-?! h i. w 5f ir '; v T''npj-Fr'' '.T"aVXi,T"Tf- "VfjtCfCdf.jV1 V Kt I'f IC F i." -fln'Jw r " 13 ' ' S Wip$ f : lEueremj public Cetfger i wwitbwkc r ;'i'-,.apiPPTr-iiv '?fr ' 'uijiwmmuek?: ' n'M i-ws;.'" ts t' ' ttX. .- v' - S: t " " i . ' --,.., .-,,--. y:p' - . - w ?' 1"TTWfE,""T . ..'H.iI. ' 1- ." ' -ft.- I .PHILADELPHIA, ? THURSDAY, NOVEMBER ' 4, 1920 - i SCH06LGIRL ATHLETES. Elizabeth Berry going eVer Eliza Blackburn bv a hand FIHST YeTk FUK I'Hc-MJJ.hN'r. Ana. Ourrie Chapman MK. ANt) MtvS. HuUhJSiG VOi NG They are shuwn in tne polls at KianeA? un.e. Wit.i eujuciauuii. ut me ivingscssing rccreauen center. rney are corn students 01 Catt and Miss Mary Uarrett Hay, two of suffrage's active senator Maraing 13 nis secretary, j. ijnnsuan. iurs. naraing veteu nrst iripnr'i ent'ni .H p .10 sr-rvici. wn-v-rrs. ve'incr en Hreadwav, N. Y. int-'ntinr"' Vall'a Studie DAMAGE HOUSES IN SOHaNTOW. Tne sinking earth, due te mine caves, continues te wreck property in the Lackawanna county city Kovatene view 0 SCRAN TON BEilNG UNDER-MINED. This truck, which was cairymg coal, ank through the street, the weight of the truck forcing the cave-in. The coal went back te somewhere near where it came from Keystone View Ce UuK Cil Y'b WORTHS Ainu WHAT THEY DO ZWid-Mc " hify. MfiL- nranfiraPfBHas tr-.'- - t " v ..- sPMEfmfflfflwai ivs& i '-. iK'sritt :.V1HffiK HIHB 1 NEW GOVERNOR OF NEW YORK, AND WIFE. Official returns indicate that Judge Nathan L. Miller, Republican candidate for governor of New Yerk, has been elected Taul Thompson CATCHING THE PRECIOUS CHAM PAGNE. The workmen with the pail are under the Eugene V. R. Thayer, at Wil mington, ready te get every waste drop Central News Photo POLITICS ALL OVER FOR A TIME. OUT OF FOOTBALL Se Jehn W. Davis, U. S. ambassador FOR THE SEASON, te Great Britain, and Mrs. Davis, sail Henry, star player of aboard the Aquitania. Mr. Davis' p. M. C, is lest te Coach name was placed before the Deme- Cy Pauxtis P.rt- rnn'Tm'-inn jntn CHARLES J. WEBB discusses our business " future in an interview en the editorial page Leaser Photo Service PREPAUnsu A iUiAL. William lUemil licit) and Walter MADE A DIRECTOR OF Wilde among the Bey Scouts who are assisting in the drive for THE READING. Geerge M. funds. They were snapped at Bread street 'and the Boulevard Shriver, senior vice president Ledger rhote service 0f the Baltimore and Ohie ' PnilrvH REMARKABLE FOOTBALL AOiiuN. Anu iceina, btar ngnt end of the University of ' uth Cali fornia, is finishing one of hi3 great runs- in the arms of Roberts, Occidental College halfback, who li bringing him down. International THE BEAUTY CORNER ,, fi rfPPv WWMM jBHSBt "; itSMS'kfll KikM&iYv ? "" . L , . . . . iIlinnfcM1..er ..mnkferd CHANGE OF SCENERY. Tris Speaker, MISS DOROTHEA DE SCHWEI- TRIES THYROID GLAND SOU. iNU . M u, j. -t .1.0 .. a . 1 -j;;i fis w I a few weeks age was leading the NITZ, employment director of the TREATMENT FOR RENEWAL Miss Mary Kcinhard, -1010 Garden street, is an expert en KJ0tatc. Cleveland Indians against the Dodgers White-Williams Foundation, speke OF YOUTH. Miss Cennie Edias, of Brooklyn in the world, series, new at rne notary uiud lunencen yes- uie ucwchb, ve ku unuw oiiurauen j-t.. .1-. va . 1 iHTnnw .' 1 n irnr i-iidiu airfiu .-.- v.,. fishing la Canada Inter naUenU terdey IT'S A BIG JOB NOW. With the election receida from an uptown division, the clerk arrives en the north plaza of City Hall Ledier Photo ServiM MISS GRACE H. LINCOLN 834 Pine street , PhiledelphU r ft H, )' ft A i. waMA&kfrffi r'tctljt.-!!' !te. J iyiit-'iata.V. 1, l..tiiLt (, Jji3i. i,f"& -' & " tt&i&Ai A 'iVvK-Vf''5 J. . t . .. .'jy n-- aT3HTOTO3 j