i- '( )'' - i, o r ' V M35jffjBi5B ,iv ;r; v -r -rt "f I' u " u V . I i l J) i! Statue Democracy Literally Crushed i OwrtSanfd from rase Ona Vf h they are now just where they started from. Nothing Left Undone No nchemo that ' political ingenuity fould devise was left untried by them. e yiunrgca uihj cuuiurr-LIinrKl'S ox iruuu, f' tntlmidation, nnd the usual schedule of ' wtction dodges flow like birdshot. ' It' is alleged by the Traiucra that i lfc price of votes was raised out of nil .groportlon to past performances in that ane. An unusual nnd very Interesting phase of the presidential ballot was thd elto of the Debs vote In this city. Tlio Prisoner in Atlanta received 17,037 votes. It is nearly one-halt of the etc tire Socialist vote cast In L'cnnsvlvnuln four years ago for the then presidential candidate, Allan J. Dcnttou. jglgn Worth Watching It is a political weather vano well worth watching. A large proportion of it came from the industrial wards, nota bly in tho northern and southern sec tions. In tho Twenty-eighth ward 1233 votes were piled up for Debs. In the Thirty-ninth, 17C8; the First, 873 j tho Thirty-third ward, 1031 i the Forty third ward, 087, nnd in the Forty-sixth, 020. In contrast with the size of the So cialistic vote is that of Christiansen, tho candidate of the Farmer-Labor party, which cut hucIi spcctaculnr shines at its Chicago convention. Its princi ples apparently carved no Ice or none to amount to anything with Industrial workers. Tho big fellow from the West got only HOO votes out of the hundreds of thousands polled in the city. Not even burnt brandy, much lrs contraband whisky, which wns peddled openly In Democratic nnd mippocdly doubtful congreiiniml districts, 'ould savo the untorrlflcd from tin- wrath of disgruntled communities!. Tho icturns from the state at this writing indi cate thnt the Republicans have cap tured three Democratic districts nnd three more arc in doubt. It looks as though the Democratic representation from Pennsylvania in the next Congress would be about twoT It is the greatwit'lsndslldo'ln Upstate's history.' , . j Tho outcome is in sorry contrast with the foolish and flamboyant claims of tho Dpmnerntlo State Committee of thrco days ago. Then it wn-J claiming eighteen districts, Just half tho delegation in Congress. The nickel-plated ncrvo of Secretary Van Dyke which Induced him to mako such a prediction, or even encourngo it, was political prophecy raised to tho nth power of the preposterous. General Wllilt J. Hillings, in the Twenty-eighth Congressional district, comprising tho counties of Elk, Warren, Forest, Venango nnd 'Mercer, has been sidetracked for Harris Bixlcr. Blxlcr had the Democratic and Itenobllcan nominations, won after a court decision. Hullngs, therefore, though tbftslttng member, had to run on a prohibition and independent ticket. Doubt In Erie -Crawford A trinngul'a'r fight. Is in doubt in the Erie-Crawford district, the Twenty fifth. Milton W. Shrcvc. the present congressman, is tho candidate of the "ilrvu " wdlip It. J. Firman Is runnine as the Republican, with M. It. Hnibach as tho liemocrnt. neports indicate mo success" of . Firman, The big feature of the cntiro con gressional fljdit is the election, on the latest returns, of Oerncrd, Republican, over Dumn, Democrat, In tho Demo cratic Ucrks-Iichlgh fortress. This, the Thirteenth district, was, up until vesterdav. tho annlc of the Dem ocratic eye; the Democratic shibboleth of the state. It was the one district where a Democratic nomination has nl ways been equivalent to nn "lection. Hut alas! nnd nlacki Likewise woe Immeasurable 1 Tho Berks-Lehigh district has gone Renubllcan nnd the traditions of gen erations have been shattered. Gcrncrd cnrrled Lehigh, nnd Ucrks couldn't mus ter enough votes to overcome the lend. A thoiiixh this did not sink the iron deep enough Into the soul of Democ racy. PtreK .uci.nne nas nccn HCKeu lir rimrlr U. Council in Luzerne counts . Congressman MoLaue counted on the- support of the miners in that section of the anthracite region. Hut Mr. McLnne got tho wrong 'otint. The miners have evidently had enouch of Wi'sonlsm. Anyhow, they voted for a mine owner who has the rnmitnUon of belnc one of the "square" operators In that district. Besides, the I TKE BETTER KIND LIGHTING FIXTURES Very newest deigns direct from the manu facturers without middlemen's profits. GLOBE LIGHTING FIXTURE CO. Afa'-ur'ncrurcra 153 N. 10TH STREET ',?, Jft.BM."T Twit wrriripn'TOiwiOTTcrMOTii i m mum m mamsririi mtfe Like to Get Back OxiYouv Auto Insurance ? MANY car owners, I find, arc making big savings by placing their auto mobile insurance with the Liberty Mutual. I got back $32.64 on my premium last year clean saving. "In the Liberty Mutual, you gee insurance at actual protection-cost, in a strong com pany with a record for full responsibility and prompt settlements." Last year, every Liberty Mutual policy holder received, at policy termination, a 30 cash refund on his premium a sav ing of at least 23 over stock-company cost. The Liberty Mutual'3 cash refunds have always been 30 of the automobile premium. How much will you save on your automobile insurance this year? Find out! Use the coupon no obligation. . TOTAL REM!UM3 WRITTEN IN 1919 OVER $5,000,000 TOTAL, SURPLUS OVER $800,000 LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY EtUblhbtd tgil Workmen's CbmpensationXiability and AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE SEND THIS TODAY IBERTY MUTUAL 20 S. I5TH ST.. I'HILA., PA Plcate mall particulars regarding Automobile Insurance at cost. Name ..Residence, Business Address , , Make of Car? Year of Model 7 ,. II Coat You!? Bought New or Used ?.,.,. Do You Uie Car In Your Business ? , Type of Body? ClUrarTotm Oaragcdta. J congressman elcct la a -aephow of 'the noted William Connell, once Uiebg Republican leader of the Luzerne dis trict. Democratic hopes fell yesterday like the leaTcs of Vallambrosa. Congress man John J. Casey, of Wllkcs-Uarre tho Lackawania district, was one of them. He dropped beside Patrick Mc Lane. Clarence D. Coughlln, Repub lican, Is hln successor. It is another instance where the labor voto went where it wasn't expected to bo. Dutlcr and Westmoreland counties, the Twenty-second Congressional dis trict, also redeemed themselves. John II. Wilson, Democrat, who, really won on a fluke .last, year, was defeated by Adam M. Wyaht, and phce more the great bituminous counties will ce ici resented in Washington by a .Republi can. V - Hut Wurral Wurra! Tho worst i yet to come Out in the Twenty -third district Bruce Sterling, Democratic state chairman, was opposing Congressman Kendall. Fayette nnd Somerset 'coun ties, with Greene, comprise the district; all big coal producers. At last accounts Hi- -tare chairman was still under the debris. " It Is likely that John V, tosher, pres ent JJcmocrauc congressman irom ou bury in tho Sixteenth district, has been returned. . . ... Great doubt exists about Attorney General Palmcr'a district, the Twenty sixth. Reports aroi lacking, and It is counted at this hour as doubtful, w. H. Kirkpatrick, of Boston, is the Re publican who is.maklng the fight against George W. Gclser, also of Easton. It would be Democracy's crown of borrow Bhould this, a cabinet officer s district, about face and become Repub lican. But it looks that waynow. Any -hbw, it is notorious that General Palmer didn't turn a Anger to help Cox on the stump, and why,' they ask, should he help him at the polls? . . It really looks, by and large, as It tho Democrats in Pennsylvania dlun t havo a leg left totstond on. Mayor Praises Police Work jfoyor (Moore, through Director of Public Safety Cortclyou, today com mended Superintendent of Police Mills and Assistant Superintendent Tempest for the splendid manner in which the police maintained order at the polls dur ItJK the election. ''Klndlv extend Ir 1 in know" that with rW rlrtlrt tn your assistants nnd the police my high tlons no disorder .prevailed at the polls appreciation of the cfllcieut manner n nnd that the voters generally were free which they performed their 'duties," and unmolested to express their will at aaid tho Mayor. "It is very gratifying I the ballot-box." Gettysburg "America's Greatest Dattlefleld" $3.60 rip Sunday. November 7th Zb Itfturnlna, Iravrs Uettyaburr 8:00 P. St. TIcKetf may be purchased prior to data of - recursion. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILWAY "wrniuraMmW The Rental Department' of the Underwood Typewriter Company is prepared to furnish machines of guaranteed quality. Underwood SPEED . ACCURACY - DUKABILITT fclSKVICK after rental. SERVICE after !e. Because it renders this is one of the reason the Underwood b the molt popular mtchbe. UNDERWObD TYPEWRITER CO., INC 1006 Chestnut Street ajsjjinwwwtwwnmiimwiw rimmmwmwmmrmmmMrriiaM 1 " f Unless it gives the simple, staple results which the Hupmobile owner gets, no car can truly be said to be worth what it costs. Vk It should everlastingly keep going. It should not have to be "hauled home" except for accident 4 - ' k ,The repair costs per year should be t negligible. (We believe the average cost per car for Hupmo bile repairs is lower than any car in the world.) It should, like the Hupmobile, have a reputation for low-cost long life so good that it will always command a high price when re-sold. These things are axiomatic. They make up the thing known as value. They are the things you pay for and get, in the Hupmobile. THE HATCH MOTORS COMPANY 720-22 N. Broad Street Poplar 7670 BfiSH. lA A -'.. vti ' U ?l 1 ; m z m l iM J i f tisl I i c . n I ....-! X "7 Tf J 1 .i i, w v. '; ,la Lr j ilAy&U$rM ,. '.-jiii-JVitiiU I k. f' 'Ji.i!l.iaLi xhisz&lite. V.'J- .waJsMAi,V !i$' ,u.,. .11. &1 M$ rMtin'fiiim i p'HM wm'ii 'iwwmw