wswrrrfmt'Tfii m ' "" ' wwpsm" -. PBHPfHw1 "wk uw'r1 ' ! :;. wwibvjm " r-, FirrHP!WPrrrzsB t-;w k tow w.4htssswwufm" i H I' r .tt.U flV ; ft' "V x ,-f. fy 'tt r -"" ..iit v )Vmt .. 'Jj 'f . jv. t.. ' ,t t vr. .: (V i, O EVENING PUBLIC IEDGER-PHILABELPHIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, THEGUMPSSfiQp Talk ' '.t f i .: -t 'w4'" :&gp:t . ,--W--- ' ' v .n ' 'i' y wsvv-i" - vv. - -?. ?&. . ' "" v. ."?, t.- . . .si i t f ' 1 P t J ' ' I r ' Sj 1920 - v , - - . rm . . . : " : : : By Sidney Snh M West Wind Drift By GEORGE BARR McCUTCHEON Copyright, itto, by George Barr AlcCutcheon THIS STAItTB TUB STOIIY ., Triaoer com nandt the I.MAmer Doraine, whote disappearance, Mle bound from a Bouth American ihll to the Untied State with ISO IP0'1 mIea world. After the ve leaves nri Xlflrno yinonw i-erOTixw, an imerfcaS. broupht 6eor OnpJrttn rHaaer by the eW engineer as a ,flwowfll'. Tft captain guesfkm him at to hov he boarded the vcttel and J. informed that he came aboartl ae o r?((?d State, "nrf explains that rob irj Aavo taken all hit money. TAo -" .-,.. .It. Ittimm f Atl rtnA 7 l.- jnf &"t;e 'aPeiJ rom the ihip and 71 suspects a plot to wreck the vestal Percival is put to work under guard. vtit morning tfce wireless operator retort' hi transmitter out of order. Some earn; around their jewels for ttlttu and a tanker "Huffed hie belt to itt capacity with bank note and etii." while at work Percival it reo ttnlxed by Ruth Clinton, a debutante ..nthter of a banker. She met Perot- il at a dance. Bhortly after ho is reo conlztd a eerica of -explosions occur, iilllno forty-aix of the crew and pas lingers and maktng the great ship a fierrtess derelict. Bhc remain afloat, kfflsver, and the captain decides to trust to the fortune of the sea "Out tithe silent hulk came the voice of the irtt officer, and other voices repeated tin commands from various part of the thlp commands to tho encircling will o' the totsps." AND HERE IT CONTINUE8 HE word camo down to tho scores vrhr Allied tho boats that they were to lie tf until sunrise, keeping In close con ict with each other, and at no great lUtanco from the ship The most thor- ugh, careful examination of the steamur ku In progross. If It was rouna mat he was danger of foundering nd the word was most reassuring nil f them would bo takrn aboard In tho lomlng Nothing could be done at prcs- nt. A row nours moro wouiu icu ui lit. And then, for the first time sinco tne ji...t.r tho note or tno croaner rd. Each and every boat contained I least one Individual who knew exactly ... - m I- MI.IH 111.. hat ougnt to do aono in u .his. . . . Mr. tjindover addressed the penumoeu unresisting occupants of the boat Into which he had climbed with commend- Me reluctance as one or tno iasi per ons to leavo tho ship. y "Why don't they begin senuins ouv 0 S calls? What's the wireless for. t not to be usod at a time UKe tins ilWay you I Veil up thcrp to somo ui ,lhoa damned muddle headed Idiots and ell them what to do. Tell them that I say tor tnern io oruu ". v-.. ...r. Vhafs that? What did you say?" Th steward In charge of tho boat re- Meated his remark and Mr. Landover at Mince said ho wouia report aim io ap' Sain Trigger. , ' i n.nnf An nnv snnd. COtn walned the banker despairingly. Cap Sain Trigger hasn't the backbone of a uhworm. He'd let you tell him to go to Miell and nover minK oi jacKing juu uji X- n Mn wnnrfp nfA'rn In the fix WO re n now. If he'd had tno sense oi a jeiiy i.h hM Vinv. Here 1 Sit still I VI IU 'W i.w.. .- ..--- . ,, fou'll upset the boat, you fool I What -phat are you going to do with that oarr "I'm going to crac you uvci u 1th It It you don't take back what yod ild about Captain Trigger," eald tho vll Bald t.rrt nmciiUv. "Take It back, do mt liAAW -rtA?" ivnnlti vim murder mo for a little Wfclni lllr.t that?' Mr, NICKlcsucK arousea uua:i. um he torpor of despair. "Take It back, Mr. Landover please im t h. mi.... vmi liA'ii crat mo Bure. fe!i bo rtnrlt. nnd I net nothing but the Heepcst respect for Captain Trigger. Hes i -ond.rful man. stewanl. Don't make tny mistake. You hear me eay ho is a yonaernii mnnr ven oh. nhiit tin. Nleklestlck." crated Lan- Wover, crouching down behind Uie gen tleman adarossea. The steward sat down, "io uo u in k minute If It wasn't for the women nnd children In this boat." "I Intend to have every officer on that learner arrested for criminal negligence he Instant I set foot In Now York. boomed the banker. "1 call upon everj bne of you, my fellow passengers, t eitlfy to the utter lack or precaution aken by the men In charge of that ship And whnt efforts are they making to bring help to us now? Dy gad. If I wa In command of that vessel I d bo shoot- ng the wireless calls to every ureai icon What's mat?" "That's a rocket," roared the steward "Great Scott I" gasped th exasperated iankcr. "Are we having a celebration tlth fireworks?" , ,, The dull hapless occupants of the llfe- Soat watched with fascinated eyea tno Irst of the giant rockets tnat wnizzea md roared Its way from tho dock of tho Md. an endless nrrow of fire piercing Sho night A loud report, the scattering if a hundred stars, ana men uenser lackness than before. Morning came. Up out of the east tole a sickly gray. It turned slowly nto ntnk. and then, suddenly, tho sea Sfai blue and smiling. In the heart of he dancing cordon lay the weiraiy cam uflaged Doralno, Inert, sln'ster. as still md cold as death. No smoko Issued from ir stneks to cheer the wretchrd watch- rs: no foam, no spray leapa rrom nor wlghty bow She was a great, HMess ning. waves lappen Benny uBainai -r ln nno fii aunv oniy to i-ome uiivk caln In nlavful scorn for the vast object hnt hnrl rent and baffled them so long In high fluttered the Stars and Stripes ray In the presence of death, a sprightly larblnirer of none flaunting defiance In he face of despair. Men. stripped to tne waist, grimy nno Ihln'ng with tho sweat of hours, moving bout In knots or mree ana tour m-i-ays In knots of three or four as If frald to disintegrate Uaned upon tho all and watched the approach of the rowded boats, looked down Into pallid nngulshed faces with their eager, hun sry eyes, eyes that devoured the grouos Rlong the rail. Now and then a glad bout of Joy went up from one or m hoats, and a figure In tho huddled mass vaa transformed Into a responsivo thing M1 lire. 11 In each of the square, black openings Vln iha liitll nt Mi hln ntnnri men ..vlth (opes and ladders. The grent steel doors lay tiat against tne since, swung wiae to admit this time i human cargo From he Interior of the vessoi came the brisk. .. TP"t ptntt" of hnmmr nira'n't wood and steel : fr-m tho decks brnke tho oud, commanding voices of "ien calllni but directions; from tin glld'ng. slap ping boats went up the hearty shouts of understanding unu obedience, tho rat tling of bnat'liooks. the grinding of oars In the locks, tho murmur of voices re vived. "Women and children first I" wns the hhrlll, oft-repeated exhortation from one bf the boats And up In the center of another sprang ft nne, imposing ngure, rrom whose llpi rolled these thrlllmg words: "By nod they're grent I They're (treat, after nil I Clod bless. Contain Trigger und every man-Jack of them 1' ' uet down I" roared bis it'll unuacl fled critic, tho steward. "You'll fall over. ooara." CIIArTEIt III The Htorm The gaunt, coatless Mr. Mott com nanded the nort bI(1h of the vessel Mr "odge, the purser, the starbflnrd Fight ing nin In th- hreerh hii letrir'n-s of the American navy, blackened and ban aaged stokers sailors unci landsmnn comprised tho cotley company that stood ready to drag th" nrcupnnts of tho boats 'in into the dank, nmoke-ecentcd maw of the ship. ono by one. In rcgulnr, systcmnt'c i'rr, tne iiiriiouiH came alongside TherA Wu nn Vnnfimlnn nn luinirllni. They bump'a gently nualnst the tower- Ing mi employed In the 'gruesome businesi. ,.'nn in minim, uiU lilliiin lltHl liy ihuii. ,.T.. : . " : ." T ....- - - air jnotiuuo Kafgocq. hq one lltica up Lv';;,.t;.fe.v t y. .-tu'M his vo'ce In relalclnr. for there were dead and Injured back In tho shadows: moro were gTier-stricken, anxious men and women crouchtnir out there In tho stinBhlno; there were limp, unconscious vomen ana nair aena cnuaren, ana over all still hung the ominous cloud of ca 'astropho fat wltli prophecies of perils yet to come. They had gone out from n fchlp filled vlth a monstrous clangor and confusion, they wero returning to a tomblike hulk, a lonely mass' In which- echoes would abound, a thing of sighs and silences, the corpse of a mammoth that had throbbed yesterday but never more. Up In the curving trlanglo Of the for ward deck' wore two long, canvas-cov ered rows. Tho dead I Porty-slx tw sU ed, silent forms lying side bv side, some1 calm In death, others charred and mutil ated beyond all possibility of Identifica tion. Isvery man In the cng no room at he time of the explosion was now a mangled, unrecognlzablo thing. Engin eers, electricians, stokers all of them viped out In tho flash of an eye burnt, boiled, Bhattored. Half a dozen women, as many children, lay with tho s.lent men. The In lured had been nlaced In state rooms on the promenade deck, regard- ess of previous occupancy or subsequent claim. There 1".. the scoro and a half if seriously Injured, and thoro tolled the hip's surgeon and h's volunteer helpers bailor and merchant, worker and Idler, scholar and dolt, steerage and first abln, wealth and poverty shared alike n the disposition of quarters and atten- on. Thero was no discrimination. One 'o was as good as another to the doc- r and his men, the poor man's moan i full of suffering aa that of the rich an, tho wall of the stcerago woman as ilteous as that of her sister above. Capt. Trigger waa ono of tho Injured 'le sworo a great deal when the u or ordered him to bed. nibs and a broken irm? Why the devil should ho be put 'o bed for something a schoolboy would 'augh nt? Mr. Shannon nnd two of 'ho younger officers were killed by the xploston that wrecked tho br dgo and "hart house. Chief engineer Gray died n the engtno room. Cruise was blown o pieces In the wireless house. His as.' distant, tho crlpplo with tho charmed 1 fe, was dead. A few seconds beforo the first explo sion took place ho blew out his brains ivlth a big navy revolver. Tho last seen t Cruise was when ho appeared In the door of his station, an expression of mingled rago and alarm on hts face. Pointing frantically at tho figure of his nsslstont as It shot down tho steps and across the deck, he shouted: "Oct that man 1 Got him I For God's sake, get hlml" It oil happened In a few seconds of time. Tho shrill laugh of the fleeing nss'stant, tho report of the revolver, an Instant of stupefaction, and then tho dull, grinding crash. It will nover bo known what Cruise had heard or seen In tho last moments of his life. No ono on board the Do ralno, however, doubted for an Instant that ho had discovered, too late, the truth about his misshapen ass'stant They now knew with almost absolute certainty the Identity of tho odd man In that devilish trio, tho man whose footsteps Percival had heard, tho man who stayed behind to guarantee the consummation of the hideous plot. Cow ard In tho end, he shirked the death he was pledged to accept Ho knew what was coming. Unlike his braver comi radeB, he took the simplest way, Tho count began. Late In the after noon It was completed. Thero were forty-six known dead on board the Do ralno, the majority being members of the crew. Seventeen persons wero missing, chiefly from the steerage. Twenty-nine ser'ously Injured were under the doc tor's care. Some of them would not re cover. A. hundred or moro persons suf fered from, shock, bruises, cuts, and ex posure, but only a few of them required or demanded attention. In spite of their 'njurlea they fell to with tho spirit that makes for true heroism and it voted themselves to the care of the lets for tunate, or to the assistance of the sorely tried officers and men who strove to bring order out of chaos. Among the surv vors wero two Amer ican surgeons and a physician from Rio Janeiro. They, with the nurses, all of whom had been Baved, Immediately went to the relief of the ship's doctor, nnd In short ordor an Improvised hospital was establ'shcd. There was a remarkable unanimity of self-sacrlllce among the passengers. High and low, they fell to In a frenzy of comradeship and worked side by side In whatsoever capacity they wero needed, whether fitted for It or not. No man, no woman who was able to lift n helping hand, failed in this hour of need. Mental labor fell to the lot of the lordly but uncomplaining Landover, to Ulnck nnd Nlckestick, Jones nnd Snip, and even to tho precious Slg. Joeppl, who, forgetting his Carusolike throat tolled and sweated In the nmnky saloon. Morris Shine, the motlon-nlcture mag nate, tho while ho labored umldt tho wreckage of the after deck, lamented not tho cheerless task but tho ovll fate that prevented the making of tho most spec tacular film the world had ever known. Mme. Carenl-Amorl, Mmo. Obosky and her dancers; bejeweled Jewesses nnd half-clad emigrants; gentlewomen unused to toll and women who were born to It: the old and the young all f them, without exception, rose from the dentha of dcsnalr and faced tho rigors if tho day with unflinching courage, gave out of a limitless store or tenaerness uu that their renrtth could spare. After the sun had set and tho deck were dark and deserted except for the from the gunners' hoard. Bwl(tly, meth he (lend were lowered Into the sea, swathed In canvas and weighted with thlnes that were made to kill shells from tho gunners' hoard. Swiftly, meth- od'cally, one after the other, tney Blid down to tho black, groedy watoris, sank o the Kra.o that Is never still, yet nl ivns silent, to the vast, unexplored wil derness that stretches around the world. Tho thin little inlsslonnry from the bnr rcn plateaus of Patagonia nnd the plump priest from tho heart of Duonns Aires, monotonously commended each and cvi" v one of them to tho mercy of God ! Tho sun camo up again In tho morn- iik over a minim?, happy sea tnat nckoa the sides of the Dorrulne with the ten derness of n dog. Tho plight of tho haplons Hteamcr could not be disguised. Kven tho most 'gnorant pnBseuger knew that tho wrecked cnglnte could not be repaired or compounded. They knew that the Do- alne was completely paralyzed. The owcr to movo at will was rorover lost, he force thnt had driven her reststlessly nlong tho chosen path wan still. Tho inwerful nrnne lers were idle, the hugii 'tern post wrenched bo badly that tho ii( was useless. sno wiib n-rut, neip lessly adrift. Of what avail ho wheel tnd a pntched-up rudder to tho mass lint lay Inert, motionless on t smiling Hea" nvery one nn board refined, with s'nklng heart, that the DoruKe was to yo on drifting, drifting no i an knew whither, until flie crossed tl 1 path of i friendly stronger out th'fe In tho mighty unstu. No cry of d.stroea no rail for help could go cracklli Into the boundless reaches. That was tho plight f the Dornlno and her people on tho mocking day that followed tho disaster, nd unlesn fate Intervened thnt would bo er plight for days without end. Mr. Mott, temporarily in command, addressed tho passengers In the main saloon, where they had congregated at his request. Ho did not mince matters. Ho Btated the situation plainly. It was eet that they should realize, that they should understand, that they should 'tow the truth In order that thv might adapt themselves to tho conditions he 'ainow compelled of necessity t mpose upon them. They were, so to speak, oc cupying a derelict. Help might come be fore nightfall, It might uu come for days. He hoped for the best but h? In tended to prepare for tho worst Without apology ho laid down a rigid set of rules, nnd from these rules he made It perfectly clear, th io could be ro deviation. The available supply of food was limited. It was his purpose to conserve It ulth the greatest possible care, Down In the holds, of course, was u vast store of consigned foodstuffs, but h had no authority to draw upon It and would not do bo unless the ship's own stock was exhausted. I'nosengers and crow, therefore, would ho obliged to go on tshort rntloiiH. Better to eat sparingly now, ho said, than not to eat at all later on.. Ho concluded his remarks In this faehlon: (CONTItiUpD TOMOnnOW .a, i . , ra3i' ystfu.y; JyM-'i,la'.fVy,M.,ii.'yAn'v-'-fj HA.VE Mvm THt KltCHBH aSmUmW STORE OV COME PtDN'Y VSC"? V . MEVER BEEH 0F "VHE s o 1 VJ am electric cwernw pcrreRt) cooking uke a yin p,L we. . wauu oxce, $ km 1 N 2 . I SOMEBODY'S STENOGSmithers Has a Clean Reputation IH CUOSIMG.UGTM6 REfAlMD YOU AGAIM "WAT IF ELECTED ILL GET YOU COAL AT 4 A TOW. HOW LET ME IMTRODUCEMY SECRETARY WHO WILL SAY A FEW WORDS To OUR Sister Voters; Tho Young Lady Across tho Way The young lady across the way says she thinks It is a great mis take not to have the law providing for an hour more of sunlight apply in tho winter, too, so as to melt the snow faster. ftfisf-&il hWmr- " EllffllL" jiB i ' -J.J-.TjMjj.1sP XijUlJ i i,i in1 I, ' PETEY Absolutely Hopeless -UM-WIAtP1 ( COESS I OOCHTErTA JL L f OVR EVCSl ( IT CAWT SE The matter with Jt??i5iA f Hope &S?a' EEO A H??M r)oc'LL i i- I,, . "CAP" STUBBS Pop's Xnenef8Efl nohcis voul fTHewa-s tmv -B ako th Bovi -rone I Vyioon uu.u- ( T3OV0W THT OLD SCHOOL 1 Sf V HOOS5 ErJCC AT A Stnu t.ui-r a V x : J IT7..1I mmmm 'NJ 1 TIME TonwoOUTXl $." M BS "Vtt. '";'!C t-iB syM H ssrsW I o r . " 5lCTPOi VMI HAUF 1 " THiS, HCARDOURCAMDlDATE,gfc rtt p ? rOR iuu nwc newtw n jk IlltWm i r-t'lhWCrv.... r'k'OMbES-rKCt. mtH W Jkm Ul W ffi y5l HAIRNETS" TAXLESS W ', L fe2Sy::zrfr MAia.piM& : Remember -Ps II imLJ'lL. if LLWl -n.r- ac-r-sti TtaK .jfflflBBOT r-lsslilLD Jsl V0TE FoR -SMlTHERSl lllllilllWsJ Willie Tries to Get the Guest Sense of Humor Has Suffered a Relapse A JV r to Make a Small Bet With mm i ' WHY YoU HUFTA TUK,r I l AQWD 0ACKWARPS 'I I I 7 .WAe You Manta I 1 r NW HAffDS AT tils k I PUT OP UlTH A OOOCJ T MISSUS STUBBS,or VJMtN tf COMES TO TM nrUt ClOUi -TlESTRUtTICfV VBOPErTTy-1 DRftVJTM' UNE- ypUr CP-JDEHBERTELV TOflE, -Gmj OFF OP v PENCC. AN jJ-v.v.f.vK ifrStt;,.! 'r$ - LWLEE ALLlGHTl MELICAM MAM CLE AM ALLEE SAMBE. LIKEE SOAP. MISTLER SAUTHERS OWE CHIUAMAM FORTLEE-TLEE CEMT5 WASH TLEE MOMTHS LADL.EE ALLEE SAME RIGHT, HE CLEAM FORTLEE-TLEE CCAfTS WORTH ,flHO SHIRTEE AMD TLEE COLLAR p-jwuri By Fontaine Fox SCHOOL I' i OF 111 " i j iniMwmiujtxjj ',' ' l.ffw .V -v.-... j ., ... .JSMSSm ,, , ,t,, .',. . .U.. , . ...... 1WMtmm (...i CopyrlKM. 1920. br 1 I AMD 1 STAYED UPTH- "2. G J' r-4 HIMKIM Uh irtAT Ofctrl. "tw sa I SAW WHAT X THIMK! BoSSx IF I WfSkkkkkkkk A i a I l rj tjm u jl ii r " rv Q I W" uW If I r-..i --"77i qiiciuccc i s. H SrZ L "vnUO46 r"4sW WRBmZE, ..iCSS'- &JF l WiMmw Ikt iMmK t J, I A XiihittrlH Mh m 9m tJlvi IfiVailrl iiNii DAYS drett rtteTftosr OH ThE ftfHKlfJ By Hayward Public Ledter Co. u'r'c'I i ri I By C. A. Voight By Ediviiut V By DWIO 'fl fi i M M 4 1