t u i'iC. ViJH !.! V.VJI- -, .il.,-,(,ialij;i' .1 i1' .J &--' A'r;yL j V ,t rn,v,i'f, 'f ", ? ( t 1 w ft. v ... 'ij ifi . 1 .- 1 a ' I l f.v . i s.' Hi"l5fc j--?- w- VW .4 ., ., i. -EYBNING .BUBBIXEDaBRlrili;AI)BLPHr, FjRIDAT,; NOVEMBER 5,, 1920 X f 58 um "i l COLLlfJGSWOOD PLANNING-, FOR.WAItMEMORIALWEEK WW Erect 8ha'ft te Meri Frem Town Who. 8arved:ln War Tb committee arranging the cftllec tJe'n of funds for a fitting memorial in ColHngsweod, N. J.j te the soldiers and tailors, living and dead, who served In the world war from there, has desig nated the.weel? beginning next Monday g "War Memerial Week" In the bor ough. During this period a house-te-house canvas will be made by towns folk who have volunteered te aid the plan. Six teams" will make the drive, each led by a captain and made up 'of prominent men and women. It is the idea te have all subscrip tions and pledges in the hands of the committee by January 16, se that a contract can be awarded then te Insure the completion of the memorial by Decoration Day of next year. The memorial te the 300i8trvlce men and women from Colllngsweod will be a monument, i 'This will be erected either in Knights Park, midway between East and West Colllngsweod, or en the high school plata facing the park. It will contain the names of all who served In the war with a star after the name of each who died In the service The committee appointed by Mayer Themas W. Jack, president of the Colllngsweod Flre Ce., which is foster fester foster leg the project, Is composed of Philip O. Knebel, chairman ; William Kuehn, A. J. Levington, Harry J. Bclz and Jeseph Helnert. Harry W. Smith, treasurer of the fire company organi zation, is treasurer of the memorial committee. 'i welcome son-in-law. who eloped with the arrest of the father-in-law, William Metzgcr,. forty-one, of 113S Seuth Fourth street. The recorder dismissed the charge and stated Masen invited the attack.. it r uis iourieea-year-em aaugnter. Lewis Masen, of 1430 Ferry avenue, was the undesired een-ln-law who re ceived the blew en the Jaw. He caused A Small Part nan HMmMMHi mmmh of This Week's Salary Will Bl! FATHER PUNCHES ELOPER Oervln-Law Told by Court He In vited Parent's Attack Recorder Stackhouse, In the Camden police, court, Justified the action of n father in punching the Jaw of en un- Dress Yeu for Winter yfr - W .,. i. aeaiaeaak .a. 4PaiaaaU.-.. eaF ae9saW m BKaLv 5?'aa3s SSS elaV ifliBam " KJ Jy JJ$B $m iKvti&K AmEsasaal sCaaiJasasasasaBsasasaaaaaaiilalsM a-aT VneSsasat VJflKHH& -Fl Solenoid, SparkEztf Jewel At a Pepnlir Price I Tm taj ti ten ttm jvf ecxmn u IL. A r. becasM w tirr 4etermial te kcv cnra p1e te Um Itvttt ibl Wrart. Wt Tilna jenr KUTUKE t wIl font tcetenx trtf& Compare our Tilqft ibw remember jm en bxxj uiTthtnjr from vex rt rteckA en eenreslent endlt term iwet a dollar OunlhB i Me atenata caneu Stclet ptwa tn. MfflfIDt hmilaa aiiXUB lie ar0 xeii TOU. siikeiSer, rjy$ZFBr elJLSrUttT 'MMiiz-rr "Zt. CMSZ. Wl jK5aai B im A flne wrist watch, all hand-en- gaved. lgh-srada movement. $25.00 Beautiful Bar Pin, Platinum, at with highest grade Dia monds; hand pierced 22500 A three-stone Ring, -white and green geld, set with 3 fine dia monds in a hand made mounting. AY OtaLv A DOLLAR WeekYY ,CH or writ lr, ftoelr Cunt. BM phent WeL at It 1 rl paw iWVm- 1 fi i nit' 1 iSvQlWf Men's and Women's Winter COATS DAIl!EY'S prices keep step' with REDUCTIONS in manufacturers' prices. We operate en a small margin, and ALL SAVINGS GO TO YOU I i $OQ.98 1 and Yeung Men's Mackinaws $12.50 up CREDIT The most generous TERMS in the world from every ansie aimnl. r- digninea and fKtfcl Entrance 4 N. Ninth St. Over Palace Jewelry NINiH mINU MARKET STS., PHILADtLPHlA, PA Back Pre-War Days Lr sV am luliUitailfmJ X&'Mal Yeu Can't Put a Match Te Anything Finer! The choice, specially blended Havana in Mapa cuba filler yields the mild, mellow, fragrant qual ity found only in richest, ripest, mellowest leaf Its Sumatra Wrapper keeps it even burning with free draught and clean ash. Mapacuba is the cigar tnat put the joy in enjoyment aasMl aEtt&elalllH la a'saf 3 AFOLLC gV 2 or 25 INVLNCIBLB 15c Straight 25,000 pairs Geuting Shoes and 15,000' pairs Geuting f Hosiery for Men, Women and Children at SMASHING REDUCTIONS A 10-week delay in the completion of our re-built Stere at 1230 Market Street and the consequent piling up of stocks prepared te sell in this gigantic store during that period NOW compel these sweeping sacriftn. Women's Shoes Mere than 3500 pairs Lace and buttoned Beets and Oxfords. Tan and black Wd and calf and patent leather. High or ley heels. Seme of the beets are cJetb topped. All. Geuting lasts. All sires. About 6000 pairs Beets"! ana Oxfords Jn every want ed style and kind for dress, comfort or service. But toned or laced. French. or Wir heels. All leathers. AH Geuting lasts. All sixes. Nearly 4000 pairs women's superior quality Beqts em bracing unusual style de fe a," x Ieath8, some 2S. Uk SP "" Medels Srsst AU Geutins u$ 8 .50 $10 .50 $12 .50 Men's Shoes Mere than 8000 pairs of wonderful shoes. Every style including Brogues. Every wanted leather, Including our famous Heather-grain. Every pair en a Geuting lastmade te fit and give comfort and service. All sizes and widths at 10 About 2500 pairs. Style and Comfert Shoes, in calfskin and heather gTains. black and tan, many kid lined, and all built en Geuting "Shoer-Tred" last Every sirs and width at 12 .75 About 4500 pairs of GeutJnsr'a famous "Beneh Brands," the finest shoes made In A re e r 1 e a for Men. EVnry dralrabla leather and model 27 differ ent lines and styles, both hlch and low shoes everybody's size and, width, at 15 MWaB&m Wffi$3 Fer better smoking try the Mapacuba a$Si afB HKsiH PA made especially for yexxr smoking taste. fwn vimfism aW sA " select sizes, 2 for 25c, 15c, 25c. f&jpffiffl 0M$sm mlsM i BAYUK BROS Inc. fc fePlii.W slS EM3rfSm Originators of the 0W$k tHaMaV aKsH w9(FA va bayuk unceptable elend cod aK:5t?aWi RgSS8WT KSJIr BPsV laLj4 DAYUK INCOMPARABLE BRANDS jgg&gjaa !Sl itslaag APOLLO KMlH MSasCSaal Piifl-1nTii9 a&?MSW9 iTfRTriaJ BHsaf 7. ". ?;- saVsaaBfrjai HaVVCTeCTVaBaaH V tfftlaM siisiiwiJmn W. i r TUEaJaBasVW " 1 aaasSHsV bbKI bESbbbV M ear ill BLUNT IP PUtt lrelk Sr i eU3vJS!HBam F.9iH;;'A3SkJi. uti".K?KlaiMJ7.SMSnafla9QnBCt9 U CLOTHES SHOP j GRANDE lB p 2? W Straight H (SS?r '" ,LUi-Sryft xttlfe IRRBKIUBBBHBKmEln BaaHBaBalaslaaalBSaaalsBaaaHslBBBV " SlaWStaatJaaMaWalamiiataiaaaB,ia,,,llll. Zc yfTN. KOLYNOS Yeu fi) Opens f Cant WttflJ This Way 'WITH THE m Lese J .1 k i Hlw CAPT1VE wS ) I Cap aHPSvfi BBaBSaT bbbbbbV i Children': Little Children's "High Shoes sizes 4 te 8 wedge heels. Children's High Sflees sizes 8V4 te 10. Misses' High Shoes sizes 11 te 2. Beys' High Shoes sizes 1 te 6. Grewing Girls' High Shoes- in smartest women's styles en sensible lasts. Shoes I $3.85 $4.85 $5.85 $5.85 7.85 Hosiery Women's Vr silk steek. Wek and whlta. ?.ur 'f'jeui Ne. rttt.pBls; $1.95 W in ia..'.a Sx'& fti'nAl; .Mt.bl. 1230 Market St. 1308 (proiheunccdytimo) Chestnut bt. Shoes and frh jSn,,.. Frft."C, 'I Shee and Stockings ferr f 'stocking, for I1 the famUy IT al, Ae fam.,y Alse a Quick Service Meji's Shep nt 19 Seuth 11th St Every Feet Professionally Fitted Three Geuting Brethers Supervising rLi? Hosiery Children's Our famous triple knee and double hevls and tees 5000 pairs, all sizes reduced te 45c Men's Pur. allk Bex with a e u b 1 U. tea and bt.la n black and eerderan. A thenaand caffa ail (lata at 85c Man'a Imp. A Dom.ttle WmI or IJaath.r iltxturaa aj.lS. KOLYNOS Ask your dentist , about Kolynes, and fellow his advice. He knows the formula, as well as the ex haustive research work which has been done te prove its ef ficacy for the teeth and mouth. Most likely he himself uses Kolynes. SAVES YOUR TEETH SAVES YOUR TEMPER VOU can't lese the Captive Cap down the drain pipe, nor , J- will you be found sprawling en all fours looking for it under the wash stand. The day of the wandering cap has passed. The Kolynes Captive Cap clings te the container-saves your time and your temper-keeps the cream in perfect condition, free from dust and dirt. It insures the uniform excellence of the contents until the fast half-inch is used. a dr "KIyn0S With the Pve Cap" when next in need of KO LYN OS DENTAL CREAM i tf 4 ',mi M .i.i u B8aaaai "MR! BB8aaaV 'Wm Prtl. ,9 B"MMaiaMMMBaaMB8BBBBM8BaaMM J THE .KOLYNOS- CO. ia't ' 'tS- ' TjgjBmpjjteZft; " ,1 I'-'tS'f-Vr'wt. -"f1- '" iUV..' 'Jr.M'i & t . ,! BWaWHHattahJ.l kX iv. . ; i:: ;f-ii: ,-u , . ".;-x,r.1..ta -';-g , . -