iJ,ii rswfW' " mp v"' ?i Ww V rVk fc 'V. -ll- i- 3. USSE RAND BIGS NEW LEAGUE VIEWS EyENIKG P0BDIG; EDGBBrPBIIJpJiiPHIA, MQN&X NOVEMBER .8, 1920 ft. French Ambassador Will Dis cuss Subject After Harding'3 Inauguration NO RADICAL ALTERATIONS Washington, Nev. 8. .Tulcs Jusse rand, the French ambassador, who went home several months age en lenvc nnd who later was assigned te special duty In connection with the settlement of the Polish question, Is te return te Washington en November 1M. He Is expected te bring with him the latest views of his government regarding the recasting of the Tcagne-of-Natleus cov enant nnd te be prepared te discuss the subject with the officials of the Harding administration as seen as they are In office and ready te proceed. It has been known, for some time in diplomatic circles In Washington that the principal allied powers were pre pared te go far teward1 meeting any deslre of the American Government for changes in the plan of the covenant, but it has been stated In at 'cast one Important quarter such changes must in no coco violate the underlying prin ciples of the convention. D'tilnmnts generally de net believe kiicii ctmnges could be made by reservations such "as were proposed iu the se-called Ledge plnn. In their opinion, amendments would be necessary. They would require tlie approval of the various signatory powers. Anether matter that will engage the attention of Ambassador Jusseraiid. Is the status of the commercial relations between the United States end France under existing treaties. France !at spring gave notice te all powers with which fche had commercial treaties jjf the termination of these conventions; her purpose being te replace them with complete set of new treaties shaped t,e meet the new conditions in trade and commerce resulting fie'm the war. lie fore the denunciation took effect, the French Government withdrew the no tice se far as it concerned the United States. France has net abandoned her plan of revising her commercial treaties and Is understood te be deferring the open ing of negotiations with the United .Stales until nftcr the change of admin istration hi Washington en next March 4. Before the negotiations arc opened, M. Juisernnd is expected te acquaint himself with the plans of the Republi can lenders in' the matter of tnriff re vision, which might greatly influence the character of any new coimuerclul convention. The ambassador also Is expected te make a close survey of the situation In Washington and report te his govern ment upon the prospects of success In case it should decide te renew its efforts te obtain approval by the Senate of the treaty which would gunrnntce protection for France against external aggression for a period of five, years. Failure of the original effort in that direction re sulted in the abandonment of n similar France-British treaty. WOMEN VOTERS GOT CANDY, LEAGUE MEETING IS TOLD Speakers at Convention Here Say Ice Cream Was Alse Used. Election Officials Accused of Misinforming These Who Ashed Questions The sad plight of being nil dressed up te vote and no one te vote for will never again befall if the Philadelphia League of Women Voters can prevent It. That was brought out at Its flrnt annual convention, held en Saturday at the Ilellevue-Stratferd, when 'the Im portance of belnz expert In election laws nnd of getting in nt the primaries was emphasized in various reports and sev eral speeches. The ferehnndedness of the workers wns Illustrated bv one ward chairman, who told of division leaders who had called meetings the day after the recent election. Mrs. Unvls Undaunted Mrs. Kdward Parker Davis, chair man of the women's Democratic com mittee, declared herself undaunted by the outcome of the election nnd ready for -another fray. Shf told of her pro pre tests at a polling ptnee against the opening before the appointed time of an overfull bnllet box "a box about the size of n small garbage can" nnd nrlnus ether Irregularities. Mrs. Imogen R. Oakley announced she bad been told that registering as belonging te a part.v,entltled one te take part In the primary election even If one voted for the candidates of another party. Resides n mere enlightened citizen ship, improved schools, nnd cleaner Sfreets, the league is planning te work for women en the ward committees, for refbrms in the election laws, propor tional representation mill flip short bal bal eot. At the dinner thnt followed the afternoon meeting. Miss Mnrjerie Shu Shu ler. of New Yerk, told a story of the ratification In Tennessee. Hew Day Was Saved Hew tlic day was finally snved by a twcnty-four-ycar-eld mountaineer r'ep tesentntlve wer drnmntlrnllv tnlil. In J-pcnklug of women's bewilderment ever party lines, .miss Hauler said that, after hearing eloquent ornters tell the his tory and Ideals of the respective parties, women were like ene who leeks In two bottles, both of them labeled and both of them empty. Mrs. Albert D, McMnhen. one of the organizers of the National League of Women Voters, told of her disillu sioning experiences with women In the New Yerk elections. Frem the wisdom gathered then, she observed "nil women de net use the vote ns the League of emcn etcrs says they sheu'd." One woman she quoted declared. "The worst pill I ever had te swallow was te vote for Senater Wndswerth I told him se. tee." "Why did you de It?" risked Mrs. McMnhen. Couldn't Re Unkind "Recause I nm chairman of the com mittee. I couldn't be cbnlrmnn ami net vote for him. Resides, you knew, these men didn't want te glve us the vote any way, and 'since tlieyhavc been se dear te us, I don't like te be unkind te them." Mrs. McMnhen had come out of the campaign a sadder woman and feeling that the only hope for better things from the women voters was for them "te drink refreshing drafts from the stream of civic knowledge of the league." Mrs. Geerge A. Plersel, the retiring chairman, presided nt both meetings, The election of officers took p'ace at the afternoon session, these elected for the ensuing enr are: Chairman, Mrs. Geerge A. Dunning, first vice chair man, Miss Sernh D. Lewrle: second, Mrs. Ralph Ralguel; third, Mrs. Mat L. Margelis; fourth. Mrs. Sninuel Warrlncr; secretary. Miss Jean Craw Craw eord: treasurer, Mrs. Charles .1. A large delegntleu from Phlladelph'a will attend the meeting of the State League of Women Voters te be held In Pittsburgh this week. Mrs. Jehn O. Miller Is stnte chnlrniiin. MMNE HARDWARE must lie better than erdltinry hardware. Our llfty years' experience has tnuglit us te knew the ktnils that stHtid lntrlne use best. Any thing for a beat. F. VanrJcrhcrchcn's Sens " Nnrlli Water Slrrrt. I'lilliirlrlnlihi IB Hgh Christmas Gift Suggestions 3 if M&&b She Will Appreciate j H H Fine Hand-Engraved jj B wTm' S6cial Staliencry 1 j ,' " and you can improve I 5 9 the gift by adding a I g3 jl Leather Geed.. ' 51 Travellnr Baf. , J3ir , 3 11 i?::sB:,.v. W&tem&Mrfeimt?unPen gj EK Fancy Hand Bags. VaS f 1 B Dratt and Taney S3 B Heme Novelties. Have you made your selec- j ElM Card and Garnet. , i i J '-M Fleer Lampi. tien from our complete line 5 B Cutlery Umbrellat. ... i -i . 1 Electrical of de luxe engraved Christ- : H Appliances. . - Fountain Pent. tnas greeting cards? i J Cameras -Films i H !& L STATIONERS M ZOdfUSld ENGRAVERS H B Chestnut Street at Ninth B Furriers and Milliners Purvhaaita agenix' or ders and Liberty Henda accepted. Mail orders promptly filled. Vur aarmenta repair ed and remodeled. 1115 CHESTNUT ST. ( OPPOSITE KEITH'S) Cltarpc purchases will lc billed en January 7.sf. 'nrcidsrra epculiiff iirie orcetjrilfl 10(1 be intitlcd te the above dating. Hxtra large sixes up te Si bust. Cut Lengths Fer Sale Pure Worsted Goods Suitable for Suits mid Skirts Fine qualities only. Uuy lengths direct, nt leas than mill com. nnd bae ynur own ilicssinaKer or tailor niake them HUNSLET MILLS 22d Above Hamilton St. Hours from 10 te 3 o'clock NeVemberSakVinteifurs SaVuigs225te40PerCent T At this season of the year, right at the approach of winter, with December, "" f nVfirsi- fill l-rettfrO.irf ttf rt trlti AMff. r tW. .l,f. nit tltin .; in m .a.l.. " i wi. v Mj,uiui-iijiiij fftvrccrc, viity u itw uci;fie uir, tfite niitc; la iiul umy timely, but the values are se great and the savings se much that it unusual. Here is your opportunity te save from one-fourth up te almost end-half en every article in this store Furs of the richest quality, Fur Coats and Ceatees of ultra style-distinction, chic Cheker Scarfs, Steles that lend a charm, Fur Sets of smartness and fashion and all at the most extraordinary reductions. New is the time te buy Furs for present wear, for Christmas gifts. You'll save money by buying new. New prices plainly marked en tag. Ne secret price cedes. A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL RESERVE YOUR PURCHASE Extra Special Values is most C ' 1 The Winner j i & 1 1 In nny rc for rlnan telh. (Inn, healthy aums anil awfet breath our ltene and Myrrh Teeth Sunh a delightful preparation hlrh makes conservation of mouth health a plenaur In handy aprlnlder-tep liettlea. 35c and 7Be LLEWELLYN'S I'lilladelphla'H Htnndiird Dm Htern lies 1.118 Chestnut Slrri-t M'e hate reed tenthlirimhr Ti.fi iDiH'M.hmmn 3 .501 Round Trip Washingt en OR 5Q'-00Dlt: Se.c O 'SKE'Dri II llllllrH -.1 "nd War Ta 8 additional' Sunday, November 14 Sl'ECIAr. TItAIN LBAVKH VVtA',p5Sf.eSt, SJ?,len 7:80 A. M weal fnlladelnhla 7:33 a m whln nKTURNINa I.EAVB8 " R,W'n.?.,").. 7:16 P. Jf m Htatlnnl ..B:'.'fl I', M, 00 lennd Trlii VMa.PVitKiJWS!"! riJM'nVA'A1"" 9nuin.ent. lle. Iv1 , Memerial. 'lUbrarr uf Cmi- snle Qarden. Cnrrerun Art (let. d .aUhfa of B jlatnlnrten. ''The City lleautlfal.' eimiiar Kxcurnlens November i, ana December 12 Pennsyl vaniaSystem ""MMirf FUR COATS AND WRAPS Marmet Ceals 125.00 74.50 French Seal Coats Utf.00 97 M Trimmed Marmet Coats. . .-.175.00 125.00 Hudsen Seal Coats 195.00 135.00 Trimmed French Seal Coats . 225.00 145.00 Taupe Nutria Coats 225.00 145.00 Natural Muskrat Coats 225.00 165.00 THmmcd Hudsen Seal Ceats.S95.00 295.00 Natural Squirrel Coats 495.00 345.00 Trimmed Mele Wrap J, 95. 00 345.00 Trimmed Hud. Seal Wraps . . 550.00 375.00 Baby Caracul Wrap 795.00 595.00 MrWSi fWm (niul'ltii a r m muim w rim" iAtmftllM n N Al t K.M. jl (fl, liaJsaaaaaaaaHrl 31 INK WrMK4nslaaaaDtl (lATK.i: MyWZmslaaaaWvl Nnifinlicr rj 1lKnsaaaaVaaaaaal 345.00 WhW Wlnter I'rlre VB' w 13.1 (Ml W Cheker Scarfs Were New Nutural Squirrel M.50 9.50 Aust. Opossum ..M.50 9.50 Jap. Mink 16.50 10.50 Stene Marten ...30.50 19.50 Fitch (2-skin) ..'19.50 34.50 Jap Sable 49.50 34.50 Hud. Bay Sable. . .G9.50 44.50 SPECIAL 39.50 AUSTRALIAN SEAL STOLES 12 inches wide, 72 inches long. Mnde from fine, soft, lustrous skins.' Beautifully lined, and exceptional value. 29.50 -Ceatees- Taupe Nutria, 110.00 new 69.50 Hudsen Seal, 145.00 new 97.50 French Seal with Squirrel. 195.00 new 120.00 Hudsen Seal with Squirrel, 225.00 new 137.50 Taupe Nutria with Black Muskrat 295.00 new 175.00 Natural Mink, 295.00 new 195.00 Hud&en Seal with Mele, 345.00 new 210.00 Moleskin with Squirrel, 625.00 new 475.00 Kelinsky.. 850.00 new 625.00 Steles y ere Australian Scul. .39.40 Scotch Moleskin.. 1 J 0.00 Hudsen Seal 110.00 Natural Nutria. . 125.00 Skunk 135.00 Natural Squirrel 135.00 Jap Mink ;. 175.00 New 24.50 69.50 69.50 79.50 81.50 81.50 97.50 Scarfs SPECIAL 14.50 CHOKER SCARFS Natural Squirrel, Aus tralian Opossum and Jap Kelinsky, animal effects; solid; well made. 9.50 ImmJ WOLF Black, Taupe. Brown 19.00 French Seal .... 24.50 FOX Brown, Taupe 29.50 Heaver 39.50 Skunk 49.50 Scotch Mele 59.50 Natural Squirrel. 59.50 Sets Hudsen Seal . . . Jap Mink Genuine Beaver. . Black Fex Natural Raccoon. Black Lynx Mere 39.50 59.50 50.50 64.50 64.50 74.50 Natural Skunk. .110.00 Bed Fex 165.00 135.00 .New 9.50 11.50 19.50 24.50 34.50 39.50 39.50 New 29.50 39.50 39.50 49.50 49.50 C9.50 84.50 SPECIAL 05.00 BLACK FOX SET Large silk-lined animal Scarf. Canteen hhaped nut IT trimmed with head, paws and tail te mutch. 49.50 -SPECIAL-- BLACK WOLF SCARFS Snun t looking, dressy a bier vulue; also in Tuupe and Brown. Silk lined. 14.50 tQBM$-U15 Chestnut St., Opposite Keith's-fQffliS 33331 STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER We Bought Our Regular Stock of Men's and Yeung Men's CLOTHING Before There Was Any Reduction in the Wholesale Market and the Lowering of Prices Has Been at Our Less; But New the Manufacturer Shares the Less en These 1000 Suits, 1000 Overcoats $29.00 $39.00 $49.00 Werth $45.00, $60.00, $65.00, $70.00 te $90.00 The headlines and the figures tell the news, which requires little further explanation. Our entire stock of men's and young men's Clothing is marked at reduced prices. Our business has been almost phenomenal. Day after day, all past season's records are being broken, and our great stocks have been materially reduced. NOW COMES A LARGE MANUFACTURER from whom we buy tens of thou sands of dollars' worth each year, volunteering te sell us about 1000 Suits and Overcoats at LESS THAN THE COST QF PRODUCTION. Te these we add an equal number from our own stock, from several manufacturers, which the new purchase enables us te reduce still further, making the new prices AVERAGE LESS THAN THIS SEASON'S WHOLESALE PRICES. Splendid new Suits, Winter Overcoats and Ulsters, worth $45.00, new $29.00; worth $60.00 and $65.00, new $39.00; worth yiv.vu iu if.'U.UW, "WW tp..W. Straw brldKe h Clothier Second Klenr $7.50 Cotten-Filled Comfertables, new $5.75 In winter weight, scroll stitched, with covering figured in Oriental designs and colorings. S12 Weel Comfertables, $9.50 Covered with figured saline, with border in solid color. $20 Down Comfertables, $18 With pretty figured satinc cov ers bordered with plain satine. $12 Blankets, $10.50 a pair Warm White Weel - mixed Blankets, with dainty colored bor ders, 76x81 inches. StrawbrMuc A C'letliler Alile 11, Fllhert Siren Men's Madras Shirts at $1.95 A shipment of- brand-new Shirts which the manufacturer let go at lcs3 tliun it cost him te make them. The patterns are distinctive ind the weikmanship is of the best. Straw brlili: d Clothier Ln"' Stere. i::Khth Street Geld-filled Bangles and Bracelets, $1.25 Hew much young girls will en joy wearing these pretty Brace-, le s, all beautifully engraved in attractive designs. Bangle Brace lets are in women's sizes and arc chased in effective patterns. A special purchase new $1.23. S.rnw-brM. Clothier-. H" '' Market Sircet Gelden Special Te-morrow Mere Than 2000 Pure Linen Huckaback TOWELS 22x40 Inches At q.50 These Towels are of full-bleached linen huckaback a fine, velI-wevcn quality with all-aieund damask borders in two beau tiful designs; finished with spoke hemstitched ends. The regular price was $2.50 which was less than similar grades could be bought for elsewhere. Under the Gelden Special sign, at $1.50. In all fairness t'e the great many customers who will come for these Towels te-morrow, we cannot scllmere than a dozen te each purchaser. .:) Straw bridge & Clothier Alnle 15, Centre ruEsPECIA& VK23 tZS&S Ngg 'V W? Our Entire Stock of FURNITURE Reduced Upholstered Living-room Suits, Bedroom Suits and Dining-room Suits, all at reduced prices some at sav ings of 25 te 30 per cent. Hundreds of single pieces Tables, Chuirs, Rockers, Bookcases, Desks, Cabinets, Tea Wagons and Novelty Furniture, and all Summer Furni ture reduced. --Straw L-rldec & I'luih.er Thlnf Kinnr Strawbrldcn Ir Cleth er -Serend FliMir West Many Silk Dresses Specially Priced Frem $19.75 te $25.00 The Satin Dress sketched, special at 23.75, is from this group. Others of crepe de chine, satin and combinations of satin-and-ciepj t Georgette, with draped, plaited-tunic, divided tunic and tier skirts, with bodices with dainty cstces or gracefully surpliccd, many with the fashionable sash a very chnrminsr group in deed, anil remarkable values at $1055 te $2.".0O. Dresses, Special at $15.00 Tunic and redingote models, also one en st'iiight lines, attractively braided and embroid ered. Of sorge in navy blue, and of jersey in beaver and navy blue New Medels in Jersey Dresses Special, $32.50 and $35.00 New redingote,- panel and c at-cfi'ect model.-. u new special purchase just leceived. Seme biaidc, t,emi embroidered, and hnvinsr narrow lie lints or wiue Miches. In navv blue. Flemish blue and brown. na.v ui"1 .strawl)rdij. L Clothier Her-inJ Hen. Market SI reel fccffi u I Coats and Delmans At Special Pria s j $50.00 Delmans new $40.00 Ouc Medel Shown in the Slcitch , It i-i of wool r'eur, with deep cellar of I 1!"t,'.'a' raccoon or opesum fur, and beau ! tifu ly lined throughout. Anether model of velour, made en the tapering Delman lines. . has a deep heeded cellar of the material. All in geed ('ark street shader. I $70.00 Delmans new S55.00 I Seventy dt liars is a very contervathe value te place en these fine Delmans, of hign- grade fabrics in plain shades and silvcrtere. Made with deep, graceful cellars, some of fui, and elegant y lined throughout. i $45.00 Coats new $33.50 I'lill. loose CVjits of wool velour, in l,ii I street shades, trimmed w'tli the new dncernth. stitching, lined throughout with silk an.i finished with deep cape-like cellar. I $35.00 Coats new $28.75 ; lined hi ,;: r " m;;v "? .!'- -d ..one i0Ur-. .... i u ii , . . u " "'u'leM wild tur ii.ii tiuui (.oral- uanucu with fur III "I lil -- - Strn l.rlil,! Beys' $26.00 Suits' $1 Q 75 2 Pairs of Trousers ' " Neat plaited styles of all-wool cheviets in handsome new shades of brown, gray and green. Mohair-lined coat. Twe pan- of full-lined Knickerbockers with each coat. Si. -s 8 te 18 years. This is just one of the many remarkable groups in cluded in our entire stock of Beys' Clothing which is new reu ii ecu, - Sn.mliri lin &. Ce ln n, I riner 1 ill, l si wlhi"! -I.-, nnd 1" $10.00 and $20.00 Crepe Georgette Waists, $7.50, $10.00 and $15.00 . nr.li, .i u.iu iiLceni nucil lines from our mgula ISS . "ft: ",n: . ?.j-b!z .' -pc. coerds. "...,,: , " ' " I'l.iiinuq wun iianu-mnde laces ..wwr.vw.v. mm ,. ,n i-very cetml. White, flesh. I shades in the Kt - . s.r,,n.iK . , i,hi,.r s, sleck, richly unusualfy i-que and dark ,-n, I'im- I'entre Our Exceptionally Lew Prices en Fur Scarfs and Muffs Much j Women's Jersey Cleth Suits Under the Usual Prices The eempavnlie prices show the reductions but you nui. t i'-il the Kur Stere te get an idea of the fashion bwiuty, the intrinsic alue and the wonderful variety for selection. These are a few of the many: $275 Squirrel Stele, $223 Siberian iquirrel; shaped neck, slole i mis. ' .S275 Black Lynx Stele. $220 ' Large, and finished with tails. $H),- Kelinsky Stele, $135 Twelve-skin stele with tail. ijliiO Marten Scarf, new $375 Blended Japanese Marten; eight skins. $375 Cape Stele, new $275 Natural Skunk elaborately trimmed with tails. $1)5 Black Fex Scarf, $82.50 Alaska Kox Animal Scarf, with head and brush tail. $175 Muskrat Cellar, $115 Natural Hlack Muskrat; nicely lined. $190 Cape Cellar, ney $M5 Siberian Squlircl, In brown. -btrwlirl,li-e 4. Olelliler $105 Skunk Cellar. $137.50 Natural Sku.ik; deep -back model. S2!)i) Moleskin Stele, $250 Extra long; beautiful quality. S8.-j0.00 Ve Scarf. $750.00 Genuine Sihtr l-'ex Animal Scarf; fur en both sides 5125 Cress Im Mm IV, $100 Natural Crea- Fix Melen Muff. $283.00 Mink MulT. $200.00 Natural mink; full-fun id skins. $120.00 Beaver Muff, $05.00 Melen Muff of natural beaver. $100 Taupe Lyn Muff. $85 Made in the well-liked canteen style. $115 lllack Lynx Muff, $85.00 $100 Moleskin Muff, $fJ5.00 -3,cmi,l J'loer Till,! Hirt bikI centr. V MAIJKET STREET Cleth Suits, Special at S35.00 luiiureu, maiinisii-ioehintr tweeds, also Foft, fine veleurs ....-,,,, rumcr simpiy tailored, some belted, some lines excellent Suit-i for Kcneral wear. Sir iwIiiIiUk I ilnlh'.r S.,tii en White Scrim Dutch Curtains .Reduced te $2.50 a Pair ,,,, .'IeS' ",udl, ll,e' d,hl te '"' appearance of the home, Uioie M lute Scrim Curtains trimmed with lace Insertion and edfring. Siveral attiaetne patterns in this desirable let e f.00 pairs of Curtains, -J yards lent', with 18-inch valance. An opportunity te -live when buymjr new rlu tains new $2.50 a pair " UlnwIirlilKw j. i lnlli'rr Tlnnl I'lmir Murl., I Sfff( iStrawbridge & Clothier Haul Men's "Interwoven" Socks Reduced The "Interwoven" Socks are strongly reinforced at all wear points. Thousands of men pre fer "Interwoven" above all ether makes. They will be glad te knew that "Interwoven" Mercerized Lisle Pecks, in black, white, navy blue, tan. cordovan and jjray, have been reduced from 75c te fi5c a pair. "Interwoven" Silk Socks, in black, navy blue, tan, caster, cordovan and gray, that were $1.25 are new $1.00 a pair. KtrnwbrlilKa A Clothier Alale 8. Market Street Kitchen Crockery at Special Prices Limited spac.e permits the men tion of only n few of the many "Reduction Sale" values new avnilablc Nests of G Yellow Mixing or Re frigerator Uewls new $L23 Set of 4 Hlue-band Howls $1.23 Set of 5 Olass Rowls 93c Decorated Salt Bexes 90c ii Hlue-band Lew Rowls $1.50 OTHER SUGGESTIONS $13 Decorated Cereal Sets $12 Colonial Tumblers 15c a dozen HtnuvlirlilEii i. Clothier Ilarn-ment Petticeats7$1.00 Save One-third Sturdy Cotten Taffsta Petti coats, prettily figured. Made, with shirred flounce edged with plaiting. Ever &e practical in fabric and style. ir cellar and one model Further Reduced for the Sale Medels wifli smartly tailored belts, patch pockets and mannish "'cefS- ,viU,r!TnUi.Cl1 Knl,n- bre'ul aml Oxford grav-ieca ilf.FH0- ,Nerfflk vtCwt; an.'1 P't--bick. straight fro,,tSnedes en s'ueci'il Vt's-'i" '" ht;ather-mixc(J -i. Oxford gray an, and straight '1 I i or Ci-ntrii EIGHTH STREET FILBERT STREET -4fWi H Li iff z 1 f In TV Z .K.A, tvll . .j X ' At -i' & VfW t. . ..wt'.ii t kn $& <$$tcm. ,