jr?c; fc vVuV;- V M . t 1, 1920 '.' - wT, , ,, ,. i j : . ,- : '' i . ,. , . A1 " : ., .iL-i1.1 ,', rae bub URDU r T INCIDENT H?y Overawes Crowds at Funtral Revolver Salute Fired Over Gravo EIGHT BISHOPS TAKE PART Br tlw AmoLi(I Prw Cerfc, Not. 1. In tbe.rmifnce of tjiurcn dlfnttaritf , scorer or hta former nitarauo toiuiuc a and Ibonaatxls of I eotmtrj en, the body of Terence Mac8wlnejr lord mayor of Cork, was lowmd to its reatlna place In tho "Republican Plot" In St. FInbarr'a Oewetery, jnat outafcte Cork, yesterday. Deapite the splendor lent the wcene y the attendance, of high chnrebmen. there was a simplicity marking (he ceremonies that was. Impresulre. Ontride the cemetery, hidden by the !?Uf? cru,h aJ townapeople,' two ' SEX?. ?"',. thcir lnc hum 4dy, and a half-dozen lorries ailed with fully equipped noldlera. were twn up at the roadiMe. Imparting a i!.!!.r " otherwlM solemn ?l?!nRV Bu during th transfer of &L&&' 'j0,.0 Citr H" through fSJfcii?ed ,ao to St. Mary's J. .u " dnT.ln the Procesafon from the cathedral to the cemetery dhturban 0t "B ,nc!d'nt of vIo'n:o or The city of Cork and the whole T1?i:r'8,d? vM trtbotc to the memory SLk j jnr mrtrr." The body was buried bMldo that of Lord. Mayor MacCurtaln, who was nwagsfnated. A t! -Iai. wn .nro the rwn of Joseph Murphy, who. like MncSwiney, died ft hunger striker In Cork Jail, adorned with an American flar. and of two other Irish republican soldiers. Eljrht Bishops Participate Archbivhop Ilarty, of Cnshel, pre aided at the solemn requiem moss in the cathedral. Tllnlinn Pnhal.n - t i. JS?h!IS "Ek-Iteir ut!ng r liuqCi or , ertli T i. - Hobart, Tasmania; Bishop Browne, of Cloyne; O 'Sullivan Kerry; Foley, of Ballarat, Australia and Foearty. of Kiilaloe. The coffin ---(- -H . fc , II J It All 11 UK rested on a catafalque, corered with, a St . . "u" ,na crossounes on either side. The cathedra! wis filled and thousands m persons were massed In the adjacent stmts. The two-mile route of the proccsiion from the cathedral to the cemetery was solidly flanked by thousands, who'barpd their heads as the casket, borne on the boulders of the mayor's brothers and intimate friends, passed by. Church Bells Eclio Cathedral's When tho services at the cathedral ended and the procession, formed under the supenislon of the Irish volunteers, moved off slow I v. the cathedral bell began tolling. This was immediately echoed b the, bolls of tho other ehurches in the city. John Peter" Mao Swlney. brother of the lord major, acted ns chief coffin bearer. Father Dominic. MacSwincy'a private chap lain, and Arthur Griffith, vice presi dent of the "Irish republic," enmo Immediately behind him. One, hundred and ciphty priests headed the proces sion. They were followed by acolytes and high-church dignitaries. Then came two flower-burdened hearses, a company of volunteers dressed In cin tena1 clothes and twenty-five carriages, with women mourners.. Volunteers,; caeh of them carrying floral, pieces, formed nn oufer column on each side of the procession. A cordon of volun teers held back the solid lines of bare headed spectators who ovcrrnn the sido walks. A number of wreaths sent by Americans were noticeable among the floral piece" in toe uearscs. As the. clergy wore, filing away from the graveside after the body had been lowered six men who wera admitted within the circle formed by the volun teers took positions over the grave, and fired a revolver salute of three volleys and silently withdrew. Mr. Griffith In paying a tribute to MacSwiney's llfework in the service of thr, Irish cause declared that Jonrj of Ate "would find In the martyred lord mayor a. worthy comrade In heaven." IRISHMAN EXECUTED; ATTACKS BRITISH Dublin, Nov. 1. (By A. P.) Keven Barry, a merieal student, was executed at Mount Joy Prison this morning for taking1 part In an attack nn a military escort here during tne , lasr, summer. TUrrr Teas eharsed with murder, as two British soldiers were killed during tho fight. When the hour of execution ap proached nearly 1000 persons proved outside the prison, continuing until after the vounx man had been Dronmtnced dead. Armored car guarded the street before the prison. Barry's mother de clared last week she wan proud her eon wan "dying for Irelano. TTinr wra nt least fourteen separate attacks on the police and military In tho west and south or ireiann wunaay eve ning. In these attacks irbt of the po lice were killed nnd cleht others wound- d. Ono member of the military nnd one naval man were wounded. One civilian was killed. Dnngatmon, Ireland, Nov. 1. (By A. I)-r-This town, located In Central Ulster, spent a terrifying night an a result of reprisals following the wound ing of a constable during an attack on a pollco patrol by civilians yesterday. Policemen nnd armed and dlsguied men visited the town and discharged bombs and firearms In many business houses owned by members of the Sinn Fein. A number of places' were wrcrked nnd many families fled to the country for safety. 3 CIVIL WAR VETERANS DIE General Law VV.aa Ranking Surviv ing Officer of Confederate Army Bartow. Fla., Nor. 1. Major Gen eral K. M. Law, ranking surviving of ficer of the army of the Confederacy, died here yesterday. Reading, P., Nov. 1. After n week's illness, causeed by ptomaine poisoning, the origin of which could not be traced. Dr. I. AV. Neweomet, seventy-eight years old. Civil War veteran and medical practitioner for fifty-four years, died yesterday at his home in Stouchsburg. Mrs. Neweomot and Mrs. Ida Witxel, who lived with tho Ncwcomets, were taken ill at the same time, but arc re covering. Dr. Neweomet was n grad uate of the University of Pennsylvania. Stafford, Conn., Nor. 1. Colonel Chailcs Wnrrcn. eight-five years old. a veteran of the Civil War nnd formerly president nf the maltord Havings Ilnrtk, died suddenly yesterday. n nil ITALO JUGOSLAV! La Conferema per Rlsolvere la Questlone Adriatica Fissata at 5 Novambro FubllthrA ndplittlbutert Undar PEnMIT NO. 8, ut)lil hv thA art At nctnbr fl. I BIT. enfll at th Postomes of FMta- i. r. felphla. A it. ntmLnsotf. Poatraaitar 0nraL SOVIETS CAPTURE TOWfiS Make Important Gains In Crimea and A-vanc London, Nor. l.'--(B A. .)Bcy cral important towns north'east 'nnd northwest of the, Crimean peninsula have been occupied by the BoTifItu-' stan forces a a result of hard fighting along theTBlack sen front, Is announced In an official statement from Moscow dated Sunday. Among the placet occu pied are Ferekopa, Melitopol and Bkad ovsk. " ' The capture of Melitopol by the Bol shevik represents flu advance of about 'to mues sofltn irom Aiexanarovss, on the Dneipery which Bebsstopol dl patches last week announced bad been evacuated by the forces of General Wrangcl, the sntL-8ovlet commander in South Persia. ., . , Father of Phlladefphlan Dies "Papa Frit' Walther, seventy years old, a cabinetmaker In' New York, hanged himself from a doorslll in his home, 4.12 East-lOOUi street, yester day, He is said to have- a daughter living in this city. Ills wife died Ave years fto TO CLOSE SUBTREASURY Business of Chicago Institution to Be Taken Over by Reserve Bank Washington. Nov. 1. (By A. P.) Discontinuance of the subtrcasnry at Chicago at the c!os of business Wed nesday, November ,1. was ordered today by Secretary Houston. Mr. Houston also announced that the Federal lleservc Bank at Chicago would be prepared on that date to handle all exchange of nafcer .currency and .United States moneys. All outstanding gold certificates issued by the assUtant treas urer of the United States In charge of the Chicago subtreasury will be received for payment by the reserve bank or by the treasurer of tho United States. Roma, 81 ottobrc. I negozlatt tra i rappresentantl dell'Itnlln e quell! della Jugoslavia, alio scopo dl ragginngere nn accordo sul problems Adrlattco, sono statl flsntti per II giorno G novembtt cd nvranno liiogo a Portaflno, sulla rlvicra llfure. La conferen". al riguardo durera' meno di una settimana poiche' sembrn die I'On. Giolitii vogTla presentarsl alia riapertura del Parlamento con una soluxione deflnltlva. Infattl .e' ttnto an nunxlato ufflcialmente che He dalla con ferenza in parola non dovesse nascerc la saluzlono del nroblema Adriatlco. 11 Governo Italia no credcra' inutile di. tentare aitri aecorai en agirn inuipcn dentemente da ognl eriterlo di Bclgrado. Nel coso che l negotiati dovessero falllre, Htalla domandera agli Alleati dl riconoscere, al termini del Patto dl Londrn, l'annessione di Trieste e dell'Istrla, non essendo plu' posslblic rlnviaro ancora la dellmitazione della fronttera. Circa Finme si dice non potra' negarsi U suo dlritto alia indlpendcnza c l'ltalla si affrcttera a riconiscerla. Sempre nel coco che I negoslati fallis scro. l'ltalla. nonostante die potrebbe ocenpare la Dalmaxla In base al Patto dl Londrn, proclamcrcbbc l'autonomla della Dalmazia a condltlono che alia dttn' dl Zara sia lasciata libera la facolta' dl riconoscere la sovraniU dell'Italla e dl eleggere un meinbro nl Parlamento dl Home. Rom, 31 ottobrc U fllornale "II Tempo" dice dl aver anpreso cue il mnndato per 1 Armenia e stato offerto all'IUlla, la quale sarebbe disposta ad accettarlo. Roma, 31 ottobre. Le elcxlonl muni cipal! ssrnnno temita oggl In parecchle dttn dell' Italia. Bsse sono spedal mente Importantl in Veneaia, Bologna c Gcnovo. ma hanuo as-into un Interesse nazlonale in Roma, ove un aspra lottn si e' impegnata trif il grnppo antl-costi-tuzionale, coraposto di sodalistl o del partito cattollco, e del gruppo corobi nato dl tutti 1 costituzlonall. II deflnltlvo risultato dello elezionl non potra' esse.ro conosctuto prima dl domnnl, ma il successo del costituzlonall BCinbra ccrto. Roma, 31 ottobre. Ad inizintiva della associaxionl patrlottiehe romane, ba avitto luogo una lmponente dimostra rlonvj presto il monumento a Vlttorlo Emcauele. ovc parlarono cloquente mente Salvatore Borzllal cd il Seuatore Alberto Bcrgaminl. Si calcola che centomila clttadlni abbi ano preso parte alia manlfestszione. II slgnificato dl essa e' stato qucllo del 1'unlonc dlt futtl I veri Italian! per la salvczzn della Patria. Tsn-Cent Fare In Connecticut New Haven, Conn., Nov. 1. (By A. r.J The ten-cent fare went Into effect at 12:01 o'ejock this morning on tlin trollev line of thn Connecticut Co.. which operates 00 per cent of the Itollei mileage in the state. Th new tariff as a substitute for the seven-cent fare was authorized recently by the Public Utilities Commission. ' if IN Muningwear thcrc's-.the quality of the fabric, the fit, the finish, the corhfort and long life that causes million- of people to associate the name Munslng wea'r with all that Is desirable in underwear. A correct size, style and fabric for every mem ber of the family. Order your winter supply no. Let Munaingwear Union Suit You. November Victor Records AT PRESSER'S TODAY i 9 ifi Mm jmjh i I m YvlIl- n wlkwj' i ESaliK?. Ilk dHmJBrl K Cml Join today and there will be no disap pointments this Christmas three stand ard phonographs to choose from and it may be delivered at once or any time between now and Christmas. Victor- Cheney-Brunswick In all styles and finishes arc offered to those who join the Christmas Club now and aside from being assured of having the particular phonograph you desire you receive Special Terms and Special Advantages That embody many privileges that are not obtainable by any but club members. A Plan of Selling That Eliminates All the Undesirable Features of Extended Payment Buying WRITE PHONE CALL for full particulars THEO.PRESSERCO. The Home of Music 1710-12-14 CHESTNUT The Store of Personal Service 1310 Chestnut St. Sale of Dresses , For Tomorrow Values corrcctlu estimated 'at 35M to 45 AO Lowering Prices is the current, definite policy of The Blum Store whilst maintaining quality. This Sale of Dresses is remarkable evidence of an assured success. Twenty Different Models Tricotine,' Poirct Twill, All-wool Serge, Taffetas, Satins and Woo) Jerseys. The color-tones are all favorites. All Sales Final No Approvals None C. 0. D. THJE BLUM STORE A New Organization With an Old Name The largest stock in America of Educational, Classic and' Church Music Publications. All the latest popular and show successes. Writs your name mid uddrew below and ( " forwsra you full particulars of the moat liberal plCi ev.r oer.l for tho purchwo of a Vlotrola, Brunswick or Cheney Phonograph. Name . , Address How Men are Buying ! in the 20 Discount Sale at WiffiamEWanamaker's and small wonder when it is considered that every dollar's worth of merchandise in the store (amounting approximately to one-half million dollars) is included in the offer. You can buy Aquascutum Overcoats from Regent Street, London at 20 off. You can buy any Overcoat, any Ulster, any Ulsterette in the store at 20 off. You can buy any new Suit in our crystal cabinets clear up to $100.00 at 20 off. You can buy Collars, Neckties, Hosiery, Handker chiefs, Gloves, Canes, Hats, Qaps, anything in the furnishing department at 20 off. You can buy every Evening Dress Suit and all dress ac- . cessories in the store at 20 off. And think of this you can buy standard $60 tailor ing fabrics, built to your measurement in our day lighted tailoring shop at 20 off or as low as $48.00. You can buy any leather-lined Coat in our stocks at 20 off. Men certainly do appreciate an opportunity, like this when they know it to be genuine and hundreds of Philadelphia men are talking of the splendid savings they are registering at the William H. Wanamaker Store. William H. Wanamaker 1217-19 Chestnut Street WANAMAKER'S aa-eJMMMM-Mi WANAMAKER'S aTI J Wan amaker's Down Stairs Stores ' ' .I. 1 1 1 1 -i The Little Phonograph Shop Is Merry With Music All Day Long More and more people ore finding this a convenient place to stop, to hear L'Artlato phonograph play and to decide finally upon the phonograph to buy. L' Artiste at $90 Is n splendid phonograph, the best inexpensive one Wo know. It was made, at our sugges tion, by ono of the best makers of phonographs, in America. Tho tone quality is clear, ptiro and delightful and the construction of the phono graph Is solid and durable. Tho $00 is payable at once or at tho rate of $5 Down and $5, a Month You also may tako the first $5 out in records, if you wish. OKeh Records aro being featured in Tho Little Phonograph Shop and you will find an excellent as sortment of vocal and instru mental numbers. They are all double-faced aad are $1 each. (Central) Blanket Nights Have Come " Sinale-bed Blankets : A White wool-mixed blan kets, 60x80 inches, are ,$8, $10 and $15. Double-bed Blankets in white with pink or blue borders aro of wool mixed with cotton. 70x80 inches at $10, $12.50 and $14. 70x80 inches at $15 and $16. 76 x 84 inches, $18. Wooi'-mi'xcci' Plaid Blankets 66x80 inches, $8.50. 70 x 80 inches, $10. 68 x 80 inches, $12. All-wool Plaid Blanket 8 70 x 80 inches, $15 and $22.50. 72 x 84 inches, $25. All-wool red or tan blankets, 72x80 inches, are $25. Warm Scotch plaid blankets, 66x80 inches, are $18.50. They have a small percentage of cotton in them. (Crnlritl) ffiffi Fiber rugi, 6x0 feet, SB. Japaneie straw rugi, 0x0 feet, $5. Wool and fiber rugt, 9x12 feet, 39.78. Japanese straw rugs, 0x12 feet, S0.7S. Seamless Axminster rugs, 0x12 feet, $02.BO and $77.50. (Chestnut) Men Can Save Good Dollars! , on Every One of These 7- Ail-Wool Suits at $34.50 Alin f.H-tf fa Wrtrfh nrnr man'-r Anf4rt'Hrt- 4tiMh Amtttrnt These are just the sort ol suite that young men want . .S AtM41. ...,..... j.ui -veiyuuy uuamess wear. Good, sound all-wool cheviota maka them and they ar of real Winter weight. Coats are single or double breasted' and are half lined or full lined with, mohair. A number of fine brown, gray or green patterns for'" your choosing. ' Fittings in all regular sizes. (Oatlsrjr, Marks!) Every Woman Will Cast Her, Vote for a New Coat - -lieu ib is a question or as gooa coata r as these in the Down Stalra Stor .Of particular interest to the woman who wants a plain coat, with which sho can wear her furs, is the coat that is sketched. It is of fine polo cloth, light in weight, yet exceedingly warm. In color it is a becoming tan, with a lighter tan back, and it is linod, through the shoulders and alooves. with Hk S50. Other coats of polo cloth and camel's hair, in similar styles, are $35 to $69. Soft dolmans, which wrap around one so softly, aro $29 to $09. Bolivia, silver tone, velour and wooldyno are tho prin cipal materials. In Extra Sizes there are interesting coats of Bolivia, silvertone, velour and broadcloth, cut on simple straight lines, at $19 to $79. (Markst) Plaids Are the Proper Skirts for Skating Cheory and worm and gay, they are perfect for ay sorts of cold weather sports. All the pretty pleatings, as well ns gathered models, are here in browns, blues, greens, grays and black-and-white combinations. $5.90 to $35. (Market) U . ; 1 3 ' 05& V -rS Beautiful Two-Tone Satin Ribbon It is heavy satin on one side and molro on the other and makes such graceful sashes and hat trimmings. In combination of tan-and-light blue, tan-and-brown, navy-ond-American Beau ty, henna-and-navy, brown-and-green and black-and-pcacock. Gtt inches wide, $2.35 a yard. (Central) Women's Mocha Gloves At Moderate Prices At $2.5t a pair gray or bea ver gloves are half-pique sewn and have one clasp. , At $3 a pair mocha gloves with silkjininga are in gray, black' ..u utrc atitu uuo tiaajj. j gray mocha gloves with spear point embroidery on the backs nave one clasp. (Central) Practical Umbrellas for Men and Women. $2 Covers are of American taffeta (cotton) over strong paragon frames. Handles for women are long or short, plain or carved, eomc tipped with bakellte and all with wrist cords. .y Handles for men are of plain wood in crook style. Hj (Central) V jfl ' i This Is Walking Weather aricf ' a Suit Is Most Satisfactory I For shopping, for calling, for walking, & suit is adaptable arid convenient, also for traveling, as a fresh blouse each day or so will keep you looking well groomed. In the' Down Stairs Suit Store there are jersey suits,- velouft suits, silvertone suits and suito" of tricotine and of serge, all well tailored and most of them lined with pretty silks. Some are quite plain 'and others are trimmed With fur., & Tho seasonable and fashion-r oblo colors aro weJJprsentcd v and the prices rangfrom $25 to $1IC. The TVo Suits, Sketched At $37.50, the suit on tho right is of Pekln or brown ail- vertone- of fine, soft quality trimmed with sealeno. At $55, the velour suit,4" sketched, is in brown, navy or1.? Ntmkln. Women will like tho long Unea of the back. ' ML"-W g7P 1Cj $65 $37.60 (Market) Thousands of New High Shoes for Women Reduced to $5.40 and $6.85 Tan leather shoes with straight or wing tips or with imitation wing tips are in various styles, some with low heels, others with medium heels, and still others with Cubart heels. All of them lace high and have sturdy, welted soles. Black kidskin shoes have straight or imitation wing tips, and some of them are madefrthe comfort style with wide toes. These last have turned soles anoHw heels. The others have medium or Cuban heels. Black calfskin shoes have straight, imitation wing or real wing tips and the heels are Cuban, or medium. Almost all sizes are here in every style and a number of sizes and widths m brogue Oxfords and fashionable pumps. ....'. - - - (ChMtn(j f m "'C 3 u J y ft V r m w f'i. A t ' ' ' l II 1 I I 1 I I I i 5 J 9-t ik ) ; i -8ia;r, 2bSi-i i- -ffTT-f-lHllli '. -1lTiliW-liiill ! 1 1 ftltli-- - - ' " m : ' WIssT;isi...iiIi EUtfkutM 1'"U." . W" vKizhAtJtiMW'' ;&' iMtfi)wMiiifiiiMatMiwiit m MimmmwMiMmmwMwm N -j i:'..i: 1 TVVT-H- j. ."-a. r .... Ltd. J "vB ,;' :.k. TfaiirimMmmilh ii 'Wl '' a ''?. i "i.' " y ' Jf