;-, k. r. Vu' lWV M. ;r '' d-V l! r EVENING- PtfELIC LEpaEtPfilLADM,rniA', vsA.Ttn?BAY, OCTOBER 30, 1920 IX' Tim daily NdvisiirtTE: ! ' ' Ay WILLIAM It. COWLES . "Well doctor, let mn know the worl," Jin; Hendricks! tried to rikkk Jckfnfrly. but there tens nome'thtng about the coldly professional atmosphere of (h phynlclan'd olTlco which precludou Jocularity. And besides, llib worn rrtlsht be so very had I As a mulolr of fact, It watn't. "You're suffering 'frotri well, not exactly shell ihucj, but Bomothlnar nlmllnr. Quit dcai Ins 'with 4 words hnd figures. You say jou're-.nn accountant? Well, got hold eb if Job ' whero you handlfc tangible, material things and let somebody elso keep the books. Farming, for Instance A raw yenro upent thus will floubtiuss put your nervous tystcm bade on the rails again.". . Jim left, deeply despondent. All the lens apprenticeship gone for naught. Farming bah I llo had nevr lanoled the country, He wondered nfooUt Shir ley, . his ''letter-girl" what would she think of being a farmer h wife? Ultimately, Jim staked his all on u, little nrbcery store on tho outskirts of the'clty and almost lent out. The op portunity had been rather thrust upon him by the death of the owner, a friend of Jim's father, and the subsequent be. ullderment of tho widow, who wanted to go bnck to Canada to htr own people. The, first thing Jim knew he had pur chased tho store, lock, barrel and good will; had put Mrs. Klrkham and three children on the train for Montreal, ano had promised to keep an eye on Molly Klrkham, who wbb staying on to fin ish n course In business college. If Jim's winter stretched ahead of him far differently than he had planned, It yet promised no Idlo moments. What with1 caring for tho old trade and try ing to bUIld up new, penning long let ters to Shirley, In which he hnd not yet summoned up sufficient courago to tell her nf his chanjro In occupation, and keeping an eye upon Molly as ngrced upon. Jim hardly found time to latnonl for' his lost Job. Molly developed a not unpleasant habit of dropping In evenings and help ing him make up his books the sort of work ho had been told to avoid and at times Jim b-gnn to think how very pleasant It would ho If onlv hl letter girl would break her xulo that he was i ot to hunt her out for a while, so that ho might hnvo her personal companion ship as well as tho cheerful camaraderie of correspondence. "I say, Jimmy," began Molly one eve ning, breaking In upon this sort of medi tation, "whaVs the Idea of putting the 60da fountain way down back? "I don't know," said Jim. "Whai would you say my Idea was?" "Trying to hide It!" She nodded her head wisely. "Now, you know, away out here a soda fountain In a grocery store ought to be a paying line. Move It out front. Let It tickle people's imaginations on the way In, and they'll be too weak in roolpt It nn thn wnv out." She Slip ped down fr&m her perch and holpea herself to a salted peanut from the Jar. "Molly.'' Jim waylaid her, took her by tho shoulders and gae her a liure shake. "When I Mt for France you were nothing but 11 kid and now why" He broke off vaguely. Ho must hold himself In hand. He had decided long ago that he was going to marr Shirley. Welt, that means nix on other girls and hands off! "Yep," said Molly, cheerfully. "I was only a kid and nevtr would you give me that much notice!" Sho indicated an Infinitesimal amount of air space between her thumb and forefinger. Then, "By the way," she said at the ery door way, "If you want to be prosperous, look prosperous! Qet a telephone and put it right up In the front of the store. And Saturday I'll come nround and wasn your windows." Then she was gone. Now It happened some three we."ks later that in her meagerly furnished little room, a protty girl sat chewing the end of her penholder. On the tablo beforo her lay two sheets of paper one blank, the other covered with a sprawl ing perfmanship which had grown very dear. At last Jim had told her all the story of the last few months and had quite formally asked her to be his wife. And although, of course, there was neer . mention of one Molly Klrkham, still the girl felt that, somehow or other, there una something missing. The spark of file which had lighted his letters and touched off an Htiswertng glow' In net heart was gone. Therefore, she chewed the penholder and pondered her reply. And because the words leaped up uu denly before her eyes. "I've had a tele phone installed, Angell, 801 It," she slip ped downstairs to the telephone. "Yes yes Shirley I You're going to he man led? to an old friend Shirley No. of course It's all right. Why, cer talnly No, as a matter of fact, I'm lather glad!" Jim hung up tho receiver to wait for Molly. Whefi she came, "Tell me," m. said gently, "why didn't you write to me as Molly, Instead of Inventing a Shlrjey whom I nearly fell In lovo wun Instead of with you "If I had," retorted Molly, defensive. ly. "wluit would It hae meant .1 note from that red-headed Klrkham kid! 1 had to create a new personalltyj But how did you find out wo were tho same?' "Easy." said Jim. "Any man who doesn't know the. voice of the woman he loies, however disguised, doesn't de sen e her. Do you know, little girl, when our mother asked me to keep an eye on ou I thought you were the greatest lia bility that went with the business. Hut I've changed my mind, sweetheart. You're the greatest asset a man could hae!" Next complete notelett "A Cure for Reginald" Band p!ayat 9; Orgnn at 11; Banthrt 4:50 Chimes oTNoon WANAMAKER'S DOWN STAIRS STORE WANAMAKEk'S WEATHER Fair "RUSTY" TRIMMING IS FASHIONABLE fnkw K If V Mmi Mm. Mw II I it lljjf V I r 1 i y COIUUNK LOWE The mission of mil In not now to eornipt, hut to trim. Drown Is par ticularly susceptible to tho InfliieneR of tho fashionable rust Bliaile, und many aie the alliunccfl of thctp two tints. Thv aboytt afternoon model, for instance, '!!!", rust color shlln ami brimn c.Won fa a way presenting several new byways, of fashion. The latter material mahes an overdresH embroidered in gold thread and trimmed with soft brown fur. Also in chiffon comes the whim sies.! girdle. The collar loses tlio se verity of so many of these present Hay. nccrseorlCH through a graceful manipulation of Its top folds, and thn 'ft showing n midway section of Plaited, chiffon that. WpU Hie prm, go v he-Id frock bj a different luud pf sleeve, Low Prices on Sound Dependable, Merchandise Every Day in Wanamaker's Down Stairs Store Every Fashionable Kind of Winter Coat Is Here Between $35 and $79 P5t7 Tpiw At $79 ' ' Bolivia ' Crystal Bolivia Caledonia Chameleon cord Tinscltonc Chamoislync Wooldyne Duvet dc laine Suede Velour Silvertono $48.50 Such arc tho soft and luxurious materials of which these charming coats arc made. They ore very soft and warm and como in beautiful shades of brown, beaver, taupe, Pekln, French bluo, navy, dark green, reindeer and, of course, clack, Every coat, excopt the sport3 models, is lined throughout with silk. Some arc plainly tailored, some arc trim med with fancy stitchery or heavy embroidery and a great many have collars and pometlmes cuffs and pockets of raccoon, Australian opos sum, nutria, mole, ringtail or scalene fur. A particularly protty sports coat is tho raglnn shoulder model which Is sketched. It is fino polo cloth nnd can be had In reindeer, brown and light tan at $48.60. In the center is shown one of tho becomintr dolmans of crystal Bolivia. It is In reindeer and brown and has a collar of Australian opossum. $70. Tho third coat sketched is a plain, straight lino model in reindeer, brown or navy velour, silk lined, at $39. (Market) All Sorts of Pleats Are to Be Seen in the New Skirts There arc groups of narrow pleats alternating with wide box pleats, skirts with flat knifo pleats, side pleats or box pleats. The skirts are in tho gayost plaids, stripes, checks or more somber plain colors and are made of prunolla, serge, velour, broadcloth, gabardine or novelty skirtings. Fittings in sizes up to 38 at $12.50 to $35. (Market) Women's Strap-wrist Gloves of Capeskin Special at $3.85 a Pair They arc in coffee, tan and brown shades, full pique or outseam sewn, and all of them have two-tone embroidery on tho backs. Strap-wrist gloves are very smart and these are of seasonable weight. White Strap-wrist Gloves of Dos-finish Leather Special at $1. 85 a Pair The leather is very ioit and pliable and tho gloves are out seam sewn; the cuffs arc 4 inches long and plenty wide enough to be worn outside an average sieevc. The gloves are second selection, othenvise their price would be much more, but the "second" is usually just a bit of rust near tho strap or some thing as inconsequential. (Central) Georgette Crepe $1.50 a Yard 40 Inches Wide It is a good quality In navy blue, black, white, flesh, pink, salmon, rose, orchid, turquoise nnd several shades of tho pretty dull blues, three shades of gray, henna, taupe and several shades of brown. (Central) Pretty Hair Ribbon Special at 42c a Yard It is taffeta ribbon, 5 inches wido, with satin stripes of self or contrasting color and will stand up well. The girls may choose from navy, red, Copen hagen, rose, cardinal, white, light blue and pink. (Central) Women's Warm Blanket Bathrobes, $5 Of soft, warm blanketing in pretty pink, bluo and lavender figures, thoy aro bound around the collar, sleeves and pocket with plain color. (Central) 36-Inch Striped Outing Flannel at 35c a Yard Brr, cold nights are just around the corner and warm nighties, pajamas and sleeping garments will be welcome. This outing flannel, to make them, Is in various pretty stripes. (Central) FURS In Light Colors of Beauty and Charming Youthfulness Japanese cross fox sets arc $75; separate scarfs arc $35 and $40. Dadgcr sets are $50 and $60. Red fox hcts arc $80; separate scarfa are $40 and $55. Australian opossum collars arc $40, $G7.50 and $85, tho last for a large shawl collar. Mull's are $45, $b0 and $60. (Central) 40-Inch Radium at $1.65 a Yard It is a good quality and is in black, navy, flesh, white and dark Copenhagen. Chiffon Taffeta at $2.75 a Yard 36 inches wide, it is an excellent quality, puro dye, in henna, navy, marine, brown, gray, sapphire, garnet and plum. (Central) Woolly Sweater Sets For Children Each set consists of a sweater l that buttons up around the neck and is belted, leggings that fasten d6wn at the feet, a cap that pulls way down around the cars and cozy mittens. 2 to 5 years sizes, $7.50 to $11 in brown, tan, Pekin and navy. (Central) Cut Lengths of Fashionable Veilings, 55c Most of them aro tho finely dotted veils in black, brown nnd navy and there are some colored dots among them. (Central) Women's Flannellet Nightgowns, $1.75 They are of plain white or pink and blue striped flannellet, gen erously cut and well made, with double yokes trimmed with braid or hemstitched. They can be had with or without collars. (Central) vt X J Charming Winter Hats It seems as if Autumn, wishing to leave some tangibto token of her loveliness, planned theso Winter hati. So it is that russet, scarlet and lovely golden-brown hats are all tho brighter among the many dnrker bats that have their own charm, too. The velvets seem softer and richor this season than ever before and there is also a softness of outline that is particularly becoming in Winter hats. Among tho trimmings, which fur ther individualize tho hats,, much tinsel stitcliintr is to bo seen on thn smaller turbans nnd featheis again make their appearance. Prices begin at $9.50, $12.50 and $15. (Mnclift) White Scrim Curtains, $1.25 They nro finishgd with hemstitched borders and lace edging and will be easy to Jaundcr. , Cretonnes in Almost Measureless Variety 35c to $1.25 a Yard The widths range from 25 Inches to 36 inches and. the color com binations and designs vary ftom tho small two-tono to the large, colorful, striking patterns. Remnants, Specially Priced arc remnants of cretonnes, curtain materials, terry - ; 15 $18.75 $18 $16.50 $16.50 500 Fresh and Lovely New Frocks for Women and Young Women On Each There Is a Saving of a Third or More Serge Dresses, $15, $16.50 and $18 These are straight-line dresses of navy serge, embroidered with silk and gold thread or with wool in contrasting colors. Others aro in coat effects, sometimes bound with satin. Some wool jersey dresses, embroidered with wool, are in the group at $18. Tricotine Dresses, $18.75 Navy blue, of course, this pretty model has a broad satin sash and a pleated overskirt. The col lar is embroidered in silk and braided. Tricotine Dresses, $30 Very smart frocks, these, cut and tailored on the newest lines. One has a satin collar and cuffs, an embroidered duvctyne vestco and a pleated over skirt over a satin foundation. Another is heavily embroidered with bugle beads, while a third model is braided and has a pleated skirt. Velveteen Dresses, $26.50 This pictty afternoon frock would be most be coming to slim young women who can wear puffing around tho hips. It is in navy, brown or taupe, em broidered with dull tinsel on the collar, vestce and sleeves. Black Crepe de Chine Dresses, $22.50 Women who aro wearing black will like theso simple frocks with pleated skirts and Ceorgetto vestccs. Sample Dresses, $32.50 These aro all quite special in prico and include a great variety of interesting models: tricotinos embroidered in silk, chenille or bugle beads; velveteen dresses piped with Nile green, henna or Copenhagen satin or trimmed with many bands of wide black silk braid; tricotine with velour or duvctyne vesters and leather trimmings. Many Dresses in Our Own Stock Are Now Reduced to $13.50, $15, $18 and $25 Here are serges, satins, wool jerseys, tricotinos and dresses of crepe meteor made in dozens of different ways and all charming. There are not all sizes in any one style, so prices have been considerably lessened. l (Mnrktt) Included cloth, etc. (Ccntrnl) Oval Plaited Rag Rugs 18 x 36 Inches, $3 30 x 60 Inches, $7.50 24 x 36 Inches, $3.50 36 x 72 Inches, $10.75 27 x 54 Inches, $5.75 4x7 Feet, $16.50 Hand-Woven Rag Rugs 25 x 50 Inches, $1.50 of heavy quality, thoy aro In a combination warp of bluo-and-whltc, gfld-aha-whito and Vcd-and-whlte. (Olitnut) What a Stock of Warm Quilts Many Marked at 25 Per Cent Less It IS a WOll-Stockod Qllilr. Rtnro flinf ,. .,:il r.j jr..n -r .,, .. filled nnd rnvomA ,lfi, rff" " r., ,"""". '"" ,Y1U 1UU, luu yl Willm W" ell Cotton-filled Quilts $3.50, $5.25 and $5. 75 They aro al! 72x78 inches, filled with pure, now cotton. The quilts nt $3.G0 aro figured all over and tho others have plain bordors. Wool-filled Quilts $6. 75, $10 and $12 TV-. .. i 1.1 rt,1 .... . VVnrm as tonst! Tho wool is live, now wnnl. al! warmth and there is plenty of it, for tho quilts nro well filled. The figured materials that cover the quilts aie good quality. Some of tho quilts have plain pink or bluo bordors. Cntrn -yy You Can Save Money on These All -Wool Suits and Overcoats, Mr. Man Suits at $34.50 Tho materials are cheviots and cassimercs in various good-looking mixtures and styles are all semi-conservative. Two-Trouser Suits at $39 Serviceable, carefully made suits of mixed cheviots in grays, browns and greens. Without the extra trousers they are $32.50. Overcoats at $38.50 Big, warm ulsters and ulsterettes are double-breasted and have big convertible collars. When a coat like this is all wool, as these are, there isn't anything much warmer. Other all-wool overcoats are $35 to $43.50. All-wool ulsterettes in small sizes, 33 to 38, are $22.15 and $27.40 savings of 25 per cent. (Oaller.r. '.Harhrt) 1200 White Corded Madras Shirts for Men Special at $2. 65 Wanamaker shirts in every particular cut gener ously full and comfortably proportioned and finished with good buttons. They have neckbands or attached soft collars. (Gallerjr. Market) A& of ilwse 1000 Manufacturers' Samples of Fashionable Blouses in Three Groups at $3.90, $4.90 and $5.90 All fresh and fine in the styles that women want now they are of crepe de chine, Georgette crepe, taffeta, etc. At $3.90 There are embroidered Georgette crepe blouses in !(lesh or white and plain or striped crepe de chine blouses in semi tailored style. At $4.90 Crepe de chine and Georgette crepe in flesh-pink and white and Georgette overblouses in fiesh-pink, navy, brown, black, white and sunset comprise this lot. At $5.90 This is the most comprehensive group of all there are lace-trimmed Geororette blouses in pink, white and tan and embroidered overblouses in light and dark shades brown, taupe, white, fiesh-pink, bisque and navy. One of the over blouses is a combination of velveteen and Georgette crepe. (Market) Fresh Undermuslins Special at $1 Of soft pink or white materials there are nightgowns, bloomers, petticoats and envelope chemises, all of which would be more regularly. the bloomers arc cut generously full and trimmed with pretty laces. the nightgowns are plain slip-on styles stitched in color, the envelope chemises are hand embroidered, have ribbon shoulder straps and are tastefully trimmed with lace, the petticoats have hemstitched flounces with underlays, and arc in white. Philippine Nightgowns and Envelope Chemises Special at $3.50 They are as fresh and dainty as any woman could wish for. Irom the simplest to tho most elaborate they are all hand done, every stitch. Only about 350 garments in the lot, so it's best to Phooso rnrlv! (Central) Women's Sample Suits Marked Decidedly Lower Than Usual A most delightful collec tion of new Winter suits, of fino materials, marked, in many instances, at los than the usual wholesale prices. They are in tho newest fashions and hne nil the nice little points of finish and trimming that characterize good tailoring. At $39 Tailored suits of navy blue tricotine, sports suits of checked velour and smait models in silvertono, some of the latter trimmed with fur. All of the jackets are lined with silk. Sizes 16 to 40, though not in each style. At $55 These are mostly one, two or three of a kind nnd nro of tho most fashionable suit mntcrials of tho sea son illamn cloth, duvet de laino and broadcloth. Many navo lur collars and some are banded with scalene, nutria or Australian opos sum. Others are hand somely embroidered with heavy silk. In brown, n-imleur, f'ekin, nuvy and taupe in sizes 16 to 42, though not in any one stylo. Jn Addition There Are Notable Reducti 1ii4' .. tL.u Ci .1 Wool jersey sports suits aie now $23.50 nnd $25. $35 mide?r37nc0.nnd VCll'r &UltS' P,B'n r f"r tr,,r'ncd' arc no 525, SUvortono' aults with nutria-dyed coney qollara aio now 327.60. V wwmii .& mi ft W&M H cions on , . . J ' ' TV'S l ' f Vfl t L n t ' ! 4 AS :i , I! rta '.v. w ' w-"m: fl - '- ti .tiVV , r. . .". mHi': '. fiv wtnw j mmm t,'V uidlMlUUttA