Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 30, 1920, POSTSCRIPT CLOSING STOCK PRICES, Page 7, Image 7

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1 1,
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n .m .
Band pjays at 9; Organ at 11;
jx unna at 4:&u
Chime "t Noon
Store Opens at 9
Store Closes at 5 '
November Will Surely Have an Auspicious Opening Here
There Are Men and Women
Who Do More in an Hour
than -a half earnest man would do in a day.
For a soldier to go to war and not carry
any weapons except on parade would never
win the day.
In these times every business and
profession in the world needs thinkers who
are steady workers fired up to white heat.
'. No man means to be a half man, nor
knows that he has fallen into a habit of
doing as little as he is doing.
There is a little brindle dog near me who
has been taught "up and at them Punch."
Oct. SO, 1020.
Glitteringly Lovely JTunics and
Bodices From Paris
The bodices are usually Bleovc
lcss, and have tho fashionable
straps over the shoulders. Thcro
Is a gold one that Is a perfect
beauty, thero are others of
sparkling jet, there arc colored
beaded affects, and there are iri
descent nd white bodices and
garnitures and no two arc alike.
These start at $15 and go. to $55.
(Main Floor,
Velveteens Are Very Fashionable
for Handsome Suits and Gowns
Besides their richness and
beauty, they have another much
idmirctl quality, they combine so
well with furs. "
Tho finest American and Eng
lish velveteen's are here in
heavier weights for suits and
coats and lighter weaves for
(Flrit Floor,
Blue DuvetyneWrapsWith Gray'
SquirreLAre Lovely
Every woman erowB enthu
siastic as soon as she sees
them and just because they
arc so fashionable this Win
ter, there are any number of
different models.
You can choose from the
prettiest blouscd styles, loose
draped effects and capes, the
(First Floor,
New French
of Much Originality
Fine silks and velvets in blue
and fur shades arc used in these
bags, which are decidedly un
uaunl shapes, square and oval.
It is the frames, however,
which have the most individu
ality. They are of a material
(Main Floor,
New Long French Gloves
in the Fashionable Colors
They are all of soft mocha
uedes, and are just the weight
and tha $ylcs wanted for wear
with tho new Winter gowns.
The colors nrc most attractive
there are light and dark brqwn
shades (those fashionable dark
browns are included), there arc
(Main Floor,
New Colored
Very Specially Priced
They are such advanced styles,
in fact, that tho same kind is
now on the looms for Spring.
Now embroidered silk net
fl.)uncing3, 36 and 40 inches wide,
in black, brown or navy blue,
$3.75 a yard. The usual price for
200 Womenf's Skirt 3 at an
Interesting Price $16.75
Samples and little surplus
' lots from a manufacturer
turning to Spring work. They
are of prunella cloth, soft ve
lour and fine worsteds; they
are all pleated either knife
'v or box; a great many of them
(Flr.t Floor,
Coats for All
For thq very llttlo babies
thero aro soft, warm little whito
coats of corduroy, 'of cashmere,,
$f serge, of chinchilla, and of
broadcloth, some fur trimmed.
Thoy1 aro in whito and light
rvlors, and start at $6.50 and go
tq, $75 and avo in 1 and 2 year
'oata for older children are of
wjwyiois, or veiours,voi. ore-
' . .' 'mt.1- "i
The tunics arc quite as beauti
ful as the bodices, and they heed
but little to transform them 'into
complete gowns. Thero are black
and colored effects, white arid
sapphires and opalescent tunics
gorgeous affairs of spangles
and beads and airy net. $40 to
Yes, they have just arrived
from France.
dresses. They arc from 27 to 44
inches wide and from $3.50 to
$10 a yard.
Also, they come in all tho most
desirable shades of browns and
blues, besides 'plum, taupe, green,
burgundy, henna and black. And
there are evening tints.
latter having panels of squir
rel fur around the upper part.
All the wraps have big col
lars of squirrel, sometimes
they are round, or havo
squared or pointed ends. In
certain cases the cuffs, too,
are of the fur.
Prices go from $275 to $410.
resembling celluloid and are hand
carvcrt ana colored in tne most
effective Egyptian and Chinese
Another feature of these bags
is an automatic closing when
they arc raised by the handle.
Prices, $37.50 to $50.
pretty beavers, mode and a lovely
ecru shade. 12-button length,
pique sown, $7.50 a pair.
In tho same length, and also
of the sami velvety mocha suede,
avo gray gloves with a combina
tion crochet embroidery on tho
backs, $8.50 a pair.
Fashion Laces
this quality is considerably more.,
New "radium" all-overs, in
black, brown or navy blue, 36
inches wide, $2.50 a yard.
Now ecru flouncings, hexagon
mesh, heavily embroidered, 36
inches wide, $1.65 a yard.
arc in blue-and-tan or in black-and-white;
and the waist meas
ures run to 32 inches. They
arc admirable skirts to wear
with long coats or sweaters
and the savings on each run
from $6 to $12.
Central) '
the Children
cloths, polo cloths and other Win
ter fabrics, aro in plain tailored
or fancy styles, aro all warmly
lined and interlined, and are $15
to $70. These are in 2 to 0 year
Fur coats, of natural or white
coney, of natural racoon, of
boaver, nutria or squirrel, begin
at $65 and go to $350 and aro in
g 10,0 year, sum.
Dresses Priced at $25 to $55
Suits Priced at $25
'TWERE are 500 of the dresses fine,
fresh, made to dur requirements
dresses for street and afternoon wear. They
are gowns handsome enough for any-woman
to be ftroud of wearing, suitable for any ap
pearance on the promenade or at an informal
afternoon occasion. A number are simple
enough to be worn to business. Their work
manship is -careful; there are ever so many
styles calculated to be becoming to all fig
ures; and the materials are tne favorites of
the season duvetyne, tricotine, fine-weave
tricolette, serge and velour de laine. Also
the colors are the most desirable black,
browns, navies, taupes and new blues. Sizes are 34 to 46 inches.
But most interesting of all are the prices, each price saving
from $10 to $24.
Dresses of imported duvetyne, now $55.
Dresses of velour de laine, fine weave tricolette and tricotine,
wus m
m if l
2500 Waists in a
750 waists at $5 and $5.85. Crepes de chine and Geor
gette crepes chiefly; mostly light, some tailored and some
lace-trimmed. They are mostly samples and small lots.
637 silk waists at $3.85. Many of these also are samples,
There are striped messalines, Georgette crepes and crepes de
chine the latter two being chiefly in white and flesh color.
A few over-blouses are in the lot.
472 hand-made waists at $5.50 to $7.85. Porta Rican
waists of sheer batiste with real filet, and fine drawnwork
some of it the block pattern. Also pink French voile
waists with much filet.
645 lingerie waists at $2. Some with much and some
with little lace and embroidery.
(Hoot and tVet Alle)
Young Women's New Winter
Frocks in New Styles
and at Moderate Prices
$25, $32 and $40
Three groups of new and pretty Winter frocks and just
such frocks s young women want to wear immediately.
At $25, well-tailored, good-looking dresses of dark blue serge.
The serge is of good quality, the' dresses aro in becoming styles,
and there are two attractive models. One is braided and tho other
is embroidery trimmed.
At $32 is another sergo frock, also of dark blue, trimmed with
blue sergo with embroidered dots in white, French blue or red.
This dress has a round neck and long sleeves. v
At $10 are dresses of charmeuse in dark blue, a pretty dark
brown shade and black. One stylo has cream lace collar, another
has pleatings of the chaimeuse, and all aro becomingly made.
All are in 14 to 20 year sizes.
(Hrconil Floor, Clfciitiiut)
Petticoats, Bathrobes and
Women's Other Undergarments
at Special Prices
400 moro of these amazingly good flanne'.let nightgowns at S1.15.
300 moro Philippine nightgowns at $3.85. These have remarkably
good hand embroidery and a good deal of it.
200 pick crepe dc chine nightgowns at $G plain tailored and lace
500 silk petticoats at $3.65 to $5.50. All-jersey in plain colors;
jersey tops with taffeta flounces;, checked taffetas and jerseys with
mcssaline flounces. Also changeable taffeta with tailored flounces.
200 blanket bathrobes at $5. Figured designs in good light colors,
satin trimmings, loop fastenings. -
(i:nt Mile)
Women's Shoes Made to Meet a
Particular Demand
Hundreds of women like plain black shoes best of all. Some
want them in smart shapes and others want conservative shapes,
and the leathers they prefer are calftkin and kidskin.
To meet theso demands wo had a good manufacturer make
up the following styles:
Dlack calfskin lace with dull matt kidskin tops, full, round
toes and military heels on narrow toes and Cuban heels.
Black calfskin lace with dull matt kidskin tops, long wing
tips ond low, flat heols.
All-black glazed kidskin button with dull matt kidskin tops,
narrow toes and Cuban heels and welted or turned soles.
Theso shoes wero originally made to sell for as high a price
as any in the women's regular Shoo Store, but we havo marked
them $10.75 a pair. '
(Vint Floor, Market)
now $38.50.
Dresses of serge, poiret 'twill and fine
weave tricolette, now $25.
Now for the suits. These are 150 in num
ber, are all of fine jersey and are taken out
of our own stocks and
plain and heather mixtures, and the price of
-each suit is $25 a saving of $13.50.
Sizes in these are 34
(l'lmt Floor, Ccntrnl)
Sm y
reduced. Colors are
to 44.
Men's Imported
Silk Scarfs of
the Smartest
Reefers, the British call
them, and the .variety of their
colorings and tho delightful
combinations of them arc be
yond description. There nre
lengthwise stripes of nil
widths, from the very narrow
to the awning variety, a couple
of inches across.
Among them are some
crocheted silk scarfs with
broad cross stripes and in
mixed colors.
$20 each.
C.Unln Floor, Market)
Stag handles arc so satisfac
tory that most people don't con
sider any others. They arc fitted
with the best American steel.
Three-piece "sets, $8.50 to
Five-piece sets, $14 to $28.
Steak sets, $4.25 to $9.
(Jewelry Htore, C'lientnut ,nd
Many people like them for
their distinctive English char
acter, but apart from that they
are very beautiful, indeed. Some
nre hand colored, many have
calendars inclosed, $2.50 a dozen
to $6 each.
(Jewelry Store, flieatnut mill
This is tho first notable price
downfall and sale of Turkish
towels in some years.
Thirty dlfforent kindsiof towels
of soft, absorbent cottpn yams
aro included in it nt various re
ductions averaging about 33 1-3
per cent.
Tho variety takes in both plain
and fancy Turkish towels in all
sizes from guest sizes up to size
27 x 50 inches
Tho new low prices are 50c to
$2.50 each.
Somo of theso towels have
hitherto been selling for twice as
much. Tho bulk of them havo
been 25 to 33 1-3 por cent moro
than the now Jaw prices.
t (Vlrst FlewChMtnut)
$100,000 Worth at a Reduction of
25 Per Cent
An opportunity to choose from $100,000 worth of Wana-maker-standard
furniture at 25 per cent less than regular
prices should set everybody with a home interest thinking
of home needs.
Coming at any time it would be remarkable.
Coming at this time it is probably -unprecedented.
There has hardly ever been an occasion so timely and
advantageous for those needing new dining-room suits for,
Dining-room suits from the best low-priced kinds up to
the magnificent types are but only one of the fine features of
this Sale.
Bedroom suits are also in splendid representation, and
there is a large and beautiful collection of upholstered and
other furniture of the best and most luxurious kind for
libraries and living rooms.
Take your choice of anything in the whole $100,000 col
lection at 25 per cent less than the regular price of it.
Blankets! Blankets! New Blankets of
an Extra-Good Kind
We have ready a remarkable collection of part-wool and all-wool blankets which we
picked-out specially from the stock of a great mill because of their good, reliable quality.
Worth- While
"Sweet Rocket," by Mary
Johnston. Price, $1.65. A
mystical novel full of subtle
beauties, pervaded by a sense
of those unseen things more
beautiful, more enduring than
the seen.
"Seven Men," by Max Beer
bohm. Price, $4. The first
American edition of this book,
with drawings not published
"The Sleuth of St. James's
Square," by Melville Davisson
Post. Price, $2. A new type
of mystery story.
"Lucindn," by Anthony
Hope. ?2. A charming, whim
sicnl novel.
"Nancy Goes to Town," by
Frances R. Sterrett. 2. The
spirit of youth, appealing and
brave, is in this book.
(Muln l'loor, Thirteenth)
Three good makes in which
values are unusual but assort
ments limited.
Reversible Smyrna Rugs
9 x 15 ft., $87
10.6 x 13.6 ft., $105
12x12 ft., $96
12x15 ft., $112
Axminster Rugs,
9 x 12 ft., $95 9 x 10.C ft., $87
10.6 x 13 ft., $127
Heavy Wool Chenille
9 x 12 ft., $39 8 x 10 ft,
6x9 ft., $27.50
(Retrnth l'loor, Cheitnut)
There's nny amount of beauty
stored away in those shiny bulbs
and now is the time to get them
safely into tho ground while the
weather is cold, but not too cold.
Crocuses, 25c a dozen; $1.50 u
hundred; $12 n thousand.
Tulips, 60c a dozen; $4 a hun
dred; $32.50 a thousand.
Danvln tulips, 70c a dozen;
$4.75 a hundred; $40 a thousand.
Hyacinths, 85c a dozen; $6 a
Hyacinth glasses, 50c each.
(Fourth floor, Central)
(Sixth Floor)
iney are wnue manners, some 01 inem au-wnite, others with bor
ders of either pink or blue.
Most of them arc cut and bound separately. i
If you are looking for some good, warm serviceable and practical
blankets at the lowest prices possible on such goods, this collection is
bound to appeal to you.
Whito blankets made with about 70 per cent wool in the filling are
60x84 inches, $16.50 a pair
72x84 inches, $18 a pair
80x90 inches, $22 a pair
White blankets, all-wool filled,
60x84 inches, $20 a pair
72x84 inches, $22.50 a pair
80x90 inches, $26 a pair
Whito blankets made of all
wool warp and filling
(Sixth l'loor,
JkfUSIC is whatever you want it to be sooth
If A ing, stimulating, a foundation on which
you may weave your dreams, an inspiration to
The Music of the Piano
Is the Best Music
tor the Home
We have given much thought to the development of
good music-producing instruments, to the reasonable
pricing of them, and to the arrangement of convenient
terms of purchase.
In order to do this right, we found it desirable to
go into the business of building pianos ; and today
We Operate Three Factories
each producing instruments that are leaders in their
particular classes
the SCHOM ACKER, the EMERSON, and the
We also sell other pianos
HELL, the famous little BRAMRACII grand
, and. the celebrated KNABE.
We encourafe Ihe development of ALL piano
building. THis is the only store in Philadelphia in which you
can b,uy the Ampico Reproducing Piano,
No other store in the city has so large an assortment
of good pianos, player-pianos, and reproducing pianos.
range trom
(KurPllan Hull, Second 1'Juor)
60x84 inches, $22 and $25 a pair
72x8 1 inches, $25 and $27 a pair
80x90 inches, $28 and $30 a pair
The blankets at $22 and $25 are
the only ones in tho collection,
th.it arc not cut and bound sepa
latcly. All have a neat wide
$4515 to $8500. Convenient
$435 to
y f
' ffl
-i w'.ff.
.V ?'i
i'ftvwi .
Or .