Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 05, 1920, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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Jf" ? 7 A?; V-'ll
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Organ plays at 9, ,11 and 5:20
Clil'me at Noen -
Stere Opens at 9
Stere Closes at 5:30 WANAMAKER'S
Tomorrow thePremised Sale of Fine Coats, Dresses and Suits
ler (xirls and Yeung Women
Hundreds of new, fashionable Winter garments,, all at saving prices
The Last Twe Days Have Put
New Life Inte the Air
There was a new shine in people's eyes and a new
tone of courage in men's voices and women's eyes.
Election day steed up the hundred millions te
declare theinsclves upon the referendum thrust
solemnly unen them.
The Natien stands up and speaks decisively for
Geerge Washington's Americanism.
The whole world rubs its eyes 'and new under
stands, what the United States means te de.
Surely we new knew the war is actually ever.'
Americans must go te work at Washington and
elsewhere te restore ,its old-time prosperities and find
the way te cheapen the necessities of life.
This cannot be done in one day or one month, but
we can all work at it sincerely and steadily every day
until it comes te pass.
Nev. S, 1920.
125 Women's Velour Suits
Fur Trimmed at $55
Needless te say this is a
late-season price a few weeks
age similar suits cost from
$12j50 te $25 mere than we
are asking today.
There are a dozen styles of
these suits, and every one has
a rich cellar of squirrel, nutria
erjther fur. They are in the
most wanted navy, brown,
black and taupe shades; they
are lined with peau de cygne
and warmly interlined besides,
and there are sizes for every
body in the let, from 34 inches
te 44 inches.
(First rioer. Central)
New Black Duvetyne Wraps
Without Fur Cellars
Quite a number of women
have been asking for them,
se we are very glad te be able
te announce their arrival.
They are very handsome
garments, loose and graceful
in their lines and made 'of the
finest quality silk and wool
duvetyne. They are entirely
silk lined and also interlined,
Flrt Fleer, Central)
making them very warm al
though light in weight
There are two models, either
one .of which could be worn
with or without furs. One has
a gathered cowl cellar, the
ether has a round cape cellar.
Beth models are entirely in
keeping with mourning wear.
Prices are $225 and $260.
Warm Coatings Have Suddenly
Become Very Fepular
There really isn't any time
te leso if women would have
their coats and wraps made up
before cold weather starts.
Many kinds of coatings are
in fashion this Winter, and all
of them are . here. Alse,
every ene of the prices is low
er than a month or se age,
some being only half what
they were.
All-wool velenrs, In the best
snades, ?3 te $B a yard,
(Flrit Fleer, Cliesinut)
All-wool belivias, $6 te
$16.50 a yard.
Silvertenes, all-wool except
for the thread of silk in the
weave; diagonal, $3, and plain,
$3.50 a yard.
All-wool duvctynes, $10 a
Silk and wool mixtures, $7.50
j: yard.
Camel's-hair in oxford, S8
and 510 a yard. Others in col
ors, $12 a yard.
Italian Beaded Handbags
at $6.75 te $15
Remarkably, geed-looking All drawstring styles, some
beaded bags for such modest with s.luare bottoms and ethers
price All crocheted and made Ssset th 1& S
te gtve real service. dark colors ,among them.
(Vain Fleer, Chestnut)
$16.75 Pleated Plaid Skirts
Are Very Special Values
Se mtrch be that we have
ewe exactly like them in
vcryday stock for half as
xnucb again and ethers that
are even mere.
There are only about 100 of
thes,e $16.75 skirts; they are
the last the manufacturer is
making for the Winter season
and that explains the small-
ness of the price. All are
pleated in the newest fashion,
with box pleats and knife
pleats and some have narrow
patent leather belts. -.The
plaids are in the love
liest colors blue and brown
combinations, Copenhagen with
navy and black and white
Specially Priced Winter Gloves
for Children
$1.35 a pair for unlincd capeskin gloves,
capeskin gloves in tan, brown $U5 a pair for fleece lined
?nn,t.r-n i- , capeskin gauntlets with fringed
$s a pair for fleece lined tan cuffs in brown.
(West Aisle)
Yes It's True
The Christmas Delts Are Here
IOU Can KPft tlinm irAiivxnlP
and we are sure every little
girl will want te come in and
make their acquaintance, for
J.hey are the loveliest dells
that have been here for many
a day.
There are hundreds and
hundreds of them big dells
and little dells, baby dells in
Jeng clothes and ethers of all
sizes and ages up te really
grown-up enc3 with white
Some have traveled a long
distance all the way from
JtfTrance. Yeu can see a num
ber of them in a case dressed
ap te go te a fancy dress ball.
Some of the new little French
""i Bl1 their time
swinging. Then there's a new
clown dell, looking as if he had
iu? Bwaigui xrem the circus.
Bereath Fleer, Market)
And Red Riding Heed, Geldie
Le.cks, Mary and her lamb and
lets of ether friends out of
Mether Geese are here, tee.
But that isn't all by any
means; there are dells that
walk, with you when you take
their hand, soft cuddly babies
that say "Mama" or cry te be
taken up; character dells,
looking like real children, and
wooden dells that you can
scarcely break even if you
They a,re one and all wait
ing for their new mistresses
and they hope they'll come in
seen. Dressed deUs are all the
way from 50c up te a life-sized
dell, 38 inches tall, at $85.
Undressed dells from 50c up te
$45. And there are all the
things they will need here, tee.
Coats, $32 te $95
Dresses, $19.50 te $39.50
Suits, $55
Skirts, $9.75
There is one safe, sire and certain way, we've discovered, te get exactly what we want for
you and 'that is te have it made especially and expressly for us. That is what we have done
in this great Winter sale and a remarkable sale it is and that is why
the fashions are se new and smart
the fabrics are se fine
the goods se well made.
-Yeu could buy "any one of these frocks blindfolded that's hew geed the colors are, hew
becoming the styles. Yeu could de the same with the coats and the suits and skirts.
Savings Range Frem 15 te 50 Per Cent
and that is certainly important these days! And it is doubly important when you remember
that the goods are new and fresh, the styles desirable and the Winter season just
A Geed Day te. Get Your
Winter Geat!
te Find v
At $32 Expect
jaunty sports coats for all Win
ter wear coats , of imported
mixtures in a. sports length, with
belts, buttons and the pockets
girls like. They're silk-lined te
the waist.
Coats at $39.50 Are Fur
and extremely geed looking, tee
coats and the fashionable
wraps of .soft wool veleurs with
deep cellars of lustrous nearseal
(dyed ceney) and lined through
out with silk.
There Are Handsome
Coats at $55 and $75
of beautiful quality Belivias and
fine veleurs in smart, new Win
ter styles both wraps and coats.
Wide cellars of opossum and
taupe nutria finish them. They
are coats for general or dress
wear and are richly lined
throughout with fine silks.
The Coats at $95 Are
and are all of soft, thick Belivias,
are beautifully made, and are fin
ished with deep cellars of soft
taupe nutria or the fashienable
Australian opossum. They have
side pockets, narrow belts, silk
stitching and lovely silk linings.
All These Coats Are In
' the New Celers
reindeer, Zanzibar and ether new
browns, tans and taupe shades, as
well as the fashionable blues
Nanking, Suchow and ether
Smart, New
Suits at $55
are all of the fashienable wool
velour. Well tailored, trim suits
they are, of fine quality. They
are In the newest shades tans
and browns; henna, blue and
taupe, and finished with large
cellars of fur nutria and seal
dyed ceney.
All tJie garments are
in 14 te 20 year sizes
and se well cut and
made they'll fit, in most
cases, without alteration.
Hundreds of Levely Dresses
$19.50 $35 $39.50
Just 100 Dresses it $19.50
and surprisingly geed they arc, tee! Glistening satins, firm wool
tricetines and serges in seven uncommonly geed styles. Round necks,
Pleated skirts, a touch of lace, sometimes beading, sometimes embroid embreid embroid
eryeou'll find them all in the group. Plenty of dark blue and ether
Any One of These $35 Dresses Would Be a
Safe Choice
Just one hundred of these, tee,
and scarcely two alike! Samples
they are, brand-new, in charm
ing Winter styles, and delightful
Winter dresses, every one.
Handsome velveteens, some
stunning silk frocks, some of
crepes meteor and crepes de chine,
some of silk tricelctte, are all in,
eluded. Beaded and embroidered,
they are in blue shades, in browns
and ether fashionable Winter
Smart Cleth Dresses
at $39.50
arc kinds you'd expect, and prop
erly expect, te be wearing much
higher price tags. They are youth
ful attractive frocks of firm
trjeetinc, some trimmed with
duvetyne, some with silver or
geld embroidery, some with
chenille, and some combined with
satin. Blue, brown, taupe and
ether colors in this group.
All-Weel Plaid
Skirts at $9.7
are skirts in the prettiest of the
Winter colors and combinations.
Made in new styles and just right
te wear with separate coats and
sports jackets. 31 te 36 inch
lengths and 25 te 30 inch waist
bands. 4
Ready for the Great
Army of Men Who
Want New Clethes
Ready with new Winter suits
Ready with new overcoats
Ready with new shirts, new
hats, new neckties, new shoes,
new underwear, new half hose,
new gloves, new handkerchiefs
The goods that are right and that are fash-'
ienable and that are durable.
All brand-new and fine no old war and
warehouse stocks here.
Our men's new suits and overcoats for the
Fall and Winter are the best ready-te-wear
garments in America.
They are different from most of the cloth
ing in the market. ,
They are all-woerand hand tailored and
genuine down te the last stitch.
They exemplify the latest and best in
They prove the excellence of all-wool
They manifest themselves as worth the
They are here in abundance te cheese from,
and every dollar you pay buys a full dollar's
worth of clothing.
Prudent men, seeking real worth, will net
buy elsewhere until they have seen these goods.
Suits at $40 te $95.
Overcoats at $47 te $125.
(Third Fleer, Market)
Men's Seft Cellar White Shirts
Special at $2.55
These are the shirts that college men and ether young men
are se keen about.
Made of excellent white cheviot with attached soft cellars
that button down at the points and with soft wristband cuffs.
Ordinarily these shirts sell for a dollar mere, but we get
this let from a manufacturer going out of business.
(Main Fleer, Market)
Men's Silk Half Hese
Special at $1
Black, white, navy, cordovan and smoke, in a geed weight
nnd with extra reinforced heels and tees of mercerized cotton.
They were a. fourth te a half mere.
(Main Fleer, Market)
Men's Excellent Brogues
for $6.75 a Pair
Made of mahogany calfskin, and geed, solid leather, tee.
With the square tees, long wing tips and profuse punching
and perforation that are the earmarks of brogue 3hees, and wide,
flat heels.
High shoes but rather low cut
(Alain Fleer, Market)
New Beeks for Yeung Readers
"The Dreadful nivr.rnr'
by James Willard Schult'z.
"Fourth Down," by Ralph
Henry Barbour. $1.75.
"The Heme-run King," by
Babe Ruth. $1.
"The Yeung Wireless Opera
ter Afloat," by Lewis E.
Theiss. $1.75.
"On the Edge of the Wilder
ness," by Walter Prichard
Eaten. $1.75.
(Main Fleer, Thirteenth)
"Lucltv Pennv nF Tlitatln
Troop," a Girl Scout story, by
Amy E. Blanchard. $1.75.
"Highacres." by Jane D.
Abbett. $1.75.
"Refugee Reck," by Rupert
S. Helland. $1.75.
"The Mutineers," by Charles
Beardman Hawes. $2.
"Jane Allen: Center," by
Edith Bancroft. $1.50.
"Patsy Carrell in tht Gelden
West? by Grace Gorden. $1.50.
Every Dinner Set in Our Stock
Down 25 Per Cent in the $100,000 Sale of
China and Glassware
Winter Footgear for
Children and Beys
Infants' tan button and lace
shoes without tips and with
out boxes; bread tees. This
style may also be had in white
buckskin for the same money.
Sizes 2Yj te 4S, price $4.50;
5 te 8, price $5.
Children's tan calfskin lace
shoes with welt soles, sizes 8
te 11, prices, $0.25 te $7.75;
sizes 11 Vi te 2, prices $7.50
te $9.
Black calfskin lace shoes,
' (Fin it
.. , ,1 ,f i -
sizes S'3 te 11, price $G; sizes
11 te 2, price $0.50.
Beys' shoes
Black calfskin, blucher cut
lace shoes, sizes 11 te 2, price
Patent leather lace shoes
with black calf tops, sizes
11 te 2, price $0.50.
Heavy tan calfskin lace
shoes, blucher cut, sizes 2 te,
C i ,-price $4.60.
'toer, Mark.t) '
' V .
Every set, French, English, American, Bava
rian, Japanese !
In ether words, you can take your choice from
a splendid collection of sets, all bought for this Fall
season's business, and all practir new, at 25 per
cent less than the fair prices at which they have
been marked.
They include -rich, coin-geld decorations, en
crusted borders, conventional and floral border
patterns, quaint old English and Chinese patterns,
together with the modest floral sprays, geld bands
and color bands.
French dinner sets are new marked $37.50,
$63.75, $75 and up te $315.
English dinner sets new marked $30, $37.50
and $56.25.
Bavarian dinner sets are new marked $33.75,
$41.25, $48.75, $63.75, $93.75 and en up through a
remarkable variety te $225.
Japanese dinner sets are new marked $45
$48.75, $56.25, $63.75 and $105.
American dinner sets are new marked $17
$22.50, $26.25, $28.25, $30 and up te $56.25.
, . - (Fourth Fleer, CUeitn'ut)
Cut Glass in Large and Brilliant
Choice at One-Third Less
Several hundred pieces in our own regular
stock have been lowered 33 1-3 per cent. The col
lection included in the Sale is representative of our
entire stock, both in the variety and quality of the
pieces and there is no mere attractive variety or
liner quality anywhere.
There are bowls at $3.50 and $6; tall competes,
&. celery trays, $3 and $5; low berry dishes, $6;
relish dishes, $4 and $5 ; ice-cream trays, $5 and $7:
bonbon dishes, $1.25; vases, 12-inch $5, 14-inch $7,
16-inch $9, 18-inch $12; square vases, 14-inch $10,
16-inch $12; punch bowls en stand, 10 inches, $18.
About one hundred pieces of the finest of Eng
lish crystal at half price, new $2.50 te $22.50;
vases; jugs, flower holders, rose bowls and de
canters. Inexpensive Glasswn-e
Colonial table tumblers at 5c each.
Light-cut iced tea sets, $4 a set.
ou ygI?t"cu1cJdy Jars half-pound size, 75c; one-
. Colored candy jars, half-pound size, $1 ; pound
size, ipl.50.
Colored Bohemian and domestic fancy glass
vases, baskets and bowls at half mice
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