'-. T .K' ! fT .Til J 'f ' " i." :'v-'C't- ''IBBfK ?. ' r.r, "if i.-f . .'-'" 'N ,.. ' .T '') '.'." t im -A ,, ' r?rL Euentna JJublic ffie&aet PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1920 i j u ," f -41 1 1 II I, III II" Hi i II " . iJB iji 1 I11.! ,ftf4 vf v- $m ,bbbbbIKvsWbbbbM 'BBBPBteiBPBBlHlP4 BBBBKVJVt? -.1 aT itMliJi ?fflffiBBBBBMT ! ,XT . f. BOl Cot n. SaI 1 i m 7"!' ww '.i: A,' .T "JfrXiHi mm Vfi ?v? "I Vo J,'''""', '" ." T"f I Msisii H :. (J" lA lm f -v'l ijiili 'H'ii '' '.k1 XM tl r.4ti ifci-A.!J,S,M !W ;3u':&&b2tf$&& MSVi rtjuii ' Tiv - r& L'J m i JjflBBBBBBBBBBBBR'tiBBBBBBflBBBBBBflEBBBBBBEV ' &? r r ?BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSi ? VflBBflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflBBBBBBBBfit-r l -tr7: iiBBBBBBBBBBBflra.BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBXBBBV? WVBBBBBBBBBBBBBKBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB? ViiBBBBBBBt'BBBBBBBBBBBBBfiBBBL BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaailHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBara. !? " Tiiaf-itiT"'-'f,' T - t? i ' t T " w HT "kBBBBP ?.; ' -. : i iv:.'?-'? , . xi rsar .vi&vkvv&' vr , ; t ?-- a. , : ' . t s to . I f- B B M ' 7;?8S&VK SJS , ivR-i j JUST BEFORE THE START. Six- of the balloons that took part in the James Gordon-Bennett trophy race, which started at Birmingham, Alabama. The Belgian balloon, "Blgica," is the fourth from the left. It has been declared the winner of the long-distance match wide world l'hoto . . . , MEMORIAL TREES PtANTEt. Three trees were planted in Rittcnhouso CAPTAIN CARLO HUNTINGTON. The square, yesterday afternoon, in memory of Miss Katherlhe Craig Biddle, Mrs. newly nppointed assistant military Lcta Sullivan Hoffman and Mrs. Emmelino Reed Bedell, whoso deaths occurred attache of tne Italian cmoassy during .tho past year. Miss Elaine- Sullivan is holding a shovel. At her left is Miss' Sydney Biddle. They both planted a treo Lier Photo Bervfca. Central New Kioto ,W'ii ymm r'iwm X-V 4 ifS, ' y V: v ' 1 m t- 4 i s, S1 i $1 tU-V ? t?oi i i'i ESM Ml r. ?.vS . V'K&aXxii r v.. '.i ' i.JPEQii- vf ?-- . 'I'll! 4 K V V . fVi. ' .s$ i n'.v r i' ' m vx" Yr;? kf, i-J-- 'A t v -4. vr? vu w vt' -i.'ssir -yyMUM miriiiw'r-naHMJ;'Sm. - , iJBir,yHBJfrrKS ,sj:w'. r-jeyjpp.piBirwii : --., yhh ; wi -..avgLBesiBiP'-' 'm i. ' ' 'HUK: rk.;,i7v r c( v .r... T.-T 7.Vw'.ii r . rr ur e--!-, ' .-. - v"dt?cw-It'vr. h I irTM-mnn ttut untii ,i ijm" w'p-- S'Tr'yvS .: y- Si. wrr; . .:.-. x. i ? i . .'ty-XsJ- ..- .wfcT3S&; -.i;-iv i,'' ' ' ?.? ' v tUj'' k WILL REPRESENT THE UNITED STATES. The Esperanto will defend the title in the ocean schooner race between tho United States and Canada, off Halifax, tomorrow. The Delawanna will compete for Canada underwood & underwood. r4. . . . nBBBBBflV miA'.,-yT- 'vmKKsr. s ' j.Tj. . - v.r L -r v n i ' m ra -r t ' d mc .x. -. wmmiH ' : r. t wf .v vs .' r avH 1X1 .. IKT- ''" . win . '-' "' ' iif mitoml Hil riil w ...IBLkaAAB'.IA..: -. t W' in,'? h ." .;, .,' 1 .V-tl -v ,V.V vm ii t s .v; .8fjClw' . - :a . ,a. r-ry- vt i B&yim . a;5 K Vi i ".i JS.yj'V. T !,S'V 5. i Tt.t V ;r- -3 .T(. r L -.. tl,. " i X T-.' .w- "W W ' jW 1 "SIT UP." Senator Harding entertaining a visitor at hi. w.i In Marion, Ohio. Tho neighbor's dog knows he'll get trcaUA I ..6... .. .v -i. ....j, - wiornauonil. 'liBBBBBBi BBBBM iJBBBBBdBBWBBBBr1, V I lUPByiTr u ' a m .mtmm v.r. .Ati .- r w "ir.isr rjej.i5y . tH..BW.iBHBB(,R',VWi .1 I i-' !. ,-TJillW""W'.. tx,A& .. A .i.. "; r'''iAiHr v"r' ' I n' ''H f I ' " 'y ' ri; -!: v . :- "? v' ;JHbIMbbbbP. -- -1- : BwHBBBmKBBBf. rtwiiV -:i-,V apiwi i I i MMiHMliiM i ' M i bifcPPMWf lWa i'J ' W. W 1 A REAL COWBOY. This is Cy Compton, America's mo,st famous cowboy, on one of his well-trained horses Underwood & Unde'rwood, DOCTORING A TREE. This Japaneso acacia tree, located, in tho White House grounds, is sick, suffering from rot and old age. J. Rcbaume, the White House tree doctor, is at work Ilarrli & Evrtnr. CANDIDATE FOR GOV- E. URNER GOODMAN dij ERNOR OF ,NEW YORK, cusses Boy Scouts in an inicr' Judge, Nathan L. Miller, view on the editorial pa!; l. ... .-.-..if t t.htrtl,.!i 1 1 -f . I'l wno is mBKing a wmnwina ....-.... tour of that state as a . Republican candidate mi. Central News Photo. BBBBfefcfcipjiipiwwP i s&.'' "' ' BBBiSBMMifito iiiiiy- !. - ' ' ' 1" bbbbbbbHSSiIIbbbbI .Hi HHHHHIilllHiBrrif I- flTIHHtttHIIKAtV VSHHiK nniiiiis.yjr LUHMiu i&moip ... ; MKW t'ZiUKSH. .J'w-iife';-' nfcrlv:. "W, v, Hl III ill Mil IK I i IIIIMMll '! ' -!-; (?' .THI1&.S s ", - WALKING THROUGH FIRE. A NOT CHARLIE. It is F. W. Forde, who won GETS A HARDING-COOLIDGE BUTTON. Mrs. B. F. Miller stopped A DANCING BEAUTY. Miss Rose British soldier has invented a solu- first prize as "Charlie Chaplin," in a fancy dress E. G. Cunningham, Jr., at Sixth and Chestnut streets, to place a campaign Langson, who will bo one of tho con- icsiunis in inu evenis ai mo iNaiionai Dancing Expbsition, in New York, J tion which will resist fire. This carnival at the Crystal Palace, London. He was demonstration snows tho inventor in snapped on one of the palace statues soldier's uniform Centrm nw i-noto ' n l'hoto. button on his coat. He was willing Ledger Fhoto Senlco. SHY TOT. The shyness of the little girl, who has just presented Mrs, Lloyd j ucorge witn a largo Douquet of llowers, amused tho premier, ana nis party Underwood k Underwood. next week Underwood & Underwood. OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO THE BEAUTY CORNErf "fc. ' ;.l hhhHbbbbbbbbHMHI msmmMm& h.u-l.-'.'jti: :;'. ;tl MAKING SOAP. This machino presses 54,000 hand-sizo cakec each day, at the same time printing the name of tho firm on ono side of the soap, and tho kind of soap on the other. Miss Emma Brenner, 2824 Seybert street, operates this machine, in tho soap factory of Charles W. Young & Co., 1247 North Twenty-sixth street Ledger Pnoto aervic. MRS.AUGUST BELMONT, of Now York, was ono r the speakers in t'-iuw" with tho fourth annual roll call of tho Red Cross Ledger Photo Service, "SOKO," OF WASHINGTON. This prizo African chimpanzee is a resident of tho Wash ington zoo. He rides a bicycle Leditr rhoto Otrvlce. k i ENGLISH SUFFRAGE LEADER. She is Mrs. Pethlck-Lawrence, who speaks on "Immediate World Disarmament," at tho Bellevuo-Stratf ord JUMPED FOR THE BALL. Charles John is one of tho real players that make up tho fast team, of tho Ard moro High School , ledger -l'hoto Servlcty MISS SARAH BOXMAN 721 North Sixth street Philadelphia Ub.r Chu v SJ , iA-M,a.ii w utm'tvi!- -Jtx a V'.'y nh&- i tk ''i!i ti v .v,"i. .yi