Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 11, 1920, Night Extra, Image 13

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77-ml -rlP'f TmTTt
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f ,,?T
(NOYEiCBEB il, i020
TJie Gelden-Plated Rule
Kg Liltian Pmchat Dag
Heard in the Airahaft .
lsrs -these long straight ones oft fins
fllet in exquisite pattern, and dainty
Irish lace, eftbeautlfu) design. 'Xhere
re a number of pattern from which te
cheese. The cellars are net, with the
wlde edgings of the filet or Irish i they
are rt deep cream no, I guess you would
rail them ecru, and they are priced at
2 and $2.25 remarkable. price.
Tvr i
rf E4i
me. of
Iter r
or Mala
Via At was en an slrshntK,
Latter vas only four feet across
,JeIj could hear erery word sold.
TVe talked in whispers. Jee said:
'Fine borne for deaf mutes V
m woman across the way talked.
iBca' she talked some meter '
Day' and nltht, top of her Voice.
Fsrpctusl tnotien'd sidestep her.
Her husband slept in cat naps.
flhe would wake him up te talk.
He would Just bejrfn a nice. Miere. .
"Hall Wake nplM one would say.
I wanti tell yea semetblne.
Did jeu knew the-Watsons art "
iAnd she rattled en and bn.
(The w. & brook n ntn,n' en .
k, Bhe went en fertrer, tee.
Vfiemetlmes Hal ilept right through.
gh waked the court waking; him.
"Hall De wake up J Jane Bays
Peer Hal would groan and turn ey
u The tide of talk swept 6ver him.
He never attempted te stem it.
"He's only a meek exl" I said.,
'You'll hare te de something, jee.
'Be Jee did. '
He took Hal out te our camp.
, It's really a well-equipped house.
! Bath, telephene1 n' everything.
J Though it's miles up. in the weeds.
Peer Hal get the sleep of his life.
.Thy tramped and hunted all dnyf
He slop spen as he hit the pillow.
Husband saw btm safely asleep.
' Then he tlptoed downstairs.
1 Shut all doers carefully between.
'At one he had a phone session.
'He called up Hal's talking wife.
"'That you, Bees?" Jes sold.
"Helle, Hall" a yawn answered.
v, "Yeu waked me out of seundsleep."
"I wants tell you something."
Then Jee talked en and en.
Ne brook, but a swift river he.
Had an interminable Tarn all ready.
What they shot, fish caught, etc.
Erery night he did that.
Bhe steed it the first two.
The third she snapped out :
"Say, Hal I Why'n't ye call daytimes?
I wanta sleep some timet"
"Be de I at hornet" Jee replied.
"Yeu never let met
The neighbors wanta deep, tee!
Hew de YOU like Jt?
Remember the Gelden Rulel"
She tumbled te his voice then.
8hV doesn't speak te us new.
But we can stand that;
Bhe 'doesn't te Hal, either, bights. ,
Neighbors bless us in their prayers.
Isn't it odd?
Talkers leve talking day or night.
Except ether folks' talking.
Adventures With a Purse
OH THE beads I saw this morning I
I wish that I had never described n
string of beads before te you, no that I
could use w6rds that you had never
heard me use before and se they would
sound very new and convincing. Well,
anyhow, here gees I They are three
quarter length, and they are clear red
oral beads, beautifully cut te catch
every sparkle of light. I can picture
them gleaming against a white threat
sod extending in contrast against the
shimmering black of a satin gown. In
deed these beads are among the meat
striking I have ever seen displayed.
They are $5 and $0 a string, depending
en the length.
One of the shops that merely te enter
makes you long for lets and leta, of
money, se as te be able te purchase
some of the many lovely things dis
played, is having a most unusual and
irresistible sale. There you will find cel-
Your SeuTs in Your Hand
r xbvine B. DACON
) ' y e
The Weman's
: Exchange
Te wJm.'.
-1 cannot srlve you en aruarnntMd
remedy for this trouble that,you speak
of as It I natural arid' cannot be
ehansped.' ' Perhaps the. use of peroxide
would ,mk (t less 1 conspicuous and
live your face a' lighter Celer.
Fer Doer and Mantel
hi '
T tft XSiteT Weman' t ruqtt
Dear Madam Please tell me hew te
?ut a- lace panel en a front deer without
he use of tacks. Alse what is geed te
uh for a bedroom lambrequin for a
tnnntelT MRS,. J. A. D
There Is no way te fasten this panel
without uatnr at least four hooks, but
you can oe it wuneui taexinfr me panel
alt along the Js. Make a casing- In
both top and bottom, and run a curtain
red through, each end. Then faiton.twe
hooks at the top of the deer and two at
the bottom, en which te rest ther ends of
the -red. This will, held the panel
efrnlirht and firm without the need of
tuck all the way along.
' A nmth, HmhrMitllh fnr n htiMnm
mantel, can be mads by cutting out the
border, of a pled of cretonne" deslgned
In panels. Cut the edire In the uneven
shape-mads by the edges of the flowers,
and blndUt with tape te match the most
prominent color. Then tack It straight
without gathers, around the edge of the
mantel. Or, If It -Is a metal shelf, make
a fitted cover with the border sewed en
the edge. . .
" DU She ly Toe MUeh?
Te t BiUer of TCeinm'a rw ,
Dear Madam As .W.
reur naper I come tojreu with a ques
tien, I havy a, 4P0lt paw en mar mar
met 4at. original prlte Jm. 1W
If .the price Is tee hlghT I notleo In the
different aarenieemcniB iwuw irT
are prjeed. from 7.B0 te,14S. I am
r.- iw , niv& nrt Ti&vn no one te
answer my .question, se I turn w you
r h.in. If doss ble please answer by
Baurday. November 18. as ImaKe mx
next payment then. Please tell me If
1175 is tee high a price for a marmot.
Miad a. it. it
All prices are high new, you knew,
and tt seems that you bought your
Ssat tpeKn. If you had waited just
a little longer you might have been able
!? en of ew, lw.r.prlcd en.
lceat and. made, the first payment en It
hre in nethlnr te be done. Teu con-1 the price drops. It Is ice bad that you
traced fSr it when the prlee wm 8175 have, te de It. for new that. you ee
that price for Jt, no maer new iar "- ,..- ... .., . -(-
haps'yeur oeat ts especially welliJ
or beauUfullyained, thus making
pnee rugner wan inai et in
coats. (,
A Lewer Mount of Marp, the bl
dTelepmnt of which shews an
ssrceilve aplrlt. .
D Upper Mount of Mars, whleh
Indleates letlitanes and bopetol bepetol bopetel
neie. .
The rutlng passion cf the Martian
te common 1 Is accentuated by a long
thumb. The powerful will noelod la
'lemlmitlng ethers, especially in d'tricult
$'rcumtni'CH. Is shown by the long
first phalanx of the thumb: while the
ladlspensnble requirement of n 'evlcal
mlml i It'll ittc by the 'eng t-rend
phitlanx Jf, however, the first pha'Mix
(the one with the nail) Is exceptlenMly
lens, and the eeoend phalanx noticeably
shorter, the Martian Is likely te be a
downright tyJi.t, unreasonably exacting
In hln demnnda And liable te. fly into
un uncontrellnhlo rage when crossed In
his purpesj. Vl at has been &did above
mates te' the Lewer Mount ret Mars.
The Upper Mount of Mars doe net, like
the lower one, show an aggressive spirit,
but rather a spirit of calm resistance,
end", when well developed and backed by
a big thumb, shows that Its poeseosor Is
superior te any kind of discouragement
and though crushed te the ground is
bound te ''come back" and face his trou
bles anew,
(Te be eeiritnnea)
V.... fel-'.w.
Vv ygV
Simplicity in artistic exprts
slen is the method of treatment
for Interior' Dcceratlpn of the
refined home.
Our quaxtexHccntury expe
rience in collecting decorative
units, rare tapestries,' and indi
vidual pieces of merit is at jreur
W,e'.willbe glnd te consult
with you if, you will call nt our
studio or make an appointment.
, iiAiviix- w. iOAunan
Furnishings and
Interior Deberating"
Roem 903. Parkway Bulldlnc
8. E. Cor. Sread and Cherry Sta,
f If BLUE Kairb .
iVV The standard of all Yr BK JmS
!vfe "" li table syrups Alse for iwlfflWnwEl 1 til
iif vS ll cooking, baking and II tK fil?
ltjy T f x l candy-making. Light iL.Bl Wk
Wlv Nr5sa brown color, delicious llBwMwmwmmmmm.
W I J ' r H 1 n v j. j AOsggggggPgiyiWw " ""
WWW I nf I l flavor a heavy bodied rS-ulP
V c I 1 V Jm SSSSSSS0 Wggc
mMBW Netice te the Public!
r'" WlPI lllw i ' J ' A thx twenty odd million American Hemes there is
I'll rV III '"ll ' Jl s probably net a. single one where Kare is net served in some
ii .l 111 III .'. J fA
!laVNU WUtyj
RED Kare
A '
The Ideal Syrup for
every usefer cooking,
baking, candy-making
and preserving. Many
prefer it as a spread for
cakes, biscuits, breads.
Among the, twenty odd million American Hemes there is
probably net a. single one where Kare is net served in some
manner for breakfast, for dinner or for supper.
Over two hundred million cans of the three different kinds
of Kare were sold last year.
During these days of high prices, Kare has become another .
word for economy. Thousands of thoughtful housewives have
learned that Kare is net only a delicious spread for pancakes,
but answers every purpose where a sweet is needed.
.Fer Your Protection
Se that you will net be deceived by cans containing syrup
that leek like Kare in color and appearance every housewife
is cautioned te leek for this mark:r
It is found only en original Kare and guarantees you
full weight cans and highest quality.
Serve Kare en sliced bread, toast, pancakes or waffles.
Deas the wise cooks arc new doing : Use Kare te stew dried
fruit, prunes; use it for candied sweet potatoes, brown bread,
muffins, coffee cake and puddings.
Kare Heme-made Candy is the best for children. It .is
wholesome, easy te make, costs much less than store candy.
Mothers give children Kare and sliced bread because it
satisfies Nature's craving for sweets and takes the place of
candy. "
Every housewife should possess a
copy of the beautifully illustrated
64 -Pate Cern Products Cook
Beoh, Write today te ComProd CemProd ComPred
nets Refining Company, P. 0. Bex
161, New Yerk City.
SeUtntr Repreienlatlvts
135 Seuth 2d Street
ujs Philadelphia
Fer these who appreciate
the tempting flavor of real
maple sugar syrup. Very
moderate in price abso
lutely pure. The makers
of Kare Maple are the
world's largest users of the
fiighest grade maple sugar.
vver a uieusana tens
used annually.
"1 V. . Pi ' A K , '
fc ., ,. .. . v. . u ,1, .Ffi'JJS.. i- '., AFW (L
m. ! -i riHiniW.TtrniM'r'-'-"' " aa 'itfvfl' - nr..,.
t .AA4V
' M"V .a C
k.'-ftU).. tSA i. t
,1 - gg 'IFyBHBCSESTfr "i
A5CO ASCO ftcn I gLHTfllP I lffftf ASCO ASCOJ
M m of.
23 Carloads of Prunes
Mere Than Half Sold the First Three Days of This Weeh
An American Stere? bargain .mean's TRUE VALUE, and our
etutemert knew it bargain net only frdm a etandpeint of PRICE,
but, Beet of mil, QUALITY.
We are cuttinc deep into the price as a special inducement for yett te try them,
tecaase we knew that, once you have tasted their delicious flavor and meaty croednen,
Teu will continue te use them all winter. Prunes are unusually healthful and bedv-bulld.
f Ing fruit, very delicious. We have made big concessions in price it will pay you te take
1 advantage of this extra big special.
New Crep
Calif. Prunes
Other Sizes cut te 17c, 23 lb
Liucleus fruit Small pita. Checkful of "meat" The beat w have ever t?elL
i.i...b)i tnf t m 'Mmmiii'i
...n..... , . i...iti.a) i.il .i .4 ....is) .aai a) igji i
Fancy Calif. Peaches 29c I New Calif. Apricots 38c
Carefully gatbsrse. rrr choice aetllty STaDerated fruit.
MMdyyyyyyyywywwwijyMyyywMiAAwMyywMywywyyywJwii Myt
titrtr a doubt about our gga, erery com
modity we sell carries Inte your home tb. element
of certainty that makes tradlpg at an "Asce"
Bters a pleaiure.
"Asce" Oleomargarine ib 36c
Kconemlcal and wholeiems te cm whertTer
butter U required. Sold l hundreds of our
aterei; If our store where you trad, does net (ell
It our clerks will be glad te. direct you te our
nearest store where we will be pleased te lerre jeu.
"Asce" Ne-Waste
. The winning flavor that compels an appetite.
Bacen 25c I Dried Beef 15
DellghUtil creamed and a nutritious sandwich filler.
irLfma Beans
f Goedrich
I Tomate Soup 1
V 9 cap 1
BeZ LARD ib 25
Pure kettle-rendered lard. Nena better t be had.
ma vnn.
Snowdrift Shortening 25c
"Asce" Buckwheat
or Pancake
New pack eelf-raltlng quality the very finest. Buck
wheat cakes and aausage just touch the Spot these cool
morning a
Fleur pfc 14'
Franklin Gelden Syrup . . . . ."" 19c
he quality we guar-
Very nourishing, blsr feed rain
antes and our price Is very lew.
X-Asee- X
V Butter
f Macaroni i
v iec I
pw in'fi'i'ivi'i'wrwvryvwwwrffTWwwywwwwivwf
Whererer you
T that the hoi
read bargain. "Asce
A Sign of Quality
see the name t'Asce" Blend en th
Blend, while a high-grade coffee, ts only 58c per jbl
An ihm M.ntrv mhf. ai
knew that the housewife net only knows ..d coffee, but also knows
Cellce 29
th. BEST at ANT prlc
"Asce" Blend TEAS AK
li-lb pke 23c; W-lb pkg 12e tJ
k. Mixed. Old Country. India Ceylon and our newest Orange Fek
Fire styles Plain Black, Mixed, Old Country, India Ceylon and our newest Oransre Pekoe.
A-t---i .a..,..........iaaaaa. ..... .i........ ri.r..iAnrfLrij.
rVery AMnlA... 1 C
Choice AppiC - itJ
(Coeklor r Baklns)
Big ralue, extrr selected. Well graded ai
Park Bd Cranberries ......lb 48e
Oats 11
The geed old-fishlened breakfast cereal.
Joyed by every one. Only the best eats grown
n yi;.eu uuurr IOQ ASCO ' lSDel.
Jnley Gr.p. Fruit wilt !
,-ii. i. . .in ....
"CAppbet 15c Van Camp's
Soups 10
Just the pure Juice of fresh
gathered apples pisteurlxed te
Insure its further purity "that's
J "Asce" Brand
e?T.fsTTn 12-lbb.,
A strictly high-grade family
and entry flour.
f "Astte" rieur B-lb baas SSe
Princess Salad OQ ""', Z "
nrpsHinn- b.t LuZ I Ralston's Breakfast QQc
1 We hive no hesitancy In saying
tms is me n.sc aristiinr packed.
tit.i..i....i....i... ..
Your choice of
One of the beat brands of seupa
pacKKi tnia price very epeclat.
A cereal of recognized merit.
m !
Acorn Evap. 19Vi
Millr tn li V.
Better for ceffe and t than
ordinary cream keep a few eani
... ing inunj,
t Our Best Head 1 C
Rice b V
Very choice equality why net
a rice pudding with a few of
our seeded ralslna added.
American Maid 1 A-1 C
Catsup, b8tlvc 13C
Quality (he same size makes
the difference In, price puta an
ease en your appetite
.... ....
5 P tJ "), aiei y, pic (3H lbs), lle
The woman who wanta te cava money will lay
In a liberal supply at these bargain prices
Best Yellow Glebe Onions, ,b 2'2c
Sour Kreul Bi8tf" 20c
All ready for the tabt Just heat and serve.
Try perk uud sour kreut for a change.
Sour Kreut
He, S can
Dried and Canned I Foncy Seeded itaisins pkg 28c I High-Grade Cannedl
Fish I Fresh Packed Currents pkg25el P-...V I
"Asce" Threaded Codfish. 12c
Pure Codfish Brick 22c f "Asce1
Fancy Sardines. . .big; can ISc
Calif. Tuna Fish, can 15c
California Shad, Ki-lb can 8c
Choice Sardines can 5c
Best rink Salmen. . . .can 18c
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 .....
. i . i.....i.
aa i..:. i. ,a- 1 ' u4
"vu i uiuia pug iuc
lender bugar Cern. . .can lie Hawaiian Pineapple 19c. 29c
Sifted Peas can 20-23c
Hershev's Cocea, can lOe.19
22c I "Ascu" Perk & Beans, can 12c ! Extra Fancy Cherries can 28c
H I Fels Naptha Seap, .cake 7'c I Fancy Calif. Peaches, can 40c
r. & u. Naptha Seap, cake 7c
Ivery Seap Flnkcs. . .pkg- 10c
Fine Quality Peas. . . .can 14c
Fancy Sliced Peaches, can 28c
rancy Lalir. Apricots, can 25c
Extra Fancy Peaches, can 45c
Pesrs can 50c
Del Mente
Del Mente Cherries, can GOc
I I I I I I I ,1 1 I.M..
Tl " M MMIH -,- ..r-. -t-r--tt-)-t--)-)--t-----() -w
Buy it this Afternoon
for brcakfnxt tomorrow.
Victer Bread stay frh.
eua site
Besides, leek at Its big, rner-
Geed I
:hlldren thrive en It.
. A. 1. XA.lAt.AA !,., ',',..' AAAA..AAAAA ',VlVA
1 These Prices in All Our 172 Sanitary Meat Markets
Little Pig Roasting Hams'6' 29c
g.uTder Steak 35cl AU Sirloin Steaks-40
Pi3RKcd Chops orReasts " 33"
Thick End
nt Cut. lb 41e
Roast 28c
Roasting, hyvj and Slewing
Chickens, 43'
Perk lb tdLfV
Sour qt.
,. Steak lb
V; -,,. ... . I, ...i. ll
Stores conveniently located all ever Philadelphia and in the principal cities and
. towns of Penna., New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland
ies''i''ll' I'y sjejnjieieniai'isi . mp mjt Mt
ASCO AJCO ASCO ASCO riiASCOv 1'llMl,l,,'-l
,f',-.," . J & .
Is .
t w k a
iO III Si ,Si Jlii,
f-1 iiSii' ii . it ii ah
1 i
'.I' I