Ssssmm wAHt:'irtft,er'-'- ,-SF BYEkiNa fctmic le:d ixW&tttfm ft 1920 v , ' . . " ' . ' i, . 1L. 27 in V ' I PARCEL POST WHY WORRY- About Your New Fall Hal $iJsL Tou can save ft to any having your old one mads new for No Parrel l'nt CHAS. CARPEN, 1232 Filbert St. W PAPER R A P P I N G Wholcsilo nnil retail. Paper Hugs and Twine, Typewriter Paper Krb Boxes, Envelopes, Toilet Paper, Pnckngo Hnnrt'oH, Papor Plato! SiKKinn and Porks, Paper Napkin, Wax Taper. EZRA LEVINSON t(l "louth nth Ht. I Stain 6RS7 I Flillidflpliln I Ixiibnnl 8J71 Barber Scissors, Clip pers, Razors and Mani cure Scissors. Ainu 8 fet llnror llladrs Itcshurpenrd Filbert Grinding Co. "1220 I'lI.lir.KT ST. DIAMONDS BOUGHT rtrlnpr in jour diamonds If vou want to tenHre? tho highest possible price, for them Nn matter what othys -! I loll they uro Worth. get ur price b tore vou sell Wo tny 15 00 to tint u for each diamond rnoro than others Pi f n us .end 1 1" convlnicd Wo buy nnj si c, ships or color. Fav n tu kiH f r dlam mils t u-M KI'TI.Y A CO. (AI.l. 032 CIUTMT ST. Plinie Walnut 7SI4. Sulip 31-22 Private nlllre '.' t 'loor over 'Mills' Rest. Tin' firrtit ti ., ii n ron plwim. ai.i. in onus On the New Edison inch Ii, n IM 1 Toni wuallty II -ar Demonstration W. C. STIVER CO., 64 W. Chtlten Are. Dalsimcr Shoes Comfort Willi Stylo tiusuy VA "Nurse ncLilc"? A. Shorn lire for X "'' "f Muck ,, . Dure. KM Acs f ' .. HV 'mutt. fc i 10 o botos run 'imi to lurt Hivli she a or Ox I mis llies m to 11 Widths AA In v Pn IIINi m i tl extra 10 ft 11, ii extra fle, d for Cstnlog. l)a1lmiT A Hons 1?0 MirW " LAST WORD IN HEATING oir iimIcs old tcnm vtcm in id tn work ns nlie in thr llnet hot-water Hutrni Gtiariinlcrd to save from 2ft TO 4llr VI EL. I cm eliminate nil trouble h:it Mod of n building do you hnvr? Residence I'rlnrT, I' nk, llicatre, Hospllul, (Mice Hide . Hotel Apartments. t hurch, More "rl inl 3to JuiWini? T(vy Jnrgr All l'i rl Guaranteed MIKOI. Oil, III IIM'.It ,lf rpjtortr if,, I at Nhimruom OTTO STEINACKER lTe Bill V, Ilrn.,1 m Tlo-n ,17 REUPHOLSTERING Of tlu Higher Orailc It" I I'm i , rrrin. htn ur o i pn-lor or library furr.ltur Jul S.'1 J.'S Hank. Itotfi and (IITicb rurnlturo ro-ruir-d at ahort notice Order taken for iicT pnrlor furniture nt mnnti fuctiircrs' prlieH. ip i th to ordr our Quaker City Upholstering Co. 200-202 CHESTNUT ST. 11,11 1 nmt.iril 4SR(! PREVENT FIRE MAKE W30NEY Tou cannot nfford to do vvlthi ut oniv of our Common Sonso Papor Balers A child can epernto It rjnoouraiio ncatnes nnd economy In schoola nnd Ii st tu ins THY OCH 1'OHTAl. PAKCKL tou r.T pxpF.n IP 000 Blioetg 4i t 5H. 10 rolls for S-1J 4T,f Mltliln no miles J. oVJ'VJ' f Philadelphia 'l Tvfi'f Pnper ami Twines SYLVESTER S. GARRETT 150 South Third Street. Phlln Aeroplane Cloth Shirts $3.80 Each li 1 o ached Into nnJ mer- or t .fMt. tnnsp Y lirt'' have the arrieuiiince oi silk nntl wear better than anv shirt ever put on the market Made with soft cuffs; can bo worn with soft or starched collar. Oil Skin Coats 'l.t nnd full length Slightly used $2.00 each New, $3.00 each Keyitone Canvas Goods Co. 1012 Filbert St. 16,000 All-Wool U. S. Army Olive Drab $4.40 Just reciivud two curioads of these blankets frorr U, b IJoTt. All-wool full size, weiKht, from i to 6 lbs These blankets are worth fit each. Order ow nefors the cold weather Don't lelay. A Real Bargain Army & Navy Store 225 Market St. PHILADELPHIA. PA. Writ for Catalogue Ho (looili Shipped C. O. H. rARCKL POUT I'REl'AID 1 III Rplfa yTji-''w i r Sr ) fe( jyj Blankets ACINEW On Nov, 1, LOUIBA WAnNEJ, widow of John P. A Knew, Itelatlvra and friends are Invited to tho aorvlce, on Thura. aft at 2,30 o'clock, nt her lato home, 401U I'lpo at. Interment prliate. IJAHl'It Nov. I, DUItOTitr. daueliter of William V. and Josephine Daren nmt grand daughter of Andrew J ami Julia M. Frost and Matthew and Carrie Ilnrch, aacd 3 month Inernl. to which relatives and friends arc Invited Thurs , 1:30 p. m. from parents' residence. 21'U Uerrltt st. lnt, Holy i'ros Com Prlendi may call Wed eve 11A11NKTT Suddenly. Oct 81. JAMES. Sr . husband of Anna M Harnett Itelattvei and rrlends, all societies of which he was a member. Invited to funeral services. Thurs., l!pm. 1211 N. Franklin at. Int. private. Friend call Wed , after 8 p. m. 1IOI.ANI) Nov 1. 1U2U. .MAnOARCT. widow of John W. Iloland. Funeral Thurs., 30 n m . from her late residence. 238 N. I.awrenco st Solemn renulem mass at fit, Aueustlne's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross. IIOYO Nov 2 AHA S . hu'hand of Elizabeth Mooro Hod ltelatlves and frlendi Invited tn funeral service, Thurs H p. m , nt his lato residence U120 Mt Vernnn st. Int lliltlmore. Md llaltlmoro and Atlanta papets oh a-e eop HHOWN. Oh November 3 VIltfJINlA CANNK.I.I,. widow of Henrv llnhnrt llrown. ''ervlfes at the Church of St. I uke nnd tha llplplianv. FrIJav at 2 p m. Interment prl a e PI" aie otnlt fliutis 11UYSON Oct .11. Itosn. dauahter of tho lato William and Hoe llrysnn (nee Cona chin) formerlv of Chester Pa ltelatlves and frlmds Invited to funeral Mat 8.30 a. tn . from resliUnce of Mr II J Llovd, 3HI0 Snrlnir (lirdon st Solemn renulem mns St Aitatha'H Churrh 10 a m Int St. Ml elianl'H Com . Chester. Ta. iil'Hltr Vt At intlo Cltv N. J , Nov. 2. 1PJ0. rifnnillCKA C Ill'intK. mother of Mr Walton VndenburBh. Mrs Harry D. Wlnsmore Mrs Irov ritrlmmon nnd Mlsa Freda llnhro Funeral St Nlrlinlaa' Church, Thurs Nov 4 ' 1 m Int private HfltNS At Moorestnwn. N J Nov 1, SAM 111 N widow of John Hum nce.i 70 ru'rnl Thurs 2 n m residence of son In law Thomas Wllklns. 222 Mill st . Jf oren'ovvn N J CAI.l V11VN Nov. 2 DANIFI, A. nurd 7i llr'itles and friend Invlnd to funeral. l"-l i 10 n m . from hi Into residence, l'iin Walnut st PiiVmn rmulem mass St 1 Trinrls do Salts Church 10 ft m Int prl- N' AltTnn Oct. SI. AI.nrnT S. Ini.hand of l.auru C. Carter. Ilelatlve nnd friend I re Invited to attend funernl service. Thnr I .' p m nt Holy Innocent' P. n Chur.-h. r'enu may ran v en eve, at laio resi lience nn'O Tulip nt , Tacony. Int, Mae. nol'a Cem CAPT.LS On Nov. 1. JOHN CITDK CVSSKIS need 40 vear Service on. Wed eft nt t o'cloik nt the O Ivor II I'nlrTlldK , is c' -nut st Interment t'Dvate CONNnn Nov 2 CIIAIH.KS i:. CON Nnil nil ill Funeral itvIco Frl . 2 n. m residence. 521R Oormantown nvo. Int. private i ulf'IVOt I1Y -Nov. 1, F.DW1N J. lius. I in I of Kitlinrlne A Cordlncev sued r.n. r.e'atlve nnd frlond Ouardlnn I,odi-e fo. 40J, I O O F Wnverly Cinf e N0 n K O V. United to services Thurs . 1 30 l tn. 1420 Vode st Int af Morlah I'ini T'1nd nil Wed . R to II p m fi nofitKi: Oct si. niANK r son of lit" Francis I' ml Snrih o'ttourUo tnee TVouahertv) Itelnthes nnd friend Invited to fune-al Thurs, 8 30 a m rsclenie 2310 1 nm1 nrd st Po'emn b'tfi m-i-s nf requleni Ml Mt M. INSTKITTION Piano Playing Taught Beginners in 20 Lesson Free Demonstration Aunit iircinners Pfcrnlty Adrnnced Course tt van :vnvv i-iar Phone nriiee 017 rnn ntKr, itnni.irr llIM'.ll,.Nhl..N SCHOOL OF POP. MPHIO ljSO ClifJtnut Ht. KAY W.JHOKI.BY. Mir. "WALTER PFEliFFER Conductor Mnnlrlnil Orch., Wlldwnnd, N, J. Vlnlln lololst and Instructor 171(1 riieslni-t St P""" I-oeust "J40SW, Phila. Musical Acndemy Oernantown Ttrsnch 80 E Walnut Lune. 81 ke on Gin 1K82 Cat JoV Claries. Dtr LEEFS0N-HILLE rnnserratarr of Music, la. 1C24 llli:STMJT ST. ''jibljc ( diool Muslo Suiierrlslnii KMII V. ULhioi o( iCxpresslon It Stags Art KKII III It DIPLOMAS NOKItls 1711 Chestnut "t Spruce 343t I'llll A. COVtP.nVATOKY OP Ml IC P II, ii Ir 1, 1 7. rnun H dm Ileimt Inrert ,"s iTo merlv 10 "Jo lsth St ) Vow nt2in o. 2lltht. Kllcnre "-rhool Dronmllc Art Special ptc. ,li.,.s ilorutlnn, drum, urt at nee tnilnloe, inlilli pik. 1714 Chestnut St . Simice 1(10!!. PARCEL POST EYES EXAMINED FREE NO DROPS USED SPECIAL GLASSES FOR M THIS WEEK ONLY tX SPECTACLES A I prescriptions tilled at a saving of 20 to 60. 01asc nindo on the premises whilo you wait MYERSON OPTICAL CO. TfUKINHACHIHES AHD REPRODUCERS REARED While You Wait Our repair department is in hiirjfo of Kxperts us tho noken part of your machine. WE SELL Tone arms, soundboxes, springs, motors and all parts to mnlcc a complete talking machine. We Repair COLUMBIA EDISON KEEN-0-PH0NE pREMIER I'ATHE STANDARD VICTOR SILVERT0NE And All Other Makes New or Old We Want l'ou to 3tV Our XTRA LOUD!! Uman-Tone Talking Machine NEEDLES We will mail you a trial packapo of 100 on receipt of J.O c ESvELWBomrjr 38N.8t"ST.,PH(lA I RAG 8 NORTH 9Tn ST. g ffv tffiPPeS. . m rsnlWX Mf ELECTED 11 Philadelphia's API Greatest Dentist Wll ly 10'000 "t'sfiod P- II l ('ents whose tooth i III ' troubles hnvo been ban- Mllf ished by Dr. Hymon'i I PAINLESS DENTISTRY fill I.owet urlrr In city for lljll iiennnnent. txilnlenj work. mill l.'inmlnittlon lit El". Al Filling; 50c and $1.00 m DR.HYMAH - P 8th & Market mxjg$m DBATHI- St. Patrlok's Church, 10 a. m. Int Holy cross, BK DAiJN. On Oct. 81. BAItAH DEDIEn DE IJAUN. wlfo of Abraham K, De Uaun, aged 7(1 ltelatlves nnd friends Invited to services, on Thursday, at 1:30 P. m.i residence of son-in-law. Mr. Harry Coryell, 1028 S. Yewdell st. Int. private, Northwood Cem. Friends may call Wednesday evening, DONOHUE Nov, 1. 1820. CATHEniNIC, wife of Daniel Donohue. ltelatlves ana friends lire Invited to attend funernl, Thurs, 8.80 a, m from her late residence, 40.13 Sansom st. Solemn requiem mass at St. James' Church in a. m. Int. St, Denis' Cem.. Ardmorp, Pa. EAItl.E Oct 31, after a, lingering Ill ness, EDOAH W,, son of the lato James S. and Mary Jane Morris Karle, aged 82. Fu nernl private, Ht.DniDOE. Nov. 2, QEnTIlUDB P., daughter of late James P, and Margaret Howe nidrldgo. ltelatlves and friends Invited to funernl, Frl , 8:10 a. m., chapel of An drew J, Hair & Son, Arch nnd 19tli sts. High mass nt St, John's Church, 13th above Chestnut, 10 a. tn Int, private. On view Thurs , 7 to 0 p. m. FAIinil On Oct. 81, WAI.TEU Tj. son of the late Caspar nml Catherine W. Fnber, aged 42 years Funeral on Thurs. morn, at 30 o'clock from tho Oliver II Hair Illdg., 1R20 Chestnut st, Requiem high mass at St Agatha's Church at 10 o'clock. Inter ment private. KHKIU.IO Entered Into eternal rest, Nov. 1, 1020, CI.A11A, wlfo of late Oottlleb F. Kberle aged 00 Relatives and friends In vited to funeral services. Thurs . 2 p, m., nt her late residence. 4847 N. 10th st. Int. Northwood Cem, ECKEHT.On Oct. ,11. SAMUEL ECK EUT. ltelatlves nnd friends aro Invited 'o the services on Wed., at 2'ltl p. m., at tho family residence. Dorsett nnd East Waterloo mad. Iievon. l'a. Interment private, con--eyanc-a will be In waiting ct Devon Sta tion to meet train leaving Uroad St. ut 1:13 p. in. EDWARDS. Oct. 81, EIAVOOD. son of tho late Henry nnd Mary Edwards, aged 75. Relatives and friends, also William C. Ham ilton I.odgo No BOO. F. and A. M.. nnd Slrnvvliarrv Quoit Club nro Invited to attend funeral aervlres Thurs . 1 p. m., residence of his nephew. Walter () Scott. 6371 Wlngo hocking tor. Oormantown. Int. private. Southampton PLUCK Suddenly. Oct. 31, ANNETTA FI.t'CK (nee l'alsley), widow of Jeremiah Pluck, aged 73, Relatives and friend, also Stars nnd Stripes Council. No. RS, S. and 1). of I,., nro invited to attend funeral serv ices. Thurs . 2 p. m.. lato residence, 2837 Marvlno nt Int. Northwood Cem, Friends inov call Wed.. 8 p. m. FOX Nov. 1. 1U20. WILLIAM P . hus band nf Isabella J. Fox Relative and friends nro Invited to attend funeral. Thurs , 8'30 n. in from tho rrsldenoo of hi grand daughter, Mrs Robert McAllster 1337 Sny der avo Solemn mass of reaulem at An nunciation Church 10 a. m. Int. Cathedral "niEEnUHOER. On Nov. 1. 1020. ELIZ Allliril THOMAS FREEIumoEH. aged 82 cata. Scrvlcn on Tliursdiy afternoon at 3 o'clock, nt tho Indigent Widows nnd Slnglo Women s Home 3(,1.- Chestnut St. Inter ment at Mt Morlnh Cemetery FHO.MM Nov 2, 11120 MARY EMMA FROMM (nee Orleemer) wife of Johrr Louis Fromm. nged .11 Servici Frl., 1 p m, resldenre. 1443 N New kirk St. Int. West minster Com OARWOOD Oct 31. 1020. EDWIN RAY MOND, son of Joseph C nnd Mary E. Oar wood. Iinerul services Wed 7.30 P in, at his parents' rtsldctit-ei 13U N 17th st. Int private Gl Oi KNElt Suddenly Oct 31. CARL J, huel nnd of -Mnrgnret Olockner, aged (111. Hclatlvis friends nnd all socletks of which ho was a membor Invited to attend funeial servlreH Thurs , 2 P. m, residence, 1IUU Waterloo st Int private. Cedar Hill Cem Romulus viewed after 7 p in UUEF.N -Nov. 2, SARAH A- widow of Norrla Oren Funeral service Frl , 2 p m , nt residence of son, Howard L Green, Mldd'etnun township Dcl.awaro county, l'a Int Cumberland Cem. OUEIM Oct 30, 1020. CELESTINE C. OREIM (nee Richard) wife of the lato Henrj F tlrelm Funeral Thurs , H n. m , from 18rt0 N 23d ft High mau St Ellin 1th a Church u a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem. HARTLEY Oct. 31. 11)20. WILFRED, son of Hiunrd and late Rebecca Hattle). ltelatl', and friends invited to f urn r.-U. Thur u m from (IMU Hide,, ave . It -borough Solemn requiem ma at Holy l'anuiv Church 10 a m. Int. ut Holy h p i hr cem HI.AI.1) - On Nov 2. 1020, WILLIAM J. HLLD hr , asir (IC jeirs Relatlvo urd (riinil. a nil all organirutluns of uhkh he wus a member, are Invited to tho service, on l'rlda afternoon at 2 o clock, at tho real ib in. of hla daugnter. Mrs Alleo Turner. 201 S Bsth n Intel merit ut (Ire. ninnuut 'aniAtnPl Trli.tiilu ,it n ill "I lait-a,l i J rt. f . run t, I j a liriius llllS LUII IIIUIiiu i I t" ; HENNINOSEN Niv 1. 1020. HOLGER. son i,t (hrlstltn IleiinliiK'ien ageil 22 ears Relutlvi and f rb ikIs are Invited to attend tunoral h k lhurs. 1 n m. luto renl d, tir .'(110 W Misuuchanna ave. Int print' HILL Oct 31, ELIZAHETH M (nee Tor pe). wife of John 11 Hill lUlatlie-i and friends Invited to funeral, Thurs A 30 a m , 301 I N Taney st Solemn requiem mas Corpu Chrltl Church 10 a. in. Interment private, Vetmlnster Cem HuLT In lrance. Julv 21, KHS Sgt. RUilERT W Jr . of 3-M Aero Squadron, A E F, son of Robert W, Hr . and lato Virginia Orunt Holt, aged 21 Rulatlves and frlerls. Sgt Itolwrt V Holt. Ji Post. No 338 adjoining borough posts of Amerl an Legion, Clifton Heights Council No. TkO U of I A , Clifton Heights Red Cross. Arm) and Navy League, Cllftun Hilghts Fir Dept, Invited to funeral Sun ,1pm, fath. r residence J.'0 Haltlmore ave, Cllf t, nlliiBhts Servtre nt ht stephei's P E thur II 2 p m Int. Arlington Cem IIuNH Nov 3, JOHN It HONS Tuneral servlc- at 102 W Hirttr t . Mt. Airy. Frl J p m Int Iv mil Cem. HI'CJHES Suddenly, Oot 31 at Lynd hurst N J ANNA MAY wife of George W. Huk'hi'B aged S2 Funeral Thurs . 2 v m , f in residence, of her faiher. Samuol Hulmes, 127 N 3.1th st Camden N J Int pri vate Friends may call Wed eve lit MI'llllLYH At Camden N J Nov. 2 K1 'IIII.I. P wlfo of Albert Humphrevs lt itie and friends Invited to funetal sir!ie Sat, 10 a m nt her lae resl denre fiJ'i IN nn st. Cntnd'n. N J. Int Ivy lliil Com , Phlla. Friends may call Frl "kELLEHER Oct. 81. 1020. -MARY C. wife of the late Daniel Kolleher (nee Daly). Relatives and friend, members of the Altar i nnd Rotary Hoclety of the Church of tho .Holy Name, nro Invited to attend funeral. I lhurs K So a in , from her late residence 1.1" I E Columbia ave Solemn high requiem nines nt the Churvh of tin llol Name 10 a. m Int prlvat' Holy Sepulchre Cem KIEN'ZLE - Nov 1 LOPISE w Mow of Char ii A Klenle (nee Utiek) Relatives, (rim Is Invited U r lees. Frl . 1 30 p in , i si 1. me 1131 S .r,ith st Int private. Fri- "da mav call Thur eve. KM1 I'ON --dot 31 HCRKET liu. band if Margaret lvnlvet'n (me Mnrlnonl Relatives and friends, also Hellman Council, No 277, O I A . and Shakespeare Lodgo. No 111. H of St O . are Invlt.d to nttind funeiai t'hurs , 2 p m from his late resl ilenro. JS3II W CliarMeld at. Int. private. West Laurel Hill Cem. Friends may call Wed eve KRASTEL Suddenly Nov. 1. JOHN, husband of Emma T. Krnstel (nee Rice). Relatives and friends, also St Francis' Hen Ass'n. cigarmakers' Union. I. P No. 217. and Court Ixirelel. E of A., aro Invited to funeral. Thurs . 7 30 a m , from his Into leildence. 3008 N 11th st Renulem high mass St Honaventura's church 0 a. m. Int. pilvute New Cithedral Cem LEE Nov 2 NELLIE O. wlfo of Wil liam C Lee and daughter of Edward nnd lat Mnrj Md'ehan. uged 30 jiars R, lu- tlves an I f rlt nds Invitui to attend futicral Erl h 80 n in . residence of brother-ln law Joseph fwoeiiy. 13JJ 8 Spangler st . ntth onl Wharton sts. Solemn renulem mis Cliureh Most lllessed Sacrnmint 10 a in (OUth and hter ave ) Int. Holy Cross Cem I,oltI) Suddenly. Nov, 1 lOSO. MAR Crt.LUS P LORD nged (13 Relatives and frl ids nlso all orginliatlons of which ha was a nn niber are Invited to nttend funoral. Thurs 1" Jil a tn , from his luto residence P'tmarr. N J Int Munaliuth Com.. Olais- MnCiONIOLE Oct 31, at her residence, 1"7 Preston st MARY A MCCARTHY, wlfo of tho late Edwin r MacOon'gle Sol emu requiem mass Ht James Church. 36th and Lhestnut sts. Thurs. 11 a m. to which tho relatives utid friends aru Invited '"MARINE1" On Oct 31 THERESA, wife of 1 rank Maene and daughter of tho late Alfred Cavagnaro Funvral on Thurs morn nt 10 o clock from her lato losldence, North Vlnoland N J Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery, Phila nt 1 O0 n, in MAill.RK Oct 31, SUE V.. wife of James D Magulrn (neo McOaughran) Rela tUrs and friends nro Invited to uttend fit niral Ttoirs , 8 30 a m late residence. ISO' V 23lh st Solemn renulem muss St Elizabeth's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem MILLER At her home J017 Haltlmore avV on Nov 1, ELIZAHETH E . widow of William 11 Miller in tho blth senr of hor I ncn R.latlve. and trlend nro Invited to tho service, on Thurs aft . at 2 o'clock nt the Oliver H Hair Illdg . 1820 Chestnut st. '"Vl.jT.REnNov 2 1020 CHARLES J 1 hu'abund of Mary Mooro Funeral service I'll 2 pm, late residence 47J7 Lancas ter 'avo Relatives imd frl,ends also West I'urk Council. 408, O (J I A , Chatta hoochto Tribe 17,1. O, of R, M., Washing- ton (.'amp. 04U. i- u. ij w .i ijreisior Lodge ijl. . rvnu . ' ..,", ,i,i-,,,ucib ui Westminster Club. Invited to attend Iut Sooth l.aun I Hill Cem N'EVILL Nov. 2. EMMA, wlfo of John J. No'vlll Relatives and frlendi aro Invited to attend funeral. Thurs . 2 p. in from her late residence 480 B Moyer st Int. Palmer Cem Friends may call after 8 p. m Wed O'MARA - Suddenly nt Morrlstown N J 0t 81 VHTIS' son of late Martin nnd Susan O Mara aged 42 Relatives and friends uru Invited to attend funeral Thur . 7 'u u m frt m N E eor 3d and Pln sts High IU'iulun Mas St Jostuh's Church 0 n m Int llolv Cross Cem I'ATTON- Nov 'J at 417 W Ppsal st . Oermanton FRANCES STIVER wife of Alfred O Patton Funeral sorvlccs and Int private PERRY Nov 1, JAMH1 T. son of James M and Emma I. Perrv (neo McNeill i Funeral Frl, 2 p m pannts' resident, .'331 Federal st lnt Mt Morlah I em Trlend "a call Thurs evn POINSETT Suddenly, Nov I, OEOROE tTOTIKnTAHEIta BROAD aV.d DIAMOND -Bl 'IIBJ m. m m.-s.wj CJ PKATH9- II. .POINBETT. Funeral serrlces.Thur,. 1:80 p. m lata residence, Mulllcs. Hill, N. 3. Int. Laics Park Com.. Bwedesboro. N. J. RANICEN. Nov. 2. FLORENCE inBNB HANKBN. Relatives nnd Irlends Invited to service. Bat., 2 p. m.. parloro of Martin javoy A Bon. 2800 Diamond at. .Int. Private. RUILLY. Suddenly, Nov. 1, HOHERT tlEirZEL, son of Joseph Ii, and Mary Rellly (nea Altland), aged 8 years 1 month 0 days, Relatives nnd friends Invited to fu neral, Frl., 8:30 n. m froni parents' rosi. dence, 1027 Falrmount ave. Requiem mass 8huroh of Assumption 10 a. m. Int. Holy ross Cem. Remains may be viewed Thurs. 0VBULLTVAN. On Nov. 2. ANNA C.wlfe of Michael Bulllvan. Relatives and friends aro Invited to the funeral, on Sat, morn, at 8.80 o'clock, from her late homo, 1818 N, Allison st. Bolemrr requiem mass at Bt, Oregory's Church at 10 a, m. Interment nt New Cathedral Cem. BTAC1CHOUSE. Suddenly, Nov. 1, MAR TIN W.. son of tho lata Joseph B, and Reulah etnekhonse, aged 82. Relatives nnd friend nro Invited to attend funernl serv ices, Frl., 1 P. m.. at his lato residence, Emllle, Pa. Int. Tuitytown Cem, Autos will meet trollevs leaving Bristol 10:83 and 11:63 ft'rANaiLUNK,'(ne Waterman). Nov. 1. ETHEL M.. beloved wife of William S. Van Hlunk. Relatives nnd friends of family are Invited to attend funeral services, Thurs., 1 n. in , from her Into residence, 02(1 Linden it.. Camden, N. J. Int. Cedar Hill Orm Phila, Friends may call Wed . 7 to 0 p m, WARRICK, Nov. 2, FRBDEItlciC J. WARRICK. Relatives and friend, also Hotel Rrotherhood U. 8. A., Invited to funeral, Frl. Nov. 6, 1 p. m., from Zonr Church. 12th nnd 'Melon sts. Int. Eden Cem Remains can be viewed Thurs ovn, nt residence, 030 N. Sydenham St., from 8 to 10:30. WILLIAMS Nov. 1. nt his lato real rtenco. 3203 Race St.. CHARLES ELIOA WILLIAMS. Q M C . husband nf Mary C. Williams. Duo notice of funeral will be given from parlor of David II, llowen A gon fiOtb nnd Cstharlne sts. LOST ANt) FOUND DEED Lost or mislaid, deed for lots 187 and 189. section 33, Fernwood Cemetery, Communicate with C D. Weygand, 000 Pa- elfin ave . Atlantic City. nnn 1 .out. Irish terrier; answers to the nemo of Rag no oollar! reward Roturn to "V S 13th "t HELP WANTED FEMALK ANY GIRL WHO'S QUICK AT FK3URES trustworthy, a llvo vvlro, ralsad In n re-fln-d American homo, can gain an excellent foothold in our store organization', substan tial pay nt onco and promotion in pay nnd rank on qualification by starting ns one of ,,. rnnhlcrs or lnspoctresses. Seo Employ ment orrico. first boor, gallery, about opening. JOHN WANAMAKER ADVERTISINO ASSISTANT Must be ablo to vvrlto hlgh-cHss women's wear copy for ono of America' leading women's specialty shop. Apply by lettor, outlining cxptilence, salary to start, refer ence, etc. M ISOS, Ledger Office. ASIC ANY BELL TELEPHONE OPERATOR About her worlt Sho will tell you THE HOURS ARE SHORT WITH FREQCEVT REST PERIODS THE POSITION IS PERMANENT SHE WAS RAID A OOllD SALARY WHILE LEARNING HER COMPANION'S ARE WORTH WHILE YOUNU WOMEN SHE ENJOYS THE TIME bHE IS ON DUTY See MISS STEVENSON. 1031 ARCH ST. HELL TELEPHONE CO. OF TENNA. ROOKKI.EPEU Young woman with adver tising nm nt)', or n-wspaper eierlenci, able to o;ei.ito tspewrltir. wanted by an agency Reply, stating exporleni cd and s.U- ar ib slre.1, P lot ledger OITlie COOKINO and housework, vvhlto woman: small family, in suburb, no laundry. wages JilO per month, reference reqjlred ,ddre.pirL.J Ledge rOfflce. DIE1IT1ANS, superintended. caietorla manaetrs, governesses, matrons, house keepers Miss Rlchurds. Providence, hast Side Hox n Ilnston office (HRL colored for cooking and downstairs worn tor rnmlly or ,i. bk required Cull Hnrtpg 38(1 OIRLS OVER 10 YEARS OF AOE Two positions ojvn in our purchasing de partment for girls who have hid 1 J ear's high schooling, wo start tho girls as Intor departmont messengers and advance them to pome of our best clerical and typing posi tions Apjilv after 8 SO a. m at Emplojment Ilureau, Launton Monotype Machine Co., 24lh nnd Locust btreets. HEAD OF STOCK FRANK h SEDER require tho services nf an experienced glove saleswoman as head of rtock and assistant to buver Good salary and permanent posltloir to right person. Ap ply Employment Offlco, second floor, 11th and Market sts HOTEL MANAGER, womnn with substan- Gal eaplt.-G P J3?2.J'jedger .OJTIe HOt'Sl.ViUvK White b'lrl wanted In No B Elklns Park Apts . Elkln. Park. Phono Mil rose. 1410 W LADY Tact clilllt" pusltlnn paling 150 wtekly and upword Applv personally or write for ful' particular Wtd , 0 to B, 1012 Wejgl.tman Hide ir.21 Chestnut st MAID, colored" wanted for landry work. I'hone iirn Miwr 3'J'i. N( USE, day duty, institution. Woodland ave 48th nnd RES'7 .URANT WORK Good openings for girls, whtto. to do bus woik, good h .rs. either 11 to 4 or 0 to fj, and good pa. Apply Bureau of Employment '" ' WANAMAKER'S fiALES Woman with somo experience In selling lace, one who can suggest to cutomcra tho proper colors nnd material u knowledge of ("rossmnklng would bo helpful Apply Superintendent Toseph G Darlington &. Co.. In L 112I1-2S Chestnut st SVLlTsLADIES Wanted at onco self-respecting ladleti who wish to better their position In life nnd at the same tlmo doublo their Incoma, It roqulre a lady of Htrong personality with dotomilnitloa to rise to tho top; experience not necessary and a life time lob. Apply 702 Vundam DlJg 10th ant Market Aalc for Mr Solleld SALESLADIES Expertencod. for blnukuts quilts and cre tonnes Applv Mr Nswhoffer, II F DEWEE3 1122-21 CHESTNUT ST. SAI.ESLADIES In jnrd-goods departments experienced preferred. Apply U, F Dewee. 1122 C" estnut st; SALESWOMEN, eottleit, Btnady work, can oarn big money. Call 8-0 and 1-3. 1721 Walnut st . tlrst floor rear STENOGRAPHER Wanted, experienced young lady stcnogriphor. one who takes an Interest In her work will pny good sal ary, 111 reply state ago und experience, hours good P LIIO Irfdger Office THE PASTERN SALES MANAGER OF A NATIONALLY KNOWN CHICAGO COR PORATION Is now In Phllndolrhla to Inter, view bright, ambitious, Intonigt-nt women between the ages of 27 and 37 for tho pur poso of fllllni; vacancies In our regilar sales iircnnlratlon. successful applicant must bo without encumbrance; free to leave Phila delphia nt onco und travel extensively ex trii'ine. unnecessary no Inv.stment THIS ! prilMANKNT CONNECTION WITH A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR AD VANCEMENT wo pay railroad faro nnd salary from start: position worth 170 per week Call between 0 and 11 a m and 2 to t) p. m , Mrs. E. G Roller. Adelphla Hotel TYPIST Underwood machine; nceiiracy es sential; reference, expirl neo nnd salary expected P 1B1") Ledgfr Office YOUNO WOMAN In Inspection and wrapping department, dry goods store experience pre ferred II. F. Dewees. 1122-24 Chestnut st. (ienrral WOMEN wanted to train as designers and illustrators, experhnco not pecesaary; commercial artists earn I1B0 to J500 per month, big demand and unequalled oppor tunity, enru while ou learn at home. Fun Information from C II Ritchie 2010 N Hroad st Philadelphia Pa I-H phone Dia mond 20SO and Kcatuno Park bid Open evinlngs nnd Satuidny p in HELP WANTED MALE HOY ovor 10, to feed Job printing preTand do general pressroom work experience not rs-cesssry tine opportunity for bright boy. See Mr Read Bth floor OOtl Chestnut st HOY--operator stock quotations board. MS month and lunch. Apply Wednesday morn ing, 0 n. in., Jumney, Hellevue-Btratford Hotel Hroad and Walnut, HOYS Must be 10 years or over, to work In wall paper faotoryi steady work' good wages) bring affidavit Apply nt once HECK. SMITH A PAGE WATER AND HNYDER AVE. HELP Wii.NTKD MAfcB 110TB WANTED FOn NIOHT WORICt MUST HE OVER Id! CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT. ATPLY AFTER 0 p. m.. l e d a n n office, fifth. TIOYB for passing rivets) 80a per hour! must Papers. NEWv YORK flltIPnUJUINO COR- 1 y...i. a .v..'., ,rtii lulu, vw 'tj nniCKMARONfl wanted. J&i nut, ellnrfel. Charleston, S. C, irhedlatelyt wages 11,10 per hour nnd work continues through out entire winter. Charleston Engineering and Contracting Co., Charleston. B, C. URI9TLE MAN Good opportunity for n. man who understands mixing of bristle and Is capable of taking charge of tho bristle department of a largo toilet brush manu facturlng plant. P 101, Ledger Office. CANVASBERS. steady, big money; no strangers. Call 8-0 and 1-3, 1721 Walnut sty first floor rear. COLLECTORS! 8 elderly men to collect tele phone accounts: $00 per month. Eastern Telephone Co., 3d and Federal sts., Camden, N, J, CLOTHINO SALESMEN About November 20, Wo will open tho finest men's store In Pittsburgh nnd require several hlg grade cloth ing salesmen. Mnko application Immediately to KAUrMANN nnOTHERS DUQUESNE. PA. COPYHOLDER Young man, Intelligent, good roader, wanted In proofreading de partment nf Tubllc Lodger; night work! 48 hour week, salary 110. Apply today, after at 000 Chestnut St.. nth floor; GARDENER for small subiirbanostntei line ehnnco for reliable. Industrious man. C 027, Ledger Office LOCOMOTIVE MACHINISTS AND DOILERMAKERS WANTED FOR OUT OF THE ,CITT PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 1823 FILDERT BT. PHILADELPHIA. PA. MACHINIST One having experience, nnd capable of safely operating touring cir; living In neighborhood preferred Krl"dher ger-Anron Mfg Co . 18th nnd Courtland sts , near Wayne. Junction. MEN to take names for Iloyd's Directory, onlv those writing plnln hnnd. C 710 Lf1er Office. PACKER nnd wrapper Young man fot shipping department In retail specialty store Address P 1S23, ledger Office PORTERS' colored wanted. Apply to Mr Haas fl0GChestnutst. SALESMAN- Experienced speeltlty man. 'to travel -viimiie vvosi uruing nun-grau sale, building servlro to rtai merchants previous success selling advertising specialty cash reglstor calendirs etc, ,l,rable quallflc i tlon commlsrlnn bislw 173 weekly drawing account P 1S2I ledger Office SALESMAN, local arsl out-of town work, wanted to call upon grocers, bakers nnd confectionery trade 160 to J7B per week to hustlers only, mention references In lettor. IJ.j&97J.edMrOfflce. SALESMAN 20 per cent commission to sell guaranteed paints and asbestos roof ce ments throughout Pennslvanla nnd Jersey state detail and reference. Hox 041, Haiti mo re. Md SALESMEN l'ou can't lift jourselt out of the rut by your boot strap, but ou have onl tn show this w ll-osetjbllshed sali s or ganization now handling unother sicurlty Issue of exceptional merit, that is being t.ik-n quickly that lou enn walk and talk and tell tho truth, to command Immedlato commission enrnlngs that will speedily pui OU on tho htuh road to tho financial lnde. pendence of which you'vo dreamed men 23 to (10 nre lnvltod to call, without delay Suite 003 Vandam Hldg . 10th nnd Market sts SALESMEN To men over 30 seeking pleasant nnd digni fied emploMiient we can nssjro a very prom ising future wo want men with n whole souled desire to boconio properous and who aro prepared to honestly give their be-at nf reference In n turn for an Irieomu thut promises Independent wealth, previous ales experience not essential Aprly 123 WIdencr Hldg , 10 3nn m or a p in SALESMEN. STOP' Do you want tn be, n first clasx saleHin in' Wo want 5 ambitious men at once men who are determined to advance to higher positions, experience not necessary, ns wo teach ou the system, un limited advancement and llfclonu Job ppy 702 Vnnd.iru Illdg 10th and Market Ask for Mr. Solleld SALESMEN for a natlonallv advertised nutomobllo ac cessory line exceptional position wltn ad vancement, state previous experience age ana salary expected t (110 ledger Oftlco. MALI S.MI-.N If ui make Ji'uim this vear, and are comp, t, nt successful salesmen, real estate advertising or Insurance busi ness, we have a 'imposition that will Interest sou Call after 10 SOI Drexil Rldg SALESMEN wanted Two trui k salesmen with capital, Reading, Pa , drawing ac count, hotel expenses und fare 3318 Wnjjio nve 8AI.Lb.MLN to sell listed nnd unlisted securi ties. Apply to Room 401, 250 3. Uroad St.; salary and commission. SALESMEN wanted for eleotrlo washers nnd vacuum cleaners, good proposition, experl- enco not necessary Applv 122 S 11th st. SION PAINTER; must be accurate and quick Apply Electrical Department, Btono & Webster. Ueach nnd Palmor sts., Philadelphia. Pa. SILVER POLISHER Sliver pollshor. experienced on fine work. Apply Hureau of Employment WANAMAKER' a SOLICITOR for collection ngencv Wanted. exp straight, clean-cut and competent so licitor for established agency, answer, giving full particulars BtntlnB in detail exp , ref and flal des , Hebrew of education and In tel II gejivoudenjnserjsdC(12(l Led Off STENOGRAPHER. mile, competent alf- nround man for shop department ofTIc , good opportunity for advancement for the right man See Mr Sh.engle. North Yard Employment Office New York Shipbuilding Corporation. Cnmden. N. J. STUCK SALESMEN Opportunity oftered to 2 clean men to sell stock that la highly roctiioineenur.i c uai, iveiiMwr ejnico STOCK SALESMEN or saleswomen to sell stocK inieresiina o doctors. p i02i, I-edger Oftlcol TILE ROOFERS Competent union men onlv. wages II 23 per hour and round-trip fare, wlro collect or vvrlto RAY RIDGE SHEET METAL WORKS 072 72D ST . BROOKLYN. N Y. WANTED Young man of experience to sell worsted Jirns to the textllo trade In Philadelphia and surrounding torrltory, state ago. experience nnd salary expected M 003 Ledger Office YOl'NO MAN for packing nnd wrapping In retail specialty store Address 1 1327, Ledrer Office YOl'NO MAN to distribute samples and leam salesmanship under nn experienced sales, manager, a good chance for oatnest hard worker Room 7 20fl Walnut place. General OREES'EWAI.D'S A SPECIALIZED EMPLOYMENT SERVICE APPI ICA1 loN'f hOLU ITED from office und factor executives mi n nnd women: accts comptrollers si cretarlos, bkprs, en gineers, technical nnd college men, SPECIALS SALES MOR., exp handling washing maeh SALP'sM W, traveling food product specialty ENGINEER, heating and ventilating oxp. SECT (stenog ) to prominent official CLERK, beachfront hotel (female), $100. MGR nuto agency exp man only. NO ENROLLMENT CHARGES Information blank and booklet gratis Application from local residents only Qreeiicwald's Hpeclallxed servlco 250 8 11th MEN wanted to train as designers and Il lustrators expert' neo not necessary, com mercial artists enrn 11.10 to $300 per month; big demand unequaled opportunity, earn while ou leurn ut home l'iin Information from C II Ritchie 2010 N Hrond st Phlla delphla. Pa, Hell phono Dla 205&, nnd Key. atone. Park 640, Open evenings ana Satur day m tn. BlTOA03ONflV!ANTED-T'TiTMALE ., . APARTMENT MANAGER Itellubls woman, several rears' successful ep., desires to make a ch.ngsl best of ref erences, P 1B00, Iiedger Office, FRENCH teacher, exp wants engagements! ndult s. children; also mnsle. P 1B2U Irf'd OX SECRETARY - STENOGRAPHER Young lady, welt educated and exi.r!enni1 tn handling correspondence, seeks change sfler nov, 10! capanie nssisinni to onumi of com pany o" other position of trusts highest rofsr. ences. Address C 233, ledger Office , YOUNO WOMAN wishes position as social secretary to lady: capable, of good family and education! knowledge of French nnd muslci letter of Introduction, Address Hox 125, Wynnewood, Pn. I KTTUATIONS WANTED MALE DOOKKEEPER-accountant Young man. 24, Wharton School training, with n vn prae, cxp., des opp ; A-1 re f C 127, Led. Off. UOOKKEEPER-nccountant Young man, 21, Wharton School trnlnlnr. wdh n w,.,,1 prao, exp,. des, opp. j A-1 ref. C 427, Led Off. HOOKKEEPEH. thor. exp.. qualified mfg1t corporation, desires pn C 428, Led, Off COOK, Japanese, long eip seeks poTdtTon; good recommendation, Ilagj 308 N.lRth. MECHANIC, practical, with techrricnl edu cation and 0 years' executive experience In Interchange mfr . des. pes. C B30, L. O YOUNG MAN. 2(1, technical education. B years' plant nnd selling experience proven oxecutlvo ability desire connection with steel firm or slml nr enterprise, JI B20, Ledger OITIce AGENTS SIDELINE SALESMEN Calling on druggist or department stores; wo have n baseball card game for sile: recommended by c injnnntl leading mistress houses, ndvertlsed nnd sold nitlonally; you can enrn 10 to Sin earh diy If you rnn devote p.iit time, send 75o for pocket sample Tho Champion Amusement Co., 41 Ingalls Illdg . Cincinnati. O. INSURANCE agents and solicitors represent us a district manager In your locality; best combination health, accident, life con tract. Adlress C. II Clemens, general man ager Marine "ank tt'dr Erie !' WC1MEN wanted, several refined ambltloiisT not over 43, to ronneet witn growing con cern In n selling cnpieltv later lnlrtn work! write for appointment C 320 Ledger Oftlco EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MISS HOPKINS, 2001 Halnbrldgo, excellent young cooks wnltreseos, chamhcrmilri laundress: s'stern, Protestnnts, chamber maid and laundress d lro pnstlons together; com- pelent he d B'L'O Sp-ure WANTED, ut officii 012 S 12lh. cook, walt- resses nurse maid, kitchen maid E O HARVEY 101(1 Rlttetihouse square Reliable help supplied nnd wanted USED AUTOMOBILES Automobile Painting The Mnrtln-Alexander way of reflnlshlng automobiles has proved tb" most economical. There Is nn nuesflon about the superior beauty of tho finish by tho baking process from tho point of durnbllltj preserving the ueep. lustrous Iln i'l TOO avoniuncn ui. cracking for an Indennlto period Justllles the lncrensed r mt of flrat-clnss work We keep our promise ns to dollvcry, our facilities insuro prompt service 'It will provo nn hour well spent to per sonally Inspect our work. Martin-Alexander Co. AUTOMOBILE REFINISIIER9 120-123-130 Reed st Dlcklnon 2201 Main 370 8-Cy!inder Scripps-Boolh 4-pasenger a snappy ,o car. In perfect condition. 1300 cash, balanco ono year to pay, open Sunduy, ROYAL 020 N Broad. Toplar 0030 V TRUCK REARS SCH0BER 3lth AND MARKTT STREETS FORD touring 1300 '18 Paterson touring, J-.30: "10 Patersun touring 11000, "20 Allen touring $1200. Allen sedan. J00O. closing out used cars Motor Corp , 820 N. Ilrondst AI1eriPstorson distributors OVERLANDS all models. 5 nnd 7 passoncer touring, 2 and 3 paascrger roadsters, 4 pnssenger chummy roadster, all other make and modi Is, time pajment. open eve nings Overland Harper Co , 230 N. Broad it. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES jiiMiw TiiniuiTiiiiAiim1 w:iv . in wwm i mm wmm DO YOU WANT ii TO HCY OR SI-LI U BUSINESS OF ANY KIND HK. lllhKb UK ANYWHERE apply PFEIFER 903 WIDENER BLDG. 8 PHONE LOCUST 47."3 No Charges Lnlesa liuineH EfTecteJ II ilUll!lllil!!!LI!!lll!l!lll:i!ili!lllll!iilllli'lilll!l!,!lll!li!!lli!l.l!':llllllllil!il!n NEED BUSINESS CAPITAL? We'll present your propositi n bv letter or prospectus so forcefully and convincingly that you'll get quick certain, positive re sults Advertising Servlco Co., 002 Park way Illdg Spruce map GARAGE South l'hll.ul iphla cnpacltr7i car prlc. $l.-,0D Im hides stock fixture, and equipment, dolnc vcrv nl o business GWIRTZ & CO "om to? -Ylil UV. Ve.,f17 , ,;H-Nl.- s- HAVE opening In reliable bus for man with $3000 onsh, anlary und good profits, en- I larglng busln s must tt seen to be. appi,. rlated re f oxi Gentile only c" 417, Led Off LIST YOUR BUSINESS WITH ME ' for eiulck sale. Have cash buyers, no charco mr naniiN eirt.Hi,.,o,i, IQIJI ATCn St WE HAVE bikers for all kinds of stores with or without property Lakoff Uro, , wholesale confestloners and general mer chandlse nt cut prices 3J'. Markets. A-1 STOCK of drv goods und trimming for sah cash only 2.1J.I E Dauphin st.. cor ner of lle'giade t TO INEiT or secure capital " SEE MAURICE LIi IITMAN Wyoming 13SI'- t4appolntment only ADVERTISE -Your "18-word ad In l6o"7u"ral monthlies tl covers tin countiy Mueller Agency, Wobst ir tt Domlnlclc st . Chicago STORAGE AND MOVING SHIP UY TRUCK STORAGE FREE STORAGE PnEK 'n have a fleet of 40 Inclosed trucks on pneumatlo tires muklng dally tripe to .11 points within BOO miles Roturn load fate on furniture 0UO per mile. M0 charge for storage for ono month. Take advantage of a return load rate. Alia rcmmcrclal hauling "llALL TRANSPORTATION CO, 22 Warron PI . N-warlf. N J. Tel. .Mkt 0031. Nliht and Bundayjihone Market 1408. oTTiTMONTH KIIP-E EVT VHI.ISHED ISSo The Exchange Storago Co. 11 J0 N BTH bT Wo have a few iVan. nnrntn rooms Vacant for (he Storage of Y 'ur Housohold Goo Is r tijVmONP -471 ' P('K(NGMovmro n WATSON'S STORAGE Dougherty & Sons Storage 1424 M. i'UTIl HT. Get our special rute for moving by our rill. hi and careful men Call Pup 4B0.1, Key. Itonejark 1187,nlht phono. Diamond 6832. Miller, North Broad Storage Co. Hroad above Lehigh Phone Diamond 7400 MovlnBhrlcU and fireproof stonigi, packing " VICTORY ST0IUGE B200 rilbert. I'hone Helmont 407J far estimate P1eree-A.rrew vans FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE! FIB 1B11 TO 1H10 MARKET ST. 3 MONARCH HTciR GE Co , RH70 LANCAq TEH AVE AU'I O SERVICE StVir icjS PACK I NO ,' ONH-niRTANPE MOVI.vtf" K Si' MAUL voods to Atl City, New York . JenVown Quaker City Trans Co W.IjikV; Hauling MOTORTRUCKS to hire by day. week or hours; all sites. Phlla Auto Trunefcr 823 N 20th st Call Pop 1714 HORSES li BAIJC Two horses, 16 hands 1 Inch nnd It hands 2 Inoh, both broken to saddle and harness Apply to H U c , 321 Chestnut at . Phlla SEWTNG MACHINES SEWING MACHINES new, $30, easy pay ments. Singer nnd other makes I liko newt 15 to llUl fullr ruaranteed. IBS N. loth L cons .;B? i .S?nFy;n UALlRI WASHtyNwYouAND ROSTOV B45-49 N 17TH ST. PuPLAR 634 TJSED rATJtlOMOBILES KNOWING vs. GUESSING USED CAR VALUES Why not choose n used car as you would nny other important purchnse deal with n dependable house, ono whose product enjoys tho highest reputation in tho industry. Our prices are as low ns they can be mndo; wo nro satisfied to sell traded-in cars without profit to facilitate soles of new cars. To the buyer of a Used Twin Six wo can nspurci the Hamo prida and satisfaction in ownership which all Packard patrons know. Tho following list contains somo of tho choicest used car buys to bo found. Come in Monday and sec them or phone ui for a demonstration. 3-35 Twin Six Touring Car Several models preent serlss Twin (Six Ono car has the new Fuellser and nil nr In first-class mechanical condition IS'iOO up. 3-35 Twin Six Sedan Four-door style, seating seven pas sengers It In upholstered In gray whipcord 3-35 Twin Six Convertible This car I newly painted and In excellent condition. 2-25 Twin Six Chummy Roadster A very popular typo of car for the prefslonal mnn nnd busy executive Easy to handle, speedv. $2300 3-25 Twin Six Touring Car Shorter wheel bnso model. Twin Six reponslvenes and eno of hnn dllnu tnako this enr n delight to tho woman driver, 3-25 Twin Six Coupelet A enitppy two.tai!rionir tnnloned enr Taal fop tho Droffanlonftl tn.n 2-35 Twin Six Touring Cars Thffft mm nnv.rn. mnr1ln m , rJ $2,100. Th second nrtrlfd In a lar model typically Packard In nppear anco nnd performance. r- Tell us whnt you are looking for. erm3 may bo arranged nnd your old car accepted in pnrt payment. Send for our revis -d USED CAR DEPARTMENT "The Safest Used Car Market in the World" PACKARD MOTOR CAR CO. OF PHILADELPHIA 319 N. Broad St. Locust 3900 Cr 25 REDUCTION FROM THE FOLLOWING PRICES MARKED ON THESE CARS BARGAINS 1918 Maxwell Sedan, $750 1918 Nash Touring, $1100 1918 Oldsmobile Coupe, $1000 1917 Studebaker Touring, $750 1917 Ford Cabriolet, $325 1917 Standard 8 Touring, $1000 1916 Buick Touring, $550 1916 Buick Roadster (6 cvl,. $650 1916 Hupmobile Touring, e$450 1920 Elgin Touring, $1000 Hvery car subject to fullest esomlnatlon and will ho sold without misrepresentation "an Is." Do You Know What a "Renewed" Marmon Is? THE HATCH MOTORS CO. 720-722 NORTH BROAD ST., PHILA. r onrtmpnt. Poplar 47 Keystone- Park 1J1 tall nhons iW,IH!! Willi WWull, U I ill OIBI'IiiUIIWIIllllJilffl EHlQMIIlli1 iU'iJ!l MIIBftiafflailirBM WlSSlKMi USED :i That positively privo real entisfaction. Guaranteed as represented. PIEnCE-ARROW TOURtNO PREMIER SEDAN AND TOURINO DIDDLE TOURING. SPORTS MODEL OLDS CONVERTHILE ROADSIER COLE S. TOURINO REO 6-PASS. TOURING B. L. P. MOTOR CO., Inc. (SRR 5rrt IIANSMAN) 502-4-6-8 N. Broad St. hriMM Maxwell, Overland, Dodge, Chevrolet, Mitchell 1300 cash, balance ono vear to pay nil guaranteed. Open Sunday ROYAL 010 N Hroad Poplar 8080 1919 Hudson Specdstei , Six niw tires original paint, will sacri fice Cuino make offer ROYAL d20 N Hroad. Ioplar 603(1 I 1919 OLDSMOBILE Six cylinder Sedan, pructleally brand in w it 00 cash balance me vear to pay open Sunday ... ROYAL il-'O N Hnnd Puptai rtntil Do you know that J .'00 will buy a 1010 or 1 01H modern car. electrlo lights, startor. etc . nil makes and models, on vear to psy balance? OPEN SUNDVY rjfWAt "-'' N Proud KUIAL. Poplar 003d V; - M7W I'll VNDLI.R sport model wlro wheels D L Plerson 2H4 1 Iberti st , Camden II II phone ( umden 1013 I I il.l. AhRll e M II'-' T passenjer t, ur nc- A 1 eondlliin 7000 miles f r mi e I v owner who is goln abroad mcrltlco tor oa.h. Phone Franbford IObS between 6 and B p, m. USED ATJTOWOBILES 3-25 Twin Six Limousine Body made by Derham. A fash ionable lnclosrd, custom-built car. 1-35 Twin Six Phaeton A speedy five-passenger type; won derful hill climber. MDUO. 2-25 Twin Six Touring Lnte modl shorter vvheclbaso tour ing i ar S2A0O. 1-35 Twin Six Touring Car May bo purchased for 1730 down, balnnco of $730 In monthly payments. 1-25 Twin Six Tourings Three cars. 1013-10 models. Can be purchased on an Initial payment of tT.'.o balanco of 1730 tn monthly payments 1919 Cole Reasonably priced and In good con dition 1919 Cadillac Sedan Exoellent condition throughout. 1917 Stutz Roadster Low priced. list of Used Car Prices l SALE OF USED CARS Bcforo you decide on your USED CAR, boo tho lartre display nt our Uaed Car Dn- c-nncatafinie nr nil rv.,,1n1a a a --I x. ... ....-, -...u.h,..P ,. ui, luuuvia, KfVJKU 1UIU plneipd tvno. RFniIIT.T flT.PC!inniT.Trc it,., A " "" -' - - - V- W J Jf bellMb M1V, BLE, and other Cars of BUndard make. It will pay you to call and look them over. Thcso Cars Aro All Real Bargains Timo Payments Arranged LARSON OLDSMOBILE CO. 800 N. BROAD ST. M CARS CHEVROLET TOURINO, WIHD WHEELS OLDS TllURING STEARNS SEDAN HUDSON TOURING FORD1'111" fiT1:A111'u "N'CLOSED) A REBUILT VIM TRUCK 1H7 S3 on delivery Hulance a vear to pay It built renlnted and guaranteed: mrw tires. A iK.dy to suit any business. VIM MOTOR TRUCK CO. HltOD AND HUNTINGDON BTH. DAVIS AND COLE 8 PARTS S 10BER ?" AND HWUI MARKET HTnT-T-.TI 1919 PACKARD 3 33. This car Is practically new; owner has left it with us to dispose of. ROYAL 'i N- '"' t. 11M Poplnr 008(1 PA i K Villi i liuuiei roudater, practlcaUr new re lue-ed to 13000 for quick sale. CeOl l) rbronV. 4710 W I 1919 Paige Lirchmont 1 j Speedster One of the handsomest cars In Phtla.1 plOU taken It away, balance one year to pay open Sunday ROYAL ,"N Hroad Toplar 03 CARS AND Till i KH new and used newly . ndviiel low pn, . s and such eiceedlnriy 1 eav teims ou ,111,111' resist owning one. i till Ml Hill.) , ill ii. i (..t.iH ' Ul.T. , '"111 11 N - , '" ' ,,, i QIUCIV CO,. MiiiHhal, t i TO lioliluiw SIONI v )v CA HUE MAURI'' -ICI HTMAN Wyoming 10bl 4 appointment ontr He . Ht ft 'tt' in' Hit ih ID 0 v I--' 0 r v Tt I 1 i I. A J N i .ft " t