rtt'.tr sWjrftja v )r'il K 3-J "l p ' n'tT'u' ' a " '$f' - h "H t U.S.NAWIFIHERS Admfral Sims' Name Appears, In J.st, but Honors Were Net; Forwarded te Hint WILL' BE DELIVERED TODAY Br the Associated Pitas Washington, Net. 11. The second HnnlTertoryveMb'sHjn!njr of the armls tice was Celebrated In the nuxjr and jnrine corps today by the distribution of nearjr. 2000; medals and letters of commendation for" particular valorous or distinguished performance of duly during the world war. The medals and letters awarded had been forwarded te commanding officers In nil parts of the world and upon signal by radio and Merraph today from Secretary Daniels' office here the honors were distributed with appropriate ceremonies. The action marked the Anal phase of the controversy ever naval decorations that resulted in a congresMenal Investi gation last year, after Wear-Admiral Sims had refused te accept the Dis tinguished Servlce Medal lntehdcd for" lilm. en the grounds that 'Injustice bad marked the manner of distributing the navy's recognition et alatlngiiuned war time service. During the invettlgatlen Secretary Dnnlclrf was accused of mak ing awards te officers who commanded ships sunk by the enemy and ignoring ether officers who performed distin guished duty in responsible positions en shore. jEVBNINa BUBtia - XED&EIfcr MltfADETHTjA, ttBUKSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1020, ' ' " f ' i r -l - i i - - i ' - t- - - ' - ' " '.' " - - -- - ' "- Publication today of the list of retary, shows the original list te be un awards as finally approved by the sec retary, snows tne original list te be un changed se far as deletions nre con cerned. near Admiral Sims name again appeared en the list as having been awarded a D. S. M., but it was said nt the Navy Department that the medal had net been actually forwarded te Ad miral Sims, as was done In almost every ether case, due te the officer's pre vious refusal te accept the honor. The medal, along with the navy cresses awarded Hear Admiral Denten C. Decker and Captain JUaymend Has Has breuck, who took action tilmllHr te that of Admiral Sims, had been deposited In the bureau of navigation for such future action regarding acceptance of the medals ns the officers concerned mlc'it wish te take, It was explained at the department The list of awards as finally apprpVed showed a considerable Increase ever the list published before e congressional investigation. It was fi xnlftlned thnt after the matter had been referred back te the beard headed by Ilear Admiral Austin M. Knight for reconsideration many meritorious cases were discovered thet had net been in cluded In the original list. Fer this reason, it was said, 1091 medals and 002 letters of commendation were awarded today instead of 1201 medals and 801 letters, ns was originally rec emmended, N N HOSIERY STORES 12th St. Belew Chistntit . 60th St Belew Walnut NEW KIND OF STORES HOSIERY EXCLUSIVELY FOR MEN AND WOMEN r' THOUSANDS OF PAIRS OP Women's Mercerized Black Stockings 35 c THREE PAIR FOR $1.00 .Would ordinarily sell for 65c and 75c a pair.' Medium 'weight, fast black, exceptionally geed qualltj Mail OrdeFiUed We Pay Parcel Pest N 4 N HOSIERY STORES 60th St below Walnut St This Btere Open Erenlnte Bell Phene: Sherwood 198 :iHllil!Mfll!IM 12th St below Chestnut St. 0en till BlOO Bell Phene: Walnut 2944 )H Danderine is "Beauty-Tonic" Immediately after a "Danderine" taMtige, your hair takes en new life, lustre and wondrous beauty, appear ing twice as heavy and plentiful, because each hair seems te fluff and thicken. Don't let your hair ''stay lifeless, .colorless, plain or scraggly. Yeu, tee, want lets of long, strong hair, glistening with beauty. A 85 -cent bottle of delightful "Danderine" freshens your scalp,' checks dandruff and falling hair. This stimulating "beauty-tonic" gives ' te thin, dull, fading hair that youthful brightness ' and abundant thickness. All drug counters sell "Danderine." jSTEINWM TlANOS The Pianist's Piane Many schools of music use another piano in their instruction-rooms because of less cost; but when "commencement" day comes or recitals are given, a Steinway is always seen en the stage. Frem no ether piano can such fine' mua.icaj results be obtained, and through nt .'ether piano can the teacher sb .demon strate the pupils' attainments. It is the pian ist's piano. The art of the great concert pianists would be unrecognizable without the clarifying influence of Steinway tone and the wonderful mechanical perfection of the Stein way action, which gives a "touch" through which the player at will can mould tone and volume just as a singer controls his vocalism. It is the pianist's piano. Rea4 the book, "Stelnwaya of Today," and you will understand hew Steinway pianos reach their great superiority. StelnwiJ pianos may be bought en monthly payments NSfef sen&CbJIHChesfhuf St .DECORATE NAVY MEN Twenty.feur Rec'elve Medals at Yard Today for Meritorious Service Fer meritorious service overseas twenty-four officers, of the United Htatcs navy and two enlisted men received medals and cresses at the Philadelphia Navy Yard this afternoon, , The men assembled In the office of Captain Leuis M. Nulton. command ant of the yard, who read th'eelta' th'eelta' tlens and presented the medals, Incidentally, Captain Nulton was obliged te present himself with one, ns he has also been honored for geed work overseas. A Distinguished Service Medal was presented te Captain Orin (). Murfin for his work In organizing the North Sea mine bases en the coast of Scotland. The following received nayy cresses: cresses S. r "jtear, Admiral Fred O, Rassett, com manding officer of, the destroyers ,sta tlpncd at Philadelphia; ltear Admiral Frederick 'It. Harris, of the construc tion corps, nn(iilnn YatiM H. Williams. Yates Stirling, William II. Reynolds, leuU' At. Nulton, Clarence 8, Kemplt. Jehn F. Hlnesi, Arthur MaeArthur and Cem-, inander Qeerge W. Blmpsen. . Lieutenant Commanders O. II.- Cell, Walter Selbert, Archibald McOloMen, Jehn II. Welbreck, William It. Purnell, I Timethy J Kelleher, - I Lieutenants William A. Martin, Ilor Iler aco D. Dougherty, Elbert O, Fraenzel, . William 19. Hensen, Stabler Dantelak, Paul Cresby and William N. Sellers. Enlisted men, James Hedges, chief water tender, and Qeorge F. Klein, pharmlstlc's mate. I ' lii $12.50 Tan Willow Calfskin y The season's hit for style, leather and price. CLAFLIN, 1107 Chestnut Patent Leathtr Dancing Pump for Children $?Xdk Ti sajyLV xTW B 'I'll! hTV: ' H n, i OPHNGATTHE ETTER SHOPS JUST NOW THERE ARE MOST EXCEPTIONAL VALUES TO BE HAD IN THE SHOPS, IP ONE KNOWS JUST WHERE TO GO FOR THEM. THAT IS PAULETTE',8 PLEASANT DUTY TO KEEP YOU "POSTED." ARE YOU AWARE THAT MEN TIONING PAULETTE'S NAME TO THE SHOPS AS SURES ADDITIONAL COURTESY? , A tailored suit In all its perfection Is something which every smart woman adores but hunting a geed tailor is llke pursuing that clusiVe ctcature, the satis factory dressmaker. Yet, felkd. I knew one really and truly. It is that inimitable Sterling at 1210 Walnut Street; that artist In cloth who insists, let his business be ever be prosperous, upon doing hla own fittings no ene else being able te meet his exacting demands. Yeu can imagine that a suit from the hands of a-man like this would be as near perfection as earthly things attain Indeed yes I New Mr. Sterling has made an unheard of concession for his patrons (yourself included better mention my name though)V-that is, that he will net only continue Octeber prices throughout November and until further-notice,1 but he haii further reduced thov.Octeber prices7 se that it is new bessible te get a renl Sterlings exquisitely tailored suit for $8( think of it! This is regularly a .$125 suit and the October prices, were $90 and $95. The very Snme;exquisitc linings and findings nre used in the $85 suit as in the $125, and the rich linings are guaranteed for two seasons' wear, being replaced free of charge, and with an apology, if they de net wear. The most adorable kiddie frocks en land or sea are te be hed at B. F. Dewees, 1122 Chestnut St., frocks that are sold at no ether shop in Philadelphia. Many a mother I've sent te buy them for I learned about them seme time age. They are created by a woman who de clared that children's frocks didn't de small folk justice and immediately proceeded te design nnd fashion seme that did. That woman's name is Adelaide T. Crapsey, and exclusive merchants vie with ench ether in procuring her limited output. Each little frock is fashioned of the finest material of its kind and along sort of "Jessie Wil cox Smith" lines that would make any little girl doubly irresistible. In many of the frocks all the stitching visible is hand done, and the smocking is that real Eng lish kind which launders se excellently New all next week there is te be a Bale of these "story-book" frocks. Fer example, pristine dimities in pink, blue, yellow and green were $7.50, in sizes 4 nnd 5; and $9.50 for 6 and 8 years. Beginning Monday all these will be $4.95. Stun ning little Aridersen ginghams for school, sizes 8 nnd 10, were $10, but are new $7.65. These are but a sample of the many darling numbers. But shop "early. There is no mere rollable shop in town than Geerge Aiien'B at iai4 unestnut at. no, net ene. Their bnr- ains are such emphatic bargains and their merchandise i be completely what it is represented te be. At the toilet goods ceunter, for example, I get se many things e chceper than I have been able te find them elsewhere, nnd I knew of no such department whose regular prices nre mere "reasonable. This is quite remarkable when you consider that jAHen'B handle none but first-class goods'. Just let me tell you of a few plummy bargains te be had. " Reger & Gallet's violet toilet water is $1.45 instead of $1.60 j their violet soap is 45c instead of 50c; Mary Garden talcum is 30c a box instead of 35c, and these wonderful new French tissue nnd cleansing creams, "Creme Angelus," is $1 a jar and is te be had here at its freshest. There, tee, can be found, whenever it is in the city, Heubigant'a talcums in all four odors of Quelques Fleurs, Quelques Violette,, Ideal, La Rese France. Fine enstile soap, usually 51.25 a dez is regu larly at Allcn'B $1. These are but u few of- the geed things, and Allen's,, always have a cemplete assortment of Heubigant's, ety's nhd Reger & Gallet's preparations when they are in the country. And don't forget Allen's hairnets $1 a dez. in all but gray and white, which nre $1.50. These all are real French nets valued at $2.50 a dozen. I wiBh I could impress upon you te my satisfaction hew unuusunlly reasonable are the frock prices which reign nt Lilla's wee' shop a step or two below the street nt 1305 Walnut at. xnis low pricing is due, as I see it, te several things Idwcr overhead charges because of thnt: ntfn fir two deWn. a necesaitv for snlUnr- frn.ira quickly owing te limited space, and Lilla's own content with a reasonable pretit. ui course,, I knew values, as s pret ou may suppose, but some folk de net, and when these tflt te set 1$w ra atter st see Lilla's remarkable frocks it is amuslntr vy skeptical they are but you all remember about lie man who tried te sell geld pieces en Londen bridge for a penny or se and failed. Felks ere begin ning te realize that Lilla's bargains are like these geld pieces and well worth the purchasing. Just te inspire you with a confidence in Lilla equaling my own I have personally selected for you a group of adorable frocks which I saw fermerly priced te $55, but which you can have" for only $85 each. The group includes really stunning tricetincB, satins and duvctyns. Week of November Eighth JCjL r WANAMARER'S iDOWN STAIRS STORE WANAMAKfiR e-ft f. Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere - . A Wonderfully Fine Showing of Wemen'sWinter Coats andDelmans of Moderate Price $24.50 te $49 ' You'll be surprised at the great variety between these low prif, literally dozens of styles for your cheesing. Many are cut en the loose, graceful lines, with plenty of fullness, which young women like te wrap around them. , Belivia Silvertene v Tinseltene Woodlyne Velour Pole cloth are some of the materials and they can be had in the fashionable browns and talipes, .as well as in navy and Copenhagen blues, dark greens and black. All are lined throughout with silk and some have cellars of sealene or skunk opossum. The coat that is sketched is a copy of a much mere expensive dolman. It is of velour, in navy or brown, and is trimmed across the back with heavy embroidery It is lined throughout with silk. Special at $24.50. Women's Coats in Extra Sizes are of silvertene and velour in dark colorings and can be had with or without fur trimmings. In sizes 42 Va te 62i2 at $35 te $59. (Market) Men's Sports Socks, $1 a Pair Special They arc of soft wools and mixtures and many of them are the ime English hose; in brown,, gray and green heather colorings, and many of the fancy ribbed effects. 0llrr. Market) Men's Shoes at $9. 75 a Pair are of Cordovan leather, made en the best lasts that we knew of. They -have straight tips with perforations; low, bread heels and welted soles. Men's Winter Oxfords at $7.75 a Pair Black or brown leather Oxfords, heavy enough for Winter, are in brogue Btyle, full wing tips .and all. ' . ; Beys SheesSpecial at $3,90 a Pair Sizes 10 te 13 included are both black and tan leather shoes ,ln wide-tee shapes, comfortable-, and durable j I 1 , T $24.50 I I All Men's Pajamas and Nightshirts Reduced Thia means that our entire stock of men's night wear will bear lower prices beginning tomorrow. New merchandise arriving at lower prices makes it impera tive that the goods in stock be reduced proportionately . much te the benefit of the men of Philadelphia. A dollar or mere can new be saved en every night shirt and suit of pajamas in the Gallery Stere for men. What a time te buy your Winter's supply; sir I (OkUetr. Market) Girls' Navy Serge Frecks-', at $5 and $6.75 .Sema of them are trjmtned with blue or red stitching nnd ethers with satin or braid. All are neat little frocks and most of them have pleated skirts, Sizes 6 te 14 years. The ene that Is sketched shows pretty red braid edging the cellar and the pockets. ?5. , Navy or brown serge dresses for girls of 8 te 16 years are in vari ous models at $7. GO, $8.25 and $8.75. Fine White Jean Regulations ' at $4.50 Girls' regulations of white Jean with cadet blue, navy Or red cellars nnd cuffs, are in sizes C te 14 years. Coats for Junier Girls At $23.50 brown or reindeer pole cloth coats are in sizes 15 and 17 years, have big roll cellars and are fully lined. Junier girls' coats arc in a great variety of models for school, sports and dress wear and soma of them are trimmed with fur. $18.75, $22.50, $23.50 te $77.50. (Market) Women's Bleemers (Leng' aria JShert) at Special Prices At 85c, pink sateen knee length bloomers, generously cut, are finished with ruffles at the knees. At $1.25, black Bateen bloomers with hemstitched knee ruffles. At $1.50, long bloomers of black, navy or purple sateen are finished with shirring at the ankles. Leng Silk Jersey Bleemers $4.50, $5.50, $6.50 and $7.50 A great many women and girls have been asking for these ldng blemers that can be worn as petticoats. These are of geed quality silk jer sey in navy, black, Copen hagen blue, purple, brown, gray, taupe, emerald and Russian green. The $6.50 and $7.50 styles have con trasting color trimming the ruffles. (Central) Women's Part-Weel Sports Stockings Special at $1.35 a Pair are in an attractive fancy rib in a; rich heather brown . shade that will go well with brown sports Oxfords, (Central) Women's Flannellet Petticoats, 65c It's very seldom that we can get thesegoed warm petticoats te sell for this low price. They ere in pink or blue stripes with deep flounces. (Central) Half Sash Curtains 50c, 7&c and $1.25 a Pair They are of marquisette, scrim, net and voile, quite a variety and all dainty and fresh. Alse, bris bris curtains are 66c and $1.25 each. 36-Inch Scrim at 25c a Yard It is figured all ever with pretty flowers and blue birds. (Central) Silks at Lew Prices Printed Radium, $2 a Yard Navy blue. Copenhagen, brown or black wrderind,neffflnituality?I1"Ver ,nch" Striped Taffeta, $1.50 a Yard It 1b Buitable for linings, children's frock etc Tn rose, green liBht blue Vr wistaria S'd3 with mnny colored stripes. 35 inches wide. (Central) Seasonable Gloves at Special Prices Women's ene-claap suede gloves are in gray or beaver shades with spear-point stitch ing en the backs nt $2.25 a pair. Strap-Wrist Gloves At $3.85 a pair, they are of capeskin in tan, brown or cof fee color with silk embroidery en the backs and four-inch cuffs. At $4.50 a pair, the strap wrist gloves have six-inch cuffs. Theso of tan capeskin are eutseam or pique sewn nnd have spear-point or plain backs; these of brown or Cor dovan capeskin nre pique sewn nnd have embroidered backs. Leng White French Gloves are of glace lambskin with Paris-point stitching en the backa. Twelve-button length gloves are $3.85 a pair and slxtcen-butten, $4.85 a pair. (Central) U Artiste Phonograph Has Many Other Virtues Aside Frem Its Moderate Price of $90 First of all, the clear, pure quality of the tone; this is the result of special fea tures of L'Ajrtiste phonograph, among which are the all all weed amplifier nnd the light pressure of the needle. Anether important thing, V Artiste plays all disc records. The cabinet work is well done and makes a fittinp set ting for such a pure toned phonograph. L'Artlste at this price was made pos sible through our sug gestion te a well known firm of phono graph manufacturers and their co-eneratlon knew why we are proud bf L'Artiste. The price is paynble at once or A When,yu have heard it and seen it you will $5 Down and $5 a Menth or, yet anethcr'alternative, i may take the first $5 out in records, We Are Featuring OKeh Records at $1 mey- ?.ble-faced, and there is in the Little Phonograph Shep. an.ejccpijeny aaert,mentl. The First Little Shoes mark an epoch, like tP 'irst teeth does. Hew many' la first shoes are kept for ye'ls ana years as lamily treasures. These new little shoes, which have just come te us, are worth keeping, tee. They are made of the finest, softest leathers nnd have wide, square tees that allow plenty of room for pink tees. The Smallest Sizes, 2 te 5 re. in lace style, in three leathers: white buckskin at $4 black kidskin at ?2.50 tan calfskin nt ?3.25 With Wedge Heels, Sizes 4 te 8 Lace shoes of white buck are $4.90; of tan calfskin, ?4; of patent leather, $3.05. Butten shoes of Un calfskin, with white tops, f 4.00; of white buckskin, f 4.90. (Cbeitnet) .j . 1 Al I l K3 ft?. j v .i'n .' trti. 4 ), M M ! TCiaftatr CXJ a.', ?,,',, ;in jvj flt, wM ri-yt'