' ,,v?)r'M' " v ,W I .aa-agpa 'sik.f.VV - VVA" wyr'vMKWPi "-lWra .J' t I (Fa & S will m 5 Bamr.. ''mrxsnrrw r, .? W l V Fi. vm ' .' 5 r II 11 f f r WORLD FRATERNITY i;.r IS HARDING'S AIM VHV-' .- Jj, ... PUBLIC 4 ,Mf 3New Association te Be Founded ,UT v, y- B! ',1. -, ...., uii epirn et jusiice ana - Righteousness AMERICA WILL DO ITS PART en pence Marlen, 0., Ner. fi. Making his first speech ns' rrpsluVnt-elect, Warren G, llnrjllng dcclnred nt nn election celebration of home (eiks here last night that the Vernnllles I.cnKtie of Nations yjs '.'new deceased." nltheuch the ad ministration Intended te sec that the ilntieir plaj-ed -Hi part In n new Inter national association rounded and Justice. Mr. TlardlnR also told his friend and 'neighbors, nearly 80.00l of whom (fath ered around the front perch lu a cheer ing conceurfco rivaling the greatest crowd of the campaiRn. that he had cpme through the light "without an npplejry or n regret." If I had te peek the presidency at the cost of sneaking 111 or telling n lie." hu'thundcred, "I'd spurn the office, for It would net be worth nn honest man's occupancy." Ne Sorrow Ox'er League ' Great cheers greeted that utterance. Fer an hour imrndejs, cacrylng red flares, had streamed by the Harding home, carrying hnnuers that "Ilardlns and n clerin campaign wen." exhibiting the Democratic donkey ridden te defeat, and showing the "League of Nations" en n bier, followed by n Demecrntic rbest'er en a high pole drnped In mourning. "I didn't nefiiv as much sorrow in your faces as I might have apprehend ed," said Senater Harding, referring te the league effigy. "It isn't that you or I question the desirability of the United States having part in n frnternity of nations or that -we question the ideals of these responsible for the Versailles covenant. "But you didn't want a surrendered United States of America or the mort gaging of America te the old world ; you Jnntcd te go en under American ideals. t?1,8 w"' m didn't want the league, which is new deceased. -inat deesn t mean you don't want WEARS HAT FOR FIRST TIME IN 8 YEARS ON G. O. P. VICTORY New Jersey Farmer Had Made Bet He Would Ge Bare-Headed Until Republican Was Again Elected President "A" Shlnn, n Burlington county farmer, llvlnc nt Masenvllle, N. J., Is wearing a hat for the first tlme In eight years' as a result of the election of a Republican President. Eight years age Bhlnn made a bet with Bill Llpplncett. the Masenvllle hlneksmlth, that If Taft was elected Bill would have te shoe his bny mare nil around without charge, and In the event of Wilsen's election he would go hatless until the next Republican Presi dent was elected. Shlnn let the bet, and he has kept his vow. Italn, snow or sunshine, het or cold, "Shinny," as most of the neighbors call him, has gene without a hat. He has worn his hair long, seldom having It cut, and when he appeared en Wednesday, the day following elec tion, with a haircut and n brand-new "kellv" en his head, his home-coming wns riot unlike that of Hip Van Winkle. Even Al's favorite hound deg greeted the stranger with growls and barks, nnd his younger son, Al, Jr., ran Inte the heuse crying. "Mem, here's soma man out here wants te 8ce you." Mr. Shlnn said : "I sure was anxious for Mr. Harding's election, for I was determined never te wear a hat again until a Republican was elected. I didn't mind going without a hat se bad, but I considered It n matter of prin ciple. "In fact. I went se, long bareheaded that I don't think I can ever wear n hat ngaln with comfort. Soen as my hair grows out again I'll be going hat less again. The high price erMiats Is nnethcr geed reason, tee. When I made that feel bet I could buy n cap for fifty cents and when I went up te Mount Helly te get this one, the first I have bought in ever eight years, I found that the same kind of cap would cost me $2. "Same way with haircuts. In the geed old Republican days I could get r haircut and shave for a quarter and new It costs me seventy-five cents." the next administration comes Inte power we are going te ask for the na tions te be associated in a spirit of Jus tice nnd world righteousness. But It shnll be one that surrenders nothing of American freedom, nothing of American nationality, nothing that mortgages us te the old world, hut leaves us te go en with a free course te lead as the greatest republfc en earth In the ful fillment of the destinies of the world. "Ged helping me, I'm going te Wash ington em a booster of the United States of America. I don't mean an America leading a selfish existence or at the cost of discouraging or -neglecting the world, but we must be strong nt home te play our part, and I want America te be the strongest nation en the face of the earth. I knew America will meet every obli gation te the world." Senater Harding declared he believed. America was net expecting a super man as president, thnt be was no super man, but that, as President, he would re-establish government of and by the people. Harding "Never a Radical" "Maybe I have one qualification that i will be of value In our present sitnn- I !.. " . xnt.l T tin... nil 1H America te de its full part. There is a preached conference and consultation. new world rIntiniwhip te be e.stab- I have never been a radical. Sometimes iisiicu. I would tell thr world that when I have been cnllcd an ultra-censerva tive or a reactionary. What we need is n little slewing up by the radicals and speeding up by the conservatives, se that we can give te the country and the world its proper leadership and stabilizing Influence. "When I go Inte office I'm going in knowing thnt Americn is right, that she has spoken and has faith in a sobering influence. Fer the benefit of mankind I shall be glad te participate in such a service." He said he hoped se te conduct him self in office ns te held the confidence and respect expressed se heartily by his fellow townsmen. 3 DEMOCRATS IN PA. SENATE Membership In Heuse of Represen tatives Dwindles te Fourteen Harrlsburg, Nev. 5. (By A. P.) Democratic strength in the Pennsyl vania Legislature which will convene here In January next will be the small est ever known In the opinion of state legislative officials, who today estimated that the state Senate would contain but three Democrats and the Heuse of Rep resentatives only fourteen. In the session of 1010 the Democrats had six of fifty senators nnd twenty three of 207 members. LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, WOMAN, 65, SHERIFF-ELECT Declares She Can Land Bad Man, but Will Make Husband Deputy Roscommon, Mich., Nev. C. (By A. P.) Mrs, Jane Jehnsen, sixty-five years old, mother of thrce children and sheriff-elect of Roscommon county, to day outlined the platform en whlch'she will go Inte offlce next January. "I can land n bad man or a bad wemnn myself, If necessary," she said, "but as a matter 6f precaution I will appoint my husband deputy. In the intervals, between searching for and caring for prisoners-1 will leek after my children two girls and a boy and the domestic duties in the county Jail." Mrs. Jehnsdn added that In case it Bheuld beceme necessary for her "te arrest a bad man, he will knew some ene has been after him." The sheriff-elect gained her experi ence from her husband, who has been sheriff for the last-six years and whom she married forty years age. Poles Grant Political Amnesty Paris, Nev. C. The Polish Govern ment granted amnesty te all political prisoners en Monday last. STATE TO CELEBRATE "Pennsylvania Day" Will Be Ob. served at College Tomorrow State College, 1., Nev. 6. Many visitors have arrived for the annual Pennsylvania Day celebration which will be observed by 'the Pennsylvania State College tomorrow. Fraternity and club dances tonight will inaugurate the cele bration. Adjutant General Frank D. Benry will arrive this evening and review the stu dent cadet regiment of 1500 men tomer- row morning, Colonel Theodere D. Beal, organizer of the famous Boalsburg Ma chine Gun Troop of the N; G. IV will entertain the college military staff at the troop camp tonight in honor of the adjutant general. Judge Jeseph Buf ' flngten, of the United States Circuit Court, Pittsburgh, and Dr. E. E. Sparks, retiring president of Penn State,' will address the students and visitors; following the review. Motorists from all parts of the state I arrived today for the celebration, and I upward or lw.uuu people are expected here in time for the football game with the university or Nebraska. The pro gram for the day will be completed with a concert by .the student glee club, NOVEMBER LI'J.,H1"J J ' j Dentex will step toothache at one without Injuring or blliter in tne rnm. Eatu 4ml liters te children and teethln bablea, Toethaohe atepped while. In drur etere or money will net be luoepted. Beld at all drantatt. Mannfaetnred br On Southern Chemical Tntattm Ce Baltimore. Md. INSIDE POSITION WANTED In banktns or bend heuta br man with butlnaa and banklnjr xprlme. Beat rererencea. 0 SSI, Ccdrer Ofllee. :r Stammerers Toe can be cured . threush our meiheda. Manr men, women, slrla and bera n are been SurM durliut the put 3 yeara. Interviews BlaSr stven. New elaaaea a-tart Monday, Net. s. s Y M CA- CBtOOL FOR STAMMERERS STAMMERERS 1421 Arch Street Window Shades 65 c Reef Paint, gallon.... 85 C Best Paint, all colors.$2.50 DUDLEY'S, 52 N. 2d St. m Itrcerde 5-SS I'lar en all SyO ; Talking VvV llnchlnta JSS $n fe One Dellar Paid Satu Sends This Fine Grafonela Down m m JiftVflfcj (I Sj NEW STORE HOURS : 9:00 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. BONWIT TELLER C CO. UJie Specialty Siep cfOriainaiienb CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET . ANNOUNCEMENT FOR SATURDAY An Exceptional Sale of MISSES' APPAREL Substantial Savings Because of New Lowered Costs of Materials MISSES, TAILORED SUITS 48.00 Regular Prices te $75.00 Of Silvertene, Velour and Duvet de Laine. Bex, belted and semi-dressy styles. Sizes 14 te 18. MISSES' FUR-TRIMMED SUITS 78.00 Regular Prices te $110.00 Of Duvet de Laine and Velour; semi-fitted and Princess silhouettes. Cheker or convertible cellar of Nutria or Mele. MISSES' VELDYNE SUITS 88.00 Regular Prices te $125.00 Fur cellars of Mele, Nutria and Squirrel. Belted and flare models developed in Veldyne and Duvet de Laine. In the season's favored shades. Sizes 14 te 18. MISSES TAILORED FROCKS 58.00 Regular Prices te $89.50 Redingote straightline and panel effects with braiding, wool fringe and stitching. Easy Terms for the . Balance Ne Interest, Ne Extra Charge Ne home Is complete without the muale and entertainment whleh this fine Instrument pro vides. Buy new. It Is nn eco nomical Investment In entertain ment of the best kind. There Is no need of waiting until you have the ready cash. Wldcncr's will sell you this Grafonela en terms se easy you cannot afford te wait. Remember $1 Sends It Heme Tr -."VV (Wui4v&T'is Gralbncila Sheps 1109 Chestnut St. 19 S. 52d St. Open Frl. and Sat. Ercntnga IF YOU CANNOT CAIX OUT OCT THIS COCrON A MAIL TODAY IVIDKNXR'S ORATONOLA SHOT. 1109 Chantirat StrMt. Philadelphia Without any o&Uratlen ltnataeever an my part, aead me nhoteBiHta ajid deacrlptlena at sma l&Uet lladela of CJraftttelaa. Knm AAImii Whlrncra lire ter Iteceru Specialized Misses' Coats & Wraps 58.00 Regular Prices te $75.00 In Silvertene and ether soft finished fabrics, throughout with novelty silks. Lined Misses' Frecks (Te Clese) 28.00 Formerly te $65.00 Developed in taffeta, satin and Jersey in a host of styles for day wear. Only one and two of a kind; colors and sizes are net complete. Sizes 14 te 18. V 1 Charge Accounts SelicitedJ -k Tee i ChllSran i. "The Dabble I V. Beeka" I Heme I SnSl - KltaBHHlBBBHBfllaBBBBBBl' l II CetatriSta 1 I UtO.00 ) Open Erery ETcnlng ...EVE. .yyCr tr You'll llke Illckmnn'a Dunce Krrurda Thry're Different 1115 CHESTNUT ST. Furriers (OPPOSITE KEITH'S) Milliners Tomorrow Last Day End ethe Menth Clearance SALE FURS f)jf Prices en Hundreds of Odd Fur Pieces We will net held in stockrooms these oddments of active scllinir'that have accumulated during the last six weeks' intensive selling. Wc propeso te make prices se attractive, that our customers will buy new. A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase q Unusual Prices in Fur Coats & Wraps XVl'MK NOW Marmet Coats 125.00 74.50 French Seal Coats U5.00 97,50 Trimmed May-met Coats 175.00 125.00 Hudsen Seal Coats 195.00 135.00 Trimmed French Seal Coats. 225.00 145.00 Taupe Nutria Coats 225.00' 145.00 Natural Muskrat Coats 225.00 165.00 Trimmed Hudsen Seal Ceats.395.00 295.00 Natural Squirrel Coats , 95.00 345.00 Trimmed Mele Wrap 4.95.00 345.00 Trimmed Hud. Seal Wraps. .550.00 375.00 Baby Caracul Wrap 795.00 595.00 Fur Steles Were 8 Australian Senh 39.40 2 Scotch Mele 110.00 5 Hudsen Seal. .. .110.00 2 Natural Nutria. 125.00 2 Natural Skunk .135.00 3 Natural Squirrel 135.00 4 Jnp Mink 175.00 Sets Hudsen Heal, 30.50 new SO. 50 Jan Mlnlc, 69.50 new 30.50 Beaver Seta, 69 60 new 30.50 Black Fex, 64.50 new 40.50 Natural Ilaccoen. C4 60 new 40.60 ninck I.ynx, 71 60 new 50.50 Skunk Sets, 110.00 new 84.50 lied Kox, 106,00 new 135.00 New 2i.re 69.50 69.50 79.50 81.50 84.50 97.50 Cheker Scarfs Were 7 Natural Squirrel 14.60 3 Aust. Oppessum.. 14.60 6 Jap Mink 16.60 2 Stone Mnrten... 39.50 4 Fitch (2 skin)... 49.C0 2 Jnp Sable 49 50 3 Hud. Day Sable. 69.50 New 9.50 9.50 10.50 19.50 34.50 34.50 44.50 Ceatees- Taupa Nutria, 110.00 new 00.50 Hudsen Seal, 145,00 new 07.50 French Seal with Squirrel, 195.00 new 1S0.00 Hudsen Seal with Squirrel, 225.00 new 137.50 Taupe Nutria with Hlack Muskrat, 295.00 new 175.00 Natural Mink, 295,00 new 105.00 Hudsen Seal with Mele, 345.00 new 210,00 Moleskin with Squirrel, 026.00 new 475.00 Kelinsky . .850.00 new 025,00 Scarfs Wolf Hlack, Taupe, Brown. 19,00 new 0.50 French Seal, 24.50 new 14.60 Fex Drewn, Taupe, 29.50 new 10.50 Beaver, 39.50 new 24.50 Skunk. 49.60 new 34.50 Scotch Mele, 69,60 new 30.60 Natural Squlrrel, 59,50 new 30.50 urchantna Aaenta' Orders Accepted YOUR advertising succeed in proportion te the time nnd thought. that la put into it Tub Helmbs Press. Trnttw 1315.29 Chetrr Street v PlUUdttpbU Men's Wrist Watches The popularity of the man's wrist watch, established by its usefulness in the world's war, is becoming permanent Particularly, a jeweled Waltham watch, with radium dial and non-breakable crystal. 14-kt Geld $58 Sterling Silver $37 S. Kind & Sens, uie chestnut st. DIAMOND MBRCHANTS-JEWBLEnS SIIiVEnSMmiS Wanted Experienced Automobile Salesman On. et the largeet and meat firmlr eetabllahed aatotnablle'.dletrtbutert en Ili-eid atreet would like te add te Hi force another experienced,, capable retail aaleamant the man deelred: li probably "mXklnr oed". at preitnt eelllnK aeme ether car, but la leek. ln for a- chanc te "make better," and thle la tb. .opportunity! tlve foil particular, ace. education, expert, ence. etc. In nrat letter, and. If itl. factory, a pereenal. Interview, will be C 710, Ledcer Office J T-vYT'TC' Will Make Your Ilab 1 I ntad Beautiful and Flutfg vmmmmm Net RUttr nor Oreaay Fer Bale by Dnic and Department Stere. BIEG MFG. CO., Inc. 031 Chratnnt' St.. rhlla. 25c the S-ea. Jar DONWIT TELLER & CO. AeJpeciafttj Jhep ofOriginatienr CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET FOR TOMORROW, SATURDAY An Extraordinary Sale of About Twe Hundred WOMEN'S WINTER COATS At Reductions of 31.50 te 42.00 en a Ceat .. i . .--,- 68.00 Formerly 89.50 te 110.00 These wraps and coats have been assembled from the regular stock and represent some of the favored styles and fabrics of the season DUVETYNE, DEAUVILLE, VELOUR, VELDYNE and ENG LISH TWEEDS in the favored shadings. The prevailing sil houettes and cellar treatments are featured. Many with fine, large cellars and deep cuffs of Taupe, Nutria or Raccoon. WRAPS AND WRAP-COATS ' At Reductions of 27.00 te 57.00 en a Garment 98.00 Formerly 125.00 te 155.00 Developed in MARVELLA, DUVEJYN and DEAUVILLE cloth with beautiful large cellars or bread bandings of gray squirrel, mole, Australian opossum or taupe nutria. Others are surmounted by graceful cloister cellars of self material; all, however, are strictly in accord with the Bonwit Teller & Ce. high standard of elegance and fashion, and superior man-tailoring. WOMENIS DEPARTMENT THIRD FLOOR Specialized for Saturday WOMEN'S SHIRTS AND BLOUSES At Substantial Rediictiens 350 CREPE SILK BLOUSES 7.50 te 15.00 Of Georgette Crepe and Crepe de Chine in flesh, white, navy, brown and bisque. TAILORED SILK SHIRTS 10.50 Of white pussywillew and white Crepe de Chine. Smart Eten col cel lar and front are edged with pleating. : tw jit i Yr li . .. tf iRW fc- 'r. ;$vf -&- r , rt f' " '!.. I k a'. 1 WmA ueu.(ui;er T m i 111 i n jp" j .. F'. LI. !,., f '). tJtLlillLm-siM i&HfA yvdnjekfl J TI"7.'If. WAt9..V -VM i V."' aWi rJ.IX' IMBiW " 1 T ' Muj(ts: 'A" . Tfc u"..i?lte',,i.. WB(r ' ,UrV. !fft"' - ' "'- A iHaife.f "M