlnitenf ddla (rentlcra Intrlftna, cemprendente Mente Noreso, cd anchc per la contl centl gnlta tcrrlterlale tra l'ltalla cd U duote State dl Flume. I puntl non ancera acccttatl lnclu dene 1'accorde mil rlconesclmento del I'tallanlta' dciriela dl Cbcrae, la gerranltA' italiana u Znra, con sufTl sufTl clente "hinterland" e 1'nnncsalenc da parte dell'Italla drparcccbic Isele della Dalmazia, partlcelarmente dl Lussln, Llssa e Lagesta. ! DUCHESS MAY WED AGAIN Fermer Consuelo Vanderbllt Is Re ported Engaged te Frenchman Pftril. iTrtW 11 T?HfrtAtu Aitpritnt tn rtrnaH che la delfgazlene JRwlva a f c,rc,M hw; re0Rt Jntlmate wlth Krcvium cenipieuiiueun: Jtallane. Demanl I nul' per wpnare amente 11 pregramma T. ! A V . .. .. " "" POn. (Jlellttl arrlrtra1 th Ducbwis of Marlborough, daughtc 11 finale aecorde. En- of the late W. K. rdsrbllt, say th trambe le dolfgazienl partlranne qua laiclande 11 lavore aeua aisre- when her flnnt Actnn nt Avrrri frn the dnke has been filed she will marrj Jacques Dalsan, famous French ath lete. Her frffnr!ft nrntrt- tfinf mttttnm Iniln. 10nerrrebre Vn Mrptccie al have been arranged for her te become TJmea da Santa Marghcrlta dice rhe la Madame Balsan as seen as gokelp of miestlene Adrlatlca e' Btata tlstemata. thcdlreree blows ever. They say the nbfti Bjailene dl mlneri dettasll ad una spe dale comralsslene. vnilt aAfm.ntl hnel ! 1. Ia frentlera Istrlana tiratl-a-menta decisa In faverc del Jugeslav! : 2. Flume para Indlpcndentt; con centigulta' tcrriterlale con Italia; 8. Zara sotto la sovrenlta' dell'Ita lla; 4. Le Isele dl Cherse. Lussln ed Unle cclnte all'ItaUa. Cen rlferlmente alia frentlera del 1'Ittrlt, per la quale vi era dlvcrgenia trm I dafegatl Itallanl e Jugeslav!. II Times dice che c' stata acccttata la Unea atablllta dal patte dl Lendra con eerte rettlficazlenl. Questa concesslene 4a parte degll Itallanl. mentre lascla Mente Nevose all'Italla. crlta un ae ae ae coreo dl offensive caratterc per la Jugo Juge slavia. L'accorde tcrrlterlale sara nc nc nc compagnate da un aecorde cemmerciale prebabllraente anche politico. Secondo 1 dlanaccl la delegazlene jntealava si declse all'accorde depe Mre rimasta rlunlta fine allc ere 3 dl Umane. , , , Un corannlcate dell Agcnzla Stefan! dice che la cenferema dl Santa Marghe t!U ha sempllcemente sistcmate la frenUcfa delle Alpl Oiulie c si e ag ag giernaU senza ragglungerc un aecorde mile altre question!, le quail pcre' amranne dlscusse demanl. Ia rluniene Jells delegazleni eggl e' durata cinque 81 asaerlsce che la elstemaziene della frentlera delle Alpl Glulie e' stata fatta eon plena soddlsfaziene dell'Italla, tante dal punte dl vista geografice cha Wllltare. XUpaUe, 10 nevembrc (By A. P.) ACTCTTN ItgSOrtTg ATttNTIC CTTT. N. J. n4i ATLANTIC CITY.N. J. I I AivAmOTicaa Plaa Hetel i Uf DisuwmMuitoalCemfart l rtRantoer aAKAea. OMMcnr oe. WalhrJCAalvt iBA3rMOHE I ATLANTIC CITY M. WHET WINTZX l DEUCUTTTO. "PHE Ptee of Hippy Lirae. Fine Interpret Hen of eerrtc for parsan-J confert. united -rkklifeeniiffBTety. Uaexcelledcultlne. Seaend jrnfc water betha attached every room. Ameri aan r Euwpeen plan. Fireproof throusbeut X THE IDeAJL FAMILY HOTCt. ARLINGTON I eiduslva leanoiheSifSp Rate Jb . repe OMULVlHiiX.. X)lfminel'in' Kentucky are. nr. Beach. Westminster Blev- te it . prtT ihat tennlBX watir- C A. Kepp. Owner Prep. ' HOTEL CONTINENTAL Alwen open. Alwaj-a ready. Terma mod erate. Phn) or write. M. welnh Daneae. Hetel Boscobel Kntueky v- nefum. jneieu uwwuci Excellent table. I1T.SO etn4 up weekly. Phene 117. A. E. MARION UtgEWOOD. N. J. LAUREL HOUSE Tjimrwrrnn. t. J. new nrm Mmt and meet exrlnarr Lnxrweert lintel, 'flseat Keeart CeU Cenrae In the World Jnet think of Itl Only 32 mllee from yhtlaaetahU. end yet truly a reeert. Eaellr reached ty meter. Modern, luzurleua and thoreua-bly abreaet of the ttmea. A. f. Marnhy. Mar. C. V. Mnrnhy. Ant. Mrr. AMBASSADOO TV LAKE.WOOD.N.J. AY. -. ' Ideal location. Every appointment ter eowfert and eenrlee. Buanlnc water. Prlrate , iathe. Uaele. Dasdnc Utuurarlaa calalna. (derate ratee. CSOLNAT. WTSrNER MJUITON. INC. WEBNTOlRVrLLE. TA. GALEN HALL Wernersville, Pa. MMm nxrWrn Hnarnll n. Aeewdble. beeatUal one taereahry tee. feruble AatemiB r eerU DrAir. traatae tceaerj. Gelf.TeaeU, Cereje. Made. IIM feet eloriiieB. Vtry flee Retk.UeMeReead Iljdrialie Depert. aieet. Reeldeat rkTitu, EeeerveUeae for eertieater ens maodetieu la Heeeeeker, eepeciauir Tkaaka(lis(. theisld aet be CLOSES DECEMBIR HRST Tareeali Terier Cere New Yerk aad rblledelphle. Heed lag R. R. GALEN MOUNTAIN CO. HOWARD M. VINC. Maae(er. duchess and her alleged fiance-te-be bare been geed friends since they were introduced during the war, at which time Balsan was a captain In the nlr service. tIt !s understood that when Mrs. Vanderbllt, during a recent visit te Paris, urged her daughter te cheese her next mate from America, the for mer replied : "My marriage te the English duke was maneuvered by the family. We had nothing In common. If I marry Jacques I shall de se because I lore him." CANADA Cdin National f g a4t-4. !.- Canada. Fer all Information ioilyte A. B. Chewn. Otn.Aai.. Feeener . 1X7H lireaaway. . ww m 'Ml PfVW I'lr EMk M ' I NEW ORLEANS J lPi i'Wfr I "Th NrUtf AmejrleeV' I S Jr 'C.!, 1 Central Ticket Offleee I ?M K'w Wi I Principal Rail- I UWWf tM rad -n4 Staamehlp I S'.m tt'l- Unea la St. Cbarlea I f 'B'rA , iff I LabWy. IUu.lr.teel 'i.J.'';l I .il M FetJar en lUqueeU I MM til I 2 L CLIharlre SlSK, HWT- I Oaja e Arnarlaa'e lead Iris het ale. WM f lt I Aeami-eaUneTe--I000eata. I -T '''Ik ' 'P I AtJfnma AMmH uut' I nrcii S 1-- 1 " The Ideal Winter Resort PRINCESS HOTEIL BERMUDA 'HAWK - TWOBOGER, Hana-rera Jetlr the Harber. Accommodate 400 IMraei .OVIETiS.TAKEWRANGEUS CRIMEAN BREASTWORKS , it Porekep Fortifications QuaVded the Winter Ouarters of "White" Arm Londen, Nev. 11. (By A. P.) The fortified works planted by General Wrangel In 'the vicinity of Perekep, en the Isthmus leading te the Crimean peninsula, have been occupied by the Belshcvlkl, according te an official statement from Moscow received here by wireless today. The statement reads : "We have broken the enemy's fierce resistance and occupied his fortified pb sltlens near Perekep. We also occupied Armlansk Baxar.'' Armlansk is situated well south en the Isthmus of Perekep, some seven miles below the town of Perekep. A Sebastel dispatch last night announced the Third Soviet Division bad broken through General Wrangel's outer works at Perekep, which guarded the "white" army's proposed winter quarters in he Crimea. NO TONE RIVAL!! Wonderfully Different Step in and Hear Your Favorite HEYWOOD-WAKEFI-aLD. Perfek'tene Phonograph Philadelphia Atlantic City 1723 Chtnut St 517 Boardwalk -i-t' Nev. 13 te ID Catholic Salesmen We can offer at spatial money meney maVlnf opportunity te three or four flrat-claea Cathslle eecerity naleemen. Write te ea Imaae dletely. Bex C 914, Ledger Office We Buy Geld ver. Platlnem. Dlamsa-t, Jawalrr of All Kin J. PennSmeltinpfcRefin'p Werts TUB OLD OOU9 SHOT 06 Filbert St.. PMU. 1 i w I Silver, I Jaw FennSiri I TED tBr ri Outweighs All Other Heme Devices The washing machine, the vacuum cleaner and all ether time and labor saving devices greatly lighten the burdens of housekeeping. But none of these can compare in actual time saved with the Acorn. Many of these devices are uied but once a week, while the ,"' (pDkiivM.aicKiive is used three times a 'day, seven days a week. Yeu put the feed in the even, set the automatic dial and promptly forget it. At the proper time the gas is automatically shut. off. The heat retained in the even continues te cook the feed until properly done. When you open the even deer a few hours later, everything from soup te pudding will be piping het and cooked te perfection. Daily Demonstrations at Our Showrooms Rathbone. Sard & Ce. Eat, 18S0 1342 Arch Street Ask for Booklet, "The Range That Almest Thwktf' Xfecrv Today dal eettenleti She limaaaireir eh M law . ctectrk cUeaer, ken sa-fly SrUek daanara-e-Uahet-rra. m Shadow RFet Just a Cleaner But the Best Cleaned EVERY woman wanta a time and laber.eavlns electric vacuum cleaner. She should have one end he teitl have one eoencr or later. But there are many mak,ea prlcee vary greatly, ae de claim (or eu. perterlty. What aheuld ahe Judge by) Which cleaner aheuld aha cheese) , She aheuld Judge the PREMIER. Flret Among Cleanere, by an actual cleaning demonstration in tier own h6mt. She should Judge the abil ity of the PREMIER. Its capacity for work, Ita elmpliclty. Ita tight weight, Ita handlneaa, and PRE MIER price, cleaner for cleaner, with etheral She should Judge IlkewUe the abil ity and responsibility of the maker, the factory behind the product the ability and equipment of the manufacturer te give direct Imme diate and efficient service. She aheuld knew that PREMIER price Is the same te alii It la net inflated. PREMIER price le deter deter mlntdjhet by whet we can get, but by hsvtmueh value we can give for the least money. She should knew that PREMIER price ha advanced only $2.75 in ever two years of price Inflation. Put PREMIER through the most searching examination. Compare price and value with all ethere. Have It demonstrated In your own home. Ilea the attachmenta. Talk te PREMIER users your nelghbere heve PREMIERS. Any electrical dealer will furnish a PREMIER. Yeu ludge It en He performance. 'Phene the nee rest one today. YV IHPcmUs ELECTRIC CLEANER. The TBEMIEK U sold by leadlnr electric suepa and deejera THE PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY SUPPLY DEPT. 130-132 Seuth Eleventh Street udweiset It 'a beenii mild autumn, and naturally you have put off buying wlntttshdxifctfjrcmrwlf And yfttf. family. But new health demands geed staunch high shoes for everybody And when you buy, ' . buy from a reliable dealer Get properly fitted by a shoe merchant who knows li'ia' business; "who is in a. permanent location, with a full line of reliable footwear who will be there next week, next, month, and next year, back ing his shoes with service. Buy "where you see the sign - it will save you money The shoes you bury from him will-cost yeu: irr 'Men's . , $2 te $3 less in Women's. . $2 te $3 less in Children's . $1 te $2 less- than last winter's pair. And the prices you get today art based en cartful rock-bottom ngur.s. Atk te see these attractive style, today. Yeu will find these shoes whirs you find this sign in stores in evlry neighborhood and en syary main-thoroughfare of Philadelphia and vicinity. Loek for il rfcevaaflPD mr BOBB Feevaa4?StlBiBeall Every dealer Vnewa this test a lite Ta.n -Ooedyear. Welt shoe eled"CsrIteh." tihat sold lets, W.SlOandSlti-radea the (em grades new priced al 16. MJ0. I7.t7.50 and &. It's a fact fact Shee prices are lower! ,' i ' , McEIwain, Merse Nath'I Fisher & Rogers New Yerk & Ge. SrtOE MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS We heve.ne direct or Indirect connection with any retail shoe busi ness, but from 40 years deellng with the retell trede we knew that the safe and economical place te buy shoe Is the legitimate well- esteblishejd neighborhood end meln-thoreughtare retail store. fjBUkaUBSalB' Be en the lookout for this sign of Winter Shee Week brings Lack tke 'friendly glass'.' and satisfaction ineverij bottle. Known, evetywhete -Buy it by the case for "ueut home. Anheuser-Busch ST, Leuis ,!!,. X.M mm twmm m &jqti.itsa Wiy "fisHen cetttfaJTy tmifed t& inspect out plant. i 'I1 !'' mm Robinson Supply Ce. T a. !. a. ' it, DL'l J 1 ! 22d & Race Sts. Phenes: Spruce 4iSi PIERCE-ARROW 2-ten, 3i-ten, 5-ten Dual Valve Trucks Lewer operating cest: Saving time en the read Saving fuel consumption Saving time in the shop POWER equal te any demand is an economy, since it prevents delays in rough-going and en steep inclines, means mere trips, mere work Dual valves increase power by providing purer, fuller gas charges. Every bit of fuel is converted into driving power, yielding mere miles per gallon SHOP time cats up profits beyond the actual money it costs. Trucks earn only while they are running. Ex perience shows Pierce-Arrows rarely go te the shop. Right designing, sturdy building insures that. Easy accessibility of parts gets them back en the ieb quickly, when repairs are needed. It cuts down labor charges and restores earnings. AQ of the FIRST HFTY rr-'trucka still running -- ..sw " jc"e service idee e- T At IOW CHASSIS PRICES 2 -ten $3750 3'j-ten 4950 5 -ten B700 All Pries F. O. B. Buffalo FOSS-HUGHES COMPANY 21st and Market Sts. Philadelphia, Pa. , " ' I I fet .BefAudi u u ui5iriuu.er5 -( xiiiaucipnije, i -e m j L ' I- ,41 . fc .Jstal-i-i-i-im, T ' ,. ,.VM (t ' lt- S ' ,-- - -' T- 1 U4 t "V 1 fci-'- H,iWitvF,'ttf JSrfttT ..' ,t.Jjvh.iA& ' Tifliyiytv -., A. - Xi !f MS -Vf, -hrtsOi ,i.iiiy ? i '.. e.rT mnK:-""r'-1"l'i-i - '''